Nothing makes me spiritually cringe more in this world than hearing the dreaded three words: “God Told Me”.

A). The word “God”, in and of itself, is just SO VAGUE and could technically mean just about ANYTHING (Krishna, Satan, Allah, etc.)

B). Using God’s name IN that generic way doesn’t give Him true reverence

C). Those dreaded three words 99% of the time are oftentimes followed by words of things NOT APPROVED BY THE BIBLE

D). Those professing the dreaded three words are either PURPOSELY misleading people and/or are HIGHLY SPIRITUALLY DECEIVED

E). Spiritually “lost” people often try to use the name of God to RATIONALIZE certain ungodly thinking/behaviors

Now, most true born-again Christians will no doubt be smart enough to realize if what the “God told me” person says is NOT biblical. But what about all the lost and/or lukewarm souls out there that DON’T know if something is truly biblical or not? What THEN? That’s precisely why I’m writing this post!

I believe that a good majority of the “God Told Me” people (not all but MOST) are more than likely either TRYING to deceive as many people as they can and/or trying to “rationalize” thinking/behavior that actually goes AGAINST the bible. Why? I theorize it’s because they have an “aversion” to the gospel and seem to get a special kick out of deceiving others and/or demeaning Christians and/or Jesus and the scriptures by doing so. Again: it goes back to FEAR/ENVY; they are secretly fearful/jealous, knowing that a born-again Christian/Christians will end up in “heaven”, while knowing that they themselves are on a path to hell/eternal destruction.

That is WHY I think they get such “satisfaction” in putting Christians down and mocking “having a spiritual relationship with Christ” by the “God Told ME” things, etc. But yet, a few small number of them aren’t consciously trying to deceive others, it’s just that they themselves are deceived. And some of them, I honestly can’t tell if the person is truly deceived or is actively TRYING to deceive others or both. But nevertheless, the number of such cases of “God Told Me” have increased by LEAPS AND BOUNDS within the last few years! And it’s not JUST in Christian pulpits, but in many other social avenues as well.

Not to mention that it’s a question about AUTHORITY. These people oftentimes don’t like the “idea” of a being that’s “higher” than them and “more powerful than them” having any type of AUTHORITY over them and their eternal destiny. So it’s sort of like a “joke” to them. “Really? Well, GOD TOLD ME that ________ is OK, so whatever”. In other words, they’re trying to create their OWN authority in their own mind in order to usurp God’s BIBLICAL/SCRIPTURAL AUTHORITY in order to feel more “powerful” and “in control”; in control of their OWN destiny.  

“God Told Me”. To ME, it always reminds me of Satan’s lie to Eve in the Garden of Eden, in Genesis 3:1 which states:

“Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden”.

Many “spiritually lost” people (such as LGBT sodomites) are looking for ACCEPTANCE. Because hey, if the MAJORITY of human beings and society so-called “accepts them”, then how could a so-called “just God” not ALSO “accept them?” Because hey, they never harmed animals or killed anyone, right? (Sadly, THOSE LGBT folks will be SADLY MISTAKEN on the Lord’s Day of Eternal Judgement, as will ALL so-called “Christian people” who “loved/supported” their “sodomite practices” while still on the Earth!)

“God Told Me”. Think about those words IN CONTEXT, folks; they’re so freakin’ MANIPULATIVE, in retrospect! Because hey, if “God” so-called told Susan it’s OK to have an affair on your husband if he’s emotionally distant or told Steve it’s OK to have sex with another man, then that MUST mean that the TRULY born-again Christian is not TRULY hearing from “the God of the bible”, while the so-called “God told me” person IS, correct? (Note: Please notice the total sarcasm in my sentence there). In other words, those words are meant to SPIRITUALLY DISTORT and CONFUSE what it TRULY means to “hear from the God of the Bible”.

