Posts tagged ‘Messianic Jews’

“Corona Virus Part FIVE: The *GREAT RESET!*”

Prior to December of 2019, no-one had even HEARD of “the Corona virus”. But NOW, in July of 2020, it’s not JUST affecting the U.S. but it’s affecting the ENTIRE WORLD! And the “initial story” of HOW it came about was that it came through CHINA! First, they said it was the wet market. Then, they said it came from the nearby lab. Now, they’re saying it came from the wet market AGAIN; the story keeps changing!

Well, after examining some geographical data, I think I’ve now come up with a NEW THEORY about the “worldwide virus” and its *origins!* There’s SEVERAL BSL-4 labs around the world (BSL stands for Bio Safety Labs) and these labs deal with HIGHLY infectious and DEADLY diseases! And though they get granted “funding” by governments to create and study diseases AND to develop “vaccines” for such diseases, they’re not really gonna make any money off these “vaccines” UNTIL they are NEEDED…..or MANDATED!

So… are they going to get the “vaccines” to be NEEDED and/or MANDATED by the governments? Answer: human testing! But even then, what human is gonna VOLUNTARILY AGREE be tested with such “deadly diseases”, save for FEAR of losing their jobs, etc.? Practically NONE, right? Therefore, they have to install MASS FEAR through the media, in order to try to get more people to take the vaccine! Heck, here in December 2020, they’ve even gone so far as to HAVE POPULAR POLITICAL FIGURES AND/OR FORMER PRESIDENTS RECEIVE THE SO-CALLED VACCINE ON NATIONAL T.V.! National T.V., folks:

Not to mention a proposed plan to PAY AMERICANS $1500 to take the vaccine! You just can’t make this stuff up, folks!

But here’s the critical question: if Corona virus is SO deadly and if the vaccine is TRULY that effective, then why is the vaccine being attempted to be SOLD to us Americans (and those around the world?) Heck, even the American RIGHT WING is trying to sell the vaccine to the American (and perhaps global) public by calling it “The Trump Vaccine” (Source:

But even still, a good majority of Americans are VERY SKEPTICAL about “said vaccine” (and believe me, they SHOULD BE!!!!!) At most stores today, there’s a usual message over the store intercoms that masks are required, social distancing is encouraged, and that “SMALL CHILDREN ARE EXEMPT”. 

Well NOW guess what, folks? ABC News most recently had a story about a vaccine from Sinovac that said: “IT’S VACCINE IS SAFE FOR CHILDREN 3 YEARS OLD, ALL THE WAY UP TO 17 YEARS OLD!” (Source:, not to mention there was another story about PARENTS signing up their children for VACCINE TRIALS? Say WHAT!!!!?????? Are you SERIOUS? ;-(

Folks, that’s some really creepy stuff right there! They desperately now want to JAB YOUR KIDS? When kids supposedly have a MUCH BETTER IMMUNE SYSTEM THAN ADULTS? What is GOING ON HERE, FOLKS????? Something sinister, that’s what! (Especially considering that Bill Gates won’t even vaccine himself or his own children – hhhmmmm). Any “vaccines” the “Gates'” DO receive are likely to be “fake” or “placebos”. In fact, it’s always been funny to me how a man that advocates everyone ELSE’S children get vaxxed won’t vaxx his OWN kids – what does he know that we don’t, folks?) 

The following several articles highlight “severe complications” with “said vaccine(s)“:

Metro healthcare worker describes severe allergic reaction to COVID-19 vaccine

Vaccine Rollout Continues Following **ALLERGIC REACTION CLUSTER** At Petco Park

CDC says severe allergic reactions to the Covid vaccine run 10 times reactions to the flu shot but “claims” severe reactions are “still rare”

‘Healthy’ South Florida doctor DIED 2 weeks after receiving COVID-19 vaccine

Healthy, 28-year old Volunteer in Brazilian COVID Vaccine Trial DIES

But folks, wait…..there’s MORE:

And folks: that’s just the ones that we actually KNOW about….I’m sure there’s many, many other cases out there that have likely been BURIED by “the Pharmaceutical elite”, etc. But again, it doesn’t stop there. Can a person actually SUE if they develop a severe reaction to the vaccine and/or can a family sue if one of their beloved family members DIES from the vaccine? The resounding answer is NO!’t%20sue%20Pfizer%20or%20Moderna%20if%20you%20have,compensate%20you%20for%20damages%20either&text=Under%20the%20PREP%20Act%2C%20companies,goes%20wrong%20with%20their%20vaccines.

While there IS a small government program that’s supposed to “pay out” people who’ve had severe, adverse reactions to vaccines (prior to 2020), I’m told that this program RARELY pays out and that only about 6% of cases have been payed out so far. OUCH! Not a great track record for a country that’s supposed to be the strongest country in the world!

Therefore – if they try to force you to get the vaccine – make you feel as though you have to get it or else – and then totally ABSOLVE themselves from ANY responsibility should something go wrong with said vaccine(s) – I would say it’s likely that something else far more sinister is going on, behind the scenes. It’s like they (the shadow gov’t) WANT to put infectious diseases into the world (into animals and humans). And lets face it, NO human is gonna voluntarily offer to have an “infectious” disease put into them. None. A person would have to be suicidal or have to have a secret death wish for such!

Therefore, they (the “shadow gov’t” – not only here in the U.S. but around the world – and notice I said SHADOW gov’t and NOT Trump’s administration) most likely have to test the diseases on humans UNWILLINGLY and UNKNOWINGLY, possibly blaming OTHER scapegoats in the process (i.e. mosquitoes, bats, pigs, birds, etc.) Either that or they perhaps PURPOSELY put the diseases INTO the animals, KNOWING that it’ll eventually spread to humans and thus, oops, “human and animal testing” in the process!

They always claim it was an “accident” that “said virus” LEAKED out of the lab or “accidentally” got into contact with a bird/pig/bat/mosquito, etc.! Accident? REALLY? Do they REALLY think we’re all THAT stupid? How does a highly contagious virus just “accidentally” develop a pair of legs of its own and just so happen to shimmy itself out of the lab? (Nice try, but you don’t fool us, Big Pharma!)

So either some of the BSL-4 employees THEMSELVES are just merely following superior orders to “leak” out viruses for “general testing” on the outside ( perhaps very, very hesitantly or somewhat against their will/conscious or naively thinking it’s for the greater good) OR…..members of “shadow governments” are infiltrating these labs and/or getting help from the inside in order to LEAK these viruses to the world’s animals and/or general public!

Because over the years, there have been MORE LEAKS, not less! That tells ME that the leaks are PURPOSEFUL and NOT accidental! For if they were “accidental” as claimed, those employees who “leaked them” would be promptly fired and EVEN MORE safety measures would be put in place to make sure that that type of “leak” never happened again, am I right?

My whole point in this is that all is not what it seems. I believe the U.S. shadow government (as well as shadow governments around the world) are very likely working WITH China to try to bring about a GLOBAL SHUTDOWN! Why? Because they WANT the Mark of the Beast/Mark of the Beast Global System to be here, already! They are tired of waiting and will stop at nothing UNTIL they get The Mark of the Beast Society (i.e. Socialism) that they’ve always wanted!

Cause like I said in a previous post, think about the masks. At first, they were OPTIONAL in most places. But now they are REQUIRED in almost every place. At first, businesses were told to VOLUNTARILY shut down to “mitigate the spread”. But now, many of them are being FORCED to shut down. At first, churches were strongly encouraged but not FORCED to shut down. Now, many of them are being FORCED to shut down. Do you SEE what’s happening here, folks?

But lets not stop there. Some state governors have taken it EVEN FURTHER by trying to tell us WHAT WE CAN DO IN OUR VERY OWN HOMES (martial law PRE-CONDITIONING, anyone?) You just can NOT make this stuff up, folks! (Nazi Germany, anyone?)

But again. This is NOT about “Corona” or truly ungodly health crises like “the black plague”, this is about POWER, CONTROL AND MONEY $$$$ AND LOTS OF IT!

Take “proposed” New York law A416, for example. Read the proposed law between the lines, folks! The “proposed” law says that IF a government official (specifically, the NY state governor) deems any ONE person a “health risk” or any one GROUP of people a “health risk”, that they can DETAIN THEM and bring them to ANYWHERE OF THE GOV’T OFFICIAL’S CHOOSING and potentially hold that person/those people there (as well as that person’s “contacts”) FOR AS LONG AS THEY WANT – EVEN if a person has previously tested NEGATIVE for Covid, etc? Plus I won’t even mention how the legislation makes ZERO mention about said official “abusing” detainees and/or FORCING them to take a vaccine and the like! The law is PURPOSELY VAGUE! Okay, now read it as if you were reading about a law that said Nazis could “legally” detain and imprison Jews indefinitely. Chilling, isn’t it, folks?

U.S. Democrats (as a whole), along with the SHADOW GOVERNMENT, and several political operatives in the mass media, likely with the help of China, have somehow managed to STEAL THE 2020 U.S. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, (as well as the 2021 Georgia Senate run-offs, more than likely?) and to THREATEN THE U.S. COURTS! In fact, it’s most recently come out on the Rush Limbaugh show that U.S. Supreme Justice Andrew Kennedy FEARED a protest by/from Antifa IF the Texas case was taken up and consequently ruled in Trump’s favor in the U.S. Supreme Court! Wow! What a VERY sad day in America, INDEED!

