Well folks, I knew it was only gonna be a matter of time before they started gunning for MANDATORY VACCINES!

And the vaccine is ONLY experimental at this stage and NOT EVEN yet fully-FDA approved!

And not only that but I’ve seen SEVERAL news articles that claim that they’re going to RUSH full-FDA approval……WHAT!!!???


UPDATE: As of 9/3/21, they have now “claimed” full FDA approval of “the covid vaccine”. (Funny, there’s three different vaccines and I see no mention of WHICH “vaccine” is fully FDA approved – but again – does it really MATTER? ALL vaccines are bad, people – ESPECIALLY ones THESE DAYS in which everything is so “political” now and are more about taking our freedoms away than anything else!!!!)

So what’s TRULY going on, folks? Why are they trying to force us to take an EXPERIMENTAL-now-“claimed”-to-be-fully-FDA-approved VACCINE that hasn’t even been fully vetted? (And sure, they “claim” it was fully vetted. But come on folks, the SAME folks that believe in DEPOPULATION are the SAME folks pushing us all to get the vaccine – THEIR federally funded vaccine – hhhmmmm – something’s not just right with that picture, huh?)

[And not only that, but the same exact people PUSHING for the vaccine (i.e. Fauci, Bill Gates, etc.) are the same exact people who have FINANCIAL TIES to Big Pharma/Vaccines! Therefore, to THEM, it’s all about the $$$$$! In fact, it’s ALWAYS about the $$$$$, folks! In fact, that’s WHY the Democrats have SO MUCH POWER these days – because they have all the $$$$$; granted, it’s CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE MONEY (think drug cartels, China, etc.) but money, nonetheless. And we know from history that whoever has the MOST MONEY has most of the POLITICAL/SOCIAL/MEDICAL POWER/CONTROL!]

Furthermore, why have they now RUSHED full-FDA approval of the vaccine? And WHY are they now going door to door to “encourage people to get the vaccine” or to see if they’d had the vaccine or not? Even though they CLAIM they have no “vaccine databases?” And WHY are people DYING *from* said vaccine or getting covid FROM the vaccine BY THE DROVES? What’s REALLY going on, here?

Something’s up, folks. Something BIG.

In fact, SEVEN states have now made the vaccine MANDATORY: California, Pennsylvania and Oregon leading the charge. Closely followed by Minnesota, Rhode Island, and New York. So far, it’s mandatory for health workers and other essential workers. But it probably won’t be too long before it’s mandatory for ALL (gee, that sort’ve has a Mark of the Beast feel to it, doesn’t it?) And while OTHER states are attempting to BAN “vaccine mandates”, it won’t matter. Why? Because eventually, they’re going to use YET ANOTHER “Plan-demic” in order to try to FORCE states to bring about “vaccine mandates”. (I sort’ve envision a “false flag” like another “bubonic plague scare” or the like).

But I ask this question: if Covid is 98% recoverable for a good MAJORITY of people, then WHY do they now want EVERY man, woman (and now even CHILDREN) to get this “vaccine?” WHY? It reminds me alot of Revelation 13, where the bible talks about THE MARK OF THE BEAST, where the Antichrist (the one world gov’t leader) requires every man, woman and child to receive a “mark” in their forehead or in their right hands if they want to be able to buy or sell. And like I said, while the covid shot is NOT the ACTUAL Mark of the Beast, it’s definitely the precursor to it…..THINK ABOUT IT, FOLKS!

Look at the way we now have what’s called a “covid society“. It’s like “covid”, in and of itself has become some sort of “god” and “shame on those who do anything to offend it” (like, not wear a mask, not get a vaccine, not keep social distancing, etc.) I see people wearing masks nearly EVERYWHERE I go. It’s like living in the twilight zone or something. Except, this ain’t no TV show, this is REAL LIFE, folks! Notice how the “non-vaccinated” and “non-mask-wearers” are SHAMED in the news, in their families, on social media, etc…….Noticed how they are gawked at, given dirty looks to, talked down to, judged/ridiculed, etc. Folks, that’s just a VERY small taste of the “shame” and “pressure” people will feel when they do NOT get the Mark of the Beast when “everyone else has it – on their right hand or their foreheads”.

Funny how when it comes to ABORTION, the liberal feminists scream “my body, my choice”. Okay then, using that same line of circular reasoning, shouldn’t people then ALSO be able to use that same line of reasoning when it comes to “vaccines” and/or “masks”, as well? In most places of the Westernized world, women aren’t forced to have abortions. Therefore, why should people be FORCED to wear masks AND get vaccines? It makes no sense!

