Posts tagged ‘witchcraft’

America’s Rise To SOCIALISM: Biblical Implications

Many End Times biblical prophecy teachers/commentators today say or claim that “America is NOT in End Times bible prophecy”. And I can NOW see WHY: “America’s” slow rise to SOCIALISM has now been made nearly 100% ABSOLUTE! Today, Trump-supporting, bible-supporting Conservatives have 98% LOST their right to “free speech” in this country! Tomorrow, ALL Americans will have lost their right to “free speech”…. In fact, just look at the MANY articles on Fox News, Yahoo News, CNN News that are now “closed for commenting”. What a person here in America or around the world might think is just a “small thing” is actually A VERY BIG THING! Since WHEN has “commenting” on articles been “suspended” at any OTHER time in America, except for most recently, in 2020 and beyond? Can you think of any? Just ONE time? (Other than perhaps right around the time after 9-11 when people started theorizing that it was an “inside job?”) No? And WHY is that, do you think?

Yet, MANY people aren’t seeing it! Today, Donald Trump is permanently banned from Twitter! Tomorrow, it could be ANY American (or ANYONE in the world, for that matter) who becomes permanently banned from Twitter! Many “leftist Democrats” here in America – and around the world – CHEERED when Donald J. Trump was permanently banned from Twitter – they considered it a “great victory”. However, they weren’t even looking at THE BIGGER PICTURE and that’s THIS: “If THAT can happen to even just ONE American – for ANY reason – THAT could eventually happen to ANY or ALL Americans!” In fact, in many ways, it already HAS! Alex Jones was banned from ALL social media platforms……Nurses and medical staff in many U.S. hospitals (as well as many U.S. Marines) are now BEING FIRED FOR REFUSING TO GET THE COVID VACCINE!

It’s funny how the Democrat LEFT has the viewpoint of: “My Body, My Choice” when it comes to ABORTION. Yet, when it comes to VACCINES, they now FIRE people who REFUSE the vaccine! And why is that, do you think? Why do they allow people in the U.S. to take things OUT of their bodies (i.e. unborn babies) but yet, MANDATE all Americans put things (unborn fetal cells, etc.) INTO their bodies? IT MAKES NO SENSE! A recent Danish article recently came out and declared that there’s MANY ill side effects (many permanent) from the 2nd Dose of “Vaccine”. Over in Europe, their media is more “honest”, ya see. But do you think you’ll see that in ANY media over here in the U.S., save for perhaps “possibly” Fox News, and even THAT is now questionable as, over time, Fox is becoming more “liberal”, from what I can see?

The current viewpoint in today’s political and social landscape here in America is currently “take the vaccine OR ELSE!” Ya know, that kind’ve has a Nazi-like ring to it, doesn’t it, folks? “Join the Nazi party OR ELSE!” Heck, a person here in America can’t EVEN state that “biology is innate” without getting much VITRIOL over it (look at all the “hate” J.K. Rowling received for saying that there were ONLY two, innate genders!) But even as much HATE as J.K. Rowling got for that, Americans here in America get TEN TIMES MORE HATE if they REFUSE to acknowledge “trans delusions”. If someone had anorexia, we shouldn’t be forced to AGREE to that person’s “delusion” that they’re fat – it could be DEADLY to that person’s mental and physical health, afterall – therefore, why should we be forced to embrace “trans delusions” when that can ALSO be detrimental to the person’s mental, physical and psychological health?

A long time ago in this country of America, there used to be what’s called “Moderate Democrats”. But thus, there are NO “Moderate Democrats” any longer. For now the SOCIALISTS/MARXISTS have HIJACKED the U.S. Democratic Party! Only TWO Democrats oppose the $3.5 Trillion “Build Back Better” Bill – Senator Krysten Sinema of Arizona and Joe Manchin III of Virginia. And trust, THOSE TWO ARE SAVING THE COUNTRY OF AMERICA BY DOING SO! The Democrat LEFT is just GOING CRAZY over the fact that those two will NOT support the $3.5 trillion bill.

And true, while I may not be a Democrat or vote Democrat, I COMMEND those two for sticking up for their own principles. For it takes ALOT OF GUTTS to “go against the grain”. And not only that but those two are being RELENTLESSLY HARRASSED by the PROGRESSIVE SOCIALIST LEFT. So what does that tell you about the “current state of America?” “Go against the party line and you’re FINISHED” seems to be the message there. I guess it would technically be akin to a Nazi back in the day starting to question Hitler’s motives: “Like, I understand if you don’t want the Jews taking over the world and all, Herr Fuhrer, but isn’t there a more humane way of dealing with this crises?” Hitler (in a rage): “NEIN! DU MUSST HASSEN DIE JUDEN!” Hitler was NOT willing to compromise at ANY price and for that matter, NEITHER ARE THEY! The Socialist Democrats WILL NOT STOP until America is a fully-fledged SOCIALIST COUNTRY! Does that scare you at all, folks? IT SHOULD!

The Socialist Democrats now control EDUCATION, MASS MEDIA, THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY, BIG TECH/SOCIAL MEDIA, THE GOVERNMENT, everything! Nothing is FREE anymore! One no longer has the God-given American “right” to speak out against hypocrisy (Just ask the U.S. Marine who was “arrested” for criticizing the U.S. State Department for its handling of Afghanistan – what, is this land now North Korea, China or Iran? I THOUGHT this was “America” – was I mistaken?) I have most recently come to believe that THE SOCIALIST LEFT is controlled by none other than the C.I.A. (Central Intelligence Agency). It’s like a sick, twisted “thought experiment” gone WAY too far! “Lets see how far, wide and deep we can brainwash and deceive them into thinking that  liberalism/communism is the ONLY thing that makes sense!”

In fact, dealing with a U.S. liberal is honestly not that much different than dealing with a Mormon in my eyes. When they start going off into their liberal tangents, snap your hands together real loud and ask, “How do you KNOW that’s true?” Like Mormons, they will always act dumbfounded and be at a loss for words and won’t know what to say. There is fear behind their eyes. Not because of YOU, the inquisitor but a fear of the “unknown”. They simply KNOW deep deep down that they are NOT fully able to answer the question. They don’t exactly know WHY they don’t know the precise answer to the question, only the fact THAT they don’t know the answer to the question and that secretly terrifies them.

I call this technique BREAKING-THROUGH-THE-BRAINWASHING. Once they “come to”, they will often cite LIBERAL news sources (CNN, MSNBC, etc.) When they do, loudly ask: “HOW DO YOU KNOW THEY’RE NOT JUST LYING TO YOU FOR RATINGS?” Oftentimes, you will see the wheels slowly begin to turn in their minds. These poor people have been SO brainwashed by the liberal news media and social media that they have LOST the ability to think for themselves. So by doing that “technique” on them, you’re actually given them BACK that power, the power that they’ve LOST, DUE to today’s liberal media. But remember, you must do so TACTFULLY and lovingly. You must NOT do that with any sort of “in-your-face violence” for that would defeat the whole purpose.

Furthermore, more than 80 MILLION Americans voted for the Re-Election of Trump (even several that previously voted Democrat). But the liberal news media will NEVER, EVER admit that. The liberal news media wants to LIE to Americans – and those around the world – ALL DAY LONG by “trying” to proclaim that’s not true. They want Trump supporters and/or “bible thumpers” to believe they are in the MINORITY – when in fact, THE OPPOSITE is true – they are actually IN THE MAJORITY! And they have more power than what they realize! And with Biden’s SINKING POLL NUMBERS, the Democrats are now getting ever-more-desperate! Kind’ve reminds me of Revelation 12:12 which states: “Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.”

Liberal Democrats (headed by Nancy Pelosi) are now declaring that they’ll get the SOCIALISTIC $3.5 billion infrastructure bill passed by “HELLOWEEN” of this year. What? They think Satan their evil master will help them “get this done” by then? HA! They can do NOTHING outside of Jesus’s power! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Therefore, IF and WHEN said bill passes, it will ONLY be because Jesus “allowed” it to pass, nothing more, nothing less. And if the Lord Jesus Christ ALLOWS that dreadful bill to pass, it will ONLY be because we – as individuals AND a nation – did NOT repent of our personal and international/national sins! (Reference: 2 Chronicles 7:14). Therefore, it’s up to US! We HAVE to stop this bill from going through AT ANY COST! Perhaps it’s now time for normal, everyday Americans to “peacefully riot” in the streets and PROTEST this bill outside the capital building! Perhaps if ENOUGH Americans did so, the lawmakers would start FEARING THE PEOPLE AGAIN instead of THE PEOPLE FEARING THE GOVERNMENT!

Then again, we’re actually living IN the times of 2 Timothy 3: 1-5 “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves [i.e. narcissistic – look at Youtube, Instagram, etc.] , covetous [i.e. jealous, wanting what others have], boasters [i.e. braggers: “I’m the best at _______, no-one is better than me at _____”], proud [PRIDEFUL – “gay pride” parades, anyone?], blasphemers [i.e. mocking God/Jesus/the bible], disobedient to parents [i.e. look at the “pro-choice ACTIVISTS” children of “Pro-Life” parents as a prime example of this, etc.], unthankful [i.e. a feeling of “entitlement”; taking things for granted], unholy [i.e. lacking a “thirst for righteousness”; being drawn to “witchcraft” and “the dark side”, etc.], Without natural affection [i.e. living an active homosexual/bisexual/trans lifestyle], trucebreakers [i.e. making false promises/oaths one can’t keep and/or world governments going back on “peace deals”, etc.], false accusers [i.e. “me too” movement, anyone?], incontinent [i.e. lack of self-control; think unfiltered angry outbursts, food/drug/alcohol/shopping addiction, etc.], fierce [i.e. mean-spirited/bullying], despisers of those that are good [i.e. despising PATRIOTS, Conservatives, Bible-thumpers, those who believe in the bible, etc.], Traitors [i.e. people stabbing each other in the proverbial back for no reason; government officials “pretending” to have the country’s best interest at heart but are secretly bent on the country’s “destruction”], heady [i.e. “you’re an idiot for thinking this way” type attitude, etc.], high-minded [i.e. “You have a low-paying job and I have a high-paying job, therefore I’m better than you” type of mentality, etc.], lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God [i.e placing anything in your life ABOVE God such as money, hobbies, materials things, etc.], Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof [i.e. The Roman Catholic Church PERFECTLY comes to mind, here, etc.]: from such turn away“.

While we’ve ALWAYS had people that embodied THOSE types of qualities found in 2 Timothy, never before in humanity’s ENTIRE HISTORY have we had MILLIONS of people walking this Earth who embodied nearly 98-100% of those qualities! EVER! (Except for maybe perhaps during the time of Noah and the global flood or maybe even perhaps the time of Nimrod and The Tower of Babel!) Just ONE person embodying 85-100% of those qualities is bad enough. But ENTIRE MASSES of people? MILLIONS? Simultaneously all at once during ONE TIME in modern-day history? Yeah. Pretty heavy. Pretty heavy biblical implications there, folks!

Somewhere around 1996 or so is when I very first started noticing a “cultural shift” in this country. On May 3, 1996, the movie called “The Craft” came out. And nearly a year later, Ellen Degeneres [Greek word for Degenerate, perhaps?] came out as “gay” on April 30, 1997. And just nearly 2 months later, the Harry Potter WITHCRAFT books were released. And the next 4 years were just a “blur”. Princess Di (the world’s “beloved British Princess”) died within that time frame, not to mention a few other events in history. And then, finally, on September 11, 2001, the world changed; “America”, as we know it, CHANGED (and not necessarily for the better). The U.S. Patriot Act (by giving it a good sounding NAME, most people were UNAWARES) was just the very beginning of what would soon become A MASS SURVELANCE STATE. Instead of just reasonably monitoring all “foreign calls” to/from the U.S., the U.S. gov’t decided it was going to monitor ALL U.S. calls! And instead of just merely reading all “foreign emails” to/from the U.S., the U.S. gov’t decided it was going to monitor ALL emails and online activities.