But folks, what MANY a American doesn’t realize is THIS: It’s NOT about Democrat vs. Republican, rich vs. poor, black vs. white, Christian vs. non-Christian, vaxxers vs. anti-vaxxers. These are all just FAKE CONSTRUCTS that the Shadow Gov’t uses to TURN AMERICANS AGAINST EACH OTHER! Because remember: United, we stand, and Divided, we fall and that’s just what the U.S. Shadow Gov’t (and Shadow Gov’ts around the world) WANT!

They NO LONGER want the U.S. to be the most powerful nation on Earth! They WANT Free Speech annihilated! Plus they also no longer want the U.S. military to be the most powerful on Earth! What they want is a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT SYSTEM where each country’s residents (including Americans) are payed a “global wage”. In other words, they want to DESTROY THE U.S. MIDDLE CLASS! Sound familiar, folks?

Because AS SOON AS they have Socialism in place (not just in the U.S. but WORLDWIDE), setting up The Mark of the Beast Society will be a piece of cake! And once again, once the Mark of the Beast Society is FULLY ACTIVATED, rounding up and torturing/killing ALL those who do NOT agree with the Mark of the Beast “new society” (also affectionately called by many on the Left “THE GREAT RESET”) will ALSO be a piece of cake! (Nazi Germany, anyone?)

Heck, even Bill Gates himself ADMITTED that the PURPOSE of vaccines and “natural disasters” was for POPULATION CONTROL! Because think about it, the more dead people, the less people the world governments will have to worry about trying to control; hence “population control”. [Note: They’ve been geo-controlling the weather through HAARP and Project Bluebeam for quite some time now but that’s another post for a different day.] Don’t believe me? Here’s a soundbite for ya:

[1:00-1:10 mark]

Did you hear his WORDS? Aren’t they CHILLING? The scary part is that the guy is NOT even kidding! He’s DEAD SERIOUS!

Another sound bite will back this up:

Fully convinced, yet? Even if you aren’t, that’s ok. In due time, you WILL BE, MARK MY WORDS! In due time, even the MOST skeptic of skeptics will begin to see THE BIGGER PICTURE!

Let us examine a few things in more detail:

  1. “The Squad” – AOC & company
  2. AOC’s driving Amazon OUT of NY – and the long-term consequences of such
  3. The U.S. Drive TOWARDS Socialism/Communism
  4. The Democratic party “stealing the U.S. election”
  5. Black Lives Matter/Antifa protests
  6. The “Defund the Police” movement
  8. Governors telling their constituents what NOT to do – then doing it themselves (“Do as I say, not as I do”)
  9. WHO stands to “benefit” from Corona “virus” shutdowns & Corona “vaccines?”
  10. Is “Big Pharma” to be trusted?
  11. Can a person sue IF they have an extremely bad reaction to the vaccine? Why or why not?
  12. Why are “Corona legislations” taking away cash & “free speech?”
  13. What if Joe Biden becomes president? Then what?
  14. If Jesus were to arrive today, what would He find us doing?

I was quite amazed when Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.; Ilhan Omar, D-Minn.; Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass.; and Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich, were all successfully elected to Congress. Not because of their race, gender or religion (or possible lack, thereof) but because of their POLITICS! They are all SOCIALISTIC PROGRESSIVES who are backed by MAJOR SOCIALIST Bernie Sanders! And they ALL seem to have one thing in common: TO ESCHEW CAPITALISM!

Okay, so what essentially is “capitalism” for those not in the know? Capitalism means a FREE MARKET, FREE TRADE and also COMPETITION. In fact, business competition is what makes the economy THRIVE! It’s what makes the economy VERY, VERY GOOD! It’s what CREATES jobs and the possibility of “the American dream”, upward economical mobility, etc. In fact, it’s exactly WHY America has been so successful at being….well…..America! Take capitalism AWAY………and you got a FAILING economy, economic STAGNATION, MASSIVE POVERTY, and……SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM!

All throughout the world where “socialism” has been tried, it has NEVER been successful! Germany failed! Russia failed! Cuba failed! Venezuela failed – and IS currently failing! MILLIONS upon MILLIONS died under the socialistic/communistic “dictatorships” of Mae Ze Dong, Mussolini, etc. SOCIALISM CREATES POVERTY! Because WHEN the people DEPEND on the gov’t for $$$, the government essentially – sooner or later – RUNS OUT OF OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY! The money supply eventually runs COMPLETELY DRY! Inflation then SKYROCKETS and POVERTY BECOMES THE NORM!

AOC, “The Squad” and Bernie Sanders WANT Socialism/Communism! They WANT Americans to be POOR and “dependent on the government”. They do NOT want a FREE MARKET, do NOT want a free, competitive economy and do NOT want the American middle class to STAY in the middle class. They want pretty much ALL Americans to be POOR so they can better subjugate and CONTROL THEM! Because think about it, folks: you can NOT control a group of people that are “financially affluent!” But you CAN control a group of people that are DEPENDENT on the Gov’t for food, money, land, electricity, etc. Scary, isn’t it?

So AOC drove out MILLIONS of jobs OUT of New York when she “chased Amazon away”. Now, your (the blog reader’s) personal thoughts on Amazon aside, she essentially costed New York MILLIONS of dollars of possible revenue that would’ve jump-started New York’s economy! In a nutshell, she made MILLIONS of poor or lower-middle class New Yorkers go potentially jobless since she cost them some good-paying jobs that they COULD’VE theoretically had at Amazon-NY! And folks, this was a ripple effect…….Because what happens in NY or California (financially/jobs wise/etc.) is indicative of the U.S. Economy AS A WHOLE! Therefore, she costed ALL Americans the chance for a BETTER ECONOMY when she chased Amazon out of New York!

And “The Squad” (those that ACTIVELY CAMPAIGN for Socialism/Socialistic “ideals” in this country) started out as just THREE members of “The Squad” (once again, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.; Ilhan Omar, D-Minn, and Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich) plus Bernie Sanders. But now THE NUMBERS KEEP GROWING! Now there’s around SIX more members: Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass, Corey Bush, D-Mo, Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., Marie Newman, D-IL, Mondaire Jones, D-N.Y., and Richie Torres, D-N.Y.! And folks, these “Progressives” are the TROJAN HORSES of our great, American republic! Eerily enough, all the “social programs” that they’re advocating for are the SAME EXACT type of “social programs” that THE NAZIS claimed THEY wanted, in their bid for power! Does that shock you? Scare you a’tall, folks? IT SHOULD!

It was back in 2018 when they really started to gain power (Green New Deal, anyone?) And now – with Trump almost out of office – their RISE to power keeps growing as more and more “Draconian measures” are taking place within our U.S. political, educational, economic, religious AND healthcare systems! How did it all happen so fast? And what does that mean for a country that (up until about 2016 or so) CHAMPIONED free speech, differences of opinion, freedom of religion, etc.? What does that MEAN for America’s long-term future? Let us examine. The several following articles highlight the “descent” that America is greatly taking towards Socialism/Communism:

[January 15, 2021 article]

[August 7, 2020 article]

[May 12, 2018 article]

Now let us turn to point #4 (The Democratic Party STEALING the U.S. election). The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was unlike anything I had EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE! Millions upon millions of mail-in ballots were mailed out to people (rather they asked for them or not), voter registration was NOT checked alongside casted votes, many U.S. states illegally CHANGED voter laws right before/during/after the election, vote counts STOPPED at 10:30pm in FIVE key critical states and nearly ALL mail-in votes were for Joe Biden, suitcases and vans full of ballets were delivered in the middle of the night, many Republican poll watchers WERE KEPT FROM THE ROOMS during vote counting, etc.

It wasn’t even a “clean steal”, it was the most sloppiest vote steal I’ve ever seen in total U.S. history! In fact, the evidence of the election steal is MASSIVE! But yet…..most Republicans in Congress (and now – even the U.S. Supreme Court ITSELF, sadly) won’t do anything ABOUT IT! (That’s likely because they fear for their LIVES!)

So after the Democratic Party (as a whole) successfully stole the U.S. 2020 Presidential election and “got away with it”, they likely then (in my humble opinion) went off to steal the Georgia election run-offs as well. And what’s weird to me is that there shouldn’t have even BEEN any run-offs in the first place: As far as I can see, Perdue and Loeffler already rightfully won their Senate seats and should have NEVER agreed to have run-offs. (But that’s a different story for a different time, folks). So now the Democrats pretty much now got control of the White House, House AND SENATE! America is DOOMED! But then again: This could be Christians’/Americans’ wake-up call!

Perhaps with Trump in office, us Christians (in the U.S. and all around the world) just got too “cushy” and “too comfortable” and “too lukewarm” and “too COMPLACENT” in our spiritual walk with Christ, etc. so perhaps this “Socialistic shake-up” is what’s needed to bring TRUE, patriotic/Christian Americans (and Christians from other nations who SUPPORT America) to our knees in TOTAL SUBMISSION AND PRAYER!

