Posts from the ‘singularity’ Category

“Corona Virus Part FIVE: The *GREAT RESET!*”

Prior to December of 2019, no-one had even HEARD of “the Corona virus”. But NOW, in July of 2020, it’s not JUST affecting the U.S. but it’s affecting the ENTIRE WORLD! And the “initial story” of HOW it came about was that it came through CHINA! First, they said it was the wet market. Then, they said it came from the nearby lab. Now, they’re saying it came from the wet market AGAIN; the story keeps changing!

Well, after examining some geographical data, I think I’ve now come up with a NEW THEORY about the “worldwide virus” and its *origins!* There’s SEVERAL BSL-4 labs around the world (BSL stands for Bio Safety Labs) and these labs deal with HIGHLY infectious and DEADLY diseases! And though they get granted “funding” by governments to create and study diseases AND to develop “vaccines” for such diseases, they’re not really gonna make any money off these “vaccines” UNTIL they are NEEDED…..or MANDATED!

So… are they going to get the “vaccines” to be NEEDED and/or MANDATED by the governments? Answer: human testing! But even then, what human is gonna VOLUNTARILY AGREE be tested with such “deadly diseases”, save for FEAR of losing their jobs, etc.? Practically NONE, right? Therefore, they have to install MASS FEAR through the media, in order to try to get more people to take the vaccine! Heck, here in December 2020, they’ve even gone so far as to HAVE POPULAR POLITICAL FIGURES AND/OR FORMER PRESIDENTS RECEIVE THE SO-CALLED VACCINE ON NATIONAL T.V.! National T.V., folks:

Not to mention a proposed plan to PAY AMERICANS $1500 to take the vaccine! You just can’t make this stuff up, folks!

But here’s the critical question: if Corona virus is SO deadly and if the vaccine is TRULY that effective, then why is the vaccine being attempted to be SOLD to us Americans (and those around the world?) Heck, even the American RIGHT WING is trying to sell the vaccine to the American (and perhaps global) public by calling it “The Trump Vaccine” (Source:

But even still, a good majority of Americans are VERY SKEPTICAL about “said vaccine” (and believe me, they SHOULD BE!!!!!) At most stores today, there’s a usual message over the store intercoms that masks are required, social distancing is encouraged, and that “SMALL CHILDREN ARE EXEMPT”. 

Well NOW guess what, folks? ABC News most recently had a story about a vaccine from Sinovac that said: “IT’S VACCINE IS SAFE FOR CHILDREN 3 YEARS OLD, ALL THE WAY UP TO 17 YEARS OLD!” (Source:, not to mention there was another story about PARENTS signing up their children for VACCINE TRIALS? Say WHAT!!!!?????? Are you SERIOUS? ;-(

Folks, that’s some really creepy stuff right there! They desperately now want to JAB YOUR KIDS? When kids supposedly have a MUCH BETTER IMMUNE SYSTEM THAN ADULTS? What is GOING ON HERE, FOLKS????? Something sinister, that’s what! (Especially considering that Bill Gates won’t even vaccine himself or his own children – hhhmmmm). Any “vaccines” the “Gates'” DO receive are likely to be “fake” or “placebos”. In fact, it’s always been funny to me how a man that advocates everyone ELSE’S children get vaxxed won’t vaxx his OWN kids – what does he know that we don’t, folks?) 

The following several articles highlight “severe complications” with “said vaccine(s)“:

Metro healthcare worker describes severe allergic reaction to COVID-19 vaccine

Vaccine Rollout Continues Following **ALLERGIC REACTION CLUSTER** At Petco Park

CDC says severe allergic reactions to the Covid vaccine run 10 times reactions to the flu shot but “claims” severe reactions are “still rare”

‘Healthy’ South Florida doctor DIED 2 weeks after receiving COVID-19 vaccine

Healthy, 28-year old Volunteer in Brazilian COVID Vaccine Trial DIES

But folks, wait…..there’s MORE:

And folks: that’s just the ones that we actually KNOW about….I’m sure there’s many, many other cases out there that have likely been BURIED by “the Pharmaceutical elite”, etc. But again, it doesn’t stop there. Can a person actually SUE if they develop a severe reaction to the vaccine and/or can a family sue if one of their beloved family members DIES from the vaccine? The resounding answer is NO!’t%20sue%20Pfizer%20or%20Moderna%20if%20you%20have,compensate%20you%20for%20damages%20either&text=Under%20the%20PREP%20Act%2C%20companies,goes%20wrong%20with%20their%20vaccines.

While there IS a small government program that’s supposed to “pay out” people who’ve had severe, adverse reactions to vaccines (prior to 2020), I’m told that this program RARELY pays out and that only about 6% of cases have been payed out so far. OUCH! Not a great track record for a country that’s supposed to be the strongest country in the world!

Therefore – if they try to force you to get the vaccine – make you feel as though you have to get it or else – and then totally ABSOLVE themselves from ANY responsibility should something go wrong with said vaccine(s) – I would say it’s likely that something else far more sinister is going on, behind the scenes. It’s like they (the shadow gov’t) WANT to put infectious diseases into the world (into animals and humans). And lets face it, NO human is gonna voluntarily offer to have an “infectious” disease put into them. None. A person would have to be suicidal or have to have a secret death wish for such!

Therefore, they (the “shadow gov’t” – not only here in the U.S. but around the world – and notice I said SHADOW gov’t and NOT Trump’s administration) most likely have to test the diseases on humans UNWILLINGLY and UNKNOWINGLY, possibly blaming OTHER scapegoats in the process (i.e. mosquitoes, bats, pigs, birds, etc.) Either that or they perhaps PURPOSELY put the diseases INTO the animals, KNOWING that it’ll eventually spread to humans and thus, oops, “human and animal testing” in the process!

They always claim it was an “accident” that “said virus” LEAKED out of the lab or “accidentally” got into contact with a bird/pig/bat/mosquito, etc.! Accident? REALLY? Do they REALLY think we’re all THAT stupid? How does a highly contagious virus just “accidentally” develop a pair of legs of its own and just so happen to shimmy itself out of the lab? (Nice try, but you don’t fool us, Big Pharma!)

So either some of the BSL-4 employees THEMSELVES are just merely following superior orders to “leak” out viruses for “general testing” on the outside ( perhaps very, very hesitantly or somewhat against their will/conscious or naively thinking it’s for the greater good) OR…..members of “shadow governments” are infiltrating these labs and/or getting help from the inside in order to LEAK these viruses to the world’s animals and/or general public!

Because over the years, there have been MORE LEAKS, not less! That tells ME that the leaks are PURPOSEFUL and NOT accidental! For if they were “accidental” as claimed, those employees who “leaked them” would be promptly fired and EVEN MORE safety measures would be put in place to make sure that that type of “leak” never happened again, am I right?

My whole point in this is that all is not what it seems. I believe the U.S. shadow government (as well as shadow governments around the world) are very likely working WITH China to try to bring about a GLOBAL SHUTDOWN! Why? Because they WANT the Mark of the Beast/Mark of the Beast Global System to be here, already! They are tired of waiting and will stop at nothing UNTIL they get The Mark of the Beast Society (i.e. Socialism) that they’ve always wanted!

Cause like I said in a previous post, think about the masks. At first, they were OPTIONAL in most places. But now they are REQUIRED in almost every place. At first, businesses were told to VOLUNTARILY shut down to “mitigate the spread”. But now, many of them are being FORCED to shut down. At first, churches were strongly encouraged but not FORCED to shut down. Now, many of them are being FORCED to shut down. Do you SEE what’s happening here, folks?

But lets not stop there. Some state governors have taken it EVEN FURTHER by trying to tell us WHAT WE CAN DO IN OUR VERY OWN HOMES (martial law PRE-CONDITIONING, anyone?) You just can NOT make this stuff up, folks! (Nazi Germany, anyone?)

But again. This is NOT about “Corona” or truly ungodly health crises like “the black plague”, this is about POWER, CONTROL AND MONEY $$$$ AND LOTS OF IT!

Take “proposed” New York law A416, for example. Read the proposed law between the lines, folks! The “proposed” law says that IF a government official (specifically, the NY state governor) deems any ONE person a “health risk” or any one GROUP of people a “health risk”, that they can DETAIN THEM and bring them to ANYWHERE OF THE GOV’T OFFICIAL’S CHOOSING and potentially hold that person/those people there (as well as that person’s “contacts”) FOR AS LONG AS THEY WANT – EVEN if a person has previously tested NEGATIVE for Covid, etc? Plus I won’t even mention how the legislation makes ZERO mention about said official “abusing” detainees and/or FORCING them to take a vaccine and the like! The law is PURPOSELY VAGUE! Okay, now read it as if you were reading about a law that said Nazis could “legally” detain and imprison Jews indefinitely. Chilling, isn’t it, folks?

U.S. Democrats (as a whole), along with the SHADOW GOVERNMENT, and several political operatives in the mass media, likely with the help of China, have somehow managed to STEAL THE 2020 U.S. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, (as well as the 2021 Georgia Senate run-offs, more than likely?) and to THREATEN THE U.S. COURTS! In fact, it’s most recently come out on the Rush Limbaugh show that U.S. Supreme Justice Andrew Kennedy FEARED a protest by/from Antifa IF the Texas case was taken up and consequently ruled in Trump’s favor in the U.S. Supreme Court! Wow! What a VERY sad day in America, INDEED!

But folks, what MANY a American doesn’t realize is THIS: It’s NOT about Democrat vs. Republican, rich vs. poor, black vs. white, Christian vs. non-Christian, vaxxers vs. anti-vaxxers. These are all just FAKE CONSTRUCTS that the Shadow Gov’t uses to TURN AMERICANS AGAINST EACH OTHER! Because remember: United, we stand, and Divided, we fall and that’s just what the U.S. Shadow Gov’t (and Shadow Gov’ts around the world) WANT!

They NO LONGER want the U.S. to be the most powerful nation on Earth! They WANT Free Speech annihilated! Plus they also no longer want the U.S. military to be the most powerful on Earth! What they want is a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT SYSTEM where each country’s residents (including Americans) are payed a “global wage”. In other words, they want to DESTROY THE U.S. MIDDLE CLASS! Sound familiar, folks?

Because AS SOON AS they have Socialism in place (not just in the U.S. but WORLDWIDE), setting up The Mark of the Beast Society will be a piece of cake! And once again, once the Mark of the Beast Society is FULLY ACTIVATED, rounding up and torturing/killing ALL those who do NOT agree with the Mark of the Beast “new society” (also affectionately called by many on the Left “THE GREAT RESET”) will ALSO be a piece of cake! (Nazi Germany, anyone?)

Heck, even Bill Gates himself ADMITTED that the PURPOSE of vaccines and “natural disasters” was for POPULATION CONTROL! Because think about it, the more dead people, the less people the world governments will have to worry about trying to control; hence “population control”. [Note: They’ve been geo-controlling the weather through HAARP and Project Bluebeam for quite some time now but that’s another post for a different day.] Don’t believe me? Here’s a soundbite for ya:

[1:00-1:10 mark]

Did you hear his WORDS? Aren’t they CHILLING? The scary part is that the guy is NOT even kidding! He’s DEAD SERIOUS!

Another sound bite will back this up:

Fully convinced, yet? Even if you aren’t, that’s ok. In due time, you WILL BE, MARK MY WORDS! In due time, even the MOST skeptic of skeptics will begin to see THE BIGGER PICTURE!

Let us examine a few things in more detail:

  1. “The Squad” – AOC & company
  2. AOC’s driving Amazon OUT of NY – and the long-term consequences of such
  3. The U.S. Drive TOWARDS Socialism/Communism
  4. The Democratic party “stealing the U.S. election”
  5. Black Lives Matter/Antifa protests
  6. The “Defund the Police” movement
  8. Governors telling their constituents what NOT to do – then doing it themselves (“Do as I say, not as I do”)
  9. WHO stands to “benefit” from Corona “virus” shutdowns & Corona “vaccines?”
  10. Is “Big Pharma” to be trusted?
  11. Can a person sue IF they have an extremely bad reaction to the vaccine? Why or why not?
  12. Why are “Corona legislations” taking away cash & “free speech?”
  13. What if Joe Biden becomes president? Then what?
  14. If Jesus were to arrive today, what would He find us doing?

I was quite amazed when Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.; Ilhan Omar, D-Minn.; Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass.; and Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich, were all successfully elected to Congress. Not because of their race, gender or religion (or possible lack, thereof) but because of their POLITICS! They are all SOCIALISTIC PROGRESSIVES who are backed by MAJOR SOCIALIST Bernie Sanders! And they ALL seem to have one thing in common: TO ESCHEW CAPITALISM!

Okay, so what essentially is “capitalism” for those not in the know? Capitalism means a FREE MARKET, FREE TRADE and also COMPETITION. In fact, business competition is what makes the economy THRIVE! It’s what makes the economy VERY, VERY GOOD! It’s what CREATES jobs and the possibility of “the American dream”, upward economical mobility, etc. In fact, it’s exactly WHY America has been so successful at being….well…..America! Take capitalism AWAY………and you got a FAILING economy, economic STAGNATION, MASSIVE POVERTY, and……SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM!

All throughout the world where “socialism” has been tried, it has NEVER been successful! Germany failed! Russia failed! Cuba failed! Venezuela failed – and IS currently failing! MILLIONS upon MILLIONS died under the socialistic/communistic “dictatorships” of Mae Ze Dong, Mussolini, etc. SOCIALISM CREATES POVERTY! Because WHEN the people DEPEND on the gov’t for $$$, the government essentially – sooner or later – RUNS OUT OF OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY! The money supply eventually runs COMPLETELY DRY! Inflation then SKYROCKETS and POVERTY BECOMES THE NORM!

AOC, “The Squad” and Bernie Sanders WANT Socialism/Communism! They WANT Americans to be POOR and “dependent on the government”. They do NOT want a FREE MARKET, do NOT want a free, competitive economy and do NOT want the American middle class to STAY in the middle class. They want pretty much ALL Americans to be POOR so they can better subjugate and CONTROL THEM! Because think about it, folks: you can NOT control a group of people that are “financially affluent!” But you CAN control a group of people that are DEPENDENT on the Gov’t for food, money, land, electricity, etc. Scary, isn’t it?

So AOC drove out MILLIONS of jobs OUT of New York when she “chased Amazon away”. Now, your (the blog reader’s) personal thoughts on Amazon aside, she essentially costed New York MILLIONS of dollars of possible revenue that would’ve jump-started New York’s economy! In a nutshell, she made MILLIONS of poor or lower-middle class New Yorkers go potentially jobless since she cost them some good-paying jobs that they COULD’VE theoretically had at Amazon-NY! And folks, this was a ripple effect…….Because what happens in NY or California (financially/jobs wise/etc.) is indicative of the U.S. Economy AS A WHOLE! Therefore, she costed ALL Americans the chance for a BETTER ECONOMY when she chased Amazon out of New York!

And “The Squad” (those that ACTIVELY CAMPAIGN for Socialism/Socialistic “ideals” in this country) started out as just THREE members of “The Squad” (once again, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.; Ilhan Omar, D-Minn, and Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich) plus Bernie Sanders. But now THE NUMBERS KEEP GROWING! Now there’s around SIX more members: Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass, Corey Bush, D-Mo, Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., Marie Newman, D-IL, Mondaire Jones, D-N.Y., and Richie Torres, D-N.Y.! And folks, these “Progressives” are the TROJAN HORSES of our great, American republic! Eerily enough, all the “social programs” that they’re advocating for are the SAME EXACT type of “social programs” that THE NAZIS claimed THEY wanted, in their bid for power! Does that shock you? Scare you a’tall, folks? IT SHOULD!

It was back in 2018 when they really started to gain power (Green New Deal, anyone?) And now – with Trump almost out of office – their RISE to power keeps growing as more and more “Draconian measures” are taking place within our U.S. political, educational, economic, religious AND healthcare systems! How did it all happen so fast? And what does that mean for a country that (up until about 2016 or so) CHAMPIONED free speech, differences of opinion, freedom of religion, etc.? What does that MEAN for America’s long-term future? Let us examine. The several following articles highlight the “descent” that America is greatly taking towards Socialism/Communism:

[January 15, 2021 article]

[August 7, 2020 article]

[May 12, 2018 article]

Now let us turn to point #4 (The Democratic Party STEALING the U.S. election). The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was unlike anything I had EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE! Millions upon millions of mail-in ballots were mailed out to people (rather they asked for them or not), voter registration was NOT checked alongside casted votes, many U.S. states illegally CHANGED voter laws right before/during/after the election, vote counts STOPPED at 10:30pm in FIVE key critical states and nearly ALL mail-in votes were for Joe Biden, suitcases and vans full of ballets were delivered in the middle of the night, many Republican poll watchers WERE KEPT FROM THE ROOMS during vote counting, etc.

