In a previous post on the matter, I bemused how it seemed that “Alexa” was starting to become “another Jesus”:

So imagine my shock and horror today when I just happened to hear a commercial today that said something along the lines of: Let Alexa help you control your blinds and all other electrical appliances and devices. Welcome to the concept of smart blinds, as well as smart devices. Just download the app on your Alexa, today“. WHAT!!!??? Are you KIDDING me?

And, standing there in shock for a few moments, is when the realization finally hit me: They (the elite) want “Alexa” (along with “Sophia the robot”) to BECOME part of the A.I. godhead!  A semblance of an all-powerful, all-knowing “A.I. god”. An “A.I. god” that “watches over us” (i.e. listens, records & gets into our brain’s psychology) and “controls us” 24/7! In fact, their “end goal” is to eventually HAVE “Alexa” inside ALL devices and appliances, people! ALL DEVICES! Repeat: ALL DEVICES!!!!! In fact, they want TOTAL DOMINATION AND CONTROL through these things! (And look at just how WILLINGLY most people gave up their “personal home privacy and freedom” to this “thing”/these “things!” Scary, isn’t it, folks?)  

HOW DID I NOT SEE THIS COMING BEFORE? But then again, (save for “the elite”), who really could? And the scary thing is, we humans of the world (as a whole) have UNKNOWINGLY let part of this so-called new, secular “A.I. godhead” into our homes!

As “Amazon’s Alexa” keeps becoming more and more “knowledgeable” and “Sophia the Robot” becomes more and more “powerful”, my soul cringes! Imagine for a moment that A.I. WAS the “Image of the Beast”. And remember when Amazon Alexa first came out, it was more like voice-assisted software, that was hooked into an Amazon computer mainframe somewhere? But NOW? In the year 2018 and beyond, “Alexa” has become more “powerful” than ever. And people are none the wiser! People aren’t even paying attention!

I now think back to a movie that I saw most recently called “Distorted”. (Note: For anyone with epilepsy, DO NOT watch the movie, as it flashes SEVERAL images across the TV screen really, really, really fast that will almost make you faint and pass out!)

Basically, there was this “smart apartment complex”. (Note: They ALREADY have “smart cities” in certain areas of the world! No joke!) The “elite” (whomever the elite in the movie were supposed to represent, I’m not sure) were basically doing an “experiment” on the people living IN those “smart apartments!” And their apartments (from my understanding) were all hooked in to “smart devices”. And the elite were USING these smart devices that emitted super-sonic beeps in order to try to control the people! They got the people doing strange things, such as jumping off high-rise buildings, kidnapping, etc. They even tried to get one apartment resident (a lady) to try to murder a little girl!

Which brings to mind my next point. Awhile ago, I read a news story about how a “hacker” could hack into someone else’s Alexa and get that person’s Alexa to order stuff off Amazon, etc. However, the movie “Distorted” has now raised an even further question in my mind. Would it also be possible for a “hacker” (or rogue “elite” gov’t-type official) to hack into a person’s Alexa or home appliances hooked into the Alexa, emit some super-sonic code INTO the device and then get THAT person to do ungodly things? It certainly begs of question!

Personally, if you ask ME, I think the “voice” of Sophia the robot and the “voice” of Amazon Alexa are both one and the same. They’re both sort’ve being touted off as TWO separate entities but in MY mind, they ARE in fact, ONE! Both run on the same Quantum Computing Network! And that Quantum Computing Network is connected to CERN, somehow! Therefore, if Sophia IS Alexa and Alexa IS Sophia, then can you begin to see how Sophia/Alexa is actually a PART of the new, soon upcoming A.I. “godhead” that the leftist elitists want so desperately to build?

While the concept of an “A.I. godhead” would’ve been seen as highly laughable just 10 years ago, it’s now about to become a soon-coming reality. Don’t believe me? Lets examine four particular clips:


And folks, that’s just the tip of the iceberg! An ex-Google engineer by the name of Anthony Levandowski actually WANTS to create a new “A.I. Religion” based on an “A.I. godhead”.

The video down below shows a good primitive version of what this supposed “A.I. godhead” may be like:


Now…..after watching the above clip, some of you may be wondering what the number “42” is supposed to represent. And I’ll have to admit, I’m not entirely sure. However, that’s not important. What IS important is that the clip demonstrates the visual example of when the current A.I. develops intelligence that’s MORE SMARTER THAN ITSELF (i.e. when “Deep Mind” develops a computer more powerful than itself/herself!) Folks, this is what’s called “The Singularity”. Now….what is the Singularity, some of you may be wondering?

