Posts tagged ‘Paganized Christian holidays’

What Satan Doesn’t Want You Knowing About Abortion, LGBT, Etc.

America was founded upon the notions called “life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness”. Satan’s fall was founded upon the notions of pride, greed, envy, anger & deceit. In the year 2017, pretty much all of these concepts were put into the melting pot called “Modern-Day Christianity”. And many people are none the wiser. Why? Answer: Because Satan successfully mixes truth WITH lies. 

Let us look at a few examples, here:

  1. The “Sunday Sabbath”/”Jesus Rose On Sunday”
  2. Abortion/Women’s Rights
  3. LGBT/Human Rights
  4. Transgenderism/Human Rights

Okay, lets now take a deeper look at #1, The “Sunday Sabbath”. Back in ancient times, the Roman Emperor Constantine, along with the help of “Catholic bishops”, proclaimed Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire. 

“What’s so wrong with THAT?” someone may protest. “That sounds nice…..that sounds like Constantine was trying to PROTECT Christians from persecution”.

But lets unpack this a bit….there were many, many “Pagans” living in the Roman Empire at that time. And the Roman Catholic Church (and Constantine) wanted to control as many of the Roman “populace” as possible. So how do that? Answer: Through religion. 

But the Pagans didn’t LIKE many of the BIBLICAL CHRISTIAN PRACTICES……so Constantine had to “appeal” to the Pagans. And the ONLY way he could do that was by PAGANIZING CHRISTIANITY, and that’s exactly what he did (with the help of the Catholic bishops, ofcourse). 

So essentially, what Constantine did was spread a FALSE, PAGANIZED *FORM* of Christianity that had no true, biblical merits. Why? Because he (along with the help of the Catholic bishops) CHANGED THE SABBATH, from the 7th-day biblically-mandated Saturday to Sun-day, venerable worship day of THE SUN!

(And interestingly enough, if you look around the Catholic Church today in the Vatican, you will see ALL SORTS of remnants of “sun worship” – in fact, the “halos” you see around “Catholic saints” are supposed to represent SUN HALOS/SUNS!) 

That was the start of it. But he didn’t stop THERE. No……He took it even a step FURTHER. He OUTLAWED fasting, Biblical Feasts, and ABSTAINING from work on Saturday, the TRUE SABBATH. He OUTLAWED biblical feasts by calling them “Jewish feasts”. And then, sometime later on, the false/Paganized holidays of “Christmas” and “Easter” were celebrated, which actually came from ANCIENT PAGAN SEX FESTIVALS (Saturnalia of Christmas, and Feast of Ishtar, fertility “goddess” of Easter).

Because do you REALLY think Satan would’ve let the Roman Catholic Church (key word being ROMAN) stand if it were REALLY, TRULY following the bible? Think about it, folks! The ONLY reason Satan’s left the Roman Catholic Church alone and let it PROSPER beyond anything imaginable that this Earth’s ever seen is because it, the Roman Catholic Church, is NOT following the bible (atleast, they’re not following the Jesus Christ of the BIBLE, anyways……..but another “Jesus“, altogether……..)

And over time, the Roman Catholic Church has gained such WIDE, global influence to the point that even many NON-BELIEVERS, sadly, consider The Catholic Church/Pope/Vatican to be THE PREMIER AUTHORITY on Christianity! “Well, the Catholic Church has made alot of contributions to history, such as the first printing of the bible in the English language, etc.”

See how Satan works, folks? See how he mixes truth with lies? He’ll allow Christians to go to church every week because they (as a whole) are going to church on the WRONG DAY/WRONG SABBATH (Sun-day, venerable worship day of THE SUN!) Just like he’ll allow Christians to be Christians since they celebrate in the FALSE/PAGANIZED HOLIDAYS OF CHRISTMAS & EASTER!

(Plus, have you ever noticed how these two holidays actually MOCK Jesus Christ by equating him with “Santa Claus” and the “Easter bunny? Tell me what those things have to do with Christ! Anything? Didn’t think so!!!!!)

We know from the bible that God worked for SIX DAYS, then rested on, CONSECRATED and SANCTIFIED the 7th day of the week, SATURDAY, as HIS HOLY 7TH DAY SABBATH. So for MORTAL MAN to come along and CHANGE IT? It’s like saying that God made a mistake when he made the 7th Day Sabbath! THINK ABOUT IT, FOLKS!

And when people starting waking up to that fact, Satan started a “Resurrection Sunday” Movement. Have you ever noticed that, folks? Pastors preaching that “Jesus rose on Sunday morning”. But if you read the bible between the lines, it’s clearly apparent that Jesus rose at the END of Saturday evening and was ALREADY RISEN by EARLY Sunday morning, he didn’t rise DURING Sunday morning. So the “Resurrection Sunday” thing is CLEARLY A LIE!

Now lets go to example #2, Abortion/Women’s Rights. It really all started in the 60’s, during the “Free Love/Hippy Movement’. That’s what really got all this “dire feminism” thing started. And WHO do you think is behind the Hippy Movement? Any guesses, folks? It sure as heck wasn’t Jesus Christ of the bible that started it! (And P.S.: did you know that the Peace Sign is actually supposed to be a MOCKING of Christ?) 

“We don’t have to listen to authority, we don’t have to answer to anybody, we have free will, we can do whatever the heck we want”. My, my, my, one would rather think that it was a “fallen angel rally”, not any type of “human rally”, am I right? Don’t those sentiments echo almost exactly what the fallen angels likely said to themselves/amongst themselves when they thought they no longer had to follow God as the Head Authority? Think about it, folks!

And out of “hippy-ism” sprang FEMINISM. Basically, this “Movement” ATTACKED Jesus Christ, ATTACKED THE BIBLE, ATTACKED the Traditional Family, ATTACKED traditional gender role models and “worshiped the woman”. At first, women were fighting for the right to ENTER into the workforce. And then, they wanted the right to NOT have to have a baby. That’s where the “Abortion fight” came in.

“I’m not ready for a baby yet, or right now”. Whatever happened to PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY? Does THAT not matter, anymore? Whenever a woman protests: “my body, my choice”, she instead is essentially saying: “I want the right to have unprotected sex with no biological consequences”. 

True, some women are raped and that’s a horrible, horrible thing. But the baby itself didn’t rape them. Why is their life more important than the baby’s life? Can they REALLY imagine the baby within their wombs saying: “Please kill me mommy, I don’t WANT to live? Please, please, PLEASE allow my brain and body parts to be TORN APART by forceps and scissors! I WANT to feel torturous pain, mommy!?” 

Oddly enough, long-time research shows that women that kept and raised their babies born out of rape were much, much better off psychologically and emotionally, rather than those raped women who chose to abort. Abortion is something that stays with you for YEARS afterwards (in your mind, heart, body and spirit) and there’s no escaping it! Not to mention that many raped women say that keeping & raising their babies actually HEALED THEM, psychologically! Who ever would’ve thought?

But the truth is, abortion does NOT make a pregnant woman unpregnant but rather, the mother of a dead baby. And I don’t exactly see women dancing in the streets and being all high and emotionally pumped up and JOYFULLY HAPPY after having an abortion. So I can only guess that abortion is NOT so liberating to women, as the “Feminist Movement” claims. 