And when it comes to Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and the “Defund The Police” movement, the objective should be CRYSTAL CLEAR: The Democratic Party is run by CRIMINALS who “want to get away with……EVERYTHING!” Think about it, folks. If the police force in the USA is still strong, how else is the CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE that is the current U.S. Democratic Party gonna get away with anything? Answer: They can’t! That’s WHY they want to “Defund the Police”. It doesn’t really have anything to DO with George Floyd or anyone else. It has to do with POWER, CONTROL, MONEY AND SUBMISSION. They want their political enemies (i.e. the true, patriotic Republicans) to SUBMIT to them. And they’ll use POWER, CONTROL, VIOLENCE AND FEAR by which to try to DO just that!

Now on to the Capital Riots. What I believe it was, is Antifa and BLM members DRESSED UP AS TRUMP SUPPORTERS in order to slam Trump and Trump supporters during his very last so-called days in office. (Any true Trump supporters that were there rioting at the Capital? Trump did NOT in any way, shape or form tell them to take to violence, so that is all left-wing lies, unfortunately). But again, this is all a sign of something greater: They not only want to CANCEL, DESTROY AND DEMOLISH TRUMP but they want to DEMOLISH Trump supporters as well. Why? Because Trump and his supporters are THE ONLY THING standing in between Americans and socialism/communism! When Trump was quoted as saying: “We will never be a Socialistic country”, what he REALLY meant was, “Not on MY watch!” (Note: The people threatening to “hang Pence” are NOT Christians and NOT true Patriots! REAL patriots don’t threaten to kill! Enough said).

But perhaps the silver lining in all of this “drive towards U.S. Socialism” will be when all these young, Democrat-voting millennials see up close and personal just how TERRIBLE Socialism is and just how GREAT capitalism actually is, they’ll rebel in GREAT NUMBERS **AGAINST** the Socialism that AOC and Bernie want and finally – FINALLY – appreciate what it is that Trump was TRULY trying to do for them – as well as for EVERY American – while he was still in office! Trump, in fact, has had more accomplishments and kept more campaign promises than any other president in U.S. history – save for perhaps Abe Lincoln! Here’s a list of what all Trump has accomplished over his last 4 years in office (and this is just the ones that were counted, there’s probably lots more not noted here):

About the most disturbing thing of the “Corona ordeal” is “the disappearance of cash/coins” and “the disappearance of FREE SPEECH”. Twitter and Youtube have (as far as I know, anyways) PERMANETLY banned Trump from Twitter and Youtube. Not long after that, Amazon banned and dismantled PARLER (a conservative social media site) and Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Reddit, Twitch, LiquidWeb have ALSO attempted to ban Trump while Shopify has attempted to ban Trump products from its site.

Folks, this REEKS of BIG TECH/government censorship! Remember when they took out Alex Jones? Now, they’re trying to take out Trump. Heck, at THIS rate, the Criminal Enterprise known as the Left may even have plans to try to assassinate him, his wife Melania, his son Baron or all three. Nothing surprises me anymore! But again: they (the elite) HATE Trump because he EXPOSES THEM FOR WHAT THEY ARE: CRIMINAL, AMERICA-HATING SOCIALISTS! In fact, Trump is the ONLY THING standing between Americans and Socialism/Communism! Few other Americans in political office have the gall or the gutts to PUBLICLY stand up against The Leftist Establishment (save for possibly Ted Cruz and a couple others).

BIG TECH and BIG PHARMA have become FAR TOO POWERFUL (in the U.S. and in the world) and it’s about high time that all citizens of the world rose up AGAINST them! NOT with violence but with TACT! Many conservatives here in the USA are DELETING their Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter accounts and I can’t say I blame them. Whenever a mass exodus of a big tech happens, it makes their stock shares go way down! I’m on the fence however, rather I still want to keep my Youtube and Facebook accounts or not. They are ESSENTIAL for spreading the gospel (something in the scriptures that we are commanded to do). And I feel like NOW is the time to start MASSIVELY GOSPEL WITNESSING on social media. NOW. Because tomorrow is not guaranteed. They (the leftist elite) just might decide to pull the plug on EVERY conservative user of these social media platforms tomorrow, citing “fear of violence/incitement”. So we have to think one step ahead, folks!

In fact, AOC is now in the process of developing a call to “rein in the media”:

Folks, you just can’t make this stuff up! It’s currently one of the many ways in which the left is attempting to “stifle” free speech! And not only free speech but CASH/COINS as well (2020 “coin shortage”, anyone?) Because incidentally, BOTH cash and free speech are a TOTAL THREAT to SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM! BOTH of those things are what allows an individual to be an individual (free of the political “groupthink” grid). However, when you take ONE or BOTH of those things AWAY from people, that’s when Socialism/Communism starts knocking on America’s door! In fact, many immigrants that are FROM socialistic countries – that came here to America to get AWAY from Socialism – are now TERRIFIED of what they are now starting to see here in America!

In fact, many Americans (specifically, many Christians in the U.S.) are worried about what’ll happen if/when Joe Biden becomes president of the United States of America, come Wednesday, January 20, 2021. And the simple answer is THIS: Kamala Harris (the vice-president) will personally see to it that Socialism and Socialistic policies OVERTAKE THE U.S.! Basically, it’ll become hell on Earth, sort’ve speak! The American way of life will be NO LONGER! Corporations will be run by the government! Free speech (atleast for Conservatives) will be annihilated! Cash will be done away with and a NEW payment system (likely similar to “The Social Credit Score” of China) will be installed! The U.S. courts will be packed with LIBERALS! The U.S. Constitution will no longer apply! The USA will be FLOODED with illegal immigrants!

The U.S. military will no longer be the most powerful military in the world! Foreign countries will try to attack the “late, great USA” (and will likely succeed!) $15 minimum wage will become law, thus, destroying and shuttering lots of businesses since they will no longer have the funds to PAY the workers that much money or to carry on the higher number of employees they already have! MASSIVE jobs will be lost! People will start to lose their homes and their savings! Millions will go hungry! Homelessness and poverty will INCREASE! Riots will INCREASE! Basically, EVERYTHING that Trump has accomplished these past 4 years will be ERASED/UNDONE/like they never happened! How dreadful, INDEED!

But yet, even more important than the question of the possible loss of your job, home, family and finances is the loss of your OWN SOUL! If the Lord Jesus Christ HIMSELF were to return to the Earth today, WHAT WOULD HE FIND US ALL DOING?

“I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” – Luke 18:8

But again, everything the Socialist Democrats aim to do………they don’t realize it but they are actually doing SATAN’S work on the Earth! How? Simple.

John 10:10-12 states, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep”.

So in other words, Jesus is saying there in the above passage that SATAN comes to “steal, kill and destroy” while Jesus HIMSELF is the one who gives “life”. Okay……so what does Jesus mean by that, essentially? Think about abortion for a minute and what exactly goes on DURING an abortion procedure (rather chemical or surgical). In BOTH cases, the baby’s heart STOPS and is torn apart, LIMB BY LIMB. So what type of action is going on there? Answer: KILLING! DESTROYING! STEALING! For it’s STEALING the life of the unborn and DEPRIVING the unborn baby of the life they COULD’VE had! But what did Jesus do, in the life of the baby? Jesus is the AUTHOR of life! Jesus is the one who GAVE that baby LIFE, not DEATH! Notice the difference there, folks?

The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was STOLEN! The Socialist Democrats want Donald Trump, Trump supporters, free speech, freedom of religion, right to bear arms, and our U.S. Constitution + Bill of Rights DESTROYED! Therefore, I think it’s safe to say that the Socialist Democrats – in league with SATAN (rather they know it or not) – aim to STEAL, KILL AND DESTROY! I think that the Lord Jesus Christ has been trying to REVEAL the SPIRITUAL TRUTH about the Democratic Party for a long, LONG time – but people were just in denial and not paying any attention. Well, I sure do hope they’re starting to sit up and pay attention NOW – because our livelihoods – both in this world and the next – DEPEND ON IT!

Now – all that being said – what can WE – as born-again Christians do? Simple: FAST AND PRAY! Because lets face it – alot of us Christians (myself included, somewhat) tended to take our Christian position in this country for granted with Trump as President – we really truly DID! And that’s an easy human thing to do in times of political and/or religious prosperity, it really is! However, we MUST remember the Book of Job in the Old Testament:

Job 2:9-210 state: “Then said his wife unto him, ‘Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die’. But he said unto her, ‘Thou speakest as one of the foolish women speaketh. What? shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil?’ In all this did not Job sin with his lips”.

So, in other words, Job is more or less saying that the Lord Jesus’s people need to praise him AT ALL TIMES – and in ALL circumstances – rather than just during GOOD times and GOOD circumstances – if that makes any sense? Because Jesus NEVER, EVER said that the spiritual walk with him would be EASY! In fact, He said it would be ANYTHING BUT:

“Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you” – 1 Peter 4:12

“For [it is] better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing” – 1 Peter 3:17

“Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” – 2 Timothy 3:12

“If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before [it hated] you” – John 15:18

Even the disciples said it would be anything but easy:

“Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you” – 1 John 3:13

We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. For we which live are always delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh” – 2 Corinthians 4: 8-11

Therefore – in conclusion – I think that if we (born-again Christians and Messianic Jews) ALL fast and pray – and pray for Donald Trump & family, ALL Republicans – and ALL Americans – as well as ALL Christians + Messianic Jews around the world – that something good may happen. Remember 2 Chronicles 7:14? Lets soon make that a REALITY, folks!