Many people today base the gospel/their concept of Jesus & salvation solely on their FEELINGS; what they THINK Jesus and/or eternal salvation should be like. In other words, many people these days create a FALSE “Jesus” in their minds that they’re “comfortable with”, and NOT a BIBLICAL JESUS who FROWNS UPON SIN and calls on us to REPENT OF OUR SINS! “My Jesus would never do this/that”, they oftentimes say. But what they don’t realize is that a “Jesus” based on FEELINGS is NO TRUE JESUS AT’TALL! In other words, a “Jesus” based on FEELINGS rather on BIBLICAL FACT can NOT and will NOT eternally save them from their sins! For the false Jesus they create in their minds/hearts based on FEELINGS doesn’t really exist AT ALL – other than in form of SATAN HIMSELF!

Imagine if someone were to come along and write a biography of your life. But instead of writing ACCURATELY about your life based on FACTS, the person INSTEAD wrote a biography on you based on what they WANTED you to be like in life or what they FELT you SHOULD be like! That would NOT in ANY way, shape or form truly reflect who you ARE as a person AT ALL! It would ALL be based on LIES, more or less! So it is with Jesus when we CREATE a Jesus in our minds that we’re “comfortable with!”

“God Told Me”. This is actually borderline blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, folks! Think about it! “God Told Me’. When you speak or even do so much as THINK those words in your mind, you are more or less stating that YES, the “God of the Bible” has INDEED told you something! Therefore, BEFORE you announce it publicly or speak those words audibly to a friend, family member, coworker, etc., you had better make DARNED SURE it WAS the “God of the Bible” who told you that and NOT SATAN, the enemy!

Lets go back to Genesis 3:1 again. The VERY FIRST LINE says: “Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made”. Many people read and hear these words and don’t even THINK about what they TRULY MEAN! They might possibly have this visual image in their minds of a serpent “hiding” and “slithering” in the grass, thus, being “more subtle” than other creatures more easily seen. But what the passage is REALLY SAYING is that Satan IS THE MOST DECEIVING, CRAFY THING EVER LIVED/EVER CREATED!

And he’s “subtle”. What does THAT mean? It means he comes in VERY SNEAKILY……if you’re not actively watching for him, he’ll creep into your life, heart, soul, mind and body unawares, in other words! He doesn’t come out with full guns blazing announcing: “Hi, I’m Satan and I’m here to deceive you”. First, he’ll TEMPT YOU by what “seems” reasonable. And then, he’ll try to get you to RATIONALIZE THE SIN(S)! 

Let me give an example. Most people are granted 15 minute breaks at their work, in addition to the occasional lunch break (if they’re lucky, that is). Satan comes in and sneakily says things like: “Oh, come on, take an extra 5 minutes and make it a 20 minute break, you’ve worked hard today so you’ve earned it, nobody’s gonna care or notice!” In other words, he’s very subtle. He won’t appear to you at work and demand you to take the extra 5 minutes. He’ll TEMPT you (very subtly) to take the EXTRA 5 minutes and even try to get you to RATIONALIZE IT. And since an extra 5 minutes “doesn’t seem like a big deal” to most, that’s how he gets away with it.

Another thing he might do is tempt a married man with a beautiful, young coworker. “Oh, come on, it’s OK to look at her and admire her beauty. Afterall, that’s how God biologically wired men, right? To appreciate a woman’s beauty, right? There’s no shame or harm in it!” 

Or he might TEMPT a person to watch an ungodly movie or TV show. “Oh, come on, it’s just mere entertainment, right? This won’t affect your soul at all! The people who say that have got WWWAAAYYY too much time on their hands and/or are taking things WAY too seriously, way too legalistically! Jesus never meant for humans to take things way too legalistically like The Pharisees, come on, now!”

And here’s the SCARY thing, folks! WHAT Satan says in those scenarios actually sounds “reasonable”, perhaps even “biblical”. That’s why we have to be EVER SO CAREFUL about what we THINK “the God of the Bible” is telling us or NOT telling us!

I sort’ve touched on the subject briefly in my other post entitled: “Biblical Confirmation: What It Is & How To Get It”

But ultimately, the words “God Told Me” boils down to SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT. And it’s a skill that’s SERIOUSLY LACKING in today’s world! For we are now living in the “Name It and Claim It” Movement; a movement that believes that Jesus “is our personal genie” and can give us WHATEVER WE WANT – provided we pray for it and have faith for it! 