But Satan is like that high-payed lawyer that tries to LURE women into the sin of murder: some women hear that small still voice that says: “Hey, YOU – the woman – should have rights, TOO! You shouldn’t HAVE to have a kid if you’re not ready to!” But tell me. If people were in the streets protesting: “I should have the right to murder”, other people would go BALLISTIC and have those people arrested for “incitement”, etc. Yet sadly, in today’s world, when women march in protest for the right to MURDER THEIR BABIES, the world even doesn’t blink an eye & turns the other way. 

And during an abortion, the baby’s heart stops and they are pulled from the womb, LIMB BY LIMB, with forceps! What if someone were to pull today’s modern women or men apart, LIMB BY LIMB and then try to say it was their “right” to do so? What a sick, murderous, degenerate nation we live in today, folks! A woman’s right to sin is more important than the life of her baby! 

Even women that are MARRIED are no exception. Some of them want their abortions, TOO! And for WHAT? Their lives are more important than their baby’s life BECAUSE….?? The point I’m trying to make here is that MURDER should NEVER, EVER be a “right” in this country – for ANY REASON – and yet, sadly, it is (in the case of Abortion and Euthanasia!) 

Abortion is NOT about “Women’s Rights”, it’s about TWO things and TWO things, ONLY: killing and $$$$$$$ profits! 

The bond that a mother has with her unborn child is one of THE MOST precious bonds in existence! So for any one person, name or organization to come along and try to DESTROY that bond and to do so for $$$$ profit?!!!!! Those are the TRUE PEOPLE who are “Anti-Woman”, and “Anti-Woman’s Rights”.

Planned Parenthood even “complains” about “Birthright Centers”, places that help women RAISE their babies and find necessary resources for doing so! It’s not enough that they’re ALREADY killing babies for $$$ profit! It would rather seem that Planned Parenthood doesn’t want ANY babies born, PERIOD! They apparently HATE life! That’s because Jesus Christ IS life! And he’s the Maker & Giver of it! We were all made in God’s holy image; male and female!

Now lets move on to #’s 3 and 4, LGBT/Transgenderism/Human Rights. It’s really no different than #2, Abortion/Women’s Rights. Human rights. Sounds good on the surface, doesn’t it? But what is it REALLY ABOUT, underneath all the “media propaganda” layers? Lets have a look.

The whole point of the LGBT Pride Parades and/or Transgenderism Movement (correct me if I’m wrong) is to convince the outside world that what they’re doing is “normal”. Because hey, if it’s “normal”, then it should (theoretically) be a “human right”, correct?

Only, the thing is, it’s NOT “normal” (not according to the bible AND not according to many psychologists). In fact, back in the 70’s, the Diagnostic Manual described “homosexuality/transgenderism” as “abnormal/mental illness”. And what’s interesting to note here is that the psychologists behind the manual weren’t even particularly religious, from what I note. And so nobody can make the argument that these psychologists were “religious” per say or that they were “just acting with the times”. They saw gender as “truly binary”, set in stone and anything outside of that was to them, “biologically abnormal”.

But then, “homosexual activists” put pressure on the APA to REMOVE that listing from the Diagnostic Manual. They wanted it to be known that it was a “choice”, that they were simply “choosing” to be that way, from what I read. But NOW – in the year 2017 – they’ve changed their tune. NOW they want people to think they were “born that way” and “can’t help it”. And ironically, I’ve most recently read about a survey done, that when homosexual people were asked if they’d be willing to take a pill if it “undid their gayness”, the overwhelming majority said no. Interesting.

A prominent gay activist HIMSELF most recently proclaimed: “there IS no such thing as a gay gene”

Not to mention a few academic/scientific studies confirm the same:

So….WHY do homosexuals and transgenders want people to think that they’re behavior is “normal?” Well, the first thing is that they’re in denial. They DON’T see what they’re doing as “Sin” at all (with many not even believing in the concept of “sin” to begin with, for that matter). While yet others likely think that, maybe, just maybe, if they can get MAN/MANKIND to approve it, then maybe that means that they could also get Jesus Christ to approve it. Because, using secular reasoning, “if too many human beings approve it, then God can’t be against it”.

But the thing to note here is that even if 99% of people on Earth APPROVED of the “sin” of homosexuality/transgenderism, it would STILL be a sin in Jesus’s eyes! And if it came down to only ONE person on the planet (and their close family, perhaps) being saved in the End, then only one person (+ any possible close family members, by proxy) would be saved! (i.e. Let us not forget Noah & his family during the time of God’s Wrath and the Great Flood Upon the Earth!)

But lets unpack this a bit. If/when a gay/trans person says they were “born that way”, they’re essentially calling God/Jesus Christ A LIAR! Not to mention that they’re ALSO saying in a sense that they HATE the way God/Jesus Christ made them! So how is that NOT sin, folks? Think about it!

ALL the LGBT fight is about (essentially) is THE RIGHT TO SIN WITHOUT EARTHLY CONSEQUENCES! That’s all it REALLY boils down to, after one has “unpacked” and “unpeeled” all the layers of what I call the “Onion of Unrighteousness”.

So the bad news is that no, they were NOT born that way and science (AND the bible) proves it! But the GOOD NEWS is that, BECAUSE they were NOT born that way, Jesus Christ can STILL change them and turn them INTO the person Jesus had ORIGINALLY intended them to be!

Jesus Christ (the true, BIBLICAL Jesus Christ of the bible) can TAKE AWAY their “transgendered feelings” and their “homosexual attractions”. He can BIND the homosexual/transgender demons that plague a person. He can HEAL them and SET THEM FREE from the homosexual/transgender demons, and YES, they are demons, folks; demonic spirits who (much like Satan) lay in wait for whatever soul they can “capture” and “deceive”. 

Sadly, many LGBT folks are “easy pickins” for such “demons” since they’re “broken people” to begin with! Satan constantly searches out “broken people” since they’re much easier “spiritual captures” as I call them. But a person that’s SPIRITUALLY DELIVERED BY Jesus Christ from such demons is no longer a “spiritual capture” but becomes a spiritual VICTOR!

ALL humans have the fundamental right to be “respected”. For example, ALL humans have the right to go into a grocery store and buy their groceries in peace without store managers saying: “Oh, I’m sorry, only blonde-haired people can enter into the store today”. Every human has a right to be respected for biological, physical traits they can NOT help. 

But when people start demanding rights for things that they technically CAN help and that are UNBIBLICAL and UNREASONABLE in scope, (“I should have the right to have sex in public”, “I should have the right to murder my unborn baby for convenience”, “I should have the right to use the womens’ bathroom, even though I’m not a true/physical woman and still got male genitalia”), Houston, we’ve got a problem!

Same-sex activity/transgenderism is actually A BEHAVIOR, not an “inherent trait!” Whereas, heterosexuality is an inherent trait. John-Hopkins research has previously pointed out that homosexuality/transgenderism is NURTURE (social environment) rather than NATURE (biology). There is NO gay gene and folks, they won’t EVER find one, because it simply DOES NOT EXIST!

And the day when the “Leftist Extreme” CLAIM they “have” found one? Trust me, that’ll be the day that they’ll have to resort to “faking” the scientific find of finding one, just like they FAKED the “find” of the “Missing Link” – Ida – a mere skull of a LEMUR, HA!

So what’s the moral of the story here, folks? Don’t believe ANYTHING the Secular Media tells ya. Heck, even those SO-CALLED pictures of the planet Mars and this or that find on Mars, with all the pictures being black and white and really, really “hazy?” I almost laugh every single time and say to myself: FAKE, FAKE, FAKEZOID! To me, the ONLY thing that’s true is the gospel of our Lord & Saviour, Jesus Christ Almighty! 

