Posts tagged ‘God’s Word’

IMPORTANT: What Jesus WANTS For *Godly Relationships!*

For those who don’t yet know my testimony or my story, I’ll give a brief overview here:

I had met Jesus personally during a couple of near-death experiences (one at around 23 months of age and another at just 14 years old). And at age 19, I knew who Jesus was. I had a huge children’s illustrated bible at my disposal (shortly after near-death experience #1), as well as the “official” KJV version I took from a ski resort condo when I was 15.

But at age 19-20, I still had NO IDEA what a “Christian” even WAS, the full extent to WHAT Jesus had done for mankind on the cross, or about any of the “meanings” of the words (“grace”, “born again”, “salvation”, etc.) of what I was reading in the “official” version of the KJV bible I was reading. I was really struggling to understand what it all meant. Well, one day in the mail, I got a invitation to a play (put on by a church) called: “Heaven’s Gate and Hell’s Flames”.

At first, I didn’t want to go. I thought I’d feel like the odd one out compared to all the people who’d been going to church their whole lives! However, after some grappling with the Lord over it, (i.e. remember when Moses got nervous about being the spokesman of Israel?) I decided to bite the bullet and take a chance and go, anyways! Well, I’m glad I did! First of all, I guy I had gone to High-School with had played the part of one of the angels! So hey, atleast I knew SOMEONE there, right?

And after the play, they handed out some FREE literature (Specifically, a small, brand-new pocket-sized “God’s Word: New Testament & Psalms). They told me to read it, look over it and then call them if I had any questions about what I was reading. They also assigned to me something called a “prayer accountability partner”, even though I didn’t really know what that meant at the time. And even though I was grateful for the FREE play and FREE literature, I was still somewhat hesitant about “attending church”. I just felt OVERWHELMED!

So I didn’t end up becoming a member of that church. Instead, I thanked them for the free bible and begun to read that God’s Word translation from cover to cover at home, in my own free time. But what really got me were the very first introductory pages! They just explained things to me SO WELL! Plus they even put the most important things IN BOLD! I knew that Jesus had some wonderful things in store for me by having them give me that easy-to-understand version of the New Testament! It’s just exactly what I needed at that time!

And as I begin to read and pour over the pages, I FINALLY began to understand what all those “words” meant (i.e. “grace”, “born again”, “salvation”), about what Jesus did, about how we’re all sinners and about how ONLY Jesus can save us from our sins! And so once I felt I had a firm grasp and understanding on THAT God’s Word translation, I quickly decided I was then gonna read the “official” King James Version, cover to cover, no matter how long it took!

(Please keep in mind that I had NO job at this point, had broken up with my S.O. AND had gotten kicked out of college! I was living off of savings/credit cards at that point. So for 8 months straight, that’s how Jesus orchestrated that time in my life so that it was just me and Him at that time! And what a wonderful BLESSING that turned out to be! Jesus was giving me a break from EVERYTHING and EVERYONE so that I could PEACEFULLY learn more about HIM and HIS GOSPEL!)

I understood most of everything I had read and was “amazed” at all the “love stories” (Boaz and Ruth, Jacob and Rachel, Isaac and Rebekah) that I had read! And I was young and filled with promise! I thought: “Hey, if it could happen to these folks in the bible, it can happen to ME, too!” I had this idea or picture in my mind that I’d meet my spouse by the age of 25, have kids by 30, and have a house by 35! In fact, don’t we ALL have pre-conceived notions in our mind like that?

So even though I had the KNOWLEDGE of Jesus and his gospel by age 21, I didn’t quite yet have the FAITH in Jesus that’s required! And so, for many years afterwards, that LACK OF FAITH in Jesus (concerning my love-life and considering other areas of my life) did me some SERIOUS HARM!

In fact, I was “mad at Jesus” for not bringing me a spouse for such a long, long time! I’m ashamed to even type this across the page but my “thoughts” for a LONG time concerning my love-life were the following: Jesus, you bring EVERYONE ELSE a spouse but not ME! Why? What’s wrong with ME? What are you punishing ME for? What wrong have “I” done against thee? Why am “I” not so-called deserving of a spouse but yet, other people seemingly ARE? Those people don’t even worship you AT ALL and they got a spouse before me! Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Tell me WHY!!!!???” 

I ended up not only being angry and bitter for MANY YEARS towards a few people that had majorly hurt me in my life but I also later ended up in FOUR consecutive abusive relationships! (Note: I had gotten so tired of “waiting on God” at that particular point in my life that I decided to “take matters into my own hands”).

Though none of them were physically abusive (I atleast got lucky in THAT regard), they were all emotionally, psychologically, mentally and SPIRITUALLY ABUSIVE! They CUT AWAY at my self-esteem, made me doubt myself, somewhat made me doubt God/Jesus, tampered with my faith, got me feeling VERY hopeless and depressed and ALMOST completely RUINED ME as a Christian! 

I had SO MUCH HATE in my heart towards the individuals who hurt me. “How could they?” I thought: “Jesus, how could you ALLOW that to happen to me at the hands of these people? Don’t you care about me AT ALL, Jesus? I was in this bitter, bitter place of anger, hurt, resentment, restlessness and mental/emotional ANGUISH! I was TORMENTED by the angered hatred I felt for those those individuals!

Odd thing is, I didn’t even really WANT to hate those individuals but my PRIDE got in the way of that! Even when Jesus gently said to me in my spirit: Told ya so! You should’ve listened to me and done things MY way, instead of your OWN way”, I was STILL stubborn about it. “But you don’t understand, Lord! You don’t understand what it’s like to be ME!” And the Lord seemed to say to me in my spirit, in response: “I CREATED you! I know you better than you even know YOURSELF!” 

It wasn’t really until I was about 30 years old or so that Jesus began to “soften” my heart towards the individuals who had hurt me and I began to see how my hate and resentment was EATING AWAY AT ME ON THE INSIDE! The Holy Spirit even revealed to me that my “hate” was eating away at MY SOUL! Wow! What a powerful, convicting description!

Eventually, I surrendered all that hurt, anger, fear, resentment to Jesus. I prayed: “Jesus, I don’t WANT to hate or resent anymore, it’s already taken SO MUCH from me! I WANT to be able to FORGIVE, so please HELP ME to FORGIVE and MOVE ON, as I know I can’t do it alone……only WITH your divine help, Lord!

And ya know what? Jesus IS faithful and true! He DID help me to forgive them. He pointed out SEVERAL things to me. First of all, he informed me that the people who hurt me were themselves hurting on the inside. Secondly, they didn’t even fully consciously realize how much they had hurt me. Thirdly, Jesus wanted me to know that it wasn’t my fault and that their OWN healing would ALSO someday come about BY my forgiving them! Wow! Such powerful words of wisdom!

And AS I forgave them [Jesus had me starting out by writing “forgiveness letters” to each person who had hurt me – though I had never hand-delivered the letters to them personally], I felt SO MUCH BAGGAGE lift OFF of me and my SPIRIT! I felt FREE for the first time in a VERY long time! My SOUL felt FREE! I felt PEACE! I felt LOVE! I felt JOY! I felt CONTENTMENT!

I no longer had “heart palpitations” or “anxiety attacks!” It was like a HUGE ANCHOR had been LIFTED off of me! I no longer felt “weighed down” by anger and hate! In fact, I was the happiest I had ever been! In fact, people started to notice. The relationships with the people who had hurt me began to DRASTICALLY improve! It was nothing short of a MIRACLE! (This was when I was around age 34 or so, I believe?)

However, even at 34, there was still alot of “spiritual work” to be done! Because at THAT point in my life, I STILL had no idea about the TRUTH about church history, the Judeo roots of Christianity, etc. I would learn all of that later (like, age 36 or so). It’s funny how the Lord reveals things to me in “stages”. Sometimes, I wish he’d reveal things to me all at once, but that’s a different post for a different day! 😉 Jesus has also (in the last several months) helped me to soften my heart towards HIMSELF, concerning certain things in my life! 

Okay, now fast forward to today. Even though I’ve been a Christian for about 20 years now, I’ve only most recently learned what Jesus expects for a GODLY RELATIONSHIP (be it a relationship, a friendship, a marriage, etc.) And what I learned in the series just BLEW ME AWAY! Wow! How had I not ever seen this before? And then I got to thinking. How many OTHERS out there have not seen this before? Probably SEVERAL

I’ve most recently viewed an 8-part series and a powerful one-hour+ sermon on the matter. And ALL of them were eye-opening! And ALL of them ask the same questions: “Am I seeking a spouse with the RIGHT spiritual mind, heart and attitude before God? If not, why? If so, is it GOD’S time for me to have a spouse yet? If not, am I willing to wait on God instead of giving in to my own selfish desires? And if already married, am I bringing Christ INTO the marriage?” 

I will embed all the videos down below. [NOTE: PLEASE GET OUT A PEN AND PAPER AND TAKE LOTS OF NOTES!!!!!] I pray and hope that these will help you and enlighten you as much as they helped and enlightened ME! 😉 The first video is entitled “5 Keys To Identifying Your SoulMate” by Toure Roberts in L.A. and the next SEVERAL videos are the 8-PART series by Michael Todd from Transformation Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma!

China’s “Social Credit Score”: Coming To A Town Near YOU! (Mark of the Beast, Part FOUR)

Hello all! My last SEVERAL posts have had to do with The Mark of the Beast and/or Artificial Technology! And that’s because we’re ever SO MUCH CLOSER to when the Mark of the Beast and the new “Mark of the Beast SOCIETY” will be unveiled! In fact, it even sends chills up my spine to think about just HOW MUCH CLOSER we are to that time! I pray that myself and ALL OTHERS will be PREPARED for that time for it’ll come here IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE!

Now, for those of you who haven’t yet heard yet or are unaware, things over in China are now “heating up” for The Mark of the Beast “System!” They now have over there in China (I kid you NOT) what’s called a “Social Credit Score!”

Basically, this is not a FINANCIAL Credit Score but a “SOCIAL” Credit Score! Let me explain. The Communist Gov’t of China wants to know just how “loyal” to Communism/The Communist Gov’t that average, everyday Chinese citizens are. And their “Social Credit Score” is based on precisely HOW loyal the are to the Chinese Gov’t! (Folks, is that CREEPY or what!?)

Anyways, the more “loyal” a Chinese citizen is to the Chinese Gov’t/Communism, the more “higher” their “Social Credit Score” is and the more “rights” and “privileges” they have, such as the right to “fly/travel out of the country”, etc.! Can you BELIEVE it, folks? And ofcourse, the “less” loyal a Chinese citizen is “deemed” to be to the Chinese Gov’t/Communism (no wonder HOW well of a “citizen” that person has been up until THIS POINT), the LESS “rights” and “privileges” they have! (IT’S A TOTALLY DRACONIAN SOCIETY, FOLKS!)

What’s ALSO interesting to note about China is that China has now cracked down pretty hard lately on “Christians” and “Christian churches”. [But yet, Christianity is “exploding in secret numbers” in China right now! That’s WHY the Chinese Gov’t is so fearful of Christians/the sheer RISE of number in them!) And the “Social Credit Score” is just a FURTHER way by which to persecute, imprison and ostracize Chinese Christians living in China!

Here, Anita Fuentes of the End Times ministry called “Open Your Eyes People/EMOAF” [not MY ministry, just to specify] gives an EXCELLENT & INFORMATIVE “sermonette” on the matter (and also talks about what’s going on over in India – as it pertains to the Mark of the Beast – China’s next door neighbor, geographic-wise):


“ABC News Australia” ALSO did an excellent segment on the subject:


Some say that it’s not yet fully implemented, yet. However, all the staggering “signs” are there, already! They got the tech, they got the “know how”. They’ve probably even ALREADY have got all the “logistics algorithms” (i.e. A.I. computer programming) into place. The ONLY thing they’re waiting on (I imagine) is THE GREEN LIGHT! (The Green Light ofcourse being THE “Green Light” that THE ANTICHRIST gives them!)

Lets face it, folks. The elite of EVERY world country very likely ALREADY gots “The Mark of the Beast” System up and ready to go. Yet, they are ALL waiting on ONE thing – THE GREEN LIGHT BY THE ANTICHRIST! Because UNTIL that Green Light is given, they have NO POWER OR AUTHORITY to act before HIS “OK!” (And indirectly – ironically enough – by waiting on The “Antichrist’s” Green Light, they’re actually also indirectly waiting on God’s Green Light, as well!)

You see, the Antichrist can’t really do anything outside of Satan’s will just like Satan can’t do anything outside of God’s will! (Note: please read “The Book of Job” in the Old Testament for more information, if you want or need to get a much richer understanding of God’s power vs. Satan’s “limited power!”)

China (and India) are no doubt some of the leaders in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (and especially when it comes to *unleashing it* on their citizens!) China is a Communist country…….it probably started out as a Socialist country…….and then went right on over to Communism……And ironically enough, that’s honestly what many Democrats want to do to the country of America………turn it into a SOCIALIST COUNTRY! Forget personal property rights! Forget individual rights! The Gov’t would then own EVERYTHING! (Pretty scary to think about, isn’t it, folks!)