It’s not even THE BLACK DEATH (i.e. The Bubonic Plague) so WHY is the media treating it like it is? (Note: Even Fox News ITSELF is guilty of that!) But again, my guess is that the next “pandemic” WILL be some sort of “Bubonic Plague” type “false flag media scare”. But don’t fall for it, folks! That’ll just be their way to try to FORCE their “vaccine” into you! Really makes you wonder what’s truly in the stuff, huh? And not only that but why are people ENCOURAGED to go on ventilators in the hospital (for those who apparently DO have “covid” or some sort of “COPD” episode(s)) but yet, those who DON’T go on a vent actually do SO MUCH BETTER, AS A WHOLE? What’s REALLY going on here, folks? Really makes ya wonder, doesn’t it? 

It honestly started with 9/11, the so-called “terrorist attack” upon the World Trade Center. Since then, our freedoms and civil liberties have been slowly and gradually taken away from us, one by one. They knew they had to do a “slow drawl”. They knew if they tried to take all of our freedoms and civil liberties away TOO fast, that WE THE PEOPLE would REVOLT and RIOT IN THE STREETS! So……..they dragged it out over several years. However, what they did NOT count on is a good majority of WE THE PEOPLE (those of us folks here born in and living here in America) *finding out* about it; their plan to take away our freedoms, install a one world government system, etc.

If it’s the ONE thing that “covid vaccines” and “covid mask mandates” have taught me, it’s HOW EASY that WE THE PEOPLE (as a whole) COMPLY! Like, most people just naturally COMPLY with “mask mandates” and don’t even QUESTION it! A mask becomes “2nd nature” to them, almost like a permanent part of their FACE, collectively speaking! (And to those non-Americans out there that don’t understand the phrase called “WE THE PEOPLE”, it just simply means that our U.S. gov’t is supposed to be working for AMERICANS – the PEOPLE of America, born and raised here, as well as legal immigrants – and NOT the other way around – hence the phrase “WE THE PEOPLE”).

But in just 20 short years, we’ve gone from “WE THE PEOPLE” to “WE THE SHEEPLE”. The people of America (born and raised here and/or legal immigrants) have now – as a whole – become like “scattered sheep WITHOUT a shepherd!” And coincidentally, it just so happens that 20 years ago is when most people of America “gave up on God/Jesus”. So now then is it ANY wonder that we are now become a nation WITHOUT A SHEPHERD? Jesus Christ is supposed to be THE SHEPHERD of America! But with Jesus Christ now NOT being the “Spiritual Shepherd” and/or God of America – he’s now been replaced by something FAR MORE SINISTER! A ROGUE, ONE-WORLD SHADOW GOVERNMENT that cares NOTHING about WE THE PEOPLE’S eternal salvation OR anyone’s eternal salvation, for that matter!

In non-Westernized countries, Christianity is EXPLODING IN NUMBERS! Why? Because those precious folks are WILLING TO DIE FOR THEIR FAITH! They can get torchured, killed or prosecuted for even doing so much as having POSESSION of a bible and/or Christian literature! Meanwhile, here in America, the good majority of so-called “Christian people” allow their bibles TO COLLECT DUST and just either lazily sit there watching “church” on the TV or attending LUKEWARM churches where the pastor or priest is most likely wearing a MASK, giving a WATERED-DOWN GOSPEL, and AFFIRMING behaviors in the bible that Jesus considers GREATLY SINFUL (abortion, active homosexuality/bisexuality/beastiality, premarital sex, tarot readings, divorce, euthanasia, etc.)

Many people here in America (as a whole) DO NOT THINK that we’re slowly having our rights taken away…..But let me cite a few examples for those who need any clarification:

In October 2019: John Hopkins Center for Health Security conducted something called “Event 201”, which was an “exercise protocol” that dealt with what to do in a “mass pandemic”. It was spearheaded by none other than the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (DESPITE what liberal media news sources say). Just one month after that, (December 10th-12th or so), the very FIRST case of “Covid” hit China. And just 3 months to the DAY after THAT, around March 10-12th of 2020, U.S. President at the time, Donald J. Trump, declared a “national emergency” due to “covid”.

