Posts tagged ‘New Age movement’

The Rise of Witchcraft in America


On July 4, 1776, the U.S. Declaration of Independence was signed by what was then considered the “13 colonies” of America. For those of you who aren’t in the know, that was the time that America “severed” its ties with Great Britain. In other words, the 13 colonies of America declared itself INDEPENDENT from Great Britain.

All the rest of the land of what is now known as “The United States” was later added onto the “13 colonies“. And what originally started out as the “13 colonies of 1776” eventually, over time, became the “United States of America“. The very last state to join the union, Hawaii, became a U.S. state on August 21, 1959!

The U.S. Constitution & Bill of Rights (the two documents that are SUPPOSED to determine all the U.S. Laws & Bylaws) were both ratified (that means, “made official/active”) on June 21, 1788 and December 15, 1791 (respectively). And despite many people thinking that the Constitution means “freedom FROM religion”, it was actually supposed to be “freedom OF religion!” In fact, “religious liberty” was one of the KEY components of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights! Our founding fathers all believed in God and founded the very nation of America itself upon God and the bible!

But fast forward to the year 1996 or so. This was when I very first started noticing a “great cultural shift” happening……..a cultural shift AWAY from Jesus and the bible! And at first, it was very subtle……barely noticeable. [The movie called “The Craft” and the TV show “Sabrina the Teenage Witch” was released that year. Another interesting facet is that “prayer” was banned in many schools around this time, as well, though hardly anyone noticed].

And over time, as the years went on, it started to become more and more noticeable. Around the year 1997 or so, “gay pride parades” starting happening, en masse. Then in the year 1998, the movie called “Practical Magic” came out, as well as the very first Harry Potter book and the TV show called “Charmed!”]

Not to mention there was also this social campaign going on in the schools and in homes around that time where parents and teachers were told to “validate their children/students and tell them how great, wonderful, special and unique they were, while NOT focusing on their “weaknesses” – in other words, overplaying their strengths – in a desperate attempt to increase self-confidence/self-validation in young people. In other words, parents and teachers and therapists were told to “coddle the youth”.

And ya want to know what happened, folks? Those “extremely coddled” youth eventually grew up (as a whole) to be EXTREMELY NARCISSISTIC, have practically ZERO interest in Jesus, morals or the bible, have and/or display practically NO ACCOUNTABILITY, and whom think it’s ALL ABOUT *THEM!* Welcome to the “Age of Entitlement”, folks!

What’s even worse is that it branched off from the youth and then eventually reached the adults, as well (groups of people – as a whole – who feel like the world OWES them something – when the truth is, the world doesn’t owe them ANYTHING and THEY are the ones who truly owe Christ EVERYTHING for what he’s done for ALL OF MANKIND on the Cross!)

And the rise of witchcraft in America went hand in hand with that “coddling movement!” 1996 and 1998 were HUGE years for mass media witchcraft infiltration of the youth! In fact, the youth has ALWAYS been their prime target audience! Because if they could get to the youth, they knew they’d have the future and culture of the country in check!

Then on September 11, 2001, things in America just went HAYWIREspiritually. With Harry Potter, and witchcraft movies and TV shows already well underway, and with parents/teachers having been taught to “coddle the youth” and tell them how great, smart, special and wonderful they were, while downplaying their weaknesses, and NOT preaching to them about “sin” or the consequences of “wrong-doing”, the nation of America (specifically the youth of America – as a whole) then fell into a PAGAN/WICCAN TRANCE!

And BECAUSE the nation of America (as a whole) was so suddenly interested (all of a sudden) in “coddling the youth” and in “Witchcraft” and so NOT interested in Jesus and the bible, Jesus allowed the nation of America to BE ATTACKED! It was what I felt to be one of Jesus’s FINAL wake-up calls for people (specifically parents and/or pastors) that had been spiritually asleep! (Since then, there have been several more – the Pulse nightclub shooting for one, among other events, etc.)

And while some people turned to the churches after 9-11, it likely was NOT for the right reasons! Because this only lasted a few months before people stopped going to church, stopped reading their bibles, stopped praying and seeking God, etc.

Nevertheless, some parents became very angry about the Harry Potter book series and tried to have them banned from libraries! But it was to NO AVAIL! Why? Because the Spirit of Darkness was just TOO STRONG upon America! And sadly, those parents were partially to blame! Because instead of preaching the bible and the Word of the Lord to their children, they were too busy doing other things! They believed Satan’s “social engineering” lies that they needed to “coddle” their children, instead of PREACH and TEACH their children about the “wiles of the devil”, etc. So then was it any wonder then that the youth’s interest in witchcraft – at this point in time of American history – was just EXPLODING?

I remember the times of 1999 when you could walk into the average bookstore and the “New Age/Witchcraft” section was a very small one, say one bookshelf full. However, just a few years later, when you walked into the average bookstore (long before Amazon put most bookstores out of business and just 2 years or more after 9-11), the New Age/Witchcraft section just EXPLODED – with SEVERAL bookshelves then dedicated to it! And though it happened over the process of 2-3 years, to ME, it felt like it happened overnight!

And I admit this to my shame but I was 18-19 when the very first Harry Potter books came out. Everyone was making such a big “fuss” over them, especially parents. I knew that parents wanted these books “banned” from libraries and what have you. So I ordered my own set of Harry Potter books from Barnes & just to see what all the “fuss” was about; to try to gather rather or not these parents should be as “upset” as they were. I also tried to “reason with myself” that it would be possible for me to read Harry Potter from a “Christian perspective”. BOY, WAS I DECEIVED!

I devoured the first 1-3 books in practically no time but by book 4, I was starting to get “bored stiff” of the repeating plot line and lost interest in the series! And PRAISE JESUS that he made me lose interest in the series – otherwise, things could’ve been ALOT worse! But ofcourse, even though my “heart” was not as into the series after book 4, the books themselves were STILL in my house!

And during that time in my life, I wasn’t yet aware (or aware at all) then WHEN I read part of the Harry Potter series, I had opened up a demonic doorway in my life! Not long after reading the Harry Potter books, I became temporarily interested in witchcraft & falsely believed (at the time) that I could supplement “white magic” with my Christianity! I even came across a New Age music group called “Enigma”, which had pictures of Aleister Crowley on its album cover art – though I’ll admit to my shame that I didn’t even KNOW who Aleister Crowley was at the time! BOY, WAS I DECEIVED!

Because once those “demons” GAINED the legal spiritual right to torment me (after my reading those books & after my unknowingly listening to that Satanic/Wiccan music), the “demons” were RELENTLESS in attacking me! They gained a DEMONIC STRONGHOLD over me! I went from Harry Potter to The Craft to Practical Magic to eventually thinking about enrolling in “Witchcraft School” sponsored by Yvonne Frost!

And folks, you want to know what happened during that time? I became ANGRY, DEPRESSED, VENGEFUL, ADDICTED TO LUST, ADDICTED TO “CURSING AT AND YELLING AT JESUS”, AN ALCOHOLIC, MEAN, UNFORGIVING, SELFISH, NARCISSISTIC, SUICIDAL! And that’s just the effects it had on ME, a known believer of Jesus! So just IMAGINE what it does to someone who is NOT a believer in Jesus and never WAS a believer of Jesus! It would practically DESTROY THEM!

Thankfully in my case, the Lord Jesus Christ sent me a VIOLENT (LITERAL) thunder & lightning storm of his fury that I LITERALLY thought was The End of The Earth one night & that FORCED ME TO REPENT of having tried to commit suicide several times within that time-frame of my life, etc.! Trust me, if you had seen the VIOLENT thunder & lightning storm that I did, you probably would’ve both pissed & shit yourself at the same time! What was terrifying to me about that “violent storm” were several factors:

  1. It had been THE MOST VIOLENT & ***LOUD*** thunder & lightning storm I had seen in ALL MY LIFE!
  2. It was just ONE huge neon pink lightning bolt coming out of a huge white ball of light – which told me: “Hey! This isn’t no ORDINARY storm, kid! This one’s JUST FOR YOU!”
  3. The more I thought to myself in my own sinful defiance: “Oh come on Lord, you TOO would be suicidal if YOU had experienced what I did, give me a break!”, the lighting bolt would go BAM!BAM!BAM!BAM!BAM! and get closer & closer to my bedroom window!
  4. The more I thought to myself: “Okay, okay, perhaps what I did WAS really bad and I shouldn’t of done it. I’m sorry. I don’t want to die, I just want the pain to end”, the lighting bolt would strike a bit less, less louder & move farther AWAY from my bedroom window!
  5. The next morning when I was excitedly, yet fearfully talking about “THE STORM” to my bestfriend, my next door neighbor goes: “Storm? WHAT STORM? If there was a storm last night, I’d of heard it, since I was up ALL NIGHT as I didn’t sleep much last night!” NOTE: THAT’S WHEN I **KNEW** IT WAS OF THE LORD ABOVE AND THAT “THE STORM” WAS JUST FOR *ME* AND THAT HE ALLOWED ME TO BE THE *ONLY ONE* WHO HEARD IT AND SAW IT! YIKES!!! [That was sometime during 2000-2001 and I’ve NEVER looked back – as far as “suicidal tendencies” or “alcohol addiction” goes, anyways!]

Around the year 2003 or so, U.S. national interest in witchcraft/New Age philosophies & music just INCREASED BY LEAPS & BOUNDS! What’s interesting to note is that in the Old Testament, we are of told of Isaac’s travails in Haran. We are told his sheep and his cattle “increased by leaps and bounds”. And THAT type of “increased by leaps and bounds” is what’s considered a RIGHTEOUS INCREASE!

However, the increase of Witchcraft/Satanism by leaps and bounds (around the year 2003 or so) is what’s known as an UNRIGHTEOUS INCREASE! Do you see what the Devil’s trying to do, folks? He’s trying to MOCK THE THINGS OF GOD, EVERY WHICH WAY HE CAN! Whatever God does, and whatever is “righteous”, Satan must have an UNRIGHTEOUS COUNTERFEIT!

Interestingly enough, in the years 2005-2012, The “Left Behind” series by Tim LaHaye & Jerry B. Jenkins caused a “slight resurgence” of interest in Jesus Christ, bible prophecy and the bible……if, only for a little while. And while the Left Behind series has likely sold NOWHERE near the number of books and movies that the Harry Potter “Franchise” has, atleast it got people “somewhat” interested in bible prophecy again. However, the sad thing about the series is that:

A). A “pre-trib rapture” is very likely NOT biblical! Let me elaborate on that a bit. HARPAZÕ, from what my best biblical understanding, is a Greek word that means “Catching UP”. And “Falling Away” ofcourse, means Falling DOWN; dying SPIRITUALLY! There’s MANY false preachers today (that are readers of the Left Behind series) that teach that “The Great Falling Away” means THE RAPTURE but what it REALLY, TRULY MEANS is “The Great Falling Away FROM THE FAITH!”

