Posts tagged ‘transhuman’


As the field of artificial intelligence is taking off at breakneck speed, and as there’s been much talk lately of “the real-life Skynet” possibly coming about in today’s world, [please remember that Skynet was the company that produced The Terminator in the Terminator movies with ARNOLD S.], I’m now kind’ve wondering rather or not it’s possible that Revelation 13:15 could actually be REFERRING to such an outcome….as in, the ULTIMATE “terminator of terminators”, who’s created by the Antichrist but who is indwelt by Satan himself. (When I was reading a portion of Revelation 13 the other day, that’s what IMMEDIATELY came to my mind).

For Revelation 13:15 says that the Antichrist will “create an image to the beast”. That, to me, sounds like some sort of “Skynet-esque” type creation. And then, the verse further goes on to say that the Antichrist will “give life to the image”, so that it will speak. Does that NOT sound like the field of robotics/artificial intelligence to YOU? Because we know that the Antichrist can’t make a NATURAL CREATION. Therefore, he has to make an ARTIFICIAL ONE. And then the verse further goes on to say: “and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed”. And THAT, to me, sounds like the “Terminator of all Terminators”.

In fact, I kind’ve envision it (the Revelation 13:15 outcome) as a human-like Android, but with “god-like” super-human strength. I DON’T think it’ll be a simple “hologram/holographic” like image since we already have those and they’re “no big deal”. We also already have “speaking Androids” (which are freaky, btw but STILL very “basic” at this point). But this particular “image”, I think, will have to be something EXCEPTIONAL…….something that’s possibly never been seen before by mankind……hence, its “allure”.

So perhaps it’ll be the MOST human-like Android EVER….Or it could just be some sort of speaking statue made of gold. All WE know from the bible is that the “image will SPEAK” and be very life-like! And since Satan’s goal is to DECEIVE MANY, the Antichrist will probably make the image look somewhat like Jesus or a “prophet”. So just imagine this for a second, folks! Just imagine a human-like Android walking the Earth in the VISUAL FORM of Jesus that preaches to people an UNBIBLICAL GOSPEL!

(And if it’s not an Android-ish Skynet-ish type thing, then perhaps it’ll be a “walking, talking golden statue of Jesus” that the Antichrist will “bring to life” in order to deceive many into thinking it’s the “biblical Jesus” when it’s NOT! OR….it could be a moving “Android” of the “Virgin Mary”, etc! DON’T BE DECEIVED, FOLKS!) 

Anyways, just some spiritual food for thought. I’m not saying that every other Christian out there has to agree with my interpretation but I was just pondering all this the other day as I started to think more deeply about artificial intelligence and its long-term “spiritual implications” upon mankind.

Revelation 13:16-17 further goes on to say: “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that NO MAN might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” [And in the bible, the word “man” means MANKIND, so that would include women & children as well].

So we know THREE things are gonna happen when the Antichrist comes on the scene. 1) He will create an “image” of the beast (which is Satan). And 2) He will give “life” to the image and make it “speak” and also that 3) ALL who refuse to worship the “image of the beast” or the “number of his name” will be KILLED.

So what can we gather from this? If we put two and two together, it would most certainly seem like taking the MARK of the beast and worshiping the LIVING IMAGE (Android?/Terminator-like thing?) of the beast are one and the same. For worshiping the “living/speaking image of the beast” seems to require taking his “Mark” at the same exact time.

But also at the same time, it’s also an ECONOMIC thing, for NO person on the Earth will be able to buy or sell without this “Mark”. And the book of Revelation warns that WHOMEVER takes this “Mark” will be DAMNED BY GOD FOR ETERNITY!

But one thing’s for certain: robots/artificial intelligence will DEFINITELY become smarter than humans someday, no doubt about it. The only question is, WHEN? Elon Musk’s solution is for us to “merge” with machines. Steven Hawking’s solution is for mankind to “attempt” to inhabit the cosmos. But Elon Musk’s idea chills me to the core when I think more in depthly about the Mark of the Beast and/or the image of the beast. As for Mr. Hawking’s idea? No matter WHERE you go or WHAT you do in the universe, you CAN’T run away from Jesus Christ, for he hails from EVERLASTING to EVERLASTING! From every single corner of the cosmos to the depths of the sea!

