Posts tagged ‘Pop culture’

The Truth About Hollywood…..HELL AWAITS…..

Back in the days of the Middle Ages, people didn’t trust “actors” and a rented room at a lodge or inn was hard for an “actor” to come by. After all, they were considered “outcasts” in society and nobody really knew what their true motives were while the Church considered them “sinful”.

But around the time of the 1920’s or so, “acting” (as a profession) really took off and started becoming more “mainstream” in society. People started flocking to theaters to see Charlie Chaplain movies and the like. And that’s around the time that “movies/film” from/in Hollywood (whom some have now dubbed Hellywood) became a lucrative business. And around the same time, music (in and of itself) became a popular past-time as well. But behind the music and behind the film industry was a more darker agenda: to draw people into the dark side.

For example, look at any “star” or “celebrity” today. Even just the name “star” in and of itself. Truly sit there for a minute and think about what that means. Remember in the bible where it states that Lucifer, the fallen angel as having stated (before his fall from heaven) “I will ascend my throne above the stars of God, I will be like the Most High”. Also think about how famous people often change their names after they become famous. Many people think it’s coincidence.

But that’s simply not true. Because when an actor(s)/musician(s) “sign a deal”, the producers and managers more or less OWN THEM, and they’re actually “signing over” their VERY OWN SOULS! Think about that for awhile. They are NO LONGER their own person and their own property but are more or less the property of the producers/managers, hence why they need the name change.

[Note: Even those famous people lucky enough to keep their own name are still OWNED by the producers/managers as soon as they sign the contract]. They are told how to dress, how to act, what to say, what roles to take, whom to date or not date, etc. Basically, it’s all “staged”. Not to mention that fame and fortune COME AT A PRICE. Look at some of the PRICES that the following celebs had to pay to “get in”:

Bob Dylan sold soul to devil

Katy Perry sold soul to devil

Kanye West sold soul to devil [watch from 2:00 mark]

Snooki sold soul to the devil

Plus many, many, MANY more that are too countless to name!!!!!! ;(

Okay, so you have all these “stars” and celebrities [one meaning of “celebrity” was originally meant to mean “solemn rite or ceremony”] that are selling their souls to the devil and/or doing other crazy things (e.g. sleeping with producers, performing black magic rituals/etc.) in order to be rich and famous and to be WORSHIPED by millions of people around the world. You have teenage girls crying and screaming hysterically at the site of Justin Bieber, trying to get just one “touch” of him, their IDOL.–removed-from-madame-tussauds-234020230.html

You have the tv show in and of itself called “AMERICAN IDOL”. You have COUNTLESS numbers of newspapers, magazines and even online news sites that are DEVOTED to “star culture” and “news about the stars”. You have the Roman Catholic and Lutheran Churches LITTERED with statues of Jesus and Mary, etc. Basically, everywhere you turn is all about IDOLS, IDOLS and more IDOLS. Our modern day society is inundated with them!

Like it or not, when we watch 98% of modern-day movies, read popular magazines or newspapers with so and so taking up the cover, listen to music, watch tv shows other than the news, ask for so and so to sign an autograph, go to “concerts”, etc., we are unwittingly participating (rather we consciously realize it or not) in what I’ve now dubbed the “Idolization Gateway to Hell”……Cause think about it. Even CHRISTIAN-themed TV shows 9 times out of 10 have some sort of “Catholic twist” to them (such as Joan of Arcadia, for instance) and ANYTHING that aligns itself with the Catholic church is PURELY DEMONIC (sad but true). 

And music in and of itself…….the bible indirectly refers to Lucifer as “musically inclined”. So why wouldn’t he use music to deceive the masses? Think about it. Even today’s CHRISTIAN MUSIC is appalling. There’s nothing but backbeat, breakbeat, syncopation, etc. In fact, I did a test most recently where I flipped through the popular radio stations and then put it on the “Christian” radio station. And guess what? I couldn’t tell the difference. They sounded the exact same.

And ditto with today’s “Christian” TV programming and even “Christian” movies, even! The true message of the gospel of Jesus Christ has been truly LOST, folks! Go to ANY popular “Christian” TV show or programming on TV or watch any “Christian” movie out there and you will see things that JUST AREN’T BIBLICAL. For example, I recently saw a Messianic Christian show on TV where the Rabbi said at the end “if this ministry has blessed you, send money”. I don’t see that ANYWHERE written in the bible, folks!