B). It’s NOT possible (atleast for a human being anyways – but perhaps a “righteous angel working undercover in human disguise” could) to “secretly work for the Antichrist” (undercover as a *double agent*) and get away with it! For the Antichrist will demand WORSHIP FROM ***ALL!*** 1 Corinthians 10:21 even says: “Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table, and of the table of devils”.

C). From my best biblical understanding, the “tribulation saints” are those who die BEFORE (what I’ve now come to believe will be) the Mid-Tribulation Rapture, NOT AFTER! 

Another interesting thing is that many of the Left Behind books were rumored to have been released on “High Satanic holidays”. The authors tried to explain it away by claiming that they specifically did that to try to “thwart Satan’s power”. But again, why not just release them on the 7th day BIBLICAL Sabbath (Saturday) or on BIBLICAL HOLIDAYS (such as Passover, Tabernacles, etc?) It stands to reason!

After doing more research into the matter, and peeling back the layers of the “spiritual onion” that is known as “The Left Behind Franchise”, I became very troubled in my spirit! For I started to feel, personally, like there was just as much “Witchcraft” IN the Left Behind series as there was in the Harry Potter series!

Not only does the bible NOT speak of a “secret rapture” [Revelation 1:3-7 says that ALL eyes shall see him in the clouds of heaven, EVEN THOSE who reject him] but Christians can NOT sit at the table of God AND the table of demons at the same time and get away with it! For NO man can “love two masters”. Also as well: The Christian writer of the above linked website claim that the Tim LaHaye site used to have “New Age”/masonic music on the site but has now removed it after “Christian backlash”. Interesting……….

As for the character Buck Williams [“Buck” – a male deer with TWO HORNS, anyone?] who “secretly” works for the Antichrist without the Antichrist knowing? Well, we know that Satan is NOT all powerful and all knowing like God/Jesus is. However, my best spiritual guess is that it’d probably be very unlikely for someone to try to “secretly” appear to be in Satan’s camp when they weren’t. [Note: It’s far more easier for a Satanist to “pretend” to be a Christian than it is for a Christian to “pretend” to be a Satanist]

That would be very, very hard (if not impossible) for any true Christian to pull off! And why would any Christian want to? Unless the Lord Jesus himself SPECIFICALLY commanded one of his own righteous angels or a very righteous human to do so, the chance that a Christian could do such a thing (without the Lord Jesus’s so-called backing AND get away from it, as far as the Antichrist is concerned) is very likely ZERO!

But those things aside, let us now focus on the period from 2012-2018. This is when Witchcraft and the study of Witchcraft came to a “fever pitch!” It had become – and still is, even – the “in thing”, the “popular thing”. There’s even this dark spiritual attitude like: “Hey, live and let live, everybody’s doing it, so might as well!”

In 2012, you had what’s known as “The Mayan Prophecy”. Basically, it was the 2012 version of Y2K! And, knock on wood, the world is still here……..for NOW, anyways! But people became SO obsessed with the December 21, 2012 date for “The End of the Mayan calendar”, d-uh d-uh d-uh…..And……..nothing happened! Matthew 23:36 says the following: But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only“.

In the year 2018, we’ve seen COUNTLESS numbers of godless movies, books, music, videogames, magazines, newspaper and TV shows DEDICATED to the cause of Satanism/Witchcraft. It’s on every street corner, in every neighborhood, every county, every country of the world! It’s even in many of today’s “churches”.

In fact, it’s practically EVERYWHERE! (“Wizard of Oz”, “Halloween” and/or “Oz Fest”, anyone?) And Christians, I really hate to say this but it needs to be said: we have only ourselves to blame! Because instead of reading the bible and falling on our knees in submission to our creator (God/Jesus Almighty), and REPENTING of our sins and going to every which corners of the Earth to preach the gospel, we’ve instead (as a whole) become slowly enamored (over time) with the things of this world! And now we’re all DEARLY PAYING THE PRICE FOR OUR PASSIVENESS!

Let me put this in a different way: THE REASON that Witchcraft/Satanism has seen such a SURGE and SHEER RISE in numbers IS BECAUSE we Christians (as a whole) have FALLEN AWAY FROM THE ONE TRUE GOD (THE GOD OF THE BIBLE/JESUS CHRIST ALMIGHTY!) Because lets face it. The RISE of evil in today’s society WOULD NOT have been possible to the TOTAL EXTENT that is today without the “unknowing help” from “wayward/falling away/lukewarm Christians!” IT’S THE TRUTH!

True, evil would’ve still happened, since the bible SAYS it would happen. But NOT to the GREAT EXTENT that it now has, if more Christians had fallen on their knees and faces and TRULY saught the Lord, while the Lord Jesus could still be found! Because lets face it, folks: Every single ONE lukewarm Christian just adds ONE MORE spiritual advantage to Satan’s Great Army of Darkness! SAD BUT TRUE!

And we tend to think of a witch or a Satanist as some old lady with long white hair and warts on her nose or a young guy wearing a pentagram with a black hoodie! But folks……’s “witches”, “warlocks” and “Satanists” could be and/or look like the guy or girl next door! They could be the 8 year old kid that lives across the street………the “20 year old war widow”………the young guy nurse that works at a hospital…….the innocent “nerdy looking guy with glasses”……….the innocent yet nerdy looking female librarian…..your doctor or dentist…….the average cashier at Walmart……or the old man walking along with a cane who claims he’s a WWII vet……..Some “witches” probably even train their 4-5 year old children to “cast spells”, I’m serious, folks!

That’s why we must remain SOBER and remain SPIRITUALLY VIGILANT! 1 Peter 5:8 says: “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour”. But see folks, that’s just the thing. Many Christians today are NOT remaining sober and “spiritually vigilant” and that’s WHY Satan and his “cronies” (both demonic and human) have been able to be SO successful in infiltrating political parties (the Democrat party), The Mass Media, Society, etc. 

Therefore, in conclusion, 1996, 1998, 2000-2001, and June 26. 2015 have marked some of the GREATEST **SHIFTS** from Light to Darkness! But this I DO know: God’s Wrath has been on America for a VERY LONG TIME! The June 26, 2015 S.C.O.T.U.S. decision sealed the deal on His Wrath! And so every abominable thing that’s happened since then? I have a strong feeling that Jesus is showing us a “preview” of just what a world and society WITHOUT HIM would be like! In other words, he’s showing us a “preview” of just how MORALLY DEPRAVED things will become! Those who don’t put their faith, love, trust & obedience into Jesus will be WITHOUT A PRAYER – in this life AND the next one!

And remember, just because Trump is president and “seems” to be following up on most of his promises for “pro-life” and “religious liberty” – atleast at THIS point in time, anyways – doesn’t necessarily mean anything! For the Antichrist comes to DECEIVE MANY! And he does this by what, folks? APPEARING AS A “GOD-SEND”, AN ANGEL OF LIGHT! HA!

Nevertheless, VOTE REPUBLICAN during the November 6, 2018 U.S. Mid-term Elections as we MUST (as Christians) try to hold onto WHATEVER Pro-Life and Religious Liberty victories we can GET/MAINTAIN, WHILE we still can! SATAN IS NOW THE HEAD OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, IT’S TRUE!

Another thing I need to touch on real quick is “demonic doorways”. Witchcraft is just one of MANY “demonic doorways” that people unknowingly allow into their homes. However, that being said, there’s many DEMONIC OBJECTS in general that people unknowingly bring into their homes that OPEN UP DEMONIC DOORWAYS IN OUR LIVES and that give DEMONIC SPIRITS THE *LEGAL* SPIRITUAL RIGHT TO WRECK HAVOC ON OUR LIVES!

For more information, please read my following post:

Plus I won’t even mention the **NATIONAL CALLS** by “Witches” to CAST A SPELL ON TRUMP, etc:

Modern-Day Witches Plan Ritual To Hex Brett Kavanaugh

Each month, thousands of witches cast a spell against Donald Trump

In U.S. History classes, my classmates and I were taught that witches “didn’t really exist” and that the Salem Witch Trails were just “drama” (women being falsely accused of being witches by people that didn’t like them, etc.) However, there’s a TV show out on Netflix now called “Salem” that presents the Salem Witch Trials in a DIFFERENT light…….such as there WERE such things as “witches” but that the “covens” worked IN SECRET! And then, when one member of a coven got pissed off at another older adult member of the coven, they would then so-called threaten to “tattle” on that member OR falsely accuse a TRUE CHRISTIAN of what they THEMSELVES were doing in secret!

And now that I truly think about it, I think the show “Salem” not only likely ACCURATELY portrays what REALLY happened during the Salem Witch Trials but also that it displays REAL WITCHCRAFT and “rituals” in it! (I’ll admit I watched part of Season 1 for “Educational Purposes, ONLY” to try to gain a more clearer understanding of how Wiccans work “behind the scenes” so I would have a much better knowledge of how to “spiritually thwart them, in the name of Christ!”

Ofcourse, one must be careful, the show makes fun of Christians and pastors and show pastors as “weak, angry, lukewarm, incompetent and sinful” (which unfortunately, many of them today – as a whole, ARE!) However, the show is also good at accurately portraying just how FAR Satan will go to use his “witches” to attack the faithful of God! It shows how Satan comes in with “stealth” and slowly but gradually gets us to “get mad at God/Jesus” and also how “unrepentant sin begets more sin”.

In hindsight, I actually think that a Christian could learn ALOT about the enemy (Satan/demons/witches) from that TV show and HOW they operate behind the scenes. But one must be VERY careful and PRAY in the name of Jesus before watching each episode. Otherwise, Satan could no doubt USE such a show to reel a Christian INTO the realm of “witchcraft/wicca” and trust me folks, that’s NOT where you’d want to be! The Old Testament more or less had a DEATH PENALTY for witches, since that’s how SERIOUS the sin of Witchcraft was, back in ancient biblical times! So if you can just IMAGINE how ANGRY Jesus must be over what goes on in today’s world in the name of “Witchcraft”, NOW?

One very, very last thing I wanted to mention real quick is that there’s a Satanic sect WITHIN the Roman Catholic Church called “Santeria”. That’s a Spanish word for “saints”. Basically, people gather around statues of “Catholic saints” (which are actually demons) and WORSHIP THE DEVIL! Though in THEIR minds, they falsely THINK (unless they know better and are much, much deeper into the religion) that they are worshiping God! (Creepy, isn’t it, folks?) 