Many Americans saw absolutely nothing wrong with it at the time. “Oh, it’s okay”, most Americans tried telling them themselves: “They’re just trying to root out all the terrorists, is all”. Well, fast-forward to the Obama “regime”. Remember the “Fort Hood shooter” who cried out: “Allah Al-Akbar?” And remember how the U.S. media REFUSED to call it a “terrorist attack on U.S. soil?” That right then and there should’ve proven to ALL Americans that the U.S. Patriot Act had NOTHING to do with actual “terrorism”, yet had EVERYTHING to do with TOTAL AUTHORITARIAN CONTROL!

In fact, as the years went on, it become more and more apparent. President Trump wanted to “drain the swamp” but even HE never even imagined JUST HOW DEEP the “Swamp” really IS within our very own U.S. Government! In many ways, I sort’ve see Trump as “the new JFK”. JFK publicly swore off “secret societies” and the next thing ya know, he was assasinated. My guess is that JFK was “probably” warned by the elite to NOT mention secret societies but yet, did it anyways. He obviously considered it his “all-American duty” TO publicly mention and denounce them! Unfortunately, he paid for it with his very own LIFE! Reminds me of John 15:13 which states: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends”. Therefore, JFK, atleast on SOME level, must’ve considered ALL Americans “important” enough to know the truth; hence why he risked his very own LIFE for that very fact! He considered the risk “worth it”, apparently!

So now, let us fast forward to June 26, 2015, the year that the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS – Supreme Court Of The United State) declared “gay marriage” the “law of the land”. Think about how much WORSE things have gotten since then, BIBLICALLY SPEAKING! June 2015 is also when the ungodly “Drag Queen Story Hour(s)” began in U.S. LIBRARIES, starting in none other “San Francisco, California” (the *gay capital* of the world!) And just 3 weeks TO THE DAY of the U.S. Supreme Court decision on “gay marriage” [and remember, the U.S. Supreme Court’s job is to INTERPRET laws, NOT *make them*], Jared Jenning’s reality show called “I Am Jazz” premiered on U.S. Television! And then, it all went downhill from there. “Transgenderism” became a “Movement” and then suddenly, any American who “didn’t agree” with “LGBT” was a “bigot” who “had no right to free speech”. Their buzz words: TOLERANCE and HOMOPHOBIA were meant to SHAME anyone who “didn’t agree with their sinful lifestyle(s)”.

Ofcourse, the only TOLERANCE they wanted was TOLERANCE *for* their “lifestyles”. They should instead change the word to DOMINANCE, since that’s what they have attempted to do. As for homophobia, we conservatives should coin the word “CONSERVAPHOBE” and START IGNORING their “preferred pronouns” and “words” (I.e. DON’T refer to a he as a “she” or a “she” as a he, call them what they were born as! Cosmetic surgery doesn’t change who they are!) And…..don’t ever use their “words” (such as cisgender). Just call things as they are and CONTINUE calling things AS THEY ARE! Eventually, the DOMINATING ONES will give up once they realize that there’s a HUGE portion of Americans who simply REFUSE to embrace their “sinful delusions” and “woke words”. And how odd that they choose the word “woke” to describe their spiritual/mental philosophy when they are most assuredly SPIRITUALLY ASLEEP!

But anyways, going back to the Manchin & Sinema deal. When EVEN DEMOCRATS aren’t allowed to “speak out against the party line”, that actually tells you something! That actually SHOWCASES the Socialistic Democratic Platform’s plan TO EVENTUALLY SHUT OFF FREE SPEECH *FOR EVERYONE!* For NOW, only the Democrats are allowed to “drink water from the faucet”, metaphorically speaking. But TRUST, there’s coming a time and a day when NO AMERICAN will be able to “drink water from the faucet” without their SPECIFIC say so – EVEN FELLOW DEMOCRATS! In fact, what we’re seeing NOW with this whole entire Manchin & Sinema vs. The Extreme Left Fiasco IS JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG, FOLKS! In a way, I’m GLAD this is happening….For it should be opening up people’s eyes as to what the Socialist Democrats are REALLY all about! On the other hand, I fear what’ll happen when EVEN the “Moderate Democrats” aren’t able to stop them!

But anyways, ancient history from 1943 and on should’ve SERIOUSLY taught us something! During the 1920’s, the Nazi Party was NOT popular. Sound familiar? Let us examine history the past 20 years. For the first 15 of those 20 years, Socialism was FROWNED UPON in this U.S. Country! But enter Bernie Sanders around the year 2016 or so. That’s when Socialism (atleast to the young, millennial generation, anyways) started to “look cool”. Around January 3, 2019, Alexandria Oscasio-Cortez (aka AOC) assumed Congressional office in the 14th Congressional District of New York. She had previously worked on the 2016 Bernie Sanders presidential campaign. And over time, the number of “Socialists” within the Democratic Party GREW – just like a SPIRITUAL CANCER!

But in fact, here’s all the things that’ll happen IF and WHEN said $3.5 “Build Back Better” bill is PASSED by U.S. Gov’t:

  1. Private land ownership will eventually become OBSOLETE
  2. You will eventually NO LONGER have rights to FREE SPEECH
  3. You will pay HIGH TAXES
  4. Your wages will eventually go WAY DOWN
  5. Your hard-earned tax dollars will go to nothing *but* SOCIALIST PROGRAMS
  6. They will have a “Civilian Climate Corps” much Similar to HITLER’S YOUTH ARMY
  7. ALL Fossil Fuels will eventually be done away with and GREEN ENERGY WILL REIGN SUPREME
  8. ALL cars will eventually be ELECTRIC and non-electric cars will be OUTLAWED
  9. ALL cash will eventually be DONE AWAY WITH
  10. You will eventually be RATIONED on gas and food and medical supplies
  11. ALL dissenters will eventually be imprisoned, torchured and/or killed
  12. Your children, grandchildren and great-great grandchildren will be paying for this bill FOR DECADES
  14. You will eventually LOSE all individual rights and liberties
  15. Foreign soldiers will eventually help to “subjugate” ALL Americans INTO the “One World Order: (aka THE GREAT RESET)
  16. You will be eventually be told what to think, what to say or not say, how to dress, what to eat, what to read/watch on tv, how to cut or not cut your hair, etc.
  17. There will eventually be LONG LINES and MASSIVE SHORTAGES of essential items
  18. You will eventually wish you had never been born
  19. Emotions and feelings in and of themselves will eventually be outlawed
  20. Everyone will eventually be required to have a “chip implant” in their brain so that they forever comply with whatever the elite want (i.e. federalized “thought control”)
  21. Females will eventually be required to “enlist” and/or “be drafted”
  22. Parental rights and “traditional marriage” will eventually be COMPLETELY ERODED
  23. ETC.

FOLKS, THIS IS SOME REAL SERIOUS STUFF RIGHT THERE! And true, while it won’t all happen overnight, those are all the things that this bill EVENTUALLY plans to do, years down the line! DON’T FALL FOR IT! PROTEST THE BILL **NOW** WHILE WE STILL CAN AND WHILE THERE’S STILL TIME!

Basically, if you want a preview of what this country is EVENTUALLY gonna end up as, just look no further than Russia, North Korea, China, Cuba, Venezuela, perhaps even Australia! OUR PERSONAL FREEDOMS AND LIBERTIES AND U.S. CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS ARE BEING ERODED BEFORE OUR VERY EYES!

And not only that, but Joe Biden and his family (i.e. Hunter) and BRIAN LAUNDRIE and HIS family all have ONE thing in common: MONEY AND LOTS OF IT! The FBI is CLEARLY being payed off by the Laundrie family NOT to pursue Brian and to pursue Brian in ALL THE WRONG AREAS! Clearly, money talks in this country! Otherwise, Bri Bri would’ve been caught A LONG TIME AGO! Furthermore, WHY is the FBI WITHHOLDING Gabby Petitto’s full autopsy report? (There’s currently rumors going around online that she was possibly PREGNANT with her and Brian’s CHILD, folks!) Plus many people think he ran her over with the van before then using her debit card and fleeing back to his family in Florida! Also: There’s a chance Brian may not just have killed Gabby but he could’ve killed the two lesbians and the homeless guy behind Walmart in Arkansas, too! This guy could be a freakin’ serial killer for all anyone knows and the FBI is just letting him get away SCOT-FREE! So obviously, there’s something VERY, VERY WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE!  

Folks, when we live in a day and a time such as this WHEN SO-CALLED MURDERERS WALK FREE and when the ACTUAL VICTIMS are BLAMED, you just KNOW we’re on the spiritual precipice of something very, very bad in this country! Brian’s parents kind’ve remind me of Jon Benet’s parents; they, like the Laundries, ALSO “lawyered up” right away! I never understood that. If they had NOTHING to hide, why “lawyer up?” Obviously, something very, very dark was going on then in Jon Benet Ramsay’s case, just as it is, NOW, in THIS case! But then again, that brings me to my next point: SOCIALISTIC DICTATORSHIP THRIVES ON MURDER! Socialistic Authoritarianism/Dictatorship tries to JUSTIFY MURDER! Look at any Socialist dictator throughout history: Mussolini, Stalin, Mao Ze Dong, HITLER, Pol Pot, etc. and you will notice ONE thing in common; all these “Socialistic dictators” THRIVED on the MASS MURDER OF MILLIONS!

What’s REALLY scary is that hardly NONE of those poor innocent people likely saw what was coming. They weren’t looking at the warning signs. They thought “oh, that could never happen here” and look what happened, folks! Do you think the Jews around the time of pre-Nazi times saw the Nazis as any sort of threat? OFCOURSE NOT! The Jews were a “proud people”; they assumed they were “God’s people” and “untouchable” and “unstoppable” and look what happened to them, folks! Utter chaos and destruction at the hands of Hitler and his Nazi Party! And that’s just the case with many an American, TODAY! “Oh, that could never happen here”. WATCH OUT, FOLKS! For the $3.5 billion “Build Back Better” bill will spell the SPIRITUAL, MENTAL, ECONOMIC, RELIGIOUS, GOVERNMENTAL DEATH OF THIS COUNTRY AND EVERYONE IN IT (SAVE OFCOURSE FOR THE ELITE!)

Folks, ALL working-class Americans: we are the “Jews” during the “Pre-Nazi death camp” times (as a whole). And hardly NONE of us are seeing the warning signs! It’s about high time that WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE rose UP against such Nazi-like TYRANNY before it’s too late!!!!!!! Just like Hitler and the Nazis didn’t rise to power overnight, neither did the Marxists/Communists in this country! It was a slow drawl! And now Bernie Sanders, AOC and Co. are just licking their chops, just WAITING for this horrible, horrible Socialist bill to pass! OUR ENEMIES (both foreign AND domestic) have now become EMBOLDENED! WE ARE AT **THE MOST** DANGEROUS POINT IN HISTORY THAT WE’VE EVER BEEN IN BEFORE, FOLKS!!!!!! This bill will affect this country FOR GENERATIONS! Most Americans are SO spiritually asleep that heads will likely have to roll before they WAKE UP! But by then, it’ll likely be too late! 

“America” now much reminds me of Revelation 18:7 which says, “How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow”. 

America, as a whole, has been SO PRIDEFUL for SO LONG, that NOW the Lord is having to BRING AMERICA TO ITS KNEES (just like He did around the time of 9-11). Only THIS time, the Lord has to do it THREE TIMES AS HARD in order to WAKE US UP, AS A NATION AND AS A PEOPLE!

Right around the time of Revelation 13, a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, ONE WORLD RELIGION AND ONE WORLD ECONOMY IS INTRODUCED. A one world government leader [i.e. The Antichrist but people won’t KNOW he’s the Antichrist cause he’ll lie and say he’s Jesus or Allah or Buddha or whatever) comes on the scene who appears to be “the answer to the world’s problems”. And he requires ALL of Earth’s inhabitants to receive a MARK on their right hand or foreheads, in order to be able to buy or sell. And WITHOUT this “Mark”, people won’t be able to participate in society. And WITHOUT this “Mark”, people will be rounded up, imprisoned, torchured and eventually KILLED! However, all who RECEIVE the “Mark” WILL BE DAMNED BY GOD FOR ETERNITY IN THE LAKE OF FIRE!