But see? That’s how Satan rolls. He searches out our personal “weaknesses”, then he CAPITALIZES on them! If he can’t get you addicted to Movies or TV or popular “celeb culture”, he’ll instead try to get you addicted to Music (and/or applications such as Spotify or Youtube, for instance). And if he can’t get you addicted to music, he’ll instead try to get you addicted to food, sex, drugs, alcohol, videogames, or some other like thing. And if he can’t get you addicted to THOSE things, he’ll try to make you HATE someone who’s close to you or that you work with.

And if THAT doesn’t succeed, he’ll try to get you to feel depressed or doubt your faith. And if THAT doesn’t succeed, he’ll just keep poking and prodding until he finds the something or someONE that makes you fall from grace. And once he has you there in that spot where he makes you fall from grace, he’ll CONTINUE to try to keep you there in that spot by slamming you with OTHER things, while you’re STILL trying to overcome the ORIGINAL thing he inundated you with, to begin with! Basically, he shows NO MERCY! 

However, when Jesus Christ died and shed HIS holy blood for for the forgiveness of mankind’s sins, God the Heavenly Father showed HIS mercy on US when he allowed Jesus’s sacrifice as payment for our sins! And THAT is the most greatest love and mercy, EVER! [3 days later, Jesus Christ was resurrected — google “the Shroud of Turin” — and then 40 days later, he ascended into heaven to be on the right hand throne of God the Heavenly Father].

Therefore, Jesus Christ will have mercy on ANYONE who prays for forgiveness of their sins and truly means it in their heart. But one can’t just PRAY for forgiveness of sins, one must also REPENT of them (that means, give them up for good). Because think about it, folks! 5 minutes of pleasure is NOT worth an eternity in the flames! 

Many people think that a “loving” God won’t send people to hell and/or the lake of fire. But have they ever stopped to consider that there were times in the bible when God got RIGHTEOUSLY ANGRY with his people? And even ETERNALLY CONDEMNED some of them? And have they not read about the part in the bible where Jesus Christ got ANGRY with his people for trying to turn the temple into a marketplace? Yes, God/Jesus Christ IS a loving God. But he is also a RIGHTEOUS, HOLY GOD! Which means that he can’t let unrepented sin go unpunished!

It might seem “cruel” or “unjust” to some folks out there that a “loving” God would send certain people to the flames for eternity, but guess what, folks? Those people simply CHOSE to go there. They were the folks whom God sounded warning after warning after warning but they just wouldn’t listen……

They just thought they were TOO GOOD for God, that they didn’t NEED God/forgiveness of their sins, that they were a good person by their OWN accord, and not be Jesus Christ’s accord. They were also the people who TURNED THEIR EYES FROM THE TRUTH by following FALSE RELIGIONS and FALSE DOCTRINES (such as Islam, Roman Catholicism, Atheism, New Ageism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.)

And yes, it “might” seem cruel that I’m saying that all non-repentant followers of other religions are heading on a path to eternal condemnation as it were, but the truth is, ALL other religions other than true, biblical Christianity ARE false religions simply based on the fact that true, biblical Christianity is the ONLY religion on Earth that has had 100% fulfilled bible prophecy, 100% of the time. NO OTHER RELIGION ON EARTH CAN MAKE THAT CLAIM! NONE. 

So please. I beg of you from the bottom of my heart and the depths of my soul. If you are addicted to something or someone that takes you AWAY from Jesus Christ and the 100% truth of the bible and/or if you follow another religion other than true, biblical Christianity (aka “Jewish roots Christianity”), I strongly urge you to start getting to know Jesus Christ TODAY! Not tomorrow or the day after that but TODAY!

Tomorrow may not stand. WWIII could break out tomorrow. A sinkhole might swallow you whole. You might die of a heart attack or get hit by a bus tomorrow. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE!  We NEVER know when we’re going to die. It could be 5 minutes from now or 50 years from now. But once we die, that’s it. There are NO second chances unless Jesus decides (for whatever reason) to bring someone back. And how do YOU know rather or not YOU will be one of those people or not? Answer: You DON’T and that’s why you shouldn’t place your ENTIRE eternal salvation on it.