But my last concluding statement, in retrospect, is THIS: Witches have ONLY been able to expand in sheer numbers DUE to the lukewarmness of many Christians. And AS LONG AS Christians put their faith, trust, love and OBEDIENCE into Jesus Christ and NONE OTHER, Satanists/Witches won’t be able to touch them! 

For more information on how to DEFEAT Satan/Witches, please read the following 5 books, as they will give you INCREDIBLE BIBLICAL WISDOM & INSIGHT:

1). “Out of the Devil’s Cauldron” by John Ramirez

2). “Unmasking the Devil: Strategies to Defeat Eternity’s Greatest Enemy” by John Ramirez

3). “Armed and Dangerous: The Ultimate Battle Plan for Targeting and Defeating the Enemy” by John Ramirez

4). “What Witches Don’t Want Christians to Know” -Expanded Edition Paperback – published July 21, 2014 – by Mary Lou Lake

5). “The Screwtape Letters + Screwtape Proposes A Toast” by C.S. Lewis 

And last but not least, I’ll end here with a PRAYER for all of you dear, dear readers here, rather a regular subscriber or a “guest reader”:

Abba/Heavenly Father, if any one reader of this blog (rather a subscriber or a “guest reader” is involved with Witchcraft in any type of way – even if it’s something as simple as lottery tickets/gambling or horoscopes – I pray that you BREAK THE HOLD that Witchcraft has over them, thus making them lost interest in it, altogether and also that you show them YOUR biblical TRUTH on the matter……that Witchcraft is AN ABOMINATION in your site! And for all those readers (rather subscribers or “guest readers”) who’ve been a VICTIM of Witchcraft in their lives, I pray that you BREAK THE POWER OF DARKNESS IN THEIR LIVES and help them to GAIN VICTORY over Satan and their spiritual enemies! I pray that you BREAK **ALL** DEMONIC STRONGHOLDS in their lives – rather participants/victims of Witchcraft or by unknowingly having “idols” or “demonic objects” in their homes – and that you PLACE YOUR HEDGE OF DIVINE PROTECTION OVER THEM, AS YOU GUIDE THEM CLOSER TO **YOUR ETERNAL TRUTH** THAT CAN **ONLY** BE FOUND IN YOU AND YOU, ALONE! I say this in Jesus’s name, AMEN!” 
































I’ve noticed here in the year 2018 that there seems to be a great divide in “the church” today about what should or should NOT be acceptable in “the church” today. Not to mention that there also seems to be a great divide concerning exactly what IS “the church” to begin with. Therefore, let us turn to the bible to find the answer!

The Greek word for church is called “ecclesia”. It means a called out company or assembly. Wherever it is used in the Bible though, it refers to people, not a building! The following are biblical examples of the “ecclesia” talked about in the New Testament. And there are THREE different types. There’s local assemblies, an individual believer, and the grouping of universal believers in Christ. Down below are all the biblical examples of each:


  • Acts 7:37
  • 1 Corinthians 1:2
  • 2 Corinthians 1:1


  • 1 Corinthians 15:9
  • Galatians 1:13


  • Ephesians 5: 23-27
  • Ephesians 5:30
  • Matthew 16:18 [“And upon this rock I will build my church” simply means upon the foundation of Peter’s FAITH!]

So now that we’re squared away as far as what “the church” IS….biblically speaking, I’d now like to move on to my next point. Today’s culture of Lukewarm/Liberal Christianity. Now, what exactly do I mean by that? Let me give some examples.

  • “I’m a Christian but I believe in gay rights”
  • “I’m a Christian but I believe it’s not a sin to be actively gay”
  • “I’m a Christian but I believe in abortion”
  • “I’m a Christian but I believe that the incorporation of the New Age INTO the church is a “good thing”
  • “I’m a Christian but I see nothing wrong with transgenderism”
  • “I’m a Christian but I think it’s OK to party and/or get drunk every weekend”
  • “I’m a Christian but I think everyone goes to heaven when they die”
  • “I’m a Christian but I believe it’s OK to do X, Y, Z” (things that are “condemned” in the bible)
  • ETC.

Now…….what is the common word there? “But”. Now what are the FOUR common words that follow those statements? “I”, “Believe”, “See”, and “Think”. Now what do those four common words have in common? Answer: They’re attached to EMOTIONS and they’re actions based off a person’s THOUGHTS & FEELINGS! In other words, they’re taking what they FEEL to be morally right, instead of taking what the bible/Jesus AUTHORITATIVELY DECLARES is morally right!

In other words, many Christians today create this “false Jesus” that they’re comfortable with. “Well, MY Jesus would never condemn people to hell”, says liberal/lukewarm Christianity. No? Well, in that case, what did THAT form of “Jesus” die for, then? Cause “that” Jesus can’t save you! If, for example, active gay sex, etc. wasn’t a sin (according to the “liberal” Christian viewpoint), then what IS? WHO gets to determine what is “sin” and what is “not”, in THAT type of watered down gospel scenario? Does morality then become subjective?

WHO then gets to decide what is sin and what isn’t and how the rules will be enforced for transgressing that “sin?” If morality is “subjective”, then that would mean there’s NO morality and that “anything goes”. Which would then FALSELY suggest that Jesus Christ died on the cross for “nothing”. Do you see where I’m going with this, folks?

Many Christian folks have been blinded and bamboozled by Satan, Satan’s demons and the liberal LEFT into thinking they have no right to “rebuke sin”, they have no right to “preach the gospel”, they have no right to “call out false institutions/theology” and also have no right to believe/publicly say that what JESUS calls sin isn’t sin, etc. and it’s really, really sad!

Truth be told, the bible says Satan’s angry and knows his time is short. Therefore, Satan knows he must get in AS MUCH spiritual destruction as possible before his dreadful prophesied ‘END’ comes! So how does he do that, exactly? By COUNTERFEITING and/or watering down the bible and what’s written IN the bible. Let me elaborate. Men and women were created in the image of God, made for natural, traditional marriage (and natural procreation, as well). Therefore, Satan came up with “gay marriage” and “erosion of gender” movements, and “abortion”, etc.

Therefore, when liberal/lukewarm Christians align themselves with those bible-defying, Jesus-defying “agendas”, it’s like a personal spiritual slap in Jesus’s face! Because a man (or woman) can’t serve two masters. Either he will love the one or hate the other or hate the other and love the one.

In other words, a person can’t have Jesus AND pro-abortion viewpoints. A person can’t have Jesus AND pro-“gay marriage” viewpoints. Just like a person can’t have Jesus AND pro-transgender viewpoints. If a person WANTS to have pro-transgender, pro-abortion, and pro-gay marriage viewpoints, they can have those viewpoints all they want to. But they MUST take Jesus Christ OUT of it, cause Jesus Christ wants absolutely nothing to do with those ungodly things!!!!!!  

Folks, truth be told, we will ALL (even ME) stand before the mighty judgement seat of Jesus Christ, someday. And the last thing a “Christian” person would EVER truly want Jesus asking them is WHY they approved of such “unbiblical practices/concepts” while they were still living on the Earth or WHY they didn’t speak out AGAINST “the liberal Christian church’s” approval of such unbiblical practices while they were still living on the Earth, while they still had time!

Many preachers today preach these “feel good” messages. And while it’s good to occasionally build Christians UP and give them some spiritual hope and confidence in themselves, it’s NEVER a good thing to neglect the message of Repentance and Salvation altogether for the sake of “itching ears” and “making everyone happy”.

Sometimes a preacher has to preach it to the people RAW. Why? Because that’s the ONLY way they’re gonna TRULY get the message. Just imagine if Jesus, upon first seeing the money-changers in the Jewish temple, had GENTLY and SOFTLY said that they weren’t supposed to be doing that. The people in the temple probably would’ve laughed at him and the like. However, when He made whips from cords and YELLED at them before/while overthrowing the money changers tables, they immediately KNEW the seriousness of what He was saying!

Therefore, if one TRULY wants to align themselves with what is BIBLICAL and DO AWAY WITH what is NOT biblical (as a Christian who’s seeking to live the way Jesus would have them live, and NOT the way the “world”/secular culture would have them live), keep reading:


  • Lying
  • Envying
  • Cussing
  • Cheating
  • Saying the Lord’s Name in Vain
  • Stealing (stealing credit for someone else’s work, etc.)
  • Seeking Revenge/Getting Even
  • Getting Angry With Others When Provoked
  • Getting An Abortion/Being “Pro-Choice”
  • Being in an Active Homosexual Relationship
  • Fighting for Gay/Trans Rights
  • The Erosion of Gender
  • Gluttony
  • Greed
  • Mocking Jesus Christ/The Gospel/The Bible
  • Having Sex Outside of Marriage
  • Gossip
  • Treating Santa Claus & The Easter bunny as though they’re a “god” of sorts
  • Chasing after $$$$$$$$$$ and material things
  • Getting “spiritual enlightenment” in things/people other than Jesus Christ (yoga, etc.)
  • Worshiping celebrities/famous people
  • ETC.

Ok, now that we’ve got a clear handle on what’s NOT biblical to do, I’ll now list practices that ARE biblical to do: 

  • Being honest (even if it’s hard)
  • Being happy for others’ successes and NOT envying what belongs to others
  • Controlling one’s language & NOT cussing
  • PRAISING the name of the Lord Jesus, instead of saying His name in vain
  • Not stealing someone else’s work credit/etc.
  • Forgiving others
  • Remaining calm with others when provoked
  • Not getting an abortion (being Pro-Life)
  • Not participating in any form of “Sodomy” and/or “Sodmomous relationship”
  • Not fighting for Trans/LGBT rights but rather speaking out about the TRUE psychological damage that “Pro-Transgender/LGBT policy” is doing to people today, spiritually and otherwise!
  • Fighting for the hetero-normative definition of gender (“male” and “female”)
  • Not over-eating; eating only what is necessary
  • Not being consumed by greed but rather, praying for and focusing on others
  • Preaching Jesus Christ/The Gospel/The Bible
  • Saving oneself for marriage
  • Not getting excessively drunk with alcohol or “getting high”
  • Trying your best not to “gossip” about others
  • Keeping one’s body pure & untainted, for the bible says our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit
  • Celebrating the BIBLICAL holidays that Jesus & his disciples celebrated (Passover, Tabernacles, etc)
  • Worshiping on the TRUE, 7th-day, blessed & sanctified by the Lord Sabbath (Saturday)
  • Chasing after righteousness/the Lord’s approval, instead of man’s approval
  • Receiving spiritual enlightenment in Jesus and Jesus, ONLY!
  • Speaking OUT against idols/worshiping of “celebrities”
  • ETC.