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” – 2 Chronicles 7:14



1 Thessalonians 5: 3 “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape”.

So now there’s apparently been some so-called serious talks about “peace in the middle East” [peace, safety, security & prosperity]. INTERESTING……Considering that the bible tells us in the book of Revelation that it will be a “FALSE PEACE”.

Donald Trump is apparently set to announce the “final peace deal” within the next coming weeks. Are YOU saved in the name of Jesus, people? Because the bible says that ONLY the Antichrist of Revelation will be able to sign/bring about “the final peace deal” in the Middle East between the Jews and the Arabs!

And ALL whose names are NOT recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life (remember that Jesus Christ is often called THE LAMB OF GOD) WILL be deceived by the Antichrist! The Antichrist WILL attempt to make all the Earth’s inhabitants (even the very “elect” – i.e. Christians) to think he’s the greatest thing that ever walked the Earth. On the outside, he will probably look like a prophet, dress like a prophet, act and speak like a prophet of God, but on the inside, he will be nothing but a MASS DECEIVER!

Not only will he sign a “final peace deal” between the Jews & the Arabs, but he will have everyone who doesn’t obey Jesus, fooled. He will make the Earth think he’s a “good guy”, a one world gov’t leader who “strives” and works for “peace”. But his master will be none other than Satan himself! He will soon require ALL of mankind (man, woman and child) to take a mark on their right hand or their forehead. This is known as THE MARK OF THE BEAST! He will claim that this “Mark” will be needed to buy or sell (a new “global currency”, if you will). But the Mark is REALLY about “worship!” The Antichrist wants to be WORSHIPED, IN PLACE OF CHRIST!

And Jesus gives us some VERY dire warnings that WHOMEVER TAKES THE MARK OF THE BEAST WILL BE DAMNED BY GOD FOR ETERNITY IN THE LAKE OF FIRE! However, whomever REFUSES to take the Mark of the Beast? They will be KILLED, the bible says!

Basically in a nutshell, taking the Mark of the Beast (administered in the right hand or the forehead) is RENOUNCING JESUS. So, in other words, if Christians RENOUNCE JESUS in the New World Order/Beast System, they will then be allowed to buy and sell in the soon-coming Antichrist’s “global economy”. But those “Christians” will be DAMNED BY GOD FOR ETERNITY IN THE LAKE OF FIRE & BRIMSTONE! Why? Because WHEN and IF those “Christians” cave in and take the Mark of the Beast, their DNA is IMMEDIATELY PERMANENTLY CHANGED! Their DNA is then IMMEDIATELY programmed to WORSHIP THE BEAST!

Once a person gets the Mark of the Beast, THAT’S IT, IT’S OVER FOR THEM, ETERNALLY SPEAKING. There is NO MORE HOPE LEFT FOR THEM! It’s not a Mark that you can put on, then take back off, then put back on (as some FALSE, BLASPHEMOUS End-times Christian movies portray!) You get the Mark, it’s PERMANENT for ALL ETERNITY and there’s NO going back!

So why should anyone in their right mind get “The Mark of the Beast?” What’s 5 minutes worth of food compared to AN ETERNITY IN THE LAKE OF FIRE? It’s much better to starve, be tortured/imprisoned/killed for one’s faith in the Lord Jesus Christ than to renounce Jesus, take the Mark and burn an eternity in the lake of fire, am I right?

The problem though is that many Christians are gonna “cave”. Many Christians are gonna be afraid. Many Christians are gonna think that Jesus will somehow forgive THEM for taking the Mark since “hey, they got families to feed”, right? But alas, THERE IS NO FORGIVENESS FOR THOSE WHO TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST! NONE! NOT EVER! NOT FOR ETERNITY!

But “The Mark” is gonna “pretend” to come with many “Earthly benefits” to all who take it. Want to have eyesight if you’re blind? Want to regrow hair or lost limbs? Want to be smarter, faster, skinnier, taller, more athletic? That is what they will CLAIM you get as “additional benefits” to taking “The Mark”, in addition to the economic ones.

DON’T TAKE THE MARK, FOLKS! NOT NOW, NOT EVER! IT’S NOT WORTH AN ETERNITY IN THE LAKE OF FIRE! It’s much better to die for one’s faith in Jesus Christ than to live for the Devil’s LIES!

Satan was a liar from the VERY BEGINNING when he tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden! Satan LIES when he tells people that they won’t go to hell or the lake of fire for suicide! Satan LIES when he tells people who want to be rich and famous that “having money & fame’ll solve ALL their problems”. Satan LIES when he tells impressionable people (that oftentimes had a very bad experience or experiences in childhood) that “there’s nothing wrong with being gay”. Satan LIES when he says that homosexuality/gay marriage is NOT a sin! Satan LIES when he tries to claim that biological gender can change! Satan LIES when he tries to claim that Jesus doesn’t exist!

“We’re not living in the Last Days, things have continued since they have since the beginning”, claim many.

2 Peter 3:3-9 [New Testament, 2 Peter, chapter 3, verses 3-9] says:

“KNOWING THIS FIRST, THAT THERE SHALL COME IN THE LAST DAYS SCOFFERS, WALKING AFTER THEIR **OWN LUSTS**, AND SAYING, ‘WHERE IS THE PROMISE OF HIS COMING? FOR SINCE THE FATHERS FELL ASLEEP, ALL THINGS CONTINUE AS THEY WERE FROM THE BEGINNING OF CREATION. For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:

But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance”

Translation? We’re living IN the last days of human history, news headlines AND bible prophecy PROVE it, rather one believes it or not! (One not believing in bible prophecy doesn’t make it any less real, so remember that, folks!)

Anyways, AFTER the Antichrist is UNVEILED to the world, (many believing at the MOMENT he signs the “final peace deal with the Jews & the Arabs, while others believe it’ll happen during what’s known as The Abomination of Desolation), Jesus Christ (the true, biblical, FULLY GLORIFIED FROM HEAVEN) Jesus Christ will return to the Earth a SECOND TIME! Only, THIS time, he will NOT be returning with peace and love towards non-believers but with WRATH & A 2-EDGED SWORD! In other words, Jesus Christ will return to the Earth with GREAT WRATH towards ALL those people who took the Mark of the Beast, etc.

However, Jesus Christ WILL “rapture” up in the clouds all his FAITHFUL followers! (Those who did NOT take the Mark of the Beast! Those who did NOT renounce him, when the time called for their faith to be ETERNALLY TESTED! Those who CHOSE to OBEY Jesus, NO MATTER WHAT, NO MATTER THE “WORLDLY PRICE!”) He will meet them IN THE CLOUDS OF THE AIR! And so will they be forevermore with the Lord!

So the choice should be clear. Choose Jesus & Eternal Salvation. REFUSE to take the Mark of the Beast and REFUSE to renounce your faith in Christ and LIVE FOREVER WITH JESUS IN ETERNAL PARADISE!

OR…….Choose to RENOUNCE JESUS, make excuses NOT to believe in Jesus, take the Mark of the Beast, then BURN IN THE LAKE OF FIRE FOR ALL ETERNITY!

We’ve all got 2 choices and 2 choices, ONLY: it’s Jesus Christ or Satan. So what’s it gonna be, folks? Because remember that NOT choosing Jesus Christ IS choosing Satan, BY DEFAULT, rather you’re a full-fledged “Satanist” or not! Refusing Jesus for ANY reason will land you towards the road to taking the Mark of the Beast. And once you take the Mark of the Beast, that’s IT, it’s OVER for you. You will have LOST YOUR OWN SOUL! You will have lost EVERYTHING!


This is REAL, folks! This isn’t a GAME! This isn’t a MOVIE! This isn’t another episode of “Left Behind”. It’s time to get REAL with your faith in Jesus, folks! Time to get serious!

Christians: What if someone pulled a gun on you tomorrow and asked if you believed in Jesus? Would YOU be willing to die for your faith in Jesus and FOR Jesus, if faced with the threat of death? You had BETTER answer YES to that question! Cause things are starting to get REAL SERIOUS in today’s world! Satan and his demons aren’t kidding around anymore, folks! They mean some SERIOUS BUSINESS!

Every single Christian WILL be tested. NO CHRISTIAN shall escape “testing”.

On Jesus’s Day of Judgement (for we will ALL face his judgement someday), one question you do NOT want Jesus asking you is: “WHY DID YOU DENY ME?”

He created the universe with just the mere sound of his VOICE: “Let there be light”. He created the ENTIRE UNIVERSE and has the universe at his HELM! So think, folks. Is this REALLY the heavenly creator that you want to get on the wrong side of for all eternity? Me thinks not!

Some people worship Satan since they’re deceived into thinking that Satan has power. But what they do NOT realize is that what Satan has is LIMITED POWER! Power that was BORROWED from Almighty God! And Satan no doubt created MANY religions by which to deceive people BY! Islam, Hinduism, Orthodox Judaism, Mormonism, Catholicism, Shintoism, Paganism, *Satanism*. Wicca, you name it.