Below is an actual 11-page PDF document (from 1997?) from the Cato institute that documents the GROWING THREAT to civil liberties. (Note: I can ONLY imagine how much WORSE the threat to civil liberties has grown in just the past year and a half, ALONE!) It’s very informative, yet also very sobering. It can be found at: https://cato.org/sities/cato.org/files/serials/files/serials/files/1997/9/105-16.pdf

Click to access 105-16.pdf


The Liberal Media looks at “Republicans” and “Conservatives” with SUCH disdain for pointing out that masks are “not about Covid but more about POWER and taking AWAY our civil liberties”. And most liberals think that Conservatives are “nutballs”. But guess what, folks? Conservatives and Patriots actually ARE onto something and they’re NOT crazy or imagining things. It’s just that the Liberal Media wants to SHUT THEM DOWN so the truth doesn’t get out there!

Covid was NEVER, EVER about a “virus”, folks! It was about GLOBAL TAKEOVER of all the world’s citizens, ESPECIALLY the U.S. ones!!!!!!!! The elite were getting pissed off that their plans for “world government domination” weren’t going fast enough. So they brainstormed at the G-summit meetings and came up with “Covid” and “lockdowns” and “curfews” and “mask mandates”. Just think about how many RIGHTS are being taken away…..FREEDOM OF SPEECH, FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY, FREEDOM TO PEACEFULLY PROTEST THE GOVERNMENT, MEDICAL FREEDOM, ETC.

The U.S. constitution states “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. Well, abortion undoes life. Not to mention that hospitals are now being forced to “play God”, deciding who lives and who dies. Liberty. Tell me, how FREE do you feel in America now? You currently can’t walk in to most places without a mask now, EVEN if you’re “vaccinated”. Krikey. The Pursuit of Happiness (Note: I never really knew what this meant until most recently. But my best educated guess is that it has to LEGALLY do with the “jovial” spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation). Hhhmmm……How many Nicola Teslas are allowed to walk the Earth now? Notice how they tried to shut down Elon Musk and SHAME Jeff Bezos for his fortune?

They’ve actually been spending the last 20 years trying to RUIN AMERICA! First, they shipped alot of our manufacturing and factory jobs overseas! They called this “outsourcing”. Why? Because they didn’t have to pay foreign workers as much as their American counterparts here in America (win win – or so they thought, anyways). But the long-term costs? Many huge manufacturing plants shut down here in America and THOUSANDS of people lost their jobs! And for WHAT? However, the foreign countries the jobs went to? You think their economies would just be BUSTLING, right? Wrong. Massive poverty, even in spite of U.S. American “aide”. So where’s all the money going to? Hhhhmmm……..Somebody needs to look into that.

I would almost go so far as to call “covid” a major FALSE FLAG! For all of the people who died of “covid”, IF they even died of covid AT ALL, were either old or had PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS! And not only that but hospitals get PAYED whenever a patient is “diagnosed with” or “dies of covid” so there’s a HUGE FINANCIAL INCENTIVE FOR HOSPITALS TO LIE ABOUT THE NUMBERS, IN ORDER TO GET EXTRA FUNDING! And you think to yourself “No, hospitals would NEVER do that”. But folks, we live in a fallen world, an evil world today, so YES, they’d do it in a HEARTBEAT, folks! WAKE UP!

And the young, healthy people that died of “covid?” I’m actually starting to believe there’s a possibility that those folks were actually murdered in hospitals or died of OTHER causes other than covid. Why? Because the Liberal Media NEEDED to install FEAR in order to get its agenda across. For how could it DO that if people weren’t scared and/or shivering in their proverbial boots, am I right? Because hey, if even YOUNG, HEALTHY PEOPLE were dying of “covid”, then covid must REALLY be THE BIG BAD WOLF OF DEATH, am I right?

As time wears on, the elite’s lies over “covid” become more and more DESPERATE! After SEVERAL people here in America and around the world started to SPIRITUALLY WAKE UP and REALIZE that all is not what it seems and decided to think for themselves and to NOT get the vaccine, guess what? They “invented” the “new variants” to try to SCARE people into getting the vaccine! And when THAT didn’t work, they started to BLAME AND SHAME the people not getting the vaccine. And when THAT didn’t work, they tried to RE-INSTALL the “Mask Mandate” everywhere. And when THAT didn’t work, they tried to invent a new variant that “did NOT respond to vaccines” and create “vaccine BOOSTERS”. And when THAT didn’t work, they’re now talking about creating “Vaccine Passports” and making this a “PERMANENT PANDEMIC”.