Many people were talking about the “Revelation 12” sign awhile back. Well, guess what, folks? That Revelation 12 sign is long past, now, apparently. And we are now at the CUSP of Revelation 13, THE MARK OF THE BEAST! In fact, like I said, that’s what this whole entire CORONA SOCIETY and CORONA MANDATES are and were leading to – THE MARK OF THE BEAST! The elite were getting pissed off that things weren’t moving fast enough for them! So they decided to SPEED IT UP EVEN MORE WITH THE $3.5 TRILLION “SOCIALIST BILL!” Folks, it’s NOT about infrastructure, NOT AT ALL! It’s about FURTHERING THEIR ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT AGENDA AND ABOUT DOMINATION AND CONTROL OF **ALL** THE WORLD’S CITIZENS – ESPECIALLY THE AMERICANS!

Note: If there’s anything you need to repent of in your life, any “sin” you need to give up, DO SO, NOW! For tomorrow is not guaranteed! May the good Lord be with us all during these here, End Times! Amen. 


James 2:19 = Even the DEMONS *Believe & Tremble!*

James 2:19 “Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble“.

The 2nd part of James 2:19 isn’t a passage that most Christians and/or church leaders talk about very often, if at all (or even do so much as think about). In fact, the VERY first time I read that passage at the tender age of 19-21, I was AWESTRUCK! The demons TREMBLE with FEAR at Jesus? F E A R? Why? I had thought at the time. Wouldn’t it make more technical sense for them to react to Jesus with ANGER, rather than FEAR?”

But let us look at two other bible passages in the bible which address this very issue!

Matthew 8:28-29 says: “And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way. And, behold, they cried out, saying, ‘What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time?‘”

The Matthew 8:29 passage, in my further attempt at fully understanding the “demons’ fear of Jesus” back then, really got me to start questioning everything I “thought” I knew at that point about Satan and demons! Like, I KNEW that Satan and demons were ANGRY things! But little did I know, as per that passage and the 1st passage I listed, that they were FEARFUL, angry things! WHY? Because they KNOW that Jesus has the POWER to eternally judge them! 

Luke 8:28 further echos the sentiment: “When he saw Jesus, he cried out, and fell down before him, and with a loud voice said, ‘What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God most high? I beseech thee, torment me NOT!'”

When I originally read the Luke 8:28 passage back then, I sort’ve had this “human” mental imagery in my mind of a demon (using the man’s human body as a vessel) kneeling down on his knees in front of Jesus, putting both his hands up in a “I surrender” position and DESPERATELY PLEADING with Jesus to NOT be tormented!

And it was THAT mental imagery in my mind which served as a VERY POWERFUL force of spiritual understanding within my spirit! For just like a human person might hold both their hands up in a “I surrender, I don’t want any trouble” position if there was a gunman who was threatening their VERY LIFE, so did THE DEMON likely do in the presence of Jesus! WOW! PROFOUND!

So therefore, what can we gather from these 3 passages in the bible? Answer: DEMONS **FEAR** JESUS! That’s right…..out-right **FEAR HIM!** So it stands to reason: If DEMONS fear Jesus, how much more does SATAN fear Jesus? Answer: Likely a whole HECK of alot! Why? Because he simply KNOWS that he’s powerless against Him, amongst many other things! Which then even further stands to reason: If SATAN and DEMONS actually **FEAR JESUS**, (despite any major “anger issues” they might have AGAINST Jesus), then why should WE, as born-again Christians/Messianic Jewish-roots Christians FEAR **THEM?** It stands to reason!

There’s yet another bible passage that I’d like to share, which is Matthew 10:28 [New Testament, Book of Matthew, Verse 28] which states: “And fear NOT them which kill the body, but are NOT able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is ABLE to destroy BOTH soul and body in hell”.

In other words, don’t FEAR the spirits and/or the people that have the ability to “kill you” since they ONLY have “ability” to kill your BODY, ONLY but NOT your soul…..Instead, you should FEAR GOD/JESUS since ONLY GOD/JESUS has the power to “kill” both your BODY ***AND*** your soul in hell and/or the lake of fire! OUCH! Therefore, in hindsight, the Matthew 10:28 passage is telling us in NO uncertain terms whom/what we SHOULD and SHOULD **NOT** fear, in the “biblical sense!”

Too many Christians today FEAR! Rather it’s FEAR of “workplace issues”, FEAR of the future, etc. But what they oftentimes don’t realize (myself included, sometimes) is that SATAN AND DEMONS are the driving force BEHIND that “FEAR!” And as long as we don’t have any “idols” or “demonic objects” in our homes (ouija boards, tarot cards, New Age and/or metal music, carved images, witchcraft-themed movies, books, etc.), we have POWER & AUTHORITY in the name of Christ to REBUKE THAT DEMONIC SPIRIT/THOSE DEMONIC SPIRITS OF FEAR!

But yet, here’s the sad reality. As long as a “Christian” has demonic “objects” in their possession, OR consume them (such as movies and TV shows), Satan/demons have the LEGAL spiritual “right” to RULE OVER THEM (**UNTIL** said object is REMOVED or said consumption is FULLY REPENTED OF)! Sad but true! Many Christians today have demonic objects in their home and don’t even know it!

For example, many think that Harry Potter books or movies are “harmless!” And yet others at some point (myself included) attempted to “justify” their watching of “Witchcraft-themed shows” (like Salem for instance) telling themselves that they’re just spiritually educating themselves about the Enemy Satan, so they know how he “works” in the Kingdom of Darkness, etc.!

Folks, let me tell you something. I MYSELF made the mistake of watching some of the “Salem” TV series on Netflix (LONG BEFORE the Netflix BAN was needed on the part of many Christians!) And I even tried to justify it to myself, telling myself that it was somehow OK to watch the show, IF I was only doing it from a “get-myself-educated-on-the-schemes-and-workings-of-the-Devil” type of way!

But BOY WAS I MISTAKEN! Not long after I started watching the 1st episode, I had an “ungodly spirit” that invaded my home! A dark shadow! It oftentimes “slightly” shook the end of my bed at night while I was trying to sleep! It would follow me into the bathroom and would sometimes abruptly make the shower curtain rod fall on me whenever I tried to use the toilet or take a shower! It terrified my cat(s) at night and made them “growl” and “hiss” for absolutely no reason! I’d go out in the hallway and would see my cat(s) growling and hissing at “shadows that weren’t there!”

And at first, I’ll admit, I was in a bit of denial. I mean, you hear about invasion of demonic spirits in movies and on certain TV shows. But not ONCE as a Christian do you EVER think that it will come to YOUR house for something so small as watching a Witchcraft-themed TV show (even if only for “education of how the Enemy works” purposes!)

I honestly thought at the time that if the Lord Jesus KNEW MY heart and KNEW I wasn’t even “remotely” interested in Witchcraft, but that I only wanted to gain a better understanding of HOW the Enemy works, that I’d somehow be “OK” and that demonic spirits would NOT be allowed to enter into my home! But I was WRONG! After about a week or so of “the attacks” and attempting to rebuke the spirit in the name of Christ but getting no results, I asked it outloud one time during one of its “attacks”: “WHY DO YOU KEEP TORMENTING ME?”, and it hissed out (just like a snake) ONE word and one word ONLY: SALEM!”

And that’s when I knew it was the UNGODLY TV-show by that same name that was GIVING this “demonic spirit” the legal spiritual RIGHT to invade my home. And so then when I personally inquired to Jesus about WHY He had allowed this “dark, demonic spirit” to invade my home, and “attack me”, Jesus informed me that it was actually for my own benefit, so THAT I would learn the hard way the TOTAL SPIRITUAL DANGER that goes along with watching ANY type of program that has a “positive view” of Witchcraft in it! NO CHRISTIAN – MYSELF INCLUDED – SHOULD BE WATCHING **ANY** TYPE OF PROGRAM OR MOVIE LIKE THAT – **EVEN IF** IT’S ONLY TO “GET EDUCATED ON THE ENEMY!”

Thankfully, my experience eventually came to a “safe ending”. Once I realized just how SATANIC the show was, (and how it very likely portrayed ACTUAL SATANISM), I IMMEDIATELY stopped watching the Series, I prayed to Jesus for forgiveness, and vowed to never watch a single episode of THAT or any OTHER show LIKE that, EVER, EVER AGAIN! And just like that, the DEMONIC SPIRIT was GONE! No more “end of bed shaking” in the middle of the night, no more shower curtain rod violently falling on me in the bathroom, no more terrified growling & hissing cat(s) in the middle of the night, etc!

Now, I have to make an honest confession, here. Did I somewhat “fear” the “demonic spirit” that kept attacking me, while it was attacking me? At first, I did a little, yeah. Why? Because I didn’t know WHY it was there. I didn’t think at first that there was ANY reason FOR it to be there in my home! And see folks, that’s where ALOT of problems with our spiritual walk with Christ can come in…….when we DON’T have our “full spiritual thinking caps” on and in our “leisure time”: For THAT is the time when we are MOST vulnerable to falling victim to Satan’s devices and he KNOWS it!

Now, if “I”, a teacher of God’s Written Word, can fall that easily to something like that (telling myself that it was OK since I was ONLY watching it to gain more understanding of HOW the Enemy works against believers, etc.), how much easier would it be for a non-teacher of God’s Written Word to fall that easily for something like that? FOLKS, WE MUST REMAIN ON **FULL SPIRITUAL GUARD** AT **ALL TIMES** AND IN **ALL PLACES!”** (And believe me, that goes just as much for ME as it does for anyone else who’s a believer in Jesus!)

But I tell ya, folks: Two of Satan’s MOST BIGGEST spiritual battlegrounds against born-again Christians today is at home/among non-believing family members and THE WORKPLACE! Because if you’re working at a workplace where hardly NOBODY is a bible-believing, bible-adhering Christian, it’s going to get harder & harder to adhere to Christ and his gospel as the years roll by in SUCH a “place!” SO HOLD FAST TO THE FAITH!

The non-believers (or rather, the demonic spirits residing INSIDE the hearts, souls and MINDS of unbelievers) are constantly “testing you”, constantly “sizing you up”, and/or “waiting for you to FAIL!” And this could be manifested in any NUMBER of ways……..They or a manager might attempt to micromanage you, they might try to get you to participate in the “latest gossip”, they might tempt you to work on the sabbath or give you more work than they know that you can do at any one given time and then criticize you when you fail, etc.  

So folks, BE CAREFUL! BE ON YOUR FULL SPIRITUAL GUARD AT ALL TIMES! I can’t emphasize that ENOUGH!!!!!!!! Especially since these “unsaved coworkers” don’t yet even KNOW that they’re being spiritually deceived by demons in all of those things! So pray for them, pray for them, pray for them and don’t ever STOP praying for them folks, MARK MY WORDS! And pray for yourselves as well, since we all know it’s very easy to be “swayed” by coworkers. 

But going back to my main point: Satan/Demons FEAR the name of Jesus! Therefore, why should WE, as as born-again Christians, fear THEM? It stands to reason! For WHEN we fear Satan and/or demons, we are, in all actuality, fearing beings that FEAR JESUS! Now think about that. Truly sit back and think about that for awhile. Let that thought ruminate for a bit in your mind. Because if we FEAR demonic beings that FEAR JESUS, what does that say about US as so-called “born-again believers?”

If there’s ever a time in our lives when we fear Satan, fear demons and/or fear persecution, we’re doing it wrong! That means that something is missing in our spiritual “walk” with Christ! Because NO Christian with the correct, FULL spiritual armour is going to fear the Devil or Demons! (Not for ANY reason!) Instead, they will laugh in Satan’s or the demon’s face whenever they “make threats” and loudly and boldly proclaim: “I rebuke you in the name of Christ, now GO!” without any problems or hesitations! In fact, they will KNOW that they know that Christ has their back, no matter what and they need NOT fear!