Also: there’s MILLIONS of Christian denominations. Certainly they can’t ALL be right, correct? Let me let you in on a secret. All “denominations” are false, man-made religions! Seriously. How can we know this? Simple: Genesis 2:2-3 states: “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made”. Translation? God rested on the 7th day (Saturday) and SANCTIFIED it.

The Roman Catholic Church comes along and CHANGES the day from Saturday to Sunday and even BRAGS about it to this day (do the research if ya don’t believe me!) And then, all Protestant churches followed suit. So what, then? Did Almighty God “make a mistake” when he created the 7th day (Saturday) to be holy? God doesn’t make mistakes, folks!

Another tidbit: Christmas and Easter. What do chocolate, painted eggs, rabbits, Santa Claus, reindeer and Christmas trees have to do with Jesus Christ again? Anyone? No? Those holidays are ALSO Catholic! Catholic and man-made! The Roman Catholic church decided to put a “Christian stamp” on Pagan holidays! What if someone gave you a birthday card that they first gave to someone else, then crossed out that person’s name and then put YOUR name on it? How would YOU feel? You’d feel that was pretty cheap, tacky and insincere, right? So does Jesus when we celebrate Paganized holidays that have absolutely nothing to do with him!

Passover, Tabernacles, Pentecost. Now THOSE are biblically-sounding holidays, right? That’s because they ARE! Many pastors have written them off as “Jewish holidays, ONLY”. Well guess what, folks? Did you know that Jesus and his 12 disciples celebrated all 8 of the “Jewish feasts”, including the 2 “Minor Jewish Feasts?” And did you also know that the Lord Jesus Christ himself is FULFILLED in or soon to be fulfilled in those “Jewish feasts?”

Folks, they’re not just “Jewish feasts” but are BIBLICAL FEASTS! And they are the only true feasts that celebrate NOTHING BUT JESUS! There isn’t ANY room in the BIBLICAL feasts for chocolate candy, painted eggs, rabbits, reindeer, adorned tree idols or Santa Claus. For Jesus Christ will share his glory with NO OTHER, save for God the Heavenly Father!

Hopefully I’ve given you all something to think about….some spiritual food for thought.

Just think about this for awhile. If today’s “official churchianity” celebrates holidays that have nothing to do with Jesus, then why does the “Christian church” still continue to celebrate them?

And if God Almighty created in 6 days and rested on and BLESSED & SANCTIFIED THE 7TH DAY (Saturday), why do all the “churches” still celebrate on SUNDAY, a day the Lord God NEVER sanctified?

I could write pages and pages and pages of well-documented proof of these things but many would STILL cling to their “traditions”. But if their “traditions” don’t truly line up with God’s Written Word, perhaps it’s time to re-examine those “traditions” and where they TRULY come from! Why green trees at Christmas? WHY? Green trees have WHAT to do with Jesus again?

On the other hand, Jeremiah 10:1-4 states: “Hear ye the word which the Lord speaketh unto you, O house of Israel: Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not”

Christmas trees are mentioned there but not in a positive light!!!!

But man, just think……..people must’ve HATED the prophet Jeremiah for pointing the types of things I’ve mentioned in this post, out. They must’ve accused Jeremiah of “splitting hairs”, “taking things too seriously”, “taking the Lord and righteousness too seriously”, “being judgmental”, etc. But that didn’t stop Jeremiah from serving the Lord God, did it? Neither should that stop US, the Berean Judeo-Christians who want to go back to AUTHENTIC, BIBLICAL JUDEO-CHRISTIANITY!

In fact, I’ll ever take this a step further. Roman Catholicism is based on the ancient Babylonian “mystery religion”. They just replaced Pagan gods/goddesses with “saints”, is all. Plus they replaced “Gaia – the divine feminine” or what Jews calls “The Shekinah Glory”) with “Mary worship”. And Protestantism, in retrospect, is really nothing more than “refined Catholicism”. And this type of “Paganized Christianity” is already a part of and HAS BEEN a part of “The Beast System” for a very, VERY long time! It’s just that many Christians didn’t even know it at first! (Heck, even I didn’t know it at first until I started doing some MAJOR BIBLICAL RESEARCH!)

There were TWO types of Jews back in biblical times. Those who ACCEPTED Jesus as Messiah (today known as “Messianic Jews/Judeo-Christians” and those who did NOT (today known as Orthodox/Phariseeic/Akenazi/Sephardic Jews).

Love me or hate me but I’ve done YEARS of biblical research on all this and I tell you all THE TRUTH. Truth that you’re not gonna hear much of anywhere else. I tell you all THE TRUTH because I love each and every single one of you and do NOT want ANY of you to end up in the eternal flames of torment someday!

The choice is up to YOU. But don’t say I didn’t warn you!

“Cultural Christianity” Vs. BIBLICAL Christianity

Many people of today call themselves “Christian” and celebrate in “Christian holidays”, etc. But VERY FEW “Christians” actually take a step back and wonder if what they’ve been “practicing in the church” their whole lives, as a “Christian”, is EVEN BIBLICAL! They just “assume” it is. And that is sad and unfortunate, folks!


  1. Go to “church” every Sunday

  2. Pay tithes to “the church

  3. Sit in pews while listening to a “pastor” preach (in general) “feel good” messages that oftentimes have nothing to do with the BIBLICAL Jesus Christ, bible prophecy or the End Times (in general), while maintaining own’s own individual “silence” about their own personal experiences/biblical insight with the Lord with fellow church members (during a church sermon) and the OUTSIDE WORLD 

  4. Celebrate in “Christian holidays” without a second’s thought as to WHERE those “traditions” came from/etc.

  5. See nothing wrong with LGBT issues/BEING LGBT

  6. See nothing wrong with “abortion” and see it as a “woman’s right”

  7. Believe the Old Testament and “Biblical Feasts” No Longer Apply, that they are ONLY “Jewish feasts” and also that “Christian holidays” are “truly biblical”

  8. Don’t take marriage vows seriously (as a whole) 

  9. Think it’s OK to bring “New Age” concepts into “the church” (as a whole)

  10. Think “the church” is a building/a place to GO TO and not a thing TO BE

  11. Think Genesis and the book of Revelation ARE NOT REAL

  12. Don’t see ANY major importance in studying up on bible prophecy and the End Times

BIBLICAL Christians, on the other hand, don’t DO any of the 12 things above (as a whole)………In fact, they do JUST THE OPPOSITE:

  1. Celebrate the Sabbath on the BIBLICAL 7TH DAY OF THE WEEK (Saturday), not sunday!
  2. Do NOT pay “tithes” to the institutionalized “Christian church” but instead, CHEERFULLY give to those in need (i.e. a homeless person on the street, someone at the doctor’s office that needs help with medical costs, a person in line at the register that’s short of change/money, etc.)
  3. Study up on the End Times and bible prophecy
  4. (As a whole) Do NOT really celebrate in “Christian holidays” anymore in their hearts but instead, celebrate in the BIBLICAL/JEWISH HOLIDAYS, while also trying to learn as much about the “Jewish/Biblical roots” of Christianity that they can! 
  5. Realize that LGBT behavior is a GRAVE SIN……something that the ancient biblical cities of Sodom & Gomorrah were burned down for!
  6. See Abortion as a GRAVE SIN and realizes that ALL of life is “precious” in the Lord’s site!
  7. KNOW that “Christian holidays” are of Pagan origin and that the “Jewish holidays” mentioned in the bible are the TRUE, BIBLICAL HOLIDAYS!
  8. Take any and all marriage vows SERIOUSLY!
  9. KNOW that “New age” philosophy has NO PLACE in the true, BIBLICAL church!
  10. KNOW and REALIZE that “the church” isn’t a place to go to but rather, a thing TO BE! For EACH believer themselves + the “assembly” of believers = “THE TRUE/BIBLICAL CHURCH”, according to the bible!
  11. KNOW without a doubt that ALL OF THE BIBLE IS TRUE, all the way from Genesis to Revelation!
  12. KNOW and REALIZE the **UTMOST IMPORTANCE** of studying up on bible prophecy and the End Times and knows that Jesus Christ IS the spirit of prophecy!

[Yet sadly, many “CHRISTIANS” today are “CULTURAL CHRISTIANS”. They are not true, AUTHENTIC Christians, but Christians “in name, ONLY”.

Oddly, many people today are “Cultural Christians” without even REALIZING it! In fact, I myself used to be a “Cultural Christian” that worshiped on the Sunday Sabbath, was on the fence about pre-marital sex being a sin or not if two people were engaged to be married, etc. (before the Lord opened up my eyes!)

[YES, Jesus Christ had appeared to me when I was little during a NDE, but there were still many, many things about him/his word that I HADN’T yet learned at that point in time, from ages 2-32. The only thing the NDE did was prove to me that he was real, that he came from heaven, that he had the power over life and death, that his voice had the ability to shake the Earth and the waters and that during the End Times, many would “fall away” and be eternally judged by HIM!}

In fact, Jesus says in Matthew 15: 8-9This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from meBut in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men“. [OUCH! Does that NOT sound like most of today’s “Christians” in the “institutionalized Christian church”, folks?]