I felt compelled to write this after seeing a “slew” of stories about people who identify themselves as “Christian”, yet, approve/partake in viewpoints/behaviors that are the EXACT OPPOSITE of what TRUE, biblical morality is, in the name of Jesus! And thus, those poor “deceived folks” are CAUSING CONFUSION among the body of Christ! 

Isaiah 5:20-21 puts it THIS way:

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! 

Isaiah further goes on to say (verses 22-25): “Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink: Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him

Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the Lord of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.

Therefore is the anger of the Lord kindled against his people, and he hath stretched forth his hand against them, and hath smitten them: and the hills did tremble, and their carcases were torn in the midst of the streets. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still” 

Translation? Jesus’s mighty anger is KINDLED (that means, RAGING) against those people who call themselves “Christian”, yet, turn HIS heavenly law & decrees ASIDE for the sake of THEIR personal, emotional/physical “convenience(s)”.

Why? Because they were originally armed with the truth, they KNEW better! Whereas, a totally unsaved person likely did NOT! In other words, Jesus naturally expects unsaved people to “act” like they’re unsaved. However…..He does NOT expect Christian people who identify AS Christian to “act” as though they’re unsaved/act like “the world” (if that makes any sense?)


And last but not least: If the “liberal/lukewarm church” (as a whole) had been around during Jesus’s time on Earth, this illustration is probably what it would look like:


[Okay, first of all, my apologies to anyone who can’t eat gluten or that’s a vegan. Please know that I’m not personally attacking you in any way, shape or form….I’m only merely using the above illustration as an example of what TODAY’S liberal/lukewarm Christianity might’ve looked like back in ancient, biblical times!]

In other words, the “liberal”/lukewarm church – as a whole – (& unsaved folks) has to constantly find something wrong with God’s law and/or God’s Spiritual Provisions for his people…… see them as “outdated” and “archaic”. Why? Because it’s the only way they can think of to work around it. Because they want to worship Jesus in their own “liberal”/lukewarm way. Why? So they can do whatever they want

Only, they’re not totally realizing that IN doing/focusing on whatever they want, instead of what Jesus Christ wants for them and their lives, and in worshiping Jesus in the way they want to worship him, instead of worshiping Jesus the way HE wants to be worshiped, they are instead doing what SATAN wants, and IN so doing, are actually DEFYING Jesus Christ by the WAY that they LIVE! (“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” – Romans 6:23).

Calling oneself a “Christian” and/or a “child of God” does NOT automatically make one Christian and/or a child of God! (Atleast in Jesus’s eyes, anyways!) For it is ONLY true, joyful obedience to Christ and his heavenly laws, trust & belief in Christ, being spiritually born again IN Christ, and REPENTANCE of sins that makes one a “Christian” and/or “child of God!”


Translation? Only those who are BORN AGAIN in the SPIRIT and RECEIVE HIM (that means, to FULLY SURRENDER THEIR ENTIRE LIVES TO HIM) does HE give the “right” to become a “Christian” and “child of God!”

There’s SO many people out there today who think that ALL humans are “God’s children” or “children of God” but folks, that’s just NOT the case! For ONLY a select “few” are ABLE to get this spiritual distinction. How? By OBEDIENCE to Christ! And obedience to Christ does NOT mean skirting God’s law……not in ANY way, shape or form!

[[[[But again, it isn’t just a spiritually lethargic attitude towards God’s laws that Christians have (a whole) but believe it or not, now even some of the Jews themselves are starting (as a whole) to go liberal/lukewarm, as these two articles illustrate: (which only FURTHER PROVES THAT WE’RE LIVING IN THE LAST DAYS, FOLKS!) and]]]]

Therefore, if YOU want the “RIGHT” to be called a “child of God”, then YOU must be born again in the spirit and YOU must fully surrender to Christ and obey Him, IN FULL! Not 3/4th obey him, not PARTIALLY obey him but 100% FULLY OBEY HIM in ALL that you do in this life! And to fully OBEY him means to OBEY HIS LAWS & DECREES!

Love Jesus with all your heart, soul, mind and strength! Give to those in need! Place others’ needs before your own needs! Cause remember: there’s LOTS and LOTS of lost souls out there! THEY should be your primary focus! Remember what YOU and YOUR life was like before YOU were fully saved in the name of Jesus! Imagine what would’ve happened in your life if you had died without Jesus……..imagine what would’ve happened if YOU did not have a Christian believer who prayed for you and preached to you about Jesus…..Imagine where you would be today if YOU had NOT had someone intercede for you on Jesus’s behalf! (Pretty scary and sobering to think about, isn’t it, folks?) 

Many folks think his law stopped at the 10 commandments! However, during the Sermon on the Mount, He EXPOUNDED on the 10 commandments, as well as talked about their original INTENT! (Wow! That’s just mind-blowing, isn’t it, folks!?)

And not only that but commands were added in OTHER places of the bible as well, such as Matthew 28, where Jesus tells his followers to “make disciples of ALL nations”, etc. And in the Old Testament, there were several dietary laws and “biblical holidays” that STILL APPLIED to Jesus and his disciples during the times of the New Testament, as well as to us Christians, TODAY! 

How we do know that? Simple. DURING the Sermon on the Mount (which is considered some of Jesus’s MOST important commandments in the bible), he said in Matthew 5:17-18Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled


In other words, ALL won’t be fulfilled till the VERY END of Revelation, chapter 22! Therefore, UNTIL the very end of Revelation, chapter 22, THE OT (Old Testament) LAWS & CELEBRATIONS/HOLIDAYS (minus animal sacrifice, for Jesus Christ BECAME the sacrificial lamb for MANY) STILL APPLY!

And guess what, folks? Did you know that the biblical feasts will STILL APPLY even during the Times of the New Millennial (specifically, the Feast of Tabernacles?) Alot of Christians don’t know that today because “the church today” (as we know it) hasn’t TOLD them the truth! It’s not their fault, entirely. Many were born and raised in “the church”. But what’s sad is that pastors are not preaching the COMPLETE truth to their congregations (as a whole). I used to be one of those Christians that NEVER questioned a pastor’s word for it, that NEVER questioned the history of Christianity, etc. 

But now that I DO know about these things, I feel like it’s my job to shout it from the rooftops (in a metaphorical and spiritual sense) about THE TRUTH about the Roman Catholic Church, Protestantism (“Refined Catholicism”) and the global deception going around today called “LIBERAL/LUKEWARM CHRISTIANITY”….The type of Christianity that does away with God’s law, creates “new traditions” that weren’t OF the bible originally and would seem totally FOREIGN to Jesus and his disciples and/or ancient followers and says “anything goes”.

Well, let me ask you something: IF the perpetual theology/practice of lukewarm/liberal Christianity was enough to cause a person to be sent to HELL and/or THE LAKE OF FIRE someday (that is, if they NEVER fully repented of such lukewarmness before death, etc.), then wouldn’t it stand to reason that those poor folks should be HIGHLY WARNED of their sinful thinking/behavior WAY BEFOREHAND so that they (hopefully) have plenty of time to REPENT (to give up and STOP doing the behaviors that are DISPLEASING to Jesus/God?)

Sadly, this whole entire “Liberal Christian Movement” got started by the Gay Movement, who wanted Christians to FEEL BAD or ASHAMED about their “Christian morality” (i.e. the bible’s view that it’s a sin to be actively gay, etc.) Therefore, they shamed many Christians AWAY from the hard-line authority of the bible with the words “homophobic” and “born this way”. And the Gay Movement has MANY, MANY, MANY Christian people (and even non-Christian people) deceived BECAUSE of it!

And Folks, there is NO “gay gene”. Never has been and never will be. Why do you think that is? Answer: Because they were NOT “born that way”. God doesn’t create “gay people”, only society and social environment/upbringing produces “gay people”. One day, I believe it (the so-called “gay gene) will be “faked” by secular science (but that’s a whole different story!) Back in 1969, the DSM-II listed homosexuality as a “mental disorder”. Only by SEVERE pressure from the left did the DSM folks “change their tune”. Please keep in mind that “transgenderism” is STILL considered a “mental disorder” (under the term “gender dysphoria”). 

It also doesn’t help that many of today’s “liberal Christians” ARE celebrities/famous people. Because lets face it, many Christian “lay people” at large look UP to these folks. And so, if THEY (Christian “celebrities – as a whole) have a “liberal” Christian theology, then it’s going to make many OTHER Christian people out there also have a “liberal” Christian theology…….instead of being likened onto a Berean Christian who’s searching the scriptures DAILY, to see “rather or not these things are so”.

But in fact, sadly, many of these Christian celebrities (as a whole), are very likely DECEIVED by Satan and his demons and I oftentimes pray that Satan will lose his grip on them! (Money & fame can easily turn into two powerful spiritual deceptors and even many non-Christian celebrities fall victim to its trappings!)

As a whole, many liberal Christian celebrities out there today (as a whole) seem to think they can have their cake and eat it, too (spiritually speaking). But in fact, just like I said above, no man (or woman, for that matter) can serve two masters, cause either he will hate the one and love the other or love the other and hate the one.

But let me take this a step further. Are some of these folks even “Christian” to begin with, if they publicly do things that go completely AGAINST the bible? By doing so, they are no doubt CAUSING CONFUSION among the body of Christ and are causing many Christians to fall! And we KNOW from the bible that Jesus Christ is NOT a God of confusion, folks! He is a CONSISTENT God! HE does not change, NOR do his LAWS change! He is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore! 

Sadly, some of these folks are even PURPOSELY branding themselves “Christian” and then, subtly doing things that actually go AGAINST the bible in order to DECEIVE CHRISTIANS! My soul is VERY, VERY GRIEVED OVER THIS!!!!! Because not only have THEY been deceived by Satan and his demons, but they in turn are ALSO deceiving others. Is there NO END to all this “liberal Christian deception!?” ;-( 

I KNOW firsthand what the Wrath of Jesus is like! Just like I KNOW firsthand what it will likely BE like for all those folks someday that THINK or THOUGHT they were “right” with Jesus during their Earthly lives, only to discover at the very, very last terrifying moment that they were NEVER, EVER “right” with Jesus, ALL ALONG! OUCH! Therefore, that’s the VERY THING I’m trying to prevent with this very here POST (& EVEN THIS WHOLE ENTIRE BLOG, EVEN!) I love each and every single one of you and want ALL of you to be ETERNALLY saved in the name of Jesus! 