Are YOU at the place in your life right now where you have ZERO fear of Satan, demons and/or the future? If not, WHY? And if not, what sorts of steps must you take to NOT be afraid anymore, in the name of Jesus? What it help you to know that Jesus HIMSELF was afraid in the Garden of Gethsemane when he KNEW he’d be facing “human death” for the first time?

And yet, even IN SPITE OF HIS FEAR, he STILL trusted the Heavenly Father? If Jesus could still trust the Heavenly Father during HIS time of trial & tribulation (and FEAR) on the Earth, then so can WE also trust Jesus (who OVERCAME death & the grave) during OUR times of trials and tribulations on the Earth, right folks? IT’S THAT SIMPLE!

Isaiah 41:10 proclaims: “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness while John 16:33 states: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world“.

In other words, Jesus is telling us here that WHATEVER scary situation we might face in life (being fired from our jobs, a severe medical diagnosis, a death, a traumatic event, severe persecution, etc.), we do NOT need to worry since Jesus IS IN CONTROL OF IT ALL! He’s got the power of the UNIVERSE at his fingertips! He created the universe with just the mere sound of his VOICE!

Therefore, is He REALLY gonna create the universe with just the mere sound of his voice (“Let there be light”, etc.) and then scratch his head in confusion over how to help us deal with OUR life’s “treacherous situations?” OFCOURSE NOT! Jesus KNOWS what he’s doing, no matter what, so we got to remember that, folks! Even though I know sometimes that’s easier said than done. I know it’s “hard” to trust Christ in times of SEVERE TURMOIL in our lives! I know many Christians have the “why me” type questions whenever something bad happens. Just like I KNOW how hard it is to believe that Jesus is CONSTANTLY working things out for the BEST for us that are believers in HIM!

But one thing I DO know is THIS: Jesus is faithful and TRUE! And not once has he EVER, EVER, **EVER** let me down! NOT ONCE! He has ALWAYS and FOREVER been there for me! It is ME that hasn’t always been there for HIM the way I should at various small points in my life! But thankfully for me and for ALL of us, he is a loving and JUST God, who FORGIVES US FOR ALL OUR SINS! We might as feel at times as though Jesus has forgotten about us on this “Earth rock” down here, but believe me, he hasn’t! It’s US who forget HIM!

We as Christians (as a whole) tend to sometimes get slightly “lukewarm” in our faith at certain times in our lives! When severe persecution bears us down and makes us feel exhausted and drained of energy, temporarily giving up seems like the most EASIEST  & most CONVENIENT thing to do! But folks, we can NOT give up! Not NOW! Not EVER! ESPECIALLY IN THESE HERE LAST DAYS OF HUMAN HISTORY! WE ARE THE LAST GENERATION, FOLKS!

We are the last “100% human species” on this Earth! By the time our children grow up into their 20’s, true 100% humans will be a thing of the past and “cyborgs” will be THE NORM! Quite sobering to think about, isn’t it folks? Yet Jesus says we do NOT need to fear for the future, our salvation is certain (provided we still believe, trust AND obey him and do NOT take The Mark of the Beast for ANY circumstances!)

Jesus Christ HIMSELF tells us in Luke 12:32 “Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom”. So lets unpack this a bit. First off, Jesus is telling us NOT to fear. And then the 2nd part is even more beautiful than the 1st part; Jesus is telling us that God DELIGHTS in rewarding us “eternal life” in his “eternal heavenly kingdom”. Therefore, if we DELIGHT in the Lord Jesus AND in obeying him, then someday, the Heavenly Father will DELIGHT in US! What a splendid thought, folks! 

Also: If you have FEAR in ANY area of your life and/or spiritual walk with Christ, WRITE IT DOWN! Then read a scripture in the bible about Jesus overcoming demons, etc. Then go back and read your list and ask yourself if your “fear” is justified! My guess is that it WON’T be, in your mind or heart! However, if you’re STILL unsure rather your “fear” is justified or not, PRAY TO JESUS ABOUT IT! (The most easiest, yet, most OVERLOOKED solution to ANY problem we might have today – PRAYER!) And whatever person, thing or object you fear, fill in the blank with said person, object or thing in the prayer down below!

Pray the following: “Jesus, I fear ________. I’m not sure WHY I fear ______ but I do. I’m not sure what to do about ________. But I know that you DO know what to do about _________ and my FEAR of it! So please Jesus, help me overcome my fear of __________. And make it to the point where someday soon, I will LAUGH at my initial fear of ________ and will fully realize that Satan is a LIAR! Please help me realize that my fear of ________ comes from a DEMONIC SPIRIT and that in YOUR heavenly name, I have authority OVER said “spirit”.

P.S.: Please also reveal to me if there’s any demonic objects in my car or home that are “allowing” the spirit of FEAR to “fester” in my life/home/workplace and help me to GET RID of those objects, if so! Please help give me the necessary tools to get RID of the SPIRIT of FEAR and have it leaving me/my home/my workplace IN NO TIME! Please instead REPLACE the spirit of FEAR in my life with YOUR Holy Spirit, THE SPIRIT OF FAITH AND OF TRUTH! I say this in your heavenly name, Jesus! Amen!” 













The Rise of Witchcraft in America


On July 4, 1776, the U.S. Declaration of Independence was signed by what was then considered the “13 colonies” of America. For those of you who aren’t in the know, that was the time that America “severed” its ties with Great Britain. In other words, the 13 colonies of America declared itself INDEPENDENT from Great Britain.

All the rest of the land of what is now known as “The United States” was later added onto the “13 colonies“. And what originally started out as the “13 colonies of 1776” eventually, over time, became the “United States of America“. The very last state to join the union, Hawaii, became a U.S. state on August 21, 1959!

The U.S. Constitution & Bill of Rights (the two documents that are SUPPOSED to determine all the U.S. Laws & Bylaws) were both ratified (that means, “made official/active”) on June 21, 1788 and December 15, 1791 (respectively). And despite many people thinking that the Constitution means “freedom FROM religion”, it was actually supposed to be “freedom OF religion!” In fact, “religious liberty” was one of the KEY components of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights! Our founding fathers all believed in God and founded the very nation of America itself upon God and the bible!

But fast forward to the year 1996 or so. This was when I very first started noticing a “great cultural shift” happening……..a cultural shift AWAY from Jesus and the bible! And at first, it was very subtle……barely noticeable. [The movie called “The Craft” and the TV show “Sabrina the Teenage Witch” was released that year. Another interesting facet is that “prayer” was banned in many schools around this time, as well, though hardly anyone noticed].

And over time, as the years went on, it started to become more and more noticeable. Around the year 1997 or so, “gay pride parades” starting happening, en masse. Then in the year 1998, the movie called “Practical Magic” came out, as well as the very first Harry Potter book and the TV show called “Charmed!”]

Not to mention there was also this social campaign going on in the schools and in homes around that time where parents and teachers were told to “validate their children/students and tell them how great, wonderful, special and unique they were, while NOT focusing on their “weaknesses” – in other words, overplaying their strengths – in a desperate attempt to increase self-confidence/self-validation in young people. In other words, parents and teachers and therapists were told to “coddle the youth”.

And ya want to know what happened, folks? Those “extremely coddled” youth eventually grew up (as a whole) to be EXTREMELY NARCISSISTIC, have practically ZERO interest in Jesus, morals or the bible, have and/or display practically NO ACCOUNTABILITY, and whom think it’s ALL ABOUT *THEM!* Welcome to the “Age of Entitlement”, folks!

What’s even worse is that it branched off from the youth and then eventually reached the adults, as well (groups of people – as a whole – who feel like the world OWES them something – when the truth is, the world doesn’t owe them ANYTHING and THEY are the ones who truly owe Christ EVERYTHING for what he’s done for ALL OF MANKIND on the Cross!)

And the rise of witchcraft in America went hand in hand with that “coddling movement!” 1996 and 1998 were HUGE years for mass media witchcraft infiltration of the youth! In fact, the youth has ALWAYS been their prime target audience! Because if they could get to the youth, they knew they’d have the future and culture of the country in check!

Then on September 11, 2001, things in America just went HAYWIREspiritually. With Harry Potter, and witchcraft movies and TV shows already well underway, and with parents/teachers having been taught to “coddle the youth” and tell them how great, smart, special and wonderful they were, while downplaying their weaknesses, and NOT preaching to them about “sin” or the consequences of “wrong-doing”, the nation of America (specifically the youth of America – as a whole) then fell into a PAGAN/WICCAN TRANCE!

And BECAUSE the nation of America (as a whole) was so suddenly interested (all of a sudden) in “coddling the youth” and in “Witchcraft” and so NOT interested in Jesus and the bible, Jesus allowed the nation of America to BE ATTACKED! It was what I felt to be one of Jesus’s FINAL wake-up calls for people (specifically parents and/or pastors) that had been spiritually asleep! (Since then, there have been several more – the Pulse nightclub shooting for one, among other events, etc.)

And while some people turned to the churches after 9-11, it likely was NOT for the right reasons! Because this only lasted a few months before people stopped going to church, stopped reading their bibles, stopped praying and seeking God, etc.

Nevertheless, some parents became very angry about the Harry Potter book series and tried to have them banned from libraries! But it was to NO AVAIL! Why? Because the Spirit of Darkness was just TOO STRONG upon America! And sadly, those parents were partially to blame! Because instead of preaching the bible and the Word of the Lord to their children, they were too busy doing other things! They believed Satan’s “social engineering” lies that they needed to “coddle” their children, instead of PREACH and TEACH their children about the “wiles of the devil”, etc. So then was it any wonder then that the youth’s interest in witchcraft – at this point in time of American history – was just EXPLODING?

I remember the times of 1999 when you could walk into the average bookstore and the “New Age/Witchcraft” section was a very small one, say one bookshelf full. However, just a few years later, when you walked into the average bookstore (long before Amazon put most bookstores out of business and just 2 years or more after 9-11), the New Age/Witchcraft section just EXPLODED – with SEVERAL bookshelves then dedicated to it! And though it happened over the process of 2-3 years, to ME, it felt like it happened overnight!

And I admit this to my shame but I was 18-19 when the very first Harry Potter books came out. Everyone was making such a big “fuss” over them, especially parents. I knew that parents wanted these books “banned” from libraries and what have you. So I ordered my own set of Harry Potter books from Barnes & just to see what all the “fuss” was about; to try to gather rather or not these parents should be as “upset” as they were. I also tried to “reason with myself” that it would be possible for me to read Harry Potter from a “Christian perspective”. BOY, WAS I DECEIVED!

I devoured the first 1-3 books in practically no time but by book 4, I was starting to get “bored stiff” of the repeating plot line and lost interest in the series! And PRAISE JESUS that he made me lose interest in the series – otherwise, things could’ve been ALOT worse! But ofcourse, even though my “heart” was not as into the series after book 4, the books themselves were STILL in my house!

And during that time in my life, I wasn’t yet aware (or aware at all) then WHEN I read part of the Harry Potter series, I had opened up a demonic doorway in my life! Not long after reading the Harry Potter books, I became temporarily interested in witchcraft & falsely believed (at the time) that I could supplement “white magic” with my Christianity! I even came across a New Age music group called “Enigma”, which had pictures of Aleister Crowley on its album cover art – though I’ll admit to my shame that I didn’t even KNOW who Aleister Crowley was at the time! BOY, WAS I DECEIVED!

Because once those “demons” GAINED the legal spiritual right to torment me (after my reading those books & after my unknowingly listening to that Satanic/Wiccan music), the “demons” were RELENTLESS in attacking me! They gained a DEMONIC STRONGHOLD over me! I went from Harry Potter to The Craft to Practical Magic to eventually thinking about enrolling in “Witchcraft School” sponsored by Yvonne Frost!