[As a side note, the bible says that the BIBLICAL Jesus is going to return to Earth from the clouds of heaven. So I DO think it’s highly possible that HAARP/Project Bluebeam will try to create a “false Jesus hologram in the clouds of the sky”, in order to try to deceive many! So….how can we distinguish between a so-called fake Jesus “‘hologram” in the sky and the REAL Jesus? The REAL Jesus will rapture up all his Christian saints! Therefore, if an “image” of Jesus is just sitting there in the clouds of they sky and NOT doing anything (i.e. NOT rapturing UP Christian saints into the clouds), you can pretty much KNOW it’s a false, hologramized “image” of Jesus!] 

Nevertheless, I was ALSO wondering the other day if any other Christians out there thought there might be a possible link between Revelation 13:15 and artificial intelligence. It’s certainly interesting to think about, especially in these here End Times that we’re currently living in. And the more I learn about artificial intelligence, the more I don’t like it and see it as a very “dark”, spiritual thing. It (A.I.) is no doubt being promoted in today’s world as a “good thing” (the “family-friend robot”, the “companion robot”, the “assistant robot”, etc.) but believe me, it’s not as “good” as it seems! There is a MUCH darker spiritual picture to the story here, folks!

They’ve now started to create the concept of “bionic insects and animals”, “sex robots”, etc! So then it’s like, okay, WHERE do they draw the line? When is too far, TOO far? Because for THEM, there likely IS no “too far!” It’s almost like some of the elite A.I. scientists of today are saying to themselves AND to the world: “No God, we can do better”. It’s quite chilling, actually.

In the following video, Pastor Billy Crone gives an excellent presentation of the LONG-TERM DANGERS OF A.I./RISE OF THE MACHINES:




In a previous post on the subject, entitled “Verbal Artificial Intelligence: Our Best Friend Or Our Worst Enemy?”, I attempted to highlight all the SPIRITUAL pitfalls that come with such “technology”, both short-term and semi-long-term. It can be read HERE:

But one thing I FORGOT to mention in the above post is the LONG-TERM SPIRITUAL IMPLICATIONS of such “technology”. It’ll kind’ve be like the movie “I-Robot” (starring Will Smith). It’ll start out so “innocently”:

  1. The “family-friendly robot”
  2. The “companion robot”
  3. The “assistant robot”

And then, it’ll go from there. Both Elon Musk and Steven Hawkings see the LONG-TERM implications of such “technology” upon the human race. And both of them say it’s “not pretty”. Steven Hawkings recommends we should develop the technology to inhabit the cosmos (Mars?), while Elon Musk’s solution to the problem is to have us “merge” with machines; this is simply known as “Transcendence” or “Singularity”. (Note: The word “Synchronicity” also comes to mind, here).

There is now much talk among the “elite A.I. scientists” about “connecting the human brain to a computer/machines”. Mr. Musk calls this new concept/company “Neuralink”. In a certain episode of the TV sci-fi show called “Dark Matter”, viewers catch a brief visual representation of what that may look like; a person’s brain is hooked up to a computerized “network”, which then gives the brain “super-human computing capabilities”. The elite try to make it seem like oh, it’s just a sci-fi show, it’s not real, for crying outloud but pretty much all the “advanced technology” shown in the show ALREADY EXISTS or is VERY CLOSE TO EXISTING!

But if that isn’t enough for you, just think about what the NAMES of some of these movies and TV shows imply. “I-robot” seems to designate a time when “robots will have individual rights”. The TV Show called “Dark Matter” illustrates the Dark Matter that CERN is DESPERATELY trying to find. “Independence Day” seems to illustrate the time in history when most of the humans living on Earth will try to find “independence that’s APART from the gospel/righteousness”. Do you see where I’m going with this, folks? It’s ALL tied in together! It’s ALL part of the future Anti-Christ kingdom on Earth!

All we have to do is look through the pages of history to find out what happens when a people becomes a “minority”; they are soon overtaken by the MAJORITY! And as robots get to be more and more and become smarter and smarter and smarter, just WHAT will then happen to the “human minority?”

It’s no doubt that someday soon, ALL robots will soon become smarter than humans. It’s not a question of IF but rather of WHEN and it’s very likely gonna happen sooner than we think!