And in conclusion, I’d just like to say that ABORTION and the HOMOSEXUAL/TRANS movements are DESIGNED to DESTROY THE TRADITIONAL FAMILY! It’s TRUE! Here, a prominent “lesbian” activist even ADMITS that the “gay marriage” movement is meant to DESTROY marriage and the traditional family!

In essence, I think I’ve known that all along in the back in my mind, I’ve just never really fully realized it until I saw it written in print! 

But again, is it really any surprise that Satan DESIGNED the Gay Movement to DESTROY THE TRADITIONAL FAMILY? We live in such a FALLEN WORLD! Nearly EVERY SINGLE THING of modern day culture (from abortion to “the selfie”) is a LIE from Satan and the pits of hell! That’s why we MUST forever look at things from the LENS of GOD’S WRITTEN WORD, the bible. Because otherwise, a person WILL become deceived!

Many Christians today are so bold and arrogant to think that they will NEVER be deceived. But seriously. How many of those said Christians ALREADY watch TV shows like “American IDOL”, “Game of Thrones”, “The Walking Dead”, “Dancing with THE STARS?” etc. with reckless abandon? Like it or not, we ARE what we watch or let INTO our minds, hearts, bodies and homes! SO BE CAREFUL! 

“God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged”

– Romans 3:4











“Cultural Christianity” Vs. BIBLICAL Christianity

Many people of today call themselves “Christian” and celebrate in “Christian holidays”, etc. But VERY FEW “Christians” actually take a step back and wonder if what they’ve been “practicing in the church” their whole lives, as a “Christian”, is EVEN BIBLICAL! They just “assume” it is. And that is sad and unfortunate, folks!


  1. Go to “church” every Sunday

  2. Pay tithes to “the church

  3. Sit in pews while listening to a “pastor” preach (in general) “feel good” messages that oftentimes have nothing to do with the BIBLICAL Jesus Christ, bible prophecy or the End Times (in general), while maintaining own’s own individual “silence” about their own personal experiences/biblical insight with the Lord with fellow church members (during a church sermon) and the OUTSIDE WORLD 

  4. Celebrate in “Christian holidays” without a second’s thought as to WHERE those “traditions” came from/etc.

  5. See nothing wrong with LGBT issues/BEING LGBT

  6. See nothing wrong with “abortion” and see it as a “woman’s right”

  7. Believe the Old Testament and “Biblical Feasts” No Longer Apply, that they are ONLY “Jewish feasts” and also that “Christian holidays” are “truly biblical”

  8. Don’t take marriage vows seriously (as a whole) 

  9. Think it’s OK to bring “New Age” concepts into “the church” (as a whole)

  10. Think “the church” is a building/a place to GO TO and not a thing TO BE

  11. Think Genesis and the book of Revelation ARE NOT REAL

  12. Don’t see ANY major importance in studying up on bible prophecy and the End Times

BIBLICAL Christians, on the other hand, don’t DO any of the 12 things above (as a whole)………In fact, they do JUST THE OPPOSITE:

  1. Celebrate the Sabbath on the BIBLICAL 7TH DAY OF THE WEEK (Saturday), not sunday!
  2. Do NOT pay “tithes” to the institutionalized “Christian church” but instead, CHEERFULLY give to those in need (i.e. a homeless person on the street, someone at the doctor’s office that needs help with medical costs, a person in line at the register that’s short of change/money, etc.)
  3. Study up on the End Times and bible prophecy
  4. (As a whole) Do NOT really celebrate in “Christian holidays” anymore in their hearts but instead, celebrate in the BIBLICAL/JEWISH HOLIDAYS, while also trying to learn as much about the “Jewish/Biblical roots” of Christianity that they can! 
  5. Realize that LGBT behavior is a GRAVE SIN……something that the ancient biblical cities of Sodom & Gomorrah were burned down for!
  6. See Abortion as a GRAVE SIN and realizes that ALL of life is “precious” in the Lord’s site!
  7. KNOW that “Christian holidays” are of Pagan origin and that the “Jewish holidays” mentioned in the bible are the TRUE, BIBLICAL HOLIDAYS!
  8. Take any and all marriage vows SERIOUSLY!
  9. KNOW that “New age” philosophy has NO PLACE in the true, BIBLICAL church!
  10. KNOW and REALIZE that “the church” isn’t a place to go to but rather, a thing TO BE! For EACH believer themselves + the “assembly” of believers = “THE TRUE/BIBLICAL CHURCH”, according to the bible!
  11. KNOW without a doubt that ALL OF THE BIBLE IS TRUE, all the way from Genesis to Revelation!
  12. KNOW and REALIZE the **UTMOST IMPORTANCE** of studying up on bible prophecy and the End Times and knows that Jesus Christ IS the spirit of prophecy!

[Yet sadly, many “CHRISTIANS” today are “CULTURAL CHRISTIANS”. They are not true, AUTHENTIC Christians, but Christians “in name, ONLY”.

Oddly, many people today are “Cultural Christians” without even REALIZING it! In fact, I myself used to be a “Cultural Christian” that worshiped on the Sunday Sabbath, was on the fence about pre-marital sex being a sin or not if two people were engaged to be married, etc. (before the Lord opened up my eyes!)

[YES, Jesus Christ had appeared to me when I was little during a NDE, but there were still many, many things about him/his word that I HADN’T yet learned at that point in time, from ages 2-32. The only thing the NDE did was prove to me that he was real, that he came from heaven, that he had the power over life and death, that his voice had the ability to shake the Earth and the waters and that during the End Times, many would “fall away” and be eternally judged by HIM!}

In fact, Jesus says in Matthew 15: 8-9This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from meBut in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men“. [OUCH! Does that NOT sound like most of today’s “Christians” in the “institutionalized Christian church”, folks?]

And honestly, I think the Lord “purposely” allowed me to BE a fellow “Cultural Christian” for awhile so that I could see just HOW “easy” it is TO fall into the TRAP that’s known as “Cultural Christianity”. It was only through YEARS and YEARS of biblical study that I was FINALLY able to break free through all the false, Satanic layers in “Modern-day Christianity” and teach OTHERS how to do so! I simply call it “peeling back the layers”.

In fact, if Jesus Christ were to come to the Earth today and see just how “the church” was being run, (in general), I’m sure he’d be just as angry (if not even more so) as he was towards the money-changers in the temple in biblical times (Matthew 21:13). In fact, what would he see, if he were to see most of today’s “Christian churches” and “Christians”? He’d likely see the following:

  1. A “pastor” droning on and on about a “feel good” message that had NOTHING to do with the BIBLICAL Jesus Christ, bible prophecy or the End Times (in general)

  2. People “tithing” money for the “church building upgrade”, the pastor’s new car, etc.

  3. People being “solemn pew potatoes”, instead of JOYOUSLY sharing with EACH OTHER as well as nonbelievers (on a daily basis and not JUST during bible study) their knowledge/experience with the bible/the Lord/their lives as it pertains to Christ/etc.

  4. People “celebrating” in holidays that had absolutely NOTHING to do with the BIBLICAL Jesus Christ and that actually MOCKED HIM, in hindsight (while also WORSHIPING IDOLS – and not just Catholic “saints”, folks….Tell me what the EASTER BUNNY and SANTA CLAUS have to do with Christ? ANSWER: NOTHING!!! They’re an ABSOLUTE MOCKERY OF JESUS CHRIST IN FRONT OF OUR VERY OWN EYES AND MANY HUMANS DON’T EVEN REALIZE OR SEE IT!!!!)