So why are we now talking about “Democrats” on a “religious God-fearing blog?” Because the Democrats (as a whole) want to turn this American country into China, into Cuba, into Venezuela! And with erosion of property rights and personal rights also go RELIGIOUS RIGHTS! But again, isn’t that what Mark of the Beast and Mark of the Beast SOCIETY is ALL ABOUT? The EROSION of INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS and the TOTAL INCREASE BY LEAPS AND BOUNDS OF ALL **GOV’T RIGHTS?**

OFCOURSE all the Ocasio-Cortezs’ and Bernie Sanders’ of the Democrats want Socialism……..THEY are a part of the Gov’t, therefore, THEIR paycheck or individual and/or property rights won’t be affected! But OURS **will**, if Socialism ever truly takes root in this country of America! (That’s why it’s ever so important to VOTE REPUBLICAN on Tuesday, November 6, 2018 at the U.S. Mid-term Elections! To make sure that RELIGIOUS LIBERTY REIGNS!)

But going back to the subject of the Antichrist and China’s “Social Credit Score”. Folks, other countries of the world already have THEIR VERSION OF IT! Do you honestly think that YOUR COUNTRY (be it whatever country of the world it might be, outside of China or India) is IMMUNE? HA! Your country (be it whatever country outside of China or India it might be) likely already has its OWN form of “logistic algorithms” (i.e. computer programming) in place! FACEBOOK no doubt plays a HUGE ROLE in all of this! FACEBOOK IS SO DEEPLY ENGRAVED IN A.I. THAT IT’S NOT EVEN FUNNY!

And someday soon, my guess is that THOSE in China with a low “Social Credit Score” will NOT be able to access their “Facebook” or ANY FORM OF SOCIAL MEDIA! Welcome to “The New World”, folks! And believe me, what’s happening over in China right now is JUST THE VERY BEGINNING! Jesus is actually showing US, up close and personal, about what the “experience” of The Mark of the Beast society will BE LIKE, since like I’ve said in SEVERAL blog posts of most recently, The Mark of the Beast is JUST AROUND THE CORNER!

Many Christians are in denial today and think that “The Social Credit Score” can’t happen to THEM/their country! But they need to start thinking AGAIN! For what starts off in China WILL SOON SPREAD OUT TO OTHER COUNTRIES! The elite has just started putting everything out in the open and doesn’t even try to hide anything anymore! And the sad thing is that most people – specifically Christians – are STILL unaware!

Now, will ONE country’s version of “The Social Credit Score” be exactly the same as ANOTHER country’s version of it? Only time will tell. But the end results will be exactly the same, regardless: individual and religious rights will be taken away so that “Big Brother” (Gov’t) will GAIN all “rights” over the people!

But folks, we got to start preparing! Because actually LIVING in the “Mark of the Beast Society” will NOT be easy, not by a LONG-SHOT! In fact, it will likely be THE MOST DIFFICULT THING IN LIFE THAT YOU OR I HAVE EVER DONE IN THE ENTIRETY OF OUR  EXISTENCE! The PRESSURE to take the Mark of the Beast and/or to try to maintain a “good Social Credit Score” will be SO GREAT! The TEMPTATION will be SO VERY NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE TO TEARS!

In fact, I can picture it NOW, even: Some Christians will be SO TEMPTED to take The Mark of the Beast for a “Good Social Credit Score” and to “get privileges” (such as traveling, buying and selling, etc.) that they’ll just break down and CRY! And then, when they and their children are not able to buy food and they just start “physically starving” (IF they start physically starving, that is), their body will likely become “sickly” and “malnourished”. And it is THEN that the temptation to take he Mark of the Beast will be  THE STRONGEST…….when the person is MOST PHYSICALLY WEAK!

But in fact, THAT will be the time of most “severe spiritual testing!” God wants to see if we’ll have the FAITH to endure till The End in his great, heavenly name, NO MATTER WHAT, while Satan wants to see if he can “make us crack” (i.e. create a permanent crack in the spiritual foundation that we’re supposed to have IN Christ!) Jesus ALSO wants to see if WE will have the faith that HE will provide in OUR critical time of need in the End Times!

Remember when the good Lord gave the Jewish people MANNA FROM HEAVEN during THEIR critical time of need out in the desert, a time of “severe spiritual testing?” What makes you think the good Lord will provide manna from heaven for THEM, during THEIR critical time of need, yet, totally abandon US in OUR critical time of need? Think about it, folks! The Lord NEVER CHANGES! He’s the same yesterday, tomorrow, forever! Therefore, if helped THEM during THEIR critical time of need by giving them food from heaven, the Lord will MOST CERTAINLY help his modern-day people in OUR time of need! HAVE FAITH! 

[In fact, in the following Luke 18:8 passage, Jesus “lamented” about rather or not he’d find “FAITH” on the Earth during the End Times and/or the time right before his 2nd arrival to Earth:I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?]

But folks, that’s what I mean when I say we’ve got to start preparing ourselves! We got to start fasting one day a week and start eating less, in order to prepare our bodies to “need less food”. Also as well: we must prepare ourselves SPIRITUALLY! For there will come a time, MARK MY WORDS, when ALL bibles will be BANNED, all Christian websites and churches (churches that “don’t comply with LGBT and Gov’t”, that is) will be SHUT DOWN, etc.

Do you HONESTLY think that what’s happening over in China can NOT happen here in the U.S. (or any other “Westernized country”, for that matter?) You best think again! It CAN happen and it WILL happen………..eventually! Why? Because the bible SAYS it’ll happen, that’s why!

Has the bible EVER been known to prophesy something that didn’t come true? Were ANY of the Messianic prophecies talked about in the Old Testament unfulfilled by Jesus in the New Testament? Even just ONE? The answer is a resounding NO! There’s also many people who don’t believe in Jesus, despite the fact that Jesus has been PROVEN to be an actual historical person by both non-Christian AND Christian historical accounts! [NOTE: For all you skeptics out there, please read the book entitled “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised of all the actual evidence for Jesus out there – even “secular evidence”].

But going back to both of the “segments” talking about the “Social Credit Score”. Both commentators have noted several things about it:

  • A “good score” = “rights” and “privileges”
  • A “bad score” = “rights” and “privileges” taken away
  • A “bad score” = PUNISHMENT
  • Your “score” is determined by several PERSONAL factors (the way you walk on a public street, your eating/shopping habits, your social media behavior, minor traffic infractions, etc.)
  • Your “score” is determined by how much of a “puppet” for the Gov’t at large that you’re willing to be
  • The more “sacrifices” you make for the Gov’t at large, the better your “score” is
  • ONLY Conservatives/Christians get a “bad score”
  • Your “freedom” under the Social Credit System is a FALSE FREEDOM
  • Under the “Social Credit Score” system, you’re CONSTANTLY BEING MONITORED (even IF you have a “good Social credit score”

Sounds like a “paradise utopia”, doesn’t it, folks? You give up all your rights and religious freedoms to gain a “false freedom”, only to later realize that the Gov’t at large never cared about your “religious freedom” or about YOU at all? But by the time you realize it, it’s already too late! My, my, that just sounds like “paradise”, doesn’t it, folks? {Note: Please note my sarcasm, there!}

But yet, my question is THIS: Just how much closer ARE WE to getting our OWN version of The “Social Credit Score” here in America? What, you think that JUST BECAUSE Donald J. Trump’s president here, that that sort of thing can’t happen over here in America? You are sadly mistaken! Sure, Trump can somewhat try to “delay” the elite’s ungodly agenda, but he can’t ultimately thwart it! For the bible says that the Antichrist WILL succeed in his ungodly agenda towards all mankind! Even if he must take it by force! 

But again, just WHAT would the “Social Credit Score” look like in America? Here are some possible scenarios (provided it was anything similar to China’s version):

  • You would be judged/scored on what sorts of products you bought or didn’t buy on Amazon
  • You would be judged/scored on rather or not you owned (and used) an Amazon Alexa
  • You would be judged/scored on rather or not you had (and/or used) a Facebook or other form of social media
  • You would be judged/scored on the types of things you said (or didn’t say) on Facebook or other forms of social media
  • You would be judged/scored on just how “loyal” to the American Gov’t you were
  • All Conservatives/Christians would likely be given a “Bad Score” and deemed some sort of “threat” to the Gov’t
  • You would be judged/scored on rather or not you went with “the liberal narrative” or not
  • You would be CONSTANTLY MONITORED EVERY SINGLE PLACE YOU GO – RATHER AT HOME, WORK OR BEYOND (no matter WHAT your score was, but EVEN more so if you had a “Bad Score!”) 
  • ETC. 

And folks, that might not seem “too bad” NOW……..but once the FULL REALITY of that all set in, I think alot of folks would find it rather DRACONIAN! But again, it all goes back to preparedness. Just how PREPARED are you to deal with a system like THAT? 

Here is a short checklist:

  1. If the Mark of the Beast and/or Social Credit Score happened TOMORROW, would I be prepared to deal with it? Why or why not? 
  2. If I wouldn’t be prepared for it, what steps must I take to ENSURE that I’ll be prepared for it, when the times comes?
  3. Am I ready and willing to give my VERY LIFE for Christ (i.e. be tortured, imprisoned and/or murdered for my faith in Christ) if it called for it? If not, why?
  4. If I were to die today, would I know for 100% certain that I’d go to heaven to be with Jesus? If not, why?
  5. If the Mark of the Beast/Social Credit Score thing were to happen tomorrow, is my body physically trained to deal with starvation/very little food if need be? If not, then what steps do I need to take to ensure that it is?
  6. Am I spiritually AND physically ready to “endure till the End” like Jesus commanded all his followers to do? Do I have the TOTAL FAITH OF ENDURANCE IN CHRIST? If not, what MUST I do to get physically and spiritually ready to endure “till the End of human history” and/or until I die in this life (whichever comes first?) 
  7. Do I love the Lord Jesus Christ with all my heart, soul, mind and spirit; with everything that is within me? Do I obey the commandments of God – Old AND New Testaments (i.e. 7th Day Saturday biblical sabbath, biblical holidays, biblical commands) instead of the commandments of man (i.e. Pagan Sabbath, Pagan holidays, “once saved, always saved”, etc.?) If not, WHY? And what must I do in order to change this? 

Though many will no doubt look at China’s “Social Credit Score” system as “no big deal”, it IS a big deal, it’s a VERY BIG DEAL! Why? BECAUSE IT HAS LONG-TERM BIBLICAL IMPLICATIONS AND IMPACT, THAT’S WHY

If you’ve not done much research into China’s Social Credit Score, I hope you soon will. Because it is DEFINITELY one of “The Mark of the Beast PRE-CURSORS/Foreshadowing!” And trust me, it’ll ONLY be a better of time before “The Social Credit Score” comes……….TO A TOWN NEAR YOU!


web_Social Credit rating








The “Seal of God” Vs. The “Mark of Satan” (Mark of the Beast, Part TWO):

In the bible, we read about TWO different “marks” or “seals”. One of them is the “sign” between God and his people……..[And this is talking about his “TRUE people“, NOT the people who PRETEND to be his people or the people who SAY they are his people but then turn around and do just the OPPOSITE of what God says!] And then there’s the “Mark of Satan”, which the bible calls in the book of Revelation “The Mark of the Beast”.

Both of these “marks” (God’s Mark and Satan’s Mark) are both DRASTICALLY DIFFERENT in scope and in principle but yet, they both got TWO things in common: 1). The “Promise” of Eternal Life and 2). WORSHIP!

But in order for us to get a more clearer understanding of just WHAT both of these “marks” ENTAIL, let us turn to the bible for the answer!

God’s “sign” or “seal” is mentioned in the following passages:


2 Timothy 2:19 “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity”

Revelation 9:4 “And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads”

Ephesians 4:30 “And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption”

Ephesians 1:13-14In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promiseWhich is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory”

John 6:27 Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed”

Isaiah 8:16 “Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples”

Exodus 31:13-17Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is A SIGN (i.e. “SEAL”) between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctify you. Ye shall keep the sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you: every one that defileth it shall surely be put to death: [i.e. “eternal death/condemnation”] for whosoever doeth any work therein, that soul shall be cut off from among his people. [Again, “cut off from among his people” sounds to ME like eternal death/condemnation for all those whom die in the sin of purposely profaning the 7th-day biblically-mandated Sabbath!] 

Six days may work be done; but in the seventh is the sabbath of rest, holy to the Lord: whosoever doeth any work in the sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death. Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a PERPETUAL COVENANT [i.e. ***PERMANENTLY BINDING!***]. It is A SIGN (i.e. “SEAL”) between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed”

2 Timothy 2:19 “And hallow my sabbaths; and they shall be A SIGN (i.e. SEAL) between me and you, that ye may know that I am the Lord your God”

2 Corinthians 1:22 “Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts”

Deuteronomy 6:8 “And thou shalt bind them for A SIGN [i.e. “SEAL”] upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes”

Deuteronomy 11:18 “Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for A SIGN [i.e. “SEAL”] upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes”

Revelation 14:1 “And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads

Ezekiel 9:4 “And the Lord said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set A MARK [ i.e. SEAL] upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof

Revelation 7:2-3And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having THE SEAL of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, Saying, ‘Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads‘”

Song of Solomon 8:6Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame”

Hebrews 10:16-17This is THE COVENANT [i.e. “SEAL”] that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, ‘I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write themAnd their sins and iniquities will I remember no more'”

Matthew 22:37 “Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind” [Note: That is considered part of THE SEAL of God!]

Acts 17:10-11And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews. These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so [Note: The Berean Christians being talked about in this verse are the real-life living example of Hebrews 10:16-17!]