And WHEN they do, HOW will THEY decide who gets to live and who has to die/be eliminated? The robots will no doubt ONLY be interested in (over the long-term) preserving themselves, NOT the human race! In fact, it’s ALREADY been proven that certain robots have ALREADY been able to develop a language between THEMSELVES that humans weren’t able to crack/understand!

Does THAT scare you at all, folks? It should! Here’s all the long-term implications that’ll happen when A.I. robots overtake the human race:

  1. They will take over the majority of jobs (and this is global, folks, NOT JUST here in America!)
  2. They will be inside every new car, microwave, oven, dishwasher, washer/dryer, refrigerator, heater, A/C, television, COMPUTER, LAPTOP, you name it, etc.!
  3. They will take over banks, airplanes, medical offices, construction, food service, trucking, etc.!
  4. They will eventually take over jails, courtrooms and the economy!
  5. They will become inhabited by DEMONS/DEMONIC SPIRITS!
  6. They will be an INTEGRAL part in Mark of the Beast system!
  7. They will ALL eventually “develop their own language” and “band together to terminate all humans”, even the ones that created them!
  8. WHEN they declare war on humans, they will either deem all humans as “unfit to live” or “in desperate need of an upgrade or DOWNGRADE” (and only THEY will decide what the “upgrade or downgrade” is, if any!)

I see nothing but a “bleak” future with A.I. advancing at the rate it is! And once again to refresh your memory:

A). Robots develop OWN language that humans can’t understand

B). Self-thinking robot ESCAPES LAB……….TWICE…..

C). Robot kills worker in Germany

D). Self-driving Tesla car kills driver

E). “Sex Robots”

Sex robot creator is ready to make a baby with his machine

E, part B). “Sex Robots That Murder”

And folks, that’s just the 5-6 famous KNOWN cases that we know about………there’s probably PLENTY of incidents where A.I. has shown MOST DANGEROUS ATTRIBUTES that THEY (the A.I. elitists) so DESPERATELY want to cover up! (Why? Because it would destroy their whole entire robotics industry, that’s why!)

Now, to be certain, there’s TWO different kinds of robots: those made with organic matter, as well as those made with inorganic matter; those with artificial intelligence and those that were pre-programmed, yet have the “ability” to develop artificial intelligence (or at the very last, the appearance of it) over time.

But in the long run, it won’t really matter rather each robot has “organic matter” or not, as demonic spirits are able (and even willing) to possess ANYTHING (EVEN IF the something is NOT organic matter). Let me explain. Demonic spirits can inhabit ANYTHING (and I do mean, ANYTHING). All they NEED is an “open doorway”, some sort of “invitation”.

The scientists that create “artificial life”, sort’ve speak, are, in a sense, trying to “play God”. And therefore, by SO doing, they are technically giving (rather they fully realize it or not), demonic spirits the official SPIRITUAL “doorway” or “invitation” they need, in order to “inhabit” any and all of their (the scientists’) “scientific *projects*” concerning robotics.

And with “demons” (through the form of “robots”) ruling over humans, can you IMAGINE how that’s gonna turn out? And here is where things get very “dark”, INDEED! After demonic spirits come to inhabit all the robots (it’s not a question of IF but WHEN, if not already so), they will become an INTEGRAL part in the Mark of the Beast system.

How? Robotics/advanced technology will become SO ingrained into the worldwide economic system that it’ll soon be impossible for a human to buy or sell without it. In other words, it will be the EPITOME of the Mark of the Beast system. Robots/advanced technology will provide the type of “cyborg-ish environment” for the Mark of the Beast to take root. But the Mark of the Beast is NOT JUST about robotics/advanced technology. It’s also about WORSHIP, worship of THE BEAST/THE BEAST SYSTEM!

“So then WHOM or WHAT constitutes THE BEAST and/or THE BEAST SYSTEM?”, someone may be asking. Back in ancient biblical times, “The Beast system” constituted the “Mystery Religion/Ancient Babylon”. Why? Because the spiritual kingdom of Babylon (remember folks, it was just as much a “SPIRITUAL” kingdom of darkness, just as much as it was an EARTHLY kingdom) wanted NOTHING to do with HEBRAIC JUDAISM/JESUS/THE 10 COMMANDMENTS and wanted EVERYTHING to do with what was seen as morally wrong in the Lord’s site (abortion, fornication, adultery, sexual perversity, sacrificing children/newborns to Molech, bowing down to idols/graven images, etc.)