  5. People clinging to “Satanic lies” of “pleasure and SODOMY” (especially in the LGBT community) and ALSO people who buy into the transgender LIE of: “I think, therefore I am” when that personally can’t be FURTHER from the “biological truth!” [Truth be told, NO AMOUNT OF SURGERY IS GOING TO CHANGE A PERSON GENETICALLY……only COSMETICALLY…, even IF such technology would ever come about, MESSING WITH THE IMAGE OF GOD HAS *DIRE* ETERNAL CONSEQUENCES, WHICH IS THE LAKE OF FIRE!] 

  6. Many women in the church “seeing nothing wrong with abortion” and “getting one”, as a result

  7. People writing off Jesus’s BIBLICAL HOLIDAYS (Passover, Tabernacles,etc.) that are both a foreshadowing of him AND revealed in him, saying to themselves and others that they are just “Jewish holidays, ONLY”

  8. Married people cheating on each other right and left and/or working on their 3rd/4th marriage (swapping spouses like they do underwear)

  9. People (especially young people) incorporating New Age concepts into “the church”, while also (as a whole) NOT saving themselves for marriage before having sex/etc.

  10. People TRULY believing in their hearts that “the church” is “a BUILDING”, and not the body/assembly of believers themselves

  11. People TRULY believing in their hearts that Genesis is NOT real, that Revelation is NOT real, that bible prophecy is NOT real/no longer applies

  12. People that “yawn” at bible prophecy and don’t see its total significance

In fact, do you think Jesus Christ would be happy with even HALF the stuff going on in “the churches” today? The answer is a resounding NO!

In fact, during his mighty Day of Judgement, Jesus warns:

Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not” (Matthew 25: 41-43)

But the UNREPENTANT “Cultural Christians”will be SHOCKED to hear this! They will protest with the FOLLOWING:

“Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?” (Matthew 7:22)

Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?” (Matthew 25:44)

And HERE is how Jesus is going to RESPOND to such people:

Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it NOT to one of the least of these, ye did it NOT to me” (Matthew 25:45)

“And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity (Matthew 7:23)

[And while there’s SOME Christians out there in the church today who truly have NO IDEA about what the true sabbath is, and that DO believe homosexuality/abortion’s a sin, and that DO try to please the Lord Jesus Christ in everything they do, these folks (today, atleast) are FEW and FAR BETWEEN! The good majority of “Christians” in “the church” today are “CULTURAL CHRISTIANS”.

They not only don’t KNOW the REAL history of the Christian church/manmade Sun-day Sabbath:

But they DON’T CARE to know these things! And if they DO know the true history of the church/etc., they (once again) DON’T CARE! They are COMPLACENT and have a COMPLACENT ATTITUDE towards Christ and his gospel and it’s that VERY SAME complacent attitude that’s going to COST THEM THEIR ETERNAL SALVATION IF THEY DON’T QUICKLY REPENT AND CHANGE THEIR HEARTS! **THE DOOR TO SPIRITUAL PROBATION IS SOON CLOSING, FOLKS! TIME TO GET RIGHT WITH THE *BIBLICAL* JESUS CHRIST AND NOT THE “FALSE ONE” TAUGHT IN CHURCHES TODAY!!!!!!]

Therefore, any “Cultural Christian” REFUSING to change their heart/mind/body/spirit, AFTER LEARNING THE TRUTH, (THE TRUE BIBLICAL TRUTH), in order to make themselves right with the Lord? Jesus will be ETERNALLY CASTING THOSE PEOPLE OUT……..those that CALLED themselves “Christian” while living on Earth but never really bothered to check just what being a “Christian” really meant or what the TRUE history of Christianity/the “Christian church” was!

Those that called themselves “Christian” but yet, still continued to worshiped IDOLS on a NONBIBLICAL MAN-MADE SABBATH and that also celebrated in PAGANIZED SATANIC HOLIDAYS that actually MOCK JESUS! THOSE who cared more about the world and the things OF the world than they did Jesus and his gospel! Those who never donated to those in need,etc. And BECAUSE they never really gave Jesus (the BIBLICAL JESUS) the TRUE honor, worship and credence that he DESERVED, they will NOT have their names written in the LAMB’S BOOK OF LIFE!

In fact, Revelation 20:15 states the following: “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire

“What’s the lake of fire?”, some might ask. Answer: It’s 1,000,000 times hotter than the fires of hell! And the fires of hell are 100,000 times hotter than a flame from a small lighter (according to the archangel Michael during one of my near-suicide experiences).

So do the math, folks! The lake of fire is HOTTER THAN ANYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE, most likely! And this fire (BECAUSE it is SO abominably HOT), was originally intended for the Devil and his angels! And the fires of hell are someday gonna MERGE INTO the lake of fire, (according to Revelation in the bible), making it EVEN HOTTER! So imagine this, folks! Put your hand under a small flame from a lighter! Feel the INTENSITY of that flame! Then imagine something that’s 100 TRILLION times hotter than that and that’s the lake of fire for ya!

So just think…..ALL the nonbelievers, ALL followers of “different religions”, ALL “Cultural Christians” will end UP in the “lake of fire”. And they will be there FOR ETERNITY!

For it states in Revelation 14:11 “And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name

But let me take this a step further. BECAUSE “Cultural Christians” aren’t TRULY saved in the name of Jesus and BECAUSE the Holy Spirit’s not WITH THEM, they will fall for almost any lie brought on by Satan and his New World Order!

In fact, amidst world chaos (that’s already happening in the world today), a global world leader will someday soon come on the scene (if not already so!) He will appear to be the answer to the world’s problems. He will even “promote peace”. But it’ll be a FALSE PEACE! For this global leader is nothing other than THE ANTICHRIST!

And he will someday soon require ALL of Earth’s inhabitants (rich and poor, great and small, free and bond) to take a mark on their right hand or their foreheads, in order to be able to buy and sell. But WHOEVER takes this mark will be DAMNED BY GOD FOR ETERNITY! (That’s what the last part of Revelation 20:15’s talking about: “and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name”).

On the OTHER hand, if Jesus Christ were to return to the Earth today and see all of the people that were desperately trying to RETURN to “Jewish/biblical-roots Christianity” and/or live their lives as “biblically accurate” as possible, I think he would be QUITE PLEASED! For he (in general) would see the following:

  1. Those who study the KJV bible at home or in “small group house churches” (the true, biblical model of “church”)

  2. Those giving money to people who actually need it (e.g. homeless people on the street, people in need of medical assistance costs, the person in front of us at the register who’s short $1 or two, etc.)

  3. Those giving their own biblical “insight” or personal experiences to other fellow Christians AND nonbelievers, instead of just listening to a pastor rattle on & on with what is oftentimes a “feel good” message that has NO true biblical importance concerning the BIBLICAL JESUS CHRIST or merit concerning bible prophecy, the End Times…….OR listening to a true, BIBLICAL message about the End Times/bible prophecy, etc. 

  4. Those who mostly celebrate ONLY in the BIBLICAL HOLIDAYS (Passover, Tabernacles, Pentecost, etc.), while “inching away from Christmas” and DENOUNCING ALL IDOLS/IDOL WORSHIP

  5. Those who see the TOTAL LIES of Satan’s LGBT “agenda” and aren’t afraid to speak up about it

  6. Those who see the TOTAL LIES of “Satan’s abortion agenda” and aren’t afraid to speak up about it

  7. Those who not only believe but KNOW that the Old Testament and Biblical Feasts stand for NOT JUST the Old Testament AND New Testament times but for ALL TIME (even the New Millennium!)