Ephesians 4:30 “And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are SEALED unto the day of redemption

Revelation 22:4 “And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads

Ezekiel 20:20 “And hallow my sabbaths; and they shall be A SIGN [i.e. SEAL] between me and you, that ye may know that I am the Lord your God”

Galatians 6:17 “From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body THE MARKS of the Lord Jesus”

1 Peter 1:5 “Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time

James 1:18 “Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of first-fruits of his creatures


While Satan’s “Mark” (The Mark of the Beast) is mentioned in THESE following passages:


Revelation 13:4 “And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?”

Revelation 13:8 “And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the BOOK OF LIFE of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world”

Revelation 13:16-18And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six”.

Revelation 14:11 “And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name”

Revelation 16:2 “And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image”

So what can we “conclude” from all of this? In summary, we can conclude that THE SEAL OF GOD has to do with OBEYING HIS LAW (i.e. The Sabbath, loving thy neighbor as yourself, etc.) while THE MARK OF SATAN (i.e. MARK OF THE BEAST) has to do with DISOBEYING GOD’S LAW!

However, it goes SO MUCH MORE DEEPER THAN THAT! It’s not just OBEYING God’s Law that gets us “sealed” by him but also JOY and LOVE ***IN*** the obeying OF his law (as well as love of the LAW ITSELF) that gets us “sealed” by Him and For him! If that makes any sense? In other words, we must exhibit JOYFUL OBEDIENCE, obeying Jesus BECAUSE we LOVE him and LOVE doing what’s PLEASING to him, not JUST BECAUSE we feel “merely obligated” to obey him for a mere fear of hell!

In other words, an obedience that lacks joy is obedience that’s just going through the motions! And an obedience that’s just going through the motions is likened onto a faith that’s just going through the motions! And a faith that’s just going through the motions? Lets face it folks, it’s really not much of a faith AT ALL! How would WE feel, for example, if Jesus just gave us “the bare minimum?”

Would WE feel honored, treasured or loved at all, in that theoretical example? OFCOURSE NOT! We’d think to ourselves in that theoretical scenario: “Jesus, don’t you love me AT ALL? Why are YOU, who are claiming to love ME, giving ME the *bare minimum?* Aren’t I more deserving than this? Don’t I deserve more respect and consideration than this?”

So it goes with Jesus! When we give him the *bare minimum* of faith and/or obedience, we’re really not giving him much AT ALL (in spite of EVERYTHING that He’s done for us – and that’s NOT JUST his sacrifice for the forgiveness of mankind’s sins! He’s done FAR MORE for mankind – and each individual person  – than JUST THAT! Cause lets face it, folks……how many “miracles” have you seen, experienced or heard of in your life? TONS, I’m sure! And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!)

Therefore, the SEAL OF GOD has to do with OBEDIENCE! And like I said, not just ANY obedience but JOYFUL OBEDIENCE! Furthermore, if we obey God’s Law but at the same time, (secretly?) partially or fully “resent” God’s Law (in our “hearts”), then in the Lord’s eyes, we’re likely spiritually likened as the soul of an unbeliever! Why? Because the soul of the unbeliever ALSO “resents” God’s Law! Think about it, folks! Therefore, we must not only joyfully obey God’s Law but LOVE THE LAW ITSELF IN OUR MINDS, HEARTS, BODIES, SOULS AND SPIRITS!

Yet, lets face it. One can not joyfully obey God’s Law UNTIL one joyfully has LOVE OF GOD’S LAWS in one’s heart, soul and mind! We can’t just look at God’s Law as some sort of “long list of burdensome rules”. We have to look at God’s Law from the vantage point OF God’s great love for us!

In other words, God hates sin, not ONLY because it’s displeasing to him and causes us to be in danger of the judgement if we don’t repent, but also because of the mental, physical, spiritual, emotional and psychological damage that that “sin” or “those sins” DO to us, as well as those around us!

We can clearly know and see from the bible that Jesus has our “best interests” at heart when it comes to His Law! And so, when one is ABLE to see God’s love FOR us shine THROUGH his commandments? I believe that’s what the bible means in Hebrews 10:16-17 when God says: “…..I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them…….”

In other words, WHEN one loves God/Jesus AND his laws and obeying his laws in JOYFUL obedience BECAUSE they love Jesus? That, by clear definition, is one who has God’s Law “written in their minds” and “on their hearts” and is also one who is SEALED BY GOD! That is HOW and WHY one gets SEALED BY GOD!

On the OTHER hand, those who “drag their feet” when it comes to obedience are in spiritual danger of being possibly likened onto a soul that RESENTS GOD’S LAW! For if one “resents God’s law” (on ANY small level – usually by QUESTIONING GOD’S LAW), Satan & his demons usually have very little trouble getting that soul to eventually ABANDON GOD’S LAW and instead, EMBRACE FOREIGN “UNBIBLICAL/SATANIC” LAWS (i.e. The June 26, 2015 United State Supreme Court “gay marriage law”)

And bit by bit and little by little, the more Satan can get someone to QUESTION GOD’S LAW and to EMBRACE FOREIGN/UNBIBLICAL/SATANIC LAWS, the more CLOSER that person is to being OPENED TO THE IDEA of taking THE MARK OF THE BEAST/SATAN’S MARK! Many of us seem to be forgetting that THE MARK OF THE BEAST IS A *SECULAR MARK!* And by SECULAR, I mean POPULAR!

Matthew 7:13-14 declares: Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and MANY THERE BE WHICH GO IN THEREATBecause strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and FEW THERE BE THAT FIND IT

So in other words, the above passage in Matthew is telling us that MANY, MANY, MANY people will choose to DISREGARD JESUS AND HIS LAW and instead, decide to follow their “own law” (aka “Satan’s law!”) Yet, at the same time, the passage is ALSO telling us that VERY FEW PEOPLE will make it to “Eternal Paradise with Jesus”. VERY, VERY FEW!

This is also confirmed in Luke 12:32 by which Jesus says: “Fear not, LITTLE FLOCK; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom”.

Jesus calls himself in the bible “the good shepherd”, while his people he calls “his sheep”. And the reason Jesus used those expressed terms is that back in ancient bible times, many people were shepherds, therefore, Jesus had to speak to them in terms they would easily understand. Nevertheless, given how much “knowledge” we have today in the modern world, it’s not hard for us to unpack Jesus’s “spiritual meaning” from those two terms – shepherd and sheep!

Because just like a good shepherd faithfully looks after his sheep, so does Jesus faithfully look after all those people who love/obey him! And just like a sheep will get “lost” if it strays from the shepherd, so also will WE get “eternally lost” (spiritually) if we permanently stray from Jesus! In fact, the bible describes Satan as the “wolf who scatters the flock!” Those “sheep”(i.e. God’s people) who “stray from the shepherd” (i.e. Jesus) WILL get “torn to pieces by the wolf” (i.e. Satan!)

But Satan is very, very “crafty!” He gots several devices up his sleeve by which to deceive the Lord’s people! One of the BIGGEST of these is “the love of MONEY!” Satan’s got SO many people ensnared by that that it’s not even funny! And in fact, it’s the “love of money” that will cause MANY to take “The MARK of the BEAST”. Because hey, those folks still want to be able to buy and sell, right? They still want to feed their children, family members, pets and get their 401K, etc. In other words, their love of money is more than their love of Jesus! HOW SAD! ;(

But basically, anyone who’s names are NOT written in the Lamb’s BOOK OF LIFE **WILL** be deceived by the Antichrist (the one who INSTITUTES the “Mark of the Beast”). The Antichrist (talked about in SEVERAL posts on this site) is ofcourse, the “false Jesus” or “false Messiah” of the 21st century! The one world gov’t leader who will “appear to be the answer to all the world’s problems!” The one who “promotes peace” and performs FALSE MIRACLES such as “bring down fire from heaven” and that also “has a head wound and DIES from the head wound but then LIVES”, etc.!

Yet, Revelation 14:11 makes it VERY, VERY clear that ALL whom take “The Mark of the Beast” in their right hands or their foreheads WILL be tormented FOR ALL OF ETERNITY: “And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name”

The forehead represents THE MIND! Therefore, when one takes The Mark of the Beast in their forehead, they’re more or less agreeing to let Satan & the forces of darkness (The Antichrist, the False Prophet, etc.) have control of NOT ONLY their soul, but more importantly, THEIR MIND! That’s very, very creepy & sobering, folks! Because once a person takes The Mark of the Beast, their DNA (specifically, the DNA of THEIR BRAIN) will be PERMANENTLY ALTERED BEYOND RECOGNITION OR REPAIR!

What’s interesting to note however is that while the Seal of God can ONLY be placed on the Forehead of God’s loyal people by the angels, (which is ofcourse an “invisible seal”), The Mark of the Beast is a LITERAL, VISIBLE SEAL that can be placed on the right hand OR the forehead by the Antichrist authorities!

While the angels invisibly place God’s Seal on God’s loyal subjects, Satan forces his literal, visible mark upon all of mankind, if they want to be able to buy and sell! Notice the counterfeit, there? Satan loves to counterfeit the things of God! (On the other hand, Jesus and the angels are able to “see” the invisible seal of God on God’s loyal subjects, the seal just can’t be seen by non-saved subjects!)

However, God’s “seal” goes way, way deeper than the “seal” talked about in the book of Revelation! God’s “sign/seal” starts ALL THE WAY AT THE BEGINNING, IN GENESIS, THE VERY FIRST BOOK OF THE BIBLE IN THE OLD TESTAMENT!

In Genesis, we read about how God created the world in 6 days, then rested on and sanctified the 7th day (Saturday), which God called The Sabbath (which I’m sure is a Hebrew word for “Rest”, since God “rested” on that fateful day!) And later on in Exodus 31:13-17 in the Old Testament, we begin to see how the 7th-Day Sabbath (Saturday) is A SIGN of the covenant between God and his people!

In the bible, a “sign” is synonymous with the word “mark” or “seal”. I guess it could also be technically synonymous with the word “covenant” as well. Plus we also know that the God digs the number 7! Therefore, I surmise that The Seal of God will also likely have to do with the number 7 in some way, shape or form! (But again, that’s ONLY a spiritual theory on my part, don’t quote me on that, folks!) The Mark of the Beast, on the other hand, will have to do with the number 666 in some way, shape or form!



It is probably fair to say that The Mark of the Beast STARTS in the mind, but isn’t fully received UNTIL the LITERAL taking OF it in the right hand or in the forehead! Remember, it’s NOT JUST Sunday worship folks, it HAS TO DO WITH BUYING AND SELLING!!! And remember as well, it’s NOT JUST about buying and selling but ABOUT WORSHIP!

So therefore in conclusion: BOTH SEALS/MARKS HAVE TO DO WITH WORSHIP! Yet, ONE Mark/Seal UPHOLDS God and his authority while ANOTHER Mark (Mark of the Beast) DENIES God’s authority and gives it over to Satan/The Antichrist! So remember that, folks! And what “Mark” you receive depends on WHAT GOD YOU WORSHIP! Remember, to worship self IS to worship Satan (in essence!) For one of Satan’s very FIRST lie to Eve in the Garden of Eden was that she “could become like God/a god!”

And so essentially, that’s all The Mark of the Beast REALLY, TRULY IS! Satan’s LIE to mankind that they, IF they take The Mark of the Beast, can “become like God/a god!” Only, unlike Eve, those who take the Mark of the Beast will NOT be forgiven by God, not in this life NOR in the one to come! However, those who are “sealed in the name of God” and thus, REFUSE to take The Mark of the Beast? The bible says that those ones shall be KILLED! 

But folks, HAVE FAITH! For Jesus in Matthew 16:25 “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it

Translation? Those who try to do whatever in their power to prolong their Earthly life (while denying Jesus Christ) will lose their life ETERNALLY (i.e. in the lake of fire, the “2nd death”) while those who LOSE THEIR LIFE FOR CHRIST’S SAKE will GAIN ETERNAL LIFE (and thus, eternal rewards!) Make sense, people?

Matthew 6:19-21 says, Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also

Hopefully, you now have a more clearer picture about what the Seal (“Mark”) of God is and what The Mark of the Beast is and also what the similarities and differences are between the two! They’re BOTH about WORSHIP but only ONE of them leads to ETERNAL LIFE! Yet, BOTH of them PROMISE you “ETERNAL LIFE” but only ONE of them actually GIVES you ETERNAL LIFE, THE SEAL OF GOD, OFCOURSE! 

Don’t believe the Devil’s lies, folks! Don’t believe Satan’s lie or your friend’s lie that if you take The Mark of the Beast, you’ll receive “eternal life!” Because the ONLY type of Eternal Life that SATAN offers is ETERNAL SUFFERING IN THE LAKE OF FIRE! And trust me folks, that ain’t no LIFE AT ALL! On the other hand, JESUS CHRIST OFFERS LIFE ETERNAL! 

So you just got to ask yourself the following critical question: “Do I forgo money/temporal pleasure NOW, get myself eventually KILLED, then GAIN eternal life (and eternal rewards) LATER by REFUSING to take The Mark of the Beast when it soon comes upon the world or do I prematurely take The Mark of the Beast NOW in order to feed me, my children and family and SUFFER IN THE ETERNAL FLAMES OF THE LAKE OF FIRE, LATER?” 

I pray and hope that you will choose to DIE FOR CHRIST and GAIN eternal rewards {“But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” – Matthew 24:13}, rather than to DENY CHRIST and ETERNALLY SUFFER IN THE FLAMES OF TORMENT!!!!!!!










Mankind has been dealing with “temptation” since the fall of Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden!

In Genesis 2:16-17, right AFTER God had created the FIRST MAN (called Adam) and placed him in the Garden of Eden, he gave Adam “the rules”. And ONE of the rules that Adam was ordered to follow was the following:

And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt NOT eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely DIE“.