And folks, you want to know what happened during that time? I became ANGRY, DEPRESSED, VENGEFUL, ADDICTED TO LUST, ADDICTED TO “CURSING AT AND YELLING AT JESUS”, AN ALCOHOLIC, MEAN, UNFORGIVING, SELFISH, NARCISSISTIC, SUICIDAL! And that’s just the effects it had on ME, a known believer of Jesus! So just IMAGINE what it does to someone who is NOT a believer in Jesus and never WAS a believer of Jesus! It would practically DESTROY THEM!

Thankfully in my case, the Lord Jesus Christ sent me a VIOLENT (LITERAL) thunder & lightning storm of his fury that I LITERALLY thought was The End of The Earth one night & that FORCED ME TO REPENT of having tried to commit suicide several times within that time-frame of my life, etc.! Trust me, if you had seen the VIOLENT thunder & lightning storm that I did, you probably would’ve both pissed & shit yourself at the same time! What was terrifying to me about that “violent storm” were several factors:

  1. It had been THE MOST VIOLENT & ***LOUD*** thunder & lightning storm I had seen in ALL MY LIFE!
  2. It was just ONE huge neon pink lightning bolt coming out of a huge white ball of light – which told me: “Hey! This isn’t no ORDINARY storm, kid! This one’s JUST FOR YOU!”
  3. The more I thought to myself in my own sinful defiance: “Oh come on Lord, you TOO would be suicidal if YOU had experienced what I did, give me a break!”, the lighting bolt would go BAM!BAM!BAM!BAM!BAM! and get closer & closer to my bedroom window!
  4. The more I thought to myself: “Okay, okay, perhaps what I did WAS really bad and I shouldn’t of done it. I’m sorry. I don’t want to die, I just want the pain to end”, the lighting bolt would strike a bit less, less louder & move farther AWAY from my bedroom window!
  5. The next morning when I was excitedly, yet fearfully talking about “THE STORM” to my bestfriend, my next door neighbor goes: “Storm? WHAT STORM? If there was a storm last night, I’d of heard it, since I was up ALL NIGHT as I didn’t sleep much last night!” NOTE: THAT’S WHEN I **KNEW** IT WAS OF THE LORD ABOVE AND THAT “THE STORM” WAS JUST FOR *ME* AND THAT HE ALLOWED ME TO BE THE *ONLY ONE* WHO HEARD IT AND SAW IT! YIKES!!! [That was sometime during 2000-2001 and I’ve NEVER looked back – as far as “suicidal tendencies” or “alcohol addiction” goes, anyways!]

Around the year 2003 or so, U.S. national interest in witchcraft/New Age philosophies & music just INCREASED BY LEAPS & BOUNDS! What’s interesting to note is that in the Old Testament, we are of told of Isaac’s travails in Haran. We are told his sheep and his cattle “increased by leaps and bounds”. And THAT type of “increased by leaps and bounds” is what’s considered a RIGHTEOUS INCREASE!

However, the increase of Witchcraft/Satanism by leaps and bounds (around the year 2003 or so) is what’s known as an UNRIGHTEOUS INCREASE! Do you see what the Devil’s trying to do, folks? He’s trying to MOCK THE THINGS OF GOD, EVERY WHICH WAY HE CAN! Whatever God does, and whatever is “righteous”, Satan must have an UNRIGHTEOUS COUNTERFEIT!

Interestingly enough, in the years 2005-2012, The “Left Behind” series by Tim LaHaye & Jerry B. Jenkins caused a “slight resurgence” of interest in Jesus Christ, bible prophecy and the bible……if, only for a little while. And while the Left Behind series has likely sold NOWHERE near the number of books and movies that the Harry Potter “Franchise” has, atleast it got people “somewhat” interested in bible prophecy again. However, the sad thing about the series is that:

A). A “pre-trib rapture” is very likely NOT biblical! Let me elaborate on that a bit. HARPAZÕ, from what my best biblical understanding, is a Greek word that means “Catching UP”. And “Falling Away” ofcourse, means Falling DOWN; dying SPIRITUALLY! There’s MANY false preachers today (that are readers of the Left Behind series) that teach that “The Great Falling Away” means THE RAPTURE but what it REALLY, TRULY MEANS is “The Great Falling Away FROM THE FAITH!”

B). It’s NOT possible (atleast for a human being anyways – but perhaps a “righteous angel working undercover in human disguise” could) to “secretly work for the Antichrist” (undercover as a *double agent*) and get away with it! For the Antichrist will demand WORSHIP FROM ***ALL!*** 1 Corinthians 10:21 even says: “Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table, and of the table of devils”.

C). From my best biblical understanding, the “tribulation saints” are those who die BEFORE (what I’ve now come to believe will be) the Mid-Tribulation Rapture, NOT AFTER! 

Another interesting thing is that many of the Left Behind books were rumored to have been released on “High Satanic holidays”. The authors tried to explain it away by claiming that they specifically did that to try to “thwart Satan’s power”. But again, why not just release them on the 7th day BIBLICAL Sabbath (Saturday) or on BIBLICAL HOLIDAYS (such as Passover, Tabernacles, etc?) It stands to reason!

After doing more research into the matter, and peeling back the layers of the “spiritual onion” that is known as “The Left Behind Franchise”, I became very troubled in my spirit! For I started to feel, personally, like there was just as much “Witchcraft” IN the Left Behind series as there was in the Harry Potter series!

Not only does the bible NOT speak of a “secret rapture” [Revelation 1:3-7 says that ALL eyes shall see him in the clouds of heaven, EVEN THOSE who reject him] but Christians can NOT sit at the table of God AND the table of demons at the same time and get away with it! For NO man can “love two masters”. Also as well: The Christian writer of the above linked website claim that the Tim LaHaye site used to have “New Age”/masonic music on the site but has now removed it after “Christian backlash”. Interesting……….

As for the character Buck Williams [“Buck” – a male deer with TWO HORNS, anyone?] who “secretly” works for the Antichrist without the Antichrist knowing? Well, we know that Satan is NOT all powerful and all knowing like God/Jesus is. However, my best spiritual guess is that it’d probably be very unlikely for someone to try to “secretly” appear to be in Satan’s camp when they weren’t. [Note: It’s far more easier for a Satanist to “pretend” to be a Christian than it is for a Christian to “pretend” to be a Satanist]

That would be very, very hard (if not impossible) for any true Christian to pull off! And why would any Christian want to? Unless the Lord Jesus himself SPECIFICALLY commanded one of his own righteous angels or a very righteous human to do so, the chance that a Christian could do such a thing (without the Lord Jesus’s so-called backing AND get away from it, as far as the Antichrist is concerned) is very likely ZERO!

But those things aside, let us now focus on the period from 2012-2018. This is when Witchcraft and the study of Witchcraft came to a “fever pitch!” It had become – and still is, even – the “in thing”, the “popular thing”. There’s even this dark spiritual attitude like: “Hey, live and let live, everybody’s doing it, so might as well!”

In 2012, you had what’s known as “The Mayan Prophecy”. Basically, it was the 2012 version of Y2K! And, knock on wood, the world is still here……..for NOW, anyways! But people became SO obsessed with the December 21, 2012 date for “The End of the Mayan calendar”, d-uh d-uh d-uh…..And……..nothing happened! Matthew 23:36 says the following: But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only“.

In the year 2018, we’ve seen COUNTLESS numbers of godless movies, books, music, videogames, magazines, newspaper and TV shows DEDICATED to the cause of Satanism/Witchcraft. It’s on every street corner, in every neighborhood, every county, every country of the world! It’s even in many of today’s “churches”.

In fact, it’s practically EVERYWHERE! (“Wizard of Oz”, “Halloween” and/or “Oz Fest”, anyone?) And Christians, I really hate to say this but it needs to be said: we have only ourselves to blame! Because instead of reading the bible and falling on our knees in submission to our creator (God/Jesus Almighty), and REPENTING of our sins and going to every which corners of the Earth to preach the gospel, we’ve instead (as a whole) become slowly enamored (over time) with the things of this world! And now we’re all DEARLY PAYING THE PRICE FOR OUR PASSIVENESS!

Let me put this in a different way: THE REASON that Witchcraft/Satanism has seen such a SURGE and SHEER RISE in numbers IS BECAUSE we Christians (as a whole) have FALLEN AWAY FROM THE ONE TRUE GOD (THE GOD OF THE BIBLE/JESUS CHRIST ALMIGHTY!) Because lets face it. The RISE of evil in today’s society WOULD NOT have been possible to the TOTAL EXTENT that is today without the “unknowing help” from “wayward/falling away/lukewarm Christians!” IT’S THE TRUTH!

True, evil would’ve still happened, since the bible SAYS it would happen. But NOT to the GREAT EXTENT that it now has, if more Christians had fallen on their knees and faces and TRULY saught the Lord, while the Lord Jesus could still be found! Because lets face it, folks: Every single ONE lukewarm Christian just adds ONE MORE spiritual advantage to Satan’s Great Army of Darkness! SAD BUT TRUE!

And we tend to think of a witch or a Satanist as some old lady with long white hair and warts on her nose or a young guy wearing a pentagram with a black hoodie! But folks……’s “witches”, “warlocks” and “Satanists” could be and/or look like the guy or girl next door! They could be the 8 year old kid that lives across the street………the “20 year old war widow”………the young guy nurse that works at a hospital…….the innocent “nerdy looking guy with glasses”……….the innocent yet nerdy looking female librarian…..your doctor or dentist…….the average cashier at Walmart……or the old man walking along with a cane who claims he’s a WWII vet……..Some “witches” probably even train their 4-5 year old children to “cast spells”, I’m serious, folks!

That’s why we must remain SOBER and remain SPIRITUALLY VIGILANT! 1 Peter 5:8 says: “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour”. But see folks, that’s just the thing. Many Christians today are NOT remaining sober and “spiritually vigilant” and that’s WHY Satan and his “cronies” (both demonic and human) have been able to be SO successful in infiltrating political parties (the Democrat party), The Mass Media, Society, etc. 

Therefore, in conclusion, 1996, 1998, 2000-2001, and June 26. 2015 have marked some of the GREATEST **SHIFTS** from Light to Darkness! But this I DO know: God’s Wrath has been on America for a VERY LONG TIME! The June 26, 2015 S.C.O.T.U.S. decision sealed the deal on His Wrath! And so every abominable thing that’s happened since then? I have a strong feeling that Jesus is showing us a “preview” of just what a world and society WITHOUT HIM would be like! In other words, he’s showing us a “preview” of just how MORALLY DEPRAVED things will become! Those who don’t put their faith, love, trust & obedience into Jesus will be WITHOUT A PRAYER – in this life AND the next one!

And remember, just because Trump is president and “seems” to be following up on most of his promises for “pro-life” and “religious liberty” – atleast at THIS point in time, anyways – doesn’t necessarily mean anything! For the Antichrist comes to DECEIVE MANY! And he does this by what, folks? APPEARING AS A “GOD-SEND”, AN ANGEL OF LIGHT! HA!

Nevertheless, VOTE REPUBLICAN during the November 6, 2018 U.S. Mid-term Elections as we MUST (as Christians) try to hold onto WHATEVER Pro-Life and Religious Liberty victories we can GET/MAINTAIN, WHILE we still can! SATAN IS NOW THE HEAD OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, IT’S TRUE!

Another thing I need to touch on real quick is “demonic doorways”. Witchcraft is just one of MANY “demonic doorways” that people unknowingly allow into their homes. However, that being said, there’s many DEMONIC OBJECTS in general that people unknowingly bring into their homes that OPEN UP DEMONIC DOORWAYS IN OUR LIVES and that give DEMONIC SPIRITS THE *LEGAL* SPIRITUAL RIGHT TO WRECK HAVOC ON OUR LIVES!

For more information, please read my following post:

Plus I won’t even mention the **NATIONAL CALLS** by “Witches” to CAST A SPELL ON TRUMP, etc:

Modern-Day Witches Plan Ritual To Hex Brett Kavanaugh

Each month, thousands of witches cast a spell against Donald Trump

In U.S. History classes, my classmates and I were taught that witches “didn’t really exist” and that the Salem Witch Trails were just “drama” (women being falsely accused of being witches by people that didn’t like them, etc.) However, there’s a TV show out on Netflix now called “Salem” that presents the Salem Witch Trials in a DIFFERENT light…….such as there WERE such things as “witches” but that the “covens” worked IN SECRET! And then, when one member of a coven got pissed off at another older adult member of the coven, they would then so-called threaten to “tattle” on that member OR falsely accuse a TRUE CHRISTIAN of what they THEMSELVES were doing in secret!

