Posts from the ‘Jesus Christ’ Category

“God Told Me…….”

Nothing makes me spiritually cringe more in this world than hearing the dreaded three words: “God Told Me”.

A). The word “God”, in and of itself, is just SO VAGUE and could technically mean just about ANYTHING (Krishna, Satan, Allah, etc.)

B). Using God’s name IN that generic way doesn’t give Him true reverence

C). Those dreaded three words 99% of the time are oftentimes followed by words of things NOT APPROVED BY THE BIBLE

D). Those professing the dreaded three words are either PURPOSELY misleading people and/or are HIGHLY SPIRITUALLY DECEIVED

E). Spiritually “lost” people often try to use the name of God to RATIONALIZE certain ungodly thinking/behaviors

Now, most true born-again Christians will no doubt be smart enough to realize if what the “God told me” person says is NOT biblical. But what about all the lost and/or lukewarm souls out there that DON’T know if something is truly biblical or not? What THEN? That’s precisely why I’m writing this post!

I believe that a good majority of the “God Told Me” people (not all but MOST) are more than likely either TRYING to deceive as many people as they can and/or trying to “rationalize” thinking/behavior that actually goes AGAINST the bible. Why? I theorize it’s because they have an “aversion” to the gospel and seem to get a special kick out of deceiving others and/or demeaning Christians and/or Jesus and the scriptures by doing so. Again: it goes back to FEAR/ENVY; they are secretly fearful/jealous, knowing that a born-again Christian/Christians will end up in “heaven”, while knowing that they themselves are on a path to hell/eternal destruction.

That is WHY I think they get such “satisfaction” in putting Christians down and mocking “having a spiritual relationship with Christ” by the “God Told ME” things, etc. But yet, a few small number of them aren’t consciously trying to deceive others, it’s just that they themselves are deceived. And some of them, I honestly can’t tell if the person is truly deceived or is actively TRYING to deceive others or both. But nevertheless, the number of such cases of “God Told Me” have increased by LEAPS AND BOUNDS within the last few years! And it’s not JUST in Christian pulpits, but in many other social avenues as well.

Not to mention that it’s a question about AUTHORITY. These people oftentimes don’t like the “idea” of a being that’s “higher” than them and “more powerful than them” having any type of AUTHORITY over them and their eternal destiny. So it’s sort of like a “joke” to them. “Really? Well, GOD TOLD ME that ________ is OK, so whatever”. In other words, they’re trying to create their OWN authority in their own mind in order to usurp God’s BIBLICAL/SCRIPTURAL AUTHORITY in order to feel more “powerful” and “in control”; in control of their OWN destiny.  

“God Told Me”. To ME, it always reminds me of Satan’s lie to Eve in the Garden of Eden, in Genesis 3:1 which states:

“Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden”.

Many “spiritually lost” people (such as LGBT sodomites) are looking for ACCEPTANCE. Because hey, if the MAJORITY of human beings and society so-called “accepts them”, then how could a so-called “just God” not ALSO “accept them?” Because hey, they never harmed animals or killed anyone, right? (Sadly, THOSE LGBT folks will be SADLY MISTAKEN on the Lord’s Day of Eternal Judgement, as will ALL so-called “Christian people” who “loved/supported” their “sodomite practices” while still on the Earth!)

“God Told Me”. Think about those words IN CONTEXT, folks; they’re so freakin’ MANIPULATIVE, in retrospect! Because hey, if “God” so-called told Susan it’s OK to have an affair on your husband if he’s emotionally distant or told Steve it’s OK to have sex with another man, then that MUST mean that the TRULY born-again Christian is not TRULY hearing from “the God of the bible”, while the so-called “God told me” person IS, correct? (Note: Please notice the total sarcasm in my sentence there). In other words, those words are meant to SPIRITUALLY DISTORT and CONFUSE what it TRULY means to “hear from the God of the Bible”.

Many people today base the gospel/their concept of Jesus & salvation solely on their FEELINGS; what they THINK Jesus and/or eternal salvation should be like. In other words, many people these days create a FALSE “Jesus” in their minds that they’re “comfortable with”, and NOT a BIBLICAL JESUS who FROWNS UPON SIN and calls on us to REPENT OF OUR SINS! “My Jesus would never do this/that”, they oftentimes say. But what they don’t realize is that a “Jesus” based on FEELINGS is NO TRUE JESUS AT’TALL! In other words, a “Jesus” based on FEELINGS rather on BIBLICAL FACT can NOT and will NOT eternally save them from their sins! For the false Jesus they create in their minds/hearts based on FEELINGS doesn’t really exist AT ALL – other than in form of SATAN HIMSELF!

Imagine if someone were to come along and write a biography of your life. But instead of writing ACCURATELY about your life based on FACTS, the person INSTEAD wrote a biography on you based on what they WANTED you to be like in life or what they FELT you SHOULD be like! That would NOT in ANY way, shape or form truly reflect who you ARE as a person AT ALL! It would ALL be based on LIES, more or less! So it is with Jesus when we CREATE a Jesus in our minds that we’re “comfortable with!”

“God Told Me”. This is actually borderline blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, folks! Think about it! “God Told Me’. When you speak or even do so much as THINK those words in your mind, you are more or less stating that YES, the “God of the Bible” has INDEED told you something! Therefore, BEFORE you announce it publicly or speak those words audibly to a friend, family member, coworker, etc., you had better make DARNED SURE it WAS the “God of the Bible” who told you that and NOT SATAN, the enemy!

Lets go back to Genesis 3:1 again. The VERY FIRST LINE says: “Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made”. Many people read and hear these words and don’t even THINK about what they TRULY MEAN! They might possibly have this visual image in their minds of a serpent “hiding” and “slithering” in the grass, thus, being “more subtle” than other creatures more easily seen. But what the passage is REALLY SAYING is that Satan IS THE MOST DECEIVING, CRAFY THING EVER LIVED/EVER CREATED!

And he’s “subtle”. What does THAT mean? It means he comes in VERY SNEAKILY……if you’re not actively watching for him, he’ll creep into your life, heart, soul, mind and body unawares, in other words! He doesn’t come out with full guns blazing announcing: “Hi, I’m Satan and I’m here to deceive you”. First, he’ll TEMPT YOU by what “seems” reasonable. And then, he’ll try to get you to RATIONALIZE THE SIN(S)! 

Let me give an example. Most people are granted 15 minute breaks at their work, in addition to the occasional lunch break (if they’re lucky, that is). Satan comes in and sneakily says things like: “Oh, come on, take an extra 5 minutes and make it a 20 minute break, you’ve worked hard today so you’ve earned it, nobody’s gonna care or notice!” In other words, he’s very subtle. He won’t appear to you at work and demand you to take the extra 5 minutes. He’ll TEMPT you (very subtly) to take the EXTRA 5 minutes and even try to get you to RATIONALIZE IT. And since an extra 5 minutes “doesn’t seem like a big deal” to most, that’s how he gets away with it.

Another thing he might do is tempt a married man with a beautiful, young coworker. “Oh, come on, it’s OK to look at her and admire her beauty. Afterall, that’s how God biologically wired men, right? To appreciate a woman’s beauty, right? There’s no shame or harm in it!” 

Or he might TEMPT a person to watch an ungodly movie or TV show. “Oh, come on, it’s just mere entertainment, right? This won’t affect your soul at all! The people who say that have got WWWAAAYYY too much time on their hands and/or are taking things WAY too seriously, way too legalistically! Jesus never meant for humans to take things way too legalistically like The Pharisees, come on, now!”

And here’s the SCARY thing, folks! WHAT Satan says in those scenarios actually sounds “reasonable”, perhaps even “biblical”. That’s why we have to be EVER SO CAREFUL about what we THINK “the God of the Bible” is telling us or NOT telling us!

I sort’ve touched on the subject briefly in my other post entitled: “Biblical Confirmation: What It Is & How To Get It”

But ultimately, the words “God Told Me” boils down to SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT. And it’s a skill that’s SERIOUSLY LACKING in today’s world! For we are now living in the “Name It and Claim It” Movement; a movement that believes that Jesus “is our personal genie” and can give us WHATEVER WE WANT – provided we pray for it and have faith for it! 

Folks, truth be told, you can have FAITH about something ALL DAY LONG – but if it’s NOT the Lord’s will, then the “thing” in question ain’t happening! ALOT of people MISTAKE Desire for “Faith”. Trust me, the two are NOT mutually exclusive!!!!!!! Desire does NOT automatically equal Faith and Faith does not automatically equal Desire! Make sense?  

Perhaps an Ivy League student wants to go to Harvard and has their heart set on Harvard but the Lord instead wants to them to go to YALE! And that could be for ANY number of reasons: perhaps their future spouse is at Yale, or perhaps their upcoming medical partner that will help them develop a cure for cancer is at Yale. We simply don’t know, in this scenario. 

“I want this thing to happen, therefore, I’m gonna have FAITH that this thing is gonna happen”. Having FAITH in something won’t automatically make the desire HAPPEN! (Believe me, I’ve had to learn this lesson MORE THAN ONCE in my life!) Because if our desire – whatever it may be – is actually NOT the Lord’s will? Then guess what – that thing will NEVER come to pass – no matter how BADLY we want that thing/those things to happen!

John 16:23 says, “And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you”. 

Many people get tripped up by that verse. They think we can just spiritually ask for ANYTHING and that it will automatically be granted to us IF we have faith. (Not that much different from when people fast and then DEMAND that Jesus do something for them!) But WHAT we ask for HAS to be within the confines of the Lord’s WILL! Because if not?

Imagine your own six-year-old child asking you for the unreasonable. “Mom, Dad, can I stay out all night and hang out downtown all by myself until 5am?” What reasonable and rational parent is going to say “yes” to that? Think about it, folks! Even the most LIBERAL of liberal parents, I THINK, would have somewhat hesitation with that request. Yet, if our child CHANGES the request to, “Mom, Dad, can I stay at my friend ______’s house until 9pm? My friend just got this new video game and we want to play it for a couple of hours after dinner?”. Now, if it’s a Friday or Saturday night, we would most likely say yes or “we’ll see”, IF the friend and the friend’s parents are trust-worthy people and IF the game is not too violent and gory, etc. But if it’s a school night? No way! 

So it is with Jesus. If we – his spiritual children – make REASONABLE and RATIONAL requests – requests that are WITHIN the CONFINES of His Will – then He’s far more likely to say “Yes” or “We’ll See”. But IF what we ask him is NOT within the confines of His Will? Then it won’t happen, PERIOD! Sometimes even “reasonable” or “rational” things that we ask Him are STILL not His will (i.e. “Jesus, can you please cure my aunt Sally of cancer?” Outcome: perhaps it’s just aunt Sally’s time to go and no begging, pleading or praying on our part will change the outcome. Or “Jesus, can you give me a higher paying job?” Outcome: Jesus denies our request since there’s very specific reasons He wants us in our current job(s), etc). 

Therefore, NOT ONLY are the words “God Told Me” misleading and possibly blasphemous at best, but they’re also a question about AUTHORITY. On WHOSE Authority are those words made or claimed? The true, biblical Jesus is based on SCRIPTURE, NOT on FEELINGS! So when people say the words “God Told Me”, why do they say “God” instead of “Jesus”? Are they too AFRAID to say “JESUS Told Me” knowing full well that the world will judge them much more harshly at the just the mere mention of Jesus, etc? Or are they secretly deathly afraid of God’s Judgement if they say “Jesus Told Me” since they know full well the spiritual implications if they’re not 100% sure it was “Jesus” who told them something?   

When a person says “God Told Me’, (and again, WHICH technical “god” are they referring to, there? No-one knows….?) they’re giving THEMSELVES “Authority” over scripture! That’s why they had ALL better make DANG SURE that the authority that they’re giving themselves in their statement is 100% SCRIPTURE-BACKED! For if it’s NOT 100% SCRIPTURE-BACKED, then why even say, think or utter those words AT ALL, ESPECIALLY PUBLICLY? Think about it, folks! 

Anyways, this article truly grieved my soul to pieces! Is this woman PURPOSELY trying to lead people spiritually astray or is she truly THAT spiritually deceived?

Well, I pray in the name of Almighty Yeshua that Nita Marie will soon meet Jaime Hindman, an ex-stripper who now preaches about the TRUE biblical Jesus to current strippers:

Soon-Coming Antichrist? (Mark of the Beast/Corona Virus, Part SIX)

In my previous FIVE posts on the subject, I documented all the PRECURSORS to “The Mark of the Beast”. And Please Note: “Corona Virus – 5 Part Series” is an EXCELLENT companion guide to my “Mark of the Beast – 5 Part Series”. Each set of series depicts the soon-coming Mark of the Beast from different angles! However, EACH 5-part series is TOTALLY DIFFERENT and each series has ALOT of information to unpack and uncover! So please read BOTH sets of series to get a more clear, concise understanding of End Times Bible Prophecy AS it pertains to “Corona Virus” and the “Mark of the Beast!”

My 5-Part “Mark of the Beast” Series can be found HERE:

While my 5-Part “Corona Virus Series” can be found HERE:

That being said, this post/page will be a COMBINED part SIX for BOTH series! So without further ado, lets get started…….

This “whistleblower” nurse talks about THE TRUTH about “covid deaths in hospitals” (HORRIFYING!!!!):

But in fact, our world has taken such a weird, dramatic turn lately! Not only did “Corona virus” start to DAMAGE our economy (as well as the global economy across the world) but we’ve most recently discovered that China has a HUGE stake in “renewable energy” AND has held talk of a “GLOBAL POWER GRID”, etc. And that’s very interesting, considering that the Book of Revelation talks about A DRAGON THAT COMES OUT OF THE SEA! In my humble and spiritual opinion, I now believe that CHINA is “The [Political] Dragon” talked about in the book of Revelation in the New Testament! Just like I also now believe that “A.I.” is the IMAGE OF THE BEAST! But more on that later…….

I’ve most recently come across some CHILLING STORIES that advertise that we’re THAT MUCH CLOSER to the OFFICIAL UNVEILING of the Antichrist and/or Mark of the Beast/Mark of the Beast SYSTEM! Let us examine a few, as well as talk about their LONG-TERM BIBLICAL IMPLICATIONS:

And that’s just a small summary………there’s much more……..below, Anita Rivera talks about the BIBLICAL IMPLICATIONS of the Vatican building a possible tunnel underneath Jerusalem. It’s worth a look see! 

Okay, so perhaps you can’t find the news story Anita Rivera talks about in the above Youtube video on ANY “respectable” news source. But folks, there’s a REASON for that! The Jewish rabbi that has revealed the main source of the story is ALSO the same rabbi who believes that “vaccines are dangerous and contain metabolic POISON”. Therefore, MAJOR news outlets, The Orthodox Jewish community at-large, Big Pharma, The Vatican ITSELF, etc. are all trying to BURY THIS GUY, proverbially speaking! So it REALLY makes ya wonder what this guy knows that the rest of the “big whigs” don’t want the world to know! It’s highly worth paying attention to, folks! 

Now, that being said, lets get into the first headline I’ve mentioned up above, the one about the “moveable statue” that has the power to transform into ANY image“. Now think about that, folks….think about THOSE WORDS and what they actually MEAN…..In Revelation 13:15, it talks about THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST!!!! Therefore, in light of that passage, the news article is very, very telling! It shows that we’re THAT MUCH CLOSER to the reign of the Antichrist!!!!!! That’s CHILLING, folks, very, very chilling!!!!! The article says the statue has the ability to transform into ANY IMAGE!!!!! ANY IMAGE!!!! Including me or YOU!!!!!! How CREEPY is that?????

Moving on to news article #2: within the past year or so, I’ve most recently developed a theory that perhaps ALL monkeys/apes/orangutans/etc. you see today are “chimeras”. And I believe that more and more people are/were starting to find out/theorize about it, therefore, the “big cats” now feel as though they have no choice but to FAKE creating NEW monkey-human “chimeras”, in order to make it look like they’ve “just started” doing it, when I personally theorize that they (“shadow societies”) been secretly making monkey-human chimeras in some secret lab somewhere (perhaps in a cave or the mountains) ALL ALONG, ever since the middle ages or earlier!

During the days of Noah (i.e. the time of history around the world global flood, where ONLY Noah and his family were saved), the bible implies that many “genetic experiments” were taking place! The bible talks about “all flesh being CORRUPTED” around that time. Does the bible mean GENETICALLY or SPIRITUALLY? I now believe that the bible meant BOTH! But again, and I do stress this: it’s ONLY a “theory” of mine, it can’t be 100% proven either way!

So either monkeys and apes were created to be similar yet different BY THE CREATOR……..OR…..they are all a result of sick, twisted, SECRET “genetic experiments” wrought about by human hands! The truth is, nobody will ever know for 100% sure UNTIL “all is revealed”. Now, that being said, rather they’ve been creating monkey-human hybrids ALL ALONG – or IF they’ve so-called “just now started doing so”, the news headline in and of itself should send a proverbial chill down anyone’s spine!

Because what the news headline DOES let us know is that they are WILLING to go THAT FAR – WILLING! And if they are so WILLING to do that NOW – what makes anyone think that they wouldn’t have been WILLING to do it BACK THEN – during the middle ages to late 1800s? For in my mind, Satan has always been WILLING to pervert and corrupt the NATURAL HUMAN FLESH made IN THE IMAGE OF GOD! He didn’t just stop short at vaccines, “cloning”, “gene-therapy”, transplants and A.I. – No folks, he’s now taken it much, much further – human/animal HYBRIDS/CHIMERAS!!!!!!! Most recent evidence suggests there’s such a thing as “antediluvian technology”. Translation? It means seemingly “primitive societies” were FAR more advanced that what we had originally realized!

Now……how is that possible? Have some of today’s “elite” tried to time travel back through time and change the course of human history? Perhaps. But that STILL doesn’t change the fact that there is only ONE true creator God and ONE true Son of God, Jesus Christ Almighty! Perhaps the elite tried – and failed – MANY times to erase Jesus Christ from history but were NOT successful – so maybe THAT’S why they are now turning to CERN (The Large Hadron Collider) to try to UNDO TIME ITSELF and thus – in their mind anyways – UNDO JESUS/GOD! But Jesus Christ exists OUTSIDE OF TIME – and CREATED TIME! Therefore, there *IS* no “deleting God/Jesus” or deleting time itself! (But yet, it still won’t stop them from atleast “trying” – more on that later…..)

But again, Satan didn’t just stop at mere human-animal hybrids/chimeras! Now, he wants to incorporate A.I. INTO said “hyrbrids/chimeras”. Why? TO WEAPONIZE THEM! Think real-life Skynet on steroids! Satan knows that some of the best human mathematical minds can likely outsmart even the most sophisticated A.I. when it comes to “natural defense”. Therefore, he figures, if he brings wild, unpredictable “animal DNA” into the mix, perhaps he can shake things up enough to where it would act and behave in such a way that even the most sophisticated and intelligent human mind wouldn’t know how to act or perceive its next move (in defense against). Also, it’s not just HUMAN DNA he wants to corrupt but ALL DNA (even animals, trees, nature). Why? BECAUSE IT’S ALL MADE WITH GOD’S SIGNATURE OF AUTHORSHIP/AUTHENTICATION! In fact, why DO you think that SO MANY THINGS are being “cross-bred” today? Even PLANT SPECIES? You think that’s all just coincidence? HA!

Now, moving on to the Vatican. Are they – or are they NOT – building said tunnel to try to get to King David’s bones? One can only guess. However – what we DO know is that The Vatican has POWER – and lots OF it! RICHES BEYOND ANYONE’S MEANS – and TONS OF WORLDWIDE INFLUENCE! In fact, it is a POLITICAL POWER – in and of ITSELF! So that right there tells us that it doesn’t matter HOW they will incorporate that power INTO the power of the Antichrist – only THAT they WILL – eventually. However, if said Rabbi’s claims about said tunnel etc. DO check out, that would only mean WE’RE THAT MUCH CLOSER TO THE SOON-COMING DAY OF THE UNVEILING OF THE ANTICHRIST/MARK OF THE BEAST/MARK OF THE BEAST SYSTEM/MARK OF THE BEAST ONE-W0RLD GOVERNMENT SOCIETY!

“Lawlessness” within the ranks of the U.S. Navy Seals? Having to wear a mask on an airplane IN BETWEEN BITES OF FOOD or SIPS OF DRINKS? Polyamourous domesticated relationships now LEGAL in some parts of the U.S.? Genetically MALE athletes competing in women’s sports UNABATED? Parents being ARRESTED for REFUSING to “affirm” their own child in the child’s *preferred gender?* Folks, if that doesn’t tell ya that we’re quickly heading down a “Mark of the Beast Society” Pathway, then I don’t know what does!!!!!!!!

That being said, many people these days are living in a “haze”. The world – and nearly everything in it – has become SO corrupt, that most people don’t even want to turn on the news anymore! Streaming platforms are FULL of things such as murder, drugs, homosexuality, transexuality, crime, adultery, cussing, hate, etc. Music, movies and videogames are FULL of violence and “Satanism”. TV is either “celebrity worship”, homo/transexuality, partisan politics, or Christ mocking/mega-preachers preaching a watered-down gospel. Facebook, Youtube and online Christian groups are “all about the DONATIONS” and NOT about the souls! All the big companies – SPECIFICALLY BIG PHARMA – only care about the $$$$$ profits and NOT the people! Such a sad, sad world we live in today! It’s hard to find joy in practically ANYTHING, anymore!

However, what we CAN find joy in are the things that are talked about and highlighted in Revelation, chapters 21-22! For all those lucky souls who’s named are recorded in The Book of Life, Jesus will “wipe away their every tear!” The 12 trees will be the 12 fruits of the season and their leaves “will be for the HEALING of the nations!” The lamb will “lay down by the wolf”, being led by a small child, etc., the “river of life” will quench their every thirst, etc. People always talk about “the perfect utopia”. But guess what, folks? Jesus Christ’s Heavenly Kingdom on Earth is the ONLY *perfect utopia” that’ll be in existence – everything else is a COUNTERFEIT! So while there’s much pain and suffering in the world NOW – there will much MUCH EVERLASTING JOY in the city of “New Jerusalem” LATER – for all those deemed worthy, that is!

Luke 21:36 states, “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man”.

Now……just WHAT type of “things” is Luke 21:36 referring to, you might be wondering? What does “ESCAPE ALL THESE THINGS” mean? Well, we know that Jesus’s disciples were very, very concerned about the “end of the age” and of the SIGNS that would “precede” and/or “showcase” the “end of the age”. What were these “signs” that Jesus mentioned and that the disciples asked him about? They’re mentioned in the New Testament, Book of Matthew, Chapter 24, Verses 3-13:

And as he [Jesus] sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, ‘Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?And Jesus answered and said unto them, ‘Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in diverse places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved'”. 

But again, I don’t think it’s so much Matthew 24:3-13 being talked about in Luke 21:36 but rather THE GREAT TRIBULATION talked about in Matthew 24:20-22!

But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: For then shall be GREAT TRIBULATION, such as was NOT SINCE THE BEGINNING of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened“. 

I’d forever assumed the “these things” meant THE GREAT TRIBULATION. Therefore, Matthew 24:3-19 PRECEDES the Great Tribulation. And by the time it gets to the time period OF Matthew 24:20, THE GREAT TRIBULATION IS BEGGINING and/or HAPPENING

Okay, now to go to the WORDING and what it MEANS: “Escape All These Things“. Escape to WHERE? Is it talking about THE RAPTURE or are they simply referencing PETRA or BOTH? I believe this is one of those cases in the bible that’s talking about BOTH; a double entendre! I’ve long held the biblical assumption that SOME of the people would escape to heaven BEFORE the Tribulation or at MID-Tribulation (whenever THE RAPTURE occurs, that is) while the OTHER part of the Lord’s “saved people” would be placed at/inside PETRA during the Great Tribulation. But is that 100% ACCURATE? Nobody knows. Only time will tell. 

The Left Behind series touts a “SECRET RAPTURE”, as well as the concept of “TRIBULATION SAINTS” – those people who are saved AFTER the Rapture (and they are “saved” BECAUSE they did NOT/do NOT take The Mark of the Beast). The bible makes it VERY clear that ALL those whose names are NOT written in The Book of Life WILL worship The Beast and His [The Beast’s] Image! So the way I see it as “possibly plausible” is THIS: their names WERE/ARE recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life – it’s just that they’re designated as a “group B” type scenario. “Group A” is THE RAPTURE group and “Group B” is the “delayed passenger list to heaven” group? I ALSO believe that the “secret rapture” COULD theoretically be possible. Because from how the bible reads, it sounds to me as if Jesus comes to “rapture” the saints, and THEN later comes back WITH the raptured saints AS his “heavenly army” and THEN, ALL eyes on the Earth shall see Him! OR both events might happen at the VERY EXACT SAME TIME! 

Folks, the truth is, NOBODY knows the day, the hour, the LOGISTICS, or the DETAILS about how The Rapture and the 2nd Coming Of Jesus Christ upon the Earth are gonna happen: NOBODY! One can only SPECULATE! I’ve sort’ve vacillated back and forth for years and years about rather or not I believe “THE RAPTURE” will be SECRET or not, and rather or not “TRIBULATION SAINTS” are possible. And folks, I STILL haven’t come up with a 100% conclusion either way, even unto this day! Therefore, I guess it’s not really important HOW certain things will happen, just THAT they will happen! In other words, the LOGISTICS of The Rapture and 2nd Coming DO NOT MATTER, in the grand scheme of things! But what DOES matter is that we are READY for WHEN that time COMES!

Once again, Luke 21:36 states, “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man”.

At first glance, it MOST DEFINITELY looks as though as Luke 21:36 is telling us to “keep watch on world news events, AS it pertains to bible prophecy”, etc. 

But I think the BIGGER part of that warning is that we to keep watch of OURSELVES during the End Times! In other words, we need to “keep our sin in check” and make sure that WE OURSELVES are FOUND WORTHY to “escape all these things” (“these things” referring to The Great Tribulation events…….I THINK?) So in other words, I believe Jesus is saying it’s FAR more important to keep OURSELVES in spiritual check during the End Days, since during the End Days, it becomes MOST EASIEST to FALL, with all the world’s “comforts”, “distractions” and “alluring things” (i.e. the brand new i-phone, ipad, etc.)

He’s not saying that it’s NOT important to keep track of world news events as it pertains to bible prophecy. What He’s saying is that it’s FAR more important that we “keep watch” over our OWN spiritual state, rather than the spiritual state of the world, although that’s important, too! For we can be updated as pie as far as world news events go, yet STILL be spiritually dead as a doornail and counted as “unworthy” if Jesus were to come TODAY! However, if we are keeping a “close spiritual watch” on OURSELVES during the End Times, and keeping our “sin in check” as much as possible, then none of the world’s events will affect us (in the grand scheme of things) since we are considered “WORTHY” in the Lord’s Eyes to “escape all these things”. Make sense, folks? 

In conclusion, I’d just like to say that the VORACITY at which “Corona vaccines” are REQUIRED – or soon will be – and that VACCINE PASSPORTS are coming into play – is echoing what will happen when MARK OF THE BEAST comes on the scene! At first, it will be seen as OPTIONAL – or as one’s PATRIOTIC DUTY to their specific country and to the world – But…… time goes on, there will be “Mark of the Beast PASSPORTS” and a person will NOT be able to buy, sell (or possibly own?) anything WITHOUT IT! Those who RESIST will be swiftly put into jail, torchure and/or KILLED, the bible says! So if you’re having trouble not giving in to the Corona vaccine pressure NOW – then just imagine HOW MUCH HARDER it will be for you to resist THE MARK OF THE BEAST (which would be like Corona vaccine pressure ON STEROIDS, TIMES 1,000!) 

NOTE: If you’ve ALREADY taken the Corona vaccine, I’ve just now said a prayer for you that you would have no ill-effects from it, etc.! And if you are one of those people who are considering the vaccine, DON’T GET IT! I simply can NOT stress that enough! For please remember that JESUS IS OUR ULTIMATE PHYSICIAN and that we have NO NEED of “Big Pharma” or its “money-making industry!” In Genesis, the Lord gave us H2O (water), every fruit and herb-bearing seed, etc.! Am I saying that we all need to be vegetarians? Ofcourse not! The Lord also provided us CLEAN MEATS by which to consume (i.e. turkey, chicken, steak, ground beef). But in conclusion, I think THE CLOSER we stick to the natural, BIBLICAL DIET, the MUCH BETTER our health will be!!!!!!!!!!

I pray that Yeshua/Jesus protects each and every single one of you during these End Times and that you are able to read between the lines when it comes to “Corona virus” and “Corona society”. For remember: “Corona Society” is just a spiritual TEST-RUN for the soon-coming MARK OF THE BEAST GLOBAL SOCIETY:

  • “Lets test the human populace and see how well they obey our order under the FEAR of a major virus”
  • “Oh good, they obeyed us, mostly. Though some still resist. Okay, lets bring in a few terrifying-sounding VARIANTS to instill some more fear into them and see if that works”.
  • “Okay, now we got a few more vaccinated. Excellent. Now we can possibly try to further our plan along to try to bring about The Mark of the Beast Global Society“.
  • “Perhaps we can bring about The Mark of the Beast Global Society not with fear but with PURPOSE. Make the human populace feel like getting The Mark is a GOOD THING, a PATRIOTIC DUTY!”
  • “Now we just need a loveable, well-respected person to act as “The Prophet” to the new and upcoming One World Government Leader – as well as a *good crises* to bring about the One World Government Leader’s global rule!”
  • “So then what should we do with all those who RESIST *The Leader?* We’ll worry about that when the time gets here, but for right now, let us just focus at the next few stages of our plan!”  

The Spiritual Evolution of Those Who Reject The Apostle Paul:

One of the very first lies of Satan to Eve in the Garden of Eden was getting her to QUESTION the Lord’s commands to her and Adam in the Garden!

Genesis 3:1-7 says: “Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, ‘Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?’ And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, ‘Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil’. And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons”.

Translation? Adam and Eve could eat from ANY tree in the Garden of Eden BUT from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. For if they ate the forbidden fruit of THAT tree, they would both surely die! So what did Satan do? He went to Eve and TEMPTED HER by MAKING HER QUESTION GOD/GOD’S COMMANDS!