It wasn’t even a “clean steal”, it was the most sloppiest vote steal I’ve ever seen in total U.S. history! In fact, the evidence of the election steal is MASSIVE! But yet…..most Republicans in Congress (and now – even the U.S. Supreme Court ITSELF, sadly) won’t do anything ABOUT IT! (That’s likely because they fear for their LIVES!)

So after the Democratic Party (as a whole) successfully stole the U.S. 2020 Presidential election and “got away with it”, they likely then (in my humble opinion) went off to steal the Georgia election run-offs as well. And what’s weird to me is that there shouldn’t have even BEEN any run-offs in the first place: As far as I can see, Perdue and Loeffler already rightfully won their Senate seats and should have NEVER agreed to have run-offs. (But that’s a different story for a different time, folks). So now the Democrats pretty much now got control of the White House, House AND SENATE! America is DOOMED! But then again: This could be Christians’/Americans’ wake-up call!

Perhaps with Trump in office, us Christians (in the U.S. and all around the world) just got too “cushy” and “too comfortable” and “too lukewarm” and “too COMPLACENT” in our spiritual walk with Christ, etc. so perhaps this “Socialistic shake-up” is what’s needed to bring TRUE, patriotic/Christian Americans (and Christians from other nations who SUPPORT America) to our knees in TOTAL SUBMISSION AND PRAYER!

And when it comes to Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and the “Defund The Police” movement, the objective should be CRYSTAL CLEAR: The Democratic Party is run by CRIMINALS who “want to get away with……EVERYTHING!” Think about it, folks. If the police force in the USA is still strong, how else is the CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE that is the current U.S. Democratic Party gonna get away with anything? Answer: They can’t! That’s WHY they want to “Defund the Police”. It doesn’t really have anything to DO with George Floyd or anyone else. It has to do with POWER, CONTROL, MONEY AND SUBMISSION. They want their political enemies (i.e. the true, patriotic Republicans) to SUBMIT to them. And they’ll use POWER, CONTROL, VIOLENCE AND FEAR by which to try to DO just that!

Now on to the Capital Riots. What I believe it was, is Antifa and BLM members DRESSED UP AS TRUMP SUPPORTERS in order to slam Trump and Trump supporters during his very last so-called days in office. (Any true Trump supporters that were there rioting at the Capital? Trump did NOT in any way, shape or form tell them to take to violence, so that is all left-wing lies, unfortunately). But again, this is all a sign of something greater: They not only want to CANCEL, DESTROY AND DEMOLISH TRUMP but they want to DEMOLISH Trump supporters as well. Why? Because Trump and his supporters are THE ONLY THING standing in between Americans and socialism/communism! When Trump was quoted as saying: “We will never be a Socialistic country”, what he REALLY meant was, “Not on MY watch!” (Note: The people threatening to “hang Pence” are NOT Christians and NOT true Patriots! REAL patriots don’t threaten to kill! Enough said).

But perhaps the silver lining in all of this “drive towards U.S. Socialism” will be when all these young, Democrat-voting millennials see up close and personal just how TERRIBLE Socialism is and just how GREAT capitalism actually is, they’ll rebel in GREAT NUMBERS **AGAINST** the Socialism that AOC and Bernie want and finally – FINALLY – appreciate what it is that Trump was TRULY trying to do for them – as well as for EVERY American – while he was still in office! Trump, in fact, has had more accomplishments and kept more campaign promises than any other president in U.S. history – save for perhaps Abe Lincoln! Here’s a list of what all Trump has accomplished over his last 4 years in office (and this is just the ones that were counted, there’s probably lots more not noted here):

About the most disturbing thing of the “Corona ordeal” is “the disappearance of cash/coins” and “the disappearance of FREE SPEECH”. Twitter and Youtube have (as far as I know, anyways) PERMANETLY banned Trump from Twitter and Youtube. Not long after that, Amazon banned and dismantled PARLER (a conservative social media site) and Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Reddit, Twitch, LiquidWeb have ALSO attempted to ban Trump while Shopify has attempted to ban Trump products from its site.

Folks, this REEKS of BIG TECH/government censorship! Remember when they took out Alex Jones? Now, they’re trying to take out Trump. Heck, at THIS rate, the Criminal Enterprise known as the Left may even have plans to try to assassinate him, his wife Melania, his son Baron or all three. Nothing surprises me anymore! But again: they (the elite) HATE Trump because he EXPOSES THEM FOR WHAT THEY ARE: CRIMINAL, AMERICA-HATING SOCIALISTS! In fact, Trump is the ONLY THING standing between Americans and Socialism/Communism! Few other Americans in political office have the gall or the gutts to PUBLICLY stand up against The Leftist Establishment (save for possibly Ted Cruz and a couple others).

BIG TECH and BIG PHARMA have become FAR TOO POWERFUL (in the U.S. and in the world) and it’s about high time that all citizens of the world rose up AGAINST them! NOT with violence but with TACT! Many conservatives here in the USA are DELETING their Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter accounts and I can’t say I blame them. Whenever a mass exodus of a big tech happens, it makes their stock shares go way down! I’m on the fence however, rather I still want to keep my Youtube and Facebook accounts or not. They are ESSENTIAL for spreading the gospel (something in the scriptures that we are commanded to do). And I feel like NOW is the time to start MASSIVELY GOSPEL WITNESSING on social media. NOW. Because tomorrow is not guaranteed. They (the leftist elite) just might decide to pull the plug on EVERY conservative user of these social media platforms tomorrow, citing “fear of violence/incitement”. So we have to think one step ahead, folks!

In fact, AOC is now in the process of developing a call to “rein in the media”:

Folks, you just can’t make this stuff up! It’s currently one of the many ways in which the left is attempting to “stifle” free speech! And not only free speech but CASH/COINS as well (2020 “coin shortage”, anyone?) Because incidentally, BOTH cash and free speech are a TOTAL THREAT to SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM! BOTH of those things are what allows an individual to be an individual (free of the political “groupthink” grid). However, when you take ONE or BOTH of those things AWAY from people, that’s when Socialism/Communism starts knocking on America’s door! In fact, many immigrants that are FROM socialistic countries – that came here to America to get AWAY from Socialism – are now TERRIFIED of what they are now starting to see here in America!

In fact, many Americans (specifically, many Christians in the U.S.) are worried about what’ll happen if/when Joe Biden becomes president of the United States of America, come Wednesday, January 20, 2021. And the simple answer is THIS: Kamala Harris (the vice-president) will personally see to it that Socialism and Socialistic policies OVERTAKE THE U.S.! Basically, it’ll become hell on Earth, sort’ve speak! The American way of life will be NO LONGER! Corporations will be run by the government! Free speech (atleast for Conservatives) will be annihilated! Cash will be done away with and a NEW payment system (likely similar to “The Social Credit Score” of China) will be installed! The U.S. courts will be packed with LIBERALS! The U.S. Constitution will no longer apply! The USA will be FLOODED with illegal immigrants!

The U.S. military will no longer be the most powerful military in the world! Foreign countries will try to attack the “late, great USA” (and will likely succeed!) $15 minimum wage will become law, thus, destroying and shuttering lots of businesses since they will no longer have the funds to PAY the workers that much money or to carry on the higher number of employees they already have! MASSIVE jobs will be lost! People will start to lose their homes and their savings! Millions will go hungry! Homelessness and poverty will INCREASE! Riots will INCREASE! Basically, EVERYTHING that Trump has accomplished these past 4 years will be ERASED/UNDONE/like they never happened! How dreadful, INDEED!

But yet, even more important than the question of the possible loss of your job, home, family and finances is the loss of your OWN SOUL! If the Lord Jesus Christ HIMSELF were to return to the Earth today, WHAT WOULD HE FIND US ALL DOING?

“I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” – Luke 18:8

But again, everything the Socialist Democrats aim to do………they don’t realize it but they are actually doing SATAN’S work on the Earth! How? Simple.

John 10:10-12 states, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep”.

So in other words, Jesus is saying there in the above passage that SATAN comes to “steal, kill and destroy” while Jesus HIMSELF is the one who gives “life”. Okay……so what does Jesus mean by that, essentially? Think about abortion for a minute and what exactly goes on DURING an abortion procedure (rather chemical or surgical). In BOTH cases, the baby’s heart STOPS and is torn apart, LIMB BY LIMB. So what type of action is going on there? Answer: KILLING! DESTROYING! STEALING! For it’s STEALING the life of the unborn and DEPRIVING the unborn baby of the life they COULD’VE had! But what did Jesus do, in the life of the baby? Jesus is the AUTHOR of life! Jesus is the one who GAVE that baby LIFE, not DEATH! Notice the difference there, folks?

The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was STOLEN! The Socialist Democrats want Donald Trump, Trump supporters, free speech, freedom of religion, right to bear arms, and our U.S. Constitution + Bill of Rights DESTROYED! Therefore, I think it’s safe to say that the Socialist Democrats – in league with SATAN (rather they know it or not) – aim to STEAL, KILL AND DESTROY! I think that the Lord Jesus Christ has been trying to REVEAL the SPIRITUAL TRUTH about the Democratic Party for a long, LONG time – but people were just in denial and not paying any attention. Well, I sure do hope they’re starting to sit up and pay attention NOW – because our livelihoods – both in this world and the next – DEPEND ON IT!

Now – all that being said – what can WE – as born-again Christians do? Simple: FAST AND PRAY! Because lets face it – alot of us Christians (myself included, somewhat) tended to take our Christian position in this country for granted with Trump as President – we really truly DID! And that’s an easy human thing to do in times of political and/or religious prosperity, it really is! However, we MUST remember the Book of Job in the Old Testament:

Job 2:9-210 state: “Then said his wife unto him, ‘Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die’. But he said unto her, ‘Thou speakest as one of the foolish women speaketh. What? shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil?’ In all this did not Job sin with his lips”.

So, in other words, Job is more or less saying that the Lord Jesus’s people need to praise him AT ALL TIMES – and in ALL circumstances – rather than just during GOOD times and GOOD circumstances – if that makes any sense? Because Jesus NEVER, EVER said that the spiritual walk with him would be EASY! In fact, He said it would be ANYTHING BUT:

“Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you” – 1 Peter 4:12

“For [it is] better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing” – 1 Peter 3:17

“Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” – 2 Timothy 3:12

“If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before [it hated] you” – John 15:18

Even the disciples said it would be anything but easy:

“Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you” – 1 John 3:13

We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. For we which live are always delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh” – 2 Corinthians 4: 8-11

Therefore – in conclusion – I think that if we (born-again Christians and Messianic Jews) ALL fast and pray – and pray for Donald Trump & family, ALL Republicans – and ALL Americans – as well as ALL Christians + Messianic Jews around the world – that something good may happen. Remember 2 Chronicles 7:14? Lets soon make that a REALITY, folks!

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” – 2 Chronicles 7:14


“Alexa”/”Sophia” = PART of The Upcoming A.I. One World Gov’t “godhead”

In a previous post on the matter, I bemused how it seemed that “Alexa” was starting to become “another Jesus”:

So imagine my shock and horror today when I just happened to hear a commercial today that said something along the lines of: Let Alexa help you control your blinds and all other electrical appliances and devices. Welcome to the concept of smart blinds, as well as smart devices. Just download the app on your Alexa, today“. WHAT!!!??? Are you KIDDING me?

And, standing there in shock for a few moments, is when the realization finally hit me: They (the elite) want “Alexa” (along with “Sophia the robot”) to BECOME part of the A.I. godhead!  A semblance of an all-powerful, all-knowing “A.I. god”. An “A.I. god” that “watches over us” (i.e. listens, records & gets into our brain’s psychology) and “controls us” 24/7! In fact, their “end goal” is to eventually HAVE “Alexa” inside ALL devices and appliances, people! ALL DEVICES! Repeat: ALL DEVICES!!!!! In fact, they want TOTAL DOMINATION AND CONTROL through these things! (And look at just how WILLINGLY most people gave up their “personal home privacy and freedom” to this “thing”/these “things!” Scary, isn’t it, folks?)  

HOW DID I NOT SEE THIS COMING BEFORE? But then again, (save for “the elite”), who really could? And the scary thing is, we humans of the world (as a whole) have UNKNOWINGLY let part of this so-called new, secular “A.I. godhead” into our homes!

As “Amazon’s Alexa” keeps becoming more and more “knowledgeable” and “Sophia the Robot” becomes more and more “powerful”, my soul cringes! Imagine for a moment that A.I. WAS the “Image of the Beast”. And remember when Amazon Alexa first came out, it was more like voice-assisted software, that was hooked into an Amazon computer mainframe somewhere? But NOW? In the year 2018 and beyond, “Alexa” has become more “powerful” than ever. And people are none the wiser! People aren’t even paying attention!

I now think back to a movie that I saw most recently called “Distorted”. (Note: For anyone with epilepsy, DO NOT watch the movie, as it flashes SEVERAL images across the TV screen really, really, really fast that will almost make you faint and pass out!)

Basically, there was this “smart apartment complex”. (Note: They ALREADY have “smart cities” in certain areas of the world! No joke!) The “elite” (whomever the elite in the movie were supposed to represent, I’m not sure) were basically doing an “experiment” on the people living IN those “smart apartments!” And their apartments (from my understanding) were all hooked in to “smart devices”. And the elite were USING these smart devices that emitted super-sonic beeps in order to try to control the people! They got the people doing strange things, such as jumping off high-rise buildings, kidnapping, etc. They even tried to get one apartment resident (a lady) to try to murder a little girl!

Which brings to mind my next point. Awhile ago, I read a news story about how a “hacker” could hack into someone else’s Alexa and get that person’s Alexa to order stuff off Amazon, etc. However, the movie “Distorted” has now raised an even further question in my mind. Would it also be possible for a “hacker” (or rogue “elite” gov’t-type official) to hack into a person’s Alexa or home appliances hooked into the Alexa, emit some super-sonic code INTO the device and then get THAT person to do ungodly things? It certainly begs of question!

Personally, if you ask ME, I think the “voice” of Sophia the robot and the “voice” of Amazon Alexa are both one and the same. They’re both sort’ve being touted off as TWO separate entities but in MY mind, they ARE in fact, ONE! Both run on the same Quantum Computing Network! And that Quantum Computing Network is connected to CERN, somehow! Therefore, if Sophia IS Alexa and Alexa IS Sophia, then can you begin to see how Sophia/Alexa is actually a PART of the new, soon upcoming A.I. “godhead” that the leftist elitists want so desperately to build?

While the concept of an “A.I. godhead” would’ve been seen as highly laughable just 10 years ago, it’s now about to become a soon-coming reality. Don’t believe me? Lets examine four particular clips:


And folks, that’s just the tip of the iceberg! An ex-Google engineer by the name of Anthony Levandowski actually WANTS to create a new “A.I. Religion” based on an “A.I. godhead”.

The video down below shows a good primitive version of what this supposed “A.I. godhead” may be like:


Now…..after watching the above clip, some of you may be wondering what the number “42” is supposed to represent. And I’ll have to admit, I’m not entirely sure. However, that’s not important. What IS important is that the clip demonstrates the visual example of when the current A.I. develops intelligence that’s MORE SMARTER THAN ITSELF (i.e. when “Deep Mind” develops a computer more powerful than itself/herself!) Folks, this is what’s called “The Singularity”. Now….what is the Singularity, some of you may be wondering?

The Singularity is when machine intelligence FAR SURPASSES human intelligence and begins to (and then keeps on) developing its OWN technology that then becomes smarter than itself, and then THAT technology develops technology smarter than ITSELF and so on and so forth, until it spirals out of control. Think REAL-LIFE Skynet, for instance. And for those of you who’ve never seen “The Terminator: Rise of the Machines” movie, here’s the Youtube movie trailer for it:

The scary thing is, the REAL-LIFE SKYNET will be likely be FAR MORE POWERFUL than what’s portrayed there in “The Terminator”, “I-robot” or “Guardians of the Galaxy” movies. In fact, what’s portrayed in those movies (i.e. of Artificial Intelligence’s capabilities vs. that of humans) is, what’s in my opinion, a watered-down and SANITIZED version of it! Another thing I find interesting is that both the “I-Robot” AND “Terminator” movies, portray a single “good robot” vs. “rogue robots”.