I pray that ALL souls who read this (including myself) will be saved from their unwitting worship of idols and also that you, the great Lord of the heavens, Jesus Christ Almighty, will renew or ignite for the very first time (those that are or would be new to the faith), and RE-IGNITE (for those who already know you) the faith, passion, knowledge and devotion to you and your divine word/commandments in the bible. Please chip away at every soul as much as you have to until they have no pride left to stand on and are humbled before your heavenly site. And please help every soul out there overcome any sin that’s holding them back from you and help KEEP those souls on the path of righteousness (amidst much clamour and opposition in today’s “dark world”) and please bless and keep those souls for eternity. Amen.


“IDOLS” in Modern Day Society

It’s always been funny how historians or pop culture reporters always describe certain people as “modern day icons”/”20th century icons” or how people on online message boards will say “he/she’s always been my idol” or someone on tv will say “like, oh my gosh, you guys are my IDOLS!”

But the thing that’s caught the most attention with me lately concerning idols are three main things: 1) the TV show in and of itself called American Idol (truly think about what the name implies), the over-exposure of Lady Gaga in the media/travel industry/schools, and also the very nature of idols themselves within the Catholic Church.

Of previous notice to me was always how certain people/reporters will describe musicians as “the king of Pop”, “the rock n’ roll gods”, “the god of guitar”, “the god of rock” or even songs themselves that have lyrics such as “we’re fighting with the gods of war”.

But one thing is certain: modern day society is saying that it’s OK to idolize things or people, that it’s OK to have idols or even to BE an idol. Look no further than Hollywood, CA where the majority of modern day “idols” reside. People hysterically SCREAMING in excitement and crying tears of joy as they try to touch their “idol” (that is, their idolized celebrity) just once.

But tell me. When is the last time that anyone ever got that excited about Jesus Christ?

Well, I’ll tell you when, to be precise. It was around the time when Jesus Christ made his triumphant entry into Jerusalem and people layed down their cloaks to cover up his path and waved palm branches at him and possibly screamed and cried in excitement as he passed by, riding on a donkey.

So let me ask you this. Who or what is the “main attraction and/or focus” in YOUR life? Is it Jesus Christ (the one and only true God)? Or is it another (including yourself?)

Many Satanists/Atheists/Agnostics/Intellectuals today say or claim that they don’t actually worship Satan but instead worship themselves (Humanism). However, by refusing to worship Jesus Christ and by worshipping themselves and or this world or the things IN this world, they ARE, in an indirect sense, worshipping Satan and don’t even realize it (or don’t care, one of the two).

Others are on the active path of following other religions and/or other gods. And they too, are on an active path of worshipping Satan without even realizing it.

See, here’s the brutal reality. Whoever doesn’t worship Jesus Christ IS worshipping Satan. They do not necessarily have to have the official label of “Satanist” to BE a “Satanist” in God’s eyes.

The truth of the matter is, there’s only TWO choices one can make. They can choose to live FOR God/Jesus Christ or they can choose to live AGAINST God/Jesus Christ. There is NO other way. NONE.

Light vs. Dark, Good vs. Evil. We each pick a side to live on and then later on, after we die, we enter into eternal existence. But the question is, where will YOU spend eternity? Because where we spend eternity depends on what side we were on while we were living our lives on Earth. Did we live FOR Jesus Christ or AGAINST Jesus Christ?

Let us examine the 10 commandments.

1. Thou shall have no other gods before me (“gods” like Buddha, Allah, Joseph Smith, Zenu, money, fame, celebrities, the “worshipping” of people or things other than Jesus Christ Almighty, etc.)

2. Thou shall have unto thee no idols or graven images (anything that is in heaven, on Earth below or down below the Earth)

3. Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain (saying the word “God” without any sincere spiritual reference to God Almighty, even if it’s just something “simple” like “oh my God, you’re such a dork, dude!”)

4. Thou shall remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy (to remember means to ADHERE to it — Friday sundown to Saturday sundown, the TRUE 7th day Sabbath — remember that Jewish time begins as Sunset, the night before — and NOT Sun-day, the FALSE Sabbath!)

5. Thou shall not commit adultery (and that includes even doing so much as lusting after someone in one’s heart that one is not married to!)

6. Thou shall honor thy father and thy mother

7. Thou shall not kill (and that includes even doing so much as hating someone in your heart)

8. Thou shall not steal (even if it’s just as something as simple as ONE penny or a pen from the bank……, SERIOUSLY…..)

9. Thou shall not lie (EVEN if one thinks it is in one’s best interests).

10.  Thou shall not envy/wish for things that belong to others (how MANY times have we thought to ourselves thoughts like “I wish *I* had a clean house like so and so did or I wish *I* was as skinny as so and and so, etc., etc? Lets be honest with ourselves, here!)