In fact, I just read a news article that claims “sewer water” shows “covid” AT ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS (Are you FREAKIN’ SERIOUS, people?) and that since the “sewer water” shows a high rate of covid, the liberals think they had “better make those vaccines MANDATORY at schools”: https://www.khou.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/which-houston-area-schools-covid-19-wastewater/285-80ecf4ad-f6f6-40cd-8c2b-789932ad1bfd

Heck, a Texas EDUCATION OFFICIAL now wants to DO just that: https://www.khou.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/vaccine/texas-mandatory-immunizations-covid-students-school/285-bd8f997f-0cf2-49ce-a950-65014acf1e82

Oh but hey, if THAT’S not still bad enough for you, read the following article with the headline that reads: “We Must Start Planning For a Permanent Pandemic”: https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-03-24/when-will-covid-end-we-must-start-planning-for-a-permanent-pandemic

Yup, you heard me right. A PERMANENT PANDEMIC. In other words, they’re NEVER going to let go of trying to CONTROL the human populace from now on. EVER. This is gonna turn into the END GAME, folks. It’s eventually gonna MORPH into the Mark of the Beast SYSTEM. First, they made you feel like you HAD to get the covid shot AND wear a mask OR ELSE. And eventually, they’ll try to wear everyone down to take not JUST a VACCINE but a PHYSICAL MARK of ALLEGIANCE for “Economic Purposes”, TOO! And WITHOUT this “Mark”, you will NOT be able to buy or sell! But yet, the bible is VERY, VERY CLEAR: Whomever takes this Mark WILL BE DAMNED BY GOD FOR ETERNITY IN THE LAKE OF FIRE & BRIMSTONE…..A PLACE OF ETERNAL *TORMENT!*

There’s actually preachers out there that are preaching that you can take the Mark of the Beast and STILL be saved. But that is FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, DAMNABLE LIES!!!!!!! (And may the preachers who preach that REPENT!!!!) It’s sad, really. It’s more or less like the preachers are ADMITTING to their congregations that they don’t think they’ll be that strong enough to resist taking the Mark of the Beast and that they themselves planned to take it but “didn’t think that Jesus would condemn them for doing so”. HELLO!!!!!! That is BLASPHEMY!!!!!! That is in DIRECT CONTRADICTION with REVELATION 14:9-11 which states:

“A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand, they, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever. There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name.”

My guess is that the preachers and pastors who preach that one can get The Mark of the Beast and still be saved are not only NOT truly “born again” but also aren’t TRUE believers of the gospel, either! WHERE IS THEIR FEAR OF THE LORD? Proverbs 9:10 states: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding”. Therefore, THERE’S NO FEAR OF THE LORD IN TODAY’S CHURCHES AND PULPITS (AS A WHOLE)! And the fire in the lake of fire will burn EVEN HOTTER for those who were “called” to preach but yet, did NOT preach the TRUE, BIBLICAL gospel!

In fact, why do you think there’s SO MANY CHURCHES TODAY THAT CARRY THE “GAY FLAG?” That have a TRANSGENDER PASTOR or FEMALE PASTOR? That worship ON SUNDAY? That celebrate MAN-MADE feasts like Halloween, EASTER, etc.? That look at adultery, porn, abortion, remarriage, tarots cards are “no big deal?” I’ll TELL you why, it’s because the LEADERS of those churches AREN’T PREACHING THE TRUE, 100% BIBLICAL GOSPEL, THAT’S WHY!

Therefore, is it ANY WONDER that 98% of churches today actually CATER to “The Liberal Agenda?” Answer: OFCOURSE NOT! For the Liberals have all the $$$$! So guess what? The CHURCHES want their piece of the financial pie, too! Therefore, the churches will do ANYTHING to keep those dollars FLOWING! So….how are they gonna DO that in the year 2020-2021 and counting? Simple. GO ALONG WITH WHATEVER THE LIBERALS SAY! “You want us to close our church doors due to covid? Sure. You want us to wear masks in church and out in public and in the schools? Absolutely. You want us to get a coerced vaccine that hasn’t even been fully vetted? You got it. You want us to hang the gay flag everywhere, hire gay/transgender pastors/preachers, endorse abortion/homosexuality/adultery/euthanasia/remarriage, etc.? You betcha!” 