And honestly, I think the Lord “purposely” allowed me to BE a fellow “Cultural Christian” for awhile so that I could see just HOW “easy” it is TO fall into the TRAP that’s known as “Cultural Christianity”. It was only through YEARS and YEARS of biblical study that I was FINALLY able to break free through all the false, Satanic layers in “Modern-day Christianity” and teach OTHERS how to do so! I simply call it “peeling back the layers”.

In fact, if Jesus Christ were to come to the Earth today and see just how “the church” was being run, (in general), I’m sure he’d be just as angry (if not even more so) as he was towards the money-changers in the temple in biblical times (Matthew 21:13). In fact, what would he see, if he were to see most of today’s “Christian churches” and “Christians”? He’d likely see the following:

  1. A “pastor” droning on and on about a “feel good” message that had NOTHING to do with the BIBLICAL Jesus Christ, bible prophecy or the End Times (in general)

  2. People “tithing” money for the “church building upgrade”, the pastor’s new car, etc.

  3. People being “solemn pew potatoes”, instead of JOYOUSLY sharing with EACH OTHER as well as nonbelievers (on a daily basis and not JUST during bible study) their knowledge/experience with the bible/the Lord/their lives as it pertains to Christ/etc.

  4. People “celebrating” in holidays that had absolutely NOTHING to do with the BIBLICAL Jesus Christ and that actually MOCKED HIM, in hindsight (while also WORSHIPING IDOLS – and not just Catholic “saints”, folks….Tell me what the EASTER BUNNY and SANTA CLAUS have to do with Christ? ANSWER: NOTHING!!! They’re an ABSOLUTE MOCKERY OF JESUS CHRIST IN FRONT OF OUR VERY OWN EYES AND MANY HUMANS DON’T EVEN REALIZE OR SEE IT!!!!)

  5. People clinging to “Satanic lies” of “pleasure and SODOMY” (especially in the LGBT community) and ALSO people who buy into the transgender LIE of: “I think, therefore I am” when that personally can’t be FURTHER from the “biological truth!” [Truth be told, NO AMOUNT OF SURGERY IS GOING TO CHANGE A PERSON GENETICALLY……only COSMETICALLY…, even IF such technology would ever come about, MESSING WITH THE IMAGE OF GOD HAS *DIRE* ETERNAL CONSEQUENCES, WHICH IS THE LAKE OF FIRE!] 

  6. Many women in the church “seeing nothing wrong with abortion” and “getting one”, as a result

  7. People writing off Jesus’s BIBLICAL HOLIDAYS (Passover, Tabernacles,etc.) that are both a foreshadowing of him AND revealed in him, saying to themselves and others that they are just “Jewish holidays, ONLY”

  8. Married people cheating on each other right and left and/or working on their 3rd/4th marriage (swapping spouses like they do underwear)

  9. People (especially young people) incorporating New Age concepts into “the church”, while also (as a whole) NOT saving themselves for marriage before having sex/etc.

  10. People TRULY believing in their hearts that “the church” is “a BUILDING”, and not the body/assembly of believers themselves

  11. People TRULY believing in their hearts that Genesis is NOT real, that Revelation is NOT real, that bible prophecy is NOT real/no longer applies

  12. People that “yawn” at bible prophecy and don’t see its total significance

In fact, do you think Jesus Christ would be happy with even HALF the stuff going on in “the churches” today? The answer is a resounding NO!

In fact, during his mighty Day of Judgement, Jesus warns:

Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not” (Matthew 25: 41-43)

But the UNREPENTANT “Cultural Christians”will be SHOCKED to hear this! They will protest with the FOLLOWING:

“Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?” (Matthew 7:22)

Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?” (Matthew 25:44)

And HERE is how Jesus is going to RESPOND to such people:

Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it NOT to one of the least of these, ye did it NOT to me” (Matthew 25:45)

“And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity (Matthew 7:23)

[And while there’s SOME Christians out there in the church today who truly have NO IDEA about what the true sabbath is, and that DO believe homosexuality/abortion’s a sin, and that DO try to please the Lord Jesus Christ in everything they do, these folks (today, atleast) are FEW and FAR BETWEEN! The good majority of “Christians” in “the church” today are “CULTURAL CHRISTIANS”.

They not only don’t KNOW the REAL history of the Christian church/manmade Sun-day Sabbath:

But they DON’T CARE to know these things! And if they DO know the true history of the church/etc., they (once again) DON’T CARE! They are COMPLACENT and have a COMPLACENT ATTITUDE towards Christ and his gospel and it’s that VERY SAME complacent attitude that’s going to COST THEM THEIR ETERNAL SALVATION IF THEY DON’T QUICKLY REPENT AND CHANGE THEIR HEARTS! **THE DOOR TO SPIRITUAL PROBATION IS SOON CLOSING, FOLKS! TIME TO GET RIGHT WITH THE *BIBLICAL* JESUS CHRIST AND NOT THE “FALSE ONE” TAUGHT IN CHURCHES TODAY!!!!!!]

Therefore, any “Cultural Christian” REFUSING to change their heart/mind/body/spirit, AFTER LEARNING THE TRUTH, (THE TRUE BIBLICAL TRUTH), in order to make themselves right with the Lord? Jesus will be ETERNALLY CASTING THOSE PEOPLE OUT……..those that CALLED themselves “Christian” while living on Earth but never really bothered to check just what being a “Christian” really meant or what the TRUE history of Christianity/the “Christian church” was!

Those that called themselves “Christian” but yet, still continued to worshiped IDOLS on a NONBIBLICAL MAN-MADE SABBATH and that also celebrated in PAGANIZED SATANIC HOLIDAYS that actually MOCK JESUS! THOSE who cared more about the world and the things OF the world than they did Jesus and his gospel! Those who never donated to those in need,etc. And BECAUSE they never really gave Jesus (the BIBLICAL JESUS) the TRUE honor, worship and credence that he DESERVED, they will NOT have their names written in the LAMB’S BOOK OF LIFE!

In fact, Revelation 20:15 states the following: “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire

“What’s the lake of fire?”, some might ask. Answer: It’s 1,000,000 times hotter than the fires of hell! And the fires of hell are 100,000 times hotter than a flame from a small lighter (according to the archangel Michael during one of my near-suicide experiences).

So do the math, folks! The lake of fire is HOTTER THAN ANYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE, most likely! And this fire (BECAUSE it is SO abominably HOT), was originally intended for the Devil and his angels! And the fires of hell are someday gonna MERGE INTO the lake of fire, (according to Revelation in the bible), making it EVEN HOTTER! So imagine this, folks! Put your hand under a small flame from a lighter! Feel the INTENSITY of that flame! Then imagine something that’s 100 TRILLION times hotter than that and that’s the lake of fire for ya!

So just think…..ALL the nonbelievers, ALL followers of “different religions”, ALL “Cultural Christians” will end UP in the “lake of fire”. And they will be there FOR ETERNITY!

For it states in Revelation 14:11 “And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name

But let me take this a step further. BECAUSE “Cultural Christians” aren’t TRULY saved in the name of Jesus and BECAUSE the Holy Spirit’s not WITH THEM, they will fall for almost any lie brought on by Satan and his New World Order!

In fact, amidst world chaos (that’s already happening in the world today), a global world leader will someday soon come on the scene (if not already so!) He will appear to be the answer to the world’s problems. He will even “promote peace”. But it’ll be a FALSE PEACE! For this global leader is nothing other than THE ANTICHRIST!

And he will someday soon require ALL of Earth’s inhabitants (rich and poor, great and small, free and bond) to take a mark on their right hand or their foreheads, in order to be able to buy and sell. But WHOEVER takes this mark will be DAMNED BY GOD FOR ETERNITY! (That’s what the last part of Revelation 20:15’s talking about: “and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name”).

On the OTHER hand, if Jesus Christ were to return to the Earth today and see all of the people that were desperately trying to RETURN to “Jewish/biblical-roots Christianity” and/or live their lives as “biblically accurate” as possible, I think he would be QUITE PLEASED! For he (in general) would see the following:

  1. Those who study the KJV bible at home or in “small group house churches” (the true, biblical model of “church”)

  2. Those giving money to people who actually need it (e.g. homeless people on the street, people in need of medical assistance costs, the person in front of us at the register who’s short $1 or two, etc.)

  3. Those giving their own biblical “insight” or personal experiences to other fellow Christians AND nonbelievers, instead of just listening to a pastor rattle on & on with what is oftentimes a “feel good” message that has NO true biblical importance concerning the BIBLICAL JESUS CHRIST or merit concerning bible prophecy, the End Times…….OR listening to a true, BIBLICAL message about the End Times/bible prophecy, etc. 

  4. Those who mostly celebrate ONLY in the BIBLICAL HOLIDAYS (Passover, Tabernacles, Pentecost, etc.), while “inching away from Christmas” and DENOUNCING ALL IDOLS/IDOL WORSHIP

  5. Those who see the TOTAL LIES of Satan’s LGBT “agenda” and aren’t afraid to speak up about it

  6. Those who see the TOTAL LIES of “Satan’s abortion agenda” and aren’t afraid to speak up about it

  7. Those who not only believe but KNOW that the Old Testament and Biblical Feasts stand for NOT JUST the Old Testament AND New Testament times but for ALL TIME (even the New Millennium!)