Just a short time after in Genesis 2:21-22, the first WOMAN is created (to be Adam’s wife!)

“And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man

So now, at this point, the Lord God has not ONLY a HUMAN MAN living in the Garden of Eden, but a HUMAN WOMAN, as well! And the Lord God had just given Adam “the rules” a short time before. So now Adam at this time likely relegated the rules to his wife, as well! So Adam’s wife had a CLEAR understanding of the rules of God!

But yet, just a VERY short time later, we read in the beginning of Genesis, chapter 3:

“Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

Now LOOK at those words, folks! They are more or less saying “Hath God said you shall NOT eat of ALL the trees in the Garden?” You can just SENSE the “teasing” and the “taunting” and the “bullying” that’s going on with that statement! That’s really not much different than many liberal arguments TODAY, concerning Jesus and the gospel. “Did God REALLY say…..?” and/or “Does the Bible REALLY say…..?” and/or “Does the Bible REALLY condemn _________ [x, y, z], etc.?”

But on with the story of Genesis, chapter 3. Verses 2-7 state: And the woman said unto the serpent, ‘We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die’. AND THE SERPENT SAID UNTO THE WOMAN, ‘YE SHALL SURELY NOT DIE: FOR GOD DOTH KNOW THAT IN THE DAY YE EAT THEREOF, THEN YOUR EYES SHALL BE OPENED, AND YE SHALL BE AS GODS, KNOWING GOOD AND EVIL‘”. 

And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eatAnd the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons”.

Now, what WAS it about this “forbidden tree” that was SO enticing to Eve, the first woman, that she decided to partake of it? Lets see. She, upon the serpent’s subtle suggestion, saw that it was “good for food”, that it was “pleasant to the eyes” and a “desired tree to make one wise”.

In other words, it fulfilled all the requirements for lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life! That’s EXACTLY what the New Testament is talking about when it says we should walk by FAITH and NOT by sight! Eve, the first woman, was walking by SIGHT!

So that was the VERY FIRST “temptation” of mankind! And in SO MANY WAYS, it’s a FORESHADOWING of what the VERY *LAST* “temptation” of mankind will be like! Cause the temptation (in and of itself) goes something like THIS: “IF you do THIS, THEN you will get/receive *THIS!*

And it’s honestly different than any OTHER temptation that’s out there. Because ONLY the VERY FIRST TEMPTATION of mankind and THE VERY LAST TEMPTATION of mankind promises ETERNAL REWARD(S) (by Satan) for giving IN to it! All OTHER temptations only promise TEMPORAL REWARDS! Do you see where I’m going with this, folks?

“Temptation” is ALL OVER THE PLACE in today’s world! Many people – specifically many “Christians” – believe that a person can ONLY be tempted when a person is “right with God” but that belief is THOROUGHLY FALSE and let me tell ya WHY:

1). When a non-believing alcoholic feels “tempted” to drink more alcohol, or when a person is tempted to “steal $5 off the ground” when nobody is looking, is THAT just mere “coincidence?” 

2). When a non-believing person feels the sudden urge to “physically fight with someone” that they’re arguing with, is THAT mere “coincidence?”

3). When a non-believing person feels this irresistible “urge” to go out and party all the time AND/OR to mock Christ, mock creationism, mock the bible, is THAT mere “coincidence?”

The answer to all of those questions is NO, NO and NO! And let me explain why! ALL of those 5 scenarios (which is just the tip of the iceberg) illustrate TEMPTATION! Yes! Temptation! And you people thought only CHRISTIAN PEOPLE ever felt “tempted?” HA!

[[[Oddly and ironically enough, there’s a popular song from the 90’s that MOCKS “temptation” ITSELF – AND JESUS….Just examine some of the hellish, Satanic lyrics to see what I mean. The Song is called “Temptation” by Corina and one of the lyric stanzas says the following: Temptation is a part of life. It doesn’t matter if its wrong or right. It makes you do what you love. But the fact that this song alone FULLY ACKNOWLEDGES that “temptation” is a PART of the human experience itself speaks to the FULL PROOF of its very existence, to begin with! So don’t be fooled! Don’t be fooled by thinking that ONLY Christians are “tempted!” That’s B.S.! Let me be frank, here! And listen to the song for any longer than 10 seconds, it becomes VERY spiritually apparent that she’s “breaking up with Jesus” and “falling in league with Satan”, a VERY SICK, TWISTED SONG, INDEED!]]] 

And while I honestly can’t say for 100% sure rather or not the born-again believer in Jesus gets more “tempted” than the average non-believer, what I DO KNOW is that the average, secular, non-believing person (and/or person from another world religion other than Christianity) STILL gets tempted in their life!

They’re not IMMUNE from temptation, folks! FAR from it, actually! Because REALLY: Whom or WHAT is behind the “driving force” that causes THEM to curse Jesus, curse the bible, disregard the NEED for Jesus/salvation, etc.? Answer: DEMONIC SPIRITS! Therefore, NEWSFLASH! ALL HUMANS GET TEMPTED (BY SATAN AND BY DEMONS!!!!!!!!)

And Mark of the Beast (talked about in Revelation 13) is THE MOST DAMNING TEMPTATION OF ALL! Why? Because it’s the LAST TEMPTATION that mankind will ever face! AND THE MOST TEMPTING TEMPTATION OF THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In fact, EVERY SINGLE temptation that mankind has EVER HAD within the whole ENTIRE HISTORY of mankind (from the beginning of man in Genesis, chapter 2, up until the modern time) has been leading up TO this one and FINAL temptation!

And unlike the VERY FIRST TEMPTATION OF MANKIND, where God STILL loved Adam & Eve and chose to forgive them and “move on” from their sin and STILL have them be “OK” with Him, THE VERY LAST TEMPTATION OF MANKIND will offer no such thing! For THE VERY LAST TEMPTATION OF MANKIND – if one gives IN to it – will offer NO forgiveness by God/Jesus! NONE!

Now, why is that, do you think? Why is it that THE VERY FIRST TEMPTATION OF MANKIND (that mankind gave into) WAS forgiven by God but the VERY LAST TEMPTATION OF MANKIND (IF and WHEN someone gives into it) WON’T be forgiven by God? 

Well, that’s simple. Unlike in the very beginning when mankind had JUST been done being created and were just “spiritual babies”, the mankind generation of 2018 has had over 2,000 years to learn about Jesus and “the laws of God” and to “get it right”. Therefore, the modern day generation of mankind HAS NO EXCUSE!

“If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin” – John 15:22

Jesus is making it pretty apparent here that if he had NOT come to Earth and spoken to mankind DIRECTLY about “Sin”, that mankind would technically have no responsibility for “sin”. However, since he DID come to the Earth to speak to mankind about their “sin”, mankind now has NO EXCUSE for their “sin”, as it pertains to the responsibility FOR their “sin!” (If that makes any sense?)

The first sin ever committed by mankind was ofcourse when Eve, the first woman, gave in to the serpent’s demands to eat the “forbidden fruit”. The 2nd temptation was when Eve, the first woman, gave some of the “forbidden fruit” to her husband, Adam (the first man) who ALSO ate of the fruit. And the 3rd temptation of mankind was when Cain, the first baby born into the world, grew up and killed his younger brother, Abel. And so, ever since Cain killed his younger brother, Abel, the world has never been the same!

Over the years, as more and more people populated the Earth, they became eviler and eviler and eviler the more in number they became. By the time that the fallen angels came to to have sex with human women and have children by them, mankind was already “ripe enough” for a full-scale rebellion against God. In MY spiritual opinion, the angels were just waiting for the RIGHT TIME to “infiltrate the human race”. And since women are the child-bearers, they knew they had to get into the women!

Now I’m just picturing your young, average Jewish woman around that time, standing around, talking with her female friends. “Oh my gosh, this totally hot guy from like, not around here noticed me, today!” Her friend goes: “Same here!” Another 3rd friend of hers goes: “Oh my GOSH, same here as well, ladies!” And I can picture these young women PRIDING THEMSELVES on the fact that these so-called “hot guys from not around there” noticed THEM! Oh, aren’t they just the “lucky ones?” Or so they THOUGHT at the time, anyways!

Just like Eve, they weren’t living by FAITH but by SIGHT! And either these young Jewish woman KNEW these “men” “weren’t from around town” and didn’t care……..OR they had NO IDEA that they “weren’t human men!” (There’s extra-biblical Jewish writings out there that suggest that demonic spirits can “shape-shift” into “human forms!”) This is what what was known as “The Days of Noah”.

And these “fallen angels” had children with these (unsuspecting?) human women and their children were GIANTS! (There’s certain passages in the bible which suggest that angels – in general – are of much taller size, compared to humans – more about that later). And these “fallen angels” wanted to PERVERT THE DNA OF THE HUMAN RACE! Why? Because naturally-born men and women are made in the image of God, that’s why! SATAN HATES THE IMAGE OF GOD! DEMONS HATE THE IMAGE OF GOD! Therefore, they wanted to DESTROY the image of God!

The Book of Enoch (which has only most recently in the 1800’s or so been removed from “the bible”), suggests that the fallen angels attempted to PERVERT the natural, human DNA by means of ALTERING THE DNA and doing all sorts of “genetic experiments” (not only on humans but on ANIMALS and all living things as well!) Many people wonder why God wanted or had to destroy EVERYTHING during the global flood of Noah’s times and THAT’S WHY…… get rid of *ALL* the PERVERTED DNA/PERVERTED THINGS OF LIFE (humans, animals, plants, etc.)

And oddly enough, Jesus tells us in Matthew 24 about “the days of Noah”. Many things of which we’ve ALREADY seen come to pass – please read my post entitled “We ARE The Last Generation – Biblical Proof” for information on the subject at:

Matthew 24: verses 37-39 state: But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man beFor as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be”

Now ok, what does that MEAN in plain English, some might ask? It means that in Noah’s day, people were EVIL, people’s HEARTS were selfish, people were NOT thinking about “the things of God”…..In fact, in Noah’s Day, they likely didn’t even BELIEVE in the importance of “obeying God!” They wanted to BE God, to become LIKE “gods”; they wanted to follow their “own way”, make “their own rules”, produce their OWN “morality” (or lack, thereof!)

Isaiah 5:20-24 puts it THIS WAY: Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sightWoe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink: 

Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from himTherefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the Lord of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel”

In other words, mankind (as a whole) became SO EVIL around the times of Noah, that following the “laws of God” was considered “EVIL” and thus, DEFYING the “laws of God” was then considered “good” by most people. However, God’s WRATH was upon all those people of unrighteousness!

However, even still, God still wanted those people to repent and be saved. So he (through his prophet Noah and his family) warned them of their “sin” and their NEED for “repentance”. In fact, God gave them 120 YEARS to do so! But yet, they didn’t do so! So, in the end, God had NO CHOICE but to wipe them from the face of the Earth!

Plus, they didn’t even FULLY REALIZE – while they were still living on the Earth – that God’s patience with them was WEARING THIN! They were SO spiritually blind, SO arrogant! They didn’t KNOW that they only had a certain amount of time to “get right” with Him before it was too late! And by the time most of them realized it, it was already too late!

Today’s society (in 2018 and on) is no different! The “society” during the “Days of Noah” is the SAME EXACT SOCIETY in which we’re living in, TODAY! Are they doing “DNA-editing” with humans and animals, just like they did back in Noah’s time? YES! Are people calling the “laws of God” evil, “outdated” and “archaic”? YES! Are people calling “good” that which is SINFUL/EVIL (i.e. homosexuality, trans/cross-dressing, abortion, etc.)? YES!

Are people of today “wise in their own eyes and prudent in their own sight?” YES! Are people REWARDING the wicked and PUNISHING the righteous (the people of God) in today’s society? YES! Are people marrying and being “given” in marriage (i.e. “gay marriage”)? YES! Therefore folks, we’ve got nearly ALL the hallmarks of Matthew 24 in the making! If that doesn’t concern you or make you see your NEED for Jesus/Salvation, then I don’t know what does!

But going back to the DNA-editing thing. I just saw this documentary a night or two ago in which this guy said that nearly ALL technology we have today (in 2018), ESPECIALLY at it pertains to DNA-editing, CAME from fallen angels! But again, that didn’t really surprise me. They were doing “DNA-editing” back in Noah’s time just like they’re also doing it in today’s time as well!

In fact, let me take this a step further: “scientists” are now coming up with ANY number of ways to “alter human DNA”. This could be through medicine, vaccines, organ transplants, “gene-therapy”, chimeras, etc. However, receiving the Mark of the Beast will be THE ULTIMATE DNA SWAP!

In other words, NOT ONLY is The Mark of The Beast THE VERY LAST TEMPTATION mankind will ever face but IF a person gives in to that final last temptation of mankind, THEIR DNA WILL BE PERMANENTLY ALTERED FOREVER! That’s part of the reason WHY Jesus will NOT be able to forgive a person once they take The Mark of the Beast – because that person won’t even be “human” anymore but A DEFECTIVE/MONSTROUS/POST-HUMAN/TRANS-HUMANISTIC CREATURE!