  8. Those who take any and all marriage vows SERIOUSLY

  9. Those who see the TOTAL LIES of Satan’s “New Age concepts” and aren’t afraid to speak up about it, as it pertains to “the church”

  10. Those who know (or have come to know) that “the church” is the body/assembly of believers themselves, and NOT “a building”

  11. Those who KNOW that Genesis and Revelation (and every word of the bible – front to back) is not only REAL but that Genesis ACTUALLY HAPPENED, that everything in the Book of Revelation WILL happen, and that everything in between from the beginning of the bible to the near end has ALREADY HAPPENED – MARK MY WORDS!)

  12. Those who know and realize the UTMOST IMPORTANCE (especially at THIS time and hour in “world history) to study up on bible prophecy and the End Times and how current world news events fit into bible prophecy [Open Your Eyes People is an end times ministry that DOES just that….they focus on world news events and how they tie in to bible prophecy, a MUCH NEEDED MESSAGE in today’s “sinful world!”]

And guess what? On Jesus’s day of judgement, instead of CASTING OUT the people who TRULY hunger and thirst for the TRUE, BIBLICAL righteousness and NOT the FALSE type of “righteousness” as THE WORLD or “church congregations” define it, he will instead say:

“Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me” (Matthew 25: 34-36)

“Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord” (Matthew 25: 21)

In other words, these true people of the Lord will receive LIFE ETERNAL and will gain entry through the gates of the NEW heavenly city called NEW JERUSALEM, that God Almighty shall bring down from heaven! (Revelation 21-22 in New Testament)

Though sadly, the number of these people will be few and far between. For Jesus says:

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it (Matthew 7: 13-14)

A good illustration of this is Youtube. Just look at how many “popular videos” there are on Youtube. Then notice how many of these “popular videos” discuss Jesus’s gospel (Jesus’s TRUE GOSPEL, that is!) Very, very few, right?  

On the OTHER hand, all the Youtube videos that DO talk about Jesus? The true, BIBLICAL Jesus? Most get less than 10,000 views (even 5 years after being on there). Why is that, do you think?

Or just think about email forwards. How often do people send email forwards of funny jokes or funny news articles, yet, HESITATE when it comes to sending emails about Jesus Christ or his gospel? Have YOU ever hesitated at sending an email forward to someone concerning Christ’s gospel? I have, in the past! (Much to my shame!)

But see, that’s just how EASY it is to fall into Satan’s trap, folk! We must be VIGILANT in these last days, sharing Jesus’s LIFE-SAVING *JEWISH-ROOTS* GOSPEL of Salvation with everyone or anyone who’ll listen. NOTE: If you get someone who “pesters” you over the gospel or makes “mocking remarks”, ignore them & keep preaching to others who WILL listen to your message! Because believe it or not, all God wants you to do in the mocker’s life is “plant the spiritual seed”, that’s IT! You’re not responsible for THEIR salvation, folks! Especially if they’re a MOCKER of the gospel! So remember that! 

I personally wish I could send a “TRUE HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY” flier to every single household here in America! Sadly, many pastors THEMSELVES already KNOW the truth about Constantine and how he changed the Sabbath Day etc. but REFUSE to acknowledge it to their congregations since they still want their funding from the state and since they still want those almighty dollars $$$$$ to be flowing inside their churches! 

Many pastors do sermons where they claim “Satan will never be welcome in THIS CHURCH” (looking around at their congregants for “validation”), but what they don’t know (or DO KNOW but don’t want to admit) is that “Satan” has been in the modern-day “Christian Church” ALL ALONG, ever since Constantine very first gave him a “foot-hold” by changing the Lord’s BIBLICALLY-MANDATED 7th-Day Sabbath to a FALSE, SATANIC, Sun-day worshiping one! That is PRECISELY when Constantine turned “Christianity” into a LIE!

And then, here, you got all these Catholics, all these Lutherans and Protestants that think that “going to church every Sunday” will deem them saved! But oh, how HORRIFIED many of these poor folks will be when they learn THE TRUTH (that Satan was the head and master of the “modern day Christian church” ALL ALONG!)

And oh how HORRIFIED they will be when they LEARN (when they FINALLY LEARN) that the “Jesus Christ” they THOUGHT they were worshiping “at church” was nothing other than Satan himself IN DISGUISE! In fact, the “Jesus Christ” worshiped in churches today is NOT the Jesus Christ of the bible! Repeat: is NOT the Jesus Christ of the bible! Why? Because as a whole, the “JESUS” taught in churches today, here in the year 2016, is a false, Paganized Jesus that seems to “accept” abominable practices such as abortion, homosexuality, divorce, etc. and can’t save a person from their sins! 











Many a “Christian” can read or quote bible verses, go to “church” every week and carry the mere “label” of “Christian”, but if they don’t truly APPLY what they read in the bible to their OWN LIVES, then they’re only a “nominal Christian”, at best.

There was quite a controversy awhile back when an atheist guy pegged many of today’s “Christians” as “cafeteria Christians” in an article. But sadly, that guy is right. Many “Christians” today think they “want the lettuce without the tomato” or the “onion without no ketchup” on their “hamburger of righteousness”. In other words, they pick and choose which parts of the bible they want to adhere to and which parts they don’t.

In fact, many of today’s “Christians” don’t read the Old Testament AT ALL! They find it to be “boring”, “outdated”, “Jewish ONLY”, etc.! But what many of them don’t realize (and what many Jews themselves out there don’t realize, as well) is that the bible (Old AND New Testaments) is ONE COMPLETE TESTAMENT of Almighty God! You can’t have the Old without the New and you can’t have the New without the Old! They are SYNONYMOUS with one another!

In fact, did you know that Jesus Christ made PRE-FLESH appearances in the OLD TESTAMENT? These are known as CHRISTOPHANIES! Here are just a FEW examples of such:


“He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God” — [Daniel 3:25]


Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, “Are you for us or for our enemies?” “Neither,” he replied, but as commander of the army of the Lord I have now come.

Then Joshua fell face-down to the ground in reverence, and asked him, “What message does my Lord have for his servant?” The commander of the Lord’s army replied,Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy.” And Joshua did so” — [Joshua 5:13-15]


“And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day. And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him. And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh.

And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me. And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob. And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed

 And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved” — [Genesis 32: 24-28, Genesis 32:30]


And that’s just THREE examples! There’s many, many more but for the sake of time and space, I must narrow it down to those three………

But the point I want to make is that is that NOT ONLY is the bible (the ENTIRE bible, front to back) a COMPLETE TESTAMENT of God/Jesus Christ Almighty but also that we must adhere to ALL of it, not just certain parts of it!

There’s many “Christians” out there today, for example, whom DON’T believe in either the FIRST book of the bible (Genesis) or the very LAST book of the bible (Revelation). And AS SOON AS you take out ONE book of the bible, you’d then have to take out ALL books of the bible, since it’s either ALL true or it isn’t, right folks?

And I submit to you today that the bible (front to back) is 100% true! I’ve actually physically SEEN Jesus Christ during a Near Death Experience! And once you’ve SEEN him during an NDE and KNOW him to be 100% real beyond all reasonable doubt, there is no UN-SEEING him!