  8. Those who take any and all marriage vows SERIOUSLY

  9. Those who see the TOTAL LIES of Satan’s “New Age concepts” and aren’t afraid to speak up about it, as it pertains to “the church”

  10. Those who know (or have come to know) that “the church” is the body/assembly of believers themselves, and NOT “a building”

  11. Those who KNOW that Genesis and Revelation (and every word of the bible – front to back) is not only REAL but that Genesis ACTUALLY HAPPENED, that everything in the Book of Revelation WILL happen, and that everything in between from the beginning of the bible to the near end has ALREADY HAPPENED – MARK MY WORDS!)

  12. Those who know and realize the UTMOST IMPORTANCE (especially at THIS time and hour in “world history) to study up on bible prophecy and the End Times and how current world news events fit into bible prophecy [Open Your Eyes People is an end times ministry that DOES just that….they focus on world news events and how they tie in to bible prophecy, a MUCH NEEDED MESSAGE in today’s “sinful world!”]

And guess what? On Jesus’s day of judgement, instead of CASTING OUT the people who TRULY hunger and thirst for the TRUE, BIBLICAL righteousness and NOT the FALSE type of “righteousness” as THE WORLD or “church congregations” define it, he will instead say:

“Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me” (Matthew 25: 34-36)

“Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord” (Matthew 25: 21)

In other words, these true people of the Lord will receive LIFE ETERNAL and will gain entry through the gates of the NEW heavenly city called NEW JERUSALEM, that God Almighty shall bring down from heaven! (Revelation 21-22 in New Testament)

Though sadly, the number of these people will be few and far between. For Jesus says:

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it (Matthew 7: 13-14)

A good illustration of this is Youtube. Just look at how many “popular videos” there are on Youtube. Then notice how many of these “popular videos” discuss Jesus’s gospel (Jesus’s TRUE GOSPEL, that is!) Very, very few, right?  

On the OTHER hand, all the Youtube videos that DO talk about Jesus? The true, BIBLICAL Jesus? Most get less than 10,000 views (even 5 years after being on there). Why is that, do you think?

Or just think about email forwards. How often do people send email forwards of funny jokes or funny news articles, yet, HESITATE when it comes to sending emails about Jesus Christ or his gospel? Have YOU ever hesitated at sending an email forward to someone concerning Christ’s gospel? I have, in the past! (Much to my shame!)

But see, that’s just how EASY it is to fall into Satan’s trap, folk! We must be VIGILANT in these last days, sharing Jesus’s LIFE-SAVING *JEWISH-ROOTS* GOSPEL of Salvation with everyone or anyone who’ll listen. NOTE: If you get someone who “pesters” you over the gospel or makes “mocking remarks”, ignore them & keep preaching to others who WILL listen to your message! Because believe it or not, all God wants you to do in the mocker’s life is “plant the spiritual seed”, that’s IT! You’re not responsible for THEIR salvation, folks! Especially if they’re a MOCKER of the gospel! So remember that! 

I personally wish I could send a “TRUE HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY” flier to every single household here in America! Sadly, many pastors THEMSELVES already KNOW the truth about Constantine and how he changed the Sabbath Day etc. but REFUSE to acknowledge it to their congregations since they still want their funding from the state and since they still want those almighty dollars $$$$$ to be flowing inside their churches! 

Many pastors do sermons where they claim “Satan will never be welcome in THIS CHURCH” (looking around at their congregants for “validation”), but what they don’t know (or DO KNOW but don’t want to admit) is that “Satan” has been in the modern-day “Christian Church” ALL ALONG, ever since Constantine very first gave him a “foot-hold” by changing the Lord’s BIBLICALLY-MANDATED 7th-Day Sabbath to a FALSE, SATANIC, Sun-day worshiping one! That is PRECISELY when Constantine turned “Christianity” into a LIE!

And then, here, you got all these Catholics, all these Lutherans and Protestants that think that “going to church every Sunday” will deem them saved! But oh, how HORRIFIED many of these poor folks will be when they learn THE TRUTH (that Satan was the head and master of the “modern day Christian church” ALL ALONG!)

And oh how HORRIFIED they will be when they LEARN (when they FINALLY LEARN) that the “Jesus Christ” they THOUGHT they were worshiping “at church” was nothing other than Satan himself IN DISGUISE! In fact, the “Jesus Christ” worshiped in churches today is NOT the Jesus Christ of the bible! Repeat: is NOT the Jesus Christ of the bible! Why? Because as a whole, the “JESUS” taught in churches today, here in the year 2016, is a false, Paganized Jesus that seems to “accept” abominable practices such as abortion, homosexuality, divorce, etc. and can’t save a person from their sins! 











There seems to be this popular false teaching floating around today which states, “The Jews don’t NEED to be saved in the name of Jesus, since their Torah-observance and/or their already being born as Jewish ALREADY makes them righteous before God!” That would imply that a person being ethnically and/or spiritually Jewish is “enough”, in God’s eyes.

But let us go back in the bible during the times of the Old Testament. Abraham had TWO sons (Ishmael — by his bondwoman Hagar and Isaac — by his wife Sarah). Many Jews of today claim they are saved by being the “physical descendants of Abraham”, ALONE! However, God’s everlasting covenant in the Old Testament was with ISAAC, not Ishmael! So what does that mean in plain English, you might ask?

It means that God’s everlasting covenant is a SPIRITUAL COVENANT, not so much a physical one! And the spiritual covenant is brought about by FAITH! Faith in what, you might ask? Faith in the one and only true Messiah! Who is the Messiah? Yeshua/Jesus Christ Almighty! The bible is VERY CLEAR that Salvation only comes by grace through FAITH + obedience.


We’re further told in Galatians 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus”

“So what does THAT mean, then?”, some may ask. It means that IN the true spiritual kingdom of God/Jesus and also IN the future Millennial Kingdom, there are absolutely NO distinctions between male and female, rich and poor, Jew nor Greek, for ALL obedient servants of Jesus Christ ARE HIS SPIRITUAL CHILDREN and are ALL considered CHILDREN OF GOD!

In fact, John 14:6 expressidly states: “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me”.

Translation? Jesus is saying there in that passage that he’s the ONLY way to Salvation, the ONLY way for forgiveness of sins, the ONLY way to receive eternal life, and the ONLY way to ESCAPE God’s ETERNAL WRATH! In other words, outside of HIM and him alone, there IS no “Salvation!”

In a previous post, I stated that the Hebrews/Jews were God’s chosen people and that to say otherwise was “demonic”. But I should’ve EXPANDED on what I meant by that. The Hebrews were God’s chosen people back in ancient biblical times, (pre-flesh appearing Jesus), YES! BUT… a world that became flesh-appearing Jesus, followed later by post-human flesh-appearing Jesus, (soon to be replaced once again by the PHYSICAL/FLESH-APPEARING AND FULLY SPIRITUALLY GLORIFIED JESUS), the “chosen people” of God will then became ALL souls that had/have faith AND obedience in Jesus Christ Almighty (rather Hebrew or Gentile!) as the following passage illustrates:

Galatians 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus”.

While it’s true to say that the Hebrews were the “firstborn” or original “first-fruits” of God, it’s NEVER ok to say that “today’s Jews” don’t need Jesus Christ to be “Saved”! For ALL souls (INCLUDING “Jewish ones”) NEED Jesus Christ to be saved! ALL!

For like I stated, outside of Jesus Christ, there IS no Salvation! The VEIL to the Jewish temple was BROKEN by Jesus during his crucifixion! Meaning, the OLD COVENANT (the “Jewish Temple”) no longer applied, ONLY the NEW COVENANT (Jesus’s crucifixion, resurrection & consequent ascension back up to heaven) applied/applies! For ONLY the blood of Jesus on the cross gave a way for all present-at-the-time-of-Jesus and future mankind a way to be “eternally redeemed in God’s site!”

Many Christians out there today REFUSE to tell Jews about Jesus, thinking that the Jews are already saved by “the Torah”. But those Christians are DECEIVED and sadly DELUDING THEMSELVES! For remember that Satan’s goal is to KILL, STEAL & DESTROY! The Hebrews (back in ancient biblical times) were the Lord’s chosen people! Satan’s been trying to DESTROY THEM and/or their way of life ever since (Haman, Pharaoh, Nero, Nimrod, Hitler, antisemitism in & of itself (*especially* among many of today’s “Christians”), Palestinian Authority, etc.)

In fact, during the time of Constantine, “anti-Jewish sentiment” was at an all time high. Pro-Jesus Jews wanted nothing to do with the “Orthodox Jews” since they considered them responsible for the “execution/crucifixion” of Jesus. Romans (for the most part) ALSO wanted nothing to do with the Orthodox Jews OR “Pro-Jesus Jews” since they considered their way of life to be “foreign” and “too restrictive”.

And so just like many “politicians” do today, Constantine knew he must fully maintain these “sentiments” by law in order to maintain complete and utter control over the entire Roman Empire populace. So what better way for him to do that, than to create a religion that “did away with biblical precepts” and that had “equal rights for ALL”? Sound familiar?