In closing, I just want to say this: IT’S NOT THE WILL OF GOD IF IT GOES AGAINST THE (WRITTEN) WORD OF GOD (THE BIBLE)/ AND/OR THE WORD OF GOD (JESUS CHRIST, HIMSELF!)“. Even I myself find myself somewhat convicted on that one. For example, I had briefly *almost* considered dating a non-Christian most recently.  (Notice the key word here is *almost!*).

So what stopped me dead in my (spiritual) tracks? (Jesus? The Holy Spirit?) asked me the following fateful questions: “Do you remember how the ancient Israelites complained out in the desert, after being delivered from Egypt by my mighty hand? Do you remember how they complained because they didn’t fully TRUST me or have 100% unfaltered faith IN Me? Well…..when YOU withstand MY biblical principles to please another that doesn’t EVEN adhere to me, you’ve now become likened onto a complaining Israelite out in the desert, in my eyes. This is your desert. This is your time of testing. Ah….you didn’t even REALIZE you were being tested, did you? Well, now you do. YOU are being spiritually tested and I pray that now that you KNOW this, that YOU will now be equipped to pass the test. Don’t ever, ever, EVER withstand BIBLICAL principles for a non-Christian, it will end up VERY BADLY!”

But if I HAD gone through with it (dating a non-Christian)? I would’ve been likened onto a “liberal” Christian of the viewpoint of “I’m a Christian BUT I think it’s OK to date a non-Christian”. See how Satan wants to feed off of our weaknesses…….? By putting certain types of “thoughts” into our minds like: “Isn’t that a non-Christian thing to do? To discriminate against someone who isn’t a Christian?” (when it comes to dating). See how the devil rolls, folks? He tries to turn our very own righteousness AGAINST US! “Isn’t that HATEFUL to NOT be accepting of LGBT/Womens’ Reproductive rights?” 

And yes, on the surface, it might not “seem” very “Christian-like” for a Christian to not date a non-Christian. But ya know what, folks? In the end, you’ll be VERY, VERY GLAD that you listened to Jesus, and NOT to the “spiritual voice” of someone who’s NOT Jesus! Why? Because the bible says that we are NOT to be unevenly yoked!!!!!! (Therefore, listen to JESUS, and NOT to fellow man! TRUST ME ON THIS!!!)

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you”

– 2 Cortinthians 6:14-17 KJV

But folks, we GOT to remember something, here. WHEN a person speaks AGAINST the written word of God (the bible), (ESPECIALLY IF THEY ARE “CHRISTIAN”), they are NOT speaking for Christ but speaking for Satan! That person, IN that moment, is temporarily possessed by Satan and/or a demon! So if you AGREE with the person OR give in to them, you are giving in to SATAN/a demon! That’s a pretty scary, sobering thought, isn’t it, folks?

Therefore, WE MUST BE ON SPIRITUAL GUARD AT **ALL TIMES** AND IN **ALL PLACES!** Don’t ever, ever, EVER let your spiritual guard down or take any “counsel” from someone who is not a Christian or is a liberal/lukewarm Christian, PERIOD! Because the ONLY thing the spirit inside that person wants is YOUR spiritual destruction, so remember that, folks! 









“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, PROUD, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of GodHaving a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away”

–  2 Timothy 3: 1-5 [2nd book of Timothy, chapter 3, verses 1-5]


What is SIN? It is defined as: an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law

What is DIVINE LAW? Answer: a law that is believed to come directly from God. 

And what is PRIDE? Answer: a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.

In short, “sin”, in and of itself, is the DELIBERATE OR UNINTENTIONAL violation of God’s law (the 10 commandments, etc.) Therefore, “sin pride” is TAKING PERSONAL PLEASURE IN SIN and being PROUD of it. (Do the words “Gay Pride” ring a bell, for example?)

The gay/transgender movement is the SPIRITUAL CANCER WHICH HAS TAKEN OVER THE LAND, HERE IN AMERICA AND AROUND THE WORLD. Look at any Gay Pride rally today (which should effectively be called SODOMY PRIDE, since what they’re advocating is SODOMY) and what do you SEE? The following:


But ask many people today what “sin” IS or what the 10 commandments even ARE, many have never even HEARD of such things!

And what many people DON’T realize is that the whole entire Gay/Transgender Movement (in and of ITSELF) was DESIGNED by Satan and his demons in order to tear apart the concept of “traditional marriage” and the “traditional family”. It’s TRUE, folks……..Examine the following:




Plus we are also now witnessing the “Me Generation”. During the 90’s and early 2000’s, parents were instructed to fill their kids with self-esteem, etc. But NOW, it’s come as a SEVERE price. Today’s young generation now feels ENTITLED….(as a whole). It’s all about THEM…..What THEY want, what THEY feel, what THEY think…… is no longer about God/Jesus Christ and God’s written Word/the bible….

The elite falsely got many Christian parents back in the 90’s and early to mid-00’s to think that it was better if they did NOT raise their child in the faith from the time they were very little, but instead “let the child decide, when they got older”. And look where that got us, folks! A new generation of young people that does NOT have the fear OR honor of God/Jesus Christ in them, etc.! Scary, indeed!

Not to mention that many of those parents in question had lukewarm faith to begin with, which is WHY they ended up not raising their child in the faith, from the time when they were little. And by the time many of these parents DO try to talk to their kids about the faith/salvation in Jesus Christ, it’s too late, the child, at 12-18, has already made their mind up that there is no God, etc.

So essentially, what was happening there, is that the child, WHEN they were very young, saw firsthand that their parent(s) were a “nominal Christian” and didn’t really consider Salvation in Jesus Christ that important enough to teach them. And maybe some of these children even WANTED to learn about Jesus Christ from their parents/pastors but society, at that time, was trying to dumb down the schools/education system and dumb down the faith……even trying to go so far as to proclaim teaching your young child about faith when they were little was somehow “child abuse” of sorts.

So many parents and pastors caved in and complied with “secular society’s” demands, many having lukewarm faith themselves. So many a child in question grew up thinking,Well, I guess faith in Jesus Christ isn’t that important. I guess all people will go to heaven, someday, so it’s not really a big deal and that was that. The child then grew up to have a SECULAR view of the world and of Christian religion. Who’s fault is that, folks?

Facebook, Youtube and Instagram (in general) are just LOADED with “boasting statements” of “I have such a wonderful husband”, “I have x amount of subscribers”, “my kid graduated at the top of his class”, etc. And lets be honest. Most of us don’t even stop to think about what it really means (behind the spiritual scenes)……and that is, ONE person in the human race, by making those types of boasting statements, are (intentionally or even unintentionally), pitting themselves ABOVE others……as if to be “seen” by them in an extraordinary way…..

In fact, my soul weeps bitter tears for those with daily vlogs/those who undertake dangerous “Youtube challenges”…..especially when they make verbal statements such as “you guys are awesome”, “you guys are what I’m doing this for”, etc. In short, these poor people are the living, breathing example of John 12:43 which states: For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God”

But again, even if someone had a CHRISTIAN daily vlog, I’d have to wonder at their motivations for doing so. Because Jesus Christ tells us in Matthew 6:1 “Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven”

But IF ONLY these poor souls realized how much Jesus Christ loves them. For John 3:16 SPECIFICALLY states the following: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life“. And if they’d put their faith, trust and love into Jesus Christ, INSTEAD of in Youtube or mankind, they’d find that the eternal love of Jesus Christ FAR SURPASSES any form of “temporal love” or appreciation given by man/mankind. For though those many subscribers help them rake in the $$$ and feel “valued”, those subscribers can NOT save that person’s soul from hell. ONLY Jesus Christ can do THAT….

Which brings me to my next point. The people of today are TOTALLY NARCISSISTIC (as a whole). They don’t CARE about the “sin(s)” in their life……There’s no sense of GUILT or SHAME, anymore……People are even OPENLY going to adultery sites these days, such as Ashley Madison, etc. Many young people today are bragging about how “drunk” they can get or how many people they’ve “layed”, or what hard-core drugs they can do, etc. People (as a whole) don’t seem to care about WHAT they do or WHO they hurt, in the process.

In fact, the following three articles HIGHLIGHT this point:

Teacher blames school for not stopping her year-long affair with teenage student


Teacher gets pregnant after affair with boy, 13, claims that boy’s parents were OK with affair


‘Affluenza’ DUI Case: What Happened Night of the Accident That Left 4 People Dead & Beyond


(Plus, some people don’t even know what “sin” IS, sadly)….but in fact, the ones that KNOW they’re sinning against God/Jesus Christ? They’re PROUD of it……They FLAUNT IT…….they see NOTHING wrong with it and worse still, they JUSTIFY it, while also thinking that they’re ENTITLED to it…….yes, ENTITLED…….examine any “gay pride rally”, like I said or any of the following headlines down below: (Headlines that shock and horrify the “biblical mind”)




What REALLY gets me about the news articles up above is THE DEGREE that the people in them JUSTIFY their actions and feel ENTITLED to them. Oh, we can’t help it, therefore, we should be able to INDULGE in one another/in our “sin” of incest! THE SIX PEOPLE ABOVE HAVE NO SHAME!!!! And the “secular world/society” is saying, Why SHOULD they have any shame about their deeds? What they are doing is RIGHT and JUST, in the world’s eyes!”

Reminds me of the passage in Isaiah 5:20-25 which states: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitterWoe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink: Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him

Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the Lord of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of IsraelTherefore is the anger of the Lord kindled against his people, and he hath stretched forth his hand against them, and hath smitten them: and the hills did tremble, and their carcases were torn in the midst of the streets. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still”


And remember, it’s a sign of the times that we’re living in the LAST DAYS, when people start calling good (i.e. the 10 commandments/God/the bible) “evil” and evil (i.e. sodomy/lust/incest/murder) “good”.

In fact, the devil’s even got a new buzzword for what society is now slowly starting to deem “justified incest”: G.S.A. (which stands for Genetic Sexual Attraction). Because the devil wants YOU, the reader, and EVERY human out there, to come to the mindset of, Oh….they can’t really help it…’s not like they were raised that way……oh…….I guess technically that they should be able to do this then, since they can’t help it“. [CAN’T HELP IT? REALLY??? ARE YOU SERIOUS? IS SOMEBODY POINTING A GUN TO THEIR HEAD, SAYING “PARTAKE YOURSELVES **NOW** IN INCEST OR ELSE?”] What comes NEXT, folks? Will people also soon start justifying cases such as the following?

They’ve ALREADY started justifying BIOLOGICAL MEN going into WOMEN’S RESTROOMS (Target, Obama administration) and vice versa. Plus I won’t even mention about the NO GENDER/GENDER-FLUID MOVEMENT, as most biblically-minded people realize that it’s a DIRECT ATTACK on God Almighty/the bible/the “traditional family”.