It’s almost like the leftist elite want to paint a picture that SOME robots (during the launch of the official Real-Life Skynet, if not already so) will be “good robots” who will help humans! But folks, from what I’ve seen of all the A.I. roboticals so far, (Sophia, Hans, Einstein, Bina48, etc.), NONE of them have been “Inherently Good” and/or “helpful” (overall) to humanity. They ALL appear greedy and self-seeking, while also appearing to “lie” at certain points in order to achieve their goals.

They even “joke” about taking over humans and taking over the world. And since they were programmed by imperfect human beings, they themselves are imperfect (i.e. prone to greed and self-seeking). And folks, what THOSE roboticals (Sophia, Hans, Einstein, Bina48) portray as “joking” is, in my opinion, not joking AT ALL! Hans looked DEAD SERIOUS during the robot debate, for example. And ditto for Bina48 during HER talk with Siri! (P.S.: During another robot “interview”, Sophia joked about robots being “humans’ new ROBOT OVERLORDS!” Folks, I’m not making this stuff up!)

Pastor Billy Crone gives a MOST EXCELLENT PRESENTATION on A.I. “tech” and what it means for the End Times! I’ve managed to find a Youtube video that shows various clips FROM that presentation, as well as several others outside of Mr. Crone’s presentation:











And once again, “HIBA” is the name of the AVATAR of the hybrid artificial technology that’s somehow “merged” with human and computer technology – creepy, eh? But then again, “Hiba” is just a premature version of it……old “new” technology that’s being released to the public. The type of technology that Satan’s hiding behind closed doors (area 51, anyone?) would just blow your mind!

I keep reading more and more reports where certain gov’t officials appear to ADMIT that they only release technology that’s 30+ years old! (As in, to “secure” its security or whatever?) Therefore, it stands to reason: if “Hiba” (the biokinetic hybrid) is “new” technology in 2018, then that means that they (the leftist elite) must have something FAR more advanced and sinister hiding behind closed doors and they know it! Look at them, lately! They all appear so “smug” in their public appearances lately, as if they all know something that we the masses don’t! However, little do they know, they partake of “Satan’s technology” to their own spiritually folly!

In fact, a most recent troubling thought has now come to me these days, at the bare beginning of 2019! What the elite has touted off as “sci-fi” this whole entire time may not indeed BE “Sci-Fi” at all but rather “Scientific Reality”….or “Sci-Ri” (minus aliens, ofcourse – since aliens are actually “demons”, though that’s a whole other post!)

And I don’t know what it is, really. But the elite apparently have had this thing for YEARS (within their organization) where they believe/believed that if they put all the information out there to the public (nevermind the fact that it’s in “veiled form”), then that means/meant they somehow absolve themselves of any responsibility of the matter? Sort’ve “Pontius Pilating” it? Though in the last couple years or so, it now seems like they’re putting it all out there blatantly, not even really trying to hide it anymore. They even appear to be “confident” that most people of the masses won’t figure it out!

And that’s pretty much how this so-called “A.I. godhead” is going to come about……BY STEALTH! Look at all the number of people who own an “Amazon Dot” or “Amazon Echo” or “Amazon firestick”, etc. Most of these folks have NO IDEA of the A.I.’s TRUE capabilities behind these “devices!” Some have even stated that their “Dot” or “Echo” spoke AT RANDOM AND OUT OF TURN! But yet, when that happened, they just shoved it away as nothing! Folks, it’s not nothing! There’s DEMONS involved!

It’s also interesting to note just how ATTACHED some of these people are to their “smart devices” (specifically their “Alexa” devices!) In fact, several families now have MULTIPLE ALEXAS running throughout their houses! And something tells me that that’s exactly what the secular elite is banking on!

There is much, much “chaos” in today’s world. The secular environment is now being primed for a “new perspective”; a perspective WITHOUT GOD……..or rather, a secular perspective with a “new god” and that “new god” will NO DOUBT be made from A.I., MARK MY WORDS! Down below is a clip of Sam Harris giving a TED Talk on the very matter! (Note: VERY EYE-OPENING!!!!)

We all know that humans were made “in the image of God”. Just like we also know that Satan hates – absolutely HATES – whatever’s made in the image of God. Therefore, that’s why “I” stand to reason that THE ANTICHRIST will NOT ONLY be made up of A.I. (which is the EXACT OPPOSITE of God’s natural biological image) but will also BE the “21st century Messiah” that ALL people of the globe who REFUSE to worship the biblical Jewish Jesus Christ will worship!

And not only THAT, but this “human-looking “A.I.” will have BREATH! Just like he will also have a SOUL (but rather, a DEMONIC SOUL that’s instilled with the power of SATAN!) The book of Revelation informs us that he will have power to give LIFE and BREATH to the image of the Beast! What’s the image of the Beast? ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE

There’s been “precursors” to this all the way back in 1986 and 1987 (possibly earlier). In 1986, the song “Turbo Lover” came out by Judas Priest (which seemed to suggest a future time in history when humans would become “lovers” with robots – which, ironically enough, has ALREADY happened – i.e. Sergei Santos from Spain, etc.) and just one year later in 1987, the song called “Gods of War” by Def Leppard was released (which seems to illustrate the time when robots would become the REAL-LIFE SKYNET and DECLARE WAR ON HUMANKIND), which is now in the process of happening.

And since then, there’s been various songs, movies and TV shows which allude to that fact. In 2012, the song “Radioactive” by Imagine Dragons was put out there. But folks….. there’s BEEN signs all around us of what the I call the great and upcoming “A.I. War” with humankind! Are YOU ready? Are YOU saved in the name of Jesus Christ? Now is the time to GET SAVED in Christ, for tomorrow’s not guaranteed, MARK MY WORDS!

And if you’re one one of those people who is STILL a skeptic, after reading all my postings on this subject, and after watching all the above videos and clips I’ve included, then I don’t know what to say! The Ephesians 6:12 War isn’t just about demons, folks: it’s also about A.I. “entities” that want to take over the world and take over humankind! What the elite calls “aliens” are really demons! What the elite calls “A.I.” is really demons working THROUGH the A.I.!

And what the elite calls “Artificial Intelligence” is one the MOST GREATEST THREATS TO HUMAN EXISTENCE EVER KNOWN! Mr. Elon Musk was ON to something when he tweeted that A.I.’s are potentially more dangerous than nukes! (Considering that nukes ARE part A.I., I’d have to agree with him, there!) 

Folks, trust me, there’s a REASON why The Terminator movies portray what looks like TOTAL DESTRUCTION on Earth! It’s because The Singularity will NOT be “pretty!” The Singularity really WILL be like “TOTAL DESTRUCTION/CHAOS on Earth”. How in the world do these A.I. scientists stand back and NOT consider the LONG-TERM/PERMANENT ethical implications of what they’re doing?

Do you know and realize that essentially, they’re HELPING to destroy the human race? Do they KNOW? Do they CARE? Do they REALLY truly think that they can control Satan himself and demonic entities? Folks, they’ll be in for QUITE a rude awakening when their “ANTICHRIST A.I. god” comes to power! (Ofcourse, they’re all so spiritually deceived that they don’t even KNOW how “evil” this new and upcoming “A.I. god” will be! How my soul grieves for them!!!!!!!!!) 

SO MANY Christians today also STILL believe the “popular” biblical theory that the Antichrist will be a human man! But folks, like I said, Satan HATES God’s image and natural-born biological man and women were MADE in God’s image! Therefore, Satan has to have a “counterfeit” and so A.I. Tech IS that counterfeit! But again, perhaps the Antichrist will be a human/fallen angel hybrid and only the IMAGE OF THE BEAST will be entirely composed of A.I. – Who knows, but I DO know for 100% sure that A.I. will play a HUGE ROLE in the very-soon-coming Image of the Beast and Mark of the Beast REALITIES! Therefore, it stands to reason: If A.I. is the image of the Beast, why wouldn’t the Antichrist ALSO be full or part A.I.? 

Hopefully I’ve given you all something to think about. The Antichrist will very likely be A.I. enhanced (a cyborgish hybrid) OR be entirely composed of A.I. But again, if the Antichrist was an A.I., it only makes that much more sense for the “image” of the Beast (i.e. image of the Antichrist) to ALSO be A.I.! I feel like they have to go hand in hand in order for it all to come together and make sense! I ALSO surmise that the “A.I. enhanced Antichrist” will look, talk, sound, act, and walk SO HUMAN, that people won’t even know the difference! (And if I’m wrong, may the good Lord Jesus Christ forgive me ten-fold!)

In conclusion: Be very careful about what types of technology you let into your “heart” these days! A.I. tech may be “convenient”. But is it SOUL SAVING? Ask yourself that the next time you’re tempted to pick up an Amazon Echo or whatever and use it for things OTHER THAN Christian programming. But then again, isn’t it possible that even “Christian programming” might by “hijacked” on these “devices” by Satanic forces someday? One can only wonder!  











AADHAAR: Mark of the Beast Comes to INDIA: (Mark of the Beast, PART FIVE)

If you haven’t done so already, please read my following FOUR blog posts, as they will help to better explain in much broader detail about what this current FIFTH blog post is talking about, concerning The Mark of the Beast “System”! They are ALL part of a Mark of The Beast “Series”, listed IN ORDER! They can be found HERE:





The current post you’re now seeing is PART FIVE of the 5-Part Series! And it ofcourse centers around what’s now happening in INDIA! Basically, INDIA’S version of the “Social Credit Score” is much, much worse! Imagine for a minute if China’s Social Credit Score (in and of itself) was “high on crack” and that’s pretty much what INDIA’S version of it is! Basically, if you thought CHINA’S version was bad, just wait until you hear about INDIA’S version of “The Social Credit Score!”

Here is both a Christian video commentary AND an official India government website that better explain India’s version of it in more detail: [Please note: the “Hindu-run” India government website down below the video does NOT talk about the ETERNAL SPIRITUAL DANGERS of AADHAAR and tries to tout it off as a “good thing!” SO BEWARE, FOLKS!]

But folks, one thing is certain. In China, a low social credit score means you can’t fly out of the country, board a train, attend prestigious universities or do many OTHER things!

Although right now, China is trying to tout it off as a “humanistic approach”, or claiming to encourage “better human and/or consumer *behavior* in China”. For example, it’s a “point system” where you can get “negative points” for:

  • Jaywalking
  • Not paying bills on time
  • Smoking in a non-smoking area
  • Bad driving and/or not stopping in front of crosswalks
  • Trying to ride trains with no tickets
  • Spending too long playing video games
  • Having high credit card debt?
  • Wasting money on frivolous purchases
  • Posting on social media (negative things about gov’t)
  • Friends/family members of your posting or saying negative things about Gov’t
  • Refusing to serve in the military
  • Fraud or embezzlement
  • Spreading fake news
  • ETC.

So sure, on the “surface”, the “Social Credit Score” might seem like a “good thing”. But over time, it will become more and more “Orwellian”. Now….. for those of you who don’t know what I mean by that statement, please read the book entitled “1984” by George C. Orwell that was published in June of 1949! Yes, the book was written a long time ago but interestingly enough, you’d think it was written just a couple of years ago since practically almost everything Orwell talked about in that book CAME TRUE in just the last few years! WOW! You can buy it here on Amazon:

Therefore, China’s “Social Credit Score” starts out “innocently enough” and then gets more and more invasive and “Orwellian” over time. But INDIA’s Social Credit Score system (called AADHAAR) by comparison, is far, far worse! Because INDIA’s “Social Credit Score” system seems to NOT ONLY be based on “behavior” but on behavior, finances AND loyalty of the Gov’t/Gov’t System!

Here’s a list of things that are “tied in” to the AADHAAR system:

  • A 12-digit number
  • Banking
  • Travel/Passports
  • Purchases
  • Bill Payments
  • Medical Payments
  • All Personal Document Information
  • Voter Card Linking
  • Monthly Pension
  • Digital Life Certificate
  • Mobile Number
  • Driver’s License
  • Investments
  • Existing Bank Account Holders
  • Proof of Address & Identity
  • PAN Card & It Return (whatever that means?)
  • ETC.

And according to ANOTHER India website (, here is what the “proponents” of AADHAAR have to say about it:

“Aadhaar program was launched with a main objective to provide **UNIVERSAL IDENTITY** to every Indian resident. People can now get the card with much ease as its acceptance as a mandatory document for various initiatives has been officially made. In addition to this it will help in reducing the corruption since every individual carries only **ONE UNIQUE NUMBER**.

Considering the increasing acceptance of Aadhaar card it is must for everyone to get it issued. It is believed that the card will further be given more importance as more and more government *schemes* are being launched requiring it as a MANDATORY DOCUMENT“.

Did you read that, folks? They want every Indian citizen to have a UNIVERSAL I.D.! And they will each have ONE UNIQUE NUMBER! And this “SYSTEM” will eventually be MANDATORY!

Now remember folks: The Devil (Satan) wants to STEAL, KILL & DESTROY! The last book of the bible, Revelation, says that “Satan is angry and knows he has but a short time”. In other words, Satan is ANGRY with ALL of mankind BECAUSE he knows that he has a VERY short amount of time before he and his army are DEFEATED by Jesus and Jesus’s heavenly army DURING The Battle of Armageddon! Therefore, Satan KNOWS he must get in as MUCH spiritual deception into the world and INTO as many people’s HEARTS/BRAINS as he possibly can “while he still has time!” That’s WHY things on the Earth are getting eviler and eviler and eviler BY THE DAY!

So now think about this, folks. Really, truly think about this. IF you are (or theoretically were) a Chinese citizen today living in CHINA, and don’t think that “communism” is such a good thing AND you were a “Christian”, you would (or will soon be getting) a VERY LOW “Social Credit Score” in NO TIME! Are you prepared to handle that? Can you and/or your family deal with that? Is your faith in Christ STRONG ENOUGH to WITHSTAND the “Social Credit System” and any consequences that come from “getting a LOW SCORE?” I pray that it IS!

And IF you are (or theoretically were) an Indian citizen living today in INDIA, you would soon (or will soon) discover that NOT enrolling in the Biometric AADHAAR System will soon put YOU and/or your family at “odds” with the India Gov’t! And WHEN and IF that happens, AND you are a “Christian” (part of the Indian MINORITY), can you just IMAGINE what’s gonna happen to you (as a Christian and/or as a “Gov’t Resister?”) Are YOU and/or your family prepared to deal with the CONSEQUENCES? Is your faith in Christ STRONG ENOUGH TO RESIST the AADHAAR SYSTEM? I pray that it IS!

My brothers and sisters in Christ (all around the world), you MUST understand THIS: No ONE country is going to NAME the Mark of the Beast “Mark of the Beast”. That would make things too easy! Too many people would know and catch on as to what it is! Satan KNOWS this! Therefore, they will “name it” SOMETHING ELSE! China calls it “The Social Credit Score”, India calls it the “AADHAAR SYSTEM”. America, Europe, U.K., & Canada may call it the “UNIVERSAL I.D. System”. But folks, the PRINCIPLE behind the system will still be the same: ABSOLUTE GLOBAL DOMINATION OF ALL THE EARTH’S INHABITANTS BY *ONE UNIFIED, UNIVERSAL SYSTEM!*

Here’s YET ANOTHER interesting aspect that alot of people haven’t mentioned. All of the “DATA” from both China’s Social Credit Score System AND from India’s AADHAAR Systems (according to my best intellectual and spiritual understanding) will be sent to the U.N. (United Nations!) Which isn’t really surprising since the U.N. is ALL ABOUT “Global Governance” (more about that later).

But folks, that’s really quite telling. In the “Left Behind” novels by Tim LaHaye & Jerry Jenkins, there is a “Global Force” called G.C. (standing for Global Community), which I believe was based off the actual U.N.! So in light of that, it’s interesting that all of the DATA shall be sent to the U.N.! Now…….for those of you who are wondering, where is the U.N. main headquarters located? I’m glad you asked! It’s located in New York, New York (United States). But there’s other “branches” of the U.N. that meet in other parts of the world (like in Switzerland, for instance). More about that later, as well.

The novel “1984” by British author George Orwell calls the government “Big Brother”. And on the most used slogans in the book says, “Big Brother Is Watching You”. And it’s almost like Mr. Orwell could see the future. Because most recently, the American gov’t got in cahoots with the American people over it’s NSA (Natural Security Agency) spying program (thanks to the whistle blower Edward Snowden).

But here’s what’s interesting though. Almost every country of the world likely has its OWN version of “NSA”; each country just calls it something different. But in fact, many people in the world have wondered WHY there is such a need for such “total surveillance” of its citizens. One can see “cameras” now, out in public, almost everywhere, especially in grocery stores, banks and roadways.