Folks, if “Liberalism” were a “god”, it’s a “god” that THEY (98% of churches today) worship! And damned be anyone in today’s modern-day society who “offends” this so-called “god” (i.e. Liberalism), am I right? That’s how things ARE today, folks! Liberalism IS A SPIRITUAL DISEASE, A CANCER! Criminals (both national and international) aren’t the ONLY ones behind the Democratic party; DEMONS ARE/SATAN IS! And it USED to be that the Republican Party (while not perfect) was FAR more closely aligned with the bible than the Democrat party. However, in just the last couple of months (August, September of 2021), I’ve noticed something……I’ve noticed that the Republican party is ALSO starting to stray away from the bible…….LORD HELP US ALL!!!!!! In fact, government is becoming more and more powerful – with both the Democratic AND Republican side. Folks, this is scary stuff, here! But again, it’s all been prophesied. The Book of Revelation in the New Testament talks about a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, A ONE WORLD RELIGION AND A ONE WORLD ECONOMY!

Let me put this differently. When you put something in the oven, you must first “pre-heat” the oven, right? And then once it reaches the desired temperature, you then put the something in the oven to “cook” until the cooking time is over and it’s done, correct? Well, in this scenario, “covid” and “covid mandates” are the “pre-heating stage”. Taking away all our civil liberties with the EXCUSE of “covid” and/or “false flag terrorism” is the actual “cooking in the oven”. And the timer going “ding” when the cooking is all done will signify the time when Socialism/Communism in the U.S. and around the world is COMPLETE and when the Mark of the Beast MANDATES and SOCIETY will BEGIN! We’re currently in the “cooking stage” folks and it’s only a matter of time before that dreaded timer goes “ding” here in America and around the world! And just what are WE, the Lord’s people gonna do when that happens? We must BE PREPARED! We must pray for strength, wisdom and spiritual endurance! 

I hope and pray that you will now see THE BIGGER PICTURE with so-called “covid” and the “covid mandates” and how it plays into an EVEN BIGGER picture of “global world domination by a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT”, etc. And remember, these aren’t so much countries’ governments but SHADOW GOVERNMENTS in the U.S. and all around the world. A SHADOW GOV’T means a gov’t body that has an agenda that’s run IN SECRET. But NOW, in the year 2021, they’re hardly even a shadow gov’t anymore. They’re clearly visible in PLAIN SITE, it’s just that this world and everyone in it has been desensitized to evil for SO LONG, that we don’t even (hardly) recognize it anymore!

Let me give an example. It’s most recently come to my attention that books with pornographic material on how TO masturbate and have gay sex were most recently introduced to certain high-school libraries in the U.S. And the sad thing is that these libraries had a “co-op” going with the middle school libraries, thus middle schoolers were able to check out the books, too! DISGUSTING! An angry mother got up in front of the entire school board to protest the books and the school board: A) Hardly batted an eye and B) Cut off her microphone! That REALLY tells you about the spiritual state of the world we’re in!  


But in fact, evil has been proliferating in our global world and U.S. society for a VERY, very long time! Probably since 1989, with it ONLY getting worse since then! Currently, it’s been 1,988 since Jesus was crucified on the cross at Golgatha for mankind’s sins (33A.D.) That makes it “1988” in spiritual years (remember George Orwell’s 1984 novel?) And it’s been 32 years SINCE 1989! Here’s where it gets interesting! Next year, it’ll be 33 years SINCE 1989 and “1989” years since Jesus was crucified on the cross at Golgatha in 33A.D.! That gives me spiritual chills, folks! Jesus is a God of numbers and obviously there’s a great significance in those numbers! A great cultural shift happened in 1989 and has widened and gotten worse over the years (especially in the last 25 years!) Interestingly enough, Matthew 25 talks about the End Times and the times RIGHT BEFORE Jesus’s return to the Earth! I think I’m onto something here, folks! [If you’ve read this long into my post, congratulations! You’ve just received a MAJOR spiritual nugget of wisdom, here!]

In closing: 2 CHRONICLES 7:14 is the ONLY hope for “America” and for ALL countries around the world – IF the countries as a whole can TRULY APPLY its application……AND whatever you need to REPENT of, whatever SIN you’re struggling with, REPENT, for the Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ/Almighty Yeshua will soon be at hand! SOONER THAN WE’VE EVER REALIZED BEFORE! 

The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace” – Numbers 6:24-26