Nicodemus was a member of the high Jewish council, back in biblical times. And he asked Jesus Christ how to be “Saved”. And here was Jesus’s response to Nicodemus’s question:


“Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God”[John 3:3]

Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born? Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit” — [John 3: 4-6]


In other words, Jesus Christ is saying in that passage that we MUST be born again as “spirit-filled” believers in HIM! But the only way we can do that is through being “born again”. And the only way we can be “born again” is through WATER AND THE SPIRIT! Translation? Baptism!

In other words, getting saved is by GRACE through FAITH + OBEDIENCE! Now, before others start touting me as saying, “You’re preaching a works-based Salvation”, that’s not what I’m saying AT ALL! What I’m saying is that we’re Saved in the name of Jesus by grace through faith AND obedience!


“Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity — [Matthew 7: 21-23]


Translation? You can “believe” in Jesus Christ all you want to, until the cows come home! But if you don’t also OBEY Jesus Christ and his commands in the bible, you’re not truly BORN AGAIN! And you WON’T be Saved in the name of Jesus Christ UNTIL you get truly BORN AGAIN, are you HEARING me on this, people?

Lets examine another passage, here……


Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled” — [Matthew 5: 17-18]


Look around you, folks! Has ALL been fulfilled yet, according to the bible? Or is there much, much MORE yet to be fulfilled (according to the book of Daniel, book of Revelation, Ezekiel, etc.?) Hint: ALL won’t be fulfilled until the times of Revelation chapters 21-22!

So that brings to mind my next point. What is baptism and why is it a required mark of obedience to our Lord & King [Jesus Christ Almighty?] Answer: It is the public declaration of faith, the ceremonial “washing away” of sins and the “old life”, the “spiritual cleansing/rebirth” into the “new life” with Christ, and the means by which we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit/The Spirit of Truth (which will help guide us into ALL righteousness and will tell us the things that are of God/Jesus Christ and that are NOT of God/Jesus Christ……the spirit of spiritual discernment….).

And for those who try to claim that baptism is NOT a required mark of obedience to our lord & King Jesus Christ Almighty, please prayerfully consider the following bible passages:

  1. Luke 3:16

  2. Matthew 3:13-17

  3. Mark 1: 9-11

  4. Luke 3: 21-22

  5. John 1: 29-33

  6. Mark 1: 4-5

  7. Mark 16:16

  8. Acts 2:38

  9. Acts 8: 35-38

  10. Acts 16: 31-33

  11. Romans 6: 3-6

  12. 1 Corinthians 12:13

  13. Galatians 3:27

  14. 1 Peter 3:21

Because SADLY, many “Christians” are going around today, thinking that, “All I have to do is believe in Jesus Christ and live a good life and I’m saved, easy as pie!” But it’s NOT that simple, folks! In fact, Jesus Christ describes it as a NARROW WALK!


Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereatBecause strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it” — [Matthew 7: 13-14]


The Christians that think that baptism isn’t required at all for a mark of obedience to our Lord & King Jesus Christ Almighty reminds me of the people that Jesus describes as walking on a “broad path” in the above passage. Because non-believers ALSO think that baptism’s not required [as a mark of obedience to Jesus Christ Almighty] to get to the Lord’s kingdom [what THEY oftentimes refer to as “heaven”]. Do you get where I’m going with this, people?

Ofcourse, for those who are INCAPABLE of getting to a body of water [those in a coma, in EXTREME medical conditions, or other conditions which PREVENT a person from being baptized — such as the thief on the cross, for instance], the Lord Jesus will make an exception.

But in ALL other cases where a person is physically ABLE to get baptized in a body of water — or bathtub/tub full of water — and chooses NOT to? The Lord will hold that person accountable on the Day of Judgement! The non-baptized Christians will be like the people in the Matthew 7:22ish passage, Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?”

But instead of PRAISING the willfully disobedient unbaptized Christian, Jesus Christ will INSTEAD say, “I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity” – [Matthew 7:23b] 

Okay, let us backtrack once more to Jesus’s response to Nicodemus, who wanted to know how to “get Saved” in the name of Christ:

Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit” — [John 3: 5-6]

Now, there’s still some Christians out there which CLAIM that one can receive the gift of the Holy Spirit WITHOUT water baptism…..But unfortunately, there’s no scriptural basis for that [outside of the thief on the cross who got saved but that’s a whole different story altogether as the thief on the cross wasn’t ABLE to get to a body of water for baptism!]

Not to mention that Jesus Christ HIMSELF was baptized in the River Jordan, while all his disciples were full-water-immersion baptized as well! So clearly, if baptism were NOT required in any way, shape or form, A) Jesus Christ HIMSELF wouldn’t have done it and commanded others to do so and B) Jesus Christ wouldn’t have baptized me HIMSELF during my NDE when I was around 2 years old or so!

I really don’t know how it’s even possible for people to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit/Spirit of Truth WITHOUT a full-water immersion baptism. Yes, there’s plenty of “Catholics”, “Lutherans”, “Episcopalians”, etc. that get baptized “with a sprinkling” but THAT’S NOT BIBLICAL!

In fact, just look at how many “Catholics”, “Lutherans”, “Methodists” etc. SUPPORT the abominable sins of abortion, divorce, remarriage and the gay/trans movement today! That’s because they WEREN’T properly baptized with the BIBLICAL model of baptism (full-water immersion) and DON’T have the Holy Spirit (the TRUE, BIBLICAL HOLY SPIRIT OF TRUTH) residing in their souls/churches. Because if they DID, they’d KNOW the ABOMINABLE HELLISHNESS of the gay/trans movement, abortion, divorce, remarriage, etc.

Mormons are a different case. They USE full-water-immersion baptism but they do it IMPROPERLY. Since the Holy Spirit is NOT in the Mormon church, the “Spirit” that unsuspecting people can baptized INTO in the Mormon church is NOT the Holy Spirit of the bible but rather, another “Spirit”, altogether! A dark, Satanic one, that is!

The Mormon church is based on LIES! Joseph Smith had over 99 FAILED prophecies! 99! Jesus Christ Almighty? Hasn’t had one failed prophecy, YET! Just goes to show ya the difference between God’s Eternal Truth contained in Jesus Christ Almighty and the Devil’s Eternal LIES (found in the FALSE, UNBIBLICAL prophet Joseph Smith).

And I’m not even gonna touch on OTHER false religions out there that GO AGAINST Jesus Christ Almighty and his Eternal Truths found in the bible (Old AND New Testaments!)

But you got two choices and two choices, ONLY: Are you gonna FULLY submit to Jesus Christ and obey ALL his commands in the bible, including baptism/being born again of water AND of spirit? Or are you gonna follow a DIFFERENT religion, no religion, Satan’s religion, or a NON-BIBLICAL “Christian tradition”?

Because today, I submit to you that the ONLY TRUE religion on Earth is MESSIANIC CHRISTIANITY! One that adheres to both Old AND New Testaments! One that celebrates the Lord’s TRUE, 7th day (blessed, consecrated/sanctified) BIBLICAL SABBATH (Saturday) and that celebrates the TRUE BIBLICAL HOLIDAYS (such as Passover, Tabernacles, Trumpets, etc.)

One that partakes of BIBLICAL baptism (full-water-immersion baptism in the name of Jesus Christ Almighty! Because one truly wants to, not because they “have to”!) One that embraces the Lord’s truth found in the bible and rejects ALL outside sources that attempt to “tamper” with it! One that DOES AWAY WITH ALL THINGS PAGAN (Easter, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, etc.)

Because lets face it, Jews are missing the complete truth of God (as they practically do away with the New Testament and Old Testament, COMPLETELY!) They have replaced TRUTH with TRADITIONS OF MAN (the Talmud). Just like today’s “Christians” are ALSO missing half the truth (they do away with the Old Testament, as if it no longer matters!) So Christians (as a whole) only have HALF THE TRUTH of GOD!