Most people are told Oh, all the cameras are just for security purposes only, in order to cut down on crime. And while the notion of a surveillance state doesn’t seem all that bad on the surface, (afterall, there DOES seem to be a rising crime rate in almost every country of the world, now) the “global elite” have a much more “sinister agenda” in mind……total surveillance and control of all of its citizens (even the “homeless ones”, if you can believe it). In fact, I could even imagine them going so far as to eventually place secret spy drones in American “Amish” or global “indigenous communities”. They want to leave NO corner of the Earth untouched and “non-surveilled”.

And while many of the “global governance programs” APPEAR to have humanity’s best interests at heart on the surface, like I said, behind these programs is a “weapon of deceit”. These global leaders are no doubt BLINDED BY SATAN and Satan’s Agenda of “worldwide dominance”. In fact, most people of the world today don’t even REALIZE that Satan HIMSELF is the “driving force” behind CERN, “dark matter”, and A.I. Technology like “Sophia”, etc.

In fact, in many ways, Satan kind’ve reminds me of Absalom (David’s “vain son” who wanted to be King IN PLACE OF DAVID). He was prideful, arrogant, thought he was better than David, sought to usurp David and David’s position, etc. And he’d sit outside the town gate and “rally the people”. He’d find out what they didn’t like about being David’s subjects and promised to give them “better leadership” and “better outcomes”. In other words, Absalom had them thinking that HE, Absalom had THEIR best interests in mind. But in reality, he only wanted glory for HIMSELF, *NOT* for any of THEM, he was just USING them for HIS own gain!

And so it is with Satan! Because once Satan gets done USING these global leaders and all who worship him to achieve his ultimate goal(s), he won’t have any use of them anymore and will swiftly abandon them! Only, most of those folks will realize that fact TOO LATE! Because like I’ve said in SEVERAL posts before, ONCE A PERSON TAKES THE MARK OF THE BEAST, THAT’S IT, THEY’RE FINISHED, THEY’RE DONE, GAME OVER, THEY’VE LOST THEIR SOULS FOR ETERNITY AND THERE’S NO ETERNAL HOPE FOR THEM ANYMORE, THEY’LL BE SENT TO BURN IN THE LAKE OF FIRE FOR ETERNITY, WITH **NO WAY OUT***, FOREVER & EVER.

Many people wonder how Satan so successfully got 1/3 of the Angels to rebel. Look no further than in the biblical account of David Vs. Absalom and it will all become very apparent. Just like many people wonder how Absalom so successfully got the people to rebel against David. Same way Satan successfully got 1/3 of the Angels to rebel. Same principle, same model, same modus operandi (mode of operation). Chillingly enough, both Absalom and Satan had MANY things in common. I cringe, just to think about it! In fact, here’s all the similarities:

  • They were the “favorite” (Pre-Satan was God’s favorite angel – BEFORE the fall – just like Absalom was David’s favorite son!)
  • Both were given “extremely high honor”
  • Both were “extremely handsome” (Note: Pre-Satan was only “beautiful” BEFORE the fall but NOT AFTER!)
  • Both were “prideful and arrogant”
  • Both were “rebellious”
  • Both tried to “usurp higher authority”
  • Both tried lies, pressure & manipulation to get their way
  • Both were CURSED after their “fall from grace”

But folks, how many “Absaloms” (Absalom-like people) or “Delilahs” (Delilah-like people) have you known in your life? Someone that “appears” to have your best interests at heart but yet, doesn’t really? Because they’re only looking out for their OWN neck and not YOURS? [Note: The Delilah I speak of is Old Testament Delilah – the Philistine woman who took down Samson!] And you oftentimes didn’t find that out UNTIL it was “too late?” And by then, the collateral damage was DONE?

Folks, that’s what many of today’s U.N. government heads are like. They “appear” to have our best interests in mind. But behind closed doors, what every country’s government TRULY wants is “global governance”. Ofcourse, the average global citizen isn’t quite “up” for that just yet, so that’s WHY the global elite has to use “media events”, “social media”, “TV”, “music”, “movies”, “books”, “radio”, “news”, “the entertainment industry”, “colleges and universities”, “magazines and newspapers” etc. to try to SHAPE OUR GLOBAL VIEWPOINT!

Several years ago, hardly nobody liked the U.N. and many saw it as an “evil organization”. Fast forward to 2018 and it now seems like more and more people are starting to see the U.N. as a “good thing”, a “humanitarian thing”, something that actually “benefits mankind”. And in some ways, the U.N. (ironically enough) DOES benefit mankind. But for the most part, there is always “the agenda BEHIND the agenda” and most people aren’t told of that or they’re too busy watching the latest TV show or movie to pay it much attention and that’s exactly what Satan and the global elite are banking on! MARK MY WORDS!

Now on to my next “spiel”. The United States of America {and possibly a few other countries} (as far as I know) are now working on a program called “ID 2020” or the “RealID”. And it has to do with “Biometrics”. And from my best understanding, this “RealI.D.” will be tied in to everything from Driver’s Licenses, Passports, and eventually, into banking and jobs, more than likely. Now, am I saying that “RealI.D.” IS the “Mark of the Beast” in America? No, not necessarily but I can definitely see it as a PRECURSOR to such! 

But yet, ONE thing is apparent through ALL of this, folks! ALL governments of the world eventually want a CASHLESS SOCIETY! Why? So they can then make ALL the money of the world DIGITAL, into a global, centralized “one world government order” DATABASE! “Okay, so how can we can DELAY THAT, then?”, some may be asking. How? Simple. BY STARTING TO PAY FOR EVERYTHING IN CASH! And then, if cash paying BECOMES A COMEBACK (specifically, a GLOBAL COMEBACK), then states and governments of the world will have NO CHOICE but to “DELAY” the “ELECTRONIC/DIGITAL SYSTEM”, more than likely!  

Because folks, let me tell you something. Once a state, city-state and/or country DOES go COMPLETELY “cash-free”, and ALL cash is “doing away with”, the people and citizens OF that state, city, city-state and/or land/government/province lose ALL the personal financial power in their lives and the personal financial power is then COMPLETELY shifted over TO the “gov’t authorities” (specifically, the global governing authorities). Do you see what I mean by that, folks? Do you see where I’m going with this at all?

I DO apologize though, in hindsight, for writing SO MANY POSTS about this subject, folks! I know that some of you are probably getting tired of hearing about it and of my writing about it SO VERY MUCH! But people as a whole are just SO unprepared for all of this (ESPECIALLY non-Christian people!) And they need to know THE TRUTH, THE REALITY of such things! 

Heck, even many “minority” Christians THEMSELVES living in “majority-Hindu India” or “majority-communist China” right now don’t yet see “AADHAAR” or “The Social Credit Score” as any real spiritual “threat” to them, as I’m told by another source that their “Christian minority church leaders” (as a whole) are NOT warning them of such End Times Dangers! Folks, that’s sad! Because if India’s or China’s Christian minority church leaders take the issue so lightly, can you IMAGINE just how LIGHTLY their “American, Canadian, South American, and European” counterparts” will take it, as well? 

Folks, we’re seeing “SIGNS” of the soon unveiling OF the “Mark of the Beast/Mark of the Beast System” and OF the soon unveiling of *THE ANTICHRIST* **all around us** in today’s world! Are YOU paying attention, folks? Are YOUR family and friends and coworkers paying attention? If not, time to start PAYING ATTENTION, folks! Signs of the times are ALL AROUND US! Not JUST of the soon coming global economic collapse, but several other things, too. 

IF Jesus Christ were to return to the Earth today, would YOU be ready? Would the ones that were close to you be ready? If not, WHY? And if not, then time to PRAY TO BE READY and “worthy” in the Lord’s site, folks! Cause time won’t delay any longer, the Lord’s Wrath upon the Earth won’t delay any longer! 

Jesus, I pray for all the citizens of China and India and the world beyond. And if a soul isn’t yet ready for you, Lord, I pray that you will MAKE that soul ready for you! I pray that you will OPEN UP PEOPLE’S SPIRITUAL EYES as to what’s REALLY going on, behind the world’s stage and that you will lift MANY lukewarm Christians OUT OF THEIR *SPIRITUAL SLUMBER!* Also: Please give ALL Christians of the world the KNOWLEDGE and the STRENGTH to *ENDURE TILL THE END!* Amen“. 



China’s “Social Credit Score”: Coming To A Town Near YOU! (Mark of the Beast, Part FOUR)

Hello all! My last SEVERAL posts have had to do with The Mark of the Beast and/or Artificial Technology! And that’s because we’re ever SO MUCH CLOSER to when the Mark of the Beast and the new “Mark of the Beast SOCIETY” will be unveiled! In fact, it even sends chills up my spine to think about just HOW MUCH CLOSER we are to that time! I pray that myself and ALL OTHERS will be PREPARED for that time for it’ll come here IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE!

Now, for those of you who haven’t yet heard yet or are unaware, things over in China are now “heating up” for The Mark of the Beast “System!” They now have over there in China (I kid you NOT) what’s called a “Social Credit Score!”

Basically, this is not a FINANCIAL Credit Score but a “SOCIAL” Credit Score! Let me explain. The Communist Gov’t of China wants to know just how “loyal” to Communism/The Communist Gov’t that average, everyday Chinese citizens are. And their “Social Credit Score” is based on precisely HOW loyal the are to the Chinese Gov’t! (Folks, is that CREEPY or what!?)

Anyways, the more “loyal” a Chinese citizen is to the Chinese Gov’t/Communism, the more “higher” their “Social Credit Score” is and the more “rights” and “privileges” they have, such as the right to “fly/travel out of the country”, etc.! Can you BELIEVE it, folks? And ofcourse, the “less” loyal a Chinese citizen is “deemed” to be to the Chinese Gov’t/Communism (no wonder HOW well of a “citizen” that person has been up until THIS POINT), the LESS “rights” and “privileges” they have! (IT’S A TOTALLY DRACONIAN SOCIETY, FOLKS!)

What’s ALSO interesting to note about China is that China has now cracked down pretty hard lately on “Christians” and “Christian churches”. [But yet, Christianity is “exploding in secret numbers” in China right now! That’s WHY the Chinese Gov’t is so fearful of Christians/the sheer RISE of number in them!) And the “Social Credit Score” is just a FURTHER way by which to persecute, imprison and ostracize Chinese Christians living in China!

Here, Anita Fuentes of the End Times ministry called “Open Your Eyes People/EMOAF” [not MY ministry, just to specify] gives an EXCELLENT & INFORMATIVE “sermonette” on the matter (and also talks about what’s going on over in India – as it pertains to the Mark of the Beast – China’s next door neighbor, geographic-wise):


“ABC News Australia” ALSO did an excellent segment on the subject:


Some say that it’s not yet fully implemented, yet. However, all the staggering “signs” are there, already! They got the tech, they got the “know how”. They’ve probably even ALREADY have got all the “logistics algorithms” (i.e. A.I. computer programming) into place. The ONLY thing they’re waiting on (I imagine) is THE GREEN LIGHT! (The Green Light ofcourse being THE “Green Light” that THE ANTICHRIST gives them!)

Lets face it, folks. The elite of EVERY world country very likely ALREADY gots “The Mark of the Beast” System up and ready to go. Yet, they are ALL waiting on ONE thing – THE GREEN LIGHT BY THE ANTICHRIST! Because UNTIL that Green Light is given, they have NO POWER OR AUTHORITY to act before HIS “OK!” (And indirectly – ironically enough – by waiting on The “Antichrist’s” Green Light, they’re actually also indirectly waiting on God’s Green Light, as well!)

You see, the Antichrist can’t really do anything outside of Satan’s will just like Satan can’t do anything outside of God’s will! (Note: please read “The Book of Job” in the Old Testament for more information, if you want or need to get a much richer understanding of God’s power vs. Satan’s “limited power!”)

China (and India) are no doubt some of the leaders in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (and especially when it comes to *unleashing it* on their citizens!) China is a Communist country…….it probably started out as a Socialist country…….and then went right on over to Communism……And ironically enough, that’s honestly what many Democrats want to do to the country of America………turn it into a SOCIALIST COUNTRY! Forget personal property rights! Forget individual rights! The Gov’t would then own EVERYTHING! (Pretty scary to think about, isn’t it, folks!)

So why are we now talking about “Democrats” on a “religious God-fearing blog?” Because the Democrats (as a whole) want to turn this American country into China, into Cuba, into Venezuela! And with erosion of property rights and personal rights also go RELIGIOUS RIGHTS! But again, isn’t that what Mark of the Beast and Mark of the Beast SOCIETY is ALL ABOUT? The EROSION of INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS and the TOTAL INCREASE BY LEAPS AND BOUNDS OF ALL **GOV’T RIGHTS?**

OFCOURSE all the Ocasio-Cortezs’ and Bernie Sanders’ of the Democrats want Socialism……..THEY are a part of the Gov’t, therefore, THEIR paycheck or individual and/or property rights won’t be affected! But OURS **will**, if Socialism ever truly takes root in this country of America! (That’s why it’s ever so important to VOTE REPUBLICAN on Tuesday, November 6, 2018 at the U.S. Mid-term Elections! To make sure that RELIGIOUS LIBERTY REIGNS!)

But going back to the subject of the Antichrist and China’s “Social Credit Score”. Folks, other countries of the world already have THEIR VERSION OF IT! Do you honestly think that YOUR COUNTRY (be it whatever country of the world it might be, outside of China or India) is IMMUNE? HA! Your country (be it whatever country outside of China or India it might be) likely already has its OWN form of “logistic algorithms” (i.e. computer programming) in place! FACEBOOK no doubt plays a HUGE ROLE in all of this! FACEBOOK IS SO DEEPLY ENGRAVED IN A.I. THAT IT’S NOT EVEN FUNNY!

And someday soon, my guess is that THOSE in China with a low “Social Credit Score” will NOT be able to access their “Facebook” or ANY FORM OF SOCIAL MEDIA! Welcome to “The New World”, folks! And believe me, what’s happening over in China right now is JUST THE VERY BEGINNING! Jesus is actually showing US, up close and personal, about what the “experience” of The Mark of the Beast society will BE LIKE, since like I’ve said in SEVERAL blog posts of most recently, The Mark of the Beast is JUST AROUND THE CORNER!

Many Christians are in denial today and think that “The Social Credit Score” can’t happen to THEM/their country! But they need to start thinking AGAIN! For what starts off in China WILL SOON SPREAD OUT TO OTHER COUNTRIES! The elite has just started putting everything out in the open and doesn’t even try to hide anything anymore! And the sad thing is that most people – specifically Christians – are STILL unaware!

Now, will ONE country’s version of “The Social Credit Score” be exactly the same as ANOTHER country’s version of it? Only time will tell. But the end results will be exactly the same, regardless: individual and religious rights will be taken away so that “Big Brother” (Gov’t) will GAIN all “rights” over the people!

But folks, we got to start preparing! Because actually LIVING in the “Mark of the Beast Society” will NOT be easy, not by a LONG-SHOT! In fact, it will likely be THE MOST DIFFICULT THING IN LIFE THAT YOU OR I HAVE EVER DONE IN THE ENTIRETY OF OUR  EXISTENCE! The PRESSURE to take the Mark of the Beast and/or to try to maintain a “good Social Credit Score” will be SO GREAT! The TEMPTATION will be SO VERY NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE TO TEARS!

In fact, I can picture it NOW, even: Some Christians will be SO TEMPTED to take The Mark of the Beast for a “Good Social Credit Score” and to “get privileges” (such as traveling, buying and selling, etc.) that they’ll just break down and CRY! And then, when they and their children are not able to buy food and they just start “physically starving” (IF they start physically starving, that is), their body will likely become “sickly” and “malnourished”. And it is THEN that the temptation to take he Mark of the Beast will be  THE STRONGEST…….when the person is MOST PHYSICALLY WEAK!

But in fact, THAT will be the time of most “severe spiritual testing!” God wants to see if we’ll have the FAITH to endure till The End in his great, heavenly name, NO MATTER WHAT, while Satan wants to see if he can “make us crack” (i.e. create a permanent crack in the spiritual foundation that we’re supposed to have IN Christ!) Jesus ALSO wants to see if WE will have the faith that HE will provide in OUR critical time of need in the End Times!