Some of the “temptations” that mankind faces NOW – in the month of September 2018 – are pretty bad. Many people across the globe (rather “saved” or “unsaved”) are “tempted” to do the following things:

  • Buy the new Iphone to “be the envy of others”
  • Sell their souls for money, fortune, fame
  • Drink excessive alcohol
  • Get an abortion
  • Watch ungodly TV shows/movies
  • Go to wild parties “in order to be accepted by others”
  • Try mind-altering drugs
  • Get tattoos, piercings
  • Cheat on their spouse/significant other
  • Watch “occultic movies”
  • Play “occultic videogames”
  • Engage in LUST outside of marriage
  • Engage in sodomy/homosexual behavior
  • Fight for “gay/trans rights”
  • Learn/practice Witchcraft/Wicca/Satanism
  • Listen to “occultic music”
  • Watch porn and/or masturbate
  • Engage in witchcraft/Wicca/Satanism
  • Put Jesus Christ on the back burner in order to be “liked by others”
  • ETC.

However, compared to THE ULTIMATE TEMPTATION that’ll happen with The Mark of the Beast, all of THOSE above temptations are considered a “cake walk”. However, THE REASON the Mark of the Beast will NOT ONLY by the LAST TEMPTATION OF MANKIND but also THE MOST TEMPTING TEMPTATION OF MANKIND is that people won’t be able to buy or sell WITHOUT it!!!!!!! And those whom REFUSE to take the Mark of the Beast will NOT ONLY be PROHIBITED from buying and selling but will ALSO be forced to endure SEVERE PERSECUTION, TORCHURE and/or DEATH!

So Christians, if you think you can’t handle a little persecution NOW in your lives, you are NOT gonna be able to handle THE ULTIMATE TEMPTATION of Mark of the Beast!!!!!! See folks, that’s the problem, TOO MANY CHRISTIANS WILL GIVE IN and FALSELY THINK THAT JESUS WILL FORGIVE THEM! However, they’re SADLY MISTAKEN! Because like I said, ONCE they take the Mark of the Beast, they’ll go from THIS:


Normal, everyday humans BEFORE taking The Mark of the Beast

to THIS: (humans who HAVE taken The Mark of The Beast, thus, becoming a “puppet” to Satan, the world, demons and the Antichrist and thus, in doing so, becoming a “biometric/permanently altered demonically-possessed “synthetic-DNA of a being”):


And please note: The picture at the lower right-hand corner illustrates how ALL non-saved people of the Earth (as well as “Christians” who caved in to pressure to TAKE The Mark of the Beast) WILL be spiritually blinded by the The Antichrist, and “amazingly look up to Him AS IF he’s Almighty God!”)

And Note: maybe the guy in the middle of the lower right-hand photo who “doesn’t seem to be going with the program” is one of those Jews or Christians who KNOWS he was wrong in taking The Mark and is HIGHLY DEPRESSED & DISTRAUGHT about it since HE KNOWS NOW THAT THERE’S NO ETERNAL HOPE FOR HIM, AT THIS THEORETICAL POINT IN TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (HOW TRAGIC! The MOST painful realization for him at this point is that HE COULD’VE PREVENTED IT, IF HE HAD JUST HELD OUT AND TRUSTED JESUS AND ***NOT*** TAKEN THE MARK, THE WAY HE DID!!!!!!!!) 

Therefore, the “photo collage” up above is supposed to VISUALLY REPRESENT how a person who takes the Mark of the Beast will:

  1. Be “demonically possessed/PERMANENTLY taken over”
  2. Become a “cyborg/bionic being” with FAKE, SYNTHETIC DNA (In other words, their DNA will be PERMANENTLY altered and they will NO LONGER BE FULLY HUMAN!)
  3. Become a “puppet” of Satan, Antichrist and the “New World Beast Society”
  4. Look to the Antichrist (the “false Christ”) AS IF he is “God!”

It is a “sin” and “temptation”, that, if given into, THERE’S NO COMING BACK FROM! Once you take the Mark, THAT’S IT, YOU’RE DONE, GAME OVER! It will be THE LAST FREE CHOICE you’ll ever make as a human being! And whatever choice you make concerning The Mark of the Beast will affect you FOR ALL OF ETERNITY!

So folks, you’ve REALLY got to ask yourselves: Is 5 minutes of “temporal pleasure” worth an eternity in hell/the lake of fire? And just because someone walks like a lamb, talks like a lamb, says He is a lamb, and acts like a lamb, does that necessarily make him a lamb? In other words, just because someone on the Earth SAYS they’re Jesus, does that automatically make them Jesus?

What does THE BIBLE have to say about Jesus’s 2nd return to the Earth? The bible says that Jesus will return IN THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN! Therefore, any OTHER “Jesus” that comes to the Earth in ANY other type of way is NOT the Jesus of the bible, PURE AND SIMPLE! Now……could the elite somehow perform a “fake rapture” or “fake false return of Jesus” using Project Bluebeam in the sky? Possibly.

Therefore, the ONLY surefire know that it’s the BIBLICAL Jesus in the clouds of heaven (during the Rapture) is if Jesus HIMSELF catches you up in the air to be with Him! Just like the ONLY surefire way to know it’s the BIBLICAL Jesus at his 2nd Return TO the Earth will be if he sets his feet upon the Mount of Olives AND the Mount of Olives IMMEDIATELY SPLITS IN TWO!

Zechariah 14:4 declares: “And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which faces Jerusalem on the east. And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two, from east to west, making a very large valley; half of the mountain shall move toward the north and half of it toward the south” .

The Mount of Olives is just east of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. On the southeast slope is an old road that leads to the village of Bethany. Therefore, when Jesus returns to the Mount of Olives, there will be a massive earthquake, and, as Zechariah said, THE MOUNTAIN WILL SPLIT IN *TWO!*

Therefore, if you see what appears to be a “Jesus”, someone says to you: Look! There’s Jesus on the Mount of Olives!” or someone that SAYS they’re “Jesus” is standing on the Mount of Olives and there’s NOT an immediate MASSIVE Earthquake that splits the Mount of Olives in TWO, then you just KNOW that you’re dealing with a “False Jesus”, there!

But yet, the bible says that UNLESS our names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, WE WILL be deceived by The Antichrist/The “False Christ”/False “god!” Because his lies will be SO powerful, SO CUNNING, that most people will be none the wiser! The bible says he (The Antichrist/The False “god”) will perform “miracles” such as BRING DOWN FIRE FROM HEAVEN!

So automatically right there, that tells me that the Jews will believe he (the Antichrist) is the returned “Elijah”, and their so-called “Messiah”. That’s both sad & frightening, in full biblical scale! Therefore, in conclusion:

  • The Jews will think the Antichrist is “the returned Elijah”, their “Messiah”.
  • The Christians (the lukewarm ones, anyways) will think he’s “Jesus”.
  • The Muslims will think he’s the 12th Iman or the Madhi (their version of a 21st century “Messiah”).
  • Buddhists will think he’s the 5th Buddha or Maitreya.
  • Hindus will think he’s the reincarnation of Shiva/Kali.
  • Mormons will think he’s some sort of version of a “returned Joseph Smith” (from my understanding).
  • Atheists will believe he’s “God”.
  • Satanists will worship him as “Satan”.
  • Wiccans/Shintoists/Native Americans will worship him as “Cernunnos/Kami/The Grandfather Spirit”.
  • Any other group that I missed will think he’s “God” or A “god”.

But the point I’m trying to make is that MANY PEOPLE will be deceived by this “man”, this one world gov’t leader (The Antichrist) who appears to be “the answer to all of the world’s problems”. And just HOW and WHY will the Antichrist be so compelling to people? Let us review:

  • He will “appear to be a peace-maker”
  • He will do things that no other human man has ever done before (especially in politics – as it pertains to so-called “peace in the Middle East”)
  • He will have the power of persuasion and suggestion
  • He will KNOW how to manipulate people’s emotions & psychology to get what he wants
  • He will be indwelt with the power of Satan (and demons)
  • He will change times and laws
  • He will make fire come down from heaven & other “miracles”
  • He will appear to have the solution for everything, for everyone
  • He will SEVERELY punish all those who oppose him, including torchuring and/or kill them
  • He will make people FEAR HIM
  • He will make people LOVE/ADMIRE HIM
  • He will have a deadly mortal wound – but then be HEALED of that wound (leading many to believe that he’s “Almighty God”).
  • He will SAY he’s God
  • He will SAY he’s Jesus/Allah/Buddha/Maitreya/Satan/Kali/Cernunnos/Kami/The Grandfather Spirit
  • He will set himself up in the Temple of God (many believe this to be the 3rd Jewish Temple)
  • To the “Christians”, he will LOOK like Jesus, TALK like Jesus, ACT like Jesus, DRESS like Jesus and appear to BE Jesus (but he won’t be the Jesus of the bible, folks! Not by a LONG shot!)
  • ETC.

So, if any of that puts some fear into your heart, that’s a GOOD thing, for it means that the Holy Spirit is now vastly “at work” in you!!! “So how can I be sure to NOT be deceived by this man/The Antichrist/The “False Christ”/”False God?” many may ask. And the answer is simple: BECOME SPIRITUALLY BORN-AGAIN IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST SO THAT **YOUR NAME** WILL BE WRITTEN IN JESUS’S HEAVENLY RECORD BOOK CALLED THE “BOOK OF LIFE!” ONLY Jesus Himself FROM HEAVEN can record your name in The Book of Life, **NOBODY ELSE CAN**!

So note: IF you are a Christian or soon to become Christian and you see a “Book of Life” floating around in person or on the internet, and somebody tries to come and tell you that all you have to do is write your name and/or signature in the book, DON’T LISTEN! For that is a FALSE BOOK OF LIFE! A COUNTERFEIT! For ONLY THE HAND OF GOD/JESUS HIMSELF CAN RECORD *YOUR NAME* IN THE BOOK OF LIFE! Got it, folks?

In conclusion, the last and final thing I want to say is that The Mark of the Beast will be THE MOST POWERFUL, MOST TEMPTING temptation that mankind has ever faced! Faced with other, smaller temporal temptations throughout the years, most of us were able to eventually overcome them, somehow. But yet, the “temptation” to take the Mark of the Beast will be THE MOST *POWERFUL* & “DAMNING” TEMPTATION THAT MANKIND HAS EVER FACED! And most people aren’t prepared for it!

{{Note: Here’s a PREVIEW of what “Mark of the Beast” will be like – what’s now happening in China in September of 2018: a “SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE” (which means a “score” based on just how “loyal” to the gov’t/dominant political party line that you’re likely to BE! Scary, folks!}}

Most Christians, quite honestly, can’t even fast (that means, go without food) for a full 24 hours! Therefore, what makes most Christians today think they’re going to be able to withstand the Mark of the Beast if and when they run out of their “food preserves” and are then possibly forced to go without food for DAYS? WEEKS? MONTHS at a time? Many of those “starving Christians” will cave and take the Mark, in order to feed themselves, their pets, their children and their families! And WHEN and IF they do, JESUS WILL DAMN THEM TO HELL/THE LAKE OF FIRE FOR **ALL OF ETERNITY!**

So DO NOT take the Mark, folks, NO MATTER WHAT, NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, NO MATTER WHO OR WHAT THEY THREATEN YOU WITH! It’s NOT worth it! It’s NOT worth an ETERNITY in hell/the lake of fire OUTSIDE OF THE LOVING PRESENCE OF JESUS, ANGELS, SAINTS AND THE PROPHETS! It is SO not worth it! And not only that but why let Satan win? Why let demons win? Why let Satan and his demons (who NEVER, EVER loved you or respected you, by the way) get all the VICTORY? Afterall, it IS Satan and his demons who are the ones who are “tormenting you” while you’re still living on the Earth! Satan and his demons are to blame for all the “bad things” that happened to you in your life! So why let HIM win? Why, INDEED?

In a weird twist of irony, Satan wants YOU to believe that Jesus doesn’t love you, that YOU are too desperately wicked to be saved and that HE (Satan) loves you! But ya know what, folks? It’s the OPPOSITE WAY AROUND! Satan HATES YOU! Demons HATE YOU! That’s WHY they torment you and tempt you and plague you with anxiety, restlessness, and depression morning, noon and night! On the other hand, JESUS LOVES YOU! The righteous angels of God LOVE YOU! And the “true” agents of heaven (Jesus and his righteous angels) want what’s BEST for you! 

There ARE things that YOU and your family can do, in order to “prepare” for the Mark of the Beast/Mark of the Beast SYSTEM. First of all, start reading your bibles! Not only READ the scriptures but BELIEVE THEM! And once you start truly BELIEVING THEM, you then need to OBEY THEM and START ACTIVELY APPLYING THEM IN YOUR LIFE! Worship on the 7th Day Sabbath (Saturday), start celebrating in the BIBLICAL HOLIDAYS (Passover, Tabernacles, Pentecost, etc.) Start forgiving those who have hurt you, etc. And furthermore, start “teaching” your body how to FAST (that means, to go for a short period of time – 12 to 24 hours – WITHOUT EATING!) 

Also remember the time of the Israelites out in the desert. Once their “food” from the unleavened bread ran out, guess what? GOD PROVIDED THEM HEAVENLY FOOD CALLED MANNA, FROM HEAVEN! Therefore, what makes you think that God won’t ALSO do something similar for his people during the End Times? THINK ABOUT IT, FOLKS! Do you REALLY think that Jesus is a type of God that will feed the ANCIENT ISRAELITE’S from heaven during THEIR critical time of need but yet, somehow manage to let his people of the modern-day STARVE in THEIR critical time of need? ME THINKS NOT! 