Folks, it’s not just SIN that’s taken over our nation here in America (and across the world) but rather, the PRIDE of sin. And in God’s Almighty eyes, the PRIDE of sin is practically worse than the sin ITSELF. Because to do something bad is ONE thing. But to do something bad and to FEEL GOOD/JUSTIFIED/ENTITLED about it? That’s a whole other thing, altogether.

Let us think back on the story of Cain and Abel in Genesis. And think about Cain’s “haughty” response to Almighty God in Genesis 4:9 “And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother’s keeper? Notice the PRIDE and the ARROGANCE in such a statement! Think how much DIFFERENTLY it would’ve been for Cain if he had fallen on his knees before the Lord and HUMBLY ADMITTED HIS SIN! Things might’ve played out differently, then.

Obama once remarked in one of his speeches that “we are no longer just a Christian nation”, which would imply “we are no longer a Christian nation”. In other words, he was stating that we are now a “multi-faith nation”. Think about those words for a bit. Think about the LONG-TERM spiritual implications, there. What he’s REALLY saying, behind the scenes, is that this great American nation, NO LONGER honors God/Jesus Christ the way it once did. That should send shivers down the spine of EVERY God-fearing American in this country (and even around the world!)

For NOW, we (as a nation) and even as a WORLD, have become likened unto CAIN, who sheepily replied onto Almighty God, I know not, am I my brother’s keeper? At ONE time, we were a God-fearing, God-honoring “ABEL”. And the Lord was pleased and BLESSED this nation. But now that SIN and more specifically, the PRIDE OF SIN, has overtaken this country and this world, we are now likened onto a “CAIN”. And the Lord’s Wrath was upon Cain. And so NOW, the Lord’s Wrath is upon America (and the world)…..ofcourse, it’s BEEN on America (and the world) for QUITE SOME TIME NOW and will soon reach a BOILING POINT (assuming it hasn’t, already!)


But again, humans are prideful by nature. We WANT to feel good about ourselves, our jobs, our talents, our families, etc. We don’t WANT to believe that a holy, righteous God (Jesus Christ) would have the audacity to send US to hell over OUR sins against Him and against one another. However, when a person says to themselves MY Jesus would NEVER send a normal, everyday person to Hell, what they’re really doing is creating a FALSE JESUS THAT THEY’RE COMFORTABLE WITH. And that “false Jesus” is NOT biblical, and provides NO SALVATION. NONE.

Hebrews 12:29 states: “For our God IS a consuming fire”. 

So what does that MEAN, some might ask? It means that Jesus Christ (the true, BIBLICAL Jesus Christ of the bible) is HOLY. He has the power of the universe at his fingertips. And the FIRES OF HELL speak to HIS righteous holyness. Because in HIS righteous judgement, he will send ALL those whose names aren’t written in the Lamb’s Book of Life to the LAKE OF FIRE. However, a person that dies between now and then (whose name isn’t written in the Lamb’s Book of Life) will open up their eyes and discover their soul in HELL. But the fires of hell are NOT eternal…….Revelation 20:14 states: “And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death”.

Translation? The fires of hell will merge INTO the LAKE OF FIRE. And the Archangel Michael once informed me (during a near-suicide attempt at age 19-21) that the fires of hell are about 10,000 times hotter than the flame from a small lighter and that the LAKE OF FIRE is 100,000,000 times hotter than the fires of hell. Therefore, using spiritual and deductive reasoning, we can then know that the LAKE OF FIRE is about 1,000,000,000,000 times hotter than the flame of a small lighter. And lets face it…….the flame from a small lighter (if you hold your hand up to it) is INTENSE….So imagining something that’s a TRILLION times hotter than that, while also imagining the following two passages? I can’t even………

Matthew 13: 41-42 “The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth

Revelation 14:11 “And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up FOR EVER AND EVER: and they have NO REST day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name

This November should be a very interesting “election”, INDEED……if they even HAVE “the election”, that is. I can only imagine HOW MUCH worse it’s gonna get and HOW MUCH CLOSER JESUS’S 2ND ARRIVAL TO THE EARTH REALLY *IS*!

And with Jesus’s soon 2nd arrival on the Earth again being that much closer, so is the ANTICHRIST’S ARRIVAL on Earth (in fact, he’s probably already here!) The book of Revelation gives some VERY dire warnings in Revelation 13: 16-17:

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name”

And OF these individuals that take/took The Mark, it is said the following, in Revelation 14:11….

And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name

So in conclusion, God’s WRATH is upon America & upon THE WORLD! And bad things are gonna happen, as a result……REALLY, REALLY BAD THINGS……(Terrorism, executions, famine, pestilences, FAILING ECONOMIES/FAILING WORLD ECONOMY, the stripping of free speech ALTOGETHER, earthquakes/other natural disasters, job firings, persecution, etc.) And out of the MIDST of those bad things, a one world global leader’s gonna arrive on the global stage. And he’s gonna “appear’ to be the answer to EVERYONE’S PROBLEMS!

EVERY single person that DOES NOT place their faith, trust and love into Jesus Christ Almighty WILL be deceived by this global leader. He might even look like Jesus, sound like Jesus and even CALL himself Jesus, but he will NOT, I repeat….will NOT BE the BIBLICAL Jesus Christ from the bible! And ALL the world’s inhabitants that aren’t of Jesus Christ WILL think this man is the Messiah:

1). Muslims are awaiting the 12th Iman or the Madhi 

2). Jews (as a whole) are awaiting what THEY think will be their “Messiah” and don’t realize that Jesus Christ WAS/IS their prophesied Messiah

3). Buddhists are awaiting the 5th Buddha

4). Hindus are awaiting reincarnation of Kali/Shiva?

5). Christians are awaiting the Anti-Christ

Do you see now where I’m going with this, folks? ALL non-biblical Christians and other religions and people of NO RELIGION **will** be deceived by this man. And he **will** require ALL inhabitants of the Earth, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark on their right hand or forehead, in order to be able to buy or sell. And whomever does NOT take this mark WILL be imprisoned/killed and/or beheaded. 

But let me reassure you: to die for Christ is GAIN…but to live for the Devil and the Mark of the Beast is ETERNAL DEATH IN THE LAKE OF FIRE…….So what if you go hungry or starve to death, while refusing the mark of the beast……..the Lord Jesus Christ shall SUPERNATURALLY SUSTAIN YOU, in mind, heart, body and spirit, if you continue to cry out to him, pray to him, obey him and trust him with ALL YOUR HEART!

And besides……buying food on the Anti-Christ’s “dime”? I wouldn’t recommend it. Cause who knows what types of chemicals, etc. will be in the Anti-Christ’s food. Even right now with all this “genetically-modified food” on the market, it’s really making me start to wonder. Because isn’t messing with the DNA of ANYTHING (be it an animal or a grain of corn) AGAINST God’s will? Think about it, folks! Plus it’s also funny that research is now showing that GMO’s cause cancer. Big surprise. We now live in a world where they (the elite) place $$$$ over consumer safety. Welcome to the world of the End Times, folks. And it’s ONLY gonna get worse, MARK MY WORDS! 

Therefore, you got to make a decision. Are you going to live for Jesus Christ and be made fun of, ridiculed, possibly fired from your job/persecuted/killed? OR are you going to “cave” to secular society’s demands that you feel PRIDE over your “sin(s)” and NOT feel any guilt or shame over them, thus, joining the MILLIONS of people who will soon be taking the Mark of the Beast, in order to feed themselves and their families (thus, DAMNING THEIR SOULS FOR ETERNITY?) The choice is up to YOU, folks! But don’t say I didn’t warn you! 

HERE… the link down below, a guy by the name of David J. Stewart goes into MUCH FURTHER DETAIL than I have and has written a MOST EXCELLENT ARTICLE on today’s topic of the PRIDE OF SIN/SPIRITUAL CANCER:

“Lord, please give all your people strength to endure in these End Times. Please sustain them physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Please keep them at ANY costs from taking the Mark of the Beast, ESPECIALLY parents with small children. Please protect them, guide them and watch over them, at ALL times. And most importantly, please give them the strength & endurance to suffer whatever persecution may befall them, in whatever form it may take, rather verbal or physical. Please bless them and keep them for all eternity. In Jesus’s name, Amen”. 





Through The Wormhole: Rise of The Anti-Christ

After doing some MAJOR research on CERN, in general, I happened across ANOTHER Youtube video that exposed the numerous mass media images lately of “circles”, “barren desert”, “fallen angels”, “the abyss”, “portals”, “world nuclear destruction”, “aliens/time travelers/future bots”, “portals” and “time warp images” and the like and how they all TIED IN WITH CERN! And they all seem to converge and carry the same theme: the welcoming of the Anti-Christ!

Down below is what I’ve found in all my research:

Alma Thomas ‘Resurrection’ Painting Placed in White House:


SPIRAL PIZZA Okay, I’ve seen this same general “spiral design” on alot of things, lately (clothes, logos, tatoos, etc.). The spiral design IS supposed to be of “Satanic origin”…….Note how there’s also the “spiral pattern” in the Wizard of Oz movie:


This is from 2013:

These are from 2014

Video from 2011

Video from 2012

But basically, there is this whole “New Age” type “consciousness” going on……..and I think the REASON for this is that the elite are trying to “program” people to fully ACCEPT the “New World Order” and False Messiah that will soon take control over the entire world! 

Revelation 13:16-17 states: And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name”

And ALL those people who don’t put their faith, trust, love & OBEDIENCE into Jesus Christ Almighty WILL be deceived by this false Messiah, who will no doubt call himself “the Savior of the world”. And what’s gonna bring ABOUT this false Messiah of the world is WORLD CHAOUS! He will “appear” to be the answer to all of mankind’s problems but he’s nothing but a LIAR & DECEIVER!

He will create FALSE MIRACLES, such as reigning down fire from heaven in the site of men! And BECAUSE of his false miracles, many will BE DECIEVED by him and TAKE HIS MARK! But God warns in the bible that whomever takes the mark of the beast WILL BE CONDEMNED FOR ALL OF ETERNITY!

What’s REALLY interesting to note is THIS: The Jews never accepted Jesus Christ as their Messiah (as a whole) and are “still technically waiting on their Messiah”, the Muslims are awaiting the 12th Iman or the Madhi/Maitreya, Buddists are awaiting the 5th incarnation of Buddha, Hindus are awaiting the incarnation of Krishna or Kali, Indigenous Mayans/Aztecs are awaiting the reincarnation of Quetzacoatyl (the “Serpent God”), while the Christians are awaiting the ANTI-CHRIST! That’s precisely WHY this “world leader”/”world Messiah” will be able to deceive EVERYONE (all the people that don’t put their faith, trust, love & OBEDIENCE into Jesus Christ Almighty, that is!) 