And now that I truly think about it, I think the show “Salem” not only likely ACCURATELY portrays what REALLY happened during the Salem Witch Trials but also that it displays REAL WITCHCRAFT and “rituals” in it! (I’ll admit I watched part of Season 1 for “Educational Purposes, ONLY” to try to gain a more clearer understanding of how Wiccans work “behind the scenes” so I would have a much better knowledge of how to “spiritually thwart them, in the name of Christ!”

Ofcourse, one must be careful, the show makes fun of Christians and pastors and show pastors as “weak, angry, lukewarm, incompetent and sinful” (which unfortunately, many of them today – as a whole, ARE!) However, the show is also good at accurately portraying just how FAR Satan will go to use his “witches” to attack the faithful of God! It shows how Satan comes in with “stealth” and slowly but gradually gets us to “get mad at God/Jesus” and also how “unrepentant sin begets more sin”.

In hindsight, I actually think that a Christian could learn ALOT about the enemy (Satan/demons/witches) from that TV show and HOW they operate behind the scenes. But one must be VERY careful and PRAY in the name of Jesus before watching each episode. Otherwise, Satan could no doubt USE such a show to reel a Christian INTO the realm of “witchcraft/wicca” and trust me folks, that’s NOT where you’d want to be! The Old Testament more or less had a DEATH PENALTY for witches, since that’s how SERIOUS the sin of Witchcraft was, back in ancient biblical times! So if you can just IMAGINE how ANGRY Jesus must be over what goes on in today’s world in the name of “Witchcraft”, NOW?

One very, very last thing I wanted to mention real quick is that there’s a Satanic sect WITHIN the Roman Catholic Church called “Santeria”. That’s a Spanish word for “saints”. Basically, people gather around statues of “Catholic saints” (which are actually demons) and WORSHIP THE DEVIL! Though in THEIR minds, they falsely THINK (unless they know better and are much, much deeper into the religion) that they are worshiping God! (Creepy, isn’t it, folks?) 

But my last concluding statement, in retrospect, is THIS: Witches have ONLY been able to expand in sheer numbers DUE to the lukewarmness of many Christians. And AS LONG AS Christians put their faith, trust, love and OBEDIENCE into Jesus Christ and NONE OTHER, Satanists/Witches won’t be able to touch them! 

For more information on how to DEFEAT Satan/Witches, please read the following 5 books, as they will give you INCREDIBLE BIBLICAL WISDOM & INSIGHT:

1). “Out of the Devil’s Cauldron” by John Ramirez

2). “Unmasking the Devil: Strategies to Defeat Eternity’s Greatest Enemy” by John Ramirez

3). “Armed and Dangerous: The Ultimate Battle Plan for Targeting and Defeating the Enemy” by John Ramirez

4). “What Witches Don’t Want Christians to Know” -Expanded Edition Paperback – published July 21, 2014 – by Mary Lou Lake

5). “The Screwtape Letters + Screwtape Proposes A Toast” by C.S. Lewis 

And last but not least, I’ll end here with a PRAYER for all of you dear, dear readers here, rather a regular subscriber or a “guest reader”:

Abba/Heavenly Father, if any one reader of this blog (rather a subscriber or a “guest reader” is involved with Witchcraft in any type of way – even if it’s something as simple as lottery tickets/gambling or horoscopes – I pray that you BREAK THE HOLD that Witchcraft has over them, thus making them lost interest in it, altogether and also that you show them YOUR biblical TRUTH on the matter……that Witchcraft is AN ABOMINATION in your site! And for all those readers (rather subscribers or “guest readers”) who’ve been a VICTIM of Witchcraft in their lives, I pray that you BREAK THE POWER OF DARKNESS IN THEIR LIVES and help them to GAIN VICTORY over Satan and their spiritual enemies! I pray that you BREAK **ALL** DEMONIC STRONGHOLDS in their lives – rather participants/victims of Witchcraft or by unknowingly having “idols” or “demonic objects” in their homes – and that you PLACE YOUR HEDGE OF DIVINE PROTECTION OVER THEM, AS YOU GUIDE THEM CLOSER TO **YOUR ETERNAL TRUTH** THAT CAN **ONLY** BE FOUND IN YOU AND YOU, ALONE! I say this in Jesus’s name, AMEN!” 































Witchcraft: The Devil’s Den

Many people have probably seen the movies like “The Craft”, “Practical Magic”, “The Haunting”, “Wizard of Oz”, etc. But behind all the “innocent-looking” fun and games encounters something deeply more sinister. Truth be told, there IS no such thing as “white magic”.  ALL “magic” is of demonic origin.

Basically, in a nutshell, wicca/witchcraft is nothing more than worship of nature/”spirits” and those “spirits” are ANYTHING but “good”. Why? Because the HOLY angels of the Lord (the ones who DIDN’T rebel against God, that is) NEVER, NEVER communicate to the human race through “spells”, “tarot cards”, “nature altars”, “crystal balls”, “gemstones”, “Wiccan/Satanic/Pagan altars”, etc. It is specifically against their “heavenly code of conduct” to do so.

In fact, the ONLY type of “communication” a HOLY angel of the Lord is allowed to have with the human race is that which is meant to save the human from death/physical or spiritual harm OR to test a human’s character/relate an important message from the Lord. Anything else is suspect.

The bible says that Satan/The Devil can masquerade (disguise himself) as an “angel of light”. So then is it really any wonder that his “demon spirits” (the FALLEN ANGELS he controls) can do the SAME? 

The truth is, just about ANY true form of “Wicca” requires an individual to pray to someONE or SOMETHING. And we know from the bible that praying to ANYTHING other than the BIBLICAL Jesus Christ/Almighty Yeshua is actually praying to Satan/demons (like it or not). So although many Wiccans today CLAIM they don’t actually worship Satan, whenever they pray to “spirits” OTHER than the BIBLICAL Jesus Christ, they actually DO worship Satan/demons! 

In short, partaking of a “spell” or “incantation” is nothing short of CONJURING UP DEMONS (like it or not). And what’s more, Satan and demons DID NOT create the universe and the heavens. Therefore, their “power” is NO MATCH to the Lord of the Bible’s/Almighty Yeshua’s/Jesus Christ’s power. For Satan and the demons can do NOTHING apart from the Lord’s will. In other words, Satan has to actually ASK GOD FOR PERMISSION before he could even do so much as move a single grain of sand upon the Earth, etc! This is both evident in the Old AND New Testaments (i.e. the story of Job in the Old Testament and the story of Satan asking Jesus FOR PERMISSION to “sift Peter like wheat” – as in sift Peter’s FAITH like wheat – in the New Testament. [Note: There’s probably also ADDITIONAL cases of Satan having to ask God/Jesus FOR PERMISSION in The Apocrypha – The “Middle Testament” – though that’ll be a different post for a different day].

Therefore, directly OR indirectly praying to/conjuring up Satan/demons in spells is FUTILE. And can cost a person their ETERNITY! So is it worth it, folks? Think about that one for awhile! And sure, a “spell” may work sometimes. But ONLY BECAUSE a person is opening themselves up to demonic spirits and giving THE demonic spirits “THE LEGAL SPIRITUAL RIGHT” to “TORCHURE the spellcaster/be invoked through the spellcaster”. In other words, WHEN a human partakes of Ouija boards, tarot cards, spells, etc., they are basically OPENING UP DEMONIC DOORWAYS and giving demons THE LEGAL SPIRITUAL RIGHT TO “TORMENT THEM and MESS WITH THEM – i.e. MESS WITH THEIR MIND, HEART, BODY AND SOUL”.

Sure, at first, “demonic spirits” can “masquerade as angels of light” and APPEAR to be a spellcaster’s/New Ager’s “friend/spiritual friend/guide”. But OVER TIME, that “spiritual friend/guide” WILL turn DEADLY and demand more and more and MORE of a person’s heart, soul and mind until a person is COMPLETELY TAKEN OVER AND ***HAS NO CONTROL!***  

Wicca (much like Satanism) is a “progressive stages” religion. Meaning, in order to *further advance* oneself in “The Craft” and/or “The Dark Arts”, one must be willing to sacrifice more and more of themselves (and consequently, more of their SOULS in the process). And oftentimes, to reach the most HIGHEST stage in Wicca, one must essentially sell their soul and “give themselves over to Satan/demons COMPLETELY” (quite honestly). And once a person takes THE MARK OF THE BEAST (talked about in Revelation chapter 13 in the New Testament), it’s TOO LATE……..their eternal fate is SEALED FOR ETERNITY and there’s NO GOING BACK…….NO 2ND CHANCES, ETC. 

Many people may “think” they’ll gain alot by following Satanism/Wicca, but consequently, they also have to give up ALOT in the process. (And in Satanism, one often has to give up a family member or loved one in order to further progress. Just look at all the famous people who oddly got famous AFTER one of their friends or loved ones died. Need I say anything more?) 

Twenty years ago, “Wicca”, “Satanism” and “New Age” was still considered controversial and “weird” to most people. But now it’s become nearly mainstream/commonplace. Hollywood is like the Wiccan/Satanic COMMAND CENTER of the “New Age Movement” in today’s world. Like it or not, Witchcraft/Satanism is EVERYWHERE today…….

It’s in the movies and/or TV shows we watch, the books/magazines we read, the music we listen to, the videogames we play, the horoscopes we read, the “Christianized” Pagan holidays we celebrate, the board games we buy, etc. And human global society, as a whole, has now gotten SO used to it, that most people barely even notice it, anymore. 

I was just AMAZED at all the Satanic imagery I saw in the TV shows “Salem”, “American Horror Story, Season 3: Coven”, and “Game of Thrones”. For those who say “there’s no Satanism in Witchcraft”, explain to me why a “witch doctor” made the character Kalise EAT A HUMAN HEART to “cure her husband of his sickness” or whatever, why the TV witches of Salem “do Satanic blood rituals”, and why “American Horror Story, Season 3: Coven” combines MANY, MANY ACTUAL “Satanic elements” in their “witchcraft”.

But then again, that’s my entire point. Wicca IS an offshoot of Satanism and many times even COMBINES Satanism in their “elements” and “practices”. [And quite honestly, in MY opinion, both Satanism AND Witchcraft – as it’s practiced today – originated with Nimrod and Semiaris].  

After digging and doing some research, I’m astounded about just how TRUE to Satanism/Witchcraft these TV shows actually are. I’ll admit that at first I thought these TV shows were just being “overly dramatic” to gain more views and “sensationalizing” some of the stuff. But the shows are actually more “accurate” than what I had previously thought. And not just movies but books, too. For example, I was astounded and horrified when I discovered that the Harry Potter series has ACTUAL SATANIC SPELLS IN IT! No kidding! According to Fr. Dan Reehill of Nashville, Tennessee, “The curses and spells in the books are actual curses and spells; which when read by a human being risk conjuring evil spirits into the presence of the person reading the text” (source:

However, I’ve now come to the conclusion that the producers of “Salem” probably wanted the show to be FAR more “gory”/Satanically accurate but probably held back or “toned down” ALOT OF STUFF out of fear of offending people and/or “revealing too many secrets” about the “Dark Craft”. Because remember that many people that follow Witchcraft/The Occult like things to remain hidden. [Although many more TV shows today are becoming more bold and blatant in their “witcheries”]. 