And one thing I’ve always tried to understand is WHY Adam ate the “forbidden fruit” that Eve gave him to Eve. Did Adam truly not know what fruit it was? (Certainly he knew….? Or at the very least, suspected it was forbidden?) Did he feel RESPONSIBLE for Eve “being deceived by the serpent” and so, ate the forbidden fruit as a way to “punish himself?” Or did Adam’s curiosity get the best of him and he ALSO wanted to find out what the forbidden fruit tasted like, after seeing Eve munch away on it? We simply don’t know. But what we DO know is that Eve (being TEMPTED by Satan to QUESTION GOD/QUESTION GOD’S COMMANDMENTS) ate the forbidden fruit, then gave some to Adam and Adam ate it, too! Therefore, by getting EVE to first QUESTION GOD/QUESTION THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD, Satan also indirectly was able to get ADAM to QUESTION GOD/QUESTION THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD, as well!

So we know right then and there that Satan USES THE POWER OF INFLUENCE TO GET PEOPLE TO SIN/QUESTION GOD! All it takes is just that ONE person! ONE person within a group starts to QUESTION GOD/QUESTION GOD’S COMMANDMENTS. And then, over time, TWO people start questioning, then THREE, then FOUR and so on and so forth. That’s exactly how false, religious movements get started and exactly how false teachings PROLIFERATE (especially in the modern-day age of the internet and social media, some of Satan’s most powerful spiritual weapon these days!)

But yet, how does Satan DO it? How does he MANAGE it? How does he, Satan, manage to get that ONE person to QUESTION GOD/QUESTION GOD’S COMMANDMENTS? Satan starts off by injecting a person’s FEELINGS into it! Satan will have people start JUSTIFYING their feelings on someone/something, and then MAKE those feelings seem “legit” and as though those feelings “came from God himself”. For remember, Satan often masquerades as an angel of light and masquerade, HE DOES!

Satan will appear as:

  • that coworker who says, “You’ve been working too hard, you need to take a vacation”
  • that fellow Christian online that claims you’re being “too judgmental for pointing out sin
  • that friend, coworker, stranger in line or family member that sees it as “no big deal” that the cashier accidentally gave you too much change back
  • that famous “Christian” movie star or famous TV pastor who says, “We don’t really need to follow the commandments, we just need to believe in Jesus and be a good person and be kind to others for only people like Hitler go to hell”
  • that “overly understanding” female (if male) or male (if female) who *pays you extra attention* that your spouse/fiancé doesn’t
  • that person who says you’re being “too legalistic” in your faith when you say that we must STILL follow Jesus’s commandments
  • that person who says you’re saved by “faith only” or by “works only”
  • that person that tries to convince you that “Jesus never existed” and/or that “Paul is a false prophet”,etc.
  • that person that tries to convince you that you should kill yourself/give in to “same sex sodomy”, have an abortion, get a sex change, try mind-altering drugs or any OTHER sinful thing that the Lord DOES NOT APPROVE OF
  • Etc.

Believe me folks, the “Satanic deception” doesn’t happen overnight! It’s a PROCESS! A long, drawn-out PROCESS! It starts out SMALL, then works itself to something greater until the deception becomes SO GREAT, that a person then doesn’t believe in God AT ALL! Satan uses “baby steps” to accomplish his ultimate goal (which is, a PERSON PERMANTELY TURNING THEIR BACK ON GOD/JESUS!)

So then what are these “baby steps”, you may be asking? I’m glad you asked. They are the following:

  1. He’ll make you feel BAD or JUDGEMENTAL for doing what’s RIGHT in the Lord’s eyes!
  2. He’ll PUNISH you for doing what’s RIGHT in the Lord’s eyes!
  4. He’ll make you start to envy what others have that YOU don’t!
  5. He’ll make you UNGRATEFUL for what you have and RESTLESS!
  6. He’ll make you feel ENTITLED to receive things that it’s not the Lord’s will for you to receive!
  7. He’ll turn you AWAY from doing the Lord’s will, which will leave you feeling DEPRESSED and HOPELESS!
  8. He’ll fill up your time, home, space and heart with things/people that AREN’T PLEASING TO JESUS!
  9. He’ll give you FALSE ambition and dreams that come to naught!
  10. He’ll try to convince you that JESUS HAS TURNED ON YOU!
  11. He’ll try to convince you that YOU ARE BEYOND REDEMPTION!
  13. He’ll bog you down with “scientific articles” concerning Evolution and “Space” in order to try to get you to DOUBT THE CREATION/GENESIS/THE BIBLE!
  15. He’ll try to get you to question what faith you DO have so that, over time, he’ll get you to a point of NO FAITH!
  16. He’ll try to get you to DOUBT the MIRACLES and NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES OF OTHERS!
  17. He’ll use hypocritical Christians to make Jesus/Christianity as a whole LOOK BAD!
  18. He’ll pressure you to join the “anti-Jesus squad”
  19. He’ll offer you financial incentives, etc. to “defy Jesus and the gospel of salvation” (i.e. “sell your soul to me and I’ll make you rich” type schemes)
  20. He’ll try to get you to believe that HE is the “good guy” while Jesus is actually the “bad guy”
  22. He’ll force you to suffer through a REALLY hurtful experience at the hands of “religion” so you’ll LEAVE RELIGION BEHIND
  23. He’ll tempt you with OTHER RELIGIONS
  24. He’ll tempt you to watch the TV show called “Lucifer” in which he’s portrayed as a “good guy”
  25. Etc.

“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron” – [1 Timothy 4:1-2]

So then HOW do the above “baby steps” start to come into play then? Answer: It’s because the individual in question (or possibly someone in their own immediate household) had unknowingly opened A DEMONIC DOORWAY! Demons “attach” to things! So when we display such “things” in our cars and/or homes, that more or less gives the demon the legal “spiritual right” to occupy that car and/or home! And it doesn’t even have to be a stationary object. It could even be a non-stationary object, such as a movie/TV show, secular music, etc. And when it comes to stationary objects, it could be from a Monster energy drink (which has the Hebrew 666 written on each can), a talisman, SATANIC/VIOLENT VIDEOGAMES, crystals, black candles, Ouija board, books on witchcraft (like Harry Potter – which, btw, contains ACTUAL spells in them – did you KNOW that, people?), posters, Satanic/Wiccan/New Age religions desktop backgrounds, statues (EVEN OF “Catholic saints”, which are actually DEMONS, btw), dream catchers, incense, etc.

Have you ever noticed how it starts off SO SMALL? A fleeting fascination with someone who doesn’t see the true, biblical gospel as important as WE do (BEFORE we’re engaged/married?) Feeling all of a sudden DEATHLY TIRED out of nowhere as soon as we want to try to read the bible, yet we have no problems staying up late at night to read our favorite novel(s), am I right? Feeling as though we don’t NEED to read the bible at all since we “already know what’s in there!” Other members of our friends and family getting down on us saying that we “take religion/the bible too seriously”. People that DO NOT follow the bible or its contents making US feel as though we are nothing but HATEFUL, SPITEFUL PEOPLE *for* obeying the bible and its contents! Those of “other religions” making us feel GUILTY for sharing THE TRUTH OF THE GOSPEL with them, as if we had stabbed them with a sword and somehow “wounded” them or “hurt them” in the process!

People trying to make US feel INTELLECTUALLY STUPID for BELIEVING THE BIBLE AND ITS CONTENTS. Seeing those around us who DON’T follow Jesus PROSPER! Being threatened by those who do NOT follow the bible! Being made to feel ASHAMED for believing in the bible and its contents! Being made to feel as though WE ARE NEVER GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE LORD, NO MATTER WHAT WE DO! Being made to feel as though WE’LL NEVER MAKE A TRUE DIFFERENCE IN PEOPLE’S LIVES WHEN WE PREACH OF THEM THE GOSPEL! Being bogged down by SEVERE health and/or mental issues! Problems with friends, family, work, etc. Those are the MANY WAYS in which Satan the Devil gets the ball rolling when it comes to US starting to QUESTION THE LORD/QUESTION THE LORD’S MERCY & DIVINE PROVIDENCE TOWARDS ALL THOSE WHO FOLLOW HIM!

Folks, look: It’s not like people that are deceived by Satan are stupid or anything. Many of them are world-renown authors, scientists,  astrophysicists, CEO’s of big companies, college professors, doctors, lawyers, etc. Also as well: While some “willingly” let themselves be deceived by Satan (“If I’m being deceived by Satan, so what, this is how I live and that’s that”), a good majority of deceived people DON’T EVEN REALIZE THAT SATAN TRULY EXISTS!!!!!!!!! So in a way, it’s not their fault, they’re deceived and don’t even know it……..lost souls that need to come back to God!

But yet, I MUST ask this question: How does a person who PREACHES the gospel to others and help bring MANY souls to salvation in Yeshua/Jesus then turn around and think/claim that Paul is a false prophet? Folks, it’s either one of three things:

  1. Said “preacher” is PURPOSELY trying to deceive people and take them AWAY from Christ/Yeshua since they themselves had their own special “falling out” with Christ/Yeshua and so want to secretly take as many people with them to hell/the lake of fire someday as humanly possible
  2. Said “preacher” is just doing it for shock/attention value
  3. Said “preacher” is TRULY depressed (on the inside) and TRULY deceived and is secretly fighting MANY DEMONS that the rest of the world doesn’t see

I’m honestly not sure what type of falling out Justin Best happened to have with Jesus/Yeshua! Did he see too much hypocrisy going on with Adam Fink and the rest of the Parable of the Vineyard and Christian Truthers ministries? Did something really, really bad and terrible happen to him that made him question his entire faith system? Did those of other religions start knocking on his door and “communing” with him in a sort’ve discourse that went like: “You’re Christian, bro, therefore, it is your Christian DUTY to hear us out. Do you REALLY think that an all-knowing, all-powerful God is gonna throw Muslims or Hindus out of heaven for believing in Him in a slightly different way? Come on, bro!” 

The truth is, we simply don’t know. Justin Best is not stupid by ANY means! He’s got EXTENSIVE military and business training and is very, very smart, intellectually! But I’ve definitely seen an “Evolution” in him over the years. He used to be so gung ho about preaching the gospel of Jesus/Yeshua and salvation. And then, he joined the Hebrew roots movement. While IN the Hebrew roots movement, he started to be somewhat led astray, in my humble opinion. Why? Because he was debating rather he should follow the moon sabbaths or the sundown sabbaths. That was my first clue. I wanted to humbly say something to him about it in Christian love and Christian mercy but I feared he would take it the wrong way, so I said nothing. Looking back, it’s been one of my life’s most biggest regrets for I now I feel like had I spoken up about this sooner, I might’ve been able to save him from being spiritually led astray! 

One major problem with the Hebrew roots movement is that they call EVERYONE “brother”. This is not right! Yes, we are to love our neighbor as ourselves, sure. But that does NOT mean that we are to automatically welcome EVERY person into a group with “open arms” for there are MANY spiritual wolves in sheep’s clothing out there, looking to scatter the flock! WE MUST TEST THEM BY THEIR FRUITS! Naturally trusting EVERY single person in the Born-Again Christian/Hebrew roots Movement IS CAUSE FOR GREAT, SPIRITUAL DANGER! Because you NEVER know where all the “Judas Iscariots” are hiding….?

That’s why YOU MUST SPIRITUALLY TEST **ALL** CHRISTIAN/MESSIANIC JEWISH INDIVIDUALS THAT YOU COME INTO CONTACT WITH! And if you see ONE wrong teaching, even just ONE, correct them with Christian love and compassion. If they accept your correction, great. If they DON’T, be weary! Be VERY weary and ON YOUR HIGH SPIRITUAL GUARD! Because if a person DOES NOT care about even just ONE “false teaching”, then that means that their spiritual HEART is NOT in the right place and if their spiritual HEART is NOT in the right place to begin with, should they REALLY be SPIRITUALLY trusted? Think about that, folks!

But anyways, what’s MOST troubling to me about Justin Best’s “fall from grace” (as I call it) is that he said he discussed his “Paul is a false apostle” teaching with OTHER “Christian brothers” who AGREED with him! Well, you know what? These so-called “Christian Brothers” did Justin Best A MOST SERIOUS SPIRITUAL DISSERVICE! Because not ONLY was their spiritual findings “wrong”, but THEY PUT JUSTIN BEST’S SOUL (AS WELL AS THEIR OWN) AT RISK/PERIL! How could this BE? How could such “born-again” Christian “brothers” encourage Justin to dive into such a “false teaching?” I’ll tell you why…….it is because those “brothers” were NOT properly spiritually vetted by Justin and are themselves already spiritually led astray! Justin was basing his/their findings on his/their FEELINGS, rather than on the bible’s REALITY! 

And that’s where I’m going with this whole entire post, folks! We have to base the scriptures on the bible’s REALITY and NOT our own feelings! Satan and his demons THRIVE on our “feelings!” Why? Because the bible says in Jeremiah 17:9 “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”. So in other words, FEELINGS can be VERY EASILY MANIPULATED while the bible’s TRUE reality can NOT! That’s WHY Satan and his demons choose FEELINGS to work on/work with when it comes to human deception! Because when we THINK about what the scriptures SHOULD say, or about what Jesus SHOULD do/say, it’s VERY EASY for Satan to come in and DECEIVE US, who …..walking about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). 

But again, I’m sure this whole entire “deception process” with Justin didn’t happen overnight. It was apparently a VERY long, drawn-out process. My guess is that it all likely started with “spiritual burnout”. Many priests and pastors and spiritual leaders experience this. And it’s hard for many of them to be under a microscope AND to be held up on a sort’ve pedestal all the time. In fact, it can sometimes be quite exhausting. Not to mention it’s ALOT of pressure. I think more than likely that Justin started to buckle underneath all the pressure a bit. Running a full-time ministry on top of one’s daily job is ALOT of work! It all starts out small. A spiritual leader wants to take a week off. Then a week becomes 2 weeks, becomes a month, then becomes a few months. And before ya know it, as a spiritual leader, if you’re not careful, you’ll enter into a stage of lukewarmness due to all the overwhelming responsibilities that go along with running a full-time ministry. (Believe me, I know, I’ve been there!) 

So my theory is that it started off as burnout, then eventually morphed into lukewarmness, which then eventually morphed into doubt/lack of faith, which then morphed into “Jesus and Dionysus are one and the same”. And unfortunately, this is very, very sad and unfortunate! Many upon many people have tried to warn him that he’s wrong, that he’s been spiritually led astray and that he’s honestly in danger of the Mark of the Beast and possible Eternal Judgement someday if he doesn’t soon repent and come back to a saving faith and knowledge of Yeshua/Jesus before it’s too late.

But like any wounded spiritual child, he (for the past several months anyways) hasn’t seemed to want to listen. So I guess all I can do at this point is continue to pray for him in the name of Yeshua/Jesus and encourage others to do the same. Because usually, when people are THAT defiant towards Yeshua/Jesus/etc., it’s because of a very personal struggle or event that’s just between he and Yeshua/Jesus. Something very bad or traumatic must’ve happened to him to make him so defiant towards Jesus/Yeshua and Paul. Because usually “defiant ex-Christians/Messianic Jews” on the OUTSIDE are actually SECRETLY HURTING on the INSIDE! So who or what is this young man, Justin Best, running from? What hurt him so bad that he turned his back on Jesus/Yeshua? One can only guess. That’s WHY we must still continue to pray for this young man! 

And once again, if ANY of you are struggling with inner pain or conflict, have critical questions of the faith, or are still wondering what your purpose is and rather or not Jesus truly loves you or not, etc., then PLEASE, pretty please, take up those questions, concerns and “inner hurts” WITH/TO Jesus! DON’T SHUT JESUS OUT AND TURN HIM AWAY, THAT’S THE WORST THING YOU CAN DO IN THAT CASE! Jesus knows you’re human, Jesus knows you got questions. And ya know what? HE’S GOT ANSWERS! 😉 

“Almighty Yeshua, I pray for all of those who are struggling with inner pain and conflict today…..For those who are DESPERATELY hurting inside, yet, don’t yet know how to verbalize or pray about it to you or even how to admit it to you…..For those who got some serious questions about the validity of the bible, its contents or its many prophets…..For those who turned their back on you due to anger, hurt, guilt, uncertainty or misunderstanding…….For those who don’t yet know their true purpose in life…..Please heal them, help them get back up on their spiritual feet again and re-welcome them with open arms. Because I don’t think in my heart of hearts that they TRULY want(ed) to turn away from you – they just want(ed) their pain and struggles to end. Please help them at this most difficult time in their life. Please help them to know that you LOVE THEM and that you’ll ALWAYS be there to welcome them back with open arms, when they’re ready. Please let them know that you haven’t forgotten them and that you still patiently and lovingly wait to welcome them back with open arms. Remind him or her of the parable of the prodigal son if you must. Show them the many ways in which you still love them and haven’t forgotten them. Use as many glorious signs as you have to in order to bring them back into the fold and back into your loving, divine, compassionate arms. Amen”. 







37). “Paul says it’s better to not get married like him. The Torah says otherwise. “It is not good for man to be alone”.

REBUKE: In 1 Corinthians 7:6-9, Paul states the following: But I speak this by permission, and not of commandment. For I would that all men were even as I myself. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that. I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, it is good for them if they abide even as I. But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn”. 

Here, Paul is talking about the “spiritual gift” of “singleness” vs. the “spiritual blessing of marriage”. He says that “singleness” is a slightly higher spiritual calling than being married.

However, Paul doesn’t discount marriage but rather, upholds it. Paul is confirming that married souls are to “be as one flesh”, “one body”, “one soul” and “one mind” (more or less AFFIRMING Jesus’s words in Matthew 19:6 and Mark 10:9!) Paul says that some people are CALLED to be married, while OTHERS are NOT called to be married! And that’s very much TRUE, according to the bible! Look at Hosea, who was called to be married to a prostitute! And to Jeremiah, who was CALLED TO BE SINGLE ALL HIS DAYS!?

And when Paul is saying that he wished all men were like him, it was NOT for selfish, egotistical purposes as it might first appear on the surface. But rather, he was saying in his heart that he wished ALL men had “24/7” to devote to Christ and Christ’s gospel! For a married spouse is more concerned with “worldly things” (such as how to please their spouse, rather than how to please God!) However, like I said, Paul is NOT denouncing marriage. He talks all throughout 1 Corinthians 7 on the IMPORTANCE of marriage, about how two “become as one”, etc.

And as far as I can see, Paul gives a very easy descriptor of those that are “called” to marriage; they simply “can not control their lusts” for a very specific person of the opposite gender! For he says that those who are called to “singleness”, by CONTRAST, will, by the power of God, easily be able to DEFEAT any lustful thoughts or temptations and remain “pure” and live a “celibate lifestyle”. We also don’t know if Paul was NEVER married OR if he was at some point and was “widowed” by the time he was called to ministry! But what we DO know is that Paul is making some very clear “distinctions” between “married life” and “single life”.

38). “Paul’s teaching of abstinence above all lead to sexual immorality among church leaders for centuries, and it still continues”.

REBUKE: Paul did NOT preach “abstinence ABOVE ALL”. Lets re-examine 1 Corinthians 7:2 again! 1 Corinthians 7:2-5 says the following:Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency“. 

So in other words, Paul ONLY taught abstinence OUTSIDE of marriage. While INSIDE a marriage, Paul taught husbands and wives to GIVE SEXUAL AFFECTION TO ONE ANOTHER – for to do otherwise – in a MARRIAGE – was “sin” and giving a foothold to Satan! And true, several “religious leaders” over time HAVE taken Paul’s words OUT OF CONTEXT and started whole “religious movements of abstinence” (i.e. Catholic priests, Buddhist Monks, etc.) But that is NOT Paul’s fault!

If I myself were to write a memoir and people 100 years into the future misinterpreted what I said and started a “false religious movement” BASED off that MAJOR “misinterpretation” of MY written work, how would that be MY fault? Think about it, folks! Answer: It wouldn’t be! And just like it wouldn’t be MY fault but the misinterpreters’ own fault(s), neither is it Paul’s fault for “religious leaders” MISINTERPRETING his written words SEVERAL years after his death!

Also as well: how is Paul (now long dead) responsible for THEIR SEXUAL SINS *due* to their misinterpretation/false teaching OF his written words? If those same people who, 100 years from now, misinterpreted my written words then partook of a MAJOR sin DUE to that misinterpretation, would “I” (a person long dead by then) then be responsible for THEIR SINS? I think NOT! So it is with Paul!

39). “Paul says he, “being crafty, caught you with guile”.

REBUKE: Being “crafty” doesn’t necessarily mean that one is being “malicious” or “evil”. Let me think of an example. If a 19-year old boy still lives at home and has no job and his father is trying to get “junior” to get a job. So the father goes out and strategically and secretly places tree branches under junior’s tires to see rather or not junior had gone physically job-applying that day or not. And then, at the end of the day, the “sticks” were still in the same spot under junior’s tires, so the father KNEW his son had NOT gone physically job applying like he promised his father he would. The father, by non-evil “craftiness”, found his son “full of guile” and “deceit!”

And so it was with Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:16 in which Paul states, “But be it so, I did not burden you: nevertheless, being crafty, I caught you with guile”.

So in other words, this is the moment in time when Paul (I’m assuming this is when Paul went to go back and “check” on a church he had originally planted, earlier?), being non-maliciously crafty (much like the “father” in the example above), found “deceit/guile” IN the church (the one he had planted or taught in, earlier?) When Paul says in the passage: “I DID NOT BURDEN YOU”, Paul is letting us know how much he LOVED this “church” that he was so-called “going back to check on/inquire about”. That tells me that the type of “crafty” Paul employed was NOT evil or malicious but yet, humble, loving and long-suffering.

Afterall, the father in the above example only LOVINGLY wants what’s BEST for his son, just like Paul only LOVINGLY wants what’s best for God’s people! “Caught you with guile”. OUCH! Think about those words, folks! Think about how it must’ve grieved Paul AT HIS VERY HEART to have to think, then to verbally SAY those words! Like, imagine in the example given up above when the father is FORCED to confront his son with the TRUTH that he’s discovered: “Junior! You LIED to me! You didn’t go job-applying like you told me you would!”

When and if junior tries to defend himself (just as I’m sure it’s likely the church tried to defend ITSELF against Paul’s accusation of “guile” being found among them – atleast at first, anyways), the father then would’ve had to say to his beloved son: “WITH CRAFTINESS, I CAUGHT YOU!” And then when he SHOWED “Junior” the PROOF of what he had found, “Junior” would’ve then had nothing to say for himself, just as the church would’ve had nothing to say for ITSELF once confronted with the PROOF that Paul had that THEY were full of deceit and guile!

40). “Paul says it’s OK to lie, as long as it leads people to Christ (Romans 3:7)”.

REBUKE: This one, like many before, was taken WAY OUT OF CONTEXT! Romans 3:7 states: “For IF the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory; why yet am I also judged as a sinner?”

There, Paul is asking his congregants a philosophical question. Many at the time were persecuting Paul, calling him a false prophet, accusing him of lying and everything else under the sun. So Paul, in his defense, more or less asked the congregants a question of rational and deductive reasoning: “IF my lie caused the gospel of salvation to prosper and glorified God in the process, then why am I still judged as a sinner?

In other words, Paul is saying between the lines that God is a God of truth and can NOT lie, so neither can HE, for it would serve NO THEOLOGICAL OR PRACTICAL PURPOSE! In another sense, he’s also implying that LIES can NOT prosper the gospel of salvation but if they ever do, it would serve the person telling the lie NO PURPOSE since that individual will have given all that “testimony of God” FOR NOTHING since they would be eternally judged as an “unrepentant sinner!” And Paul, as we know, was about as “religious” and “over-zealous” for Jesus/the gospel as one can GET!

Therefore, it stands to reason: if the gospel “so-called” prospered by Paul’s “so-calling” lying, and Paul KNEW he’d go straight to hell when he died, why would Paul put himself through all that? The threat of persecution, DEATH? The loss of “FINANCIAL SECURITY and PRESTIGE” among the Pharisees, the “loss of reputation and livelihood” among the Pharisees? Being HATED by MANY? He risked ALL THAT for a LIE? I don’t think so! A person ONLY risks all of those things if they were doing it for something or someone that they 100% BEYOND ALL SHADOW OF A DOUBT BELIEVE IN! Otherwise, a person would NOT risk everything for “said person” or “said thing”, that’s just human nature, folks! 

41). “Paul says to be all things to all people, a subtle doctrine of deceit”.

REBUKE: It’s NOT deceit to relate to people at their own pace and on their own level! 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 states: For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more. And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law; To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law. To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. And this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you”.

At first glance, it might appear as though Paul was trying to be “the master of disguises”. But that’s NOT what Paul was doing there. He was simply meeting them at their own spiritual pace, and on their OWN level! That would be no different than if I were to learn everything I possibly could about the Hindu religion before preaching about Christ to the Hindu! I would be doing myself a SERIOUS disservice if I knew nothing firsthand about the Hindu religion BEFORE preaching about Christ to the Hindu. Not to mention the Hindu themselves would also probably think: “Oh, so you think you’re better than me and that YOUR religion is better than MINE, do you? Away with you!”

But yet, if I LEARN everything I can about the Hindu religion BEFORE preaching Christ to the Hindu, I’d have a much better chance conversing with the Hindu about Christ! Plus the Hindu would then be more “receptive” to what I was saying about Christ, if they knew that “I” knew about their Hindu religion or where they were currently “at”. Paul met people where they are “at” and didn’t expect them to be at the “same pace” as HIM! He meant them at their own pace and didn’t try to FORCE them to do ANYTHING, other than to be receptive to Christ’s love for mankind during his sacrifice on the cross for our sins! Therefore, we can all learn ALOT from Paul and his preaching style!

42). “There are only 12 foundations on New Jerusalem, with the 12 disciples’ names written on them, Paul makes 13″.

Rebuke: Paul NEVER said or claimed to be “one of the 12!” In Galatians 1:12, Paul says: “For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ”. There, Paul is letting us know that he got his authority to “teach the gospel” from Christ HIMSELF! And though he called himself “apostle” and fellowshipped with the other apostles, he never ONCE called himself a member of the original 12! He also never assigned himself a number of any sorts! Therefore, since Paul NEVER claimed to be one of the 12, and NEVER claimed any “number”, he ALSO never claimed that his name was gonna be featured on one of the 12 foundations on New Jerusalem!

[Disclaimer: Judas Iscariot “betrayed” the Lord. So will the 12th foundation STILL have Judas’s name on it? Or will it be replaced by Matthias? Or could it POSSIBLY be replaced by Paul? We simply don’t know, folks! Only God The Heavenly Father knows!]

43). “There are only 12 gates leading into New Jerusalem, where’s Paul’s?”

REBUKE: The 12 FOUNDATIONS of the walls are composed of 12 apostle names while the 12 GATES are the names of JACOB’S 12 SONS! Therefore, Paul would NOT be named on ANY of the 12 GATES since the 12 GATES are named after Jacob’s 12 sons (Reuben, Judah, Joseph, Benjamin, Simeon, Issachar, Zebulon, Naphtali, Levi, Asher, Gad, and Dan).

[Disclaimer: The tribe of Dan “disgraced the Lord” and was “cast out” – much like Judas Iscariot was. So will Dan STILL have a gate named after him? Or will it be replaced by Manasseh – Joseph’s younger son – whose tribe REPLACED Dan in the 12 tribes of Israel? Or will it instead possibly be named David after King David? Again, only God the Heavenly Father knows!]

44). “Paul quotes writings of Euripedes (406B.C.) and claims it to be the words of the Messiah (“kick against the pricks”)”.

REBUKE: The play called “Baccae” by Euripedes was written around 406B.C. while the letters of Paul are estimated to be written around 50 to 58A.D. – So yes. In retrospect, The Baccae by Euripedes was written FIRST, several hundred years before Paul’s gospels, sure. However – the Old Testament Jewish scriptures had been in circulation LONG BEFORE any “Greek play” hit the Earth. Therefore, it’s FAR more possible that Greek “plays” borrowed from the Old Testament scriptures, than the Old Testament scriptures borrowing from THEM! Therefore, if any New Testament writers borrowed from any Greek plays (who more than likely borrowed from Old Testament scriptures), then it wouldn’t mean much in retrospect.

Eusebius of Caesarea, wrote in his work “The Preparation of the Gospel”, and argued the case in great detail that Plato learned from Moses, etc., for instance. Plus we also knew that Luke was Paul’s personal secretary and was “Greek-educated”. So did Luke himself insert the words “kick against the pricks?” Quite possibly. But if so, did Luke do so with deceitful intentions? Ofcourse not. He may’ve possibly only did that so that the Greek “converts” to Jesus would have a much better, richer understanding of who Jesus the Messiah WAS! 

But regardless. Rather Paul and Luke borrowed from the ancient Greek play or not [and just for the record, I don’t think they did], it still doesn’t change the fact that A) Jesus appeared to Paul and that B) Jesus “commissioned” Paul to preach the gospel. And think about it folks, if Paul “lied” about his “spiritual visitation from the ressurected Jesus”, then why would he risk his LIFE, his REPUTATION, his FINANCES, his good, cushy societal standing in the synagogue/with Rome, etc. just to be “popular” among those he had previously severely persecuted/killed, knowing FULL WELL that now HE would now be A HUMAN TARGET at risk for being severely persecuted and possibly KILLED for his *newfound faith in Jesus?* That doesn’t make any sense, whatsoever!

Therefore, in conclusion, it’s FAR more likely that Paul REALLY DID have a supernatural experience with Jesus that filled him with SO MUCH DREAD/FEAR of going AGAINST Jesus (as he had previously done) to now desperately wanting to SERVE JESUS in any way he could, in order to save him FROM THE WRATH OF THE ONE HE HAD PREVIOUSLY PERSECUTED! And sure, it took him “three full days” to come to terms with what he had just seen and experienced. But think about it, folks. Think about if YOU had been Saul in that position and had had the total, divine visitation that he had had of the VERY THING you made an occupation out of PERSECUTING! Wouldn’t that also throw YOU for a “mental” and “spiritual’ loop for 2-3 days? Answer: it WOULD and anyone that says otherwise is most likely LYING! 

[P.S.: For a Modern-day human being to compare Jesus’s own words to the words of Euripedes is the HEIGHT of spiritual blasphemy! I pray that any and ALL modern-day souls who do that WILL REPENT!!!!!]

45). “Paul taught popular doctrines of stoicism instead of the law (deny the flesh)”.

REBUKE: In Acts 17:16-21, it states, Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry. Therefore disputed he in the synagogue with the Jews, and with the devout persons, and in the market daily with them that met with him. Then certain philosophers of the Epicureans, and of the Stoics, encountered him. And some said, What will this babbler say? other some, He seemeth to be a setter forth of strange gods: because he preached unto them Jesus, and the resurrection.

And they took him, and brought him unto Areopagus, saying, May we know what this new doctrine, whereof thou speakest, is? For thou bringest certain strange things to our ears: we would know therefore what these things mean. (For all the Athenians and strangers which were there spent their time in nothing else, but either to tell, or to hear some new thing.)”