I pray that this ENTIRE blog and all included Youtube clips have enlightened you and shown you THE TRUTH about what Jesus Christ’s gospel really, truly IS and what it ISN’T! I hope you’ve done your research and now know the TRUTH about the TRUE history of the Catholic Church and Christianity! I hope you will still continue to fight AGAINST gay marriage in your state! I hope you will be faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ and spiritually ENDURE in these here End Times! I hope you will READ my post entitled “Signs of the Last Days: Bible Prophecy Fulfilled”:

But most importantly, I hope and pray that you NEVER lose your faith in Jesus Christ Almighty! May the Lord Jesus Christ be with you ALL during these here End Times! Amen. 

Demons Are REAL: Here Is The Evidence

We’ve all probably seen movies like ‘The Exorcist’, ‘The Unholy’, ‘The Omen’, ‘Black Roses’ and ‘Rock n’ Roll Nightmare’, etc. But movies aside, are demons actually REAL?

The bible says YES!

There’s MANY, MANY cases of demons being “exorcised” by Jesus Christ/Yeshua in the bible. And truth be told, Yeshua/Jesus Christ Almighty is the ONLY name under heaven by which the demons will LEAVE a person (provided the person SAYING the prayer BELIEVES in the name of Almighty Jesus/Yeshua AND his ability to rid the possessed of such demons).

But do demons STILL exist TODAY?

Read just about ANY of today’s major news headlines and the answer in one’s mind should be an automatic ‘YES’!

Many famous people have even ADMITTED that they’re inhabited by DEMONS! Don’t believe me? Examine the evidence:

Listen at 2:19-2:27 where Beyonce admits she “became possessed”

Watch the video down below around the 3:40 mark when the “demon” starts growling and then is like “oh crap, I better hurry and cover up my growling so my demonic presence isn’t known”

5:37-5:39 or so, you can hear the demon growls ECHOING through the microphone

At 1:38-1:43, 3:08-3:20ish, 4:37, 5:46 and ****4:05-4:26****, she is BEYOND THE POINT OF TOTAL DEMONIC POSSESSION! And IF, after watching the following video down below from start to finish [ESPECIALLY the **4:05-4:26** mark], you’re STILL a person whom doesn’t believe that demons are REAL ***AND*** that they can TRULY possess people, then I honestly, truly feel sorry for you at this point! 

Here is actual live footage of “Catholic paintings DEMONICALLY COMING TO LIFE” (Creepy!!!!!) :

And here’s a couple pictures of demonic-possessed mug shots of people (for those who still doubt):

DEMONIC POSSESSION IS REAL  demonic possession is real, part 2 

And not only that but I myself have experienced “demonic attacks” on me from time to time in my life. Experience #1, one morning in the year 1999 or so, I was attempting to rise up outta bed and “something” (what felt like an INVISIBLE huge cement block covering my entire chest, shoulders and abdominal region) was holding me back to the point where I could NOT get up, past a certain point! I could only rise up to a certain point and I tried to take my feet and legs and “kick” the thing but couldn’t get it to budge off of me. So I prayed in the name of Jesus Christ Almighty, I heard a slight “growl” and then I was able to get right up out of bed (as if the “invisible cement block” holding me down had been moved away from me and was no longer there!)

Experience #2, I saw a “demonic manifestation” actually APPEAR when I was around 6 years or so. It was like a white, ghostly, moving, PORCELAIN-colored-like statue of a woman. She was all white from head to toe, including her skin, hair and face. She/it motioned me with her finger to “come closer”. When I refused, she/its EYES starting glowing BRIGHT RED and bleeding, her/its teeth suddenly became very sharp-like fangs and started to bleed from the mouth very heavily as well, plus she/he/it HISSED at me like a snake and started GROWLING! I shrieked and screamed with terror! As soon as I started calling for my grandma to come into the room, the “thing” disappeared into thin air and that’s when my grandmother came in there and made me pray Psalm 23 with her.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I’ve had other experiences that I’m not going to list here for the sake of time and space. But the point I wanted to make is that demons are real and anyone that says otherwise is either misinformed, is innocently unaware, wants to blatantly flat-out deny it or doesn’t care. And believe it or not, demonic “manifestations” are becoming more and more apparent in today’s news headlines, TV, movies, etc. And the bible says that IN the last days, demons and demon spirits would be EVERYWHERE upon the earth and also that “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times [The Last Days], some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils [1 Timothy 4:1] 

And in closing, I’d like to leave you guys with THIS: (and remember: violence COMES from demons and demonic spirits!) 


Two Paths and Two Paths, ONLY!!!!!

There is GREAT DECEPTION going on in the world today and one of THE biggest deceptions of our time is the FALSE BELIEF that “there’s many paths to God”!!!

But according to the bible, there are TWO PATHS and Two Paths, ONLY that one can take and it’s either the path leading TO Jesus Christ that leads to Salvation/Eternal Life or the path AGAINST Jesus Christ that leads to ETERNAL CONDEMNATION IN THE FLAMES! There IS no other way!

So essentially, in a nutshell, the TRUE motto becomes “turn or burn”.

ALL world religions outside of true, biblical Christianity have ONE thing in common: they ALL reject the deity of Jesus Christ and they ALL lead to ETERNAL CONDEMNATION IN THE FLAMES! Mormons believe Joseph Smith is just AS important if not MORE important than Jesus Christ! Catholics believe the “virgin Mary” is just as important if not MORE important than Jesus Christ! Muslims believe that Jesus Christ was NOT the Son of God and was NOT crucified or resurrected (even in spite of actual, historical evidence and non-Christian accounts that prove them wrong)……

Jehovah’s Witnesses falsely predicted the end of the world in 1914, along with various other “false prophecies”, Hindus believe Brahma is in everyone and everything, Buddhists believe Buddha was a god (even though Buddha himself would be APPALLED if he knew he had been elevated to “god-like status”), Satanists/Luciferians believe that Satan is the true god of the bible instead of Jesus Christ, Humanists believe in themselves and not in God, Atheists don’t believe in God, Pagans believe everything that goes AGAINST true, biblical Christianity, Wiccans/New Ageists believe in things CONDEMNED by the bible, and all OTHER religions other than true, biblical Christianity lead to THE ETERNAL FLAMES OF TORMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jesus Christ HIMSELF said in John 14:6 (as a response to someone’s question in the bible about eternal life, I believe): “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father [eternal Paradise/Salvation], but by me“. So what does THAT mean, in translation? It means there’s one way and one way, ONLY to Salvation/Eternal Life. All OTHER paths outside of Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ, ALONE lead to ETERNAL CONDEMNATION IN THE FLAMES!

Now, it might seem a bit cruel to some that ONLY those that adhere to true, biblical Christianity (and true faith in the Lord Jesus) will be granted Salvation/Eternal Life but consider THIS: God the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, the Holy Son of God [who sits at the Heavenly Father’s right-hand throne], gives people TONS and TONS and TONS of “chances” and “warnings” and “preachings” and “signs” and “miracles” and “wonders” throughout their lifetimes. And so IF, by the end of their life, they STILL decide that they “don’t need Jesus Christ or salvation” and are THEN designated for eternal condemnation as a result, how is that GOD’S fault? Answer: it’s not. It’s the person’s OWN fault for NOT adhering to God’s many, many, MANY warnings that God gave them throughout their entire lifetimes!

But yet, I can picture some of them, NOW……..someday standing before the judgement seat of God/Jesus Christ and saying: “Warnings? What warnings? You never gave me any warnings!!!!!” and he will likely say to them in response something along the lines of: “You saw many pro-gospel signs and billboards, heard many Christians speak on movies and in TV programs, saw many Christian writings on the internet, were warned by your Christian friends, coworkers and family members, saw or heard of Christian movies at the theatre or on TV, came across many news stories about Christians and Christian beliefs, came across many things that *mocked* me or the bible (and yet, never bothered to truly investigate about me and/or the bible)….”

“You came across people referencing the bible but never bothered to look up the passages for yourselves, saw many, many signs and wonders in nature, never bothered to wonder about all the “miracles” in your life, never bothered to wonder about the origin of life, etc.”! And it’s then, at that very moment in time, that those poor folks will be put to shame by the Lord Jesus Christ and they will immediately look back with much fear and trepidation and sadness in their hearts/souls/minds and wish SO DESPERATELY then, at that very moment, that they had listened to and heeded all his “warnings” in their life! But by then, their fates will be sealed for eternity and it’ll be too late! ;(

So please: I beg of you. If you haven’t come to a saving knowledge of Salvation/Jesus Christ, please submit yourself to Jesus Christ, TODAY! Tomorrow is not guaranteed! We never know when we’re going to die! Time is of the essence!

But know this: if you DON’T submit yourself to Jesus Christ and you die tonight or someday soon and end up in eternal condemnation as a result, don’t blame me. For I’ve warned you!

“I pray that ALL souls that read this will become saved in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and also that he will bless them and keep them for eternity. Amen”.





The “Emergent Church”: Christianity + New Age

There is something SERIOUSLY wrong with the Christian Church today!

Walk into just about ANY Christian Church today and you will see something called “The Emergent Church”; churches that care far more about entertainment, status, money/appearances, New Age philosophies, Roman Catholic mysticism and socializing more than they do about God!

In short, an Emergent Church is one that embraces New Age philosophies and/or watered-down gospel(s) into its teachings. Patrons participate in yoga, walk through labyrinths, etc.

Prayer worship songs have gone from simple to more elaborate. One can oftentimes feel like they’re at a pop/country concert or a “Buddhist sanctuary”, rather than a church worship service.

And I understand if some of today’s young people want to “shake it up a bit” and make the Lord’s music seem more relate-able to today’s younger generation. But when I hear modern-day worship music, (either on the radio or in church), it sounds exactly like SECULAR music to me and so to ME, there’s no clear distinction between secular and non-secular and in so doing, the Lord’s message becomes muffled.

And then there are those  poor souls out there who want to “feel God” at that very moment but what’s that poor person gonna do when their life suddenly gets rough and they don’t “feel God” anymore? Are they then gonna abandon the faith? [Part 1] [Part 2] [DOCUMENTARY ON MODERN-DAY CHURCH PRACTICES]

And I know alot of my posts lately have all been about “exposing this” or “exposing that” but the thing is, I will NOT sugar coat the Lord’s message to fit people’s needs (for that, to ME, would seem like “political correctness” to do so). Many Christians today (especially those of us of the younger generation) want to hear about how great we are, how special we are. We don’t LIKE to hear about things such as sin, hellfire and separation from God. Unfortunately, those things are NECESSARY to disclose and talk about, so that people aren’t lead astray into the Emergent Church movement!