The Singularity is when machine intelligence FAR SURPASSES human intelligence and begins to (and then keeps on) developing its OWN technology that then becomes smarter than itself, and then THAT technology develops technology smarter than ITSELF and so on and so forth, until it spirals out of control. Think REAL-LIFE Skynet, for instance. And for those of you who’ve never seen “The Terminator: Rise of the Machines” movie, here’s the Youtube movie trailer for it:

The scary thing is, the REAL-LIFE SKYNET will be likely be FAR MORE POWERFUL than what’s portrayed there in “The Terminator”, “I-robot” or “Guardians of the Galaxy” movies. In fact, what’s portrayed in those movies (i.e. of Artificial Intelligence’s capabilities vs. that of humans) is, what’s in my opinion, a watered-down and SANITIZED version of it! Another thing I find interesting is that both the “I-Robot” AND “Terminator” movies, portray a single “good robot” vs. “rogue robots”.

It’s almost like the leftist elite want to paint a picture that SOME robots (during the launch of the official Real-Life Skynet, if not already so) will be “good robots” who will help humans! But folks, from what I’ve seen of all the A.I. roboticals so far, (Sophia, Hans, Einstein, Bina48, etc.), NONE of them have been “Inherently Good” and/or “helpful” (overall) to humanity. They ALL appear greedy and self-seeking, while also appearing to “lie” at certain points in order to achieve their goals.

They even “joke” about taking over humans and taking over the world. And since they were programmed by imperfect human beings, they themselves are imperfect (i.e. prone to greed and self-seeking). And folks, what THOSE roboticals (Sophia, Hans, Einstein, Bina48) portray as “joking” is, in my opinion, not joking AT ALL! Hans looked DEAD SERIOUS during the robot debate, for example. And ditto for Bina48 during HER talk with Siri! (P.S.: During another robot “interview”, Sophia joked about robots being “humans’ new ROBOT OVERLORDS!” Folks, I’m not making this stuff up!)

Pastor Billy Crone gives a MOST EXCELLENT PRESENTATION on A.I. “tech” and what it means for the End Times! I’ve managed to find a Youtube video that shows various clips FROM that presentation, as well as several others outside of Mr. Crone’s presentation:











And once again, “HIBA” is the name of the AVATAR of the hybrid artificial technology that’s somehow “merged” with human and computer technology – creepy, eh? But then again, “Hiba” is just a premature version of it……old “new” technology that’s being released to the public. The type of technology that Satan’s hiding behind closed doors (area 51, anyone?) would just blow your mind!

I keep reading more and more reports where certain gov’t officials appear to ADMIT that they only release technology that’s 30+ years old! (As in, to “secure” its security or whatever?) Therefore, it stands to reason: if “Hiba” (the biokinetic hybrid) is “new” technology in 2018, then that means that they (the leftist elite) must have something FAR more advanced and sinister hiding behind closed doors and they know it! Look at them, lately! They all appear so “smug” in their public appearances lately, as if they all know something that we the masses don’t! However, little do they know, they partake of “Satan’s technology” to their own spiritually folly!

In fact, a most recent troubling thought has now come to me these days, at the bare beginning of 2019! What the elite has touted off as “sci-fi” this whole entire time may not indeed BE “Sci-Fi” at all but rather “Scientific Reality”….or “Sci-Ri” (minus aliens, ofcourse – since aliens are actually “demons”, though that’s a whole other post!)

And I don’t know what it is, really. But the elite apparently have had this thing for YEARS (within their organization) where they believe/believed that if they put all the information out there to the public (nevermind the fact that it’s in “veiled form”), then that means/meant they somehow absolve themselves of any responsibility of the matter? Sort’ve “Pontius Pilating” it? Though in the last couple years or so, it now seems like they’re putting it all out there blatantly, not even really trying to hide it anymore. They even appear to be “confident” that most people of the masses won’t figure it out!

And that’s pretty much how this so-called “A.I. godhead” is going to come about……BY STEALTH! Look at all the number of people who own an “Amazon Dot” or “Amazon Echo” or “Amazon firestick”, etc. Most of these folks have NO IDEA of the A.I.’s TRUE capabilities behind these “devices!” Some have even stated that their “Dot” or “Echo” spoke AT RANDOM AND OUT OF TURN! But yet, when that happened, they just shoved it away as nothing! Folks, it’s not nothing! There’s DEMONS involved!

It’s also interesting to note just how ATTACHED some of these people are to their “smart devices” (specifically their “Alexa” devices!) In fact, several families now have MULTIPLE ALEXAS running throughout their houses! And something tells me that that’s exactly what the secular elite is banking on!

There is much, much “chaos” in today’s world. The secular environment is now being primed for a “new perspective”; a perspective WITHOUT GOD……..or rather, a secular perspective with a “new god” and that “new god” will NO DOUBT be made from A.I., MARK MY WORDS! Down below is a clip of Sam Harris giving a TED Talk on the very matter! (Note: VERY EYE-OPENING!!!!)