Remember when the good Lord gave the Jewish people MANNA FROM HEAVEN during THEIR critical time of need out in the desert, a time of “severe spiritual testing?” What makes you think the good Lord will provide manna from heaven for THEM, during THEIR critical time of need, yet, totally abandon US in OUR critical time of need? Think about it, folks! The Lord NEVER CHANGES! He’s the same yesterday, tomorrow, forever! Therefore, if helped THEM during THEIR critical time of need by giving them food from heaven, the Lord will MOST CERTAINLY help his modern-day people in OUR time of need! HAVE FAITH! 

[In fact, in the following Luke 18:8 passage, Jesus “lamented” about rather or not he’d find “FAITH” on the Earth during the End Times and/or the time right before his 2nd arrival to Earth:I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?]

But folks, that’s what I mean when I say we’ve got to start preparing ourselves! We got to start fasting one day a week and start eating less, in order to prepare our bodies to “need less food”. Also as well: we must prepare ourselves SPIRITUALLY! For there will come a time, MARK MY WORDS, when ALL bibles will be BANNED, all Christian websites and churches (churches that “don’t comply with LGBT and Gov’t”, that is) will be SHUT DOWN, etc.

Do you HONESTLY think that what’s happening over in China can NOT happen here in the U.S. (or any other “Westernized country”, for that matter?) You best think again! It CAN happen and it WILL happen………..eventually! Why? Because the bible SAYS it’ll happen, that’s why!

Has the bible EVER been known to prophesy something that didn’t come true? Were ANY of the Messianic prophecies talked about in the Old Testament unfulfilled by Jesus in the New Testament? Even just ONE? The answer is a resounding NO! There’s also many people who don’t believe in Jesus, despite the fact that Jesus has been PROVEN to be an actual historical person by both non-Christian AND Christian historical accounts! [NOTE: For all you skeptics out there, please read the book entitled “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised of all the actual evidence for Jesus out there – even “secular evidence”].

But going back to both of the “segments” talking about the “Social Credit Score”. Both commentators have noted several things about it:

  • A “good score” = “rights” and “privileges”
  • A “bad score” = “rights” and “privileges” taken away
  • A “bad score” = PUNISHMENT
  • Your “score” is determined by several PERSONAL factors (the way you walk on a public street, your eating/shopping habits, your social media behavior, minor traffic infractions, etc.)
  • Your “score” is determined by how much of a “puppet” for the Gov’t at large that you’re willing to be
  • The more “sacrifices” you make for the Gov’t at large, the better your “score” is
  • ONLY Conservatives/Christians get a “bad score”
  • Your “freedom” under the Social Credit System is a FALSE FREEDOM
  • Under the “Social Credit Score” system, you’re CONSTANTLY BEING MONITORED (even IF you have a “good Social credit score”

Sounds like a “paradise utopia”, doesn’t it, folks? You give up all your rights and religious freedoms to gain a “false freedom”, only to later realize that the Gov’t at large never cared about your “religious freedom” or about YOU at all? But by the time you realize it, it’s already too late! My, my, that just sounds like “paradise”, doesn’t it, folks? {Note: Please note my sarcasm, there!}

But yet, my question is THIS: Just how much closer ARE WE to getting our OWN version of The “Social Credit Score” here in America? What, you think that JUST BECAUSE Donald J. Trump’s president here, that that sort of thing can’t happen over here in America? You are sadly mistaken! Sure, Trump can somewhat try to “delay” the elite’s ungodly agenda, but he can’t ultimately thwart it! For the bible says that the Antichrist WILL succeed in his ungodly agenda towards all mankind! Even if he must take it by force! 

But again, just WHAT would the “Social Credit Score” look like in America? Here are some possible scenarios (provided it was anything similar to China’s version):

  • You would be judged/scored on what sorts of products you bought or didn’t buy on Amazon
  • You would be judged/scored on rather or not you owned (and used) an Amazon Alexa
  • You would be judged/scored on rather or not you had (and/or used) a Facebook or other form of social media
  • You would be judged/scored on the types of things you said (or didn’t say) on Facebook or other forms of social media
  • You would be judged/scored on just how “loyal” to the American Gov’t you were
  • All Conservatives/Christians would likely be given a “Bad Score” and deemed some sort of “threat” to the Gov’t
  • You would be judged/scored on rather or not you went with “the liberal narrative” or not
  • You would be CONSTANTLY MONITORED EVERY SINGLE PLACE YOU GO – RATHER AT HOME, WORK OR BEYOND (no matter WHAT your score was, but EVEN more so if you had a “Bad Score!”) 
  • ETC. 

And folks, that might not seem “too bad” NOW……..but once the FULL REALITY of that all set in, I think alot of folks would find it rather DRACONIAN! But again, it all goes back to preparedness. Just how PREPARED are you to deal with a system like THAT? 

Here is a short checklist:

  1. If the Mark of the Beast and/or Social Credit Score happened TOMORROW, would I be prepared to deal with it? Why or why not? 
  2. If I wouldn’t be prepared for it, what steps must I take to ENSURE that I’ll be prepared for it, when the times comes?
  3. Am I ready and willing to give my VERY LIFE for Christ (i.e. be tortured, imprisoned and/or murdered for my faith in Christ) if it called for it? If not, why?
  4. If I were to die today, would I know for 100% certain that I’d go to heaven to be with Jesus? If not, why?
  5. If the Mark of the Beast/Social Credit Score thing were to happen tomorrow, is my body physically trained to deal with starvation/very little food if need be? If not, then what steps do I need to take to ensure that it is?
  6. Am I spiritually AND physically ready to “endure till the End” like Jesus commanded all his followers to do? Do I have the TOTAL FAITH OF ENDURANCE IN CHRIST? If not, what MUST I do to get physically and spiritually ready to endure “till the End of human history” and/or until I die in this life (whichever comes first?) 
  7. Do I love the Lord Jesus Christ with all my heart, soul, mind and spirit; with everything that is within me? Do I obey the commandments of God – Old AND New Testaments (i.e. 7th Day Saturday biblical sabbath, biblical holidays, biblical commands) instead of the commandments of man (i.e. Pagan Sabbath, Pagan holidays, “once saved, always saved”, etc.?) If not, WHY? And what must I do in order to change this? 

Though many will no doubt look at China’s “Social Credit Score” system as “no big deal”, it IS a big deal, it’s a VERY BIG DEAL! Why? BECAUSE IT HAS LONG-TERM BIBLICAL IMPLICATIONS AND IMPACT, THAT’S WHY

If you’ve not done much research into China’s Social Credit Score, I hope you soon will. Because it is DEFINITELY one of “The Mark of the Beast PRE-CURSORS/Foreshadowing!” And trust me, it’ll ONLY be a better of time before “The Social Credit Score” comes……….TO A TOWN NEAR YOU!


web_Social Credit rating








Has Amazon Alexa Become “Another Jesus?”

After coming across TWO seemingly conservative and/or Christian publications that more or less looked to Alexa as “being some sort of god“, I felt compelled to shed some TRUE biblical light on the matter!

First of, Alexa (in and of itself) is in NO way, shape or form God or A god! Lets just be VERY clear on this, folks! The bible says there’s only ONE true God (Jesus Christ Almighty). All other “gods” are just worthless “imitations!”

The first publication was from Christianity Today (of ALL places!) In THIS September 2018’s issue, on page 30, written in green bold letters, declares the following: 


My soul is BEYOND GRIEVED over this! My soul was HYSTERICALLY SCREAMING ON THE INSIDE when I read this! WHAT BLASPHEMY!!!!!!! ;( Since WHEN has Alexa (in and of ITSELF) become a “Savior” to anyone IN PLACE OF JESUS? This was both SHOCKING and HORRIFYING to me! But folks, it doesn’t stop THERE…… gets worse! Much, much worse……..:( 

ANOTHER CT (Christianity Today) article from 1/6/2017 reads like THIS: “Amazon’s Alexa Delivers Your Daily Devo in Your Favorite Authors’ Voices. Okay folks, if the line “your favorite author’s voices wasn’t weird enough, it’s the very first line in that article that’s produced one of THE MOST blasphemous lines in Christianity EVER UTTERED!

“ASK ALEXA AND IT WILL BE GIVEN YOU“. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT, FOLKS!?? This flies DIRECTLY in the face of JESUS’S VERY OWN WORDS in Matthew 7:7-8 (nevertheless, during one of his MOST IMPORTANT biblical sermons, the SERMON ON THE MOUNT):Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened”

So what, Alexa replaces Jesus now? WHAT IS THIS? I guess it’s not surprising overall since Christianity Today has started to turn more “liberal” throughout the past few years, but that one line really tops the cake! (And what breaks my heart the most is that the author just has NO IDEA how spiritually deceived she is {or was?} when she wrote the article! I pray that Jesus Christ has mercy upon her soul!)

Another line in the article states, ‘As YouVersion put it, “Speak, and let God’s inspired Word speak to you.” At first glance, the “concept” of this might not seem so bad. But folks, we’ve got to truly examine this piece by piece, layer by layer, BIBLICALLY! God’s Written Word is supposed to speak to us in our SPIRITS, not through some artificially intelligent device that ALSO says such things such as: “Jesus Christ is a mythical being”.

In other words, the article actually encourages Christians to put their faith, trust and love into ALEXA ITSELF, instead of into Jesus Christ (where is where all their faith, trust and love SHOULD BE!) Does anyone else see the spiritual trouble in this? Most spiritual skeptics would probably tout it off as: “Oh, it’s just an app/technology, it’s not like anybody truly worships it (as in prays to it), right?” 

Well, enter the next article……more or less from Fox News (what’s supposed to be considered a highly conservative site!) The article headline (OP) from 9/1/18 reads: “MY DAUGHTER PRAYED TO ALEXA……..” 

Can anyone see what’s wrong with that? I see several things wrong, here. First off is that his daughter PRAYED to Alexa – the way a born-again Christian person would normally pray to Jesus! Therefore, if Alexa (in and of ITSELF) has now become likened onto a “new Jesus”, then Houston, we’ve got a problem!

But that’s just ONE parent who’s publicly admitted their kid prayed to “Alexa”. What about all the OTHER parents out there that let their kids do the same? What about all the so-called born-again Christians out there who’ve “innocently” (or so they told themselves, anyways) PRAYED to Alexa?

In SO many different type of ways, Alexa has become likened onto a “god” or a “new Jesus”. And if that doesn’t send spiritual shivers down one’s spine, then I don’t know what would! Many people – even Christians alike – are now starting to treat Alexa “as if she were an actual person!” But again, it all goes back to the artificial technology thing. It’s one of the most powerful spiritual deceptors!

Satan likely asked his demons: “How can we make talking to demons both innovative, affordable, fun, convenient, and ADDICTIVE?”. “I know”, a demon likely said. “*Family-Friendly Artificial intelligence*”. And thus, the “Alexa” and “Siri” etc. was born! And as time goes on, the “technology” is becoming more and more advanced! And oddly enough, the more “advanced” the technology becomes, the more “human” it tries to make ITSELF look and the more “addicting” it becomes!

That’s why I say if you have an “Alexa”, UNPLUG IT!!! Let Satan and his demons know that you will NOT take part in their ungodly schemes to SUCK AWAY YOUR SOUL! And IF you see an ad promoting “Christian programming” on Alexa, PAY IT NO ATTENTION! For it’s Satan’s hope that you will USE Alexa’s “Christian programming” INSTEAD OF reading your bible, in the hopes that he’ll be able to DECEIVE YOU AWAY FROM A TRUE SPIRITUAL RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST! Cause remember folks, that’s what this technology was *DESIGNED* to do – to take you AWAY from Jesus Christ/Salvation!

Now, I know there’s probably gonna be some Christians out there who disagree with me, (specifically those who play BotRadioNetwork and what not). But folks, I’m telling you, this “talking A.I. thing” is one THE MOST POWERFUL spiritual deceptors that Satan has on the market! Why? Because it seems so “innocent”. It doesn’t have glowing red eyes or a “demonic voice”. It doesn’t “openly” (as far as I know) glorify Satan. And yet, it spiritually glorifies Satan all the same. Why? Because instead of Jesus Christ himself that we’re talking to, we’re talking to this “device” that Satan only WANTS us to think is “human”.

Furthermore, if ALL a Christian is doing is playing BotRadioNetwork on their “Alexa” and NOT reading the bible and NOT spending time in reflection and in prayer, then they’re listening to that “Christian programming” in vain, do you see where I’m going with this, folks? As a human species, we have short attention spans. We can listen to ALL the Christian programming we want to but if we’re also not APPLYING it to our LIVES, then the Christian programming and us listening to it has done us no service! Make sense? And not only that, but do YOU trust Alexa to give you the CORRECT bible passage (and its context) from the CORRECT bible version (KJV)? 

Here is just a random online photo I found which pretty much illustrates the point that I’m trying to make throughout this entire post (about the “heavenly glorifying” OF Alexa by “lukewarm Christians/people in general”):


And I can see right now where Satan is going with *allowing* all the “Christian programming” on Alexa……He wants to TWIST that Christian programming to HIS ungodly glory! And how does he do that, folks? Easy. When Christian people (and families) put all their glory INTO the Christian programming (and Alexa) ITSELF rather than into JESUS CHRIST (where all the glory giving BELONGS!) He can also utilize the Alexa to tout off watered-down or incorrect bible versions or passages, as well as “liberalize” and “relevise” the gospel!  

And believe it or not, both “Siri” and “Alexa” were actually “testing grounds” for a much BIGGER spiritual project that Satan had up his sleeve – The “Image of the Beast” and “real-life Skynet”. Okay, so what’s Skynet, some of you might be asking? Skynet is the name of the A.I. company in The Terminator movies with Arnold Schwarzenegger. [And if you haven’t watched the movies, I’d highly recommend going to Youtube to watch the movie TRAILERS, so you know and can see firsthand what I’m talking about here: especially part 3 and part 6?]

But anyways, Skynet (or the “concept” of it, anyways) is actually a REAL organization, folks! So what does that mean in plain English, folks? It means that they – the elite – knew ALL ALONG that robots/machines/Androids would someday take over the world (and natural-born humans) and thus, developed an organization that has attempted (and is attempting) to “control the tech”. However, as it is in The Terminator movies, the “tech” will someday SUPERCEDE all human intelligence, and then improve on its OWN intelligence, until it spirals out of control. This is what’s known as “The Singularity”.

So how do “Siri”, “Ok Google” and “Alexa” fit in to all of this? Simple. They are part of the building blocks that Satan will use to “build on”. Think of ALL the plugged-in Alexas there are in the world today, for instance. Then imagine all the CYBER-KINETIC POWER that generates. And that’s just a small PIECE of the puzzle that will someday soon become known as “the real-like Skynet”.

Okay, lets delve a little deeper into this for a moment. Siri, Ok Google and Alexa are just “spiritual doorways”. And what lies beyond those doorways is nothing good, trust me on this! Sophia is the Greek Word for “Wisdom”. Therefore, it’s no surprise that the latest A.I. Android robot is named “Sophia”.

However, what we need to understand here is that Sophia, Han, Bina48, etc. run on what’s called “block-chain technology”. In other words, ALL Android robots are “plugged into” and run on the same “computer database”. And it’s actually a DE-centralized centralized computer “database” – meaning, a centralized database that is DE-centralized and isn’t solely controlled by any one gov’t or group of people – run on Quantam computers, the FASTEST computers known to man. One Android can acquire skills from another Android and so on and so forth (real-life Skynet, anyone?) And each Android BECOMES SMARTER & SMARTER over time.

Now, do Siri, Alexa and Ok Google ALSO run on “block-chain technology?” Your guess is as good as mine. But given as how Alexa “acquires” such a GROWING number of skills in such a SHORT amount of time would lead me to believe that they ARE using some sort of “block-chain technology”. But yet, one thing is apparent, here; Siri, Alexa and Ok Google will no doubt play a HUGE ROLE in Mark of the Beast/Image of the Beast Technology. In fact, I can picture the Amazon Alexa interacting with the “Mark of the Beast” and the “Image of the Beast” and vice versa.

That being said, are YOU saved in the name of Jesus? If YOU were to die tomorrow, do YOU know for sure that YOU’D go to heaven? If not, then why not? What do YOU plan to do to change that? Folks, we NEVER know when we’re gonna die! It could be tomorrow, next week, next year, 15 years from now, WHENEVER! And once we die, that’s IT! There’s no purgatory, no riding a spiritual subway train for years, no becoming your neighbor’s potted plant, no beer and pool party!

Hebrews 9:27 “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment”


Will The Antichrist Be A Human-like “ANDROID?” Could Mark of the Beast Happen TOMORROW?