What’s most troubling to me is the moral decay/demise of today’s younger generation. They’re honestly teaching Witchcraft in the schools under the “guise” of Education (Harry Potter, folks!) And all those parents who innocently write off “Harry Potter” as JUST ANOTHER BOOK/MOVIE SERIES, consider the follow photo (which says it all):


Parents (and all Harry Potter/Wicca fans out there), let me tell you something……

What YOU think is THIS:  HarryPOA and nature worship

Is actually THIS: HORNS POSTER nature worship2 SATANIC, HARRY POTTER1

Witchcraft is most tempting to those who feel as though they have no control over their lives. For others, it’s just an innocent “curiosity” or “fascination”. Some may falsely think that the Lord of the bible is calling them to “Wicca” but trust me, there’s nothing good ABOUT it! And the “supernatural force” that’s “calling them to Wicca” ISN’T the true Lord Jesus Christ of the bible for it says in Galatians 5:19-21 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, WITCHCRAFT, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God”.

When I was 19-21 years old, I briefly dabbled in the study of Wicca, thinking that “white magic” was “good magic”. I was DECEIVED! And nearly payed for it WITH MY LIFE! For ONLY by the grace of Yeshua/Jesus Christ Almighty was I SAVED from following a path of Wicca (and the eternal spiritual destruction it entails, if a person DIES in the sin of following Wicca!)

I said it once and I’ll say it again! ALL MAGIC IS “BAD MAGIC” for ALL “magic” comes from demons! What the Lord Yeshua/Jesus Christ did in the bible wasn’t magic, it was SUPERNATURAL! Why? Because the Lord did NOT have to call upon any SPIRIT/SPIRITS to do his bidding FOR him, he did it of his OWN supernatural ability………he IS God, afterall……..

And for those of you folks out there that doubt that Wicca’s “much of a sin”, please prayerfully and humbly consider the following bible passages:


  • Leviticus 19:31
  • Exodus 22:18
  • Deuteronomy 18: 9-12
  • Leviticus 20:6
  • Isaiah 8:19
  • 2 Kings 21:6
  • Isaiah 19:3
  • Isaiah 47: 8-14
  • 1 Samuel 15:23
  • 1 Chronicles 10: 13-14
  • 2 Chronicle 33:6


  • Acts 19:19
  • Galatians 5:19-21
  • Revelation 21:8
  • Revelation 22:15
  • Acts 8:9

And please know this, folks: IF you are being drawn to Wicca/The Dark Arts/Satanism, you ARE under SEVERE DEMONIC ATTACK and I pray in the name of Almighty Yeshua that you will be FREED from such “attack”! In fact, I pray in the heavenly name of Almighty Yeshua that WHOMEVER reads this post and/or sees my Youtube video on the subject WILL be freed from the bounds of Satanism/Witchcraft and that the Lord of the Bible/Almighty Yeshua will set your soul free from the darkness and give your mind, heart, body and spirit a newfound love and hope and salvation in HIM and him alone, for ALL of eternity! Amen. 

“Modern-Day Christianity” is COUNTERFEIT!

Going to church every Sunday morning (if one is “Christian”), partaking in Easter, Halloween, St.Patrick’s/St. Valentine’s Day, Christmas and praying the “sinner’s prayer” almost comes 2nd nature to most “Christians” out there. But is it even BIBLICAL? Let us examine the evidence.

After the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, “anti-Jewish sentiment” (due to many “Christians” blaming the “Orthodox Jews” FOR his crucifixion) was at an all time high. During the time of Constantine, it was even higher! In fact, the Roman “culture” at the time was attempting to “separate themselves” from the Jews and have nothing to do with “all things Jewish”. And one of the things they “claimed” was “specifically Jewish” was the 7th-Day Sabbath!

The Roman Empire at that time was ruled by Pagan-minded people who worshiped the Sun (and please notice I said the SUN, NOT “THE SON”).

However, due to the advent of the pro-Jesus-was/is-Messiah Jewish religion, Roman leaders & “Catholic bishops” feared the spread of the pro-Jesus-was/is-Messiah Jewish religion and loss of political control/power. Thus, at the Council of Nicea around 325A.D., Constantine (along with “Catholic bishops”) CHANGED THE SABBATH from the biblically-mandated Saturday to SUN-DAY (which was venerable worship day of the SUN), thus, creating an entirely NEW “Christian religion” that didn’t relay on “Jewish precepts”, such as the “biblically-mandated 7th day [Saturday] Sabbath” and that also had PAGAN ROOTS, to boot!

And Constantine wanted control of both the Pagans AND the “pro-Jesus-was/is-Messiah-Jews” (called Christians) and so what better way for him to do that than to create a “Sabbath Day” for both Christians AND Pagans? Think about it, folks! And that was only the beginning.

Around the year 365A.D. at the Council of Laoedicea or after, “resting” on the “Jewish” 7th day Sabbath [a biblical COMMAND/principle in the Old AND New Testament times – more about that later] was FORBIDDEN, as well as partaking IN the Lord’s 7 Annual Feasts [outlined in Leviticus 23 in the Old Testament AND partaken of by Jesus Christ AND his disciples, etc. in the New Testament]. Not to mention they were also REQUIRED TO WORK ***ON*** the 7th Day biblically-mandated Sabbath and to REST on Sun-Day (which the bible CONDEMNS!)

All of this can be found and is well-documented in the Constantine Creed:

But it wasn’t just “Emperor Constantine” who brought this LARGE/SATANIC SCHISM about. The Catholic Church, in and of itself, had a HUGE ROLE in all of this! Just examine the following quotes:

Cardinal James Gibbons, The Faith of Our Fathers (Ayers Publishing, 1978): 108: “But you may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we never sanctify“

The Convert’s Catechism of Catholic Doctrine (1957): 50:

Q. Which is the Sabbath day?
A. Saturday is the Sabbath day.
Q. Why Do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?
A. We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday.

Chancellor Albert Smith for Cardinal of Baltimore Archdiocese, letter dated February 10, 1920: “If Protestants would follow the Bible, they should worship God on the Sabbath day by God, which is Saturday. In keeping the Sunday, they are following a law of the Catholic Church“

Stephen Keenan, Catholic—Doctrinal Catechism 3rd Edition: 174:

Question: Have you any other way of proving the Church has power to institute festivals of precept?

Answer: “Had she not such power, she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her, she could not have substituted the observance of Sunday the 1st day of the week, for the observance of Saturday the 7th day, a change for which there is no Scriptural authority“.

Our Sunday Visitor (February 5, 1950): “Practically everything Protestants regard as essential or important they have received from the Catholic Church… The Protestant mind does not seem to realize that in accepting the Bible and observing the Sunday, in keeping Christmas and Easter, they are accepting the authority of the spokesman for the church, the Pope”

Louis Gaston Segur, Plain Talk about the Protestantism of To-Day (London: Thomas Richardson and Son, 1874): 213: “Thus the observance of Sunday by the Protestants is a homage they pay, in spite of themselves, to the authority of the (Catholic) Church”.

The Catholic Mirror (September 23, 1893):”The Catholic Church, for over one thousand years before the existence of a Protestant, by virtue of her divine mission, changed the day from Saturday to Sunday…The Adventists are the only body of Christians with the Bible as their teacher, who can find no warrant in its pages for the change of day from the seventh to the first. Hence their appellation, “Seventh-day Adventists.”

Catholic Record (September 1, 1923): “The [Catholic] Church is above the Bible, and this transference of the Sabbath observance is proof of that fact”

Pope Leo XIII, Praeclara Gratulationis Publicae (The Reunion of Christendom), June 20, 1894: 
”We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty“

“Pope,” Ferraris’ Ecclesiastic Dictionary: “The Pope is of so great dignity and so exalted that he is not a mere man, but as it were God, and the vicar of God”

***Plus, many, many more “quotes” from the Catholic Church regarding the “Sabbath Change”……..

And one only has to read the Constantine Creed to know WHY the Catholic Church incorporated “Pagan practices AND Holidays” INTO the “Christian religion”. Many falsely think that Constantine “helped spread Christianity throughout the Roman Empire” but the sadistic truth is that Constantine DID help spread “Christian religion” alright…….a FALSE PROFANE “Pagan form” of it, that is! Don’t believe me? Look at history!

In fact, Constantine HATED THE JEWS and God’s true people! Probably about as much as Hitler did, quite honestly. So why do the major media networks and “religious scholars” never cover THAT part about Constantine? Answer: They’re just as much “Pagan/Satanically-minded” today as Constantine and Hitler were in THEIR day!

Many Christian folks out there today want to point to Colossians 2:16-17 “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ” as a means to DISREGARD the Lord’s 7 Annual Feasts outlined in the bible.

However, in retrospect, the passage is saying that the 7 Annual Feasts of the Lord are both a foreshadowing of Jesus Christ, the Messiah AND fulfilled in Jesus Christ, the Messiah (if that makes any sense). And not only that, but the passage is also telling us not to let ANY non-believer, wayward believer, or believer of ANOTHER religion judge US (the Jewish-roots Christians who follow both Old AND New Testaments) in REGARDS to partaking IN the Lord’s 7 Annual Feasts and High Sabbaths or regular, weekly 7th Day “Saturday Sabbaths”.

It is my strong personal belief that the Colossians 2:16 is NOT only talking about the “modern day scoffers” who write off the Lord’s 7 Annual Feasts and 7th Day Sabbath as “Jewish days, ONLY” and that JUDGE those of us Jewish-roots Christians who DO still partake of them (or atleast try to partake of them to the very best of our ability), but I think it was also accurately foretelling Constantine’s Creed down below, as well:

“I renounce all customs, rites, legalisms, unleavened breads and sacrifices of lambs of the Hebrews, and all the other feasts of the Hebrews, sacrifices, prayers, aspirations, purifications, sanctifications, and propitiations, and fasts and new moons, and Sabbaths, and superstitions, and hymns and chants, and observances and synagogues. absolutely everything Jewish, every Law, rite and custom and if afterwards I shall wish to deny and return to Jewish superstition, or shall be found eating with Jews, or feasting with them, or secretly conversing and condemning the Christian religion instead of openly confuting them and condemning their vain faith, then let the trembling of Cain and the leprosy of Gehazi cleave to me, as well as the legal punishments to which I acknowledge myself liable. And may I be an anathema in the world to come, and may my soul be set down with Satan and the devils.”

(Stefano Assemani, Acta Sanctorium Martyrum Orientalium at Occidentalium, Vol. 1, Rome 1748, page 105)
As for the rest of the “Pagan holidays” instituted by Constantine and/or the Catholic Church? St. Valentine’s Day, New Year’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Christmas/St. Nicolas/Yule/Mithras Day, Halloween/Dead Saints Day, and Easter (Ishtar Day)? Each holiday (with the exception of Easter and New Year’s) has a “patron saint” attached to it. And “Catholic saints” (as we now know) are actually DEMONS! Not to mention that nearly ALL “Christian-Pagan holidays” (Christmas, Easter, etc.) are based off of ancient Pagan “sexual fests” (Saturnalia, Imbolc, etc.) Don’t believe me? DO THE RESEARCH, PEOPLE!!!!! 
Tell me, what do Easter bunnies, painted eggs and chocolate have to do with Jesus Christ? Can you find anything? Even just ONE thing? Answer: You can’t. And also: just WHAT do christmas trees, ornaments, snowmen, christmas decorations and SANTA CLAUS have to do with Jesus Christ? Again: nothing. So you should REALLY sit back and ask yourself that IF these “so-called holidays” are “Christian”, why do they have such PAGAN SYMBOLS associated with them? Think about that for awhile……It’s very, very sad and absolutely HEARTBREAKING to me that “Santa Claus” has become a “type of god” to people (no joke!)
He’s a MYTHICAL FIGURE based on Yule/Mithras, a FALSE GOD. And yet, many “songs” and “hymns” are sung to him each year, as if HE is the “all-knowing”, “all-powerful”, “omnipotent/omnipresent” God that GOD THE HEAVENLY FATHER IS! GOD is the one who sees, hears, and knows all things, NOT SOME MYTHICAL PROFANE SANTA CLAUS FIGURE!
Read your bible. You won’t find Santa Claus or Halloween or Easter bunnies in there. But what you WILL find is the Lord’s 7 Annual Feasts outlined in Leviticus 23 in the Old Testament (King James Version)……feasts that Jesus Christ himself and his disciples celebrated and decreed that all the Lord’s people (Jew and Gentile alike) celebrate!
You want to know what “Christmas” TRULY represents? Let me show you!
And do you want to know what Easter, New Year’s, Valentine’s Day and Halloween truly represent? Once again, let me show you!
Dark article claims we should EMBRACE Pagan origins of Easter:
 Dark/Satanic Origins of New Year’s Day:
The truth is, today’s “modern day Christian Church” (whom no doubt forces congregations to meet on Sun-Day, the FALSE CATHOLIC SABBATH), has been lying to you for YEARS, people!!!!! YEARS!!!!!!!!!!! So get OUT of the “institutionalized”/”commercialized” Christian churches while you still can & start studying the bible (King James Version) AT HOME, with no false “priest” or “false Christian church model” to HINDER YOU! This way, you can have a PERSONAL relationship with Jesus Christ and not a FALSE/FORCED/COMMERCIALIZED ONE taught in all the “churches” today! NO WONDER today’s “Church” is going to pot! And NO WONDER this here American country is going to pot as well! ;( [Literally AND figuratively!!!!] 
***NOTE: PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING BOOK, DOWN BELOW! It will help PEEL BACK ALL THE FALSE LAYERS OF “CHRISTIANITY” TODAY! It will help OPEN UP YOUR EYES! It will shed new light on what the gospel of Jesus Christ REALLY SAYS, as well as what it DOESN’T SAY!!!!***


Planned Parenthood claims that God is “OK” with Abortion!!!! BLASPHEMY!!!! (UPDATED)

More Clergy Letters from abortion giant Planned Parenthood emerge

This is blasphemy of the most absolute, HIGHEST level! The things that come out of Planned Parenthood’s mouth never cease to amaze me! LIES! All LIES!