But “BIBLICAL Christians?” They have the full 100% BIBLICAL, UNALTERED ETERNAL TRUTH OF GOD, and Satan HATES THAT! He absolutely, positively can not STAND the fact that “BIBLICAL Christians” have the full eternal truth of God in their minds, hearts, bodies and spirits! So he spiritually fights against THEM the most!

For example, he’ll send “unbiblical Christians” to try to make them DOUBT that the Lord wants them ONLY CELEBRATING the BIBLICAL 7TH DAY SABBATH and BIBLICAL HOLIDAYS! He’ll also occasionally send “old school” Jews in their path, calling them a “spiritual charlatan” for celebrating the “Jewish feasts”, and “how DARE THEY celebrate in feasts that old school Jews consider sacred”, etc.!

[Hint: They’re not so much “Jewish feasts” so much as they are BIBLICAL FEASTS for ALL the Lord’s people to observe, not just SOME!]

But WHEN, as a BIBLICAL Christian, you get that sense of, “is it REALLY wrong for me to celebrate in the biblical 7th-day Sabbath and the bible’s BIBLICAL holidays?”, KNOW THIS: Satan and his demons are silently declaring WAR on you, trying ever-so-hard to take you away from the Lord’s eternal truth! But don’t let them win, folks! Pray in the name of Almighty Yeshua that you’ll be able to stand in these last days!

And for those of you out there that think that Jesus Christ and his disciples DIDN’T partake of the 7th-day biblical Sabbath and 7 biblical holidays + 2 Minor biblical holidays? Here’s proof [while the John 5:1 feast is still up to biblical interpretation by most bible scholars]:

  • Luke 13:10 [7th Day Saturday Sabbath]
  • Matthew 26:17 [Passover/Unleavened Bread]
  • Luke 2: 41-42 [Passover]
  • John 7:1-2 & Acts 18:21 [Tabernacles]
  • Acts 2:1 [Pentecost]
  • Acts 27:9 [Day of Atonement]
  • Luke 22: 1-7 [Unleavened Bread]
  • John 7-9 [Last Great Day]
  • John 10: 22-23 [Chanukah]
  • John 5:1 [Purim?]

So therefore, if Jesus Christ and his own disciples celebrated the “Jewish feasts”, that can only mean that we ourselves are to follow their example! 

Jesus Christ is PERSONALLY REVEALED in every and every one of the “feasts”, listed up above. But yet, Jesus Christ is actually MOCKED in today’s PAGANIZED CHRISTIAN HOLIDAYS. Christmas reduces Jesus Christ to nothing more than a “helpless babe in a manger”, while Easter equates Jesus with Ishtar, the Babylonian/Persian fertility “goddess”. 

So in closing, REMEMBER:

A). We must be BORN AGAIN by WATER AND SPIRIT (Baptism – not ONLY of the body, but of the mind, heart, body AND spirit!)

B). Today’s PAGANIZED “Christian holidays” MOCK Jesus Christ, while the JEWISH/BIBLICAL HOLIDAYS actually REVEAL AND CELEBRATE Jesus Christ! 

You can follow traditions of man……….OR………you can follow the TRUE, BIBLICAL JEWISH TRADITIONS of Jesus Christ and his disciples THEMSELVES! The choice is up to YOU! But don’t say I didn’t warn you! 

Because you really DON’T want to be one of of those people whom Jesus Christ says to someday, “I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity” — Matthew 7:23b

And lets face it. Placing PAGAN TRADITIONS over the BIBLE’S TRADITIONS truly IS “working iniquity” in one’s mind, heart, body and spirit, IS IT NOT? 

I pray that all souls who read this will become BORN AGAIN by water and spirit and will PUT AWAY all things/traditions Pagan and EMBRACE the Jewishness of Jesus Christ and disciples and EMBRACE God’s traditions (7th-day Sabbath, biblical holidays), instead of man’s “traditions” (false man-made Sunday Sabbath, Christmas, Easter, etc.) Amen. 

The Power Of Starting Over On A Fresh, Clean Slate….

We’ve all said and done things in our lives that we regret and that we possibly hate ourselves for, looking back…..things in our lives that we wish we NEVER would’ve said or done or that we should’ve done DIFFERENTLY.

Well, with Jesus Christ, we CAN start all over and we CAN have our slate wiped clean and start a new life.

But first, we must have an INTERNAL change within our mind, heart, body and spirit. We have to regret all our misdeeds/”sins” in our life SO MUCH that we’re willing to do almost anything to change them.

What’s sin? Sin is transgression of the law (of God). Ever stolen anything? Ever lusted after a woman (men) or a man (ladies) that you weren’t married to? Ever told a lie? Said the Lord’s name in vain? That makes you a thief, an adulterer, a liar and a blasphemer and that’s just FOUR of the 10 commandments!

But that is where Jesus Christ comes in. The prophesied Jewish Messiah talked about in the Old Testament and the only true begotten Son of God, HE gave his very own LIFE during the crucifixion & shed his very own holy blood, just SO mankind could be FORGIVEN for their sins AND assured a spot in Eternal NEW JERUSALEM someday! And there is NO greater love than that, people!

Jesus Christ loves us all SO MUCH, that he was more than willing to DIE for us on the cross, just so WE could be forgiven of our sins and just so WE could have a way to spend ETERNITY WITH GOD IN NEW JERUSALEM someday. And so again, there is NO greater love than that!

3 days later after Jesus Christ was crucified, he rose from the dead (just like he told his disciples he would). [Google the “Shroud of Turin”] And 40 days after that, Jesus Christ (in front of the apostles and others) ascended back up to heaven to be on the right hand throne of God, the heavenly Father. But don’t just take MY word for it. See for yourselves!

Jesus Christ was God in the flesh and he proved it…..not only in the bible and to his disciples and various non-Christian crowds after he rose from the dead just 3 days later after he died on the cross, but to myself as well (during a near-death experience).

The thing about Jesus Christ is that he doesn’t care WHO you are or WHAT you’ve done so far in your life. You CAN be forgiven for all your sins, just like you CAN start over a brand new life in him!

It doesn’t matter if you’re a stripper, bank robber, homeless, a drug addicted person, a practicing homosexual. No sin is too bad to be forgiven of, save for blasphemy of the Holy Spirit: (many bible scholars believe that blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is to claim that Jesus Christ got his power from Satan but it can also likely mean several other things, too, such as not believing that Jesus Christ was the Son of God and DYING in that sin of unbelief, etc.)

Jesus Christ can take what is UNRIGHTEOUS in a person and turn it around and make that person CLEAN by teaching that person how to OVERCOME their unrighteousness and become a righteous person in his heavenly site! Jesus Christ can set a person FREE from their sins and their failures and their addictions.

Whatever you’re going through in life, Jesus Christ has a solution and an answer. But you got to TRUST JESUS CHRIST to change your life. But you must TRUST HIM. Meaning that you must first of all BELIEVE that Jesus Christ IS the only begotten Son of God AND that he died for your sins AND that he has the power to change you from within. And once you believe in the power of the Lord and pray for the Lord Jesus Christ to change you, he will change you. He will also give you the gift of the Holy Spirit (the spirit of truth/spirit of spiritual discernment that will let you know what things are truly of God and what things are NOT of God).