And it’s not JUST “Emergent Churches” having these philosophies! It has ALREADY “seeped into” the mainstream churches!!!!!

The living proof of this was when I had most recently gone into a ELCA church awhile back and the bottom of their worship literature said “glory be to the Roman Catholic Church”. I was horrified! Nearly EVERY single thing Catholics believe/practice goes AGAINST the bible! Therefore, any church that tries to align itself with the Roman Catholic Church is sadly led TOTALLY ASTRAY! And that makes me very sad…….all those poor souls in the Lutheran and Catholic churches today that don’t even REALIZE how totally “lost” they ARE! It makes my soul grieve! ;(

But in a way, I can kind of see how Catholics become easily astray and don’t even know it. They are taught NOT to read the bible and to have the priest(s) “interpret” it FOR them…..and the Lutherans sprung forth out of the Catholics……however, as far as I know, Lutherans ARE taught to read the bible so I’m confused as to WHY Lutherans are wanting to re-align themselves with the Catholic Church? Am I missing something, here? Well, I guess there IS a thing called Ecumenicalism (the “movement” of the modern-day churches re-aligning themselves with the Roman Catholic Church — for whatever reason).

Many bible scholars believe that this atmosphere of “tolerance” and “political correctness” and “New Ageism” and “Ecumenicalism” is what will SET the system of a false one-world religion into motion. [And from the looks of things, it would possibly seem that a one world economy and one world government might not be too far behind, either].

Sadly, the modern-day Christian church has BEEN an “Emerging” church since the time of Constantine! It has just now become more APPARENT, is all. Also: many, MANY people today have this sort’ve “live and let live” attitude. But Jesus said in the bible that we are to EXPOSE DARKNESS! Therefore, LETTING a person sin in peace without warning them of the coming wrath/judgement of God is to akin to being a passive friend of the darkness! Did Jesus idly sit by and let sinners be sinners in the bible? Or did he REBUKE and/or WARN them? Think about it.

Also, many people will try to say that you’re being “judgmental” or “Un-Christian” if you try to warn people about their sin and God’s coming wrath/judgment on mankind…….or they’ll try to say you’re being “over-zealous” about your relationship with Jesus if you want to follow the bible AS CLOSELY AS POSSIBLE by considering not celebrating in Pagan holidays but celebrating in the Lord’s holidays, instead, etc.

And while it’s true that the Lord Jesus knows the hearts and minds of people (and of whom truly worships him from their heart and whom doesn’t), he also said in Matthew 7: 13-14

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and MANY there be which go in thereat : Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and FEW there be that find it

If you or someone you know is currently going to an Emergent Church, don’t walk out, RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I pray that ALL souls that read this will leave any and all Emergent churches that they’ve been associated with up until this point, that the Lord Jesus will open up the eyes of Emergent church leaders and show them what the TRUE gospel of Jesus Christ is and that NO lost souls will find their way INTO an Emergent church of any kind. Amen. 


Jesus Christ Is The ONLY THING That Satisfies!

With the world being so “crazy” today, many people are searching for answers. They feel empty inside and are trying to search for the one thing or things or people that they think will make them feel “complete” or “happy” in life. Many famous music and movie stars turn to things such as money, publicity stunts, religions like Scientology or Kabbalah (a form of Jewish Mysticism) to try to fill that “empty hole” in their lives. Other people turn to alcohol/partying, sex or drugs. Yet others find themselves turning to food, entertainment (music, movies, books, television, videgogames, etc.) or “new age spirituality” for comfort.

But they are overlooking one simple thing. Jesus Christ is the ONLY thing that satisfies and makes one feel “complete”! (That is, when one fully gives themselves over to Jesus Christ and surrenders their life and heart to Him!)

I know it sounds clique but it’s true.

God is the one who created us, who knew us before we were born, who knows our future and of whom can even count the numbers of hairs on our head.

Therefore, he knows each and every single one of personally (personality traits and all) and knows what’s best for us. His divine love satisfies better than ANY amount of money, sex, drugs, food, partying, entertainment or “new age spirituality” EVER could!

So for those people out there in the world who have resisted Jesus Christ/God, turned their back on Him, or don’t believe in Him, give God a chance. Get to know Jesus Christ today. Jesus Christ loves EVERYONE, regardless of race, gender, culture & no matter WHAT they’ve done so far in life! (There is NO hidden catch! God’s love is FREE to all who accept it!) God loves you, each and every single one of you and He wants to get to know you!

However, Jesus Christ can not help a person that REFUSES to get help, REFUSES to believe in him, REFUSES to have faith & trust in him, REFUSES to repent/give up their sins. Jesus Christ (at Judgement Day) will judge ALL those who turned their backs on him while they were living or those that “profused” to believed in him but followed their OWN ways, instead of God’s ways.

However, if you cry out to Jesus Christ in prayer (& mean the prayer with all your soul, all your mind, and all your heart & all your strength & BELIEVE that he has the power to help you/save you for eternity), He WILL change your life for the better, if you ask Him to! He WILL cleanse you from all sin & “negative baggage” and allow his Holy Spirit to bring peace & joy over your spirit and in your life! Peace & joy that you’ve never known before!

So, you may think that you “gave God” a chance once and that you didn’t feel Him working in your life, but let me ask you this. Have you TRULY given God a chance? Did you TRULY surrender your heart and your life to Him and lay all your hopes/dreams/worries at his feet?

It doesn’t matter WHAT you’ve done in your life so far, God’s love is free & accessible to ALL who desire it. It doesn’t matter if you’ve killed 5 people or 50 people. It doesn’t matter if you’ve robbed a bank or dealt drugs. It doesn’t matter if you were once involved with or even currently involved in porn. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man who walked out on your wife/ex-wife and kids & hadn’t made child support payments in a long time or if you’re a mother who abandoned your kids and/or your husband. It doesn’t matter if you once stole a huge sum of items from the mall or the grocery store or if you used to mercilessly bully someone while you were in grade-school, middle school or high-school.

Jesus Christ LOVES you and he wants to give you a 2nd chance in life! He wants to renew your mind, heart, body and spirit and make you a new creature and give you a brand new life in him! 😉 He can take what’s UNRIGHTEOUS in a person and make them RIGHTEOUS! But they have to want it. They have to feel SO much REMORSE over what they’ve done in life so far, that they’d be willing to do almost anything to change it. And that’s where Jesus Christ comes in. Once a person BELIEVES in him, CALLS OUT to him in prayer, REPENTS of their sins and then GETS FULL-WATER-IMMERSION-BAPTIZED in his great heavenly name, they are MADE NEW in his site! 😉

See, that’s just the thing. Jesus Christ died on the cross over 1976+ years ago at the Place of Golgotha so that you and I and all of mankind could be forgiven of all our sins. ALL of our sins. Not just SOME of them, but ALL of them. And many people today are even WANTING a 2nd chance in life and WANTING to start on a fresh, clean slate, as it were. I can’t tell you HOW many times I’ve heard people say or mention on forum boards online that they wish they could “do life all over again”. Well, with Jesus Christ, you CAN start your life all over again and live a brand new life! And like I said, it doesn’t matter WHAT you’ve done in life so far, who you are, where you came from. Jesus’s FREE gift of salvation/forgiveness of sins and everlasting life is open to ALL who accept him, trust/believe in him, get baptized in his name and consequently, live their lives for him.

Jesus was crucified, then later taken down and placed into a tomb by Joseph of Ariamathea, etc. The Romans placed guards outside the tomb and placed a heavy stone in front of it so that no man could steal the body. Three days later, Jesus was resurrected from the dead, just like he said he’d be, and the heavy stone had been rolled away. His linen cloths were laying there where his body once was but Jesus’s body was no longer in the tomb. And then he appeared (with the marks through his hands and feet) to his apostles, etc. And 40 days after that, he ascended up to heaven to be on the right hand side of God, the Almighty Heavenly Father and there are even NON-CHRISTIAN historical accounts of this!

Jesus Christ is 100% real, people! I’ve seen him with my own two eyes during a near-death experience when I was around age 2 or so. His voice has the ability to shake the Earth and the waters. Plus he also showed me the holes in both his wrists and near the tops of his feet.

Therefore, it stands to reason. If Jesus Christ is real (and I KNOW for 100% fact he’s real, so help me God, so help my spirit!), then Satan is real. And if Satan is real, then hell is real. And if hell is real…………well, you get the picture.

Notice the people around you. Examine real closely how they’re living their lives. And slowly over time, you will start to see that the people that “claim” they believe in God but don’t want to live their lives for him/serve him and the people who are nonbelievers or believers of false religions seem “lost”. You can see it in their eyes. They act all happy on outside but you can tell that deep, deep down inside, they are restless, never happy, never satisfied but they can’t fully figure out why. So they try the partying thing, the New Age thing, etc. and you will notice that they STILL aren’t satisfied and again, they STILL can’t figure out why. Just look at all the music and movie stars that are burned out, on drugs, alcoholics, etc. Fame and fortune most certainly has its price. And it’s not JUST the “living under the microscope” price, but rather, an EVEN MORE heftier price than THAT……rather, an eternal price!!!!!!!

Many of them even tried selling their soul to the devil in exchange for money and fame. But ya know what? Even then, there’s still hope for some of those poor people, as the following case demonstrates:

Unfortunately, some celebrities aren’t so lucky……..they don’t realize that Satan’s the great deceiver who actually HATES them and ALL of humanity……and that he never permanently upholds his end of the deal……..and many of them buy into the lie “well, I’ve sold my soul to devil, that’s it, there’s no more hope for me”. False! There IS hope for them. And that hope is the Lord Jesus Christ. If they humbly and SINCERELY come to Jesus Christ in prayer, and seek to UNDO the “soul selling to devil”, then I believe that the Lord will forgive them. I have no reason to believe otherwise. For our souls aren’t even ours to begin with, for they belong to God and God alone and it’s Jesus Christ who will decide where each soul spends eternity, NOT Satan!

Sadly, many celebrities and non-celebrities alike die without the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and are placed in hell immediately upon their deaths. And for them, THE MOST painful revelation in hell is the fact that they COULD’VE avoided all that eternal pain and suffering had they submitted themselves and their lives and hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ before it was too late (meaning, before they passed away and died in their earthly mortal lives). Cause afterall, the gifts of salvation/forgiveness of sins and eternal life are FREE to all who accept/trust/serve Jesus Christ.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” – Mark 8:36 (book of Mark, chapter 8, verse 36)