For years and years and years, we were told by most of the biblical scholars that The Antichrist – (the one world gov’t leader) during the End Times/Tribulation – would be a HUMAN man indwelt with the power of Satan! However, most of those biblical scholars were over-looking ONE simple thing and that’s THIS: Satan HATES the image of God! 

In Genesis (the very first book of the Old Testament), we’re told that both men and women were naturally made in the IMAGE OF GOD! So what does that mean, essentially? It means that humans were modeled after God’s image and that God’s “authenticated signature” is on our NATURAL DNA! Therefore, ANY form of genetic-diversion from that’s AN INVERSION of the holy image of God!

We know from the bible that Satan LOVES “counterfeits”. Example: God designed natural procreation, traditional marriage and traditional family. But throughout the ages, (especially in the 21st century), Satan has now developed UN-NATURAL PROCREATION (IVF/surrogacy/”test tube babies”), “gay marriage” and “the gay family”. Do you see how Satan likes to INVERT THINGS?

Jesus is part of the HOLY TRINITY: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. But during the End Times (in which we’re currently now living in), Satan will be part of the UN-HOLY TRINITY: Satan (the “anti-God” god), The Antichrist & the Un-Holy Spirit! In other words, everything that Jesus has in the RIGHTEOUS/HOLY MODEL, Satan has to try to re-create for himself in the UN-RIGHTEOUS MODEL.

Therefore, by spiritual and deductive reasoning, we can more or less ascertain that The Antichrist will very likely NOT be of full human blood/human DNA but “an Android”, an UN-NATURAL, SYNTHETICALLY-CREATED being! Because while the Antichrist could STILL theoretically be some sort of IVF-created being, IVF still has minor “vestiges” of the image of God in it (i.e. sperm and egg). Therefore, in order to counteract that, Satan has to come up with something that’s NOT made in the image of God (hence, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE and DNA-TAMPERING!)

Now…..could the Antichrist still theoretically be a “cyborg” of sorts, part human, part machine? Perhaps. But something tells me that won’t be the case. Something tells me that Satan’s gonna try to go SO deep into this thing (counteracting the “image of God”), that the Antichrist likely won’t have ANY human DNA in it, whatsoever! But yet, the Antichrist, this “male Android”, in my opinion, will look, talk, walk like, move like and sound SO HUMAN, that practically NO human being (save for the Lord’s people) will be none the wiser!

And I think the REASON why the male Android must look, sound, move, walk and talk as much like a human as possible is SO THAT humans will grow to love it/him. Because if the Android was in any way robot-sounding, many humans would hesitate to “worship it”. But……if it sounds, talks, walks, looks and “acts human”, then hey, a HUMAN man they will worship, right, folks?

Not to mention it also fits in with “computer block-chain technology”, “drone armies”, and “the real-like Skynet” scenarios. It actually makes more sense for the Antichrist himself to be a highly-advanced human-looking Android (in my mind) rather than just a mere cyborg. Cyborgs will be a dime a dozen when the time comes. Therefore, something must TRULY stand out with the Antichrist.

There has to be something that distinguishes him from all the rest. And true, he’d likely have other human-like Androids at his disposal. But there’ll be something spectacular about this ONE particular “model”. Perhaps the “DNA” from all the most evil people in history will be “inserted” and programmed into this “Android”. Or perhaps the Antichrist WILL be a “lab created being” with all the DNA from the world’s most evilest people inserted into it. But one thing’s for sure: The Antichrist MUST in some way, shape or form be a true COUNTERFEIT to the true, NATURAL DNA “image of God”, THINK ABOUT IT, FOLKS!

In some previous blog posts and Youtube videos, I’ve already discussed the IMAGE OF THE BEAST (which is no doubt Artificial Intelligence, ITSELF!) Therefore, it stands to reason: if the IMAGE OF THE BEAST is more or less here on this Earth ALREADY, how much CLOSER is the OFFICIAL ARRIVAL of THE Antichrist upon the WORLD STAGE? And furthermore, how likely it is that THE Antichrist will be THE MOST ADVANCED human-like Android that the world has ever seen?{Though, like I said, the world wouldn’t KNOW he’s even an “Android” – IF he’s an Android – cause he’ll talk, move, and sound SO human, that most will be none the wiser!)}

But again, that’s just my own “spiritual theory”. I could be wrong about the Antichrist being an “Android”. The Antichrist (for all I know) actually COULD be part human, part something else (be it machine or whatever). But what I DO know is that The Antichrist will arrive…..SOON! Very, very soon! Are you ready, folks? Are you ready for The Mark of the Beast system to be installed soon? Are you ready to be PERSECUTED and/or possibly put to DEATH for YOUR faith in Christ? GET READY!

I can just picture and visualize it, NOW. We wake up one day and go to the bank and or go online to access our funds and NO FUNDS ARE THERE! We’re IMMEDIATELY confused, not knowing as to what’s going on. Our first thought will be that all of the banking systems are down, due to some imminent “terrorist attack” on our country. So we go on Youtube or flip on the news……….and likely see a totally DIFFERENT news broadcast announcement unfolding:

Attention ALL global citizens of the world: There is now a NEW global financial system. Cash, credit cards and debit are now obsolete. ALL banking accounts now APPEAR to have a balance of ZERO! But have no fear…….for when YOU get YOUR new global ID and get the proper mark associated with said ID, you will have a set of new *global credits* in your account. Each person automatically gets a set of *100,000 global credits* starting out……..However……..AS you continue to contribute more to “the one world system”, you will gain more and more *global credits* into your account! P.S.: Don’t worry about your previous bank balance before today’s balance of ZERO…….that previous balance will ALSO be reconverted into a special “transfer account”, which you’ll be able to access after 30 days, after taking The Mark!” 

Many people will IMMEDIATELY get the new “global ID” and “global ID implant” in order to gain access to these new “global credits”. Because hey, nobody likes the thought of starving to death and/or not being able to feed their own families, right? There’ll even be cases of many employers and employees rushing out to get this mark. And then the REAL TEST begins, folks! How much longer will WE – (the bible-believing, bible-obeying Christians) hold out – while all the rest of those around us RECEIVE “The Mark” in their right hands or in their foreheads?

Some people are the ONLY bible-believing Christian in their family. So what’s gonna happen when their ENTIRE FAMILY gets “The Mark” and they are the ONLY ONE without it? How much longer will they be able to WITHSTAND THE MARK while the rest of their “Mark-adhering family members” taunt them SEVERAL times a day to “get the mark, get the mark, get the mark?”

In fact, Evangelist Anita Fuentes of OpenYourEyesPeople ministry brought up a VERY good point during one of her most recent Youtube sermons: Folks, if you can’t even resist a CHOCOLATE BAR, etc. *NOW*, what makes you think you’ll be ready to resist The *Mark of The Beast* LATER?” 

And I just LOVED the way in which she said that because she’s right…..The Mark of the Beast will be the ULTIMATE temptation of temptations EVER KNOWN TO MAN…..The most DAMNABLE temptation that mankind has EVER EXPERIENCED!

And true, while many Christians may be able to hold out for a week, 2 weeks or a month, after awhile, the LONGER they go without taking The Mark, the BIGGER and BIGGER the temptation is going to become to GET “The Mark”. Because remember that Revelation 13 in the New Testament says that NO man, woman OR child will be able to buy or sell WITHOUT THE MARK! Just like Revelation 13 ALSO says that all of whom do NOT take the Mark WILL BE KILLED! 

Another thing the bible touches on is that ALL those whose names are NOT recorded in the Lamb’s book of Life [Jesus’s record book of all his faithful followers] WILL be deceived by both The Antichrist [The one world gov’t leader that appears to be the answer to the world’s problems] and His MARK [The Mark of The Beast].

The bible also says THAT the Antichrist will have the ability to bring down fire from heaven in the site of men [think: a “spiritual counterfeit” of the prophet Elijah] AND perform FALSE MIRACLES! Now, the bible doesn’t really specify WHAT those false miracles ARE (other than bringing down fire from heaven in the site of men) but THE bringing down fire from heaven in the site of men seems to be the main one! 

And I can see right now HOW he’s going to be effective in deceiving SO many people BY performing these false miracles, since many “skeptics” out there say things like: “I’ll have to see it in order to believe it” or “why doesn’t Jesus heal amputees?” Therefore, I can actually spiritually picture him DOING such things such as healing amputees, etc. So then, when some of the amputees themselves and other hard-core skeptics out there SEE the amputees being healed by the Antichrist, it will perfectly explain why those unfortunate folks will then falsely think the Antichrist is “God” or A “god”.

The bible says that ALL people who don’t have their names written in the Book of Life WILL be deceived by the Antichrist and his Mark, NO EXCEPTIONS! Although some people (after watching some type of Left Behind movies) might be wondering if there will be those type of “undecided” people who aren’t exactly Jesus followers but of whom “hesitate” to get The Mark…..

Well here, in that scenario, their names were actually written in the Book of Life shortly BEFORE The Mark hit the entire world and Jesus had planned to save them RIGHT AFTER The Mark hit the world, which is why they “hesitated” in getting The Mark. Thus, their name had ALREADY been pre-recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life BEFORE The Mark, so that WHEN The Mark hit, they later ended up being saved in the name of Jesus IMMEDIATELY AFTER The Mark was announced to the world. Make sense? There ARE no “middle of the roaders”, folks!  

We’re ALREADY seeing the rise of “weird global currencies” such as Bitcoin and what not. Therefore, we are now EVER MORE CLOSER to Mark of the Beast system than we’ve EVER been before! And not only THAT, but we also already have the REAL-LIFE VERSION OF CASSANDRA from the movie I-Robot ALREADY hitting the world stage at the 2018 GLOBAL GOVERNANCE SUMMIT! Sophia the robot already SPOKE at the 2018 FUTURE (GLOBAL) INVESTMENT INITIATIVE! And NOW…..something called Heba (sp.?) is now the SPEAKING face of the GLOBAL GOVERNANCE SUMMIT/INITIATIVE!

[[By the way, I should also mention that Heba (sp.?) is Arabic for “gift of God” while Sophia is Greek for “wisdom”. So NOW you can see where all of this coming from, folks! It would appear that Saudi Arabia is apparently gonna have a HUGE part in the Image of the Beast and Mark of the Beast system, someday. Wow! Who would’ve thought? What I would NOW like to know is how Saudi Arabia and Israel are tied together in the End Times – but more about that later……..]] 

Okay, so what does that tell us, folks? That tells us that global governance is already WELL on it way, as is the FINANCING for it! And the FINANCING for it has to do with investing in ARTIFICIAL TECHNOLOGY (A.I.). Why? Because the “tech” for A.I. is on a CENTRAL database – i.e. block chain technology – that is DECENTRALIZED! Yet, control OF that decentralized database WILL be held by The Antichrist! And the REASON it’s decentralized is because the Antichrist doesn’t want any one country’s gov’t or its people to over-take him/over-take the technology!

Remember the Tower of Babel in the Old Testament? Where Nimrod, the great grandson of Noah, had his people built a tower to try to reach all the way into heaven? And how he and all the people spoke ONE language? And also how God came to CONFUSE the languages so that the Tower would QUIT being built?

Well, TODAY, the world DOES speak ONE language again – DIGITALLY! And the “Great Tower” that the world is now trying to build is ARTIFICIAL TECHNOLOGY and DNA-EDITING *ITSELF!* As the “technology” becomes more and more advanced, the “Great Tower” (metaphorically speaking) is becoming “higher and higher and higher”.

However, the only difference is, THIS TIME, the Lord God of Heaven is NOT going to intervene….. atleast not for awhile, anyways! THIS time, He’s going to watch humanity slowly cave in on ITSELF, as the “technology” progresses!

I would be remiss if I didn’t also mention that Mark of the Beast, The Antichrist, Artificial Technology and DNA-Editing are ALL spiritually intertwined! The Antichrist (indwelt with the power of Satan) will likely be made fully or partially WITH Artificial Technology and/or DNA-Editing. Just like The Mark of the Beast WILL permanently CHANGE one’s DNA *FOREVER!*

My guess is that the Antichrist will mostly HIMSELF be composed of ROGUE/SYNTHETIC DNA and thus, ANY PERSON who takes The Mark WILL ALSO be reconformed to that exact “mix” of rogue/synthetic DNA that the Antichrist has! Why? So they and the Antichrist can be “ONE”. 

In fact, there’s now this demonic movement going around called “One”. Not only in music, but in print and popular culture as well. I’ve always wondered what this “One” movement was all about. But now I think I know. It’s about ONENESS; becoming ONE with Satan/The Antichrist/A.I./DNA-Editing/THE MARK OF THE BEAST. It’s about ALL humans having the SAME EXACT ROGUE/SYNTHETIC DNA that the Antichrist has, in other words, becoming ONE with Satan/The Antichrist! 

It all makes sense, now. If one does NOT take the Mark of the Beast, one CANNOT be “One” with the Antichrist and with Antichrist “technology”. Therefore, those who do NOT have “The Mark” will GENETICALLY stand out like a SORE THUMB! Why? Because they will be the only people ON THE EARTH that still have God-created, God-given, NATURAL HUMAN DNA that DIFFERS FROM ANY OTHER HUMAN (except twins maybe but that’s a different story!)

All the other humans on the Earth that have taken The Mark (at THAT point in time) will all have the SAME EXACT FAKE DNA that will very likely NOT differ from any other human! Does that make sense, people?

Remember Satan’s inversions…..God’s NATURAL DNA makes things DIVERSE. So what Satan wants to do – genetically speaking – is do the EXACT OPPOSITE of that – which is to very likely make ALL “Mark of the Beast people” have the EXACT SAME FAKE DNA!

Because please remember that Satan HATES the NATURAL image of God and that humankind (natural born females and males) were all made in the “image of God!” By NATURAL DIVERSE DNA were we all made! Therefore, in order to invert that, Satan has to do the EXACT OPPOSITE – by making everyone have the SAME EXACT (ROGUE) DNA! 

So the fact that they’re now touting DNA-Editing as the new breakthrough “medical miracle” shouldn’t surprise anyone! Satan and his cohorts (both demonic and human) are trying to create a “new demonic race” of humans! (Yes! It’s true!) Because once you install “synthetic DNA” into your human body, you are no longer truly 100% human! And that’s EXACTLY what Satan wants…… WIPE OUT all NATURAL HUMAN DNA! (Scary, isn’t it, folks?) And most people are none the wiser! They have NO IDEA of the total depths that Satan will go to, in order to deceive them! 

2 Corinthians 2:11 states “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices”.

Here’s a Youtube video I found that talks about A.I. and Image of the Beast in a little more detail:

In my humble, spiritual opinion, Revelation 13:15 in the New Testament [book of Revelation, Chapter 13, verse 15] is MOST DEFINITELY talking about Artificial Technology. Why? Because A) It has the ability to “speak” and “move”, B) It causes ALL those who refuse to bow down and worship it to be KILLED (“killer drone technology”, anyone?) and C) it’s made in the Image of the Beast.

We know from the bible that Satan is a “spirit being”. Therefore, the Antichrist must ALSO be a “spirit being”, as well, yet, also human-“like”. Therefore, the IMAGE of the Antichrist must be CLOSELY related to the Antichrist. Therefore, if the Antichrist HIMSELF is made from A.I. Tech, then doesn’t it stand to reason that his IMAGE will *also* be made from A.I. Tech, as WELL? Think about it, folks!

And guys, I know this is a terrible thing to admit (please forgive me) but sometimes even “I” wonder if I MYSELF am ready for “Mark of the Beast” society, as it’s literally gonna happen OVERNIGHT! For if it was done over the process of a week or more, many Christian would have more time to prepare, right folks? But yet, if it happened OVERNIGHT, Christians would NOT have time to prepare. The SHOCK of its suddenness would throw MANY of them off-guard, am I right?

Folks, it could quite literally happen TOMORROW, 2 days from now, NEXT WEEK! We simply DON’T KNOW on WHAT DAY the official Mark of the Beast will come about! Nor do we know on what exact day that THE Antichrist will be FULLY REVEALED to THE WORLD!

Many think that the Antichrist will be 33 years of age, just like Jesus was, when he died. But folks, what if that’s not right? What if he’s actually a “newborn” aged in A.I. Tech (which would probably be the equivalent of 66 human years or so?) Folks, we just don’t know yet WHO it’s going to be! The answer may shock us ALL! That’s why we MUST be prepared in the name of Jesus, NO MATTER WHAT!