And today, in the year 2017, things are really no different. For the SAME EXACT THINGS that took place in ancient Babylon are now taking place here in America and around the world. For just like the ancient Jews that decided they’d rather turn their back on Jesus/the 10 commandments and EMBRACE BABYLONIAN PAGANISM, many of today’s global citizens (ESPECIALLY AMERICANS) are doing the exact same.

For just like the ancient Babylonians (as well as the Jews who decided to REBEL against God/Jesus), they are EMBRACING things that are an ABOMINATION onto the Lord God Almighty (abortion, divorce, adultery, fornication, sexual perversity, bowing down to idols/graven images, etc.)

Therefore, “Mystery Babylon” is just as much of a dark, spiritual city today as it was back in ancient biblical times. Things haven’t changed. [Thou to SPECIFY, there were TWO groups of Jews back in ancient biblical times…….those who chose to OBEY God’s commandments and those who chose to DISOBEY God’s commandments. The ones who chose to OBEY God’s commandments AND accepted Jesus as their Messiah are today known as the “Messianic Jews”. Those who choose to DISOBEY and/or REJECT Jesus as the Messiah- which, sadly, was the MAJORITY – became what’s known as today’s Pagans and/or “Orthodox Jews”]. 

The “Messianic Jews” are part of the SMALL REMNANT of God’s people that Jesus was talking about in Luke 12:32 “Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom”. And this small remnant ALSO includes Judeo-Christians, those Christians who choose to obey the ENTIRE bible, not just half of it or a misguided interpretation OF it.

But going back to the jist of the message. Artificial intelligence is gonna be a HUGE part of the Beast system/The Antichrist Kingdom on the Earth. The Antichrist is not only gonna utilize artificial intelligence to CREATE his specific “Mark” but he will also use it to create a life-like “form” of the Beast! (And The Beast is none other than Satan himself!)

Revelation 13: 13-18 says: And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six”

Revelation 13:14-15 REALLY seems to be talking about modern-day “artificially-intelligent robots” (or more specifically, A artificially intelligent robot). For, according to the bible, not only can the “image” SPEAK…….but it has the ability to TERMINATE ALL THAT REFUSE TO WORSHIP IT! And so essentially, it’ll be likened onto a Skynet-esque “Terminator”-type “thing” that’s indwelt by Satan himself! Only THIS time, it won’t be a movie folks, it’ll soon be REALITY! (Provides a whole new meaning to “unleashing the beast”, now, doesn’t it?)

But HERE’S one thing we need to realize, folks. “The Beast” is now being unleashed EVERYWHERE, from the latest music and movies to TV shows, to magazine and album covers, to the “latest technology”, you name it. But there is a DIFFERENCE between “Unleashed” and UNVEILED! Biblically speaking, “Unleashed” just means that Satan and his demons are free to wreck spiritual havoc upon mankind. But “Unveiled” means that Satan comes out from the shadows and MAKES HIS PRESENCE FULLY KNOWN! He will do this through his “image”, his “life-like image” that’ll be created by the Antichrist/the Antichrist’s team of “rogue scientists”.

In fact, I’ll even take this a step further. Could it even be possible that the Antichrist himself will be some sort of “cyborg” that will then create ANOTHER life-like “image of the beast”, with THAT “image” being both speaking and moving? Just a thought. Because in my spirit, I get the feeling that the Antichrist is not even human. There’s something about him that has to be anti-human since all NATURAL humans are created in the image of God. And we know that Satan likes to INVERT God’s creation at every chance and turn. Therefore, Satan would NOT want to “indwell” someone made in God’s own image or projecting God’s own image on the outside. But he’d instead most definitely want to “indwell” someone that was either NOT made in God’s image………say……a “test tube baby?” An “cyborgish Android”? OR that PERVERTED God’s image (say, a “transgender?”) 

[[[Continue on to Part Two for the rest of today’s message…………]]]