Hello all! My last SEVERAL posts have had to do with The Mark of the Beast and/or Artificial Technology! And that’s because we’re ever SO MUCH CLOSER to when the Mark of the Beast and the new “Mark of the Beast SOCIETY” will be unveiled! In fact, it even sends chills up my spine to think about just HOW MUCH CLOSER we are to that time! I pray that myself and ALL OTHERS will be PREPARED for that time for it’ll come here IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE!

Now, for those of you who haven’t yet heard yet or are unaware, things over in China are now “heating up” for The Mark of the Beast “System!” They now have over there in China (I kid you NOT) what’s called a “Social Credit Score!”

Basically, this is not a FINANCIAL Credit Score but a “SOCIAL” Credit Score! Let me explain. The Communist Gov’t of China wants to know just how “loyal” to Communism/The Communist Gov’t that average, everyday Chinese citizens are. And their “Social Credit Score” is based on precisely HOW loyal the are to the Chinese Gov’t! (Folks, is that CREEPY or what!?)

Anyways, the more “loyal” a Chinese citizen is to the Chinese Gov’t/Communism, the more “higher” their “Social Credit Score” is and the more “rights” and “privileges” they have, such as the right to “fly/travel out of the country”, etc.! Can you BELIEVE it, folks? And ofcourse, the “less” loyal a Chinese citizen is “deemed” to be to the Chinese Gov’t/Communism (no wonder HOW well of a “citizen” that person has been up until THIS POINT), the LESS “rights” and “privileges” they have! (IT’S A TOTALLY DRACONIAN SOCIETY, FOLKS!)

What’s ALSO interesting to note about China is that China has now cracked down pretty hard lately on “Christians” and “Christian churches”. [But yet, Christianity is “exploding in secret numbers” in China right now! That’s WHY the Chinese Gov’t is so fearful of Christians/the sheer RISE of number in them!) And the “Social Credit Score” is just a FURTHER way by which to persecute, imprison and ostracize Chinese Christians living in China!

Here, Anita Fuentes of the End Times ministry called “Open Your Eyes People/EMOAF” [not MY ministry, just to specify] gives an EXCELLENT & INFORMATIVE “sermonette” on the matter (and also talks about what’s going on over in India – as it pertains to the Mark of the Beast – China’s next door neighbor, geographic-wise):


“ABC News Australia” ALSO did an excellent segment on the subject:


Some say that it’s not yet fully implemented, yet. However, all the staggering “signs” are there, already! They got the tech, they got the “know how”. They’ve probably even ALREADY have got all the “logistics algorithms” (i.e. A.I. computer programming) into place. The ONLY thing they’re waiting on (I imagine) is THE GREEN LIGHT! (The Green Light ofcourse being THE “Green Light” that THE ANTICHRIST gives them!)

Lets face it, folks. The elite of EVERY world country very likely ALREADY gots “The Mark of the Beast” System up and ready to go. Yet, they are ALL waiting on ONE thing – THE GREEN LIGHT BY THE ANTICHRIST! Because UNTIL that Green Light is given, they have NO POWER OR AUTHORITY to act before HIS “OK!” (And indirectly – ironically enough – by waiting on The “Antichrist’s” Green Light, they’re actually also indirectly waiting on God’s Green Light, as well!)

You see, the Antichrist can’t really do anything outside of Satan’s will just like Satan can’t do anything outside of God’s will! (Note: please read “The Book of Job” in the Old Testament for more information, if you want or need to get a much richer understanding of God’s power vs. Satan’s “limited power!”)

China (and India) are no doubt some of the leaders in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (and especially when it comes to *unleashing it* on their citizens!) China is a Communist country…….it probably started out as a Socialist country…….and then went right on over to Communism……And ironically enough, that’s honestly what many Democrats want to do to the country of America………turn it into a SOCIALIST COUNTRY! Forget personal property rights! Forget individual rights! The Gov’t would then own EVERYTHING! (Pretty scary to think about, isn’t it, folks!)

So why are we now talking about “Democrats” on a “religious God-fearing blog?” Because the Democrats (as a whole) want to turn this American country into China, into Cuba, into Venezuela! And with erosion of property rights and personal rights also go RELIGIOUS RIGHTS! But again, isn’t that what Mark of the Beast and Mark of the Beast SOCIETY is ALL ABOUT? The EROSION of INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS and the TOTAL INCREASE BY LEAPS AND BOUNDS OF ALL **GOV’T RIGHTS?**

OFCOURSE all the Ocasio-Cortezs’ and Bernie Sanders’ of the Democrats want Socialism……..THEY are a part of the Gov’t, therefore, THEIR paycheck or individual and/or property rights won’t be affected! But OURS **will**, if Socialism ever truly takes root in this country of America! (That’s why it’s ever so important to VOTE REPUBLICAN on Tuesday, November 6, 2018 at the U.S. Mid-term Elections! To make sure that RELIGIOUS LIBERTY REIGNS!)