So in summary: Paul was waiting for some of his spiritual companions at Athens. He’s GRIEVED to discover that the city is wholly given over to IDOLATRY! Therefore, Paul starts speaking out AGAINST IDOLATRY! And the Hellenistic Epicureans and Stoics then become interested in Paul’s preaching for he seems to be preaching “a new thing” (salvation and faith in Jesus Christ, alone!) And much like Buddhism, stoicism tells its followers to “deny themselves physical pleasures – IN GENERAL – in order to attain a degree of higher spirituality”. 

Paul teaches ABSTINENCE OUTSIDE OF MARRIAGE, while it may “appear” somewhat similar to stoicism and Buddhism at first glance –  is totally DIFFERENT from what the Stoics/Buddhists later taught! So I’m not seeing the point being made here…..? From what I can see in Acts 17, Paul was ANTI-STOIC…. 

46). “Paul has no witnesses to his conversion”.

REBUKE: Paul’s conversion story can be found in Acts Chapters 9, 22, and 26. Each account has slightly different literary details, yes. But one thing is consistent, all throughout. The two “witnesses” to Paul’s conversion are A) his traveling companions and B) a Christian man by the name of Ananias. Note: The internet is chalk FULL about the traveling companions of Paul AFTER his conversion. But not BEFORE his conversion. Those sources are a little bit more harder to come by. Nevertheless, if and when I find out who any of THOSE pre-conversion travel companions were of Paul’s, I will list and add them here. 

47). “The early Ebionite and Nazarene churches utterly rejected Paul as a false apostle”.

REBUKE: In Acts 24:5-6, it says:For we [The Pharisees/Sanhedrin] have found this man [Paul] a pestilent fellow, and a mover of sedition among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes: Who also hath gone about to profane the temple: whom we took, and would have judged according to our law”.

Verses 14-15 then go on to say: But this I [Paul] confess unto thee, that after the way [Ebionites] which they [The Jewish Pharisees] call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets: And have hope toward God, which they [The Jewish Pharisees] themselves also allow, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust”.

And upon reading the ENTIRE chapter of Acts 24, it becomes readily apparent that only THE PHARISEES/SANHEDRIN reject Saul-turned-Paul as a “false apostle of/to the Jews”, NOT the Nazarenes or Ebionites!  

48). “The other disciples did not believe Paul was a disciple in Acts 9”.

REBUKE: Acts 9:26-28 states:And when Saul was come to Jerusalem, he assayed to join himself to the disciples: but they were all afraid of him, and believed not that he was a disciple. But Barnabas took him, and brought him to the apostles, and declared unto them how he had seen the Lord in the way, and that he had spoken to him, and how he had preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus. And he was with them coming in and going out at Jerusalem“.

Translation? The 12 disciples (now included with Matthias in place of Judas?) weren’t sure if they could “trust” Paul’s “genuineness” at first. And that’s to be perfectly understandable. For imagine if a jihadist-Christian-beheading-RADICAL-MUSLIM, who had most recently been “indicted” for KILLING Christians, then had a seeming “change of heart” and walked into a MAJOR Christian church JUST THREE DAYS LATER and said: “I’ve had an encounter with Jesus, I want to co-pastor!” Imagine how ANY Christian pastor would IMMEDIATELY REACT! They would FEAR! They would likely say: “No! You’re not gonna kill me or my congregants! Get outta here before I call the cops! NOW!” Therefore, is it ANY WONDER that the 12 disciples who were with Jesus weren’t 100% sure at first if Paul was “trolling” them or not? Think about it, folks! 

49). “The true apostles did not defend Paul when he was imprisoned and questioned”.

REBUKE: Paul’s “imprisonment” is discussed in Acts chapters 24-28, Acts 16:23-24, Philemon 1:1-25, among possible other places in the New Testament that I’m not yet aware of. At VERY first scriptural glance, it DOES appear as though no-one defended Paul as he was being imprisoned and questioned.

However, in Acts 20:36-38, [RIGHT AFTER PAUL TELLS THEM HE’S ABOUT TO BE ARRESTED OVER IN JERUSALEM], it says: And when he had thus spoken, he kneeled down, and prayed with them all. And they all wept sore, and fell on Paul’s neck, and kissed him, Sorrowing most of all for the words which he spake, that they should see his face no more. And they accompanied him unto the ship”.

Then again, in Acts 21:4 “And finding disciples, we tarried there seven days: who said to Paul through the Spirit, that he should not go up to Jerusalem“.

And again in Acts 21:8-12 “And the next day we that were of Paul’s company departed, and came unto Caesarea: and we entered into the house of Philip the evangelist, which was one of the seven; and abode with him. And the same man had four daughters, virgins, which did prophesy. And as we tarried there many days, there came down from Judaea a certain prophet, named Agabus. And when he was come unto us, he took Paul’s girdle, and bound his own hands and feet, and said, Thus saith the Holy Ghost, So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man that owneth this girdle, and shall deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles. And when we heard these things, both we, and they of that place, besought him not to go up to Jerusalem”.

Translation? Many of Paul’s friends (including some of disciples themselves, most likely) were WARNING PAUL NOT TO GO TO JERUSALEM, as to try to make Paul not get arrested! 

But in the next verse, in Acts 21:13-14, it says, Then Paul answered, ‘What mean ye to weep and to break mine heart? for I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus. And when he would not be persuaded, we ceased, saying, The will of the Lord be done“.

Translation? Paul was “ready to die for Christ, if need be”. And once the disciples and Paul’s friends ACCEPTED that fact, they CEASED warning him about going to Jerusalem and all said in unison: “The will of the Lord be done”. In other words, the disciples and many of Paul’s followers tried to talk him OUT of going to Jerusalem, where they KNEW he’d be arrested and possibly killed. But Paul INSISTED on dying for Christ and couldn’t be persuaded otherwise, therefore, they [the disciples and others] were willing to “let go and let God”, as the saying goes. 

50). “Paul’s conversion story is almost identical to that of Pentheus, King of Thebes from the play titled Baccae, written 400 years earlier. Dionysus (instead of “Jesus”) is confronting his persecutor and states “You disregard my words of warning….and kick against the pricks, a man defying god”.

REBUKE: This one’s a “rehash” of number 44 on the list. Nevertheless, I will provide the same rebuke since number 44 and number 50 are practically one and the same:

The play called “Baccae” by Euripedes was written around 406B.C. while the letters of Paul are estimated to be written around 50 to 58A.D. – So yes. In retrospect, The Baccae by Euripedes was written FIRST, several hundred years before Paul’s gospels, sure. However – the Old Testament Jewish scriptures had been in circulation LONG BEFORE any “Greek play” hit the Earth. Therefore, it’s FAR more possible that Greek “plays” borrowed from the Old Testament scriptures, rather than the Old Testament scriptures borrowing from THEM! Therefore, if any New Testament writers borrowed from any Greek plays (who more than likely borrowed from Old Testament scriptures), then it wouldn’t mean much in retrospect.

Eusebius of Caesarea, wrote in his work “The Preparation of the Gospel”, and argued the case in great detail that Plato learned from Moses, etc., for instance. Plus we also knew that Luke was Paul’s personal secretary and was “Greek-educated”. So did Luke himself insert the words “kick against the pricks” specifically for his Greek-speaking audience? Quite possibly. But if so, did Luke do so with deceitful intentions? Ofcourse not! He may’ve possibly only did that so that the Greek “converts” to Jesus would have a much better, richer understanding of who Jesus the Messiah WAS! 

But regardless. Rather Paul and Luke borrowed from the ancient Greek play or not [and just for the record, I don’t think they did], it still doesn’t change the fact that A) Jesus appeared to Paul and that B) Jesus “commissioned” Paul to preach the gospel. And think about it folks, if Paul “lied” about his “spiritual visitation from the ressurected Jesus”, then why would he risk his LIFE, his REPUTATION, his FINANCES, his good, cushy societal standing in the synagogue/with Rome, etc. just to be “popular” among those he had previously severely persecuted/killed, knowing FULL WELL that now HE would now be A HUMAN TARGET at risk for being SEVERELY persecuted and possibly KILLED for his *newfound faith in Jesus?* That doesn’t make any sense, whatsoever!

Therefore, in conclusion, it’s FAR more likely that Paul REALLY DID have a supernatural experience with Jesus that filled him with SO MUCH DREAD/FEAR of going AGAINST Jesus (as he had previously done) that he was now, from that point forth, DESPERATELY wanting to SERVE JESUS in any way he could, in order to save him FROM THE WRATH OF THE ONE HE HAD PREVIOUSLY PERSECUTED! And sure, it took him “three full days” to come to terms with what he had just seen and experienced. But think about it, folks. Think about if YOU had been Saul in that position and had had the total, divine visitation that he had had of the VERY THING you made an occupation out of PERSECUTING! Wouldn’t that also throw YOU for a “mental” and “spiritual’ loop for 2-3 days? Answer: it WOULD and anyone that says otherwise is most likely LYING! 

[P.S.: To put Jesus’s name in QUOTATION MARKS and to compare him to DIONYSUS (a FALSE Greek “god”) is the HEIGHT of BLASPHEMY! Therefore, I pray that any and ALL souls who do that WILL REPENT!!!!!!] 

So folks, in COMPLETE SUMMARY, there you have it. The 50 reasons why we KNOW that Paul is a TRUE APOSTLE! Not OF the original 12 (which Paul NEVER claimed to be) but an “Apostle” nonetheless! 


24). “Paul taught to follow your conscious, not the law”.


I could be wrong but I believe what’s being referred to here is either Romans 2:11-16, which states:

“For there is no respect of persons with God. For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law; (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;) In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel”.

Or Romans 14:13-23, which says:

“Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his brother’s way. I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean. But if thy brother be grieved with thy meat, now walkest thou not charitably. Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died. Let not then your good be evil spoken of: For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men.

Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. For meat destroy not the work of God. All things indeed are pure; but it is evil for that man who eateth with offence. It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak. Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth. And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin”.

Or quite possibly 2 Colossians 16:17 which states:

Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ”.

Okay, in Romans 2:11-16, Paul is describing HOW Jesus Christ will judge souls on the Day of Judgement (in other words, Paul is describing Jesus’s judgement criteria as far as “spiritual hearts” go. So in other words, people who do things that are SINFUL according TO the law (but that had no knowledge of the law) will be judged accordingly. Those that only HEAR the law will NOT be counted as “justified” UNTIL they also start OBEYING the law (James 1: 22-25).

And when a person does NOT have the knowledge of the law of God but DOES things that are written in the law (i.e. honoring their elders/mother/father, taking care of their neighbors in time of need, helping to feed homeless people, putting other’s peoples’ needs above their own, etc.), THEY will be a law onto themselves (meaning, they will also be “justified”, just like the people who KNEW the law AND obeyed it will be justified?) There, Paul is not directly “against the law”. But is rather talking about HOW the law (in and of itself) is the “measuring stick” by WHICH we determine “sin”……if that makes any sense? 

In Romans 14:13-23, Paul is telling us that we are not to do anything to make fellow believers stumble. In other words, we are not to “judge” and “confuse them” when it comes to things like abstaining from certain meats, wine, etc. So in other words, if WE believe it’s forbidden to eat pork and another Christian does NOT, what Paul is saying in these verses is that we’re supposed to let them hash it out with God at their own pace, instead of trying to proverbially FORCE them not to eat pork anymore, since to do so wouldn’t be defined as true “Christian love” on our part, if that makes any sense?

We ALL come to God and come to a certain spiritual WALK with God at our OWN paces – therefore, to try to force EVERY believer to go at the SAME PACE as us is just – ungodly? You can’t FORCE it on them? Just like someone ELSE that knows that WE don’t eat pork should NOT eat pork in FRONT OF US! Etc. Also: If one knows pork is unclean and eats it anyways, etc. – what Paul is possibly suggesting there is that that particular person has then spiritually condemned themselves by their lack of faith *IN* THE (DIETARY) LAW(S?) Or is Paul talking about faith there in the last 4 verses and not food? 

And last but not least, 2 Colossians 16:17? Paul IS likely talking to the Gentiles there. Therefore, it DOES seem (at first glance) as though he’s saying that the Gentiles do NOT have to celebrate in the BIBLICAL holidays or BIBLICAL SABBATH. But is that REALLY what Paul is saying there? Let us examine this a bit further….Paul’s not directly telling Gentiles to NOT celebrate in the 7th Day Biblical Sabbath or Biblical Holidays. But rather, he’s likely telling the Gentiles to not let any Jewish soul judge them AS it pertained to the 7th Day Biblical Sabbath and Biblical holidays. (Or is Paul also addressing a “Jewish” audience, in which he’s telling Jews not to let any NON-Jew judge they, the Jew, IN their observing the 7th Day Biblical Sabbath and Biblical Feasts? We simply don’t know for 100% sure).

In other words, there were many over-zealous Jewish souls around the times of Paul that were more or less saying to all the Gentiles in their midst: “You HAVE to follow Jewish laws and precepts if you want to be saved/redeemed by God”. So what Paul was saying to the Gentiles is to NOT let those over-zealous Jewish souls judge THEM, the Gentile, AS it pertains to the biblical sabbath and feasts since to do so (on the Jewish soul’s part) would’ve been “ungodly” and “unrighteous”? 

On the flipside of that were likely some “over-righteous” Jewish souls that were NOT letting the Gentiles participate in the 7th Day “Jewish” Biblical Sabbath and the Biblical “Jewish” holidays. (As it still is to this day – many a Orthodox Jew today will label a “Messianic Jew/Judeo-Christian” as a SPIRITUAL CHARLATAN and will ESPECIALLY hate whenever a “Messianic Jew/Judeo-Christian” participates in “THEIR” *strictly Jewish* 7th Day Biblical Sabbath and Biblical Holidays! They will oftentimes be caught saying things such as: “Messianic Jews have NO SPIRITUAL RIGHT or REASON to participate in the 7th Day Sabbath and Jewish Biblical Holidays since they were made for JEWS, ONLY!” OUCH!) So perhaps Paul was addressing THEM, as well. But regardless, the whole point of Paul’s saying right there is that the Gentile was NOT supposed to let the non-Gentile judge THEM when it comes to “Jewish law” for ONLY Jesus Christ HIMSELF is the judge!

Paul was ALSO gently reminding the Gentiles that THE 7th Day Biblical Sabbath and Biblical Holidays were a shadow of things to come (i.e. Jesus was fulfilled IN some of the biblical feasts and WOULD someday be fulfilled in THE REST of the biblical feasts) and that ALL (Jew and Gentile alike) were the Body of Christ, the “church”, the “ekklesia!” So therefore, to HIGHLIGHT their differences was of “no effect” to the gospel and threw the gospel out of whack: “Love thy neighbor as yourself”. If that makes any sense. So in other words, Paul wasn’t telling them NOT to celebrate in “Jewish” biblical holidays, only that their FOCUS should be on Christ!  

But, regardless, I don’t really see any verses in the bible that would suggest that Paul is “against the law”. In fact, I see several verses to the contrary…..

In Acts 25:8, Paul says, “While he answered for himself, Neither against the law of the Jews, neither against the temple, nor yet against Caesar, have I offended any thing at all”.

Romans 7:12 “Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good”

Romans 3:31 “Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law”

2 Timothy 3:16-17 “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works”.

Romans 7:7-8 “What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet. But sin, taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. For without the law sin was dead”

Galatians 5:13-14 “For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself”

Galatians 3:19 “Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator”

Galatians 3:24-26 “Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster. For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus”.

25). “Paul says the law justifies, then says it doesn’t in the next chapter (Romans 2-3).

REBUKE: Romans 2:11-16 says: “For there is no respect of persons with God. For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law; (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;) In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel”

Romans 3:23-31 says: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. Is he the God of the Jews only? is he not also of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also: Seeing it is one God, which shall justify the circumcision by faith, and uncircumcision through faith. Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law”.

Summary: In Romans chapter 2, Paul is saying that the law is what determines “sin” and that those who HEAR *and* OBEY the law will be “justified” and also that those people who do NOT have access to “the law” but of whom DO the law “naturally” in their lives (i.e. respect their elders/parents, put others’ needs above their own, helping people in need, etc.) will ALSO be “justified?” However, those who “sin” (without the law) and those who KNOW the law but still sin will be “judged” according TO the law. And in Romans chapter 3 in the next chapter, Paul is saying that Jesus Christ’s death on the cross FULFILLED the law and that faith IN Jesus’s propitiation FOR our “sins” on the cross is what “justifies” us, IN ADDITION to being to a hearer AND doer of the law? In other words, salvation comes by grace through faith PLUS “faith-filled obedience (to the law?)”

26). “Paul added to and took away from the WORD in stereotypical Pharisee fashion”.

REBUKE: We know from the scriptures that THE WORD of God is JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF! Therefore, the bible (in and of itself) is considered THE WRITTEN WORD OF GOD! And true, various “scrolls” of written scriptures were around during the time of Paul’s time on Earth…..However, I’m not sure if what’s being alluded to here is the WRITTEN Word of God (the scriptures, in and of themselves) or if it’s specifically referring to THE WORD OF GOD (JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF!) But I’m gonna assume that what’s meant here is referring to JESUS/YESHUA, THE WORD OF GOD! 

Okay, first of all, before we dive into this one, we got to keep ONE thing in mind, here and that’s THIS: Acts 15 had them deciding that PETER should be LEAD APOSTLE to THE JEWS while PAUL should be the LEAD APOSTLE to THE GENTILES! PETER and all the OTHER apostles focused their “preaching” from the “Kingdom Perspective” of Jesus Christ (the point of time while Jesus was still on the Earth) while PAUL focused HIS preaching style from the “Resurrected Christ Perspective” (AFTER Jesus had been resurrected from the dead). Therefore, there’s a slight difference of preaching style/perspective that makes it APPEAR as though the two styles CONTRADICT each other but in essence, they really don’t, for they are both TWO pieces of the SAME GOSPEL PUZZLE! 

That being said, lets dig a little deeper into this. There are definitely some places in the bible where Paul’s words “seem” to “contradict” the words of Jesus. But lets examine this further:

  • In 1 Corinthians 12:28, Ephesians 4:11, 1 Timothy 2:7 and 2 Timothy 1:11, Paul uses the word “teacher” to describe various “offices” carried on within the “ekklesia”/”the church”/”the body of Christ”. 
  • This “appears”, at first glance, to contradict Jesus’s words in Matthew 23:8 in which Jesus says, “But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren”.

“Rabbi”, ofcourse, is the Hebrew word for “teacher” or “master”. However, Jesus and Paul are talking about two totally different concepts here, when it comes to the word for “teacher!” Paul is ofcourse using the term “teacher” in a very casual, loose sense. We all have different spiritual gifts, talents and “callings” in order to help spread the gospel of salvation upon the Earth, do we not? Some people are good at art, others are good at writing or philosophy. And yet others are good at preaching, teaching, caretaking, movie producing, etc. Therefore, what PAUL is referring to in those passages is the “spiritual GIFT/TALENT” of being a teacher, or of “being called by Jesus to become a teacher/instructor of the scriptures” and NOT the actual high, religious “TITLE” of being a rabbi/teacher! 

Jesus, on the other hand, IS referring to the high, religious “title” of any “human man” but HIMSELF being a “Teacher/Rabbi”, one who does so in order to “gain notoriety/prestige”, “to be seen as wise by others”, “to be seen/admired/highly respected by men”. (Book of Matthew, Chapter 23). Notice the difference there, folks? Nevertheless, Jesus more or less commanding people NOT to be called Rabbi or Master doesn’t “negate” the spiritual gift/talent of teaching, in and of itself but rather suggests that “teachers” of the written word are supposed to be HUMBLE about it, NOT calling themselves “Master or Rabbi” and NOT BEING LIKE the “rabbis” of Jesus’s day, clamoring for the official, RELIGIOUS “title” of “teacher”/”master” and what not (talked about in Matthew 23).

In 1 Timothy 2:7, Paul calls himself “a teacher of the Gentiles”, yes. However, Paul is NOT calling himself “teacher” in the official titled religious sense of “Rabbi” or “Master” but rather in the GIFT/TALENT/CALLING of teaching sense. In that passage, Paul is letting us know that he was ORDAINED by Jesus to teach. That is, he’s telling us right there that Jesus spiritually “gifted him” with the gift/talent/calling of “teaching” the Gentiles – though Paul means it more in a humble, loving, instructional way, NOT in a “holier-than-thou”/”Pharisee” type way…..Because please remember in liu of Acts 15, that Peter was put “in charge” of “teaching” the Jews, while Paul was put “in charge” of teaching the Gentiles. Make sense? Therefore, is it REALLY unfair that Paul “called” himself as such? He was only likely reiterating what the OTHER apostles/disciples were calling him around that time.  

Okay, lets examine a few more……

In 1 Corinthians 4:15, PAUL says: “For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel”

In Matthew 23:9-10, JESUS says: “And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ”.

In the above passage, Paul is suggesting that there are many, many, many “teachers/preachers” of the scriptures but that NOT very many OF those “teachers/preachers” are doing it for the RIGHT spiritual motives. In other words, I believe Paul is suggesting that MOST teachers/preachers of the scriptures back in THOSE days (and perhaps even today) was/are doing it for the “notoriety” and nothing more, putting their own selfish needs FOR notoriety/recognition/validation/attention/monetary gain ABOVE the “spiritual needs” of others to HEAR the gospel in its true, unadulterated FORM – and that ONLY those teachers/preachers who FOREVER HAD/HAVE THE “LOST SHEEP” IN MIND AS THEY PREACHED and that HUMBLY put others’ spiritual needs BEFORE their very OWN can be considered LIKE a “caring father” who cares for “his children”. 

In the 2nd part of the passage, I believe Paul is just letting us know that He was ORDAINED by Jesus Christ to “teach” the gospel unto to the Gentiles – and that LIKE a father “inherits” children (either biological, adopted or step), so has HE Paul “inherited” the Gentiles THROUGH the gifting/calling OF teaching that was ORDAINED by Jesus Christ! Paul is NOT referring to himself as “Father” in the OFFICIAL RELIGIOUS TITLE SENSE OF THE WORD! Otherwise, Paul would’ve said: “Call me Father Paul”. But NOWHERE in the bible does Paul say that! 

Jesus ofcourse, in the next passage, is telling us NOT to call any human man “Father” or “Master” in the SPIRITUAL SENSE for ONLY HE and The HEAVENLY FATHER are endowed to such spiritual “titles”. Think of the Catholics today that call their priests “Father”. Think of Buddhist Monks or Mormons or Masons who call their leaders “Master”. Those practices fly DIRECTLY in contradiction to the Holy Scriptures where Jesus tells us NOT to do that very thing!  

Okay, moving on…….

In 1 Timothy 5:17-18, Paul says, “Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine. For the scripture saith, thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward”.

In 1 Corinthians 9:11-12, Paul says,If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things? If others be partakers of this power over you, are not we rather? Nevertheless we have not used this power; but suffer all things, lest we should hinder the gospel of Christ“.

JESUS says in Matthew 10:7-8 “And as ye go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give”. 

In 1 Timothy 5:17-18, I do NOT believe Paul is taking about “monetary rewards” but rather, ETERNAL REWARDS! And in 1 Corinthians 9:11-12, Paul is saying that he and the other disciples have the “technical” power to “take money/material possessions from God’s people” as a sort’ve “occupational tribute”……However, Paul is saying that he and the other disciples have NOT used their power and influence to do so, since, if they DID, that would actually HINDER THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST, which Paul and the other apostles DON’T want to do! And in Matthew 10:7-8, Jesus is saying that being payed to preach the gospel is NOT necessary since the gospel is FREE! This in no way, shape or form contradicts what Paul said about choosing NOT be paid for the gospel; it actually goes hand in hand with what Jesus said, concerning the matter! 

27). “Paul caused confusion and 50,000 Christian “denominations”.

REBUKE: In 1 Corinthians 1:10-15, Paul says the following:Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. For it hath been declared unto me of you, my brethren, by them which are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you. Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ. Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul? I thank God that I baptized none of you, but Crispus and Gaius; Lest any should say that I had baptized in mine own name”. 

Here, Paul is CALLING OUT four different “factions” within the Corinthian church! So we can clearly see that Paul is AGAINST “factions!”  And sure, we could say that, at times, Paul appears somewhat to be “perplexing” in the bible at first glance. But he always expounds on what he means in later passages and further explanations. And much like Paul, Jesus was the same way! Jesus ALSO had to later explain what HE meant by things alot of times as well, as he spoke in parables!

Now…..that being said. Did Jesus and/or the Holy Spirit “purposely” design some of Paul’s sermons/letters as “minorly confusing” so that people would think and pray and meditate on them more, rather than just automatically taking them at face value from the get-go? Possibly. But we shouldn’t ever use the “Paul is confusing, therefore, he’s a false prophet” argument because please remember that JESUS HIMSELF was oftentimes “confusing” as well – SO confusing at times that even his OWN DISCIPLES didn’t know what the heck He was saying! (Matthew 24:3). 

As far as “Christian denominations” go, Paul was calling out FOUR “factions” in HIS day and DENOUNCING THEM! It was in fact, THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH (IN AND OF ITSELF) AND THE REFORMATION DURING THE MIDDLE AGES that produced TONS OF DENOMINATIONS! The Roman Catholic Church didn’t really take off until 1097 or so A.D., while the apostle Paul is said to have been put to death by Emperor Nero in 64-67A.D.! And the Reformation happened during the Middle Ages! 

28). “Paul caused lawlessness among so many that it is added to him until this day“.

REBUKE: Okay, this one is kind’ve weird and I fail to see what actual scriptural passages this one is referring to….? Nevertheless, one of the things that Paul PREACHED ON was lawlessness (ESPECIALLY as it pertains to THE SON OF PERDITION/THE MAN OF LAWLESSNESS).

This is evident in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 in which Paul says:Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God”. 

The passage goes on, verses 7-12:

For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness“.

Lets take a closer look at 2 Thessalonians 2:9: “Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders“.

That parallels Revelation 13:13-14 which states, And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live”.

So in other words, Paul was preaching about THE LAWLESSNESS OF THE ANTICHRIST! In summary, Paul preached ON lawlessness and the “lawless one”/”son of perdition”, but didn’t HIMSELF embody it from what I can see from the scriptures. Did Paul maybe make mistakes from time to time? Sure. But then again, ALL apostles did, even Peter! Not to mention the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, David, Moses, Noah and Jacob! NONE of those guys were perfect, therefore, why does one expect Paul to be perfect? It begs of question! The only one who IS perfect is ofcourse, JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF! All others fall short of “perfection”. Because unlike Jesus Christ/Yeshua who was born WITHOUT SIN, ALL the patriarchs were born into sinful human flesh! 

As for how lawlessness could be “added” unto Paul, EVEN TO THIS DAY? I believe Paul is being confused with none other than SATAN! For ONLY Satan is credited with “lawlessness for eternity” (“even unto this day”), as it were!  

29). “Paul doesn’t pass the prophet test of Deuteronomy 13”.

REBUKE: We all know that a “false prophet” is someone who preaches “another gospel” that is different from the gospel of salvation IN Jesus Christ. However, Deuteronomy 13 is all about the Old Testament laws that stated that the Jews were supposed to immediately stone someone if that person just merely “suggested” worshipping OTHER gods!

Anyways, in Acts 14:11-18, the scriptures DO record “Pagan worshipers” attempting to worship Paul AND Barnabus as “gods”. But lets read the ENTIRE verses IN CONTEXT:

And when the people saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voices, saying in the speech of Lycaonia, The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men. And they called Barnabas, Jupiter; and Paul, Mercurius, because he was the chief speaker. Then the priest of Jupiter, which was before their city, brought oxen and garlands unto the gates, and would have done sacrifice with the people.

Which when the apostles, Barnabas and Paul, heard of, THEY RENT THEIR CLOTHES, and ran in among the people, crying out, And saying, ‘Sirs, why do ye these things? We also are men of like passions with you, and preach unto you that ye should TURN FROM these vanities unto the living God,

which made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are therein: Who in times past suffered all nations to walk in their own ways. Nevertheless he left not himself without witness, in that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness’. And with these sayings scarce restrained they the people, that they had not done sacrifice unto them”.

Translation? The people wanted to WORSHIP Paul and Barnabas and when Paul and Barnabas HEARD of it, they RENT their clothes. That means to say, they TORE THEIR OWN CLOTHES TO BITS! That’s what the Jews DID back in ancient biblical times when they were GRIEVED IN THEIR SOULS ABOUT SOMETHING! Therefore, both Paul and Barnabas were GRIEVED IN THEIR SOULS when they heard that the people wanted to “worship” them and acted accordingly! For if Paul and Barnabas had WANTED the people to worship them, they would’ve GLADLY accepted to be “worshiped” but they DIDN’T! They ONLY wanted the true, LIVING God (the God of the bible) to be worshiped! 

And in Acts 19:26-27, it says: Moreover ye see and hear, that not alone at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia, this Paul hath persuaded and turned away much people, saying that they be no gods, which are made with hands: So that not only this our craft is in danger to be set at nought; but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana should be despised, and her magnificence should be destroyed, whom all Asia and the world worshippeth”.

Translation? Paul was actually turning lots of people in Ephesus/etc. AWAY from IDOL WORSHIP/WORSHIP OF other “gods” (like “Diana”, etc.). 

So from what I can see in the scriptures, Paul in no way, shape or form encourages worship of ANY other “god”, other than JESUS CHRIST, the one true living God! So yes, Paul does INDEED pass the “prophet test of Deuteronomy 13!” 

30). “Paul’s doctrines can not be confirmed by 2-3 witnesses”.

REBUKE: I’m pretty sure what this is referring to is 2 Corinthians 13:1 which states, “This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established“. 

Okay, we first have to understand that there’s SEVERAL words/verses throughout the bible that have “double meaning”. And in THIS case, I believe the word “witnesses” to have double meaning. On the one hand, it could mean DIRECT HUMAN witnesses, yes. But on another hand, it could mean SCRIPTURAL WITNESSES! So for example: If there’s a passage about baptism being required and a person finds one or two other scriptures that say the same thing, that would mean there were 1-2 other “witnesses” about baptism and that the commandment of baptism would then be “established”. Does that make any sense?

And there’s quite alot of places in the bible that CONFIRM what Paul is saying. Let us examine a few……

In 1 Corinthians 2:13, Paul says: “Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual”.

And in Galatians 1:12, Paul says: “For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ”.