And as soon as you fully believe in the Lord Jesus Christ beyond ALL reasonable doubt, you must get immediately baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the ceremonial “washing away of sins”. You don’t have to do it publicly or by a priest. You can do it in a swimming pool, river, lake or your very own bathtub filled with water (because remember that it must be a FULL IMMERSION baptism, according to the bible and NOT a “sprinkling”).

You must then also (to the very best of your ability) obey all of Jesus’s commandments in the bible (including the 10 commandments, the 7th-Day biblical Sabbath (because remember that the “Sunday Sabbath” seen today is NOT biblical at all), the 7 holy feasts of the Lord (Passover, Pentecost, Tabernacles, etc.), Sermon on the Mount, etc.) and preach the gospel to others to everyone/anyone who’ll listen.

Many Christians today think that the 7th-Day Sabbath was done away with and also that the Lord’s 7 Annual Feasts were done away with the New Testament as well. But did you know that Jesus Christ and his disciples NOT ONLY participated in the 7th-Day Sabbath (Friday sundown to Saturday sundown) but also in the 7 Annual Feasts of the Lord (Passover, Pentecost, Tabernacles, etc.) as well? [Some bible scholars even suggest he ALSO participated in the 2 “Minor” Jewish Feasts (Purim & Festival of Lights/Hanukah).

Yeshua/Jesus Christ Himself even said in Matthew 5:17-18 “Think not that I am come to destroy the law & the prophets. For I am not come to destroy but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled”. And we know this won’t happen (the first heaven and Earth passing away, that is) until Revelation, chapter 21:1-2! 

But upon believing in and getting baptized in the name of Yeshua/Jesus Christ, you will become a new creature in the Lord and start a NEW LIFE in him! Everything you’ve done in your life so far will not matter, anymore. The only thing that’ll matter from the MOMENT you become saved in Yeshua/Jesus Christ to the moment you die in this life is where you stand with Yeshua/Jesus Christ. And where you stand with Jesus Christ is determined by how you LIVE for Jesus Christ….

For example, do you believe in Jesus Christ? Have you accepted him as Lord & Savior? Have you prayed for forgiveness of your sins? Have you given up your sins and stopped doing them? Have you become baptized in the name of Jesus Christ? Do you witness about Jesus Christ and Salvation to others? Do you do all the things that the Lord Jesus Christ tells you to do (such as obey the 10 commandments and Sermon on the Mount teachings in Matthew5-7 as well as several OTHER New Testament commands? Some possible examples (depending on what the Lord needs from you at the time) might be things like “write a letter of apology to this person, go witness to that person, give the coat off your back to that homeless person over there, donate your leftover food to the food bin”, etc.

Are you in that place in your life where, if you were to die today or tonight, you’d know for 100% sure beyond all reasonable doubt that you’d go to eternal NEW JERUSALEM someday and not the fires of hell? If you are NOT 100% sure, then it’s time for you to examine yourself and your life and pray to the Lord Jesus Christ to reveal to you about anything that’s holding you back from him. Cause lets face it…..5 minutes of sin is not worth eternal condemnation in the fire (“flames of torment”).

One of these days, the Earth and everything in it is gonna pass away someday (including all the material things and wealth). The Lord said in Isaiah 65:17 “Behold, I create a new heavens and a new Earth”.

And all of mankind will be judged for their actions (rather good or bad) by Jesus Christ. Will YOU stand before the Lord Jesus Christ someday on the Day of Judgment upon the Earth and say to him “I’m sorry Lord…during my Earthly life,  my sin was MUCH more important to me than YOU, I don’t want to go to eternal punishment in the “fire that never quenches” now, please forgive me?”

That won’t fly with the Lord Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Lord Jesus Christ gives people many, many, MANY chances throughout their lifetimes to change their lives around and to hear the message of the gospel/be saved from their sins! And so IF by the end of a person’s life, a person hasn’t accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord & Savior/asked Jesus Christ for forgiveness of their sins with a “righteous repentance” in their mind, heart, body and spirit, that is NOT God’s fault!

Now that begs of question. If people know AHEAD OF TIME that Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to New Jerusalem, the ONLY one true God, and the ONLY way to have forgiveness of sins and the ONLY way to be spared from God’s eternal wrath in the fire, why do they still choose to reject him? Why do they STILL choose to go to “eternal condemnation” even when they know that the place of eternal condemnation is going to be an awful, torturous, gruesome place FOR ETERNITY? Do they REALLY think that Jesus Christ will spare THEM just because they donated to charity, or never killed anyone and that sort’ve thing?

Do they REALLY think that Jesus Christ is a “unrepentant-sin-accepting” type of God? And/or that he’s the type of God to be “sweet-talked” to or to let sin go UNPUNISHED? THINK AGAIN, PEOPLE! Jesus Christ is a righteous, holy, and PURE God! And he lets NO sin into NEW JERUSALEM/the eternal kingdom. None. A person’s “good deeds” or money or good looks will NOT save them from the holy, divine wrath of God!

Yet, many people out there think: “well, Jesus Christ is such a holy, righteous God, there’s NO WAY he’d accept me!” Again, wrong….Jesus Christ will save and accept ANYONE who truly calls upon his name, prays for forgiveness of their sins, repents of their sins, gets baptized in his heavenly name, preaches the gospel to others, obey his commandments in the bible, trusts him & truly abides in him by the way they LIVE for him.

I got a short parable for you. Luke 18:9-14: And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others: Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess. And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner. I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted”. 

The tax collector was justified before God/Jesus and NOT the Pharisee. Why? Because not only did the tax collector have the faith and desire for Jesus in his life, but he TRUSTED Jesus Christ to change him from within and cleanse his spirit and his ways. The Pharisee just basically bragged about how “holy” he was and lacked a true spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ. The Pharisee became one of those in the group of people which Jesus says: “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity” – [Matthew 7:22-23]

But to the tax collector and all repentant sinners, Jesus Christ will say: “His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord” – [Matthew 25:21]

But basically, it doesn’t matter what you’ve done so far in your life. It doesn’t matter if you’ve robbed 5 banks or 75. It doesn’t matter if you’re currently addicted to drugs or alcohol. It doesn’t matter if you’re a stripper or a drug lord. Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross for ALL of mankind’s sins! And no sin is too great for the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive, save for blasphemy of the Holy Spirit! He can take what is UNRIGHTEOUS in a person and help change them into a RIGHTEOUS PERSON! 

Jesus Christ will save ANYONE who truly calls upon his name from the depths of their being. No prayer will go unanswered for those who really, truly pray to get to know Jesus Christ and that means the prayer from the depths of their spirit!

But if you want to get to know Jesus Christ and have him save you FROM YOUR SINS and help you overcome your sins and your addictions, you must pray for Jesus Christ to save you and you must do so, NOW! (And believe the prayer with your whole entire mind, heart, and spirit). Every SECOND of your life spent without Jesus Christ leads you one step closer to hell and/or eternal condemnation. And like I said, death comes to us all. We NEVER know when we’re gonna die. All those who die without Jesus Christ in their lives go to eternal condemnation in the flames for eternity. So please don’t be one of those people, folks!

If you’re an atheist/agnostic that’s having trouble believing in Jesus Christ or God or the concept of a God, then I would ask you to PRAY to believe (but mean the prayer 100% in your heart) and also check out the following website that lists SEVERAL ancient historical non-Christian sources which confirm Jesus’s crucifixion, resurrection and consequent ascension to heaven.

And again, I pray that each and every soul who reads this will become saved from their sins in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ before it’s too late. Amen.