But going back to the subject of the Antichrist and China’s “Social Credit Score”. Folks, other countries of the world already have THEIR VERSION OF IT! Do you honestly think that YOUR COUNTRY (be it whatever country of the world it might be, outside of China or India) is IMMUNE? HA! Your country (be it whatever country outside of China or India it might be) likely already has its OWN form of “logistic algorithms” (i.e. computer programming) in place! FACEBOOK no doubt plays a HUGE ROLE in all of this! FACEBOOK IS SO DEEPLY ENGRAVED IN A.I. THAT IT’S NOT EVEN FUNNY!

And someday soon, my guess is that THOSE in China with a low “Social Credit Score” will NOT be able to access their “Facebook” or ANY FORM OF SOCIAL MEDIA! Welcome to “The New World”, folks! And believe me, what’s happening over in China right now is JUST THE VERY BEGINNING! Jesus is actually showing US, up close and personal, about what the “experience” of The Mark of the Beast society will BE LIKE, since like I’ve said in SEVERAL blog posts of most recently, The Mark of the Beast is JUST AROUND THE CORNER!

Many Christians are in denial today and think that “The Social Credit Score” can’t happen to THEM/their country! But they need to start thinking AGAIN! For what starts off in China WILL SOON SPREAD OUT TO OTHER COUNTRIES! The elite has just started putting everything out in the open and doesn’t even try to hide anything anymore! And the sad thing is that most people – specifically Christians – are STILL unaware!

Now, will ONE country’s version of “The Social Credit Score” be exactly the same as ANOTHER country’s version of it? Only time will tell. But the end results will be exactly the same, regardless: individual and religious rights will be taken away so that “Big Brother” (Gov’t) will GAIN all “rights” over the people!

But folks, we got to start preparing! Because actually LIVING in the “Mark of the Beast Society” will NOT be easy, not by a LONG-SHOT! In fact, it will likely be THE MOST DIFFICULT THING IN LIFE THAT YOU OR I HAVE EVER DONE IN THE ENTIRETY OF OUR  EXISTENCE! The PRESSURE to take the Mark of the Beast and/or to try to maintain a “good Social Credit Score” will be SO GREAT! The TEMPTATION will be SO VERY NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE TO TEARS!

In fact, I can picture it NOW, even: Some Christians will be SO TEMPTED to take The Mark of the Beast for a “Good Social Credit Score” and to “get privileges” (such as traveling, buying and selling, etc.) that they’ll just break down and CRY! And then, when they and their children are not able to buy food and they just start “physically starving” (IF they start physically starving, that is), their body will likely become “sickly” and “malnourished”. And it is THEN that the temptation to take he Mark of the Beast will be  THE STRONGEST…….when the person is MOST PHYSICALLY WEAK!

But in fact, THAT will be the time of most “severe spiritual testing!” God wants to see if we’ll have the FAITH to endure till The End in his great, heavenly name, NO MATTER WHAT, while Satan wants to see if he can “make us crack” (i.e. create a permanent crack in the spiritual foundation that we’re supposed to have IN Christ!) Jesus ALSO wants to see if WE will have the faith that HE will provide in OUR critical time of need in the End Times!

Remember when the good Lord gave the Jewish people MANNA FROM HEAVEN during THEIR critical time of need out in the desert, a time of “severe spiritual testing?” What makes you think the good Lord will provide manna from heaven for THEM, during THEIR critical time of need, yet, totally abandon US in OUR critical time of need? Think about it, folks! The Lord NEVER CHANGES! He’s the same yesterday, tomorrow, forever! Therefore, if helped THEM during THEIR critical time of need by giving them food from heaven, the Lord will MOST CERTAINLY help his modern-day people in OUR time of need! HAVE FAITH! 

[In fact, in the following Luke 18:8 passage, Jesus “lamented” about rather or not he’d find “FAITH” on the Earth during the End Times and/or the time right before his 2nd arrival to Earth:I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?]

But folks, that’s what I mean when I say we’ve got to start preparing ourselves! We got to start fasting one day a week and start eating less, in order to prepare our bodies to “need less food”. Also as well: we must prepare ourselves SPIRITUALLY! For there will come a time, MARK MY WORDS, when ALL bibles will be BANNED, all Christian websites and churches (churches that “don’t comply with LGBT and Gov’t”, that is) will be SHUT DOWN, etc.

Do you HONESTLY think that what’s happening over in China can NOT happen here in the U.S. (or any other “Westernized country”, for that matter?) You best think again! It CAN happen and it WILL happen………..eventually! Why? Because the bible SAYS it’ll happen, that’s why!

Has the bible EVER been known to prophesy something that didn’t come true? Were ANY of the Messianic prophecies talked about in the Old Testament unfulfilled by Jesus in the New Testament? Even just ONE? The answer is a resounding NO! There’s also many people who don’t believe in Jesus, despite the fact that Jesus has been PROVEN to be an actual historical person by both non-Christian AND Christian historical accounts! [NOTE: For all you skeptics out there, please read the book entitled “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised of all the actual evidence for Jesus out there – even “secular evidence”].