In John 17:14 and John 17:17, Jesus says:I have given them thy word……” and Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth“. Therefore, Jesus is CONFIRMING what Paul later said in Corinthians and Galatians! 

In Romans 13:9, Paul says: “For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself”.

In Matthew 22:37-41, Jesus says: “…..Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets”.

Therefore, Jesus is CONFIRMING what Paul later said in Romans 13:9! And I think the reason that Paul didn’t mention the first commandment is because by Paul’s time, it was well-established and well-determined in the “Christian” and “Jewish” community that they weren’t supposed to worship ANY other “god(s)”, and that there was only ONE true God, therefore Paul didn’t feel the need to mention it, since the people of God ALREADY KNEW?

However, in the Roman Empire Christian community, the main “sins” the people struggled with were apparently adultery, murder, stealing, lying, envy, etc. Therefore, that’s why Paul “zeroed-in” on THOSE “sins” and left others out? But then Paul gives them a summary about how all the “sins” the Roman Empire Christians struggled with was more or less summed up in ONE sentence by their FAILURE to do ONE thing: “….and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself“. 

So Jesus CONFIRMS what Paul later says on alot of things. But if JESUS HIMSELF isn’t a good enough 2nd witnesses for Paul’s doctrines, there’s more:

Galatians 2:7-10 states: But contrariwise, when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter; (For he that wrought effectually in Peter to the apostleship of the circumcision, the same was mighty in me toward the Gentiles:) And when James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that was given unto me, they gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship; that we should go unto the heathen, and they unto the circumcision. Only they would that we should remember the poor; the same which I also was forward to do”.

So there, Paul was CONFIRMED by Jesus AND all the apostles! So folks, there’s your 2-3 witnesses to CONFIRM Paul’s doctrines! 

31). “James 3 seems to be directly teaching against Paul personally”.

REBUKE: I can only surmise that this is talking about James 3:13-15, which states: Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom. But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth. This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish“. 

Okay, notice here that James is talking to the ENTIRE CONGREGATION when he says: “But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your HEARTS….” In other words, James is calling out members of the entire congregation for their “envy” and “strife”, reminding them that it’s “earthy, sensual and devilish” while ALSO reminding them that any professed “wise men” endued with knowledge AMONG THEM must show forth his spiritual wisdom “humbly” with “meekness”/a “humble spirit”. That in no way, shape or form is a direct attack on Paul but rather, a general warning to anyone in the congregation who “thinks” he’s a “wise men endued with knowledge”. If that makes any sense? For please remember that MANY in the congregation back in those days thought themselves as “learned wise men”. 

In conclusion, I don’t think James chapter 3 is in any way, shape or form talking about Paul personally but is rather talking about what a true “instructor”/”preacher” of the gospel should BE LIKE! For remember that there were MANY FALSE TEACHERS floating around during the times of Paul and the apostles! Therefore, the apostles often preached ABOUT false teachers (in general) so the congregations would know what types of things to look out for in false teachers! (Not to mention that James was ALSO warning people that they needed to “bridle their tongue” for the tongue has the power of both blessings and cursings!) 

32). “Paul says that works are “useless” for salvation, James (one of the 12) says the opposite”.

REBUKE: Paul and James actually AGREE on the merits of faith and works for salvation when read in CONTEXT……In summary, they both agree that salvation is by grace through faith plus obedience. Let us examine….

Romans 3:28 says: “Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law” [PAUL]

James 2:24 says: “Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only” [JAMES]

While Paul seems to be fighting against a wrong view of WORKS, James seems to be arguing against a wrong view of FAITH. James seems to be saying that we’re justified by faith AND works, while Paul seems to be saying that we’re justified by FAITH, only! However, what Paul is referring to there in the 2nd part of Romans 3:28 is “faithless works”; works that are done WITHOUT FAITH, or works that are done for all the WRONG REASONS/SPIRITUAL MOTIVES! Paul is not discounting the law or works (in and of themselves) but is rather talking about how one is justified by a faith completed in righteous works for all the RIGHT REASONS????? 

It’s interesting to note that BOTH James and Paul quote from Genesis 15 and 22 on the basis of Abraham’s FAITH. Genesis 22 talks about the point in time when Abraham was asked to sacrifice Isaac, while Genesis 15 focuses on God’s promise to Abraham to “multiply his descendants”. Yet, in BOTH of those examples, Abraham’s FAITH is COMPLETED by “righteous works”. In Genesis 15, Abraham doesn’t just merely “believe” God’s promises but ACTS in accordance to those promises (i.e. likely telling others and Sarah about the promises of God and ACTING as though he was a man who would soon have many descendants someday, etc.) And in Genesis 22, Abraham ACTED on his faith in God by PHYSICALLY PREPARING HIS SON ISAAC FOR SACRIFICE! 

So in other words, what both Paul AND James are both saying is that RIGHTEOUS FAITH THAT IS ACTED UPON is what “justifies” a person, and NOT just faith alone or works/the law alone! Make sense? 

33). “1 John Chapter 2 and 3 seem to warn against Paul as a false teacher”.

REBUKE: Though the apostle John briefly touches upon what type of spirit constitutes an “antichrist”, (for please remember that there were many antichrist “spirits” back in those days – as well as TODAY) his main points in those chapters seemed to be about “loving your neighbor as yourself” and “keeping the commandments”. 

But let us zero on the “antichrist qualities” that John talks about in 1 John 2:18-19, and verses 22-23, respectively: 

Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us” [verses 18-19]

Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also”.  [verses 22-23]

And also in verses 1 John 3:14-15, respectively:

We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him” [verses 14-15]

Okay, let us just once again zero in on ONE verse: 1 John 2-22 which states: “Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son”.

Now WHERE in the bible do we see Paul DENYING Jesus or “hating someone without cause” AFTER his conversion? Anywhere? Anywhere in the New Testament a’tall? No? YES, the apostles CONSTANTLY WARNED about the “antichrist spirit” but I doubt they had a particular person in mind, other than “Simon the sorcerer”, perhaps. What’s IMPORTANT to note here is that John is very likely talking about “false teachers” IN GENERAL – He doesn’t name any off by name! If it WERE Paul that John was referring to, John would’ve no doubt NAMED HIM! John would’ve wanted to make 100% SURE that the people of God knew the “false teacher” BY NAME! 

And like I said, there is not ONE PASSAGE of scripture where Paul DENIES Jesus Christ or hates on someone (AFTER his conversion) that I can see. NOT ONE! Yes, there IS a case of where Paul doesn’t agree that a certain companion (John Mark) should come with him and Barnabas on a SECOND mission voyage (Acts 15:36-40). But nowhere did it say that Paul HATED that guy! It just implies that Paul was simply “unsure” about the guy going on the SECOND missionary trip, since, during an EARLIER mission trip (talked about in Acts 13), John Mark “abandoned” Paul and Barnabas and “returned to Jerusalem” (Acts 13:13). 

And what Paul was BEFORE he came to a saving knowledge in Jesus Christ DOES NOT MATTER! For IN the ressurected Christ Jesus/Yeshua, Paul was “made anew”. This echoes Isaiah 43:19 which states: “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert”.

34). “Paul taught that Messiah doesn’t come in the flesh, but in the “likeness” of flesh, a doctrine specifically stated to be an “antichrist” doctrine according to 1 John 4. “The likeness of men” and “the appearance as a man” are how Paul describes the Messiah”.

REBUKE: 1 John 4:1-3 states:Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world”.

Okay, so in summary, John is saying that whoever does NOT confess that Jesus came “in the flesh” is that “spirit of antichrist”. So this is easy. Did Paul EVER say ANYWHERE in the bible that Jesus Christ did NOT come in the flesh? Let us examine what Paul DID say about Jesus coming – or not coming – in the flesh, shall we? Philippians 2:5-11 states: 

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father”.

Okay, so right there in those passages, Paul is CONFESSING that Jesus Christ came in the flesh! And not only that but GLORIFYING JESUS TO THE FULLEST!

[Note: perhaps the anti-Pauliners are reading from a DIFFERENT bible version other than the King James Version? Because please remember that all the NEWER bible translations CHANGED, ERASED AND REMOVED THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF WORDS, from the NEW King James Version and on! Like, believe me, I GET the temptation to read “newer” bible versions, thinking that maybe they’re easier to understand than the King James Version, which is written in a type of Shakespearean-type format. But folks: if Revelation 22:18-19 warns AGAINST adding, removing [or changing words – if you read between the lines] and there were VERY, VERY dire warnings against all those who did/do so – ESPECIALLY bible PUBLISHERS – then doesn’t it stand to reason that we should ALL stick with the LEAST ALTERATED SCRIPTURES – the King James Version? If there’s a passage you don’t understand, fast and pray about it! The Lord will reveal the answer to you! The “newer” bible versions were PURPOSELY ALTERATED TO LEAD MANY ASTRAY! Satan knows no bounds, folks!!!]

35). “Paul testifies he was kicked OUT of the church of Asia (Ephesus). Ephesus was then rewarded in the Book of Revelation for kicking out a false apostle”.

REBUKE: In Acts 19-Acts 20:13, Paul is “stationed” at Ephesus, preaching onto the Jews AND Gentiles in those quarters. He stays there for a period of THREE YEARS! He is welcomed with open arms by the disciples in Ephesus and treated like a “brother and instructor in the faith”. In fact, some of the Pagans in Ephesus were starting to get PISSED at Paul FOR Paul’s preaching against IDOLS and IDOL WORSHIP (i.e. worship of other false “gods” made of stone, silver, wood, etc., SPECIFICALLY that of “Diana”….)

And towards the END of Paul’s stay there in Ephesus, they (THE IDOL WORSHIPPING PAGANS) wanted to round him up and kill/arrest/torchure him? (Acts 19:29-31). In Acts 20:16, it says, “For Paul had determined to sail by Ephesus, because he would not spend the time in Asia: for he hasted, if it were possible for him, to be at Jerusalem the day of Pentecost“.

Translation? Paul was NOT kicked out of the church in Ephesus. But rather, he PLANTED the church in Ephesus. He was there for a good THREE YEARS! At the end of the three years, he wanted to try to hurry and get back to Jerusalem for the Day of Pentecost! And folks, lets face it, Paul likely faced FAR MORE PERSECUTION POTENTIAL IN JERUSALEM THAN IN EPHESUS! For remember that the bible calls Jerusalem as the city that STONED THE PROPHETS! While Paul wasn’t considered a  “Prophet” or “one of the 12”, he was definitely one of the Lord’s messengers. Therefore, if the PROPHETS didn’t have an easy time in Jerusalem, what makes anyone think that the Lord’s messengers and/or Lord’s people would? Think about it. 

And in the first epistle to Timothy, Paul is more or less leaving Timothy as a “deacon” in the church in Ephesus. John was also a part of the church in Ephesus. So…..if Paul was declared a “false prophet”, wouldn’t Timothy and John have been declared “false prophets” as well, since they FELLOWSHIPED with Paul? Think about it folks…..Plus wouldn’t have Timothy and John have declared Paul a false prophet BY NAME? Several of the OTHER false prophets were “named” – therefore, why wouldn’t Paul be named, if he were a “false prophet?” Think about it, folks!  

36). “Paul taught the eating of food sacrificed to idols, an act CONDEMNED in the Book of Revelation, chapter 2”.

REBUKE: I believe what’s being referred to here is 1 Corinthians 8:1-13, which states:

Now as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth. And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know. But if any man love God, the same is known of him. As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one. For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,) But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.

Howbeit there is not in every man that knowledge: for some with conscience of the idol unto this hour eat it as a thing offered unto an idol; and their conscience being weak is defiled. But meat commendeth us not to God: for neither, if we eat, are we the better; neither, if we eat not, are we the worse. But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to them that are weak. For if any man see thee which hast knowledge sit at meat in the idol’s temple, shall not the conscience of him which is weak be emboldened to eat those things which are offered to idols; And through thy knowledge shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died? But when ye sin so against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, ye sin against Christ. Wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend”.

Translation? Paul is acknowledging that there were TWO groups of “Christian thought” at the time, AS it pertained to eating foods sacrificed to idols. One “Christian group” saw it as a “sin”, while the other “Christian group” was more “non-chalant” about it and didn’t think eating food sacrificed to idols was that much of a “big deal” since they KNEW there was only ONE true God and since they WORSHIPED the one, true God and saw the idols as “nothing of consequence”. 

And Paul, as we know, was CONSTANTLY trying to “keep the peace” between the Jewish AND Christian communities. So in the above passage, Paul seems to agree with BOTH of them. On the one hand, he’s agreeing with the Christians who see idols as “nothing”. But on the OTHER hand, he’s agreeing with the other group as well when he tells the “idols-are-nothing-in-and-of-themselves” group that they should NOT eat food sacrificed to idols, since they might cause the “weaker” brothers and sisters from either group A or group B to “stumble”. 

So….while one could possibly argue that Paul didn’t seem (at first) to make a CLEAR 100% stance one way or the other rather Christians should eat food sacrificed to idols or not, Paul DID tell them that they (in retrospect) should NOT eat food sacrificed to idols! Therefore, Paul is actually ALIGNED with Revelation 2, which FORBIDS the eating of foods sacrificed to idols. 

[Please continue on to PART THREE for the rest….]


It pains my heart to say this but it has most recently come to my attention that there’s now what appears to be a “prominent” false teaching circulating around the web about the apostle Paul! The FALSE teaching article tries to use 50 points to make the claim that “Paul was a false apostle!” And this teaching (atleast at the very beginning ONSET of it) was initially being sponsored by two ministries that I know of (as well as possible others). One of them is called “Parable of the Vineyard” (which I used to semi-follow before learning of the false Paul teaching) and “Christian Truthers” (who sort’ve “co-ops” with Parable of the Vineyard since 2018 – more on that later.) 

During a recent Youtube “sermon”, in the live chat, one of the listeners had typed the words: “The New Testament was Satan’s false deception against the Torah”. I was shocked TO MY CORE! And HORRIFIED! For now, it seems that Satan had apparently entered both P.O.T.V. and C.T. ministries and SCATTERED THE FLOCK!

Please note: I normally wouldn’t GO to all the trouble to write long, drawn-out REBUKE POSTS like this concerning singular “false teachings” in and of themselves, but after seeing just HOW MANY PEOPLE (INCLUDING the people who came up with or became “in agreement with” the false teaching) were starting to FALL to the GREAT END TIMES DECEPTION *OF* the false teaching on Paul, I just HAD to say something, folks! In fact, I believe the Lord Jesus Christ HIMSELF was calling on me to say something since PEOPLE’S SOULS AND ETERNAL SALVATION ARE AT STAKE, HERE! This is NO SMALL MATTER, FOLKS! This is VERY, VERY SERIOUS! 

2 Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance”.

Well, I’m personally VERY, VERY GRIEVED IN MY SOUL OVER THIS! So I’ll personally list all 50 points and REFUTE them myself down below! (Note: The “False Teachings” will appear in Red Bold Font, while the the REBUKES will appear in DARK GREEN FONT!)

1). “Paul’s testimony of his conversion is inconsistent at best and has a very close resemblance to the conversion of Joseph Smith and Muhammad”.

REBUKE: Paul’s testimony can be found in New Testament, Book of Acts Chapter 22: Verses 6-21. There are NO inconsistencies in Paul’s conversion, from what I see. It’s all pretty straight-forward in the following:

“And it came to pass, that, as I made my journey, and was come nigh unto Damascus about noon, suddenly there shone from heaven a great light round about me. And I fell unto the ground, and heard a voice saying unto me, ‘Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?’ And I answered, ‘Who art thou, Lord?’ And he said unto me, ‘I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom thou persecutest’. And they that were with me saw indeed the light, and were afraid; but they heard NOT the voice of him that spake to me.

And I said, ‘What shall I do, Lord?’ And the Lord said unto me, ‘Arise, and go into Damascus; and there it shall be told thee of all things which are appointed for thee to do’. And when I could not see for the glory of that light, being led by the hand of them that were with me, I came into Damascus. And one Ananias, a devout man according to the law, having a good report of all the Jews which dwelt there, Came unto me, and stood, and said unto me, ‘Brother Saul, receive thy sight’. And the same hour I looked up upon him. And he said, ‘The God of our fathers hath chosen thee, that thou shouldest know his will, and see that Just One, and shouldest hear the voice of his mouth. For thou shalt be his witness unto all men of what thou hast seen and heard. And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord’.

And it came to pass, that, when I was come again to Jerusalem, even while I prayed in the temple, I was in a trance; And saw him saying unto me, ‘Make haste, and get thee quickly out of Jerusalem: for they will not receive thy testimony concerning me’. And I said, ‘Lord, they know that I imprisoned and beat in every synagogue them that believed on thee: And when the blood of thy martyr Stephen was shed, I also was standing by, and consenting unto his death, and kept the raiment of them that slew him’. And he said unto me, ‘Depart: for I will send thee far hence unto the Gentiles'”.

Also: Joseph Smith’s “conversion” was around the mid 1800’s A.D., while Muhammad’s “conversion” was around 629 A.D., and Paul’s conversion was around 33 A.D.! Therefore, Joseph Smith and Muhammad weren’t even around when Paul was converted so there’s ZERO CHANCE that Paul based his conversion on the conversions of Joseph Smith and Muhammad. Instead, it’s very likely that Muhammad and Joseph Smith copied CHRISTIANS and their “Holy book” (the bible).

2). “Paul changed his own name, the Most High did not”.

REBUKE: Paul never actually changed his name. People called him both Saul (his Hebrew name) AND Paul (his Greek name) as evidenced by Acts 13:9: “Then Saul, (who also is called Paul,) filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him”.

3). “Paul doesn’t meet the criteria for apostleship, according to the Book of Acts”.

REBUKE: In Romans 1:1-7, Paul discusses his “call” to apostleship: Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God, (Which he had promised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures,) Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh; And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead; By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for his name: Among whom are ye also the called of Jesus Christ: To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ”

The QUALIFICATIONS to become an Apostle, according to the bible, are the following:

  • Have seen the Lord Jesus AFTER his resurrection. 1 Corinthians 9:1 has Paul confirming: “Am I not an apostle? Am I not free? Have I not seen Jesus Christ our Lord? Are not ye my work in the Lord?”
  • Have received their divine commission directly from Jesus Christ and God the Heavenly Father. Galatians 1:1 confirms Paul as having received just that: “Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;)”
  • Possessed the signs of an apostle. 2 Corinthians 12:12 states, “Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, in signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds”.
  • They received the gospel not by any mean or external means but by the revelation of Jesus Christ HIMSELF. Galatians 1:11-12 once again CONFIRMS Paul: “But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.”

4). “Paul claims the title of apostle to the Gentiles, a role given specifically to Peter”.

REBUKE: Was Peter “called” to be an apostle for the gospel of Jesus Christ? Absolutely! But so were the OTHER 11 of his disciples! All Apostles WERE disciples of Jesus Christ but not ALL disciples of Jesus Christ were Apostles! Make sense, people? Apostles were disciples of Jesus Christ WHO WERE CALLED TO PREACH THE GOSPEL TO ALL! That’s what made them apostles! And while Peter appears to be “the head” of the apostles in many cases throughout the bible, he is not the ONLY “head” apostle! Quite frankly, in Acts 15, it is decided that Peter should be the “head apostle” to the Jews, while Paul should be the “head apostle” to the Gentiles! But we also know from scripture that Paul preached to both the Gentiles AND the Jews (although I’m not sure about Peter, if Peter ALSO preached to both?) 

5). “Paul was rejected and sent away from the apostles on multiple occasions”.

REBUKE: Acts 21:17-26 says the following:

And when we were come to Jerusalem, THE BRETHEN RECEIVED US GLADLY. And the day following PAUL WENT IN WITH US unto James; and all the elders were present. And when he had saluted them, he declared particularly what things God had wrought among the Gentiles by his ministry. AND WHEN THEY HEARD IT, THEY GLORIFIED THE LORD, and said unto him, Thou seest, brother, how many thousands of Jews there are which believe; and they are all zealous of the law: And they are informed of thee, that thou teachest all the Jews which are among the Gentiles to forsake Moses, saying that they ought not to circumcise their children, neither to walk after the customs. What is it therefore? the multitude must needs come together: for they will hear that thou art come. Do therefore this that we say to thee:

We have four men which have a vow on them; Them take, and purify thyself with them, and be at charges with them, that they may shave their heads: and all may know that those things, whereof they were informed concerning thee, are nothing; but that thou thyself also walkest orderly, and keepest the law. As touching the Gentiles which believe, we have written and concluded that they observe no such thing, save only that they keep themselves from things offered to idols, and from blood, and from strangled, and from fornication. Then Paul took the men, and the next day purifying himself with them entered into the temple, to signify the accomplishment of the days of purification, until that an offering should be offered for every one of them”.

Acts 15:4 “And when they [PAUL AND BARNABUS] were come to Jerusalem, they were received of the church, and of the apostles and elders, and they declared all things that God had done with them”.

Galatians 1:18 “Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and abode with him fifteen days“.

And many more………..

6). “Paul teaches against circumcision and then deflects when confronted”.

REBUKE: When Paul/Saul was a Jew, he went with the flow of Jewish law and was “overzealous” for “Jewish law”, including the spiritual law of circumcision. However, AFTER Paul’s conversion, there were several “Judaizers”, attempting to make Christianity “legalistic” (based solely on the LAW, rather than on the GOSPEL ITSELF). Paul was apparently very troubled in his soul over this. He did NOT want the Christian church to become too “legalistic”. So he sort’ve left it up to each individual rather they wanted to be circumcized or not, in order to keep the integrity of the gospel of salvation. And some of the Pharisees, overseeing that, then accused Paul of “preaching against cirumcision”. And Paul didn’t DEFLECT when confronted per say, he was just trying to “keep the peace” among Jewish and Gentile believers in Messiah, something that Jesus commands us all to do!

7). “Paul calls the actual disciples hypocrites”.

REBUKE: In Galatians 2: 11-16, Paul is “hinting” at Peter for being a hypocrite since Peter (being a Jew) ate with uncircumsized Gentiles (thus BREAKING Jewish law), but then afterwards (after having been rebuked by James and OTHER circumsized Jews) STOPPED eating with Gentiles but yet, at the same time, commanded those same uncircumsized souls to FOLLOW Jewish law by BEING circumsized. Paul raises A VERY GOOD POINT THERE and had EVERY RIGHT to call out Peter for his behavior! (Note: There’s NO evidence that Paul didn’t correct Peter lovingly!)

8). “The only source of Paul’s confirmation (2 Peter) wasn’t written by Peter”.

REBUKE: While we don’t know for 100% sure if 2 Peter was written by Peter, we also don’t know for 100% that it WASN’T. My best educated guess says that 2 Peter was likely DICTATED BY PETER and written by a “scribe”, “secretary” or “assistant”. This would explain the “linguistic differences” between 1 Peter and 2 Peter! Biblical books were not only HIGHLY SCRUTINIZED when they were being put together but also oftentimes had “scribes” writing down what the apostles told them to say. So if 2 Peter wasn’t “legit”, it wouldn’t have the made the cut, it’s as simple as that.

9). “Paul calls himself an apostle 20 of the 22 times it’s mentioned. The only other time was 2 Peter (not written by Peter) and by Luke, Paul’s traveling companion”.

REBUKE: It really doesn’t matter that Paul called HIMSELF an apostle since, like I stated earlier up above, Paul FIT the criteria to BE an apostle! So the fact that only TWO other people called him one (or just ONE person, if 2 Peter was written by Luke) is a moot point. Luke, ONE of the 12 apostles, CALLING Paul an apostle, in and of itself, should be enough to convince ANYONE that yes indeed, Paul WAS an apostle. Not OF the original 12 apostles, true, but an “apostle”, nonetheless. Enough said.

10). “Paul didn’t obey the Messiah’s Matthew teachings”.

REBUKE: I can only assume that what’s being alluded to here is The Sermon On The Mount, in New Testament, Book of Matthew, Chapters 5 through 7. In Matthew 5:17-18, Jesus is quoted as saying: Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled”.

Okay, so IN that passage, Jesus is talking about the importance of the law and Jesus is likely talking to a Gentile AND Jewish audience? Paul, however, preached to both a Jewish AND a Gentile audience. So Paul was therefore trying to reconcile the “Jewish law” with the gospel of “grace” throughout his entire ministry. I don’t believe Paul openly disobeyed The Sermon on The Mount teachings (in fact, quite the contrary!) I just believe Paul was talking more of the “risen Christ” in his ministry, rather than the “Kingdom Christ”. In other words, Paul was trying to denounce “legalism”. Look at the “Orthodox Jews” of today who (over the years) have ADDED alot of burdensome requirements to the “law” (i.e. Talmud, etc.) That’s exactly what Paul was preaching AGAINST! Paul wasn’t saying that the law wasn’t important but that relying on nothing BUT the law for salvation would get a person NOWHERE! 

11). “Paul boasted incessantly”.

REBUKE: There’s over 22 verses of Paul’s boasting in the bible, according to the following website:

However, if you actually READ all the verses that deal with Paul’s boasting, he’s boasting about his WEAKNESSES, about the grace of God/Jesus, and about OTHER Christian/Jewish brethren who KEPT THE FAITH WHILE ENDURING SEVERE PERSECUTION! In other words, there’s TWO types of boasting/bragging: A) Unrighteous Boasting that’s focused on ONE’S OWN ABILITIES (PRIDE) and B) RIGHTEOUS Boasting, which is focused on JESUS/GOD/OTHERS and/or ONE’S WEAKNESSES/SHORTCOMINGS. Paul’s boasting was DEFINITELY a Category B, which was RIGHTEOUS BOASTING!

12). “Paul tried to discredit Peter and shared his grievance with him openly in a letter. (Matthew 18 not followed)”.

REBUKE: Matthew 18:15-17 states that we are to rebuke others using the following formula:

  • “Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.
  • But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.
  • And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican”.

So in other words, the formula states that we are to first go the person privately. And then, if they won’t listen, we have to take 1-2 more witnesses and try again. And if they STILL refuse to listen, we are to take the matter up with the “church” (or ecclesia, the body of believers or within a specific group). In other words, a loving group confrontation with the person/individuals. And if they STILL refuse to listen, then and ONLY then are we to declare that person/those people a “heretic“.

Again, this one is point #7 rehashed a bit. It’s ofcourse referring to the time that Paul PUBLICLY denounced Peter for Peter’s “hypocrisy” concerning “Jewish law”. And the REASON Peter was “in the wrong”, according to ( was for the following FOUR reasons:

  • (1) The actions of Peter and the others were wrongly motivated. Peter, we are told, acted out of a fear for the “party of the circumcision” (v. 12). It is safe to say that the others were also motivated out of a desire not to offend, either the Judaizers or Peter. Peter, as well as those who followed him in his capitulation to the circumcisers, was guilty of acting as “men-pleasers.”

  • (2) The actions of Peter and the others caused some to stumble. Verse 13 informs us that Peter’s actions set an example which was followed by the “rest of the Jews,” and that their hypocrisy caused “even Barnabas” to follow. What Peter did, others did after him, following his lead.

  • (3) The actions of Peter and the others were hypocritical. In verse 13 Paul wrote that the rest of the Jews, including Barnabas, “joined him [Peter] in hypocrisy.” The hypocrisy of their actions was based on the fact that what they still believed, they had ceased to practice. They had not deliberately departed from right doctrine: they had simply deviated from it in practice.

  • (4) The actions of Peter and the rest were a practical denial of the gospel. Paul acted decisively when it became apparent to him that “they were not straightforward about the truth of the gospel” (v. 14). What Peter did compelled the Gentiles to live like Jews (v. 14), which was, in Paul’s words, “another gospel” (cf. 1:6-7). The major argument of this section is concerned with this deviation.

And the reason why Paul rebuked Peter PUBLICLY is because Peter “sinned” PUBLICLY and “caused many to stumble”, thus, it needed a PUBLIC REBUKE! Only if Peter had sinned “privately” (outside of public view/practice) would it have first required a “private rebuke” starting off.

13). “Paul doesn’t turn the other cheek but curses his oppressors”.

REBUKE: Galatians 1:8-9 state: But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed“. (I believe that’s what this point #13 here is referring to). And, you got to put this one into context.

“Turn the other cheek” just simply means to let small “contentions” (that don’t have ANYTHING to do with the preaching of the gospel of salvation) slide because afterall, the small “contentions” don’t have people’s souls at stake! So, for example, if two Christian/Jewish brethren are arguing rather 2 Peter was influenced by Jude or not, that’s a small “contention” between them and them, ONLY! It (as far as it’s discussed privately and ONLY discussed between the two individuals) does NOT affect the souls/salvation of others! However: If one or both of these SAME two people decided to PUBLICLY make a proclamation about the gospel of Salvation that was NOT biblical, then what Galatians 1:8-9 is saying, in retrospect, is that we are to do anything BUT “turn the other cheek” and “let it slide” since people’s ETERNAL SALVATION IS AT STAKE!

So that being said, was Paul technically “cursing” anyone who would DARE to preach a false gospel to the Lord’s people? Definitely! But was he well within reason to do so? YES! For there is a huge DIFFERENCE between RIGHTEOUS CURSING (those spiritual cursings that are done to PROTECT a soul from a false gospel that would have the ability to send a soul to eternal condemnation if not repented of) and UNRIGHTEOUSNESS CURSING (which is just done for selfish, prideful, sinful reasons such as we don’t like someone or want to see a person fail or the like). What Paul did was DEFINITELY classified as RIGHTEOUS CURSING; a cursing that’s done for the SPIRITUAL PROTECTION and BENEFIT TO OTHERS!

That would be sort’ve like placing a “protective firewall” around a person’s soul in order to try to help them from being deceived….Jesus more or less said in the scriptures that we are to FOREVER KEEP THE “LOST SHEEP” IN MIND! This is evident in Matthew 18:10-14 which states,Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven. For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost. How think ye? if a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray? And if so be that he find it, verily I say unto you, he rejoiceth more of that sheep, than of the ninety and nine which went not astray. Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish”.

Now…..that being said, does that mean we are to “hate” on bible teachers that publicly proclaim a “false teaching?” Ofcourse not! It just means that we need to view them as a “lost sheep” and to try to gently but firmly lead them back to the truth! Ofcourse, if SEVERAL other people have tried to lovingly correct them and they STILL insist on PUBICLY teaching what they are teaching (i.e. the “false teaching), then we have no choice but to PUBICLY rebuke them (in person or in writing) but must also still PRAY for them! NEVER CEASE PRAYING FOR THEM! God is a God of miracles! 

14). “Paul had his very own gospel, which he called ‘my gospel'”.

REBUKE: In 2 Timothy 2:8-9 and Romans 2:16, Paul DOES in fact say the words “My Gospel”.

“Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel: Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound.” [2 Timothy 2:8-9]

“In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel” [Romans 2:16]

CONTEXT: Think about people who’ve had a near-death experience (NDE) or that have “come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ” through some other way. They’ll call it “MY EXPERIENCE” or “MY TESTIMONY”. However, it’s NOT a different “testimony” of Jesus or salvation but rather, CORROBORATES the message of salvation IN Jesus Christ. So the fact that Paul says “My Gospel” is of no true concern, for Paul simply means to say the words “MY EXPERIENCE” and/or “MY TESTIMONY”.

15). “Paul claims he didn’t benefit at all from the other disciples’ wisdom”.

REBUKE: Not sure what specific biblical passage(s) this one is referring to, but perhaps it’s Galatians 2:11 which states: “But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed”. But that aside, there’s several times in which Paul “stays” with the apostles for several days. And so it’s assumed he stayed with the apostles in order to pray with them, possibly break bread with them and benefit from their “wisdom”. Such a case is recorded in Galatians 1:18 and Acts 11:26, amongst others.

Galatians 1:18 “Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and abode with him fifteen days“.

Acts 11:26 “And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch

And many more…..

16). “Paul claims he is the one who laid the foundation that others build on”.

REBUKE: 1 Corinthians 3:10 “According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon” DOES appear to make it seem like Paul is saying that HE and HE alone, is the “foundation” by which people need to “build on”. But lets look at this in CONTEXT….

Paul is NOT calling himself the “chief cornerstone” (for ONLY Christ is the “chief cornerstone) but is rather speaking to those who be pastors AFTER him. Here, Paul is sending the would-be pastors a WARNING to NOT deviate in any way, shape or form from the gospel of grace, but rather, to preach what HE Paul preaches since WHAT Paul preaches came DIRECTLY from the RISEN CHRIST HIMSELF, if that makes any sense?

In Ephesians 2:20 it says: “And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner-stone”. In 1 Corinthians 3:10, Paul is using the term “foundation” loosely, just simply to mean that OTHER would-be pastors were to BE CAREFUL not to preach any OTHER gospel than the gospel of grace/salvation that was preached to them in the synagogues every Sabbath Day! For please remember that many “false gospels” were proliferating in Paul’s day and so Paul was just informing would-be pastors what the true spiritual “foundation” of preaching the gospel should be!

17). “Paul calls himself a ‘Father’, contrary to Messiah’s teachings”.

REBUKE: 1 Corinthians 4:15 states: “For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye NOT many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel”.

Here, Paul alludes to being called a “spiritual father” to “the church” but yet, NEVER calls himself a “father” specifically. What Paul means here in this passage is that there were many, many “spiritual teachers/pastors” around during that time. However, not very many OF those teachers truly CARED about their “flocks” but only about THEMSELVES, thus, acting like a “parent” who had NO true care for their own “children”. So what Paul is saying is that THROUGH Jesus, he had been given a “personal charge” over “the flock” and was likely told by Christ to see this flock as “spiritual sons and daughters of the one, true living God” of which HE Paul, was a true servant OF!

18). “Paul was incapable of casting out HIS Demon and was the only apostle with this issue”.


2 Corinthians 12: 6-9 states: For though I would desire to glory, I shall not be a fool; for I will say the truth: but now I forbear, lest any man should think of me above that which he seeth me to be, or that he heareth of me. And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure. For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me”. 

Note: A “thorn in the flesh” is just an expression. Was it a LITERAL demon or was it just something that Paul was forced to struggle with everyday (like physical pain, depression, etc.?) We simply don’t know. But what we DO know is that the Lord EMPLOYED the “thorn in the flesh” over Paul in order to HUMBLE PAUL and ensure that Paul NEVER got too prideful or arrogant! In other words, it was the Lord’s way of keeping Paul in line/on his spiritual toes! In the next verse, the Lord is telling Paul that IN Paul’s “weakness”, the Lord is GLORIFIED! Therefore, Paul is COMFORTED in his spirit and then goes on to REJOICE and GLORY in his infirmities/weaknesses since Paul realizes that the power of Christ will be fully manifested IN his weaknesses/inequities!

P.S.: Out of ALL the apostles, Paul labored for Christ THE MOST! So then is it any wonder that Paul was also the MOST SPIRITUALLY ATTACKED out of ALL the disciples? In fact, Acts 19:15 says the following (when the disciples were attempting to cast OUT a demon and were NOT successful): “And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye?”.

19). “Paul lied to the Sandhedrin when confronted with allegations of teaching against the Law and Circumcision”.

REBUKE: Paul’s “trial” before the Sanhedrin can be found in New Testament, Book of Acts 22:30 [Chapter 22, verse 30] through Acts 26:18 [Chapter 26, Verse 18]. Note: Unless there’s something I’m not seeing there, I don’t find ANY accusations against Paul by the Sanhedrin concerning circumcision there.

However, what I DO see is Paul noticing that there are both Sadducees (those who DIDN’T believe in the Resurrection, angels, etc.) and the Pharisees (who DID believe in those things) and then boldly mentioning about the resurrection in front OF the Sanhedrin in order to DISTRACT and CONFUSE and DIVIDE the Sanhedrin “Council” (as evidenced in Acts 23: 6-9).

Starting off in Acts 23, Verse 6, Paul says: “But when Paul perceived that the one part were Sadducees, and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, Men and brethren, I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee: of the hope and resurrection of the dead I am called in question“. Here, Paul isn’t exactly lying, (for Paul really WAS being persecuted by the Jews for his preaching about the resurrection). However, it’s also likely Paul wasn’t being completely honest either, since part of the reason he was likely “on trial” in the first place was concerning the “circumcision controversy” over Timothy (whose mother was Jewish and father was Greek) BEING CIRCUMCIZED, while Titus (full Greek?) was NOT!

Acts 16:1-3 states: “Then came he [Paul] to Derbe and Lystra: and, behold, a certain disciple was there, named Timotheus, the son of a certain woman, which was a Jewess, and believed; but his father was a Greek: Which was well reported of by the brethren that were at Lystra and Iconium. Him would Paul have to go forth with him; and took and circumcised him because of the Jews which were in those quarters: for they knew all that his father was a Greek”.

Acts 2:3 says: “But neither Titus, who was with me, being a Greek, was compelled to be circumcised

Okay, so that seems to be a dissention there. Why would Paul have TIMOHTY (the “half-Greek”) circumcized, and yet, not have Titus (the so-called full Greek) circumcized? That’s a good question. Lets dig a bit deeper into this. First of all, Paul wanted Timothy to be his travel companion on mission trips. And Paul knew they’d be going through Jew-dominated areas. Since Timothy was “half-Jewish”, Paul knew the Jews would seen Timothy as “unclean” if he weren’t circumcized so he decided to circumcize him.

Titus, on the other hand, was full Greek and someone Paul used as a poster child to illustrate the point of Galatians 3:28 which states: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus” and Galatians 5:6 which states: “For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love”.

In other words, Paul is telling “the church” that there’s a HUGE DIFFERENCE between circumcision of the BODY – which produces nothing, in and of itself – and *spiritual* circumcision of the HEART! Paul is saying that a person must have a SPIRITUAL circumcision of the HEART in order to receive salvation by the grace of God! This is even echoed in Jeremiah 4:4 in the OLD TESTAMENT [Old Testament, Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 4, Verse 4] which states: “Circumcise yourselves to the Lord, and take away the foreskins of your heart, ye men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem: lest my fury come forth like fire, and burn that none can quench it, because of the evil of your doings”.

Summary: The Jews of Paul’s day were too “legalistic” in their approach to salvation and so Paul was trying to change that. Even at the Last Supper, Jesus said he was making a “new covenant”. That was BEFORE Jesus was crucified and resurrected. And what Paul saw was the heavenly, RESURRECTED Christ that was ALREADY resurrected.

Therefore, it makes perfect sense why cirumcision would no longer be a “required mark” of salvation for the Gentiles, who were now under a “new covenant” at Jesus’s crucifixion. Hebrews 8:8-9 puts it THIS way: For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord”. 

20). “Paul repeatedly tries to reassure people that He’s not lying”.

REBUKE: Okay, lets put this one into context. Lets say you have a dog killer, who goes out and kills what he perceives to be “vicious dogs” at vet clinics, thinking he’s doing God and/or the people there “service”. And then, a couple days later or a few months later, that same “dog shooter” then turns around and claims he “had a divine vision/visitation from God” and wants to “get a job” at said vet clinic place that he was once a “shooter of” just days/months prior and that he now wanted to HELP THE DOGS/REHABILITATE THEM AND *NOT* SHOOT THEM….WHO IS GOING TO BELIEVE HIM, AT FIRST? Practically NO-ONE right? In fact, many vet clinic people would likely IMMEDIATELY threaten to call the cops/security upon seeing said guy enter there, am I right?

Therefore, Paul (at first) had a HECK of a time convincing people that’s he was “for real” in wanting to help SPREAD the Christian message, a message he once persecuted and KILLED CHRISTIANS FOR! Do you see where I’m going with this, folks? People were constantly “unsure” if they should fully trust Paul’s genuiness or not (which is perfectly understandable – given Paul’s previous “occupation” of Christian imprisonment/KILLING). 

Nevertheless, Paul has to keep reassuring these people that he’s not lying and that he’s telling the truth, in order to set them at ease. Paul also preached from a RISEN CHRIST perspective, rather than a “Kingdom Christ” perspective, which no doubt probably created some questions from the “Kingdom Christ perspective” disciples that were like: “Really? How do we know you’re not lying, Paul?” So yeah, I can see it, why Paul would feel compelled from time to time to assure people he wasn’t lying.

21). “Paul tells his followers to imitate HIM, not the Messiah”.


1 Corinthians 11:1 says: “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ”.

1 Corinthians 4:16 says: “Wherefore I beseech you, be ye followers of me”.

Okay, as far as I know, those are the two passages which were brought into question. However, Paul NEVER explicitly states for anyone to IMITATE him, per say. But rather, Paul is asking them to follow his EXAMPLE OF following Christ, therefore, an imitation OF an imitation of sorts. Paul follows Christ, and is “zealous” about following Christ and being a good, Christ-like example unto others (as a whole), therefore, he wants his followers to ALSO be “zealous” about following Christ and being a good Christ-like example unto others (as a whole). Make sense?

22). “Paul is not eloquent but confusing. YAHUAH is not the author of confusion”.

REBUKE: First of all, let me start off by stating that there’s a few reasons why I refuse (atleast at this point, anyways) to call the Heavenly Father by the name “Yahuah”. Not only have I not yet been able to biblically confirm it yet (in my mind) but there’s a couple other reasons, too. I need to learn Hebrew AND do far more research on the name first before coming to any final decision rather to address the Heavenly Father by that name or not.  

That being said, I feel that insisting one should call the Father and Son by those names (in and of itself) causes GREAT “confusion” among the Lord’s people since NEITHER of those names are mentioned in the King James bible! And not only that, but I believe with all my heart and soul that we’re FAR more likely to be judged by Jesus/Yeshua for calling He and the Heavenly Father possibly IMPROPERLY pronounced names NOT found in the bible, rather than for addressing them as names that ARE found in the bible! That’s why I call God the Heavenly Father “Jehovah”, “Adonai” or “Yahweh” and why I call the Holy Son “Jesus” or “Yeshua”, the two names that Jesus HIMSELF told me to call him by during a Near-Death experience! (To specify, Jesus is ofcourse, the English “transliterated” name while Yeshua is his Hebrew/Aramaic name?)

Not to mention that there is still POWER in the name of Jesus! Why do demons FLEE at the name of not ONLY Yeshua but of Jesus? Because the demons KNOW who a person is talking about: (the resurrected AND now FULLY GLORIFIED/ASCENDED) Jesus of Nazareth (the Son of the Living, True God!) And if the demons “don’t listen” to the name of the Jesus/Yeshua, either the person has a sin they need repent of first, the person doesn’t have the TRUE FAITH that Jesus/Yeshua can “cast the demon out” or it’s one of those types that ONLY come out by prayer and fasting that Jesus/Yeshua talked about in the bible. 

Now, that being said…….I first will start off by asking the question “was Jesus/Yeshua always eloquent?” No? He spoke in parables? Okay then, so why then is Paul, who preached of the RISEN CHRIST, required to speak “eloquently?” Some of the most “eloquent” speakers on the TV you’ve ever seen preach nothing but LIES, LIES, LIES! Therefore, speaking “eloquently” is NOT necessarily a requirement for “truth” when it comes to the gospel!

And true, some of Paul’s teachings definitely seem somewhat confusing and even the apostle Peter HIMSELF says as much. However, that doesn’t automatically make Paul a “false apostle”. It just means that people need to spiritually dig a bit deeper to get the context of what Paul was saying. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing, folks. Ever had a biblical dream that you just could NOT understand the meaning of right away and the Lord took his sweet time dissecting the dream for you over a period of days, weeks, years?

Why did the Lord do that? Did He do that to CONFUSE YOU? No, ofcourse not! He did it that way so you’d MEDITATE upon the MEANING of the dream, a little tiny bit at a time for the Lord simply knew if He revealed ALL the dream to you at once, you’d be OVERWHELMED and you wouldn’t remember ALL the symbolism and what each individual “symbol” meant.

Lets face it. If Paul’s teachings were EASY to understand right off the bat, they’d be easily misconstrued by false teachers, wanting to lead others astray. People would likely take the teachings for granted and not truly mediate upon them and apply them to their lives. Not to mention that people wouldn’t seek the Lord as hard to try to find the true meaning of what Paul was preaching. Plus the Bereans “possibly” wouldn’t have adamantly searched the scriptures daily “to see rather or not these things are so” (Acts 17:10-12).

23). “Paul contradicts himself repeatedly”.

REBUKE: I can only assume this is referring to Paul’s “three” mentions of his conversion story in Acts and about how those 3 different accounts have “minor fluctuations” or “minorly divergences”. These accounts can be found in Acts 9: 1-19, Acts 22: 1-21 and Acts 26: 4-20. So let us examine those in order, real quick:

In Acts 9: 1-19 we get:

“And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest, And desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem. And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven: And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, ‘Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?’

And he said, ‘Who art thou, Lord?’ And the Lord said, ‘I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks’. And he trembling and astonished said, ‘Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?’ And the Lord said unto him, ‘Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do’. And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man.

And Saul arose from the earth; and when his eyes were opened, he saw no man: but they led him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus. And he was three days without sight, and neither did eat nor drink. And there was a certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias; and to him said the Lord in a vision, ‘Ananias’. And he said, ‘Behold, I am here, Lord’. And the Lord said unto him, ‘Arise, and go into the street which is called Straight, and enquire in the house of Judas for one called Saul, of Tarsus: for, behold, he prayeth, And hath seen in a vision a man named Ananias coming in, and putting his hand on him, that he might receive his sight’.

Then Ananias answered, ‘Lord, I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he hath done to thy saints at Jerusalem: And here he hath authority from the chief priests to bind all that call on thy name’. But the Lord said unto him, ‘Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel: For I will shew him how great things he must suffer for my name’s sake’.

And Ananias went his way, and entered into the house; and putting his hands on him said, ‘Brother Saul, the Lord, even Jesus, that appeared unto thee in the way as thou camest, hath sent me, that thou mightest receive thy sight, and be filled with the Holy Ghost’. And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales: and he received sight forthwith, and arose, and was baptized. And when he had received meat, he was strengthened. Then was Saul certain days with the disciples which were at Damascus”.

In Acts 22:1-21, we get:

“‘Men, brethren, and fathers, hear ye my defense which I make now unto you’. (And when they heard that he spake in the Hebrew tongue to them, they kept the more silence: and he saith,) ‘I am verily a man which am a Jew, born in Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, yet brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, and taught according to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers, and was zealous toward God, as ye all are this day. And I persecuted this way unto the death, binding and delivering into prisons both men and women.

As also the high priest doth bear me witness, and all the estate of the elders: from whom also I received letters unto the brethren, and went [TOWARD] to Damascus, to bring them which were there bound unto Jerusalem, for to be punished. And it came to pass, that, AS I made my journey, and was come nigh unto Damascus about noon, suddenly there shone from heaven a great light round about me.

And I fell unto the ground, and heard a voice saying unto me, ‘Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?’ And I answered, ‘Who art thou, Lord?’ And he said unto me, ‘I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom thou persecutest‘. And they that were with me saw indeed the light, and were afraid; but they heard NOT the voice of him that spake to me. And I said, ‘What shall I do, Lord?’ And the Lord said unto me, ‘Arise, and go into Damascus; and there it shall be told thee of all things which are appointed for thee to do’.

And when I could not see for the glory of that light, being led by the hand of them that were with me, I came into Damascus. And one Ananias, a devout man according to the law, having a good report of all the Jews which dwelt there, Came unto me, and stood, and said unto me, ‘Brother Saul, receive thy sight‘. And the same hour I looked up upon him. And he said, ‘The God of our fathers hath chosen thee, that thou shouldest know his will, and see that Just One, and shouldest hear the voice of his mouth.

For thou shalt be his witness unto all men of what thou hast seen and heard. And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord’. And it came to pass, that, when I was come again to Jerusalem, even while I prayed in the temple, I was in a trance; And saw him [THE LORD] saying unto me, ‘Make haste, and get thee quickly out of Jerusalem: for they will not receive thy testimony concerning me‘.

And I said, ‘Lord, they know that I imprisoned and beat in every synagogue them that believed on thee: And when the blood of thy martyr Stephen was shed, I also was standing by, and consenting unto his death, and kept the raiment of them that slew him’. And He [THE LORD] said unto me, ‘Depart: for I will send thee far hence unto the Gentiles“.

And in Acts 26: 4-20, we get:

My manner of life from my youth, which was at the first among mine own nation at Jerusalem, know all the Jews; Which knew me from the beginning, if they would testify, that after the most straightest sect of our religion I lived a Pharisee. And now I stand and am judged for the hope of the promise made of God, unto our fathers: Unto which promise our twelve tribes, instantly serving God day and night, hope to come. For which hope’s sake, king Agrippa, I am accused of the Jews.

Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that God should raise the dead? I verily thought with myself, that I ought to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth. Which thing I also did in Jerusalem: and many of the saints did I shut up in prison, having received authority from the chief priests; and when they were put to death, I gave my voice against them. And I punished them oft in every synagogue, and compelled them to blaspheme; and being exceedingly mad against them, I persecuted them even unto strange cities. Whereupon as I went to Damascus with authority and commission from the chief priests,

At midday, O king, I saw in the way a light from heaven, above the brightness of the sun, shining round about me and them which journeyed with me. And when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongue, ‘Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks’. And I said, ‘Who art thou, Lord?’

And he said, ‘I am Jesus whom thou persecutest. But rise, and stand upon thy feet: for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee; Delivering thee from the people, and from the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee, To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me‘.

Whereupon, O king Agrippa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision: But shewed first unto them of Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judaea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance”.

Okay, so in the FIRST account, Saul is being talked about in THIRD PERSON (likely by Barnabus). Barnabus is trying to “advocate” for Saul’s authenticity to the other disciples by telling them about Saul’s conversion and he (Barnabus) is relating Saul’s conversion story to the disciples, second-hand. So if there’s any minor discrepancies, it’s the fault of Barnabus, NOT Saul! 

The 2nd and 3rd accounts ARE told and described by Saul in a FIRSTHAND account. In the 2nd account, Saul is speaking to a VERY hostile audience. And in the 3rd account, he’s speaking to a less hostile, more humble audience (King Agrippa). However, NONE of the major details in ANY of the accounts were changed and EACH separate account shows the “flow” of the story. Minor discrepancies in the details don’t really matter since the overall narrative of the story is still the same! 

Note: It’s really no different than if a person were to tell the story of their near-death experience one day later vs. a week later. When they tell it a day later, a person’s so excited that they leave some minor details out, in their excitement and their “haste” to tell the story of their experience. But after a whole week is up and their mind has had more time to “ruminate” on what they spiritually heard/experienced during the N.D.E., they start to remember the minor details that they left out before. It doesn’t mean that they’re lying or that they’re “embellishing” the story in any way but rather, remembering more “in-depth” details of the experience way after the fact, as they start to have spiritual flashbacks!

Summary: If there’s any OTHER areas of the bible in which Paul “appears” to contradict himself in the bible, I haven’t seen them yet. I will update this post when and if I do! Please continue on to PARTS TWO AND THREE to read about Rebukes to #24-50! Amen. 


When I was 18 and a senior in High-School, I struggled with major depressive disorder and started to turn to “food” to “comfort my pain”. And it wasn’t long before the pounds started piling on. I was probably about 185-200 pounds at my heaviest. 

And I worked during the summer of my junior year but the summer of my senior year, I decided not to work and just stayed at home and relaxed the whole time (bad, I know!)

However, the good thing is that since I had nowhere to go, I was ONLY eating one meal a day (dinner, usually) and so I lost some weight (probably about 30 pounds or so). And by the time freshman year of college rolled around and I lived in the dorms, I was walking to and from my classes all the time and lost an additional 30 lbs. in no time! I couldn’t believe it! I was finally at my “normal” weight! And I was happy since I was getting all sorts of attention from the opposite gender! Now, I didn’t really act on any of it, but I just LOVED the attention! It felt great to constantly get noticed!

But fast forward SEVERAL years! I now have a slight beer gut built up over several previous years (back in college when I used to drink more) of beer, wine, previous soda pop addiction and some very bad, unhealthy eating habits! (Note: only most recently in the last year or so have I started to eat HEALTHIER!) 

I’ve tried various “diets” over the years to try to get rid of the “beer gut” but nothing worked! I thought of trying weight watchers, the south beach diet, the Keto diet, the potato diet or perhaps Jennifer Aniston’s taco diet that sounded very intriguing (Note: I absolutely LOVE tacos!) But I ALSO knew that I needed some TRUE spiritual transformation as well, and not just “diet wise” and “weight wise”. And that’s when I came across some web links and some Youtube videos talking about THE DANIEL FAST!

“What’s the Daniel Fast?”, some of you might be wondering. “I’ve never heard of it”. Well, basically it’s the same diet that the prophet Daniel adhered to in the Old Testament when he REFUSED to eat the food that came from King Nebuchadnezzar’s table. Pretty heavy, huh? What WAS this diet and WHY did Daniel REFUSE to eat the food that came from the King’s Table? The answer can be found in Daniel 1:12 and Daniel 10:2-3. The first one is a fast that lasts for TEN DAYS and the 2nd one mentioned is a fast that lasted for 3 WHOLE WEEKS (21 DAYS!)

Okay, so some of you might be wondering……why did Daniel NOT want to eat the food that came from the King’s Table? For wasn’t the King’s Table filled with the most decadent meat and wine, along with the most filling fruits and grapes and figs and desserts? Well, for one, this was ancient Babylon we’re talking about here, folks! Babylon worshiped IDOLS and FOREIGN gods! Therefore, all of their food and drink were “blessed by idols” before consuming, more than likely. And so therefore Daniel did NOT want to eat the food or drink the wine that was sacrificed unto idols.

So instead, Daniel humbly asked the chief eunuch of the princes to WITHHOLD the King’s Food and Drink from him and his other three Hebrew friends and just give them WATER and PULSES (i.e. fruits and vegetables) to eat, instead. And he told the eunuch to then look upon the “countenance” of him and his 3 friends after 10 ten days and then compare them to the “countenance” of those who ate from the King’s Table. And behold! Daniel and his 3 friends appeared MORE HEALTHIER than those who ate from the King’s Table!

Therefore also now, saith the Lord, turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning: And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil” – Joel 2:12-13

So essentially, one can choose to do the 10-day fast or the 21-day fast. Most people recommend starting with the 10-day fast and then later attempting the 21-day fast at a later date. But I highly felt the Lord calling me to do a 21-day fast. So I canceled my meal kit delivery service for 3 whole weeks and just purchased groceries from the store for the 3 weeks (and just completely ordered “vegan items” if I was forced to get food from a fast food place – like, during my short lunch hour at work and what not). And trust me, it is a hard, hard diet to be on! It is nearly IMPOSSIBLE if you’re not used to it!

Here’s a list of foods you CAN eat: fruits, vegetables, nuts/seeds (without salt or that are salted with sea salt), and whole grains (without yeast and sugar). And the ONLY beverage you can have is WATER!

And here’s a list of foods which you can NOT eat: (warning, it is LONG): butter, honey, sugar, artificial sugar (Stevia, sucralose, aspartame, etc.), dairy like milk, ice cream, yogurt, cream, mayo, eggs or cheese, salt (but sea salt is ok), bread/yeast, pizza, pasta, potato or tortilla chips, buttered popcorn (but PLAIN popcorn is ok), meat of ANY kind (so no hamburgers/ground beef, turkey, chicken, etc.), chocolate or candy, queso, 98% of cereals, OJ, fruit juices, bubblegum (even many sugar-free varieties got the fake sugar in them like aspartame, etc.), more than 3g sugar salad dressings, sauces or dips with sugar or fake sugar, fried foods like donuts (even WITHOUT frosting), ONION RINGS, seasoned french fries, etc.

The very FIRST thing you should do, AFTER reviewing all the ins and outs and “rules” of The Daniel Fast and after deciding WHICH Daniel Fast you want to do (the 10-day one or the 21-day one), you’ll have to make up your own rules for the fast. Like, are baked organic tortilla or plain chips okay to eat? Why or why not? What about something that only has 2g or sugar or less? Is THAT ok? Why or why not? Are certain tortillas/flatbreads okay if they don’t have any yeast or sugar in them? Is dairy-free ice cream okay, as long as it doesn’t have sugar and is made with dairy-free milk? Is cranberry juice okay if you’re a woman suffering a possible U.T.I. while on the Daniel Fast? Is it okay if you have “one non-Daniel fast meal”  if your boss suddenly announces one morning at work to the whole office that he/she is taking the entire office out to lunch that day? Only YOU can decide the specific rules for the “gray areas”. But ONCE you do, do NOT break them! And try to stick as closely to the rules you set at the beginning as you can!

“But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face; That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly” – Matthew 6:17-18

The Daniel Fast is supposed to last from the morning of the start all the way till the morning of the end. It lasts day AND night. There’s no “Daniel fasting it in the mornings” and then “indulging in a full-fledged 5-course meat-type or pizza dinner at night”. It doesn’t work that way, folks! For if you only do a PARTIAL Daniel Fast, you can only expect “partial results” from your prayers! Please remember that The Daniel Fast and The Daniel Diet are two totally separate things!

The Daniel Diet is ONLY focused on the weight loss that comes from the diet. But the Daniel Fast is concerned more with the SPIRITUAL ASPECT of the fast (answers to prayers/questions/struggles that we’ve had for a long time but have made no progress on, as of yet?) But BY fasting, we are showing Yeshua/Jesus just how SERIOUS we are about fasting to get the spiritual answers to our most pressing questions/concerns!

If you’re prone to drink lots of caffeine, and to eat lots of food, you’re REALLY going to struggle for the first 1-3 days as you get into the routine of NOT eating and drinking what you NORMALLY do! It can be tough! But usually, the caffeine withdrawal headache goes away near the morning/afternoon of day 2! Remember: Don’t use any headache medicine with caffeine in it to cure your headache (that’s cheating!) and try not to use Tylenol extra strength either, if you can help it. Instead, place a nice, cold slightly damp washcloth over your eyes, face and temples right before you go to sleep on day 1, and right after you get up on day 2. By the end of day 2, the headache should subside. If it doesn’t, take a Tylenol extra strength and drink more ice water. Trust me, it helps!

Please note: You will start to feel slightly strange sensations in your stomach on day 3 but don’t be alarmed, this is completely normal. It’s basically just your stomach starting to shrink in size a bit because it’s not getting as much food as it normally gets, that’s all. By day 4, you really start to get into the “groove” of things. Day 5 is kind’ve hard but not impossible. And by day 6, you’ll be tempted to “cheat” like: “Maybe if I just eat organic and baked chips, I can get around the no chips thing!”

Don’t do it! Just because it’s organic and LOOKS baked on the package’s picture doesn’t mean that it actually IS baked, so look out, folks! But if you CAN find chips that are baked AND organic (and not fried in any way – because remember that MOST baked organic chips are baked THEN fried), more power to ya! (And please tell me where I can find them so that when I go on my NEXT Daniel Fast, I’ll know what “chips” I can have!)

“Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?” – Isaiah 58:6

And here’s THE MOST IMPORTANT PART, yet and that’s THIS: KEEP A JOURNAL/DIARY! Record what you ate or didn’t eat (or the times you felt highly tempted to “cheat” on the Daniel Fast – or actually did – and WHY). This is important for SPIRITUAL INSIGHT! Also record anything you have/are praying for! (Trust me folks, this is IMPORTANT!) My journal entries followed a formula like this: I listed my morning prayers (if any), what I had for breakfast (if anything), my afternoon prayers (if any), what I had for lunch (if anything), my evening prayers (if any) and what I had for dinner, as well as any REVELATIONS or INSIGHTS the Lord had given me all day. I included the daily (if any) Revelations near the middle or at the very END of every journal entry.

There were a couple days that I missed in my journal entries since nothing too “exceptional” happened on those days. But thankfully I got all the important days recorded. And what you pray about DURING The Daniel Fast can be ANYTHING from your love life to your work life to relationships with friends/family or pretty much anything, really. Just tell Jesus whatever is on your heart. Be HONEST with Him (even if you feel “hurt” or “angry” about something concerning him). 

Basically, think of your spiritual relationship with Jesus as though it’s a platonic-type romantic relationship. You know how it is when you’re in a relationship (if applicable) and your S.O. (significant other) comes and asks you, “What’s wrong?” and you immediately answer: “Nothing! Nothing’s wrong! I’m FINE” but you’re lying cause you don’t want to get into it right then and there? So it is with Jesus! Just like our significant other can’t figure out what to do to make us feel better if we don’t tell them (they’re NOT mind-readers, you know?), Jesus can’t HELP us overcome whatever is bothering or hurting us if we don’t COMMUNICATE TO HIM about the problem!

Yes, Jesus is all-powerful and all-knowing! But if WE don’t communicate TO Jesus about WHAT we’d like done about our problem or “issue”, then just WHAT is Jesus to do? Jesus is NOT a dictator! He’s a loving, compassionate God (like a loving, doting grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister, cousin, aunt, uncle all in one!) But push Him too far, and Jesus DOES have his Wrath and his limits! 