[Please also note that the Lord Jesus Christ expanded on most of these in his Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew, chapters 5-7 and also that the Sabbath was created long before Moses EVER walked the Earth, which would indicate the Sabbath is for ALL of mankind, and not just some].

Okay, Romans 3:23 says “for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”. Therefore, what that means in plain English is that NOBODY is perfect. We’ve all sinned in God’s eyes, we’ve all made mistakes.

However, there is some good news and that’s this. John 3:16 says “for God [the Heavenly Father] so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son [Jesus Christ] that whoever believeth in him [Jesus Christ] should not perish [go to eternal condemnation] but have everlasting life [eternity with Jesus Christ in Paradise].

So essentially what that means is if we have faith in Jesus Christ, acknowledge our sins to Jesus Christ in prayer, pray for forgiveness of our sins, repent/give up our sins, get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, spread the gospel to all nations and lead a life that’s pleasing to Jesus Christ by obeying all his commandments [such as 10 commandments, and all New Testament teachings — specifically, the Sermon on the Mount teachings), we’ll be forgiven of ALL our sins when we die and assured a spot in eternal paradise with Jesus Christ someday.

All the rest will go to hell and/or eternal condemnation in an everlasting fire. Jesus described hell in Luke 13:28 “There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out”. In other words, every single person that dies without ever truly accepting or trusting Jesus Christ (meaning, having true faith in him) will be eternally cast out.

However, at some point right before, during, or after the time a person is cast out from eternal paradise with Jesus Christ, Jesus says that person will see all the prophets of God standing in the kingdom of God/eternal paradise. And to be cast out from the kingdom of God means to be burnt alive with fire – for eternity.

But going back to the 10 commandments. We already KNOW why modern day society openly violates all 10 commandments, especially the 2nd and 4th one; (the TRUE Sabbath is actually on SATURDAY and is from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown).

Modern day American society is “Babylonian” and full of nothing but darkness because it’s controlled by Satan. It WANTS to keep you entertained. It WANTS to take you AWAY from God/Jesus Christ. It WANTS you to worship other gods besides Jesus Christ (notice how rock music NEVER mocked Buddha, Allah, Joseph Smith, etc? Why is that, do you think? Think about it. Birds of a feather flock together)

It WANTS you to lie, cheat and steal (even doing so much as stealing someone’s boyfriend/girlfriend, wife/husband and/or fiance/fiancee is classified in God’s eyes as *stealing”), it WANTS you to lust, it WANTS you to envy things that belong to others, it WANTS you to hate, it WANTS you to cheat on your boyfriend/girlfriend, wife/husband, or fiance/fiancee, it WANTS you to lie, it WANTS you to say the Lord’s name in vain. Lets face it, this dark world and the things OF this world are DESIGNED by Satan and his demons to try to suck your soul away from Jesus Christ! Think about it, folks!

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”. Ephesians 6:12


The question is, who will win? Will Jesus Christ win your soul or will Satan win your soul?

The choice is up to you. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.

For the people who die without Jesus Christ aren’t sent to hell and/or eternal condemnation by Jesus Christ by choice.  Those folks simply CHOSE to go there.

For we either CHOOSE to accept Jesus Christ or we CHOOSE to reject him. There IS no other way in this world but those 2 paths. Sorry guys but that’s the brutal reality of it all.

Remember that all paths that lead AWAY from Jesus Christ lead to Satan, which then leads to hell and/or eternal condemnation and that all paths that lead to truth lead to Jesus Christ, which then leads to everlasting life/eternal paradise with Jesus Christ.

When people die, they are sent to 1 of 2 places (eternal paradise with God/Jesus Christ) or eternal condemnation in everlasting fire) But the choice is up to YOU. Would YOU be willing to die without Jesus Christ as your Lord & Savior? I wouldn’t. Those that die without ever having accepted salvation, trust, love, faith, obedience etc. in Jesus Christ will LOSE THEIR SOUL. FOR ETERNITY.

So please. I beg of you. Please cry out to Jesus Christ today and get to know him while there’s still time. We never know when we’re gonna die, just like we never know when this world’s gonna end.

Matthew 24:36 “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only”.