But going back to both of the “segments” talking about the “Social Credit Score”. Both commentators have noted several things about it:

  • A “good score” = “rights” and “privileges”
  • A “bad score” = “rights” and “privileges” taken away
  • A “bad score” = PUNISHMENT
  • Your “score” is determined by several PERSONAL factors (the way you walk on a public street, your eating/shopping habits, your social media behavior, minor traffic infractions, etc.)
  • Your “score” is determined by how much of a “puppet” for the Gov’t at large that you’re willing to be
  • The more “sacrifices” you make for the Gov’t at large, the better your “score” is
  • ONLY Conservatives/Christians get a “bad score”
  • Your “freedom” under the Social Credit System is a FALSE FREEDOM
  • Under the “Social Credit Score” system, you’re CONSTANTLY BEING MONITORED (even IF you have a “good Social credit score”

Sounds like a “paradise utopia”, doesn’t it, folks? You give up all your rights and religious freedoms to gain a “false freedom”, only to later realize that the Gov’t at large never cared about your “religious freedom” or about YOU at all? But by the time you realize it, it’s already too late! My, my, that just sounds like “paradise”, doesn’t it, folks? {Note: Please note my sarcasm, there!}

But yet, my question is THIS: Just how much closer ARE WE to getting our OWN version of The “Social Credit Score” here in America? What, you think that JUST BECAUSE Donald J. Trump’s president here, that that sort of thing can’t happen over here in America? You are sadly mistaken! Sure, Trump can somewhat try to “delay” the elite’s ungodly agenda, but he can’t ultimately thwart it! For the bible says that the Antichrist WILL succeed in his ungodly agenda towards all mankind! Even if he must take it by force! 

But again, just WHAT would the “Social Credit Score” look like in America? Here are some possible scenarios (provided it was anything similar to China’s version):

  • You would be judged/scored on what sorts of products you bought or didn’t buy on Amazon
  • You would be judged/scored on rather or not you owned (and used) an Amazon Alexa
  • You would be judged/scored on rather or not you had (and/or used) a Facebook or other form of social media
  • You would be judged/scored on the types of things you said (or didn’t say) on Facebook or other forms of social media
  • You would be judged/scored on just how “loyal” to the American Gov’t you were
  • All Conservatives/Christians would likely be given a “Bad Score” and deemed some sort of “threat” to the Gov’t
  • You would be judged/scored on rather or not you went with “the liberal narrative” or not
  • You would be CONSTANTLY MONITORED EVERY SINGLE PLACE YOU GO – RATHER AT HOME, WORK OR BEYOND (no matter WHAT your score was, but EVEN more so if you had a “Bad Score!”) 
  • ETC. 

And folks, that might not seem “too bad” NOW……..but once the FULL REALITY of that all set in, I think alot of folks would find it rather DRACONIAN! But again, it all goes back to preparedness. Just how PREPARED are you to deal with a system like THAT? 

Here is a short checklist:

  1. If the Mark of the Beast and/or Social Credit Score happened TOMORROW, would I be prepared to deal with it? Why or why not? 
  2. If I wouldn’t be prepared for it, what steps must I take to ENSURE that I’ll be prepared for it, when the times comes?
  3. Am I ready and willing to give my VERY LIFE for Christ (i.e. be tortured, imprisoned and/or murdered for my faith in Christ) if it called for it? If not, why?
  4. If I were to die today, would I know for 100% certain that I’d go to heaven to be with Jesus? If not, why?
  5. If the Mark of the Beast/Social Credit Score thing were to happen tomorrow, is my body physically trained to deal with starvation/very little food if need be? If not, then what steps do I need to take to ensure that it is?
  6. Am I spiritually AND physically ready to “endure till the End” like Jesus commanded all his followers to do? Do I have the TOTAL FAITH OF ENDURANCE IN CHRIST? If not, what MUST I do to get physically and spiritually ready to endure “till the End of human history” and/or until I die in this life (whichever comes first?) 
  7. Do I love the Lord Jesus Christ with all my heart, soul, mind and spirit; with everything that is within me? Do I obey the commandments of God – Old AND New Testaments (i.e. 7th Day Saturday biblical sabbath, biblical holidays, biblical commands) instead of the commandments of man (i.e. Pagan Sabbath, Pagan holidays, “once saved, always saved”, etc.?) If not, WHY? And what must I do in order to change this? 

Though many will no doubt look at China’s “Social Credit Score” system as “no big deal”, it IS a big deal, it’s a VERY BIG DEAL! Why? BECAUSE IT HAS LONG-TERM BIBLICAL IMPLICATIONS AND IMPACT, THAT’S WHY

If you’ve not done much research into China’s Social Credit Score, I hope you soon will. Because it is DEFINITELY one of “The Mark of the Beast PRE-CURSORS/Foreshadowing!” And trust me, it’ll ONLY be a better of time before “The Social Credit Score” comes……….TO A TOWN NEAR YOU!


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