Now, that being said, what happens if you “cheat” on The Daniel Fast? Should you then QUIT The Daniel Fast? Is Jesus mad at you when and if that happens? Are you a total failure if you have a minor “slip up” or two along the way? The answer is NO! It does NOT mean you’re a failure! It does NOT make you a bad person! Jesus is NOT up in heaven waiting to throw a huge heavenly brick down on you, down on this Earth, BELIEVE ME! While Jesus might be slightly disappointed, he’s NOT angry! Jesus knows our human limitations and KNOWS the total depths that Satan will go to to try to “trip us up”, ESPECIALLY on a “fasting quest” as I call it. Because in order to FEED THE SPIRIT, we must STARVE THE FLESH!

Now, don’t get me wrong, that doesn’t mean we are to “starve ourselves for God’s glory”, that just means we have to LIMIT CERTAIN FOODS while fasting! Food – and the love of food – or rather, the love of SUGAR and FATTENING FOOD/BEVERAGES – does nothing more than to serve the flesh, which the bible calls “the pride of life”. And the “pride of life” is a BAD kind of pride – a pride that takes us AWAY from God! But FASTING – a SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINE that STARVES the “pride of life?” IT FEEDS THE SPIRIT! 

Here’s a list of all the WRONG spiritual reasons to go on a fast/The Daniel Fast:

  1. Fasting to be seen by others as a “good Christian”
  2. Fasting with a heart that only focuses on what you can NOT eat and what you LACK in life
  3. Fasting that does NOT focus on REPENTANCE ON SINS
  4. Fasting that ONLY focuses on what you can “gain” from it (i.e. Entitlement, such as “What’s in it for ME?” type attitude)

Here’s a list of all the RIGHT spiritual reasons to go on a fast/The Daniel Fast:

  1. To show REPENTANCE of sins 
  2. To GAIN spiritual understanding of a certain situation/person/thing in your life
  3. To receive guidance and direction (i.e. “Should I go to college in state or out of state?”, “Should I stay in current city or move elsewhere?”, etc.)
  4. To receive a CLOSER spiritual relationship with Jesus and to REPAIR any “lukewarm” attitudes towards Jesus/righteous living/etc.

Notice the difference between the two? The former places the focus on OURSELVES and our own self-image and self-desires! But the latter focuses on JESUS and what Jesus has done for all of mankind and our NEED for a saviour in our lives! 

Now, that being said, I’m gonna sum up what all the Lord has revealed to me during my 21-Day Daniel Fast experience (and even slightly after) – just to give you all an example of the TYPES of things the Lord reveals during a Daniel Fast (although please keep in mind that the Lord’s revelations are specific to each individual).

Also: Pray and Stay Humble. Don’t go INTO this thing DEMANDING that the Lord Jesus give you answers on things in a “if I do this, the Lord has to do that” type of way. Instead, humble themselves and PRAY WITH HUMILITY & GRATITUDE! Thank the Lord for all that he’s done in your life and will continue to do! Pray for Forgiveness for all of your sins! TURN from your sins and TURN to the Lord, instead!

The Lord Jesus (during the 21-Day Daniel Fast) has revealed to me the following types of things:

  • He’s revealed to me about WHY He hasn’t yet given me a professional writing job (Hint: it’s not the answer one would typically expect! The answer goes very deep!)
  • He’s revealed to me about what types of things are “compatible” and what things aren’t
  • He’s revealed that all the “scrutiny” and “bullying” I’ve endured for most my life is TRAINING for later
  • He’s revealed to me that WHEN we fast and pray and put our FULL 100% trust in HIM and Him alone that it serves as a “spiritual block” towards all those who wish us “spiritual harm”
  • He’s revealed the sole cause of my neck pain, back pain and MAJOR headaches from time to time  
  • He’s revealed the reason that He keeps me at my current job – atleast for the time being – is in order to keep me “humble”, being much afraid that a higher-paying job may “spiritually corrupt me” and “go to my head” – and though I almost want to say to myself (in retrospect): “come on Lord, you know I wouldn’t do that”, the Lord knows us better than we know ourselves!!!!!!! 
  • He’s revealed to me about WHY he has me living where I’m living now and that he “had a plan” all along concerning “various spiritual assignments” He’s needed me to do over the years as well as most recently
  • He’s revealed to me that drinking lots of water will “alleviate and/or cure” just about any health issue I might have (such as sinus headaches, rashes from sunburn, sinus congestion, etc.)
  • He’s revealed to me that I need to be more patient with people in general and “less judgmental” from time to time (ouch!)
  • He’s revealed to me that the REASON certain people are so mean to me is because IN my presence (at the times I AM showcasing a proper Christ-like example), that the Holy Spirit is convicting them of their sins/sinful behavior and so the demonic spirits living inside their hearts, souls and minds don’t like it one single bit and act, accordingly! 

That was what all Jesus revealed to me DURING the 21-Day Daniel Fast. I’ve still gotten a couple of revelations AFTER the 21-Day Daniel Fast (don’t ask me why?) But actually, I’m not sure if these are true, biblical revelations from Jesus or if it’s just Satan trying to trip me up. So another type of Daniel Fast may be in order to figure those additional Revelations out. BUT… general…..POST Daniel Fast, the Lord has revealed to me (quite possibly) that he “has some plans” for my life and that I need to “step out in faith” and TRUST him on said “plans”.

But like I said, Satan can be quite the trickster, sometimes! He’s had plenty of millennia to learn how to deceive! That’s why biblical confirmation is of UTMOST IMPORTANCE, folks! For as ALL Christians know, Satan is REKNOWN for putting a telepathic spiritual voice in our minds/hearts that SOUNDS biblical and SOUNDS like something Jesus might say but may not actually be Jesus’s spiritual voice that we’re hearing! Therefore……ALWAYS PRAY FOR SPIRITUAL CONFIRMATION OF THE LORD JESUS’S WILL – ESPECIALLY HERE IN THE YEAR 2020 when things are getting down to the wire (i.e. near the “end of time as we know it”) and Satan knows he has but a VERY short time, now!

Note: I didn’t receive ALL the answers I was wanting during The Daniel Fast. And some things the Lord Jesus revealed to me I was NOT even expecting! His ways are not our ways, and his understanding is not our understanding! He reveals everything in his own due time and in his own due way(s)! But all the things he HAS revealed are the things He wants me currently working on, that I DO know! Please remember to make sure to THANK the Lord Jesus at the END of the fast for all of the Revelations that He’s lovingly given you DURING the fast! For remember, He didn’t even technically HAVE to give you any Revelations but He did so out of his own pure love and compassion for you! 

All in all, the 21-Day Daniel Fast was a VERY DIFFICULT, yet, very REWARDING experience! Like, for example, I never realized JUST HOW MANY THINGS HAVE SUGAR in them or just how addicted I was to those things! I can no longer eat Doritos Ranch chips since they now taste WAY too salty for me! In fact, I now PREFER Sea Salt over table salt, table salt is just too salty, now! I think I now have a much better appreciation of what “Vegans” go through – given as how DIFFICULT it is for a Vegan to eat out or shop for Vegan meals at the store. Honestly? I used to sort’ve judge Vegans a small bit back in the day but NOT ANYMORE! I now have a newfound respect for them.

And I’m gonna try to RETAIN as much of the Daniel Fast diet habits that I possibly can because it felt GREAT feeling TOTALLY healthy for those 21 days! Although I’m NOT gonna give up my chicken, eggs, ground beef, turkey or dairy! I have to have my protein! But I AM gonna make a serious attempt to try to drink as much water as possible from now on! (Even my allergies seemed to have been alot less while on the Daniel Fast – wow! Maybe my chronic allergies are all due to DIET? Who knows?)

Okay, now some of you may be wondering, what types of foods did I eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner on the 21-Day Daniel Fast? For breakfast, I typically had roasted almonds with sea salt OR a banana or apple. For lunch, I oftentimes had salads with 2g of sugar or less dressings, soups, vegetarian chilis, yeast-free veggie wraps stuffed with beans, corn, onion, hummus, hot sauce, etc. For dinner, I oftentimes had a vegetarian taco salad with corn, beans, vegetarian refried beans, onion, guac, salsa and veggie soups or chilis, roasted peppers with black beans, salads with 2g or less of sugar salad dressings, etc.

I also sometimes supplemented with fruit smoothies (all natural fruit, NO pre-made stuff), and lots of snacking on vegetables (say, apples and peanut butter, or peanut butter and celery, grapes, etc.) in between meals. Snacking on vegetables in between and filling up on water helped keep me full. There were a few nights where I was still ravenously hungry right before bed so I went to the fridge to eat a couple small handfuls of over-sized green grapes and that seemed to do the trick (I slept like a baby on those nights, btw!)  

Weight wise, I lost a total of about 10 pounds. But ONE thing you have to be careful about on The Daniel Fast is the first few days BEFORE the fast and the first few days AFTER The Daniel Fast. You need to give your body time to “adjust” to the new fasting diet! A couple days before, you will need to limit caffeine intake and eat less than your normally do in order to get your body ready to eat less, overall during the fast!

And when you END the fast, SLOWLY incorporate things back into your diet: like, for day 1, start re-adding butter or sour cream. And then on day 2, start re-adding cheese or eggs. Day 3, start re-adding chicken and meat. Otherwise, any weight you’ve managed to lose will just pile right back on. Try to keep candy and sweets to a bare minimum. 

Well, that was my experience with the 21-Day Daniel Fast. But again – you have to seek the Lord, pray to the Lord and decide just WHICH type of Daniel Fast is right for YOU – and/or which one the Lord is “calling” you to do. Overall, I’d say my Daniel Fast experience was a total success! I will definitely do it again in the near future! I will now be better-armed with the knowledge of what I can or can NOT eat during the NEXT Daniel Fast I do! 

Also, a short prayer for anyone currently ON or highly concerning a “Daniel Fast”:

“Abba, please help, guide and encourage any person considering The Daniel Fast. Please reveal unto each spiritually seeking individual about what TYPE of Daniel Fast that you’d like them to do and what type is “right” for THEM – And once they DO start the fast – please give them the strength, the will power and the spiritual knowledge to pull through. Please helpfully point out to them at the store what they can and NOT eat! Please help give them strength and renew their dedication to the fast if they accidentally have a “slip up” – and reveal to them the TRIGGER for the slip up so that they don’t slip up again during the Fast – please give them the strength to last all the way till the END of their fast – and give to them the Revelations that they’re wanting and seeking – including the ones that you WANT to reveal to them that they might not even know or suspect about. Please encourage them to repent of their sins and to draw closer to YOU, Lord. In Yeshua’s/Jesus’s name. Amen”.

P.S.: Don’t be surprised if you experience some STRONG SPRITUAL WARFARE right before, DURING and after The Fast! That’s just Satan panicking at the sight of YOU truly seeking the Lord Jesus Christ like you’ve never seeked him before! So don’t panic! Be strong! TRUST IN JESUS! Learn to ENDURE spiritual warfare! And remember, the spiritual warfare you endure NOW at Satan’s hands is just TRAINING for later!

Because please remember, folks: The spiritual warfare we experience NOW is just mere “Training” for the spiritual warfare we’ll soon experience during the soon-coming Mark of the Beast Global Society! The spiritual warfare we’re experiencing NOW will seem like a total cake walk compared to the spiritual warfare that we’ll experience THEN! Believe me on this folks, TRUST ME! I know what I’m talking about, here! 


“Corona Virus Part Three: America In Chaos”

On May 25, 2020, an African-American guy by the name of George Floyd was essentially suffocated by a white cop’s knee during an “arrest”. Ever since then, MASS PROTESTS and RACE RIOTS happened ALL ACROSS THE U.S. (specifically, in Seattle, where the group “Black Lives Matter” tried to occupy the local police station and take over 3 blocks of the streets! The protesters named the 3-block area C.H.O.P., which stands for Capital Hill ORGANIZED Protest.)

But that wasn’t the worst of it. There was also MASS LOOTING and ARSON all across America (specifically in the big cities such as Chicago, L.A., Boston, NYC, etc.) Here are just a few of the pictures and one video:

There were SEVERAL calls from among the Progressive Left to “DEFUND THE POLICE” and the like. They wanted police officers to be replaced with “Social Workers” or “Social Justice Officers”, instead. In fact, there’s already a thing in California where criminals/felons can no longer be called criminals/felons but must instead be called a “justice-involved person” and the like. You just can’t make this stuff up, folks!

But again, it doesn’t stop there. The Minneapolis police station was SET ON FIRE in Minneapolis! Several police cars and cruisers and police vans were also SET ON FIRE! (Note: I don’t even think the “protesters” even cared if anyone was INSIDE those buildings or not, they just wanted them all DESTROYED!)


But think about this folks, really truly think about this. IF the police were defunded in that city (or ANY city, for that matter), just HOW would people be able to call 911? HOW would abused women be able to report rape or domestic abuse? HOW would an African American woman be able to call the police to report that a racist white woman (or man) REFUSED to let her leave the grocery store parking lot? HOW would a single, disabled father be able to call the police to report that his child had just been kidnapped by an unknown assailant by night or in broad daylight? 

[Many businesses, from beauty salons to pizza shops to retail stores to shopping outlets were also VIOLENTLY LOOTED. And these were businesses that were ALREADY HURTING from the “Covid-19 IMPACT”. Many of these businesses are not sure if their insurance will cover looting or not. Worst still, many U.S. businesses have now been forced to PERMANENTLY shut down due to the “double whammy” of Covid-19 and violent looting! What a sad and dreadful day in America, INDEED!]

There are also many African Americans on the police force here in America, as well. So when the protesters try to burn down police cars and buildings, and businesses, they’re not just destroying white cops’ lives/jobs/livelihoods, but they’re also destroying AFRICAN-AMERICAN COPS’ lives/jobs/livelihoods as well! Do they EVER stop to think about that? EVER? My guess is no! In fact, many of the “looted businesses” in question were owned/co-owned by African-Americans/minorities!

This seems to be a fact that many so-called “protesters” overlooked and it just makes me sad! Because just like Ben Carson, these African-Americans that owned/co-owned some of these “looted” and/or “torched” businesses and and/or that graduated from a prestigious college and/or police academy worked SO HARD to get where they are today, with business ownership and/or becoming a cop/doctor/lawyer and what not.

So to now suddenly have all of that destroyed over some “misguided anger” on the protesters’ part is just HEART-WRENCHING, GUTT-WRENCHING and SOUL-WRENCHING! Many on the police force (both African-American and non-African-American) are now QUITTING, due to the violent protesters’ behavior. So now America is slowly becoming an “unsafe” nation ALL AROUND (even to try to do one’s own grocery shopping) and that makes me nervous!

And if THAT wasn’t bad enough, the U.S. now has an UPTICK in Covid-19 cases, this “new strain” *apparently* being FAR more contagious than the original! (I don’t know though, it’s almost like somebody’s in a lab somewhere – or a group of people – actively TRYING to create a virus that’s far more contagious than the original as in, “Hhmm, we didn’t quite get the high numbers we were expecting the first time around. Maybe we can *re-engineer* the virus to be EVEN MORE contagious and deadly than before!” To ME, it almost seems “too perfect” and “planned out” or something). 

Plus, there’s even been some talk that the “protesters” are actually POLITICAL (Democrat) and are backed by Wall Street. (Remember “Occupy Wall street, anyone?) Anyways, rather or not that’s the case is besides the point, in retrospect. What IS the point is that here in America and around the world, we’ve now entered in some VERY dark times! President Trump loves America (no doubt) and has honestly been one of the best presidents since Abraham Lincoln! Pre-Covid 19, he put our economy in TOP NOTCH POSITION. He’s done more for America and women/minorities than many past presidents COMBINED!

But you won’t hear about that on the U.S. News Media (which is mostly owned by the Radical Left!) In fact, the LIES of the media is what STARTED the whole “toilet paper panic”, “price gouging wars”, “race riots/domestic terrorism”, “looting violence” TO BEGIN WITH! The left wants a SOCIALIST COUNTRY, period! They want religion and the bible and Jesus DONE AWAY WITH! They’ve secretly been in bed with Communist China for quite some time, now! And many people are now just BARELY waking up to that fact! America – for all proverbial purposes – is no longer the “America” we all know and remember from the mid-80’s to late 90’s but a “different America”, altogether!

I guess that’s WHY Trump is such a good president. He’s trying to RETURN America to its former “glory days”, BEFORE all the “Social Justice” crap tried to sink its poisonous fangs into this great “free country” and try to demolish it down to NOTHING! Doing away with the electoral college didn’t work, Stormie Daniels didn’t work, Christine Ford didn’t work. etc.

These leftist “secret Socialists” will stop at NOTHING to try to put Trump out of office! THAT, right then and there, should make the average American (rather Democrat OR Republican) sit up and take notice. WHY such hatred for this man by “Socialists”? WHY such hatred for America from within by “Socialists”? WHY such hatred for the U.S. constitution and Bill of Rights by “Socialists?” Answer: Because things such as Jesus, religion and capitalism render them POWERLESS, that’s why!

To get a more clearer picture on this, let us to turn to John 3:19-22 which says: And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God“.

In other words, evil people (and those with an evil, socialist agenda) DESPISE Jesus and the bible because it EXPOSES them for what they really, truly ARE: poor, lost, demented souls that need to come back to God/salvation in Jesus before it’s too late for them! Poor, lost, evil souls that are (according to 2 Timothy 3:13) “……DECEIVING AND BEING DECEIVED“.  

Luke 16:15 states: “And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God“.

The 2nd part of Luke 16:15 always get me: For that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God. What, today, is “highly esteemed among men?” Answer: SOCIAL JUSTICE/SOCIALISM! Many average Americans today (ESPECIALLY young Millennial Americans) think that “Socialism is so great” etc. But IS it? Just ask the people of Venezuela or China or Cuba about just how they feel about “Socialism/Communism”. And if they were really, truly honest with you (and felt “safe enough” to BE truly honest with you), they’d tell you that the REALITIES of Socialism do NOT equal the “promises” of Socialism. They’d tell you that Socialism sounds great on paper but is HORRIBLE in reality!

In fact, let me take this one step further. WHY is it that so many people from “Communist” or “Socialist” or “Dictatorship” countries are immigrating here to America BY THE DROVES? Answer: Because we are NOT a “Socialist/Communist” country and they’re trying to ESCAPE SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM! They want to live in the “Free World” (i.e. America and other Westernized nations). In fact, there’s even been a few immigrants, newly immigrated to America, that are “perplexed” and “astounded” by what appears to be America’s “descent” towards Socialism! For if AMERICA ever turned into a Socialist country – they reason – wherever shall they go? Because for them, America was one of their last beacons of hope to try to live in the “free world”.

Trump is basically trying to fight SOCIALISM and MEDIA LIES at EVERY WHICH LEVEL! In fact, Trump had the police TAKE BACK C.H.O.P.!

That’s WHY the Democratic Socialists hate him SO MUCH! They are obsessed with POWER and want to try to do everything underneath the sun in order to GAIN and then later STAY in power (even going so far as to LIE to the American people and to the WORLD!) And the Democratic Socialists HATE the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights since those two documents are about as ANTI-SOCIALIST as a document can get! “Freedom, liberty and justice for all”.

But do pray tell. How is it “just” if an African-American owned store gets looted and destroyed by FELLOW African-American and/or white “protesters?” How is it “just” if a white American is made to feel “guilt” over their face when A) everyone’s ancestors are all long dead and gone by now and B) Their being “born” white doesn’t hamper a “Ben Carson Jr.” or “Little Miss Alveda King” from becoming successful if they WANT to be? A young black child born in the Bronx/ghetto can either do good in school and make something of themselves or join a gang. An individual person/group of people being “born” white has absolutely NOTHING to do with an African-American’s and/or minority’s INDIVIDUAL LIFE CHOICES! We’re a product of our own thoughts/actions, NOT our color or environment!

In fact, with REVERSE DISCRIMINATION against whites, I say that ALL minorities now have it better NOW in America (and in other Westernized nations) than ever before! In fact, Trump has done more for African Americans, Asians, and Latinos/Hispanics than Obama or Bush Jr. ever dreamed of! He’s produced more jobs for minorities, built more schools in poorer neighborhoods, you name it. (I’ll admit I wasn’t quite sure at first how Trump would do as a president. He’s not very “presidential” on Twitter and insults alot of people, true. But in the grand scheme of things, what’s worst? A president who’s blunt with other leaders/countries or one who seems weak and submissive as HECK? Think about it! Our country has FAR more chance getting attacked with a “weak” president rather than a “strong” and “bold” one!)

So it makes me very sad that most of the minorities in this country are being “played” by the Democratic Socialist Party who only “pretends” to care about them in order to get their votes and keep them DEPENDENT on the government! The Democrats DO NOT WANT African Americans and minorities to be “successful” (financially, etc.). Why? Because then it would put the Democrats out of power, that’s why. AMERICANS MUST LEARN TO SEE THE BIGGER PICTURE, HERE!

“Black Lives Matter”. How ironic. Considering that Margaret Sanger (founder of Planned Parenthood) was originally “friends” (secret lovers, maybe?) with Adolf Hitler and was HIGHLY into “Eugenics” and called black children “human weeds that needed to be exterminated”, along with the fact that Planned Parenthood was INVENTED with the original aim of African-American and/or minority genocide (specifically of black babies), even going so far as to putting an abortion clinic in many poor, black neighborhoods, I personally can’t see how ANY African-American can support Planned Parenthood in ANY way, shape, form or capacity or even how they can come up with the slogan “Black Lives Matter” when they do absolutely NOTHING to try to save BLACK BABIES LIVES! (Note: EVERY child is precious in the site of God/Jesus/Yeshua!!!!)

But again, ALL LIVES MATTER and I’m not afraid to say that! ALL LIVES MATTER! John 3:16 in the bible CONFIRMS THAT FACT! Since when have we started “quantifying” in today’s American “liberal” society about WHICH lives matter and which ones don’t, apparently? How sad that we live in such a society today where the appreciation of LIFE is DIMINISHED!

How sad that we now live in an America where the Euthanasia lobby can now use people like Britney Maynard to be their poster child for their ungodly cause! “Death machines” and “Death pods”. I don’t even think the ancient cities of Sodom & Gomorrah would have come up with that, even! Plus I won’t EVEN mention about the hellishness of abortion, the sale of baby body parts or even the fact that aborted baby cells are now in our U.S. “vaccines” and some of our U.S. food supply under the guise of “flavor enhancers”. YUCK!

The food companies claim that they don’t use ACTUAL aborted baby cells to “enhance” the taste of their products but only that they used “a copy” of aborted fetal cells. A “copy” does NOT the cell OK make! In other words, a “copy” of the cell is STILL the cell because it CAME from the cell, it was NOT created from scratch, and STILL HAS the cell’s original components in it! (For more information, please go to the following website:

Do you get what I’m saying here, folks? That would be taking a pig cell, copying the pig cell, then trying to say: “This isn’t actually a pig cell”. What? SERIOUSLY? Do they REALLY think we’re all THAT stupid or something? Do they think we’re actually gonna believe their LIES? Just how STUPID do some of them think we Americans are? It makes me wonder, too: do Britain, Canada, Mexico and/or South American, Africa, Europe and OTHER nations do that sort’ve thing, too with THEIR food supply? I don’t want to know!!!!!

And if that’s not bad enough, just when they were starting to re-open things and some people were starting to get their jobs back, many so-called NEW cases of “Corona virus” are now being reported in the news media! (Note: Something very strange is going on, there….?) Rather or not it’s an actual “real” virus or not, I can only speculate (but just for the record, I’m pretty sure it IS a real virus – a virus that China used to EXPERIMENT ON THE HUMAN RACE WITH) – I DO think that some of the numbers are purposely being INFLATED in order to destroy Trump.

And not only that, but I believe that China and BSL-4 labs all across the U.S. are PURPOSELY releasing “viruses” on the human populace. Cause how else are they ever gonna get their “human trials” in? No SANE human would EVER volunteer to have a “potentially deadly virus” put into them, now, would they? That’s WHY these high-powered labs have to unleash their “deadly viruses” on UNSUSPECTING HUMAN SUBJECTS *AGAINST* THEIR WILL! (And just when I thought that the Big Pharma/Pharmaceutical Industry couldn’t even ANY eviler!) 

I believe the Democrats and Socialists are behind the Rogue Shadow Government of the U.S. and the world. I believe that China is COLLABORATING with the worldwide “Shadow Government” (which I believe is headed by the “rogue operatives” in the U.S.) to try to “wipe mankind out” with as many viruses, plagues, riots, economic meltdowns, *false natural disasters*, etc. that they possibly can.

Why? Because of their “false enlightenment clause”, their belief that “order comes out of chaos”. In other words, they believe they MUST create as much chaos in the world as humanly possible in order to “make the one world government leader” appear on the world stage. In other words, they’re trying to bring as much chaos as they possibly can as fast as they can so that THE ANTICHRIST will come to rule the world. And we know from the bible and pages of Holy Writ that The Antichrist is none other than SATAN HIMSELF – INCARNATE! But he won’t look, talk, or ACT like the Antichrist – he’ll speak and look and sound like an angel from heaven! And ALL those who don’t already put their faith, trust and love into JESUS CHRIST OF THE BIBLE *WILL* be deceived by Satan/The Antichrist! 

[But I digress, here. There’s a HUGE difference between the “Shadow Government” of the U.S. and TRUMP’S GOVERNMENT/ADMINISTRATION. I believe that U.S. President Donald Trump is trying to STOP the Worldwide “Shadow Government” and FREE not just Americans but people all around the world from the “Tyranny” of “Socialism!”]. Oddly and ironically enough, there’s even some evangelical Christians out there that are suggesting that Trump himself could be the Antichrist! While it’s true that SOME evangelicals look up to Trump as they normally would Jesus, I don’t think Trump is the Antichrist!

For one, Trump didn’t even act that happy when he first learned he “won” as president back in 2016. He took the job rather hesitantly. Obama, on the other hand, had been chomping at the bit to be president when HE ran for president awhile back. And if Obama ended up being the “vice president” of Joe Biden, he could very easily skirt the law and become president once more. It could happen, folks.

In my mind, Obama checks off many things on the Antichrist list. He’s good-looking, was very popular, had the power of persuasion, and all the nations of the world just seemed to LOVE him! Now, that doesn’t indefinitely identify him as the A.C., but he certainly has a few characteristics of what could possibly by the A.C.’s M.O., no doubt. Trump, on the other hand, according to the news media anyways, seems to be very UNPOPULAR. And the bible says that the Antichrist WILL BE LOVED BY MANY (because the MAJORITY of people on the Earth – say 85% or more? – won’t even KNOW The Antichrist is the Antichrist!) Joe Biden, on the other hand, clearly has Dementia, and so if the Democrats get back into power, it’s all over, folks! Because whoever Joe Biden’s running mate is, THAT person would be president and if it’s a Democrat, THAT’S ALL SHE WROTE, FOLKS!

This November 2020 election is probably THE MOST important election ALL THROUGHOUT HISTORY, even more important than the U.S. Presidential Election of 2016 was! Because the results of THIS upcoming election will CHANGE THE COURSE OF HISTORY (not just for the U.S. but for THE ENTIRE WORLD!) In fact, here in the U.S., they are now asking people to get what’s called a “RealID” if they want to be able to fly or enter into any federal building. And it’s not “mandatory”…..yet anyways……it’s only OPTIONAL at THIS point……..But someday here in this country, I believe it will be MANDATORY….

There’s talk going back and forth (here in America, as well as in other countries across the world) that there will soon be “various Covid-19 vaccines”. But the so-called “vaccines” and “fast-acting tests” have been slow-coming and low-promising. I believe the REASON there are now so-called “vaccine delays” is because the American public and the rest of the world has now (in my eyes anyways) TURNED on Big Pharma/the Pharmaceutical Industry, and so they know there won’t be much profit now in rolling out vaccines that THEY know won’t be effective and that they KNOW that most people will REFUSE to get! There would simply be no money in it! Plus I also believe that’s the reason that “RealID” has been pushed back as well, from “mandatory” to “optional” (because of the “push back” from the Conservative, God-Fearing, God-Loving American public!)

I believe when they noticed that most people in America weren’t wearing masks and were starting to go back to life as normal (whatever “normal” was before Covid hit), “they” (the shadow government) panicked and decided they needed to try to make Americans FEAR again! So how did they do that? Simple. Inflated the numbers once more. Which then caused EVEN MORE job layoffs, “no cash” policies, and EVEN MORE lockdowns/stay at home orders! The shadow government’s agenda got “delayed” due to the movement of American conservative groups such as “Mass Resistance”. So now they want to quickly FORCE their agenda through by ANY MEANS POSSIBLE!

Covid-19 is such an interesting name, to say the least. What does the 19 mean? Does that mean this is the 19th virus that they (shadow government) have tried to secretly UNLEASH upon mankind? I’d like to know where the number 19 comes from. Another interesting juncture is George Floyd’s last words: “I can’t breathe”. And considering that’s one of the MAJOR symptoms of Covid-19, is there some sort of strange connection there? Is the shadow government (through the ungodly chain of events surrounding Mr. Floyd’s death) trying to send Americans (and those around the world) a message that soon they will CRUSH THE RESISTANCE and SUFFOCATE IT TO DEATH? It stands to reason! 

The book of 2nd Timothy says that IN the last days, hearts would grow cold and the bible certainly wasn’t kidding! Daily news headlines are just TEAMING with stuff that happen to people for no good reason or for really petty reasons! People killing each other over a pair of Nike shoes or child custody disputes. A man walking his daughter through a crosswalk in NY and then getting SHOT DEAD, right in front of his daughter! I can’t imagine! And what happened to George Floyd was absolutely TERRIBLE, no doubt! It should have never happened! I now feel like we live in such a world today where nothing is safe, nobody is safe. ANYWHERE. I guess these whole riots and police car burnings have now given me some sort of PTSD or something.

In most U.S. states, most people are now required to wear a mask in ALL public places. And it’s kind’ve depressing to look around and see everyone wearing a mask! It makes me yearn for some sort of time machine where we could go back 6-7 months ago before we ever heard word of this “virus” and “go back to normal”. But see folks, that’s just the thing. There IS no time machine out there capable of doing that (as far as anyone knows, anyways). And secondly, The Abomination of Desolation will occur sooner than we all think! For it will come on a day that most people are NOT expecting! I honestly think that the event known as “The Abomination of Desolation” will be during the winter on a Sabbath! Why?

Because Matthew 24: 20-22 has Jesus saying the following: But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened“.

In other words, (in my mind, anyways), Jesus seems to be “hinting” that “The Abomination of Desolation” WILL happen during Winter ON the Sabbath! But that makes perfect sense. Satan wouldn’t want to desecrate a non-holy day cause what would be the point? Satan instead would want to abominate the Lord’s holy temple on a day of the week that IS sacred/holy/important to Jesus and that day would ofcourse be the 7th day biblical Sabbath! 