And when it comes to “teaching” yourself to defy THE ULTIMATE TEMPTATION OF MANKIND (The Mark of the Beast), start “teaching” yourself NOW to “say no” to things that you really want. Example: You got an extra $5 at the grocery store and you really, really, REALLY want that small slice of pizza or small piece of chocolate cake that only costs $4.10 + tax. FORCE YOURSELF TO *NOT* BUY IT, NO MATTER WHAT and no matter HOW tempted you may feel to buy it. And over time, you will find that the more and more you do that (with various temptations in your life) the easier and easier it becomes to “say no” to things. 

Ofcourse, that (and fasting) are just two very small “baby steps” when it comes to teaching yourself to defy temptation in Jesus’s name. Let us not also forget PRAYER! Pray is a VERY EFFECTIVE thing when it comes to defying temptation! When you’re feeling weak, just cry out to Jesus for SPIRITUAL DELIVERANCE and TRUST IN HIM 100%, NO HOLDING BACK and he WILL deliver you from whatever temptation or situation you’re facing, MARK MY WORDS! 

Ofcourse, you can always get a head start on the whole defying Antichrist thing if you just pray the following prayer and mean it with all your soul, heart, mind, body, spirit and strength…….with everything that is within the “fiber” of your BEING………

“Jesus, I don’t want to be deceived by the Antichrist. I don’t want to be deceived by Satan and his demons and all their false LIES! Please help me to NOT be deceived by the Antichrist in any way, shape or form! Please show me what is truth and what are lies, in today’s world. Please reveal yourself unto me and reveal the truth of your gospel unto me. Please give me eyes to see and ears to hear what YOU have to say to “the church” in these last days. Please give me a new mind, heart, body, spirit and soul. Please renew my mind in YOU, O Lord! Please give me STRENGTH in you, O Lord! Please give me the power to withstand any temptations the Devil throws my way in these Last Days! And Jesus, when the time comes, please give me the knowledge, the endurance, the fortitude and the emotional/physical/spiritual strength to WITHSTAND the Mark of the Beast, even if it means I must be tortured, imprisoned and/or if it will cost me MY LIFE! I say all this in your great, heavenly name! Amen”. 


















I’ve noticed here in the year 2018 that there seems to be a great divide in “the church” today about what should or should NOT be acceptable in “the church” today. Not to mention that there also seems to be a great divide concerning exactly what IS “the church” to begin with. Therefore, let us turn to the bible to find the answer!

The Greek word for church is called “ecclesia”. It means a called out company or assembly. Wherever it is used in the Bible though, it refers to people, not a building! The following are biblical examples of the “ecclesia” talked about in the New Testament. And there are THREE different types. There’s local assemblies, an individual believer, and the grouping of universal believers in Christ. Down below are all the biblical examples of each:


  • Acts 7:37
  • 1 Corinthians 1:2
  • 2 Corinthians 1:1


  • 1 Corinthians 15:9
  • Galatians 1:13


  • Ephesians 5: 23-27
  • Ephesians 5:30
  • Matthew 16:18 [“And upon this rock I will build my church” simply means upon the foundation of Peter’s FAITH!]

So now that we’re squared away as far as what “the church” IS….biblically speaking, I’d now like to move on to my next point. Today’s culture of Lukewarm/Liberal Christianity. Now, what exactly do I mean by that? Let me give some examples.

  • “I’m a Christian but I believe in gay rights”
  • “I’m a Christian but I believe it’s not a sin to be actively gay”
  • “I’m a Christian but I believe in abortion”
  • “I’m a Christian but I believe that the incorporation of the New Age INTO the church is a “good thing”
  • “I’m a Christian but I see nothing wrong with transgenderism”
  • “I’m a Christian but I think it’s OK to party and/or get drunk every weekend”
  • “I’m a Christian but I think everyone goes to heaven when they die”
  • “I’m a Christian but I believe it’s OK to do X, Y, Z” (things that are “condemned” in the bible)
  • ETC.

Now…….what is the common word there? “But”. Now what are the FOUR common words that follow those statements? “I”, “Believe”, “See”, and “Think”. Now what do those four common words have in common? Answer: They’re attached to EMOTIONS and they’re actions based off a person’s THOUGHTS & FEELINGS! In other words, they’re taking what they FEEL to be morally right, instead of taking what the bible/Jesus AUTHORITATIVELY DECLARES is morally right!

In other words, many Christians today create this “false Jesus” that they’re comfortable with. “Well, MY Jesus would never condemn people to hell”, says liberal/lukewarm Christianity. No? Well, in that case, what did THAT form of “Jesus” die for, then? Cause “that” Jesus can’t save you! If, for example, active gay sex, etc. wasn’t a sin (according to the “liberal” Christian viewpoint), then what IS? WHO gets to determine what is “sin” and what is “not”, in THAT type of watered down gospel scenario? Does morality then become subjective?

WHO then gets to decide what is sin and what isn’t and how the rules will be enforced for transgressing that “sin?” If morality is “subjective”, then that would mean there’s NO morality and that “anything goes”. Which would then FALSELY suggest that Jesus Christ died on the cross for “nothing”. Do you see where I’m going with this, folks?

Many Christian folks have been blinded and bamboozled by Satan, Satan’s demons and the liberal LEFT into thinking they have no right to “rebuke sin”, they have no right to “preach the gospel”, they have no right to “call out false institutions/theology” and also have no right to believe/publicly say that what JESUS calls sin isn’t sin, etc. and it’s really, really sad!

Truth be told, the bible says Satan’s angry and knows his time is short. Therefore, Satan knows he must get in AS MUCH spiritual destruction as possible before his dreadful prophesied ‘END’ comes! So how does he do that, exactly? By COUNTERFEITING and/or watering down the bible and what’s written IN the bible. Let me elaborate. Men and women were created in the image of God, made for natural, traditional marriage (and natural procreation, as well). Therefore, Satan came up with “gay marriage” and “erosion of gender” movements, and “abortion”, etc.

Therefore, when liberal/lukewarm Christians align themselves with those bible-defying, Jesus-defying “agendas”, it’s like a personal spiritual slap in Jesus’s face! Because a man (or woman) can’t serve two masters. Either he will love the one or hate the other or hate the other and love the one.

In other words, a person can’t have Jesus AND pro-abortion viewpoints. A person can’t have Jesus AND pro-“gay marriage” viewpoints. Just like a person can’t have Jesus AND pro-transgender viewpoints. If a person WANTS to have pro-transgender, pro-abortion, and pro-gay marriage viewpoints, they can have those viewpoints all they want to. But they MUST take Jesus Christ OUT of it, cause Jesus Christ wants absolutely nothing to do with those ungodly things!!!!!!  

Folks, truth be told, we will ALL (even ME) stand before the mighty judgement seat of Jesus Christ, someday. And the last thing a “Christian” person would EVER truly want Jesus asking them is WHY they approved of such “unbiblical practices/concepts” while they were still living on the Earth or WHY they didn’t speak out AGAINST “the liberal Christian church’s” approval of such unbiblical practices while they were still living on the Earth, while they still had time!

Many preachers today preach these “feel good” messages. And while it’s good to occasionally build Christians UP and give them some spiritual hope and confidence in themselves, it’s NEVER a good thing to neglect the message of Repentance and Salvation altogether for the sake of “itching ears” and “making everyone happy”.

Sometimes a preacher has to preach it to the people RAW. Why? Because that’s the ONLY way they’re gonna TRULY get the message. Just imagine if Jesus, upon first seeing the money-changers in the Jewish temple, had GENTLY and SOFTLY said that they weren’t supposed to be doing that. The people in the temple probably would’ve laughed at him and the like. However, when He made whips from cords and YELLED at them before/while overthrowing the money changers tables, they immediately KNEW the seriousness of what He was saying!

Therefore, if one TRULY wants to align themselves with what is BIBLICAL and DO AWAY WITH what is NOT biblical (as a Christian who’s seeking to live the way Jesus would have them live, and NOT the way the “world”/secular culture would have them live), keep reading:


  • Lying
  • Envying
  • Cussing
  • Cheating
  • Saying the Lord’s Name in Vain
  • Stealing (stealing credit for someone else’s work, etc.)
  • Seeking Revenge/Getting Even
  • Getting Angry With Others When Provoked
  • Getting An Abortion/Being “Pro-Choice”
  • Being in an Active Homosexual Relationship
  • Fighting for Gay/Trans Rights
  • The Erosion of Gender
  • Gluttony
  • Greed
  • Mocking Jesus Christ/The Gospel/The Bible
  • Having Sex Outside of Marriage
  • Gossip
  • Treating Santa Claus & The Easter bunny as though they’re a “god” of sorts
  • Chasing after $$$$$$$$$$ and material things
  • Getting “spiritual enlightenment” in things/people other than Jesus Christ (yoga, etc.)
  • Worshiping celebrities/famous people
  • ETC.

Ok, now that we’ve got a clear handle on what’s NOT biblical to do, I’ll now list practices that ARE biblical to do: 

  • Being honest (even if it’s hard)
  • Being happy for others’ successes and NOT envying what belongs to others
  • Controlling one’s language & NOT cussing
  • PRAISING the name of the Lord Jesus, instead of saying His name in vain
  • Not stealing someone else’s work credit/etc.
  • Forgiving others
  • Remaining calm with others when provoked
  • Not getting an abortion (being Pro-Life)
  • Not participating in any form of “Sodomy” and/or “Sodmomous relationship”
  • Not fighting for Trans/LGBT rights but rather speaking out about the TRUE psychological damage that “Pro-Transgender/LGBT policy” is doing to people today, spiritually and otherwise!
  • Fighting for the hetero-normative definition of gender (“male” and “female”)
  • Not over-eating; eating only what is necessary
  • Not being consumed by greed but rather, praying for and focusing on others
  • Preaching Jesus Christ/The Gospel/The Bible
  • Saving oneself for marriage
  • Not getting excessively drunk with alcohol or “getting high”
  • Trying your best not to “gossip” about others
  • Keeping one’s body pure & untainted, for the bible says our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit
  • Celebrating the BIBLICAL holidays that Jesus & his disciples celebrated (Passover, Tabernacles, etc)
  • Worshiping on the TRUE, 7th-day, blessed & sanctified by the Lord Sabbath (Saturday)
  • Chasing after righteousness/the Lord’s approval, instead of man’s approval
  • Receiving spiritual enlightenment in Jesus and Jesus, ONLY!
  • Speaking OUT against idols/worshiping of “celebrities”
  • ETC.

I felt compelled to write this after seeing a “slew” of stories about people who identify themselves as “Christian”, yet, approve/partake in viewpoints/behaviors that are the EXACT OPPOSITE of what TRUE, biblical morality is, in the name of Jesus! And thus, those poor “deceived folks” are CAUSING CONFUSION among the body of Christ! 

Isaiah 5:20-21 puts it THIS way:

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! 

Isaiah further goes on to say (verses 22-25): “Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink: Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him

Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the Lord of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.

Therefore is the anger of the Lord kindled against his people, and he hath stretched forth his hand against them, and hath smitten them: and the hills did tremble, and their carcases were torn in the midst of the streets. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still” 

Translation? Jesus’s mighty anger is KINDLED (that means, RAGING) against those people who call themselves “Christian”, yet, turn HIS heavenly law & decrees ASIDE for the sake of THEIR personal, emotional/physical “convenience(s)”.

Why? Because they were originally armed with the truth, they KNEW better! Whereas, a totally unsaved person likely did NOT! In other words, Jesus naturally expects unsaved people to “act” like they’re unsaved. However…..He does NOT expect Christian people who identify AS Christian to “act” as though they’re unsaved/act like “the world” (if that makes any sense?)


And last but not least: If the “liberal/lukewarm church” (as a whole) had been around during Jesus’s time on Earth, this illustration is probably what it would look like:


[Okay, first of all, my apologies to anyone who can’t eat gluten or that’s a vegan. Please know that I’m not personally attacking you in any way, shape or form….I’m only merely using the above illustration as an example of what TODAY’S liberal/lukewarm Christianity might’ve looked like back in ancient, biblical times!]

In other words, the “liberal”/lukewarm church – as a whole – (& unsaved folks) has to constantly find something wrong with God’s law and/or God’s Spiritual Provisions for his people…… see them as “outdated” and “archaic”. Why? Because it’s the only way they can think of to work around it. Because they want to worship Jesus in their own “liberal”/lukewarm way. Why? So they can do whatever they want

Only, they’re not totally realizing that IN doing/focusing on whatever they want, instead of what Jesus Christ wants for them and their lives, and in worshiping Jesus in the way they want to worship him, instead of worshiping Jesus the way HE wants to be worshiped, they are instead doing what SATAN wants, and IN so doing, are actually DEFYING Jesus Christ by the WAY that they LIVE! (“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” – Romans 6:23).

Calling oneself a “Christian” and/or a “child of God” does NOT automatically make one Christian and/or a child of God! (Atleast in Jesus’s eyes, anyways!) For it is ONLY true, joyful obedience to Christ and his heavenly laws, trust & belief in Christ, being spiritually born again IN Christ, and REPENTANCE of sins that makes one a “Christian” and/or “child of God!”


Translation? Only those who are BORN AGAIN in the SPIRIT and RECEIVE HIM (that means, to FULLY SURRENDER THEIR ENTIRE LIVES TO HIM) does HE give the “right” to become a “Christian” and “child of God!”

There’s SO many people out there today who think that ALL humans are “God’s children” or “children of God” but folks, that’s just NOT the case! For ONLY a select “few” are ABLE to get this spiritual distinction. How? By OBEDIENCE to Christ! And obedience to Christ does NOT mean skirting God’s law……not in ANY way, shape or form!