We know from the King James Bible that there are over 57+ bible verses CONDEMNING ABORTION and calling “life in the womb” a PRECIOUS GIFT FROM GOD!

So please, ladies……before you buy into Satan’s lie that it’s “OK” to kill your baby, READ THOSE 57+ BIBLE VERSES & ALSO WATCH THE FOLLOWING 2 VIDEOS!!!!

And remember: God is NOT okay with abortion! Abortion is MURDER, plain and simple!

UPDATE, June 2014: Amidst much “opposition”, Planned Parenthood has now decided to remove “said pastoral letter” from their website! Just goes to show ya!

UPDATE, July 6, 2014: two other “pastoral letters” have now emerged from Planned Parenthood:

Life in the Womb (0-9 months)

Abortion is MURDER!

The U.N. is now trying to pass a resolution that make the Pro-Life viewpoint “criminalized”.

Please go to and sign the petition “Defend Life at the United Nations”, TODAY!

You can help make a difference in the fight against the UNBIBLICAL and HARMFUL practices of abortion!

Please go to and sign the petition entitled “Defend Life at the United Nations”, TODAY!

Not ONLY is abortion not biblical, it HAUNTS and TORMENTS women FOR YEARS afterwards and TEARS APART FAMILIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MARK MY WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



The Truth About Hollywood…..HELL AWAITS…..

Back in the days of the Middle Ages, people didn’t trust “actors” and a rented room at a lodge or inn was hard for an “actor” to come by. After all, they were considered “outcasts” in society and nobody really knew what their true motives were while the Church considered them “sinful”.

But around the time of the 1920’s or so, “acting” (as a profession) really took off and started becoming more “mainstream” in society. People started flocking to theaters to see Charlie Chaplain movies and the like. And that’s around the time that “movies/film” from/in Hollywood (whom some have now dubbed Hellywood) became a lucrative business. And around the same time, music (in and of itself) became a popular past-time as well. But behind the music and behind the film industry was a more darker agenda: to draw people into the dark side.

For example, look at any “star” or “celebrity” today. Even just the name “star” in and of itself. Truly sit there for a minute and think about what that means. Remember in the bible where it states that Lucifer, the fallen angel as having stated (before his fall from heaven) “I will ascend my throne above the stars of God, I will be like the Most High”. Also think about how famous people often change their names after they become famous. Many people think it’s coincidence.

But that’s simply not true. Because when an actor(s)/musician(s) “sign a deal”, the producers and managers more or less OWN THEM, and they’re actually “signing over” their VERY OWN SOULS! Think about that for awhile. They are NO LONGER their own person and their own property but are more or less the property of the producers/managers, hence why they need the name change.

[Note: Even those famous people lucky enough to keep their own name are still OWNED by the producers/managers as soon as they sign the contract]. They are told how to dress, how to act, what to say, what roles to take, whom to date or not date, etc. Basically, it’s all “staged”. Not to mention that fame and fortune COME AT A PRICE. Look at some of the PRICES that the following celebs had to pay to “get in”:

Bob Dylan sold soul to devil

Katy Perry sold soul to devil

Kanye West sold soul to devil [watch from 2:00 mark]

Snooki sold soul to the devil

Plus many, many, MANY more that are too countless to name!!!!!! ;(

Okay, so you have all these “stars” and celebrities [one meaning of “celebrity” was originally meant to mean “solemn rite or ceremony”] that are selling their souls to the devil and/or doing other crazy things (e.g. sleeping with producers, performing black magic rituals/etc.) in order to be rich and famous and to be WORSHIPED by millions of people around the world. You have teenage girls crying and screaming hysterically at the site of Justin Bieber, trying to get just one “touch” of him, their IDOL.–removed-from-madame-tussauds-234020230.html

You have the tv show in and of itself called “AMERICAN IDOL”. You have COUNTLESS numbers of newspapers, magazines and even online news sites that are DEVOTED to “star culture” and “news about the stars”. You have the Roman Catholic and Lutheran Churches LITTERED with statues of Jesus and Mary, etc. Basically, everywhere you turn is all about IDOLS, IDOLS and more IDOLS. Our modern day society is inundated with them!

Like it or not, when we watch 98% of modern-day movies, read popular magazines or newspapers with so and so taking up the cover, listen to music, watch tv shows other than the news, ask for so and so to sign an autograph, go to “concerts”, etc., we are unwittingly participating (rather we consciously realize it or not) in what I’ve now dubbed the “Idolization Gateway to Hell”……Cause think about it. Even CHRISTIAN-themed TV shows 9 times out of 10 have some sort of “Catholic twist” to them (such as Joan of Arcadia, for instance) and ANYTHING that aligns itself with the Catholic church is PURELY DEMONIC (sad but true). 

And music in and of itself…….the bible indirectly refers to Lucifer as “musically inclined”. So why wouldn’t he use music to deceive the masses? Think about it. Even today’s CHRISTIAN MUSIC is appalling. There’s nothing but backbeat, breakbeat, syncopation, etc. In fact, I did a test most recently where I flipped through the popular radio stations and then put it on the “Christian” radio station. And guess what? I couldn’t tell the difference. They sounded the exact same.

And ditto with today’s “Christian” TV programming and even “Christian” movies, even! The true message of the gospel of Jesus Christ has been truly LOST, folks! Go to ANY popular “Christian” TV show or programming on TV or watch any “Christian” movie out there and you will see things that JUST AREN’T BIBLICAL. For example, I recently saw a Messianic Christian show on TV where the Rabbi said at the end “if this ministry has blessed you, send money”. I don’t see that ANYWHERE written in the bible, folks!

But see? That’s how Satan rolls. He searches out our personal “weaknesses”, then he CAPITALIZES on them! If he can’t get you addicted to Movies or TV or popular “celeb culture”, he’ll instead try to get you addicted to Music (and/or applications such as Spotify or Youtube, for instance). And if he can’t get you addicted to music, he’ll instead try to get you addicted to food, sex, drugs, alcohol, videogames, or some other like thing. And if he can’t get you addicted to THOSE things, he’ll try to make you HATE someone who’s close to you or that you work with.

And if THAT doesn’t succeed, he’ll try to get you to feel depressed or doubt your faith. And if THAT doesn’t succeed, he’ll just keep poking and prodding until he finds the something or someONE that makes you fall from grace. And once he has you there in that spot where he makes you fall from grace, he’ll CONTINUE to try to keep you there in that spot by slamming you with OTHER things, while you’re STILL trying to overcome the ORIGINAL thing he inundated you with, to begin with! Basically, he shows NO MERCY! 

However, when Jesus Christ died and shed HIS holy blood for for the forgiveness of mankind’s sins, God the Heavenly Father showed HIS mercy on US when he allowed Jesus’s sacrifice as payment for our sins! And THAT is the most greatest love and mercy, EVER! [3 days later, Jesus Christ was resurrected — google “the Shroud of Turin” — and then 40 days later, he ascended into heaven to be on the right hand throne of God the Heavenly Father].

Therefore, Jesus Christ will have mercy on ANYONE who prays for forgiveness of their sins and truly means it in their heart. But one can’t just PRAY for forgiveness of sins, one must also REPENT of them (that means, give them up for good). Because think about it, folks! 5 minutes of pleasure is NOT worth an eternity in the flames! 

Many people think that a “loving” God won’t send people to hell and/or the lake of fire. But have they ever stopped to consider that there were times in the bible when God got RIGHTEOUSLY ANGRY with his people? And even ETERNALLY CONDEMNED some of them? And have they not read about the part in the bible where Jesus Christ got ANGRY with his people for trying to turn the temple into a marketplace? Yes, God/Jesus Christ IS a loving God. But he is also a RIGHTEOUS, HOLY GOD! Which means that he can’t let unrepented sin go unpunished!

It might seem “cruel” or “unjust” to some folks out there that a “loving” God would send certain people to the flames for eternity, but guess what, folks? Those people simply CHOSE to go there. They were the folks whom God sounded warning after warning after warning but they just wouldn’t listen……

They just thought they were TOO GOOD for God, that they didn’t NEED God/forgiveness of their sins, that they were a good person by their OWN accord, and not be Jesus Christ’s accord. They were also the people who TURNED THEIR EYES FROM THE TRUTH by following FALSE RELIGIONS and FALSE DOCTRINES (such as Islam, Roman Catholicism, Atheism, New Ageism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.)

And yes, it “might” seem cruel that I’m saying that all non-repentant followers of other religions are heading on a path to eternal condemnation as it were, but the truth is, ALL other religions other than true, biblical Christianity ARE false religions simply based on the fact that true, biblical Christianity is the ONLY religion on Earth that has had 100% fulfilled bible prophecy, 100% of the time. NO OTHER RELIGION ON EARTH CAN MAKE THAT CLAIM! NONE. 

So please. I beg of you from the bottom of my heart and the depths of my soul. If you are addicted to something or someone that takes you AWAY from Jesus Christ and the 100% truth of the bible and/or if you follow another religion other than true, biblical Christianity (aka “Jewish roots Christianity”), I strongly urge you to start getting to know Jesus Christ TODAY! Not tomorrow or the day after that but TODAY!

Tomorrow may not stand. WWIII could break out tomorrow. A sinkhole might swallow you whole. You might die of a heart attack or get hit by a bus tomorrow. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE!  We NEVER know when we’re going to die. It could be 5 minutes from now or 50 years from now. But once we die, that’s it. There are NO second chances unless Jesus decides (for whatever reason) to bring someone back. And how do YOU know rather or not YOU will be one of those people or not? Answer: You DON’T and that’s why you shouldn’t place your ENTIRE eternal salvation on it.

I pray that ALL souls who read this (including myself) will be saved from their unwitting worship of idols and also that you, the great Lord of the heavens, Jesus Christ Almighty, will renew or ignite for the very first time (those that are or would be new to the faith), and RE-IGNITE (for those who already know you) the faith, passion, knowledge and devotion to you and your divine word/commandments in the bible. Please chip away at every soul as much as you have to until they have no pride left to stand on and are humbled before your heavenly site. And please help every soul out there overcome any sin that’s holding them back from you and help KEEP those souls on the path of righteousness (amidst much clamour and opposition in today’s “dark world”) and please bless and keep those souls for eternity. Amen.