Jesus/Yeshua (as far as I know anyways) is not typically known for “sarcastic speculation”. He likes to say things straight-forward, even in parables. Now….could Jesus have been actually speaking metaphorically there? As in, using “winter” to specify a time in our lives and in this world where our “hearts have grown cold”? Possibly. But I’ve always gotten the personal feeling that Jesus/Yeshua was being quite LITERAL there and that He was simply letting us know that The Abomination of Desolation would occur during the Winter on the Sabbath. However, that doesn’t mean we should then “take it easy” during the Summer, Spring or Fall, as Jesus could just as easily theoretically return to the Earth during any of THOSE 3 seasons as he could during the Winter, as well!

For many on the skeptic or unbelieving side, their primal question these days seem to be: “WHERE IS YOUR GOD *NOW?* HOW COME YOUR GOD DIDN’T STOP CORONA VIRUS?” and the like.

2 Peter 3:4 says: “And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation”.

There’s many, many, MANY skeptics out there these days. Not just of Jesus’s existence, ALONE, but also of his soon 2nd return to the Earth! When Jesus came to Earth the FIRST time, he came to the Earth through a virgin birth in order to provide a way for mankind to receive SALVATION! But when Jesus Christ returns to the Earth for the SECOND time during the Last Days, he will return with WRATH and a 2-edged SWORD towards all those who REJECTED HIM:

Luke 18:8 says “I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?”

Matthew 24:30 “And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory”

Revelation 1:7 “Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen”

Luke 12:40 Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not”

Matthew 24:44 “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh”

REVELATION 19:15 “And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God”

Therefore, in all of those bible passages, Jesus is warning us that we need to be ready for his soon return to the Earth during these “Last Days”. When he came to Earth for the FIRST time, he came for PEACE and SALVATION. But when he comes to Earth for the SECOND time, he will come with GREAT WRATH towards all those who REJECTED HIM or that have “put him on the back burner” (i.e. “lukewarm/backslidden Christianity”).

But RIGHT BEFORE Jesus returns to the Earth, there will be an event called THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION. This is when MOST biblical scholars believe that THE ANTICHRIST will “set himself up in the Temple of God and declare that He is God”. Most Christians believe that the “Temple of God” is referring to what will possibly be the newly rebuilt 3rd Jewish Temple. And that actually makes sense since there are OTHER biblical passages that are telling believers in Jerusalem to “flee to the mountains” once they SEE the “Abomination of Desolation” happening. So if Jewish believers in Jesus are gonna “flee to the mountains”, it would make rational sense if there was an ACTUAL place or building and/or person they were fleeing FROM!

Because for every TRUE thing of God, there has to be a COUNTERFEIT; Satan LOVES counterfeits. And since Jesus was a LITERAL Son of God, that would only mean that Satan would also have to have HIS counterfeit “Son” (The “Antichrist”) as well. And just like Jesus was a LITERAL entity, I believe that THE ANTICHRIST has to be a literal entity, too! Only, I highly believe that the Antichrist will be a super-intelligent A.I.! Why? Because mankind was made in the IMAGE OF GOD and Satan HATES the image of God! So a human cyborg or a super-intelligent A.I. made of synthetic skin made to look and sound human but yet, is NOT truly human, falls exactly along the line of reasoning that Satan will likely counter-create something that goes AGAINST the true image of God!

But regardless of what The Antichrist IS (and is NOT), we are THAT MUCH CLOSER to “Mark of the Beast” and/or “Mark of the Beast SOCIETY” (and more specifically, Mark of the Beast GLOBAL Society) and that’s a pretty scary and sobering thing, folks! Why? Because people just aren’t prepared (even many so-called “Christians”). We’re all stumbling around these days so worried about jobs, the economy, and Corona “virus”, that many of us aren’t even truly thinking about our SALVATION these days! Lets be brutally honest for a moment here, folks! In the last 30 days or so, how many of us (myself included) have truly thought about our salvation and spreading the gospel? OUCH! Right? We’ll are so caught up in the FEAR of Covid-19 that many of us have lost our focus!

Oddly, there’s only ONE letter change between “MaSk” and “MaRk”. Right now, masks are not 100% required but are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED, in most places. But trust me, it’ll only be a matter of time before masks are REQUIRED. (No doubt a way for the “Shadow Government” to “MASK” their true objectives).

They might even start this new movement where, if you get the “vaccine”, you won’t have to wear a mask. But now, they’re saying that the vaccines aren’t even effective (perhaps they’ve never, truly had the vaccine all along? Just a thought? Or perhaps they do but they just want to drive up the pharmaceutical prices just to make more money? Martin Shkreli, anyone?) Regardless, this whole “wear a mask so you don’t get Corona virus” thing and “mass lockdowns” are TESTING GROUNDS for “Mark of the Beast system”. They’re testing humanity to try to see just how READY we are for a “one world government” and “mark of the Beast society”.

So believe me, folks. If there was EVER a time where we need to TRULY repent of our sins and TOTALLY 100% rely upon Jesus/Yeshua and Jesus/Yeshua ALONE for salvation, it’s NOW/TODAY! For tomorrow is NOT guaranteed (as individuals, as a nation, and AS a global world!) We’re living in the Last Days and things are ONLY gonna get WORSE! At first, I had minor hope. I thought maybe – just maybe – that “America” (or should I say, what’s left of it, anyways) could “come back from this”. But now I don’t think that there’s ANY way that America “will come back from this”, no matter WHO is elected for president this November! For EVEN if Trump won, the left has just become TOO radical and TOO violent to fully withstand 4 more years of Trump!

The left will stop at NOTHING until they get what they want – total power, control and domination over the people of America and the world! In fact, IF they get their way and the Democrats regain power this November, not even MINORITIES will have any “rights” once the Democrat socialists get through with them! In fact, America would turn into a Socialist country overnight if the Democrats won and all the “freedoms” which we now cherish (freedom of expression, freedom of religion, private property ownership, freedom of purchase) will be STRIPPED of ALL citizens and not just “some”.

Look at China’s “Social Credit Score” system, for instance. A Chinese citizen is “graded” by how well they “support” communism. “Oh, you only support communism a little bit? Here’s 5 points”. “Oh, you support communism full-heartedly? Here’s 500 points”. But do pray tell. Don’t you think EVEN the Chinese citizen who gets the “500 points” is not still gonna be secretly living in fear AT ALL TIMES for fear of “slipping up” even just a little tiny bit? It stands to reason! Now imagine if we had something like that here in “America”. Imagine if the Democrats regained power and treated EACH U.S. citizen with the “China’s social credit score” attitude of: “If you support the Progressive/Socialist agenda, you’ll do well in our new society. Stray from it and…….you just might get killed”.  Imagine the IMPACT that would on the average U.S. citizen!

EVEN if Trump wins as president AGAIN, it IS only a matter of time before the “radical left” regains power. In fact, the bible SAYS they will eventually regain power (unfortunately). And IF and WHEN they do, know that Jesus’s return (as well as the event known as “The Abomination of Desolation”) is NEAR! Therefore, I will end this post and Corona virus “series” with THIS:

“And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” – Matthew 3:2















“Corona Virus Part Two”: Can America “Come Back From This?”

“Could America come back from this?” many are asking. And the truth is, nobody knows. However, there’s only three distinct possibilities here: Either we WILL come back from this Corona thing, we WON’T come back from this Corona thing or we might only PARTIALLY come back from this Corona thing.

SCENARIO 1: America eventually “comes back from this”, the economy recovers, jobs are restored, etc. Now would that be a GOOD thing? Sure. But it can also (in retrospect) be a BAD thing. Why? Because then the average American (and average “Christian” American SPECIFICALLY) will start to take things for granted EVEN MORE than what they did BEFORE the Corona virus! They will then start to harden their hearts to Jesus EVEN MORE because “Hey, things are good now, everything’s good, we don’t need you anymore Jesus! We’ll all good now! Thanks!”

And that’ll just be the nonchalant, stiff-necked, lukewarmed response the AVERAGE Christian will have (as a whole). So imagine just HOW much greater that attitude will be amongst non-believers (as a whole?)

Here in America (up until this point, anyways), we’ve had it SO GOOD! We’ve had freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, you name it! In fact, up until now, America has been considered the “envy” of many other countries who don’t have as many “rights” as we do! Imagine being in a country where you could be thrown in prison just for OWNING a bible or have your head (or other body part?) cut off JUST FOR believing in Jesus, etc! As a whole, We Americans have taken all our rights and our freedoms for granted!

So yes, if we “come back from this”, people are only going to ALL THE MORE (as a whole) take all our rights & our freedoms for granted again and that makes me sad, since this is such a great country and EVERY American is SO, SO LUCKY to have all the rights & privileges that we do here! We have one of the most dedicated militaries in the world and our U.S. service members oftentimes don’t get enough thanks for all that they do to protect us and keep our country safe!

SCENARIO 2: We do NOT “come back from this” and the U.S. economy and world economy is DESTROYED, and a NEW GLOBAL CURRENCY is installed. For any Christian that reads their bible, you know EXACTLY what this would mean: A “Mark of the Beast Society” and/or a “New World Order” talked about in Revelation 13:16-18 and in Revelation 14:9-11!

SCENARIO 3: America “comes back from this” but ONLY PARTIALLY. Meaning, the economic stabilization only happens PARTIALLY or ONLY happens for a few months before things “tank” and “go South” again!

However, this PARTIAL resurgence of the economy will give MOST people (ESPECIALLY Christians) a FALSE SENSE OF HOPE AND SECURITY and much like Scenario 1, people will start taking things for granted again! Most people won’t be prepared! And WHEN and IF the U.S. economy and world economy crashes and comes to a grinding halt, many Christians will later end up falling by the wayside becausehey, a good God isn’t supposed to DO or ALLOW something like that, right? In THEIR minds, God is only supposed to BLESS our U.S. nation and not ever CURSE our U.S. nation for any reason!

But yet, MANY U.S. Christians (as well as several Christians from Westernized nations) out there today don’t yet fully understand the PROVIDENCE of God and the WRATH of God. And folks, it’s NOT their fault. Church pastors, priests and church leaders (as a whole) have NOT done a very good job of PREACHING THE TRUE GOSPEL unto the masses! In fact, I think I’d go so far as to say that we’ve BEEN in apostasy EVER SINCE 323A.D. at the Council of Nicea!

“What happened at the Council of Nicea?” some of you may be wondering. Easy. Constantine was the Roman Emperor at that time. And with the help of “Catholic bishops”, he HIJACKED the JESUS-GLORIFYING JEWISH religion (because remember there were TWO major sects of Judaism at the time: those who RECOGNIZED Jesus as Messiah and those who did NOT recognize Jesus as Messiah) and turned it into a FALSE, watered-down, Pagan-leaning CATHOLIC “form” of “Sun-worshiping religion” and called it “Christianity”.

(Note: Those aren’t “halos” you see painted on Catholic idols in the churches today but represent SUNS! Please notice that the Hindu figure Buddha is ALSO oftentimes surrounded by a “sun halo” as well, in paintings, etc. Which PROVES it’s used to represent SUN WORSHIP, not HALOS!)

The Jews that rejected Jesus that were loyal to Rome? They later went on to become known as “Orthodox Jews”. These came from the Jesus-denying sects of Pharisees & Saducees. The Jews that BELIEVED Jesus was the Messiah? They are now known as “Messianic Jews”, “Judeo-Christians” or the Hebrew term “Natsarim” (pronounced Nat-sir-reem).

And we know from history how the Roman Catholic Church PUT TO DEATH all the TRUE CHRISTIANS (the Lord’s people……..the Jews that BELIEVED Jesus was the Messiah, as well as the “Gentiles” that believed that Jesus was the Messiah AND FOLLOWED the 7th day as the Sabbath, and followed the BIBLICAL HOLIDAYS and BIBLICAL PRAYERS AND FASTING, that KNEW that “idols” and “graven images” were FORBIDDEN!)

So what happened? The TRUE RELIGION of Jesus’s people was OUTLAWED between the times of 300-365A.D. and “new laws” were put into place that required those people to CONVERT to the Roman Catholic Church or DIE! The “new laws” had to do with the BIBLICAL HOLIDAYS and the 7TH DAY BIBLICAL SABBATH!

The “new laws”, instituted by Constantine and the Roman Catholic Church, required men to WORK on the 7th day BIBLICAL Sabbath and to REST on Sunday, the worship day of Helios, the SUN god! They also FORBADE the Lord’s people from doing “fasting” (a BIBLICAL REQUIREMENT) and FORBADE the Lord’s people to celebrate in the BIBLICAL HOLIDAYS! And if the Lord’s people REFUSED homage to the Roman Catholic Church OR to Constantine, they were either tortured, put into prison and/or KILLED! It was THAT serious of an “offense” to NOT be part of the Roman Catholic Church “mark of the beast TYPE system” at that time!

Just look what’s going on TODAY in the world! All “churches” meet on SUN-DAY! The 7th Day BIBLICAL Sabbath has more or less been INSTITUTIONALLY done away with! “Christians” celebrate New Years, Valentine’s Day, Christmas, and Easter (which Jesus and the apostles NEVER, EVER CELEBRATED) and most haven’t even HEARD about the BIBLICAL HOLIDAYS of Passover, Tabernacles, Pentecost, etc.

Many believe (and/or have been told): “Oh, those are Jewish holidays, ONLY!” Little do they know, those are actually BIBLICAL HOLIDAYS that weren’t JUST meant for the ancient biblical times but for ALL of time! Note: Even in “New Jerusalem/heaven”, we will STILL be celebrating in the BIBLICAL FEASTS, specifically the FEASTS OF TABERNACLES! It’s true! It’s in the scriptures, folks!

And same goes for the 7TH DAY BIBLICAL SABBATH! It is NOT just the “Jewish Sabbath, only” as many have been led to believe! It’s the one and only true BIBLICAL SABBATH! (Special note: A Jewish day begins at sundown the night before. So it’s from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. Some people celebrate Saturday sunup to sundown but that’s something you’ll have to pray to Yeshua/Jesus about. Me myself, I celebrate it from Friday sundown to Saturday nightfall).


So COULD America technically “come back from this?” many are asking. There’s a possibility, yes. However…..we are now what’s in the SPIRITUAL RED DANGER ZONE. What that MEANS, is that we’re now at a VERY critical SPIRITUAL time in American and world history. For America (lets be honest) has shoved Jesus to the back burner for the last few years with Trump as president. Jobs were good for awhile, stocks were good, economy was good.

So BECAUSE America had everything it thought it needed, many Christians put Jesus on the back burner the last couple of years (as a whole), myself included, to a small certain extent. A sort’ve “Jesus is taking great care of the economy through Trump right now, so what more do I/we need?” type of attitude. (I admit this to my shame!)

And it’s an easy, HUMAN thing to do when the economy’s doing GREAT, now, isn’t it, folks? In fact, think of “Pharaoh” in Egypt, whose heart was “hardened” every single time his magicians were able to do the same thing as Moses & Aaron were able to do. Same concept here. Pharaoh and the Egyptians at that time saw no NEED for the God of Israel because things in Egypt were “plentiful” (before the rest of the 10 Plagues of Egypt). Do you see where I’m going with this, folks?

Ah……but when things are NOT so great, and we (much like Pharaoh did) come to the REALIZATION that our life and our livelihoods are NOT in our hands, that’s when we began to FEAR God and give REVERENCE to God, am I right? In Exodus 10:16-17, Pharaoh begins to FEAR God and give REVERENCE to Him: “Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron in haste; and he said, I have sinned against the Lord your God, and against you. Now therefore forgive, I pray thee, my sin only this once, and intreat the Lord your God, that he may take away from me this death only”.

But now that everything has temporarily? gone to crap in this country, people are seeking Jesus like never before! Many are asking “is this the end of the world?”, “are we on the cusp of WWIII?”, “Will America ever come back from this Corona CRISES?”, “is Mark of the Beast just around the corner?”, etc.

But here’s the clincher, folks: This can go ONE of two ways….IF America does NOT come back from this “crises”, then that would mean that things are ONLY gonna get worse and worse until the Antichrist comes and a one world government, economy and religion is put in place. And when THAT happens, it’ll eventually get to the point where Mark of the Beast (Mark of the Antichrist) is instilled on every person’s right hand or forehead in order for them to be able to buy or sell. And ALL who REFUSE this “Mark” will be KILLED, the bible says!

But IF America “comes back from this”, as it were, that could actually end up being a bad thing in the long run, like I’ve said before. Why? Because many people will start to take things for granted again! People will start to take their bibles, Jesus, the country, the economy, stocks, their jobs, their friends/family/pets/coworkers, and “life in America” for granted again! And not only that but people will start to HARDEN their hearts EVEN MORE towards Jesus (as a whole) if America comes back from this. Why did you even make us go through this, to begin with? We will rebuild, we will come back STRONGER many will proclaim in the spirit of Isaiah 9:10!

In Exodus 10:18-20, God “removes the plague” from Egypt, and PHARAOH HARDENS HIS HEART ONCE AGAIN! (And it’s my personal impression that Pharaoh, at THAT point in time, hardened his heart EVEN MORE than before after the plague was removed!!!!!! Or is it just me????)

And he (Moses) went out from Pharaoh, and intreated the Lord. And the Lord turned a mighty strong west wind, which took away the locusts, and cast them into the Red sea; there remained not one locust in all the coasts of Egypt“. But the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart, so that he would not let the children of Israel go” (Exodus 10:18-20)

And there’s a high chance that Jesus won’t be so “patient” or “forgiving” the NEXT time America thumbs up her nose at him with the attitude of Revelation 18:7 “How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I SIT A QUEEN, AND AM NO WIDOW, AND SHALL SEE NO SORROW“.

Look at those words, folks! “I SIT A *QUEEN*, AND AM NO WIDOW, AND SHALL SEE NO SORROW”. Okay, lets be brutally honest for a minute, here. America (as a nation), though it was FOUNDED upon the principles of God/the bible, has slowly INCHED AWAY from Jesus and the bible over the years! Now we’ve become a nation of sodomites, murderers, blasphemers, adulterers, liars, Sabbath-breakers, enviers, etc. And just how LONG did we REALLY, TRULY think that Yeshua/Jesus was gonna put up with all that? Just how long?

For the longest time in this country, they’ve held “sodomite parades” and hardly no-one said anything. And they looked up at the sky and, to THEM anyway, “all seemed CALM”. But ya know folks? That was THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM! The STORM of God’s WRATH is now happening all across this country and all across the world. And just how are WE gonna respond? If ever they doubted that God was ANGRY with “sodomy”, they no longer have to DOUBT anymore! For THROUGH this hellacious virus, God has displayed and IS displaying his WRATH! Not JUST towards sodomy, but to an unbelieving, ungrateful, “entitled”, sinful mankind (as a whole!)

Folks, for all we know, this could be it! We might not even HAVE a chance to pull through this thing! An ICBM could hit us tomorrow, the power grid could go out, the banks could collapse, the internet might go down. We are inching closer and closer and closer to the edge of eternity! What happens next? Only the Lord knows! Therefore, we MUST be prepared! So just how PREPARED are you and your family? We are on the very cusp of the thing known in Matthew 24:21 as THE GREAT TRIBULATION: “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be“.

Sure, we’ve had tornadoes, we’ve had plagues, we’ve had tsunamis and volcanic eruptions, we’ve had sinkholes, we’ve had major wildfires, we’ve had major animal die off, we’ve had economic meltdowns and stock market crashes, and we’ve had earthquakes. But DO pray tell: have we ever had all of those things SIMULTANEOUSLY ALL AT ONCE? I believe that’s what the bible passage is hinting at, there. But it WON’T just be natural disasters! It will be a SLEW of things happening simultaneously all at once! The following bible passages give us a good idea of what’s to come:

2 Timothy 3: “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, [PRICE GOUGERS DURING TIME OF NATIONAL CRISES, ANYONE?] covetous, [JEALOUS OF OTHER PEOPLE], boasters [INSTAGRAM, ANYONE?] proud [PUBLICLY CALLING ONESELF THE BEST _____ EVER, ANYONE?] blasphemers [BRAZILIAN SHOW ABOUT “GAY JESUS”, ANYONE?], disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection [SODOMY/HOMOSEXUALITY, ANYONE?], trucebreakers [REIGNITING OLD FEUDS BETWEEN PEOPLE/COUNTRIES, ANYONE?], false accusers, incontinent, fierce [VICIOUS ATTACKS ONLINE IN COMMENT SECTIONS, ANYONE?], despisers of those that are good [SUING OF JACK PHILIPS, CHRISTIAN BAKERS AND DAVID DELEIDEN, ANYONE?], Traitors, heady, highminded [ACTING AS THOUGH ONE IS “ENTITLED” TO FIRST CLASS, ANYONE?), lovers of pleasures [PORN/SEX OUTSIDE OF TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE, ANYONE?] more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof [FAKE TELEVANGELIST CHRISTIANS IN FAKE SUNDAY-SABBATH CHURCHES, ANYONE?]: from such turn away!“. 

Revelation 6:12-17And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places“. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

Revelation 7:1 “And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree”. (NOTE: AFTER the events of Revelation 6, NO WIND shall blow ALL ACROSS THE EARTH! IMAGINE what that will be like, folks!]

But the main point I want to make is that it DOES NOT MATTER if America “comes back from this thing” or not. Because like I said, EVEN if America DOES “come back from this”, it’ll ONLY be a matter of time before THE BIG ONE comes crashing down on every American (and every single person across the world), thus INSTALLING the reign of the Antichrist and the “Mark of the Beast” society on the WORLD STAGE! So I ask you this: are YOU ready? Are YOU prepared? Are YOU prepared to NOT love your life to the death and to love Jesus even UNTO Death? So many of us are NOT ready, folks!

Rather or not “The Rapture” will happen soon, one can only speculate:

“But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only” – (Matthew 24:36)

But after much research, my best guess is that we’ll likely be dealing with a Mid-Tribulation Rapture. Cause even though we’re not appointed to God’s Wrath, neither are we expected to escape all tribulation either as remember that Revelation 7:14 says: “And I [the apostle John] said unto him [the angel of the Lord], ‘Sir, thou knowest’. And he [the angel of the Lord] said to me [the apostle John], ‘These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”

So there, in that passage, the apostle John, having been exiled onto the Greek island of Patmos, is being shown a divine vision by Jesus and/or the angel of the Lord of “the redeemed saints” that came OUT of “Tribulation”; OUT being the key word, here!

Some argue that the Rapture is BEFORE The Mark of the Beast, some day it’s DURING The Mark of the Beast, while yet other says it’s AFTER The Mark of the Beast! But REGARDLESS, we must ALL be ready at ALL times and in ALL ways, AS IF it were to happen TOMORROW! Because remember, WHEN it happens, it likely happens ALL AT ONCE! Babylon is destroyed in just ONE HOUR! Do I believe it to be ONE literal human hour? Yes, I do! Because the scripture implies it happens SUDDENLY and WITHOUT WARNING! If it were any LONGER than 1 literal human hour, humans and nations would have time to SOMEWHAT “come to grasp” with it and recover a bit (in my honest, humble opinion).

Although some are going off a completely different timeline where 1 days equals 1 YEAR! But even if that’s the case, we’d be looking at a period of about 1 month/30 days in which Babylon is “SUDDENLY DESTROYED!” And a period of 30 days is like NOTHING in 2020 time! TIME IS SPEEDING UP, FOLKS!

Yet TWO things are certain: A) Yeshua/Jesus is testing us to see rather or not we’ll be able to stand, having done all TO stand in these Last Days and B) The Devil’s angry cause he knows his time is short! Which means his demons and all his HUMAN “cohorts” ALSO know that they also “have but a short time” to bring in all the SPIRITUAL DESTRUCTION they’re gonna bring in, before “time’s end”. Which means the Shadow Gov’t of the World, The New World Order Satanic Cabal, wants to hurry up and get “The Mark of the Beast society” installed or, at the very least, pre-installed (if that makes any sense?)

What we’re going through now is just “testing grounds” FOR such a “society”. It’s almost as if they (The New World Satanic Cabal) are “testing” to see:

  • “How easily will they let us BAN church gatherings and meetings over 10 people?”
  • “How easily will they allow us to MAKE them wear masks/gloves and do x,  y, and z?”
  • “How OPEN will they be to a cashless society?”
  • “How EASILY will they give up all their rights if they think *national security* is at risk?”
  • “How EASILY will we be able to SEPARATE family members from one another, ESPECIALLY husbands and wives?”
  • “How EASILY will we be able to get the people to DEPEND on the gov’t for financial assistance, over time?”
  • “How can we best DIMINISH the faith that people have in Jesus and instead, make them have “faith” in their GOVERNMENT, instead?”
  • “How can we get the conservatives and the majority of Americans to slowly EMBRACE communism/socialism as a seemingly *viable option?*
  • “How can we BEST get people ready to EMBRACE a one world government leader during a time of *GLOBAL/NATIONAL CRISES?*”
  • “If the majority of Americans end up NOT fearing Corona “virus”, what OTHER sorts of things can we use to get Americans and people around the world to FEAR, instead of HAVING FAITH IN JESUS?”
  • “How can we BEST get the American people and the world to turn on Trump and to EMBRACE China, the source of the Corona outbreak?
  • “How can we BEST make Christians and/or patriotic Americans feel like HATERS for speaking the Truth?”
  • And the list goes on and on…….

Do you see what they’re doing here, folks? They’re seeing HOW FAR they can push their “powers” against the American people and against THE WORLD! And they’re SO power-hungry and have been so for SUCH a long time that I just don’t think they’re gonna stop anytime soon, folks!

It wasn’t enough for them that we had LGBT all across every school and college university in America. It wasn’t enough for them that we had “Drag Queen Story Hour” and men with penises using the women’s restrooms, locker rooms, showers and changing rooms. It wasn’t enough for them that many Americans (against their own better judgement) got the flu shot last year. It’s NEVER enough for them, folks! For they ALWAYS want MORE!

More spiritual chaos! More destruction! EVER MORE **POWER!** And they absolutely, positively WILL NOT STOP until they get it, folks! They won’t stop until every man, woman and child in this country has the Mark of the Beast on their right hands or in their foreheads! But see folks, that’s the thing, here. They KNOW that TRUE born-again Christians will NOT take “The Mark” under ANY circumstances. Therefore, they’re now strategizing about just HOW they’re gonna make them take the Mark……

The biggest thing they will plan to use is FEAR! And I believe they will use things that matter to us in order to try to make us take the Mark! Let me elaborate and give an example, here. Most parents love their young children to death. So imagine if they held a small child in front of a Christian parent’s very eyes and threatened to kill that child RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM if they didn’t take The Mark. And when THAT doesn’t work, and the Christian parent refuses The Mark, they will likely up the ante.

They will then start TORTURING and/or somehow VIOLATING the child in front of the parent’s eyes to see if they can then get the parent to take The Mark! By this point in time, many a Christian parent will likely cave, as they HEAR their child’s tortured cries! (And sadly, as soon as the parent takes The Mark, the Satanic cabal will likely slaughter the child right in front of the parent’s eyes anyways, so it will have all been for naught!)

Yet, other Christian parents, REMAINING STEADFAST in the faith, will NOT cave and tell their child to be strong and that they love them and to trust Jesus through it all! That’s when the Satanic cabal will likely change approaches and start torchuring the Christian parent, instead! (Water-boarding, you name it). The Satanic cabal will try torchuring the Christian parent or person as long as possible, until they can try to get them to cave in and take the Mark.

But folks? Satanists CAN NOT STAND the mighty name of Yeshua/Jesus! So in the MIDST of the fiery persecution, SING AND SHOUT PRAISES TO JESUS MOST HIGH! A) It will help you keep morale and B) The Satanic cabal won’t be able to STAND IT and will likely either flee from your presence or kill you off that much sooner, it’s true!

(P.S.: If it’s of any personal comfort to you Christian parents out there, if YOUR child sees you choosing to die rather than take The Mark, that’ll now doubt have a powerful witnessing impact upon them, and they’ll be less likely to take The Mark themselves after you’re gone! Not to mention that as a personal reward to you for your “martyrdom”, I believe with all my heart that Jesus will have a special eye of protection placed on your child for the rest of his/her living days on this Earth! So rest assured, if you place your 100% trust in Yeshua/Jesus Christ, I believe your children will ultimately be in safe hands, never far from the Lord’s eyes!)

And for all of you other Christians out there who have no children, I believe the Satanic cabal will try to use something else against you. They might threaten to torchure your pet/pets, an ex-boyfriend/girlfriend, someone else that really means something to you. They will no doubt threaten to harm/torchure this person RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU, unless you take The Mark.

When and if that doesn’t work, they’ll move on to torchuring YOU, instead! And THAT is when you’ll have to TRUST JESUS AND ENDURE, NO MATTER WHAT! And if it’s not a pet or a loved one that they’re threatening to torchure right in front you, they’ll likely try to get you to take The Mark a different way. You might lose your car, you home or your job if you don’t take The Mark. But again, Satan operates on FEAR! It’s one of THE MOST powerful weapons in his arsenal folks, so remember that!

As a side note, I’d just like to add this: They HAVE the cloning technology down to a T! (They just don’t publicly announce it for “security purposes”). So whenever they place a person, pet or loved one in front of you, there’ll be a high chance that it’s NOT EVEN the REAL PERSON or pet you THINK it is but a “cloned version” or “cloned, human-like and/or animal-like Android”of sorts.

Because remember that Satan is a LIAR! Plus he’s also a masquerader! He might even also falsely APPEAR to you in the form of a dead love one/pet or current loved one/pet and BEG you to get The Mark, in order to TRICK YOU! So DON’T fall for it, folks! Ghosts are DEMONS! “Loved ones” begging you to get The Mark are DEMONS! “Loved ones” in your dreams are also likely DEMONS trying to TRICK YOU! So DON’T BE FOOLED, FOLKS!!!!!!