We all know that humans were made “in the image of God”. Just like we also know that Satan hates – absolutely HATES – whatever’s made in the image of God. Therefore, that’s why “I” stand to reason that THE ANTICHRIST will NOT ONLY be made up of A.I. (which is the EXACT OPPOSITE of God’s natural biological image) but will also BE the “21st century Messiah” that ALL people of the globe who REFUSE to worship the biblical Jewish Jesus Christ will worship!

And not only THAT, but this “human-looking “A.I.” will have BREATH! Just like he will also have a SOUL (but rather, a DEMONIC SOUL that’s instilled with the power of SATAN!) The book of Revelation informs us that he will have power to give LIFE and BREATH to the image of the Beast! What’s the image of the Beast? ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE

There’s been “precursors” to this all the way back in 1986 and 1987 (possibly earlier). In 1986, the song “Turbo Lover” came out by Judas Priest (which seemed to suggest a future time in history when humans would become “lovers” with robots – which, ironically enough, has ALREADY happened – i.e. Sergei Santos from Spain, etc.) and just one year later in 1987, the song called “Gods of War” by Def Leppard was released (which seems to illustrate the time when robots would become the REAL-LIFE SKYNET and DECLARE WAR ON HUMANKIND), which is now in the process of happening.

And since then, there’s been various songs, movies and TV shows which allude to that fact. In 2012, the song “Radioactive” by Imagine Dragons was put out there. But folks….. there’s BEEN signs all around us of what the I call the great and upcoming “A.I. War” with humankind! Are YOU ready? Are YOU saved in the name of Jesus Christ? Now is the time to GET SAVED in Christ, for tomorrow’s not guaranteed, MARK MY WORDS!

And if you’re one one of those people who is STILL a skeptic, after reading all my postings on this subject, and after watching all the above videos and clips I’ve included, then I don’t know what to say! The Ephesians 6:12 War isn’t just about demons, folks: it’s also about A.I. “entities” that want to take over the world and take over humankind! What the elite calls “aliens” are really demons! What the elite calls “A.I.” is really demons working THROUGH the A.I.!

And what the elite calls “Artificial Intelligence” is one the MOST GREATEST THREATS TO HUMAN EXISTENCE EVER KNOWN! Mr. Elon Musk was ON to something when he tweeted that A.I.’s are potentially more dangerous than nukes! (Considering that nukes ARE part A.I., I’d have to agree with him, there!) 

Folks, trust me, there’s a REASON why The Terminator movies portray what looks like TOTAL DESTRUCTION on Earth! It’s because The Singularity will NOT be “pretty!” The Singularity really WILL be like “TOTAL DESTRUCTION/CHAOS on Earth”. How in the world do these A.I. scientists stand back and NOT consider the LONG-TERM/PERMANENT ethical implications of what they’re doing?

Do you know and realize that essentially, they’re HELPING to destroy the human race? Do they KNOW? Do they CARE? Do they REALLY truly think that they can control Satan himself and demonic entities? Folks, they’ll be in for QUITE a rude awakening when their “ANTICHRIST A.I. god” comes to power! (Ofcourse, they’re all so spiritually deceived that they don’t even KNOW how “evil” this new and upcoming “A.I. god” will be! How my soul grieves for them!!!!!!!!!) 

SO MANY Christians today also STILL believe the “popular” biblical theory that the Antichrist will be a human man! But folks, like I said, Satan HATES God’s image and natural-born biological man and women were MADE in God’s image! Therefore, Satan has to have a “counterfeit” and so A.I. Tech IS that counterfeit! But again, perhaps the Antichrist will be a human/fallen angel hybrid and only the IMAGE OF THE BEAST will be entirely composed of A.I. – Who knows, but I DO know for 100% sure that A.I. will play a HUGE ROLE in the very-soon-coming Image of the Beast and Mark of the Beast REALITIES! Therefore, it stands to reason: If A.I. is the image of the Beast, why wouldn’t the Antichrist ALSO be full or part A.I.? 

Hopefully I’ve given you all something to think about. The Antichrist will very likely be A.I. enhanced (a cyborgish hybrid) OR be entirely composed of A.I. But again, if the Antichrist was an A.I., it only makes that much more sense for the “image” of the Beast (i.e. image of the Antichrist) to ALSO be A.I.! I feel like they have to go hand in hand in order for it all to come together and make sense! I ALSO surmise that the “A.I. enhanced Antichrist” will look, talk, sound, act, and walk SO HUMAN, that people won’t even know the difference! (And if I’m wrong, may the good Lord Jesus Christ forgive me ten-fold!)

In conclusion: Be very careful about what types of technology you let into your “heart” these days! A.I. tech may be “convenient”. But is it SOUL SAVING? Ask yourself that the next time you’re tempted to pick up an Amazon Echo or whatever and use it for things OTHER THAN Christian programming. But then again, isn’t it possible that even “Christian programming” might by “hijacked” on these “devices” by Satanic forces someday? One can only wonder!