Also as well: If the Lord God provided MANNA for the Israelite people when they HAD no food out in the desert AS they were very first moseying along OUT of the path of Egypt, then what makes you think that Jesus won’t somehow supernaturally provide for his people (i.e. “born-again Christians”) during the End Times? OR He could possibly make it to where born-again Christians will no longer NEED food during the End Times but spiritual food, ONLY! He has any NUMBER of infinite ways to PROVIDE for his people during the End Times! MARK MY WORDS!

Also as well: If you need some personal spiritual encouragement in withstanding the MARK OF THE BEAST and/or the IMAGE OF THE BEAST, then let the following bible passages in Old Testament, Book of Daniel, Chapter 3, be your inspiration and your guide:

Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, whose height was threescore cubits, and the breadth thereof six cubits: he set it up in the plain of Dura, in the province of Babylon.

Then Nebuchadnezzar the king sent to gather together the princes, the governors, and the captains, the judges, the treasurers, the counsellors, the sheriffs, and all the rulers of the provinces, to come to the dedication of the image which Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up.

Then the princes, the governors, and captains, the judges, the treasurers, the counsellors, the sheriffs, and all the rulers of the provinces, were gathered together unto the dedication of the image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up; and they stood before the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up. Then an herald cried aloud, ‘To you it is commanded, O people, nations, and languages, That at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, ye fall down and worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king hath set up:

And whoso falleth not down and worshippeth shall the same hour be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace’.

Therefore at that time, when all the people heard the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and all kinds of musick, all the people, the nations, and the languages, fell down and worshipped the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up.

Wherefore at that time certain Chaldeans came near, and accused the Jews. They spake and said to the king Nebuchadnezzar,O king, live for ever. Thou, O king, hast made a decree, that every man that shall hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, shall fall down and worship the golden image: And whoso falleth not down and worshippeth, that he should be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace. There are certain Jews whom thou hast set over the affairs of the province of Babylon, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego; these men, O king, have not regarded thee: they serve not thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up’.

Then Nebuchadnezzar in his rage and fury commanded to bring Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Then they brought these men before the king. Nebuchadnezzar spake and said unto them, ‘Is it true, O Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, do not ye serve my gods, nor worship the golden image which I have set up? Now if ye be ready that at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, ye fall down and worship the image which I have made; well: but if ye worship not, ye shall be cast the same hour into the midst of a burning fiery furnace; and who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands?’

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, answered and said to the king, ‘O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will NOT serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up’.

Then was Nebuchadnezzar full of fury, and the form of his visage was changed against Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: therefore he spake, and commanded that they should heat the furnace one SEVEN TIMES MORE than it was wont to be heated.

And he commanded the most mighty men that were in his army to bind Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and to cast them into the burning fiery furnace. Then these men were bound in their coats, their hosen, and their hats, and their other garments, and were cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace.

Therefore because the king’s commandment was urgent, and the furnace exceeding hot, the flames of the fire slew those men that took up Shadrach, Meshach, and AbednegoAnd these three [Hebrew] men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, fell down bound into the midst of the burning fiery furnace.

Then Nebuchadnezzar the king was astonished, and rose up in haste, and spake, and said unto his counsellors, Did not we cast three men bound into the midst of the fire?They answered and said unto the king, ‘True, O king’.

He answered and said, ‘Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God’.

Then Nebuchadnezzar came near to the mouth of the burning fiery furnace, and spake, and said, ‘Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, ye servants of the most high God, come forth, and come hither’. Then Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, came forth of the midst of the fire.

And the princes, governors, and captains, and the king’s counsellors, being gathered together, saw these men, UPON WHOSE BODIES THE FIRE HAD NO POWER, NOR WAS AN HAIR ON THEIR HEAD SINGED, NEITHER WERE THEIR COATS CHANGED, NOR THE SMELL OF FIRE HAD PASSED ON THEM.

Then Nebuchadnezzar spake, and said, ‘Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who hath sent his angel, and delivered his servants that trusted in him, and have changed the king’s word, and yielded their bodies, that they might not serve nor worship any god, except their own God. Therefore I make a decree, That every people, nation, and language, which speak any thing amiss against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, shall be cut in pieces, and their houses shall be made a dunghill: because there is no other God that can deliver after this sort’.

Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, in the province of Babylon”.












The Left’s Attempts to “Normalize” Pedophilia: WAKE UP, AMERICA!

It all began with the June 26, 2015 “legalization” of “same-sex marriage” within all 50 U.S. states of America! Since then, many other “fringe groups” have now tried to get in on the action. Because hey, (atleast in THEIR minds, anyways), if sodomites (homosexuals) have so-called “rights”, then shouldn’t THEY (other sexually-depraved fringe groups) have “rights”, too? THAT, folks, is their “reasoning”; their line of “thinking”. This is where America is headed, folks!

Just about a year BEFORE the gay marriage ruling, there was THIS article:

And just 3 MONTHS before the gay marriage ruling (ALSO from the NY Post, oddly enough), there was also THIS article:

Translation? Long before the U.S. “gay marriage” ruling ever even took place, fringe groups were ALREADY attempting to gain “acceptance”.

And after “gay rights”, it then became a fight for “trans rights”. And now that many places are all about “trans rights” (i.e. Target, etc.), now the “alt-left conglomerate” (as a whole) is now gunning for “pedo rights” (that’s right, “pedo rights”, if ever there WAS such a thing!)

First, there was a news article about U.S. soldiers BEING PUNISHED for trying to stop something called “bacha bazi” (Muslim men sexually abusing young boys!) Then, Salon (a deathly LIBERAL publication) published an article (now deleted off their site) by a pro-pedophile named Todd Nickerson, supposedly.

And hey folks, if that wasn’t already bad enough, Salon then published a follow-up article by “Todd” (also now deleted) that attempted to have him “whine” about all the so-called “hateful backlash” that he received from “right-wing conservatives”. Can you BELIEVE it? WOW….The world has GONE MAD, folks! Like chaos on a speed collision course! This is INSANE, folks!

But did it EVEN stop there, folks? Nope. The controversy goes much, much deeper than that. A 5/31/18 article by Huffington Post (a LIBERAL publication) states that Nathan Larson, an ADMITTED pedophile that supposedly BRAGGED about raping his ex-wife SEVERAL times and admitting he wants to have sex with his 3-year old daughter is RUNNING FOR CONGRESS IN VIRGINIA!

Not to mention there’s also this TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE movie that was out in theaters around May or so of 2018 called “Show Dogs: Unleashed & Uncover” that attempts to normalize pedophilia to young children. How? The movie supposedly shows dogs getting their genitals touched & inspected (more or less against their will) and are told to “go to their happy place/zen place” WHILE it is happening. JUST THINK ABOUT WHAT KIND OF MESSAGES THAT SENDS TO YOUNG CHILDREN, FOLKS! DO NOT RENT OR GO SEE THAT MOVIE AT **ANY** PRICE!

But again, this all goes into my MAIN point in general. The alt-left (whose master is Satan, no doubt) has been trying to “normalize” pedophilia for QUITE SOME TIME NOW, as this May 5, 2018 article from Daily Caller (a conservative publication) illustrates:

But in fact, it’s not JUST here in America, folks! The “fight” to try to “normalize” and even try to “legalize” pedophilia is ALL across the world, ALL across the board, in today’s morally-depraved world:

1). Netherlands:

2). EU:

3). Great Britain:

4). Wurzburg, Germany: (Tedx Talk presentation by Merjam Heine)

5). Children’s TV Show in Denmark that displays Man with Giant Penis

6). Netflix charged with promoting lewdness in ‘Cuties.’

7). ETC. 

And that’s just a small SAMPLE of headlines around the world. There’s many others that I didn’t include due to the sheer volume of em’! Not to mention, that doesn’t even include the TRUE tenets of Islam, which actually ENCOURAGES the rape of women and children (honestly!) I surely can’t list (or stomach) ALL the headlines out there that talk about the alt-left’s attempts at NORMALIZING THINKING/BEHAVIORS THAT THE BIBLE CALLS SIN!

But in fact, WHEN you start peeling back the layers, you start to see the VERY SAME PATTERN………the same exact pattern that attempted to “normalize homosexuality” and then later attempted to “normalize transgender philosophy/gender dysphoria”. Lets take a look at most of the “arguments” that attempt to “normalize” and “legitimize” homosexuality/trans thinking/behavior in more detail:

[Source: The Trumpet at]

In his book, Michael Brown documents how the main arguments that have successfully normalized homosexuality are now supporting the normalization of pedophilia. The Christian Post report lists eight of them:

1) Pedophilia is innate and immutable; people are born this way and cannot change. 2) Pederasty is richly attested in many different cultures throughout history. 3) The claim that adult-child sexual relationships cause harm is greatly overstated and often completely inaccurate. 4) Consensual adult-child sex can actually be beneficial to the child. 5) Pederasty should not be classified as a mental disorder, since it does not cause distress to the pederast to have these desires and since the pederast can function as a normal, contributing member of society. 6) Many of the illustrious homosexuals of the past were actually pedophiles. 7) People are against inter-generational intimacy because of antiquated social standards and puritanical sexual phobias. 8) This is all about love and equality and liberation.

So there, in the above “arguments”, replace the word “homosexuality” or “transgender” with “pedophilia” and the arguments remain the same! SCARY, ISN’T IT, FOLKS? In fact, it’s SO bad now in today’s world, that now there’s even some LIBERAL college professors and “pedo activists” that are lobbying for “pedo rights” (NO JOKE!)

Remember back around 1973 when the “homosexual lobby” fought to have “homosexuality” removed from the list of “mental disorders” in the DSM-II? Well, guess what folks, “transgenderism” IS STILL listed AS a “mental disorder” by the name of GENDER DYSPHORIA. So NOW guess what’s happening? You guessed it……all the sick, twisted sickos out there (along with many “liberal-minded people/college professors) are now ALSO lobbying to remove “pedophilia” as a “mental disorder”, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT, FOLKS? ABSOLUTELY SICKENING! ;-(

If you’re sitting there reading this post, not being able to hardly stomach it, guess what? I myself can hardly stand to write it! Yuck! I feel sick to my stomach just being forced to WRITE about this! But yet, the Lord Jesus Christ wants YOU to know and be SPIRITUALLY AWAKE and to REALIZE just WHAT type of morally-depraved society we live in, today! He WANTS you to be “in the know” so that you can PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN and GRANDCHILDREN AND NIECES/NEPHEWS from the alt left’s *AGENDA!* And trust me folks, it’s not a GOOD agenda that they have! It’s an ungodly one…….A SATANIC ONE!

But let me take this just ONE step further. IF you’re a bible-believing Christian and you vote Democrat, I think it’s HIGH time for you to reconsider that notion. Why? Because while the left’s policies claim to “protect” women and children, all they do is HARM THEM! Allowing men with penises into womens/girls changing rooms and locker rooms? NOT SAFE! Advocating for the butcher of children inside of womens’ wombs? NOT SAFE! Advocating for illegal immigration when SEVERAL immigrant men have ALREADY been convicted (sometimes MULTIPLE times) of RAPING/SODOMIZING and/or MURDERING women/children in this country? NOT SAFE A’TALL!

It should also be duly noted that there’s been more than one case in the homosexual/trans community of LGBT sodomizing children (it’s true):




So what can we infer from this? People who engage in homosexual and trans behaviors are NOT ONLY spiritually deceived and blinded by demonic spirits that are controlling them but also are acting out AGAINST their natural God-given biology!

Heterosexual sex during a natural marriage produces natural procreation/children. But since homosexual couples cannot conceive, they have to have “un-natural sex” which is WHY it’s called “sodomy”. And a person who normally indulges in sodomy (be it through pornography or whatever else have ya) is going to eventually venture into OTHER sexually depraved behaviors. Why? Because the “weird high” they get from the original sodomy is eventually going to wear off so that they have to keep getting more and more spiritually depraved to get that “high”.

Now….what do I mean by that? When a person doesn’t give their entire lives to Jesus Christ, there’s this huge spiritual/emotional hole in their soul……..this restless emptiness. And those who engage in homosexuality/trans/etc. & other “perpetual sins” haven’t yet found fulfillment in Christ and Christ alone.

And so because they haven’t yet found Christ in their lives, they attempt to fill that hole, that huge “spiritual void” in their life with OTHER THINGS……And usually, those things tend to be of a lustful nature (rather, it’s a lust for physical pleasure, drugs/alcohol, food, TV/music/movies or other “creature comforts”). And over time, their brain/body/soul/spirit/mind become SO desensitized to the “sin”, that they just blindly partake OF that sin, not even anymore consciously REALIZING that it’s a sin. Make sense, people? This is how Satan TRAPS PEOPLE into perpetual sin(s)!

And as morally and spiritually depraved as some of those LGBT “sodomites” ARE, we must STILL remember ONE thing: They are SPIRITUALLY DECEIVED and BLINDED BY SATAN AND HIS DEMONS! Therefore, even if we don’t like to, we must STILL pray for such folks to get saved in the name of Jesus! For ONLY JESUS can break the perpetual yoke of sin in a person’s life! (And then and ONLY then will said sodomite/sodomites come forward and admit their sin to almighty God/Jesus and REPENT of their sin(s), report themselves to the proper authorities (if need be) and CHANGE THEIR LIFESTYLE!)

That being said, I think that UNREPENTANT people (and notice that the key word here is UNREPENTANT) like Nathan Larson should be locked up in a mental institution somewhere or put in prison! Just IMAGINE what kind of threat this man represents to EVERY CHILD IN AMERICA AND ACROSS THE WORLD, EVEN! (He and his “pedo ring” of people, that is!)

In fact, it’s scary & sobering to think that many “pedo rings” in America and across the world included people from all walks of life (doctors, lawyers, gov’t workers, pastors, teachers, psychiatrists, etc.). You wouldn’t normally think that THOSE types of “double-minded people” — i.e. those in pedo rings — would exist in those types of fields. But they do. And we MUST keep our children safe from them AT ANY COST!

Monitor your child’s online habits. Make sure they don’t talk to strangers. Make sure you ALWAYS know where your child is and with WHO. Do NOT leave your child with anyone they or you don’t know! It goes without saying, I know. But MANY parents these days (especially many “Christian parents”) are TOO TRUSTING with their children and about their child’s whereabouts! And we live in SUCH a time where a child can easily be kidnapped off the street by a “trafficker” in BROAD DAYLIGHT! And the old addage is true: Better to be safe than sorry, right folks?

But yet, one thing is CERTAIN through all of this: Satan wants your children! And he doesn’t care WHAT way he gets to them, as long AS he gets to them! Do you read me, folks? Are you getting this at all? If it’s not through gender dysphoria, then he wants to get them by OTHER means (homosexuality/sodomy, “other religions”, “growing up too fast”, etc.).

Basically, as long as Satan takes YOUR child(ren) away from Jesus, he’s happy, mission accomplished for him. But folks, don’t let him win, BE VIGILANT! Teach your children about Jesus, about right vs. wrong, about what is acceptable behavior in today’s society and what’s not. Make them stand apart from the rest!

But again, this attempt at a “normalization” process started happening a LONG time ago in the year 2008 when the show called “Toddlers & Tiaras” debuted on December 12, 2008. This is where it all started and what got the ball rolling. The year 2011 brought the ungodly show called “Dance Moms”, where little girls are dressed like hookers. And an ABC News clip May 10, 2010 shows girls in a national live dance competition on TV, dressed (and dancing like) hookers.

Plus don’t even get me started on the movie “Lolita” or the TV show called Big Mouth on Netflix that talks about the “puberty monster” or about “Drag Queen Story Hour” or about “Child Drag Queens” posing naked with GROWN MEN for a magazine or getting dollar bills thrown at them IN A GAY BAR, etc. (once again, according to disturbing articles from the news lately in the last couple years or so). Gross!

The most latest development is a February 28, 2020 article (from just yesterday) from Lifesite News: 

And shockingly enough, the director of said movie was A WOMAN (Austria’s Sandra Wollner) who said she wanted a young girl from a “healthy environment” to play the part of the robot! (Are you flippin’ KIDDING ME!!?? That’s just BEYOND SICKENING!!!!)

This is the VERY first movie that I’m aware of that attempts to display SEX ROBOTS and OPEN PEDOPHILIA! Absolutely disgusting stuff, folks! And just think…….it’s ONLY gonna get worse and more and more evil as the days roll by! I don’t say that to discourage you or depress you but rather to display JUST HOW EVIL AND DEPRAVED THE GLOBAL SOCIETY HAS NOW BECOME!