That being said, do I have any “Corona virus” advice for anyone out there? At first glance, it’s easy to panic, it’s easy to focus on the all the negatives. But instead, try to look at the positives. Instead of: “Ugh! I’m quarantined at home and can’t go to work, plus my children and husband are home all the time now”, look at it as a Lord-appointed TIME OUT! When’s the LAST TIME you got some good, quality “family time?” When’s the LAST time you got to officially “play hookey from work” and sit down and breath and RELAX for awhile? When the last time you truly HAD time to sit down and read God’s Written Word (The Bible?) Just like how many times have Christian parents expressed a heartfelt desire to home-school their children? BINGO! All in one! Isn’t the Lord GENIUS? 😉

And if you’re a Christian who’s complaining: “Ugh! I still got to go to work!” Be thankful that you still HAVE a job, even! (Some aren’t so lucky!) And if you’re complaining about a pay cut at your job, fret not! The Lord Jesus is training you to rely on him and HIM ALONE during this time! So trust me, how could SPIRITUAL REFINEMENT ever be a BAD thing, in retrospect? Answer: It isn’t! For it’s ONLY through SPIRITUAL REFINEMENT that we’ll learn how to ENDURE……….ENDURE TILL THE END:

“But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” – (Matthew 24:13)

And if you’re worried about weekly grocery shopping, consider a HOME DELIVERY MEAL KIT company (I.e. Dinnerly, Blue Apron, EveryPlate, Hello Fresh, etc.) Most of these companies, for a nominal weekly fee, will send you 3-6 meals per week with all of the ingredients for each meal pre-packaged, save for bare produce, so that NOTHING goes to waste! They each come with recipe cards and/or online recipes and take under 30 minutes each to make. Though word of warning, some meal kit companies are NOT accepting new customers at this time, due to the INFLUX of customers during “Corona crises”. And depending on your specific dietary needs, you can probably find one that’s suitable for you and your family!

And last but not least, wash your clothes after going out in public, wash your hands, wear gloves and face masks while shopping if it makes you feel safe but do NOT go overboard on the paranoia and FEAR factor, as that’s just what Satan wants, during this time! And meal delivery kits aside, you should still buy SOME groceries from the store every now and then, even WITH a home meal kit delivery service, because grocery stores still need money to stay afloat. It would be quite a terrible thing if grocery stores were forced to shut down due to low sales now, wouldn’t it? Now…..should you also “prep?” Like, should you have a few things of bottled water and canned beans, if worse comes to worse? Maybe. But there’s a scripture I want to share with you:

Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known. What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows. Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven” – (Matthew 10:26-33)

When you read Matthew 10:26 in light of the “Corona shut-down”, it’s kind’ve interesting. The Lord is pretty much telling us there that we need not fear “Big Pharma”, “The Roman Catholic Church/The Vatican”, “the new world order” or the “shadow government” because their plans will be REVEALED to the Lord’s people! The 2nd-4th parts of the passage are telling us we should fear the Lord’s Wrath MORE than the people of Satan who try to kill us since unlike Satan’s people that will try to kill us, the Lord above has the ability to kill both our body AND our soul (meaning, the Lord has the ability to send both our body AND soul to hell/the lake of fire, while Satan’s people ONLY have the ability to kill the body, that’s it! 

The Lord promises he will feed us and account for all our needs during “The Great Tribulation” and that we MUST proclaim him to ALL mankind. For IF we are ashamed of Jesus and his gospel, that means our HEARTS are not right with HIM and that we need to REPENT before it’s too late! REPENT simply means to GIVE UP or STOP DOING the behaviors that are displeasing to Yeshua/Jesus! STOP being ashamed of Yeshua/Jesus and his gospel! STOP caring more about what PEOPLE think of you, rather than what YESHUA/JESUS thinks of you for what YESHUA/JESUS thinks of you will be the DECIDING FACTOR of WHERE you will turn up for all eternity after your death in this earthly life!

And last but not least:

John 16:33 “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world”.

Romans 8: 31-39What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God’s elect? It is God that justifieth. Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord”.

Translation? Yeshua/Jesus has ALREADY overcome the world, Satan, death and hell. NOTHING can happen outside of HIS power! And NOTHING can separate us from the LOVE of God! Yeshua/Jesus sees us, wherever we go! We are never far from his site! I hope and pray that this post has encouraged and been a blessing to someone out there today that needed to hear these words! 

This is an unprecedented time in human and global history. And I have NO IDEA what’s gonna happen tomorrow, 2 months from now, or even 2 years from now. All I know is that the One World Government is soon on the horizon, as is The Mark of the Beast/Mark of the Beast Global Society/System, as is the soon return of Yeshua/Jesus Christ. THIS is America’s (and ultimately the world’s) “Time of Testing”. Yeshua/Jesus is testing OUR hearts (the heart of our nation(s) to see rather or not we spiritually crave HIM more than we crave the world/the things of the world! Therefore, if we’re ready at ALL times and in ALL ways, NOTHING will come to take us by surprise, right folks?

The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace”

– Numbers 6:24-26

And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you”

– Matthew 17:20




“Corona Virus Part One”: A Test-Run For The Soon-Coming GLOBAL Mark of the Beast Society

So around December 12, 2019 or so, a NEW “virus” (called “Corona Virus”) was announced in Wuhan, China. It was said to be similar to SARS (“Bird Flu”), the “common cold” and “common flu”. And people weren’t really panicking much then. It was (to most Americans and those in Westernized nations) just some “distant virus” in some “distant land”.

Still, I, like many other Americans, secretly worried about the Chinese people from afar and wondered how bad of an impact the so-called “virus” would have on its general population! I prayed in the name of Jesus that the number of deaths, (if any) from the “virus” would be low and that the Chinese people would recover (as a people and as a nation!)

But oddly enough, from the very first headline until NOW, there seems to be NO CONSISTENCY in media coverage of the virus! That fact alone makes me very, very suspicious! First, they say it’s “low risk”. Then they act like it’s the Black Plague of Death. Then they revert back to calling it about as bad as the common cold, and easy to “recover from”. Then they’re emphasizing it could actually be “worse” then the flu and that people can actually DIE from it.

And NOW, on Friday, March 13, 2020, (nearly three months TO THE DAY of the first media announcement of the virus in China), they’re now shutting down schools, businesses, and the like, here in America. And yet not ONE reliable news source can seem to give us 100% exactly HOW the virus came about! It’s like they needed to find SOMETHING to blame it on! SARS? Easy. Blame it on the birds. Zika? Simple. Blame it on the mosquitoes. Corona? Easy as pie. Blame it on the BATS!

But regardless of the TRUE cause of the “virus”, people are panicking! TOILET PAPER, paper towels, baby wipes, rice, beans, dish-washing and laundry detergent supplies, latex gloves, face masks, cold medicines, HAND SANITIZERS, hand soaps, etc. are just FLYING off the shelves!

At SEVERAL different popular stores in my city, the toilet paper aisles were WIPED CLEAN! I’ve personally observed at TWO popular stores in my city people loading up their carts SKY HIGH, plus also witnessed a guy and his son hoard and buy what looked like SIXTEEN packs of 24-bottled waters! (To date, I had never seen anything like that in ALL MY LIFE!)


In case you’re not able to read the full article, here are some of the pictures from the article:

Noah Colvin, Matt's brother

A man loading several boxes full of supplies in the storehouse.

Noah Colvin and brother, stash

Hoarded supplies INSIDE the storehouse

Noah Colvin

A man standing IN FRONT of hoarded supplies 


Real Estate Developers BRAGGED on social media about “cashing in” on the Corona virus by buying HUNDREDS of Lysol disinfectant wipes from Costco & then inflating prices on Amazon by as much as 400% [Source:]

Now, my whole point of pointing these peoples’ actions out is NOT so much to judge them (or shame them into DONATING said supplies to churches, nursing homes and hospitals). It’s to visually showcase what happens in society when GREED and PANIC take over during a NATIONAL CRISES! (Thanks to all the “hoarding price gougers” out there, these are some of the shelves gracing America, today):


Grocery store, March 12 AND 13, OUT OF STOCK


Walmart, March 13, 2020, OUT OF STOCK

Double bare shelves, OUT OF STOCK 2020

First of all, how did the stores and its employees NOT notice people carrying out the supplies BY THE HANDFULS? (It’s one thing to take 3-10 of something for one’s large family and/or one’s elderly at-risk neighbors and the like. But HUNDREDS? THOUSANDS?) Did they BRIBE the cashiers at all? There needs to be some more investigation into HOW this happened, exactly! Also: We might need some new laws that “ration out” supplies to keep this very thing from happening AND that prosecute people who “price gouge” during a national emergency!

But that fact aside, it’s fairly common (and expected) during a NORMAL crises (an upcoming hurricane, blizzard, snow storm) for people to stock up on supplies if they think they’re gonna be holed in for awhile in their homes. But the U.S. nation has NEVER, EVER (as far as my knowledge goes, anyways) run out of stock EN MASSE, NATION-WIDE, ALL AT ONCE, SIMULTANEOUSLY! Folks, this is just during a “virus outbreak”. Can you IMAGINE what things will be like during THE GREAT EVENT that supercedes and/or actually USHERS *IN* THE MARK OF THE BEAST/THE MARK OF THE BEAST GLOBAL SOCIETY?

Which brings me to my next point. Jesus is SHOWING US, EN MASSE, about what “panic” and “greed” looks like during a time of national crises! In fact, the hoarding price gougers? Jesus is showing all of US a visual example of what OUR HEARTS are like when WE decide to HOARD SUPPLIES (even if it’s just 10 of something for OURSELVES!) On the most deepest, spiritual level of our HEARTS, it doesn’t really matter if we HOARD 10 or 50,000 of something, hoarding is hoarding!

(NOTE: I’m currently told that HOSPITALS and DOCTOR’S OFFICES are now short on supplies due to the HOARDING of others! HOW DREADFUL! And not only that but some HOSPITALS THEMSELVES have bought up and hoarded all the supplies to the point that other hospitals don’t have enough supplies! SAD!!!!)

Here in America, we (as a whole) have FORSAKEN GOD! We’re a nation of liars, sodomites, whores, murderers (i.e. abortion), materialists, atheists, Satanists, thieves, panickers, hoarders, blasphemers (i.e. a person naturally born as a man saying they are “not truly” a man or vice versa and/or repeatedly saying the Lord’s name in vain, etc.), drunkards, fornicators, mockers, scoffers, lukewarmers (i.e. “I believe in Jesus, sure. So that automatically means I’m going to heaven, I don’t have to obey the commandments“, etc.), LOVERS OF SIN/UNRIGHTEOUSNESS, and the list goes on.

And just how long did WE think (as a nation) that Jesus would put up with all of that? Just how long? Days? Weeks? Months? Years? I can tell you right now that his anger has reached a BOILING POINT! (Note: Even the most nicest, quietest, loving, docile Christian will have their BOILING POINT of anger where they just go off on someone if made angry enough! And so it is with God! Please remember that we were made in HIS image! So if WE have OUR own BOILING POINT of anger, what makes us think (as individual Christians and as a NATION) that Jesus/God also doesn’t have HIS own BOILING POINT of anger?)

I blame ALOT of America’s sins (both individual and nation-wide, as a whole) on DISPENSATIONALISM! Now, for those of you who are NOT “in the know”, what ever does that word MEAN? Answer: It’s the very word used to describe the LUKEWARM spiritual attitude of: The Old Testament was meant for the Jews. Only the NEW Testament is meant for Christians“.

THAT, by definition, is dispensationalism. For to DISPENSE something means to TAKE IT APART, TO **SCATTER**, TO PUT IT IN PARTS OR SECTIONS. And we KNOW from the holy scriptures that God does not change nor do his laws change! In fact, we will STILL be following his Old Testament FEASTS (i.e. The Feast of Tabernacles, etc.) in NEW JERUSALEM!

Therefore, I submit to you today that God’s law were meant for ALL OF TIME (Genesis through Revelation 22) and not just during “Jewish biblical times!” In short, we (as a nation) AND as individuals have BROKEN GOD’S LAW! And so naturally, Jesus’s patience with us (as individuals and as a NATION) has WORN THIN! Think about when we were younger and we “disobeyed” our parents and so our parents got “angry” and “disappointed” with us and “sent us to our rooms!” So it is with Jesus and the current state of events! Many U.S. states are now going on LOCKDOWN and several people are now “holed up” in their homes for a couple of weeks if not more!

But there’s also another thing we must realize. EVEN in Jesus’s anger, Jesus is oftentimes GRACIOUS. Read any bit in the Old Testament and you will start to see a bigger picture. When God was “mad” at the Israelites, he “smote them” in order to PROTECT THEM FROM FURTHER DAMAGE TO THEMSELVES!

God did that out of LOVE for the Jewish people! God promised them REPEATEDLY, on MULTIPLE OCCASIONS, that IF they repented and turned BACK to HIM, that HE would HAVE MERCY ON THEM *AND* HEAL THEIR LAND! (i.e. 2 Chronicles 7:14!) And so that’s EXACTLY what’s going on here, NOW! God is ANGRY with us (as a nation), yet, he STILL loves us (as a nation), which is WHY he’s bringing about events to WAKE US UP, SPIRITUALLY, to DRAW US BACK TO HIM, and to MAKE US REPENT OF OUR EVIL WAYS!

Another aspect is that Jesus is teaching us NOT TO TAKE THINGS FOR GRANTED! Admit it……how many of us (myself included, even) have taken things for granted in our lives (i.e. toilet paper, paper towels, Lysol/Clorox/cleaning products, food, American “freedom”, movie theaters, restaurants, shopping outlets, JESUS HIMSELF, bottled water, family, coworkers, neighbors, jobs, etc.?)

But now that those things are HARD TO COME BY and are NOT GUARANTEED, we Americans (and those around the world) tend to appreciate those things more (in retrospect), am I right? But even worse YET: imagine a world WITHOUT Jesus in it! Imagine a world where there was NO LAW, NO ORDER, NOTHING BUT CHAOS! In retrospect, it makes the “dwindling supplies” and “home quarantines” seem like a walk in the park! (No pun intended).

Therefore, Jesus is showing us a PREVIEW (just a mere PREVIEW) of what a world without him would be like! And the long-term picture of that is NOT PRETTY! You not only have greedy price gougers but you have OTHER buyers as well: PANIC BUYERS!

As soon as Trump announced a national emergency on Friday, March 13, 2020 (just 3 months TO THE DAY from China announcing in media ITS first case of Corona virus), people panicked! Stuff started FLYING off the shelves! First, it was toilet paper! Then it was paper towels, hand sanitizer, wipes, cleaners and everything else in between! People were loading up their carts with 2, 4, 6 or 8+ items! Retail workers were spread thin and had to deal with angry, panicked customers that circled them LIKE VULTURES! And like many doctors and nurses, THEY are on the “front lines” and are “most exposed” to anyone who might have the virus!

And just a few hours after Trump declared an emergency, the shelves were becoming BARE! And then the people who REALLY needed stuff (i.e. elderly, hospitals, etc.) were NOT able to get them! It was such a sad, chaotic site! People had to start going from store to store at the crack of dawn or whenever the store opened and go there day after day after day, just to see if the trucks came in! (i.e. It really sucks when you have to worry about WHEN you’re gonna be able to buy disinfectant wipes, paper towels, toilet paper, etc.!)

But one thing is true: we live in a dog eat dog world and EACH individual family/person is only most likely to be looking out for themselves! Sad but true! JESUS WOULD CRY BITTER, BITTER TEARS IF HE WERE TO SEE HOW PEOPLE (AS A WHOLE) WERE GREEDILY TREATING ONE ANOTHER TODAY!

(And lets face it, how many darn rolls of toilet paper or cans of Lysol does a person truly need, anyways? And believe me, that question goes just as much for MYSELF as anyone else! I’ll admit that in the VERY beginning of the crises, I myself did a very small part of panic buying to help me & my elderly neighbors. But then the Lord CONVICTED me on such measures and I realized that PANIC does NOT equal FAITH! We must have FAITH! For if the Lord provided for the ANCIENT nation of Israel in THEIR time of need, what makes anyone think that He also can’t do so during OUR time of need – provided we still come at him with a humble, repentant, appreciative HEART? It stands to reason!)

IF you have an elderly neighbor or neighbors, or anyone around you who is poor/in-need or immune-compromised (i.e. has cancer or is a most recent cancer survivor and/or has another underlying medical condition), then please, please, PLEASE create a care package for those people and SHARE YOUR SUPPLIES! Because not only does Jesus call us to “love our neighbor as ourself”, but THAT person may be the one who ends up helping US someday if/when WE are in a “jam”, of sorts! (But again, please remember to properly SANITIZE everything before giving to the elderly/immune-compromised and do NOT give them supplies if YOU have been having a cold, cough, fever (even if only a low-grade fever) or breathing problems lately! Because remember, you’re trying to PREVENT the risk for them, NOT increase it by your OWN cold or sickness!) 

Plus a THIRD thing to remember is that we’re ALL gonna be JUDGED someday! We’re all gonna be judged for every word, thought, deed and action! So do you REALLY want to be ETERNALLY JUDGED by Jesus as “GREEDY STEVE” or “GREEDY SUSAN” or “FAITHLESS, FOREVER-PANICKING SHAUN OR JESSICA” at the time in your mortal life on Earth when your less-fortunate neighbors were in THEIR time of need? Me thinks NOT!

Fourthly, we must have F A I T H !

Hebrews 11:16 says, “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him”. 

James 2:14 “What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?”

James 2:17-22Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar? Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect?”

So in other words, faith + works seems to be MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE! You can’t have one without the other! For if you have FAITH, you need to SHOWCASE that faith to Jesus! Cause otherwise, what’s the point? Think of all the prophets of Old in the Old Testament. NONE of them had faith without works! NOT ONE! And WHY is that, do you think? Likewise, take Paul for example. He had ENORMOUS faith! But if he hadn’t of put that faith INTO ACTION, it all would’ve been for NOTHING! Cause afterall, what’s the POINT of having a FAITH in Jesus if you don’t plan to put that faith INTO ACTION? You might as well pack up your Christian bags and go home if you don’t personally plan on turning your faith into works!

And now, let us examine the EXACT OPPOSITE! Lets say you’re doing righteous works (giving to those in need, etc.) but yet, you DON’T have the FAITH that your works are pleasing to God and/or DON’T have the FAITH that your works are necessary, needed, are making a difference, etc? What would be the POINT of doing those works if you believed it made no difference and HAD no true, spiritual value?

Think about it! A lack of faith makes those “works” for NAUGHT, for NOTHING! However…….IF you have FAITH *PLUS* WORKS, you become likened unto Abraham, who was called a “friend of God!” Why? Because IN your works, you faith is PERFECTED and comes FULL CIRCLE!

For think about it a bit. If Abraham had the faith that God would resurrect his son, yet, DIDN’T offer up Isaac on an altar, (i.e. if Abraham had faith WITHOUT works), what would’ve been the POINT of Abraham’s faith? That would’ve been like Abraham saying or knowing that God had the FULL ABILITY to make Isaac become resurrected, yet, not even LETTING the perfection of faith happen THROUGH his (Abraham’s) works. That would be like one of us saying today: Jesus, I know you have the POWER to do x, y and z, so I don’t even have to ask! What’s the POINT in that, folks? If we want something, we have to trust Jesus AND we have to ask! Otherwise, the Lord Jesus will have nothing to give us in return! Think about it!

Works without faith would’ve been like an ancient Israelite fleeing the Egyptians across the Red Sea saying: “Ok God, I’ll walk across the dryshod by the Red Sea. I don’t REALLY believe you’ll keep the waves at bay AS I walk across, but I’m just gonna blindly walk across here and worryingly hope for the best”.

But yet, faith WITH works would say: “Jesus, I KNOW you have the power to keep the sea waves at bay while I and the rest of the Israelite nation walk across the dryshod. I’m gonna trust you every step of the way and KNOW that you will protect me every precious step of the way. Praise your heavenly and mighty name! Amen”. Notice the difference there, folks?

In scenario #1 and #2, there’s faith without works and works without faith. But in scenario #3, there’s faith PLUS works and/or faith being perfected/showcased THROUGH works! Is that making any sense, folks? I’ve tried to explain it the best way I can and the best way I know how.

But here is where I get into the nitty gritty of things: PANIC BUYING SHOWS A LACK OF FAITH! Remember when the Hebrew Israelites were stranded out in the desert for their “disobedience” and “lack of faith?” God had just done a MOST AMAZING miracle where he PARTED THE RED SEA and TOOK THEM OUT OF EGYPT! And they sung songs of praise (The Song of Moses) and were all happy when they stopped at a place called ELIM (a place said to have 12 springs and 70 PALMS, according to the bible; God was ‘rewarding” them for their PRAISE OF HIM, it seems….However, I think God was worried that if they stayed at “ELIM” (the “place of Oasis”) TOO LONG, that they would just as soon FORGET HIM again and think that they “didn’t need him anymore since everything was fine!”

And don’t quote me on this but I’m almost willing to bet that God felt “unsure” about the true state of their spiritual HEARTS at that time. He was likely thinking among himself rather or not their faith was “genuine” or merely “conditional” (i.e. seeing is believing sort’ve thing). Therefore, he likely reasoned with himself (and possibly his angels?) at that moment in time that it would be wise (and fair and just, even) to TEST THEM and to TEST THEIR HEART/FAITH! But in order to do that, He knew he’d have to send them AWAY from “ELIM”……away to a place that was BARREN with NO WATER, just to SEE if they trusted in HIM and HIM ALONE (The God of Israel) to PROVIDE!

And that’s sort’ve what I see happening with today’s society, TODAY! When all the conservative/Christian/patriotic people in our land cried out for an American-loving president who would help SAVE OUR JOBS, OUR ECONOMY, OUR COUNTRY and our RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, in walked President Trump! And when evil TRIED to wax worse and worse in this country and GET RID of Trump, with the heartfelt prayers of many born-again Christians, Trump PREVAILED against all clamour and all opposition! It was unlike anything I’d ever SEEN! I simply KNEW that was from the Lord above and NO OTHER REASON!

However, here’s the clincher: America has been in our “ELIM” for TOO LONG! For the past 3 years or so, we’ve had it AMAZINGLY GOOD here in America! Our military, our economy, our stocks, our jobs, our religious liberty and/or patriotism was at an ALL-TIME HIGH! In the past 2 years alone, Christians have become LACKLUSTER and LUKEWARM! Why? Because with Trump and Pence in office and the economy doing EXTREMELY well, there was (many felt) no longer a need for JESUS!

“America’s good, the economy’s good, jobs are good, so what do we need God for?” seemed to become the attitude of MANY! And it started off so subtle: David Daleiden & Sandra Merrit were charged for recording members of Planned Parenthood without their knowledge, Alex Jones was taken off the air, Christian businesses were SUED/SHUT DOWN for going against the LGBT “mafia”, etc. And those few events put ALOT of fear into Christian’s souls: “If those things can happen to THOSE Christians, then just what’s gonna happen to ME if *I* share too much about Jesus on Facebook or other social media?” many feared. And so it began. Instead of The Great Awakening, it became The Dreadful LUKEWARMING. And the hedonistic left couldn’t be any the happier! For finally, in THEIR hedonistic eyes, they had WON! They had (as a whole) overtaken the Christians and HIJACKED THE CULTURE!

Many Christians found that disheartening and got really, really discouraged, almost practically giving up, due to how evil the world is, today! However, in the past 6 months or so, there’s been some slight spiritual revival and pushback! Again, due to the DILIGENT prayers of the born-again Christians in this country and around the world, the left FINALLY saw some pushback! And when this pushback received a few GREAT VICTORIES for Christians in this country and around the world, the praising of God/Jesus didn’t last too long!

For once again, AFTER those short great victories, the Christians (as a whole) once again let things go to their head, once again put Jesus on the back burner as they went about their daily lives and once again FORSOOK HIM! That’s when Jesus and the heavenly council in heaven decided they had NO CHOICE but to SHAKE THINGS UP IN THIS COUNTRY (AND OTHER COUNTRIES AROUND THE WORLD) IN ORDER TO DRASTICALLY GET OUR ATTENTION!

Let us now turn back to the story of the Israelites out in the desert for 40 years. AFTER they left “Elim”, guess what happened? They were taken to a place with NO WATER and IMMEDIATELY began to GRIPE AND COMPLAIN to Moses (a foreshadowing of Jesus, of sorts) ABOUT the lack of water and accused God of “sending them out there to DIE!” That was a pretty tall and severe accusation, back in ancient biblical times! And God did NOT take that one lightly!

Imagine if you, a parent, made a most amazing meal for your child and they talked about how delicious it was and how much they appreciated it. The next day, around the same time you made the previous day’s meal, you didn’t make the meal right away but instead were waiting on the child to politely WAIT on you or politely ask you to make one. And what a good, blessed meal you wanted to make them! But instead of waiting and trusting you and/or POLITELY asking you to make one, your child just griped, yelled, complained, threw a fit and immediately accused you of wanting to starve them to death (literally, not figuratively!) Imagine how you would FEEL!

If God had truly wanted to kill the Israelites, he could’ve drowned them in the sea WITH the Egyptians but he didn’t. Why? Because his goal was to SAVE them, not CONDEMN THEM! (“For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved” – John 3:17)

We are at such a place NOW in our lives, folks! We are at that crossroads where we’re gonna have to decide (not only individually but as a NATION): Are we gonna turn back from our sins (as individuals AND as a nation) and TRUST GOD or are we gonna keep DEFYING GOD and decide to PERMANENTLY AND IRREPARABLY invite GOD’S WRATH upon our nation (and possibly upon the world) instead? We’ve NEVER, EVER, EVER been at a more CRITICAL time in our world’s and nation’s history!

So in conclusion, here are the FIVE things I’ve touched on so far in this post: FAITH, REPENTANCE, TRUST OF JESUS, PRAISING OF JESUS and WORKS! If you lack ANY of these FIVE, ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE (Matthew 7:7-8 states: “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened”). 

Now……what about those people who have lost their jobs and/or their homes so far? What’s in store for THEM, you may ask? Well, we can turn to the bible for the answers:

  • In the Old Testament, we read about a guy named Job (pronounced Yobe). He was a rich servant of God. Satan said to God that the ONLY reason Job was a good faithful servant is BECAUSE he was rich. So Satan challenged God to take away all that Job had, in order to see rather or not Job would curse God in the process. In the end, Job learned to TRUST GOD and he regained TEN-FOLD what he had lost!
  • In the New Testament, we read a parable that JESUS told about THE PRODIGAL SON. The youngest of the TWO brothers wanted his inheritance early and went out and spent it all. He ended up sweeping up pig poop for a living and eating the scraps the pigs left behind. Suddenly realizing his “condition”, he determined to go back to his father as a “hired servant”, telling his father he was “wrong”. But upon seeing him from a distance, his father RAN to meet him and embrace him and put fine clothes and linen on him and had a feast of homecoming for him!

Therefore, what can we gather and GLEAN from those two situations? In the FIRST scenario, the prophet Job decides to PRAISE GOD IN GOOD TIMES *AND* IN BAD TIMES, realizing that God is SOVEREIGN and ONLY takes away something from someone if he thinks that person can glean SPIRITUAL ENDURANCE and SPIRITUAL GROWTH from it. And WHEN Job praised God (even amongst all clamour and opposition), he received back TENFOLD what he lost!

Therefore, his “riches” became TEN times greater AFTER trusting God through it all! And in the 2ND scenario, the poor son LOST EVERYTHING (EVERY PENNY) and was forced to work in the LOWEST OF LOW OCCUPATIONS. However, as soon as he REPENTED and came back home to his father, he was DILIGENTLY REWARDED!

So what do we learn from all of this? IT PAYS TO TRUST IN THE LORD! NO MATTER WHAT! No matter how bad it gets, you are NEVER ALONE and you are NEVER out of the reach of Almighty God, so remember that, people! Remember also HOW MUCH the Israelites were blessed EVERY single time they TRUSTED GOD but also how they were CURSED or TESTED every time they did NOT trust God or FULLY trust God!

For example, even though MOSES trusted God – for the first few seconds, even Moses HIMSELF was probably thinking something along the lines of: Cast my stick towards the Deep Red Sea? But what if the ENTIRE SEA turns into a big, gigantic SNAKE MONSTER? What then? – my guess is that the majority of the Israelites did NOT or only PARTIALLY trusted God at best, during the Red Sea crossing. They likely had the attitude of: Well, MAYBE this will work out and we’ll be protected, who knows, really?

In other words, they had a half-hearted FAITH! There’s no doubt in my mind that the Lord blessed the nation of Israel at “ELIM” on the ACCOUNT of Moses’s faith during the Red Sea crossing! Just like there’s now no doubt in my mind that the good Lord has previously blessed our nation of America (and other nations around the world) on ACCOUNT of the diligent prayers (AND FAITH) of His faithful ones! But when the Israelites came to the next stop and there was NO WATER, that’s where the TRUE TESTING OF THEIR HEARTS BEGAN!

Therefore, America (and other countries around the world) have HAD their fair share of experiencing “ELIM”. NOW is the TIME OF TESTING! Only, the difference is, THIS IS THE LAST STOP! This is the LAST MAJOR TEST before THE GREAT EVENT that’ll quickly super-cede or USHER IN THE ANTICHRIST/Mark of the Beast/New World Order Society!

So therefore, HOW we act at THIS TIME (as individuals AND as a nation) will determine the FINAL OUTCOME! Will we TURN BACK TO JESUS AND RIGHTEOUSNESS before it’s too late, REPENTING of all our SINS (individually AND nationally) or will we CONTINUE to DEFY JESUS and his commands (as individuals and as a nation) and INVOKE GOD’S COMPLETE WRATH UPON OUR NATION, ONCE AND FOR ALL? Only time will tell.

While I don’t know what sins you need to repent of as an INDIVIDUAL (that’s between you and Jesus), I DO know all the SINS that America MUST REPENT OF, AS A NATION: (NOTE: many things on this “list” of national sins can apply to other countries of the world, too, such as “abortion and the lobbying/funding for it”, “euthanasia”, “LGBT sodomy”, etc.) 

  • The PROFITEERING from Big Pharma!!!!!!

That’s quite a long, long list of national sins, folks! And remember, national sins come about when a LARGE NUMBER OF PEOPLE commit the same exact sin(s) and then call it “OK!” One thing is for sure, though. We need Jesus and we need JESUS *NOW!*

Tomorrow’s not guaranteed! This country (America) or any OTHER country of the world might be BOMBED tomorrow by an long-range missile! There could be a giant earthquake or other national disaster! The power grid might be attacked! The INTERNET might go down! All the world banks and the global economy might COLLAPSE! ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! So PLEASE: I beg you, I IMPLORE YOU, if there’s ANYTHING you need to repent of (and I do mean ANYTHING), REPENT OF IT NOW, TONIGHT! FOR TOMORROW’S NOT GUARANTEED! 5-10 MINUTES FROM NOW IS NOT GUARANTEED! I SAY THIS IN YESHUA’S (JESUS’S) HOLY BIBLICAL NAME! KING OF KINGS, AND LORD AND LORDS, PLEASE HAVE MERCY UPON AMERICA AND ALL COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD! AMEN!