[[[[But again, it isn’t just a spiritually lethargic attitude towards God’s laws that Christians have (a whole) but believe it or not, now even some of the Jews themselves are starting (as a whole) to go liberal/lukewarm, as these two articles illustrate: (which only FURTHER PROVES THAT WE’RE LIVING IN THE LAST DAYS, FOLKS!) and]]]]

Therefore, if YOU want the “RIGHT” to be called a “child of God”, then YOU must be born again in the spirit and YOU must fully surrender to Christ and obey Him, IN FULL! Not 3/4th obey him, not PARTIALLY obey him but 100% FULLY OBEY HIM in ALL that you do in this life! And to fully OBEY him means to OBEY HIS LAWS & DECREES!

Love Jesus with all your heart, soul, mind and strength! Give to those in need! Place others’ needs before your own needs! Cause remember: there’s LOTS and LOTS of lost souls out there! THEY should be your primary focus! Remember what YOU and YOUR life was like before YOU were fully saved in the name of Jesus! Imagine what would’ve happened in your life if you had died without Jesus……..imagine what would’ve happened if YOU did not have a Christian believer who prayed for you and preached to you about Jesus…..Imagine where you would be today if YOU had NOT had someone intercede for you on Jesus’s behalf! (Pretty scary and sobering to think about, isn’t it, folks?) 

Many folks think his law stopped at the 10 commandments! However, during the Sermon on the Mount, He EXPOUNDED on the 10 commandments, as well as talked about their original INTENT! (Wow! That’s just mind-blowing, isn’t it, folks!?)

And not only that but commands were added in OTHER places of the bible as well, such as Matthew 28, where Jesus tells his followers to “make disciples of ALL nations”, etc. And in the Old Testament, there were several dietary laws and “biblical holidays” that STILL APPLIED to Jesus and his disciples during the times of the New Testament, as well as to us Christians, TODAY! 

How we do know that? Simple. DURING the Sermon on the Mount (which is considered some of Jesus’s MOST important commandments in the bible), he said in Matthew 5:17-18Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled


In other words, ALL won’t be fulfilled till the VERY END of Revelation, chapter 22! Therefore, UNTIL the very end of Revelation, chapter 22, THE OT (Old Testament) LAWS & CELEBRATIONS/HOLIDAYS (minus animal sacrifice, for Jesus Christ BECAME the sacrificial lamb for MANY) STILL APPLY!

And guess what, folks? Did you know that the biblical feasts will STILL APPLY even during the Times of the New Millennial (specifically, the Feast of Tabernacles?) Alot of Christians don’t know that today because “the church today” (as we know it) hasn’t TOLD them the truth! It’s not their fault, entirely. Many were born and raised in “the church”. But what’s sad is that pastors are not preaching the COMPLETE truth to their congregations (as a whole). I used to be one of those Christians that NEVER questioned a pastor’s word for it, that NEVER questioned the history of Christianity, etc. 

But now that I DO know about these things, I feel like it’s my job to shout it from the rooftops (in a metaphorical and spiritual sense) about THE TRUTH about the Roman Catholic Church, Protestantism (“Refined Catholicism”) and the global deception going around today called “LIBERAL/LUKEWARM CHRISTIANITY”….The type of Christianity that does away with God’s law, creates “new traditions” that weren’t OF the bible originally and would seem totally FOREIGN to Jesus and his disciples and/or ancient followers and says “anything goes”.

Well, let me ask you something: IF the perpetual theology/practice of lukewarm/liberal Christianity was enough to cause a person to be sent to HELL and/or THE LAKE OF FIRE someday (that is, if they NEVER fully repented of such lukewarmness before death, etc.), then wouldn’t it stand to reason that those poor folks should be HIGHLY WARNED of their sinful thinking/behavior WAY BEFOREHAND so that they (hopefully) have plenty of time to REPENT (to give up and STOP doing the behaviors that are DISPLEASING to Jesus/God?)

Sadly, this whole entire “Liberal Christian Movement” got started by the Gay Movement, who wanted Christians to FEEL BAD or ASHAMED about their “Christian morality” (i.e. the bible’s view that it’s a sin to be actively gay, etc.) Therefore, they shamed many Christians AWAY from the hard-line authority of the bible with the words “homophobic” and “born this way”. And the Gay Movement has MANY, MANY, MANY Christian people (and even non-Christian people) deceived BECAUSE of it!

And Folks, there is NO “gay gene”. Never has been and never will be. Why do you think that is? Answer: Because they were NOT “born that way”. God doesn’t create “gay people”, only society and social environment/upbringing produces “gay people”. One day, I believe it (the so-called “gay gene) will be “faked” by secular science (but that’s a whole different story!) Back in 1969, the DSM-II listed homosexuality as a “mental disorder”. Only by SEVERE pressure from the left did the DSM folks “change their tune”. Please keep in mind that “transgenderism” is STILL considered a “mental disorder” (under the term “gender dysphoria”). 

It also doesn’t help that many of today’s “liberal Christians” ARE celebrities/famous people. Because lets face it, many Christian “lay people” at large look UP to these folks. And so, if THEY (Christian “celebrities – as a whole) have a “liberal” Christian theology, then it’s going to make many OTHER Christian people out there also have a “liberal” Christian theology…….instead of being likened onto a Berean Christian who’s searching the scriptures DAILY, to see “rather or not these things are so”.

But in fact, sadly, many of these Christian celebrities (as a whole), are very likely DECEIVED by Satan and his demons and I oftentimes pray that Satan will lose his grip on them! (Money & fame can easily turn into two powerful spiritual deceptors and even many non-Christian celebrities fall victim to its trappings!)

As a whole, many liberal Christian celebrities out there today (as a whole) seem to think they can have their cake and eat it, too (spiritually speaking). But in fact, just like I said above, no man (or woman, for that matter) can serve two masters, cause either he will hate the one and love the other or love the other and hate the one.

But let me take this a step further. Are some of these folks even “Christian” to begin with, if they publicly do things that go completely AGAINST the bible? By doing so, they are no doubt CAUSING CONFUSION among the body of Christ and are causing many Christians to fall! And we KNOW from the bible that Jesus Christ is NOT a God of confusion, folks! He is a CONSISTENT God! HE does not change, NOR do his LAWS change! He is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore! 

Sadly, some of these folks are even PURPOSELY branding themselves “Christian” and then, subtly doing things that actually go AGAINST the bible in order to DECEIVE CHRISTIANS! My soul is VERY, VERY GRIEVED OVER THIS!!!!! Because not only have THEY been deceived by Satan and his demons, but they in turn are ALSO deceiving others. Is there NO END to all this “liberal Christian deception!?” ;-( 

I KNOW firsthand what the Wrath of Jesus is like! Just like I KNOW firsthand what it will likely BE like for all those folks someday that THINK or THOUGHT they were “right” with Jesus during their Earthly lives, only to discover at the very, very last terrifying moment that they were NEVER, EVER “right” with Jesus, ALL ALONG! OUCH! Therefore, that’s the VERY THING I’m trying to prevent with this very here POST (& EVEN THIS WHOLE ENTIRE BLOG, EVEN!) I love each and every single one of you and want ALL of you to be ETERNALLY saved in the name of Jesus! 

In closing, I just want to say this: IT’S NOT THE WILL OF GOD IF IT GOES AGAINST THE (WRITTEN) WORD OF GOD (THE BIBLE)/ AND/OR THE WORD OF GOD (JESUS CHRIST, HIMSELF!)“. Even I myself find myself somewhat convicted on that one. For example, I had briefly *almost* considered dating a non-Christian most recently.  (Notice the key word here is *almost!*).

So what stopped me dead in my (spiritual) tracks? (Jesus? The Holy Spirit?) asked me the following fateful questions: “Do you remember how the ancient Israelites complained out in the desert, after being delivered from Egypt by my mighty hand? Do you remember how they complained because they didn’t fully TRUST me or have 100% unfaltered faith IN Me? Well…..when YOU withstand MY biblical principles to please another that doesn’t EVEN adhere to me, you’ve now become likened onto a complaining Israelite out in the desert, in my eyes. This is your desert. This is your time of testing. Ah….you didn’t even REALIZE you were being tested, did you? Well, now you do. YOU are being spiritually tested and I pray that now that you KNOW this, that YOU will now be equipped to pass the test. Don’t ever, ever, EVER withstand BIBLICAL principles for a non-Christian, it will end up VERY BADLY!”

But if I HAD gone through with it (dating a non-Christian)? I would’ve been likened onto a “liberal” Christian of the viewpoint of “I’m a Christian BUT I think it’s OK to date a non-Christian”. See how Satan wants to feed off of our weaknesses…….? By putting certain types of “thoughts” into our minds like: “Isn’t that a non-Christian thing to do? To discriminate against someone who isn’t a Christian?” (when it comes to dating). See how the devil rolls, folks? He tries to turn our very own righteousness AGAINST US! “Isn’t that HATEFUL to NOT be accepting of LGBT/Womens’ Reproductive rights?” 

And yes, on the surface, it might not “seem” very “Christian-like” for a Christian to not date a non-Christian. But ya know what, folks? In the end, you’ll be VERY, VERY GLAD that you listened to Jesus, and NOT to the “spiritual voice” of someone who’s NOT Jesus! Why? Because the bible says that we are NOT to be unevenly yoked!!!!!! (Therefore, listen to JESUS, and NOT to fellow man! TRUST ME ON THIS!!!)

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you”

– 2 Cortinthians 6:14-17 KJV

But folks, we GOT to remember something, here. WHEN a person speaks AGAINST the written word of God (the bible), (ESPECIALLY IF THEY ARE “CHRISTIAN”), they are NOT speaking for Christ but speaking for Satan! That person, IN that moment, is temporarily possessed by Satan and/or a demon! So if you AGREE with the person OR give in to them, you are giving in to SATAN/a demon! That’s a pretty scary, sobering thought, isn’t it, folks?

Therefore, WE MUST BE ON SPIRITUAL GUARD AT **ALL TIMES** AND IN **ALL PLACES!** Don’t ever, ever, EVER let your spiritual guard down or take any “counsel” from someone who is not a Christian or is a liberal/lukewarm Christian, PERIOD! Because the ONLY thing the spirit inside that person wants is YOUR spiritual destruction, so remember that, folks! 








When God/Jesus Christ Seems Distant…….

We go through times and periods in our lives where we feel nothing but joyous, content and very, very close to the Lord, where our faith is rock-solid & unshakeable. But at other times in our lives, God/Jesus Christ can seem VERY distant.

And several questions start running through one’s mind: “is the Lord angry with me?”, “does the Lord hate me?”, “is the Lord unhappy with me?”, “am I being punished for something?”, etc.

We have a human tendency to think that Jesus Christ is distancing himself from US. But what’s REALLY going on is that WE are distancing ourselves from HIM.

It all starts out SO slowly & subtlety.  “I don’t feel like reading any of the bible today”, “I don’t feel like going to work today”, “I don’t feel like cleaning the house today”, “I don’t feel like taking the kids to the zoo today”, etc. And then, it all branches out from there.

And then, before we know it, we don’t feel like doing most of ANYTHING, we start to forget what’s even in the bible in the first place, our faith becomes LACKING, and we’re not even sure what we truly follow anymore. And that’s a very scary place to be in, INDEED.

This is usually the start of the “justification of sin” phase that we Christians can easily fall into.

We try telling ourselves things like: “oh, it’s okay I took a small fountain drink from work without paying for it, the customer before me said I could have THEIR drink since they weren’t going to get the fountain drink that came with their meal” or “it’s okay if I take a penny from the communal change bucket to help pay for something, that’s not stealing, it’s ONLY a penny”, etc. But the truth of the matter is, Jesus Christ is ALWAYS WATCHING US (every move we make, every word we say, even every thought we do so much as “think”). And he uses such experiences to “test us” and to “test our character”.

I’ve seen customers at work that will try to pay for a fountain cup full of ice water because they don’t realize the ice water is free. I’ve also had other customers who came up to actually PAY for a fountain drink refill. And that’s pretty amazing since our fountain drink station is pretty much out in the lobby area, UNMONITORED by any employees at my work. Customers could very easily steal fountain drinks without any employee at my work being none the wiser. (And many do, probably). But the fact that THOSE few customers who were honest enough to actually try to PAY for fountain cups of ice water or for fountain drink refills taught me a VERY valuable lesson about the bible and the importance of APPLYING the bible to our lives directly by HONESTY!

Because lets face it, stealing is stealing in God’s eyes, it doesn’t matter if it’s a pen from the bank, etc. (even though many steal pens mistakenly/subconsciously — though it STILL doesn’t make it okay) or something as small as 1 PENNY!

And trust me, if it was the day of your final hour on this Earth (and nobody knows for sure the very “precise” moment when they will die) and the ONLY thing standing between you, the true, biblical Christian and eternal condemnation was just ONE unrepentant “stolen penny” from the common change bucket (for example), you’d repent and immediately place the penny back in the common change bucket, wouldn’t you?

But in general, we humans are prideful, arrogant creatures. We (for the most part) do NOT like hearing that we are sinners. We LIKE hearing about or thinking about how great we are or how talented we are. But the truth is, we are NOTHING without God, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

God/Jesus Christ is the author of ALL LIFE, and is also the creator of ETERNAL LIFE & ETERNAL CONDEMNATION. Without HIM, we’d have no life/existence, PERIOD, nor would we have any chance of eternal life & Eternal Salvation.