When Constantine (with the help of “Catholic bishops”) CHANGED the Sabbath day from the 7th-day biblically-mandated Saturday Sabbath to Sun-day (venerable worship day of the Sun), he not only turned “Christianity” into a LIE but he ALSO proved which god he worshiped (and it was NOT the God of the bible!!!!!!!)

Sadly, one of the most devastating IMPACTS this had was on the “Jewish people” THEMSELVES (as a whole)! Instead of being spiritually seen “as one” with the “believing” Gentiles (meaning, those Gentiles that believed in AND obeyed Yeshua/Jesus Christ) like they SHOULD’VE BEEN, they were then “set apart” for what would then become their own spiritual demise! Because at THAT point in time, you then had many “Orthodox Jews” who thought that NO Jews need Jesus in order to be saved” and unfortunately, this viewpoint spread like CANCER to the non-Jewish world as well!

BEFORE Yeshua (the BIBLICAL Jesus) physically arrived on the Earth, ONLY the Hebrews were “God’s chosen people”. But DURING and AFTER the time that Yeshua (the BIBLICAL Jesus) physically arrived on Earth, ANY person (rather Hebrew or not) received the right to become “a child of God”/PART of “God’s chosen people”. Because whoever DENIES Yeshua is THE Messiah (rather Jewish or not) is essentially calling God (the same one that saved Daniel in the Lions Den, brought the Hebrews out of Egypt, appeared to Moses in a burning bush and parted the Red Sea, etc.) a LIAR! Please remember that Yeshua is the same yesterday, today and evermore! He hails from EVERLASTING! 

Jerusalem (both Earthly Jerusalem AND Heavenly Jerusalem) is God’s foothold. The bible says so. In fact, even after all this time, the physical city of Jerusalem (miraculously) still stands! However, many “Arabs” (modern-day physical and/or spiritual descendants of Ishmael) now live in Jerusalem, too! To ME, that’s very prophetic…..

In my opinion, that means that God is reigning “judgement” upon “Earthly Jerusalem” for the following two reasons: A) for becoming so “worldly” and “politically correct” and B) for the Jews having turned their back on their one and only true Messiah (which is Yeshua/Jesus Christ Almighty)…..

The fact that “Earthly Jerusalem” now has many Israel-hating “foreigners” living among them (and has had so for SEVERAL years now) *and* that it’s also now a “political hotbed” for the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD (in addition to all the “pro-sodomite/LGBT celebrations” in Tel Aviv/etc……….SPEAKS VOLUMES! (That’s bible prophecy right there in the making, folks!) 

Also, there’s NO more need for an “Earthly Temple” anymore, as THE VEIL TO THE JEWISH TEMPLE WAS BROKEN AT THE CRUCIFIXION OF JESUS! Jesus Christ himself even says in John 5:46 “For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me.”  

And the bible also says Jesus/Almighty God will create a NEW heavens and a NEW EARTH! In fact, the city that Almighty God will build and bring down from heaven will be called “NEW JERUSALEM”. Why is that, do you think? Because clearly, if God’s foothold on the city of Jerusalem were only physical, there would be no need for him to build a “NEW JERUSALEM”, now, would there? That’s how we know that Almighty God’s hold on Earthly Jerusalem is both physical AND spiritual……

However, ironically enough, even WITH the foreign enemy living among them, Israel is STILL prosperous! That to ME would suggest that Jesus still loves the Jews and desperately wants them to come back to Him before it’s too late and their fate is sealed for all eternity! 

Our commission in these last days is to NOT ONLY bring the gospel to non-believers and those of other religions (in general) but to SPECIFICALLY bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Jews themselves! Because remember that there is NO SALVATION outside of Jesus Christ! NONE! Over 330+ Messianic prophecies in the Old Testament were FULFILLED by Jesus Christ in the New Testament, biblically PROVING that Jesus Christ IS the Messiah!

Also: think about all the Jews out there today that do horrible, abominable things, like own porno companies or abortion clinics or movie studios, etc for instance! Or Jews that were born Jews but deny the faith of Jesus? Are they all now “Saved” JUST BECAUSE they were “born Jewish”? HA! Or perhaps you have a Jew that DOES follow the Torah to the letter (and while I personally commend that Jew/those Jews for doing so – especially in today’s world where things have become so evil), that STILL won’t “Save Them” from God’s Eternal Wrath since THE VEIL OF THE JEWISH TEMPLE WAS BROKEN at the crucifixion of Jesus!

“He that heareth you heareth me; and he that despiseth you despiseth me; and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me” – Luke 10:16 [Those that hate Yeshua/Jesus HATE God Almighty since God Almighty is the one that SENT Yeshua/Jesus to Earth to be born of a virgin birth!

“Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust” – John 5:45 [Moses will directly or co-directly accuse Jews who rejected Jesus to Almighty God, since THE VEIL TO THE JEWISH TEMPLE WAS BROKEN AT THE PRECISE MOMENT OF JESUS’S DEATH ON THE CROSS!

“I and my Father are one” – John 10:30 [Yeshua/Jesus IS the Messiah!!!!!! He is God Almighty in the flesh! He and the Heavenly Father/God Almighty ARE ONE!

Not to mention that most of the Jewish genealogical records were carried away and BURNED! Why? Because it was God’s sign to mankind that the genealogical records NO LONGER APPLIED, since THE MESSIAH (Yeshua/Jesus Christ Almighty) HAD ALREADY ARRIVED ON EARTH! 

[However, Yeshua/Jesus’s genealogy has been preserved to a T! Why is that, do you think? Answer: His genealogy is the ONLY spiritual/physical genealogy that MATTERS!]   

So, people: IF you see, know or hear of a Jewish person, PREACH THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST & SALVATION TO THEM! The bible says that during the End Times, 144,000 Jews will be sealed in the name of God! Translation? DURING these here End Times, many Jews will come to know and realize that Jesus Christ WAS their Messiah and is the ONLY way to Salvation! In fact, many Jews today are ALREADY starting to wake up to this fact! They are known today as “Messianic Jews”.

And for those “Christians” who defied Constantine by KEEPING the biblically-mandated “Jewish precepts” of the gospel such as the BIBLICAL FEASTS and the biblically-mandated 7th day Sabbath? They became known as “Messianic Jews” or “the Lord’s people”. So no, not ALL Jews refused to recognize Jesus as their Messiah. Some were wise enough back then to realize Jesus was the Messiah. But still. Many more Jews will wisen up TODAY and realize that Jesus Christ IS the Messiah!

But folks, be forewarned: amidst world chaous, a “one-world-government-leader” will SOON emerge. He will appear to be “the answer to the world’s problems”. He might even possibly call himself “Jesus” or “Messiah”. But he will NOT be the “Jesus Christ of the bible”. He will be an IMPOSTER! He is the BIBLICAL ANTICHRIST! He will pretend to come in the name of peace and FOOL MANY! And he will eventually require ALL flesh (both young and old, rich and poor, free and bond) to take a mark on their right hand or their forehead in order to be able to buy or sell. But Almighty God warns that WHOEVER takes this “mark” will end up in the eternal LAKE OF FIRE:

“And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name” – Revelation 14:11

“And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire” – Revelation 20:15

Sadly, many “Jews” (and non-Jews, alike) will see the soon-coming one-world-government-leader (the Antichrist) AS their “Messiah” and will GLADLY take his “mark” to buy and sell, before later realizing that NOT ONLY is he not THE BIBLICAL MESSIAH but is in fact, no “Messiah” at all but came from the PITS OF HELL! However, by then, it’ll be too late for them, for ONCE they take “the mark”, their fate is SEALED for ALL ETERNITY!

In fact, Messiah Jesus warned us in Matthew 7: 13-14 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it”. 

Translation? VERY FEW will make it into the gates of “heavenly Jerusalem”, someday. VERY. FEW. Yet, MANY billions of people will end up in the LAKE OF FIRE, someday. Why? Because Almighty God sent them there? Answer: No. Because these people will have ended up sending THEMSELVES there… REJECTING Jesus Christ as the one and only true Messiah, by ALLOWING themselves to be deceived by the one world government leader, and by ALLOWING themselves to get “THE MARK” (in order to buy or sell), the mark that Almighty God warned them in the bible NOT to get!

Therefore, in conclusion, ALL souls (INCLUDING Jewish ones) need Jesus Christ in order to be “Saved”! For apart from Jesus Christ, there IS no Eternal Salvation!

“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” – Acts 4:12

And for those of you Jewish people or skeptics that have any doubt about Jesus being the one and ONLY true Messiah, PLEASE PLEASE check out my page entitled “Long List of 333+ Messianic Prophecies from Old Testament FULFILLED by Jesus Christ in New Testament”. 

Thanks and have a wonderful evening! 😉 

“I pray that all Jewish AND non-Jewish souls that read this become saved in the name of Almighty Yeshua/Jesus Christ. May He speak to you in your dreams, may He give you visions of Him and HIS words in the bible, may He take the spiritual blinders off your eyes and SET YOU FREE from the demonic LIES of this world and may He also grant your soul a refreshening that only He himself can provide! May He bless & keep you for all eternity! Amen”.