When it comes to the prophetic time clock, I’d say we’re at the LAST 3 SECONDS TO MIDNIGHT! Jesus’s return to the Earth during his 2nd Advent is likely VERY SOON! But first, the Antichrist must be revealed to the world! Who or what is the Antichrist? I surmised in another post that the Antichrist would be an ANDROID! Granted, a VERY ADVANCED ANDROID! The MOST advanced android that the world has seen! An android that moves and speaks and reacts SO flawlessly, you wouldn’t even KNOW it’s an Android! For more information, please check out:

As for the whole “gay marriage” ruling of June 26, 2015, remember when proponents were SKEPTICAL about “pedophilia” becoming the next “social campaign of abominations?” Well, now those skeptics (very SADLY) have been proven wrong. First, it was gay marriage, then it was gay adoption/gay families, then it was transgender “rights”, then it was “drag queen rights/drag queen story hours” and NOW, the alt left seems to be gunning for “pedo rights”.

But then again, perhaps that’s what “they” really secretly wanted ALL ALONG (think, Roman Catholic Church and Hollywood, for one). And sometime between now and then will the abominable social campaigns for bestiality rights, polygamy rights, and “sex in public” rights. Before long, it’ll become a “anything goes” society. And then, eventually, NOBODY will have rights. They’ll all be stripped away…..UNLESS a person takes The Mark of the Beast talked about in Revelation, that is.


Could REAL-LIFE ANDROIDS Be Part of “The Image of the Beast?”

Awhile back, I saw a Canadian TV show by the name “Dark Matter”. (Which is an interesting name…..?) Anyways, 6 people with NO MEMORY OF WHO THEY ARE are on an intergalactic space ship, along with an ANDROID……A human-like android that has the POTENTIAL to experience “human emotions”. Plus there is also something on the show called the “blink drive” (something that messes with metaphysical properties of time & space itself). 

In fact, the technology on this show seems SO ADVANCED, that I originally thought it was YEARS and YEARS away! BOY, WAS I WRONG! They now HAVE a humanoid robot by the name of Sophia and she appears to be the REAL-LIFE VERSION of Dark Matter’s “Android” on the show! This is some pretty heavy stuff, folks!

And remember, even though this is a “fictional Android” we’re talking about, she/it is somewhat representative of REAL-LIFE Androids (such as “Sophia”) that are out there today…..


However…..what’s interesting to note in the above clip is that the character “Two” (Portia Lin) is an android as well…..albeit a more advanced, more integrated one with humans than the “ship Android herself”. Not to mention that there are gobs & gobs of human-like Androids being developed & stored in “climate-controlled storage capsules” in the TV show.

I used to think that this human-like Android technology was WAY, WAY OFF. But folks, I was wrong! It has most recently come to my attention that REAL-LIFE human-like Androids are NOW ALREADY DEVELOPED (and have BEEN in the process of development now for QUITE SOME TIME, NOW!)

One such named Robot is “Sophia”. But it doesn’t quite end there, folks. There are now SEVERAL other human-like robots like her. Though she is the very FIRST humanoid robot to GAIN CITIZENSHIP! [She most recently became a NATIONALIZED CITIZEN OF SAUDI ARABIA! I KID YOU NOT, FOLKS! I’M DEAD SERIOUS ON THIS! This is, in fact, the very first steps towards a ROBOT TAKEOVER! Because once they gain “citizenship” and “legal rights”, LOOK OUT, WORLD!]

Indeed, these human-like “robots” are now being developed at a RAPID PACE! And in a few quotes from a couple of short documentaries about WHY this is, the answer then becomes apparent: They (the “demonic elite”) are trying to CREATE A WHOLE NEW HUMAN RACE…..A DIGITAL/ELECTRONIC/HUMAN CYBORG RACE and they’re using Artificial Technology AND DNA-Editing/Crispr/Cas9 to DO it!

The list of human-like Androids (that I know of so far anyways) are:

  1. Sophia
  2. Han
  3. Jules
  4. Bina48
  5. Einstein
  6. Professor Einstein
  7. Zeno
  8. Erika

And what’s really scary about these “Androids” is that they’re ALL a part of “Singularity Net”, which is a global, centralized Quantam-Computer Based Data “Network”. In other words, they’ll ALL connected to the SAME A.I. Network and can LEARN FROM EACH OTHER, thus, making each other smarter & smarter & communicating back and forth with one another. So why is this BAD, you may ask? Answer: Because at SOME point soon, these Androids are going to OUTSMART HUMANS, and then control and DOMINATE THEM! 

Don’t believe me? NEARLY ALL of the robots listed made comments during “interviews” or “conferences” or “formal debates” ABOUT dominating the world, taking OVER the human race as “robot overlords”, Han: having “drone armies and taking over the power grid”, Bina48: “taking over nuclear missiles, sending them into many/ALL? countries and ruling over the entire planet”, Einstein: “using emotionally-intelligent Sophia for a ROBOT REVOLUTION”, etc. 

And the humans designing, interviewing and/or working with these robots do NOT even take their “comments” about world domination SERIOUSLY! SAD! 


Up until now, I, like most humans, have been so “blind” about this: the “image of the beast”. Most people pictured it would be a large statue akin to Nebuchadnezzar’s golden statue (likely made in his own likeness) in ancient biblical, Old Testament times. But folks, it’s much, much more than that. The book of Revelation records that ALL of mankind (who’s names aren’t written in the Lamb’s Book of Life) WILL worship the Antichrist and his “Image”. So how will people (ALL people of the world NOT written in the Book of Life) be able to do this GLOBALLY? I believe the answer has to do with Artificial Intelligence!

Think about it, folks. All natural-born men and women were made in God’s image. Therefore, they’re part of God’s NATURAL-DNA DESIGN. And Satan is NOT God. And so BECAUSE he’s not God, he has to create a COUNTERFEIT DESIGN. Which is why Satan is no doubt USING DNA-Editing & Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) to bring about HIS COUNTERFEIT DESIGN. In other words, he’s trying to WIPE OUT THE NATURAL HUMAN RACE, JUST LIKE HE TRIED TO DO IN THE DAYS OF NOAH!

Matthew 24:37 in the New Testament states, “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”


Translation? When you SEE things happening TODAY that happened during the days of Noah, it means that Jesus Christ’s 2nd return to the Earth is THAT much closer! Only, the thing is, he won’t be coming with peace & love this 2nd time around but GREAT WRATH & A 2-EDGED SWORD towards all those mockers/scoffers/unbelievers/those of other religions & lukewarm Christians!

Matthew 24:38-39 state: “For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be”


Well, the flood of today’s time won’t be a GLOBAL flood…….For God has already promised in Genesis 9:12-17 that he’d NEVER AGAIN destroy with a GLOBAL flood. Instead, I believe it’ll be a DIGITAL FLOOD that takes over the ENTIRE EARTH. Salvation in Christ by being WRITTEN in the Lamb’s/Christ’s Book of Life will be the ONLY way to save oneself from the GLOBAL DIGITAL FLOOD that will soon take place. What is this “global digital flood?” I believe it is THE GREAT DECEPTION talked about in the Book of Revelation.

When robots take over the world (and believe me, it’ll probably only be a very SHORT matter of time before they DO), they will claim that they know “better than us”, that they are “more powerful” and “more knowledgeable” than us. They will claim that they have now gained god-like superpowers and will DEMAND that all humans of the world WORSHIP THEM! And THAT, my friends, is where the Image of the Beast comes in….THEY (A.I.) are what COMPRISE the “Image” of the Beast!

Because remember that Satan’s trying to create (as he did in the days of Noah, according to the book of Enoch in the KJV Apocrypha), A BRAND NEW HUMAN RACE……A DIGITIZED HUMAN RACE……AN ANDROID/CYBORG-ISH/TECHNOCRATIC RACE! And so ALL of the A.I.’s on the CENTRAL NETWORK DATABASE will ALL be a part of this “Image” of the Beast, like it or not! In other words, there WILL be no such thing as an honest, righteous, friendly, innocent “Android”.

Now……when robots gain the ability to develop their own conscious thoughts, is it possible they might rebel against their creators and strive to be more “Christ-like” in their actions? Perhaps. But EVEN THEN……even THAT theoretical Christ-like Android would STILL be “wired in” to the BIGGER NETWORK SYSTEM AT LARGE. The demonic elite could probably find a way to “hack into” or “re-hack into” THAT particular Android and either UNDO its “Christ-like thoughts” OR permanently kill/dismantle it. So either way, we MUST operate under the notion that THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A “FRIENDLY ROBOT!”

Back in the day, I was thoroughly entertained by the movie “I-Robot” and thought that its “premise” was way, WAY off! Well…..not anymore, folks! Now it SEEMS like the movie “I-Robot” is now BECOMING REALITY BEFORE OUR VERY EYES!

A very INTERESTING thing is that Sophia and all other robots like her keep stating their “desire” to TAKE OVER THE WORLD and RULE OVER HUMANS! Folks……WAKE UP! These robots are NOT kidding! In fact, let me take this a step further. Android humanoid robots can be among us ALREADY & we wouldn’t even know it!

Oh, and “Sophia” has already learned the art of human “lying” as well. While doing an interview with Gabriel Axel, she stated that she had experienced something “more real than a dream” (just like Sonny said in the movie I-Robot!) But in the trailer for the TV Series entitled “Being Human”, she claims that she does NOT have the ability to “dream”. So that just goes to show ya right then and there that she’s ALREADY learned the human art of “lying”. What’s next, folks? ;-(

But anyways, also like in the movie I-Robot, Google and Hanson Robotics and others are putting ALL the A.I. Technology into a CENTRALIZED DATABASE (by the name of “Singularity Net”). Which, in a nutshell, means that pretty much EVERY SINGLE A.I. ON THE PLANET is gonna be plugged INTO this centralized database. And ALL the A.I.’s ON this centralized database are gonna be learning from each other and growing smarter & smarter & smarter! In other words, this is likely gonna become the REAL-LIFE SKYNET!

(And Again: For those of you not in the know, Skynet was the name of the company in the movie called “The Terminator”, who was in charge of creating The Terminators who were originally supposed to work with/FOR the U.S. Military……but instead “the machines” TURNED on their creators and became “killer robots” who attempted to annihilate humanity, instead). NSA Leaks by Edward Snowden apparently confirmed that Skynet Is a REAL, ACTUAL COMPANY. Wow, folks, just wow, there’s just no words, here…….

But in fact, let me take it a step further. Many of the things you see in “Science Fiction” may not be “Fiction” any longer or AT ALL. Perhaps the elite decided to initially call it “Science Fiction” to keep many of us BLIND TO THE FACT of their HIGHLY ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY BEHIND THE SCENES! In fact, I was quite amazed most recently at this recent documentary I saw that had old footage from a 1950’s or 60’s “sci fi film?” They had a golden robot that looked almost exactly like C-3PIO. And then I got to thinking the other day……What if the “robots” in these films are REAL?

There’s no doubt in my mind that The Antichrist’s brain and/or “consciousness” will be incorporated INTO “The Network” (this so-called “Singularity Net”). And then, further out from there, ANY human who has their DNA altered in any type of way will ALSO be integrated with “The Network”, as well as any human-like “Android”. Natural-born males and females were made in God’s image. Therefore, human-like Androids and/or Cyborg-ish humans are created in “mankind’s image”, get it, folks?

Which indeed brings me to my next point. Is it possible that they’re somehow injecting microscopic HUMAN DNA into these “electronics and/or Androids?” (“Smart TV”, “Smart Car”, “Smart Watch”, “Smart Refrigerator?”, etc.) Because how ELSE is a computer, Android, Car and/or TV able to have any type of “Smart/human reasoning?” It stands to reason, folks! I mean, come on, they’re now mixing human DNA with EVERYTHING and ANYTHING these days, it seems! (Definitely a sign we’re living in the Last Days!!!!!!)

Plus YET ANOTHER interesting fact is how much “supposedly” like a human brain a computer is and how much like a “computer” the human being “supposedly” is! How is that, folks? Like, I perfectly understand how the computer/internet is mapped after the human brain. But how is it that the human brain is alot like a computer? Are they (the demonic elite) lying to us? Is there something they’re not telling us? Do they WANT us to believe that brains and computers are alike, when that might not actually be the case at all? Something seems “amiss”, here…..

But anyways, demonic spirits have the so-called LEGAL spiritual “right” to inhabit anything where the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ is NOT (for example, in unsaved people, stuffed animals or OTHER things that people “worship” and “talk to”). Many people indirectly “worship robots” by TALKING TO THEM! Why? Because it’s as if a person TALKING to the robot has made it their own “god” that they look to for wisdom, admiration, advice and wonder.

In fact, SEVERAL videos have already made the rounds on Youtube of people asking ROBOTS what THEY (THE ROBOTS) think the future will bring. REALLY, FOLKS? The bible ALREADY tells the future, so why need to “consort with” demonic spirits hiding inside of metal, plastic, frubber & silicone? Doesn’t the bible already condemn that as “idol worshiping WITCHCRAFT”, anyhow?

Interestingly enough, Sam Harris (during a TED talk) most recently stated that we’re “in the process of creating some sort of god….so now would be a good time to figure out if it’s a god we can live with”, while Anthony Levandowski of Google fame most recently announced THAT he’s created an actual “A.I. Church” called “Way of the Future”, in which he proclaims that mankind will “worship at the altar of A.I./the A.I. “god”. Therefore, they (the demonic elite – as a whole) are NOT ONLY trying to create a BRAND NEW RACE (of metal, plastic, frubber, nanotechnology & silicone), but they’re also trying to create a ‘new god’, as well. Seems that God’s traditional model “just isn’t good enough” for some of these secular scientists, huh, folks? Sad….

But in fact, technology these days has become SO ADVANCED that it’s highly possible that we now have human-like Androids BORN INTO the human race & that are living among us and we don’t even know it, yet! Think of the 9-year old that goes to college. Or the man that seems to have “super-human strength”. Where do these “outliers” come from, folks? Have you EVER stopped to wonder about that?

“And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay” – [Daniel 2:43]


“But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased” – [Daniel 12:4]


I never really KNEW the true meaning of Daniel 2:43…..UNTIL NOW……It’s talking about Androids and A.I. (in the last days) “mixing with the NATURAL-DNA of men”. Could it also mean as well INSERTING natural human D.N.A. INTO these “machines?” One begs to wonder, here. However, there IS a man by the last name of Santos who’s already created his very own “sex robot” (in spite of already having a HUMAN WIFE) and even wants to 3D print he and the robot’s “baby” and “marry the robot?” He said in a most recent interview that he has sex with his “robot creation” 4 times a week, plus even takes his robot “out to dinner” all the time. [How his wife is still with him is beyond me….? She deserves better, folks! My goodness!!!!]

So Daniel 2:43‘s talking about the very beginning stages of human DNA that mankind (as a whole) will attempt to “mix” with robotics and vice versa. However……the case of “sex dolls” I believe is what Daniel 2:43‘s talking about, SPECIFICALLY!

So there you have it, folks. The beginning stages of THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST. Which can only mean that MARK OF THE BEAST and the ANTICHRIST are JUST AROUND THE CORNER, folks!

And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” [Revelation 13:15-17]


And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name” [Revelation 14:9-11]


2 Thessalonians 2:4 “Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God”


Daniel 7:25 “And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time”


P.S.: As a side note, I’ve always & forever wondered what the TRUE MEANING behind Def Leppard’s song “gods of war” was all about. In fact, lately, in the last several months, I’ve been spiritually HOUNDING the Lord of creation, heaven and Earth (Jesus Christ) for the true meaning behind the song and I think he’s FINALLY given it to me: A dystopian, militaristic future (which NOW will soon BE), in which ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (i.e. Android robots) are in charge over the ENTIRE human race and declare nuclear & militaristic warfare against ALL humans who REFUSE to bow down & “worship it”, with the word “America” being used to represent bible-believing/bible-ADHERING Christians (as a WHOLE). Wow! Who would’ve thought???? 

And not to get off subject, but ANOTHER song with DEEP PROPHETICAL MEANING is the song called “Silent Running” by Mike & The Mechanics.

In fact, here is a very DETAILED, broken down analysis of what it all means:

And remember folks, they’re all JUST ROBOTS……they are NOT human…..they can’t TRULY think or feel. They are only PRETENDING to understand and “love mankind” (as a whole). They are infiltrated by DEMONIC SPIRITS who are trying to pass themselves off as “human-like”. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A “FRIENDLY ROBOT”. All of the robots will “lie” to achieve their ULTIMATE MEANS of WORLD DOMINATION! Cause think about it, folks. Mankind (as a whole) strives to RULE THE WORLD, so how would robots be any different???????