Romans 3:23 states: “For all have sinned & fallen short of the glory of God”. Translation? We’re ALL sinners. Not one of us is perfect. Not one. We are ALL going to sin at some point in our lives and we are ALL going to make mistakes from time to time. It’s how we LEARN from those mistakes that count.

And our spiritual walk with Jesus Christ is NOT always gonna be a smooth one either, so we need to remember that and keep that in mind.

In fact, Jesus says in John 15: 18-23 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also. But all these things will they do unto you for my name’s sake, because they know not him that sent me. If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloak for their sin. He that hateth me hateth my Father also”.

In other words, Jesus Christ told us in the bible that we (as true, biblical Christians) would have to go up against much clamour and opposition from “the world” (who’s pursuits are greed, money, materialism, lust, envy, pride, sloth, hatred, godlessness, etc.) He also informed us in the bible that he would be persecuted by the Romans AND the Jews who were loyal to Rome. And because HE was persecuted by the “secular” world of his day, that we true, biblical Christians would ALSO be persecuted by the secular world of OUR modern day.

And because of this, some Christians will give up at the first sign of spiritual struggle. They will say things like: “I knew it was pretty hard to try to gain entry into God’s Eternal Kingdom someday but I never realized it was gonna be THIS HARD, sheesh!” And then, for them, that’s it. They don’t feel like being a “Christian” anymore. And quite frankly, Satan is DELIGHTED when that happens, for these poor people are “easy pickins” for him.

But for those Christians out there who STRIVE their very hardest to try to gain entry in God’s Eternal Kingdom someday? That’s who Satan wants to overcome THE MOST. And he will stop at NOTHING to try to make that happen! He will try to throw just a little tiny bit of DOUBT into a Christian’s mind OR make one OVERCOME with feelings of shame, guilt & fear.

And once Satan manages to harvest some of those negative emotions into a Christian person’s mind, they become “easy prey” for him! He can THEN try to make them feel lazy or depressed or doubtful and from there, getting them to not read their bible every week, and neglecting their house/kids/marriage/self is a walk in the park for him!

And then, once Satan has someone neglecting their house/kids/work/marriage/self/LIFE, getting them to doubt their faith & slowly turn away from God is “no problem t’all”.

But there’s one thing that Satan is VERY, VERY good at and that’s THIS: getting people to get mad at God/Jesus Christ for the actual spiritual havoc, that he, Satan himself, is causing in their lives in the first place!

People will say things to themselves or to close friends like “why does God/Jesus Christ seem to have it out for me right, now?”, “why does God hate me?”, “what does God have against me? I didn’t do anything!”etc. And the sad part is, it’s actually SATAN who hates them, it’s SATAN who “has it out for them” and quite frankly, it’s SATAN who’s punishing them for having previously tried to live a Christ-centered life.

But AS SOON as people start blaming God/Jesus Christ for the spiritual havoc in their lives, Satan is having a ball, while reeling them in on his fishing line in one quick, swift motion! And before a person realized what’s hit them, they haven’t read the bible in 6 months to a year, they couldn’t tell you who Joshua or Caleb was, they haven’t fellowshipped with other believers for quite some time, they’ve quit preaching to others about Christ & Eternal Salvation, they don’t even remember the last time they prayed for forgiveness of their sins or the last time they had an actual date with their spouse or took the kids to the park or the zoo, etc.

And then, some Christians will oftentimes think: “well, I’m already this far gone from God, might as well stay here”. They come to a place of lukewarmness where they are TOTALLY forgetting the fact that Jesus Christ is the author of all life and that he has the power to change any negative thing in their lives for the better! They forget about the miracles of the Lions’ Den, of the parting of the Red Sea, of the turning the water into wine, of bringing back Lazarus from the dead, etc.

In their minds, Jesus Christ is not a God of miracles and of all life. In their minds, Jesus Christ becomes this sort’ve “burdensome taskmaster”. They tell themselves: “it’s too hard being Christian these days………besides, Jesus Christ’s not gonna send EVERYONE to eternal condemnation after they die, right? Only the MAJOR evil people like Hitler & Stalin, correct?” while totally forgetting the fact that EVEN Hitler & Stalin could’ve been saved had they TRULY repented of their deeds right before they died.

And yes, it’s true. The “path” to eternal life & eternal Salvation is a very narrow path, INDEED!

Jesus Christ said in Matthew 7: 13-14Enter ye in at the strait gate: for WIDE is the gate, and BROAD is the way, that leadeth to DESTRUCTION, and MANY there be which go in thereat: Because STRAIGHT is the gate, and NARROW is the way, which leadeth unto LIFE, and FEW there be that find it“.

In other words, it’s a hard and narrow path to find AND be/stay on but with the HELP of Jesus Christ himself, is NOT an “impossible” path to find or be/stay on.

This guy says it best when he mentions we need to read the Holy Bible, King James Version, DAILY. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Not just SOME days of the week but ALL days of the week. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

If you’re struggling right now in your spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ and are not sure where to turn, turn to a verse in the King James Bible, ANY verse, and start reading. Even if you don’t FEEL like it. And then sooner or later, you will have a desire to keep reading and that’s exactly how Jesus Christ feverishly works to restore us to HIM!

Then again, sometimes the important thing is just letting Yeshua/Jesus Christ know how you feel. TELL him you’re feeling doubt, TELL him that you feel like he’s distant from you, TELL him whatever it is you’re struggling with in life right now, faith-wise or otherwise and he’ll be glad to answer you. You can even PRAY to have more faith and more trust in him!

What do you think the Lord’s gonna say if you pray to him to have more faith? Do you think he’s gonna say NO? If you pray to have more faith, he will GIVE you more faith. He’ll give you situations in which your faith starts to build up bit by bit and little by little. We just got to learn to trust him.

And think of it THIS way: he created the universe and the heavens! So don’t you think he knows what he’s doing in YOUR life? Cause afterall, it’s not like he’s gonna be a type of creator God that creates the Earth and the heavens, and then scratch his head in confusion over how to deal with a mere human’s lifetime! Nothing in our lives will have him “stumped”! He is the author of all life! 

I pray that all souls that read this blog and/or this very post will either come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ or come BACK to the saving knowledge/restored spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ before it’s too late and before their souls become on the path to be lost for eternity. In Jesus’s name. Amen.












What Is The True Gospel of Jesus Christ?

All men are sinners. “For all men have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God” [Romans 3:23]

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son [Jesus Christ], that whoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send his son [Jesus Christ] to condemn the world but that through Him [Jesus Christ] the world might be saved” [John 3: 16-17]

“He who believes in Him [Jesus Christ] is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the only begotten Son of God [Jesus Christ]” {John 3:18}

So essentially what this means is that over 1976+ years ago, God put his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for salvation/forgiveness of mankind’s sins. And on that Cross, Jesus Christ shed his holy blood (along with the water of life that gushed out of his side wound) in order to give us the “free gift” of *SALVATION* (forgiveness of sins, if we choose to receive that “free gift” in our hearts!) and the chance for everlasting life [eternity with God/Jesus Christ].

3 days later, Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead, just like he said he would do. There are SEVERAL eyewitness accounts, which record seeing Jesus AFTER he was resurrected from the dead. This would in fact PROVE that Jesus was the Son of God! And all these eyewitnesses were faced with martyrdom [death] FOR their eyewitness testimony, but not one of them recanted their faith (upon the threat of death)! NOT ONE

1 Corinthians 15:3-6
John 20:10-18
Matt 28:8-10
Luke 24:13-32
Luke 24:33-49
John 20:19-23
John 20:26-30
John 21:1-14
Matt 28:16-20
Luke 24:50-52
Acts 1:9-11

40 days later, in front of several witnesses, Jesus Christ ascended up to heaven to be on the right hand throne of God [the heavenly Father] and won victory over “sin and death” [hell/the Devil].

In other words, when Jesus died for all of mankind’s sins on the cross over 1976+ years ago, he provided a way for mankind to achieve *eternal life*, AWAY from the confines of eternal death/the lake of fire. But God [the heavenly Father] said in his holy divine book, the bible, that the ONLY way a person could achieve *eternal life* is to BELIEVE in Jesus Christ, pray for forgiveness of sins, acknowledge that they’re a sinner, accept Jesus Christ into their hearts as Lord & Savior, REPENT of their sins, become baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and CONTINUE to obey the Lord throughout their day to day lives. So it’s a 7-part process.

Basically, when you become a Christian/”Saved”, you acknowledge that you’re a sinner in God’s eyes and that you NEED forgiveness of your sins. You thank Jesus Christ for his *free gift* of salvation on the cross, you pray for forgiveness of your sins, you accept Jesus as your personal Lord & Savior (God Almighty in the flesh), you REPENT of your sins, you become baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, and then you “pick up your cross and follow him”.

That means to leave the old life behind. For example, if you used to drink a lot before accepting Jesus Christ in your heart, that means you give up drinking. If you used to be addicted to sex, drugs, pornography, etc., that means you give those things up and don’t do/partake of them anymore. [But don’t worry, because if God created the Earth & the Heavens, he can certainly help people overcome their addictions or things that draw people away from God!]

When you truly accept Jesus Christ into your heart, pray for forgiveness of your sins, allow him to become Lord & Savior, repent of your sins AND become baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, your spirit is renewed in Christ and you start a New Life in Him. Therefore, you must separate yourselves from ALL worldly/sinful things (drinking, drugs, partying, greed, lust, pride, addiction(s), love of money, etc.). What this means is that, in order to become friends with God, you must become enemies of the world.

“Adulterers and Adulteresses, don’t you know that friendship with the world is enmity [hatred] toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God” [James 4:4]

Meaning, you must separate yourselves from the “ungodly pursuits” (money, self, globalism/“many-paths-to-enlightenment”-movement, pleasure) of the world and seek after the “pursuits” of Jesus (such as humility, servitude to God instead of self, kindness/forgiveness towards others, pleasure in serving God’s will).

But in order to live a true Christian life, we must first know the bible. If you don’t know the bible for yourself, the Devil (working through various people) will try to turn you on to “false doctrines” (the ones I talked about in my previous post) and will try to do everything in his power (even working through people close to you, like your own friends, family and even coworkers, for instance) to try to get you to lose your faith in Jesus Christ!

Jesus commands us to become baptized. When we get baptized, we receive the free *gift* of the Holy Spirit (which in turn, gives us the gift of spiritual discernment and/or conviction of sins). It is also represents the “ceremonial washing away of sins”.

“He who believes and is baptized will be saved, but he who does not believe will be condemned” [Mark 16:16]

Because we now live in such a dark, depraved, fallen world, there’s many lost and restless souls out there, who feel like their life has no meaning or that try to fill their hearts with things other than God.

So once you become a true believer in Jesus Christ, you must “go out and make disciples [more believers in Jesus] among all nations” [Matthew 28:19]

God can’t let ANY sin into his heavenly kingdom. That’s why, if a person doesn’t accept Jesus Christ into their hearts by the end of their lives, that God can’t admit them into what the New Testament calls the heavenly city of “New Jerusalem” [Revelation chapters 21-22!] . They are “spiritually unclean” and God is a holy, divine, PURE God. When we accept Jesus Christ into our hearts AND get full-water-immersion baptized in his great, heavenly name, we are “made spiritually clean” in God’s eyes.

But if we reject Jesus Christ/do not acknowledge Him before our deaths in this life, then God [Jesus Christ] is going to judge us for each and every single sin we’ve ever committed over the TOTALITY of our LIFETIMES and send us to hell (whose fires will eventually be merged into the lake of fire), NO EXCEPTIONS, ***PERIOD!***

So PLEASE, people! Get right with Jesus TODAY! Time is running out.

Pray the following prayer:

“Lord Jesus, I’m a sinner. I pray to you for forgiveness of my sins and I pray for you to become my Lord & Savior. Please give me a new heart and a new mind. Please don’t let me fall victim to the “Apostasy”[doctrines other than what Jesus taught] going on in the Christian Church AND in the secular world today. And also, don’t ALLOW me to believe the world’s LIE that you aren’t God or that you’re not the ONLY way to salvation/heaven! Amen”.

And then get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ since Jesus commands it in Mark 16:16 “He who believes and is baptized will be saved, but he who does not believe will be condemned”

And then you be rest assured that Jesus will NEVER blot out your name from The Book of Life talked about in Philippians 4:3 (his *record book* of faithful followers) and that you’ll get to live with Jesus forever in eternity!

And I know eternity is sort’ve scary to think about for some folks, as in “what would living FOREVER be like? Yikes!” but for those of us who get to enter eternity with God, we will enter “New Jerusalem” with glorified bodies (meaning, bodies that are “perfect” in God’s site: so I can only assume that to mean no wrinkles or age spots, or walking canes or glasses/contacts, or anything else that one would deem “imperfect”).

Oh and guys, trust me. There IS no “hidden catch” to salvation. You ask Jesus to come into your heart, you pray for forgiveness of your sins, you repent of (turn completely away from) your sins, you get FULL-WATER baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, you CONTINUE to obey the Lord in your lives……you’re saved…….and you no longer have to worry about being sent to the “fire that never quenches” (aka the fires of hell that MERGE INTO the lake of fire will become the “fire that never quenches”, which Jesus Christ describes as the “weeping and gnashing of teeth”, etc.)

One last thing I wanted to mention here real quick is that Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Salvation. Meaning, no other person, principle or creed is needed. JUST Jesus Christ alone! For Jesus said in John 14:6….

“I am the way, the truth and the light. No-one comes to the Father [Everlasting Life/Paradise] except by Me [Jesus Christ]” John 14:6

“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” Acts 4:12