Folks, truth be told, you can have FAITH about something ALL DAY LONG – but if it’s NOT the Lord’s will, then the “thing” in question ain’t happening! ALOT of people MISTAKE Desire for “Faith”. Trust me, the two are NOT mutually exclusive!!!!!!! Desire does NOT automatically equal Faith and Faith does not automatically equal Desire! Make sense?  

Perhaps an Ivy League student wants to go to Harvard and has their heart set on Harvard but the Lord instead wants to them to go to YALE! And that could be for ANY number of reasons: perhaps their future spouse is at Yale, or perhaps their upcoming medical partner that will help them develop a cure for cancer is at Yale. We simply don’t know, in this scenario. 

“I want this thing to happen, therefore, I’m gonna have FAITH that this thing is gonna happen”. Having FAITH in something won’t automatically make the desire HAPPEN! (Believe me, I’ve had to learn this lesson MORE THAN ONCE in my life!) Because if our desire – whatever it may be – is actually NOT the Lord’s will? Then guess what – that thing will NEVER come to pass – no matter how BADLY we want that thing/those things to happen!

John 16:23 says, “And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you”. 

Many people get tripped up by that verse. They think we can just spiritually ask for ANYTHING and that it will automatically be granted to us IF we have faith. (Not that much different from when people fast and then DEMAND that Jesus do something for them!) But WHAT we ask for HAS to be within the confines of the Lord’s WILL! Because if not?

Imagine your own six-year-old child asking you for the unreasonable. “Mom, Dad, can I stay out all night and hang out downtown all by myself until 5am?” What reasonable and rational parent is going to say “yes” to that? Think about it, folks! Even the most LIBERAL of liberal parents, I THINK, would have somewhat hesitation with that request. Yet, if our child CHANGES the request to, “Mom, Dad, can I stay at my friend ______’s house until 9pm? My friend just got this new video game and we want to play it for a couple of hours after dinner?”. Now, if it’s a Friday or Saturday night, we would most likely say yes or “we’ll see”, IF the friend and the friend’s parents are trust-worthy people and IF the game is not too violent and gory, etc. But if it’s a school night? No way! 

So it is with Jesus. If we – his spiritual children – make REASONABLE and RATIONAL requests – requests that are WITHIN the CONFINES of His Will – then He’s far more likely to say “Yes” or “We’ll See”. But IF what we ask him is NOT within the confines of His Will? Then it won’t happen, PERIOD! Sometimes even “reasonable” or “rational” things that we ask Him are STILL not His will (i.e. “Jesus, can you please cure my aunt Sally of cancer?” Outcome: perhaps it’s just aunt Sally’s time to go and no begging, pleading or praying on our part will change the outcome. Or “Jesus, can you give me a higher paying job?” Outcome: Jesus denies our request since there’s very specific reasons He wants us in our current job(s), etc). 

Therefore, NOT ONLY are the words “God Told Me” misleading and possibly blasphemous at best, but they’re also a question about AUTHORITY. On WHOSE Authority are those words made or claimed? The true, biblical Jesus is based on SCRIPTURE, NOT on FEELINGS! So when people say the words “God Told Me”, why do they say “God” instead of “Jesus”? Are they too AFRAID to say “JESUS Told Me” knowing full well that the world will judge them much more harshly at the just the mere mention of Jesus, etc? Or are they secretly deathly afraid of God’s Judgement if they say “Jesus Told Me” since they know full well the spiritual implications if they’re not 100% sure it was “Jesus” who told them something?   

When a person says “God Told Me’, (and again, WHICH technical “god” are they referring to, there? No-one knows….?) they’re giving THEMSELVES “Authority” over scripture! That’s why they had ALL better make DANG SURE that the authority that they’re giving themselves in their statement is 100% SCRIPTURE-BACKED! For if it’s NOT 100% SCRIPTURE-BACKED, then why even say, think or utter those words AT ALL, ESPECIALLY PUBLICLY? Think about it, folks! 

Anyways, this article truly grieved my soul to pieces! Is this woman PURPOSELY trying to lead people spiritually astray or is she truly THAT spiritually deceived?

Well, I pray in the name of Almighty Yeshua that Nita Marie will soon meet Jaime Hindman, an ex-stripper who now preaches about the TRUE biblical Jesus to current strippers: