Posts tagged ‘Wicca’

As Soon As One Starts To “Question” God/The Bible, The Devil Has Won!

The bible says that in the Last Days, there would be “scoffers” and many of those who “question its authority/authenticity”. Some of the most often-heard quotes are:

  • “Does the bible REALLY say that homosexuality/homosexual living is a sin?”
  • “Does the bible REALLY say that full-water immersion baptism is required?”
  • “Does the bible REALLY say that ALL people who aren’t written in the Lamb’s Book Of Life go Hell/Lake of Fire/Eternal Destruction?”
  • “Does the bible HONESTLY condemn pre-marital sex as sin?”
  • “Do I I REALLY have to love my neighbor as myself?”
  • “Is it TRULY necessary to forgive those who have hurt me?”
  • “Are celebrating the Lord’s BIBLICAL holidays and BIBLICAL 7th-Day Sabbath TRULY REQUIRED by the Lord?”
  • “Is celebrating today’s “Paganized Christian” holidays REALLY an “abomination” unto the Lord?”

But see, that’s how the Devil operates! He tries to get us to DOUBT the Lord’s “authority” and the Lord’s “wrath” towards ALL things considered as sin/unrighteousness.

Many in today’s “culture” will say things like, “Yeah well, WHO is to say what’s considered righteous or not? WHO gets to be the judge?” But both of those questions have ALREADY been answered in the bible, quite honestly! The Lord Jesus himself created and made all things, HE determines what’s righteous or not, and HE and HE alone, is “the righteous judge” of ALL of mankind!

Just think for a moment. If you were the creator of a distinct piece of “art”, for example, you’d OWN that “art”, you’d have all the “bragging rights” of that “art”, and you and you alone (as the owner and creator of “said art”), would be able to be the “righteous judge” of that “art” and would get to decide what was good or bad about it and FOR it, right? So it is with Almighty God!

But therein lies the problem: AS SOON AS we start to “question the authority” of either the bible AND/OR Yeshua/Jesus Christ, we’re ALREADY being deceived by the Devil, in that very moment of “questioning!” Because remember that Satan’s goal is to steal, kill and destroy! And his NUMBER ONE GOAL is to UNDERMINE THE AUTHORITY OF GOD/YESHUA/JESUS CHRIST AND THE BIBLE!

Basically, Satan the Devil doesn’t really care in WHAT way/ways he does that, just so long AS he does it! When a child of God believes every word of the bible, Satan gets really, really angry and frustrated and so, has to try to find subtle ways to try to GET that child of God to “question the bible”, “question Jesus” and more or less to “question everything”.

And one of his MOST POPULAR techniques for doing this is to focus on things such as THESE:

  • “So……only the RIGHTEOUS are gonna be saved while the unrighteous will be condemned and burned for eternity…….hhhmm……sounds “loving”…… “loving” of the Most High to burn certain people alive for eternity……Is that TRULY loving? Would a true, LOVING God send people to Hell? Hhhmm……guess the Lord of the bible isn’t so loving afterall, is he?”
  • “You say or claim that Jesus is a LOVING God…….Okay then, why did he make you go through all of that hell in your life, then? Perhaps he’s forgotten about you down here or doesn’t like you so much, afterall!”
  • “Look at all the evil/unrighteous things you’ve done in your life! There’s NO WAY Jesus could ever forgive you for that!”
  • “Oh, sure! Go ahead and read your bible and pray! The Lord is ANGRY with you, beyond compare and nothing you say or do will change that!”
  • “The Lord’s gonna condemn you someday, you can COUNT on it!”
  • “Oh, sure! Go ahead and preach the gospel of Salvation to people or try to! Nobody’s gonna listen to you, anyways!”
  • “Is the Lord Jesus REALLY gonna send good-natured Catholics, Mormons, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, non-believers and Jews to hell? Certainly he’ll judge them by their good-natured “hearts” and not their “religions”, right?”
  • “The Lord’s NOT REALLY gonna send people to hell……it’s just a scare-tactic, is all!”

Do you see where I’m going with this, folks? But then again, it’s not just the children of God that he tries to work against, it’s EVERYONE! Rather people realize this fact or not! For NOT ONLY does Satan fight against people who WON’T submit to him in any way (think biblical-roots Christians/Messianic Jews, for example) but also against those that DO (Muslims, Catholics, Mormons, Satanists, Paganized Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, etc.) How? He tries to undermine the Word of God/image of God to EVERYONE (Christian and non-Christian ALIKE!)

One of the most popular misconceptions floating around out there in modern-day “Christiandom” is that “Satan will never fight against someone who’s already his!” (spiritually speaking) and that’s a LIE! I’m gonna tell you why…….look at all the Satanic and/or Luciferian movie stars who get hooked on drugs and die young/etc.! You think Satan and his demons weren’t actively spiritually/mentally fighting against that person ALL ALONG FROM THE GET-GO, behind the scenes? THINK AGAIN, FOLKS!

Because truth be told, Satan fights JUST AS MUCH against Satanists/Wiccans/Pagans as he does any OTHER human group, including Christians! The brutal reality is that ALL OF HUMANITY is being battled against by Satan! There’s not ONE single human sole on this ENTIRE PLANET that’s not somehow being spiritually battled against by Satan, rather people realize that or not!

In fact, think back to the time you were a little kid and you felt “tempted” to lie or steal candy from the candy store, etc.? Even if you didn’t grow up in a “Christian home”…….or perhaps a time in the modern age when you ever felt “tempted” (even “minorly tempted” – even if you only felt “tempted” JUST ONCE) to cheat on your significant other….. You think Satan and his demons DIDN’T have something to do with that? OPEN YOUR EYES, PEOPLE!

The brutal reality is that SATAN HATES MANKIND! Not just “SOME” of mankind, mind you, but ALL of mankind! Why? Because humans are made in the image of Almighty God! And it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that Satan HATES God’s image! And anything having to DO with “God’s image” (unborn babies in the womb and/or one man/one woman marriage, in which NATURAL PROCREATION occurs!)

Which brings to my mind the gay/transgender movement/argument. Transgenders will oftentimes say, “I feel like a girl trapped in a boy’s body” or “I feel like a man trapped in a woman’s body”, etc. But tell me! Since when do “FEELINGS” dictate natural God-given BIOLOGY? If a person “felt” like a horse, should we allow them surgery to “become a horse?”

Certainly you will see the total ridiculous in the “transgender argument”. Plus you will ALSO see that believing one is something that goes AGAINST one’s natural God-given biology is more like a MENTAL ILLNESS. And surely, digging a little deeper, you will also start to see that ALL mental illnesses are DEMONICALLY INDUCED! Now, there’s a total difference between DEMONIC POSSESSION and DEMONIC OPPRESSION!

[DEMONIC POSSESSION is where a person is COMPLETELY taken over by demons and forced to do their will, while DEMONIC OPPRESSION is where a person is only PARTIALLY taken over by demonic spirits (in their minds) and aren’t yet FULLY POSSESSED]. Therefore, when a demonically oppressed “transgender” person gets sex-change surgery, they THEN become demonically possessed BY the demon spirits that were originally “spiritually oppressing them” TO BEGIN WITH! Make sense?

Satan UTILIZES the gay/transgender argument to further his agenda of “undermining the Word of God”. And who or what is the Word of God? I’m glad you asked! The Word of God is JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF! And the bible is the WRITTEN WORD OF GOD! Just like we humans are made in the IMAGE OF GOD! That’s not to say that WE are gods! That’s ONLY to say that we were made in God’s image! And Satan hates the image of God SO MUCH, that he’s willing to do anything to try to destroy it! And the gay/transgender movement is precisely one of the main ways he does that!

People think the gay/transgender movement is all about “gay/trans rights”. But what it REALLY is, at its VERY CORE, is a movement to UNDERMINE THE WORD OF GOD **AND** TO DESTROY THE IMAGE OF GOD! [The image of God being a biologically-born man and a biologically-born woman in a TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE and any children they NATURALLY produce!]

That’s why Satan loves gay marriage and “gay adoption” so much! BECAUSE IT UNDERMINES THE IMAGE OF GOD! (Hint: It’s got absolutely NOTHING to do with “rights”…….the only “rights” the “movement” is trying to procure is “THE RIGHT TO SIN” and the “RIGHT TO STAMP OUT THE BIBLE/CHRISTIAN WITNESSING ON THE SIN OF HOMOSEXUALITY”. That’s ALL it really is, folks! WAKE UP!)

The only way that Satan can get a person (or in some cases, an entire “church”) to defy the IMAGE of God, is to UNDERMINE the WORD OF GOD! And the only way Satan can undermine the Word of God (Yeshua/Jesus Christ) is to destroy the Image of God! Do you see now how those two things work hand in hand together, in Satan’s master scheme of things?

Here’s the several ways Satan utilized to try to permanently destroy the Word of God AND the Image of God:

  1. The Gay/Transgender Movement
  2. World Religions
  3. Global Government (U.N., etc.)
  4. Media & Entertainment Industry
  5. “Newer bible translations” (NIV, ESV, etc.)
  6. Church denominations and SECTS (certainly they can’t ALL be right, correct?)
  7. The Roman Catholic Church
  8. Atheism/Satanism/Wicca/New Age Movement
  9. Etc.

But I ask you and leave you with THIS: The last time you felt yourself “questioning something” from the bible (as in, questioning the AUTHORITY of the bible on a certain subject), what was it that led you to question it? Was it someone’s video on Youtube? A movie? A pastor? A friend/family member/coworker? A book or news article?

What was it SPECIFICALLY that led you to start “questioning the bible’s authority on something?” Because any thing or person that leads you to “question the authority” on anything in the bible (and I do mean ANYTHING – Old OR New Testament) is NOT OF GOD! So remember that.

The next time you find yourself “questioning the bible” and its authority on something, ask yourself if that “questioning” is biblical. And if it’s not, please pray the following prayer:

“Almighty Yeshua/Jesus, please reveal to me specifically what it was that led me to question your word in the bible. And once you reveal that thing/person to me, please help me to remain strong and true to your word in the bible. Please protect me from questioning your word, ever, ever again. Amen”. 

Morality Based on “Feelings” Is NO Morality AT ALL!

Back in the year 1985 or so, “morality” (in and of itself) seemed to be determined by the written Word of God (the bible). And then slowly through the “media” and “popular culture”, the written Word of God seemed to’ve become VAGRANT (“lost on the train tracks of human practice/history”) over the years.

By the year 1994 rolled around, things were beginning to “shift” DRAMATICALLY, as people were starting to “think” instead of “do”, as it pertains to the written Word of God. Around the year 1997, Ellen Degeneres came out as a “gay character” on the show called “Ellen”. [Interestingly and oddly enough, what does the word “Degeneres” remind you of, in the English language? Anyone?] This (in MY opinion) was kind’ve the VERY beginning stages of the “I was born this way” and “loud and proud/gay pride” movement among the “homosexual activists”. Because I don’t really remember hearing of any “gay pride parades” before then.

Those points aside, now look at the year 2015. They’ve legalized gay marriage in all 50 U.S. States, abortion and abortion clinics are running RAMPANT in today’s country, Satanism/New Age/Wicca is ON THE RISE, Jesus/bible mocking is on the TRIPLE RISE, plus the people of this country (as a whole) are now slowly being aggressively/subconsciously desensitized to pedophilia (look no further than the shows Toddlers & Tiaras, Dance Moms, Dancing with YT and Precision Dance Studios — which dresses young girls up in prostitute-like garb and the movie Lolita (enough said) or the movie called Bad Grandpa — where the grandson dresses up like a stripper, strips on stage and has MONEY thrown at him like he’s an actual hooker! SICKENING!)

In fact, many of today’s parents and PEOPLE IN GENERAL…….SEE NOTHING WRONG with the following 4 clips down below! And their “argument” for such a “positive viewpoint” of these clips is to “stop sexualizing this!” But yet, THEY are the ones sexualizing it by NOT seeing anything wrong with it! (We’re living in the times of the End, folks!)

The choreographers and judges THEMSELVES? THEY were the ones who originally decided it was a “good idea” to a) dress up these girls in prostitute-like garb, b) choreograph the dance routine to dirty, “nasty” music and c) choreograph the dance routines for the young girls to “twerk”, etc. And ya want to know what’s EVEN MORE sickening than all the above and the girls’ parents’ and other people LOUDLY CHEERING in the background?

The Dance Studios of today, in general, in FIERCE competition within one another to see WHAT dance studio can come up with the most sexualized, most raunchiest, most dirtiest routines with the YOUNGEST AGE(S)! DOES ANYONE ELSE OUT THERE NOT “SEE THIS” FOR WHAT IT “REALLY IS”? A blatant attempt on the “choreographer’s part” to try to DESENSITIZE people to this sort of thing? Look at how many people (namely, the parents) already see “nothing wrong” with this sort’ve thing! The desensitization process has already begun!

[And what’s more, on the show Dance Moms, many of the girls have already broken down IN TEARS, according to several Youtube clips! You can tell they don’t really want to be doing it but that their moms are forcing/strongly encouraging them to, just to be on the show! They’re NOT ONLY taking away their little girl’s childhood and innocence and using them for a “cash cow” but they’re also spiritually, physically, psychologically, mentally and emotionally ruining them, as well!

These girls weren’t just crying because of what ABBY was doing to them but what their OWN MOTHERS are doing to them! Making them be in a fierce, competitive, sexualized dance industry that they themselves (the girls) don’t actually want to be in! Have the mothers ever ONCE stopped to wonder about that or consider their own daughter’s TRUE feelings about the thing? One of the girls was saying in the Youtube clip, “I don’t want to do this anymore” to her mother.

And what did her mother say, in response? She more or less said, “Don’t let Abby do that to you, keep dancing!”, instead of actually LISTENING to her daughter, for once! And no doubt one of these days, when these girls grow older and realize what their moms did when they were younger — use them for fame and money — they’re no doubt going to RESENT THEM! I KID YOU NOT!]   

THESE CLIPS ARE ABSOLUTELY BEYOND DISGUSTING AND **IF** YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE THAT SEES “NOTHING WRONG” WITH THEM, MAY THE LORD JESUS HAVE MERCY UPON YOUR VERY **SOUL**! [And yes, I HATE, HATE, HATE having to put the links to these clips on here but people MUST see the example of just how BAD things have become in this world!] 

But that goes into my next point: morality based on “feelings” is NO MORALITY AT ALL! I don’t care what ANYONE says!

Our laws are actually based on God’s laws: murder (“thou shalt not kill”), lying in court and/or to the police/FBI (“shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor”), stealing (“thou shalt not steal”), lust (“thou shalt not commit adultery”), envy (“thou shalt not covet..”), etc. And those right there make up the MAJORITY of “sins” committed by people in today’s world!

Take away God’s law – and our laws BASED off God’s law – and you’ve got NOTHING! For if morality was “subjective”, WHOM would get to decide what laws are made and how transgression of those laws would be imposed? What if ONE person thought stealing was wrong while ANOTHER person thought it was okay? Who would be right, in those regards, in the “subjective morality” model? Cause certainly they can’t BOTH be right! Do you get where I’m going with this, people?

But yet, that’s EXACTLY what many people in today’s country here in America (and even in the WORLD) — liberals and progressives, mostly — are trying to do, today. They’re more or less saying, “I don’t NEED you, God! I don’t NEED you, constitution of the U.S! I am my OWN moral compass and my OWN moral authority! Only *I* get to decide what’s right and wrong!”

Well, look at many of today’s serial killers, for instance. In THEIR mind, they were doing “nothing wrong” when they went out and killed someone/a group of people. And the active homosexuals in today’s world? They see “nothing wrong” with MOCKING THE ALMIGHTY IMAGE OF GOD **WITH** THEIR SIN OF **SODOMY**! And the judges and choreographers of the young girls dressed in prostitute-like garb? They saw “nothing wrong with it”. Do you get where I’m going with this, folks?

But just what if our law was done away with and there was “no law” (assuming the liberals and progs got their way) and each man got to decide for HIMSELF or HERSELF what was right and wrong? Again, WHOM would get decide what was right and wrong? How would transgression of the so-called law (or lack of law) be inforced/reinforced? What would we be able to use as a weight and measure system?

Hint: there WOULD be no weight and measure system! And as a result, people would be killing each other off, stealing each other’s money and materials possessions right and left and there would be NO END to the chaos! That’s WHY God put his law into action in the bible! Because WITHOUT it, there WOULD no humanity left still alive! (And likely, no animal, either!)

For if murder was no sin, for example, I highly doubt any one human would be spared alive, as ALL humans (rather they want to admit it or not) have probably been angry enough with someone to want to kill them at atleast ONE point in our lives! Thankfully, the Lord God gave each and every one of us a “conscience”!

In fact, most people know (after they’ve said a not so nice thing to someone, for instance) that the thing they said just moments earlier “wasn’t so nice”. But yet, “I’m sorry” are two of the most hardest words to say for most people, in today’s world! And I think that ties in with the human tendency (in general) to want to to try to BURY and HIDE our sins from others and from Almighty God!

Look at the Ashley Madison users, for instance. They logged on the “cheating website” because they saw NOTHING WRONG with it! In THEIR mind, they were committing what THEY thought was a “moral right” or “moral necessity”. But, our sins ALWAYS and FOREVER have a way of finding us out, DON’T THEY? As both Planned Parenthood & affiliates and Ashley Madison users discovered.

That’s DIRECTLY in line with Luke 8:17, “For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad” and Jeremiah 16:17, “My eyes are on all their ways; they are not hidden from me, nor is their sin concealed from my eyes”.

[[Although what a total mess that would be for someone who’s email was falsely put on there, only to have their spouse falsely think they committed a sin of adultery when they didn’t! In that case, may the Lord SWIFTLY clear that person’s name and have their marriage spared! Amen]].

But then again, the “subjective morality” model goes much, much deeper than that. Look at the choreographers and judges who “obviously” secretly prize “pedophilia”, for instance. They seem to find nothing wrong with it. And they claim they’re “giving the American people what they want”. However, can we ask this question? We MUST ask this question: could it be perhaps that THEY – the judges and choreographers – are secretly giving THEMSELVES what they want? And that they’re USING the choreography/dance/judging platform to GET AWAY WITH IT? In PLAIN SITE? WAKE UP, PEOPLE!!!!!

Pretty soon, we’ll more or less LIVE in such a world as that……….where each person gets to decide their OWN morality (or lack of it, should I say). And it’ll be pretty scary, INDEED! The DEPTHS that such people will go to, to live life “their way”, instead of “God’s way”. Look at the Burning Man Festival out in the Black Rock Desert in Nevada, for instance. Each year, they “draw a line in the sand” and whoever crosses that line gets to be bound by NO MORALITY! ANYTHING GOES! **ANYTHING**! And this “Burning Man Festival” concept is spreading like “cultural wildfire” ALL THROUGHOUT THE WORLD!

I know I got saved by Jesus Christ during a near-death experience when I was little, around the age of 2. But when I got older, I’ve had times in my life when I lived FOR God/Jesus Christ and AGAINST God/Jesus Christ. So I can tell you right now that living AGAINST God/Jesus Christ comes with CONSEQUENCES. And in the cases of Planned Parenthood and Ashley Madison users, SEVERE CONSEQUENCES!

One thing I DO know for 100% sure is that GOD’S WRATH IS UPON AMERICA! She has become like a BRAZEN, MURDEROUS WHORE of a NATION! And the abomination of her FILTH has reached all the way up to HEAVEN! The Lord can take it NO MORE! Something’s gotta give and that something is gonna be THIS VERY HERE AMERICAN NATION! MARK MY WORDS! For she is the QUEEN OF FILTH!

“How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow” – Revelation 18:7

And oddly enough, that passage can ALSO simultaneously apply to THE VATICAN! (The city that sits upon SEVEN HILLS! Sound familiar?)

But in conclusion, I’d just like to say that ANY type of so-called “morality” WITHOUT God/the bible is NO MORALITY AT ALL! For ANYTHING (and I do mean ANYTHING) that goes AGAINST God/the bible in ANY type of way is NOT MORAL but instead is SATANIC! Please keep this fact in mind as the Progs and Liberals try FURTHER and FURTHER to try to get YOU (the bible-believing, bible-ADHERING Christian) to believe/follow THEIR false, “subjective morality” (“it’s OK to have an abortion”, “it’s OK to be gay/live the gay lifestyle”, “gay marriage is just *posh*, “there’s no NEED for the bible and it’s precepts in today’s times!”, etc.) DON’T BELIEVE THEIR LIES, folks! THEY’RE SATAN’S HENCHMEN! THEY REALLY ARE!

YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED, PEOPLE! FOLLOW JESUS CHRIST ALMIGHTY/THE BIBLE AND NOT MAN/MANKIND! Don’t let demonically-deceived gay people “whine” to you that they “born that way”, don’t let a “trans person” FEED ON YOUR EMOTIONS and try to get you to “fully accept” trans people, don’t let the media’s image of “gay children” or “children with gay parents” emotionally manipulative you into accepting the gay lifestyle! I’M SERIOUS, FOLKS! The lies of Satan/demons/liberals/progs are SO SUBTLE, that UNLESS you’re in the Word of God, you won’t even SEE THEM and REALIZE those “VERY SUBTLE LIES” for what they really are! 

A lie doesn’t just have to be SPOKEN, people! It can also be VISUALIZED! We MUST NOT forget that fact! Non-verbal Youtube commercials which show a “gay, happy couple”, for instance. The commercial might not say many words but the images speaks a thousand words. The gay movement is NOTHING MORE than PROMOTION OF SIN! (And even the threat or death or imprisonment isn’t gonna stop me from saying so!)  

I think that’s what alot of non-Christians don’t get. They DON’T seem to understand why an imprisoned Christian’s faith grows EVEN MORE stronger and bolder than ever before! But in fact some of the MOST POWERFUL books of the bible were WRITTEN in “prison/imprisoned settings”. Why? Because when a Christian is living in the world, they have everything they need and so, as a result, they don’t seek God as much. But when everything’s suddenly taken away from them and they’re imprisoned (for whatever reason), just like the Jews in Nazi Germany, their faith is ALL they have to go on, at that point! Which is WHY their faith and their resolve becomes TEN TIMES MORE when imprisoned than not! [But again, that might be a different post for a different day].

Look at boys that “feel like girls” or “girls that feel like boys”. They are the epitome of “I think, therefore I am”. However, thinking does NOT produce you as something you’re NOT! Because no matter HOW MUCH cosmetic or sex-change surgery a person gets, they STILL can’t change their “genetic code”. For they are STILL a “genetic male” or “genetic female”. I for example REFUSE to call a man a woman or a woman a man! For God made us both male or female (respectfully).

And so to try to re-create ourselves as anything other than how Almighty God made us is just “mute”. And to feel that we are something that GOES AGAINST our natural God-given biology is just a “mental illness”, a “spiritual sickness”, if you will. Because the truth is, every person is BORN straight, like it or not. It’s an INNATE TRAIT. But AS people get older and some sort of “trauma” comes into their life, that’s when Satan and his demons are able to successfully “trick” some people into going AGAINST their natural, God-given biology. That’s the TRUTH about the matter!

Sadly, many people don’t want to hear it. They want to CONTINUE living their lives as if there’s no God and one of these days, they’re gonna have a rude, rude awakening when they realize the Christians that tried to warn them about their sin were in fact, RIGHT, and they themselves were WRONG! But by THEN, it’ll be too late for them! They’ll likely try to cry out to Jesus and claim things like, “but Jesus! I didn’t know! I didn’t know that being gay was a sin! I didn’t know that being a trans person was a sin! I didn’t know that dressing young girls up in prostitute-like garb for a live national dance competition was a sin!” But Jesus will say to them, “I never knew you, depart from me, ye workers of iniquity!” 

The truth is, there can BE no true morality without God because God IS morality! He’s the creator of it! And he’s SO righteous and SO holy, that he can’t let ANY unrepentant sin into heaven! So PLEASE people……..THINK TWICE before you think that YOUR opinion of “morality” is more important than GOD’S DECREE on morality! 

Many people say, “I’ve never killed anyone, I’m basically a good person, I’m good, so God should let me into heaven”. Ever stolen anything? Even as a small child? What does that make you? A thief. Ever lusted after someone you weren’t married to? Even ONCE? That makes you an adulterer. Have you ever envied something that belonged to another? That makes you a coveter. Ever said the Lord’s name in vain? Even ONCE? That makes you a blasphemer. And that’s just FOUR of the 10 commandments!

Therefore, we’re ALL sinners and we’re ALL in need for forgiveness of our sins! Forgiveness of our sins is by grace through faith + obedience. But in order to accept Jesus’s sacrifice for our sins, we must REPENT of our sins! That means, give them up and stop doing them! And then, immediately upon believing, we must (as a further act of obedience), get full-water-immersion baptized in the name of Jesus Christ!

For that represents the ceremonial washing away of sins, the public declaration of faith, and represents becoming “born again” of water and of spirit! It’s also the point in time where we fully RECEIVE the gift of the Holy Spirit/the Spirit of Truth & Spiritual Discernment and DIE to our old way of life! And then, after that, we’re to obey the 10 commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, celebrate in the Lord’s 7 Annual Feasts and 7th day Sabbath (which is SATURDAY) and to Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” – Matthew 28:19-20

Witchcraft: The Devil’s Den

Many people have probably seen the movies like “The Craft”, “Practical Magic”, “The Haunting”, “Wizard of Oz”, etc. But behind all the “innocent-looking” fun and games encounters something deeply more sinister. Truth be told, there IS no such thing as “white magic”.  ALL “magic” is of demonic origin.

Basically, in a nutshell, wicca/witchcraft is nothing more than worship of nature/”spirits” and those “spirits” are ANYTHING but “good”. Why? Because the HOLY angels of the Lord (the ones who DIDN’T rebel against God, that is) NEVER, NEVER communicate to the human race through “spells”, “tarot cards”, “nature altars”, “crystal balls”, “gemstones”, “Wiccan/Satanic/Pagan altars”, etc. It is specifically against their “heavenly code of conduct” to do so.

In fact, the ONLY type of “communication” a HOLY angel of the Lord is allowed to have with the human race is that which is meant to save the human from death/physical or spiritual harm OR to test a human’s character/relate an important message from the Lord. Anything else is suspect.

The bible says that Satan/The Devil can masquerade (disguise himself) as an “angel of light”. So then is it really any wonder that his “demon spirits” (the FALLEN ANGELS he controls) can do the SAME? 

The truth is, just about ANY true form of “Wicca” requires an individual to pray to someONE or SOMETHING. And we know from the bible that praying to ANYTHING other than the BIBLICAL Jesus Christ/Almighty Yeshua is actually praying to Satan/demons (like it or not). So although many Wiccans today CLAIM they don’t actually worship Satan, whenever they pray to “spirits” OTHER than the BIBLICAL Jesus Christ, they actually DO worship Satan/demons! 

In short, partaking of a “spell” or “incantation” is nothing short of CONJURING UP DEMONS (like it or not). And what’s more, Satan and demons DID NOT create the universe and the heavens. Therefore, their “power” is NO MATCH to the Lord of the Bible’s/Almighty Yeshua’s/Jesus Christ’s power. For Satan and the demons can do NOTHING apart from the Lord’s will. In other words, Satan has to actually ASK GOD FOR PERMISSION before he could even do so much as move a single grain of sand upon the Earth, etc! This is both evident in the Old AND New Testaments (i.e. the story of Job in the Old Testament and the story of Satan asking Jesus FOR PERMISSION to “sift Peter like wheat” – as in sift Peter’s FAITH like wheat – in the New Testament. [Note: There’s probably also ADDITIONAL cases of Satan having to ask God/Jesus FOR PERMISSION in The Apocrypha – The “Middle Testament” – though that’ll be a different post for a different day].

Therefore, directly OR indirectly praying to/conjuring up Satan/demons in spells is FUTILE. And can cost a person their ETERNITY! So is it worth it, folks? Think about that one for awhile! And sure, a “spell” may work sometimes. But ONLY BECAUSE a person is opening themselves up to demonic spirits and giving THE demonic spirits “THE LEGAL SPIRITUAL RIGHT” to “TORCHURE the spellcaster/be invoked through the spellcaster”. In other words, WHEN a human partakes of Ouija boards, tarot cards, spells, etc., they are basically OPENING UP DEMONIC DOORWAYS and giving demons THE LEGAL SPIRITUAL RIGHT TO “TORMENT THEM and MESS WITH THEM – i.e. MESS WITH THEIR MIND, HEART, BODY AND SOUL”.

Sure, at first, “demonic spirits” can “masquerade as angels of light” and APPEAR to be a spellcaster’s/New Ager’s “friend/spiritual friend/guide”. But OVER TIME, that “spiritual friend/guide” WILL turn DEADLY and demand more and more and MORE of a person’s heart, soul and mind until a person is COMPLETELY TAKEN OVER AND ***HAS NO CONTROL!***  

Wicca (much like Satanism) is a “progressive stages” religion. Meaning, in order to *further advance* oneself in “The Craft” and/or “The Dark Arts”, one must be willing to sacrifice more and more of themselves (and consequently, more of their SOULS in the process). And oftentimes, to reach the most HIGHEST stage in Wicca, one must essentially sell their soul and “give themselves over to Satan/demons COMPLETELY” (quite honestly). And once a person takes THE MARK OF THE BEAST (talked about in Revelation chapter 13 in the New Testament), it’s TOO LATE……..their eternal fate is SEALED FOR ETERNITY and there’s NO GOING BACK…….NO 2ND CHANCES, ETC. 

Many people may “think” they’ll gain alot by following Satanism/Wicca, but consequently, they also have to give up ALOT in the process. (And in Satanism, one often has to give up a family member or loved one in order to further progress. Just look at all the famous people who oddly got famous AFTER one of their friends or loved ones died. Need I say anything more?) 

Twenty years ago, “Wicca”, “Satanism” and “New Age” was still considered controversial and “weird” to most people. But now it’s become nearly mainstream/commonplace. Hollywood is like the Wiccan/Satanic COMMAND CENTER of the “New Age Movement” in today’s world. Like it or not, Witchcraft/Satanism is EVERYWHERE today…….

It’s in the movies and/or TV shows we watch, the books/magazines we read, the music we listen to, the videogames we play, the horoscopes we read, the “Christianized” Pagan holidays we celebrate, the board games we buy, etc. And human global society, as a whole, has now gotten SO used to it, that most people barely even notice it, anymore. 

I was just AMAZED at all the Satanic imagery I saw in the TV shows “Salem”, “American Horror Story, Season 3: Coven”, and “Game of Thrones”. For those who say “there’s no Satanism in Witchcraft”, explain to me why a “witch doctor” made the character Kalise EAT A HUMAN HEART to “cure her husband of his sickness” or whatever, why the TV witches of Salem “do Satanic blood rituals”, and why “American Horror Story, Season 3: Coven” combines MANY, MANY ACTUAL “Satanic elements” in their “witchcraft”.

But then again, that’s my entire point. Wicca IS an offshoot of Satanism and many times even COMBINES Satanism in their “elements” and “practices”. [And quite honestly, in MY opinion, both Satanism AND Witchcraft – as it’s practiced today – originated with Nimrod and Semiaris].  

After digging and doing some research, I’m astounded about just how TRUE to Satanism/Witchcraft these TV shows actually are. I’ll admit that at first I thought these TV shows were just being “overly dramatic” to gain more views and “sensationalizing” some of the stuff. But the shows are actually more “accurate” than what I had previously thought. And not just movies but books, too. For example, I was astounded and horrified when I discovered that the Harry Potter series has ACTUAL SATANIC SPELLS IN IT! No kidding! According to Fr. Dan Reehill of Nashville, Tennessee, “The curses and spells in the books are actual curses and spells; which when read by a human being risk conjuring evil spirits into the presence of the person reading the text” (source:

However, I’ve now come to the conclusion that the producers of “Salem” probably wanted the show to be FAR more “gory”/Satanically accurate but probably held back or “toned down” ALOT OF STUFF out of fear of offending people and/or “revealing too many secrets” about the “Dark Craft”. Because remember that many people that follow Witchcraft/The Occult like things to remain hidden. [Although many more TV shows today are becoming more bold and blatant in their “witcheries”]. 

What’s most troubling to me is the moral decay/demise of today’s younger generation. They’re honestly teaching Witchcraft in the schools under the “guise” of Education (Harry Potter, folks!) And all those parents who innocently write off “Harry Potter” as JUST ANOTHER BOOK/MOVIE SERIES, consider the follow photo (which says it all):


Parents (and all Harry Potter/Wicca fans out there), let me tell you something……

What YOU think is THIS:  HarryPOA and nature worship

Is actually THIS: HORNS POSTER nature worship2 SATANIC, HARRY POTTER1

Witchcraft is most tempting to those who feel as though they have no control over their lives. For others, it’s just an innocent “curiosity” or “fascination”. Some may falsely think that the Lord of the bible is calling them to “Wicca” but trust me, there’s nothing good ABOUT it! And the “supernatural force” that’s “calling them to Wicca” ISN’T the true Lord Jesus Christ of the bible for it says in Galatians 5:19-21 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, WITCHCRAFT, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God”.

When I was 19-21 years old, I briefly dabbled in the study of Wicca, thinking that “white magic” was “good magic”. I was DECEIVED! And nearly payed for it WITH MY LIFE! For ONLY by the grace of Yeshua/Jesus Christ Almighty was I SAVED from following a path of Wicca (and the eternal spiritual destruction it entails, if a person DIES in the sin of following Wicca!)

I said it once and I’ll say it again! ALL MAGIC IS “BAD MAGIC” for ALL “magic” comes from demons! What the Lord Yeshua/Jesus Christ did in the bible wasn’t magic, it was SUPERNATURAL! Why? Because the Lord did NOT have to call upon any SPIRIT/SPIRITS to do his bidding FOR him, he did it of his OWN supernatural ability………he IS God, afterall……..

And for those of you folks out there that doubt that Wicca’s “much of a sin”, please prayerfully and humbly consider the following bible passages:


  • Leviticus 19:31
  • Exodus 22:18
  • Deuteronomy 18: 9-12
  • Leviticus 20:6
  • Isaiah 8:19
  • 2 Kings 21:6
  • Isaiah 19:3
  • Isaiah 47: 8-14
  • 1 Samuel 15:23
  • 1 Chronicles 10: 13-14
  • 2 Chronicle 33:6


  • Acts 19:19
  • Galatians 5:19-21
  • Revelation 21:8
  • Revelation 22:15
  • Acts 8:9

And please know this, folks: IF you are being drawn to Wicca/The Dark Arts/Satanism, you ARE under SEVERE DEMONIC ATTACK and I pray in the name of Almighty Yeshua that you will be FREED from such “attack”! In fact, I pray in the heavenly name of Almighty Yeshua that WHOMEVER reads this post and/or sees my Youtube video on the subject WILL be freed from the bounds of Satanism/Witchcraft and that the Lord of the Bible/Almighty Yeshua will set your soul free from the darkness and give your mind, heart, body and spirit a newfound love and hope and salvation in HIM and him alone, for ALL of eternity! Amen. 

Is Morality Subjective?

Many people have often been heard saying that “one doesn’t have to believe in God to be a good person”. Well, define what being a “good person” is. Most people would say “I pay my taxes, I’ve never killed anyone, I donate to charity, I obey all traffic laws, etc.” And while all of those things are GOOD, all of our human laws are actually BASED on God’s moral law!

“I pay my taxes” – Jesus Christ said in the bible “give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and give to God what is God’s”

“I’ve never killed anyone” – the 6th commandment says “thou shalt not kill”

“I donate to charity” – the Oliviet Discourse given by Jesus on the Mount of Olives in New Testament says that we are to “give to others less fortunate than us”

“I obey all traffic laws” –  the bible says we are to “treat others the way we’d like to be treated”

So essentially, most of human laws are based on God’s moral law. Because lets face it, WITHOUT God’s moral law to GUIDE our human law, there WOULD be no mortality in today’s world, think about it!

Imagine for a minute if God’s law “didn’t exist” and that there WAS no “divine law” by which to base our human laws on…..WHO would decide what laws to make? HOW would those laws be enforced? What would be the consequences for transgressing those laws? By WHAT measure would we humans judge ourselves by?

If there was no consequence for killing, for example, the whole world probably would’ve killed each other off by now. Or if SOME humans thought “killing” was a crime and some didn’t, WHO would get to decide if “killing” was a crime or not? And HOW would the transgressing of the law against “killing” be enforced?

Truth is, if we never had God’s law as a moral code by which to make our OWN laws, we would be LOST as a nation and as a world, today! Because in THAT case, morality would be “subjective” and each person would get to decide for THEMSELVES what was “moral” or not. Imagine what type of messed up world we’d be living in, if that were the case. You’d have serial killers who would see “nothing wrong” with killing people. You’d have abusers who would think “nothing was wrong” with abusing people (and animals). You’d have people thinking there was “nothing wrong” with stealing other people’s money and so on and so forth.

And NOBODY in that type of society would be punished for their crimes, because, hey, “morality is subjective”, right?

If morality is “subjective”, by WHAT measure would we measure ourselves by? Answer: we would HAVE nothing by which to truly measure ourselves by. That’s WHY God created his divine law in the Old and New Testaments. He wanted us to have a moral code, a divine measuring stick by which to measure ourselves by. He knows and wants what’s best for us.

Most people in this country (America) and in this world have decided they “don’t NEED God”. And IN so doing, God’s Wrath is now upon America and the world. Which is why he’s partially removed himself from our current state of affairs as in: “okay, you guys think you don’t need me anymore? okay, let me remove a part of my divine protection from the world and see just how you guys do on your own”.

Back in the 40’s and 50’s when people loved God, our nation was prosperous. But now, in the year 2014, when our nation “no longer seems to love God anymore”, we’re now facing a $100 TRILLION national deficit. $100 T R I L L I O N. Is that any coincidence? I think not.

And once gay marriage is FULLY recognized in all U.S. States, what will stop people from asking for commune marriages, incest marriages, pedo marriages, bestiality marriages, etc.? Like, LITERALLY? There’s ALREADY been a 3-way throuple “marriage ceremony” in this country. Imagine the possibilities when such “marriages” become LEGAL!

Our kids today here in America are quite literally confused as HECK, (just look at what seems to be the “skyrocketing” rate of “transgenderism, confused gender identity, and what have ya). With all these conflicting messages being thrown at them in the public schools and in the media, while at the same time, having a “pro-sin/pro-homosexual agenda” shoved down their throats, it’s NO WONDER kids these days are so “gender confused” and what have ya.

And to top it all off, conservative parents are often penalized (either by the U.S./state court system and/or school/school boards themselves) when they try to opt their children OUT of such “education”. What is this world coming to? It’s ONLY gonna get worse, people! So be prepared!

And while it might “seem” like I’m judging here, I’m only shedding light on what’s going on here in America, today. It almost seems like people are too afraid to talk about what’s REALLY going on behind the scenes. But we MUST talk about it, people! We MUST! Otherwise, we unwittingly let the adversary and his minions win, by default.

The reason the “gay movement” was even so successful in the first place is because true, bible-believing Christians became “afraid” and didn’t fight back! (And by fight back, I don’t mean any type of physical assault, I mean an honest, Christ-centered dialogue that explains why homosexuality is un-natural/sodomite-like behavior).

Satan/Satanism is tied in with homosexuality/sodomy and witchcraft, plus gay marriage is what the Church of Satan considers to be a “sacrament”. Don’t believe me? Check out the following article:

Look at the following images from “gay pride” parades and/or publications:


And examine the following photo:


Plus you REALLY got to ask yourself this: If people were “born gay” as they claim, why have they not yet found a “gay gene”? Science articles with the headline “gay gene found” ALWAYS have in the articles “these genes MAY cause homosexuality” and/or “these combinations of genes MAY cause homosexuality” but they never have a DEFINITE gene that FOR 100% SURE beyond all reasonable doubt causes homosexuality in people. That’s because there IS no gay gene, folks! And there never have been nor will there ever BE! Even this pro-gay activist herself admits there is NO GAY GENE for homosexuality in the following article:

And in the preceding article, another homosexual activist admits that the “purpose” of fighting for gay marriage is to DESTROY MARRIAGE, ALTOGETHER!

But the point I’m trying to make is THIS: living a life that’s COUNTER to Jesus Christ and his commandments in the bible is a life without morals and a life lived for Satan. One does not have to BE a Satanist to be considered a Satanist, in God’s eyes.

However, we ALL have sin in our lives (rather we choose to live for Jesus Christ or not). Romans 3:23 states: “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”. Translation? NONE of us is perfect! We ALL sin from time to time! We’ve ALL made  mistakes in our lives! However, the GOOD NEWS is that Jesus Christ paid the penalty for mankind’s sins at his crucifixion! And all those folks who put their faith, trust and love into Jesus Christ Almighty, get baptized in Jesus’s name and develop a TRUE spiritual relationship with him are going to be saved from any eternal condemnation of their sins!

That might seem “foreign” to some and hard to wrap one’s brain around. But John 3:16 says: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life“. And Jesus Christ was willing to be beaten, mocked, tortured, flogged, laughed at, spit on, ridiculed, crowned with a crown of thorns, pierced, etc. just so that WE (mankind) could be forgiven of our sins/transgressions against God the Heavenly Father/The Great Creator and assured an eternal spot in Paradise. And there’s no greater love than that, people! NONE! That’s the SINGLE most greatest act of love throughout the ENTIRE UNIVERSE!

The truth is, God loves ALL of his creation, but he does NOT love the sin in people’s lives and he sure as heck doesn’t love PERPETUAL SIN in people’s lives, such as when people decide they want to permanently thumb their nose at God and indulge in their hedonistic desires, for example!

And when some people out there say: “Jesus accepts that I’m gay”, that’s like saying “Jesus accepts me being a serial killer and sees nothing wrong with it”. Do you see what I’m getting at, here? Those who believe that Jesus ACCEPTS a gay/sodomite lifestyle are very sadly deceived by Satan and his demons! For NOWHERE in the bible, Old to New Testament will you find a SINGLE PASSAGE that “OK’s” homosexuality and homosexual behavior. None. Which is WHY the Church of Satan calls homosexuality/homosexual “marriage” a “sacrament”. Think about it, folks! 

However, when Jesus was crucified, he died for the forgiveness of ALL of mankind’s sins, not just SOME of them! (But we must ACCEPT Jesus’s free gift of salvation by praying for forgiveness of our sins and fully REPENTING of them.

Otherwise, there can BE no salvation without repentance! And if one dies without ever having truly accepted Jesus Christ into their heart and lives and REPENTING of their sins (ALL of their sins, not just SOME of them), their only path in the afterlife is going to be eternal condemnation in the FLAMES! I’m sorry folks but that’s the brutal reality!) 

So when Jesus Christ gave us EVERYTHING (during/right after his crucifixion), why do we, as a global humanity IN GENERAL, turn around and give him NOTHING? Nothing but disbelief, mockery, hatred, misunderstanding?

The attitude of today’s world seems to be: “why SHOULD I have to believe in God?”, as if believing is a type of “chore” or something!

Most people do not even want to entertain the mere POSSIBILITY that God exists! Why? Because if God is real, then the Devil and demons are real. And if the Devil and demons are real, then hell and the lake of fire must be real. And if hell and the lake of fire are real, then God’s JUDGEMENT must be real. And if God’s Judgement is real, then they KNOW they must change their lives or suffer the consequences for eternity! And lets face it, most people are IN LOVE WITH their sins and don’t want to give them up!

Plus the thought of hell and/or the eternal lake of fire is honestly TERRIFYING for most people, when they truly sit down and think about it! But they don’t even like to think about it, so they just try to throw it to the back of their mind, trying to distract themselves in any which way they can from God’s eternal truth in the bible!

They do yoga meditation, drugs, alcohol, fixate on the latest movies/celeb news, try out Wicca or other religions, ANYTHING to distract themselves from the truth of the bible! They try to tell themselves over and over again that the bible’s not true, that it’s just a big “fairytale” and what not. Actually, they’re rather “hoping” it’s a fairytale.

But they’re not 100% sure if it’s really a “fairytale” or not because there’s SO many Christians in the world! They know subconsciously that there must be a REASON why so many people believe in and have “faith” in God Almighty…..and whenever they come across a person that has “faith” in God Almighty, they’re a little bit worried because they know if the bible IS true (and it is, I assure you!) that that person is headed for eternal Paradise while they themselves are headed for eternal flames! And that’s when many of them get ANGRY at God as in: “I have to BELIEVE in you just to be SAVED by you? What crockus!”

But sadly, these folks don’t realize the bigger picture and that’s this: God Almighty is the CREATOR of all life and everything on this universe. And he LOVES his creation. And he wants to have a spiritual relationship with all his creation. But he can’t do that if a person won’t let him! Imagine how YOU would feel if YOU created something and that something that you PROUDLY created and were proud of wanted to have NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU, in spite of you trying for years and years to “get through” to that something! It would hurt, wouldn’t it?

Some want to tout evolution as a reason not to believe in God. Well, if evolution were true (and I assure you, it’s NOT), who or what created the ape-like things? Have you ever stopped to think about that? Some say we all came from a fish or an ancient bacterium or what not. But if one studies cell biology and genetics IN DETAIL, it’s virtually IMPOSSIBLE for all life to spring forth from one single bacterium. And besides, if THAT were true (and again, I assure you it’s NOT), then who or what created the single bacterium?

Did the single bacterium just jump off the page out of NOTHING and create ITSELF? How is that even possible? For SOMETHING would’ve had to create the materials to CREATE the single-celled bacterium to create the rest. There is evidence ALL OVER THE UNIVERSE for a creator, THE creator of all life. It’s just that many people don’t want to see it since seeing the “evidence” for God Almighty would force them to change their lives and they don’t want to change their lives, pure and simple.

And not only that but there’s many “holes” in the *theory* of Evolution. First of all, there have been ZERO inter-generational fossils found since the *theory* of Darwin/Wallace. ZERO. And the one they CLAIMED they’ve found most recently later proved to be “fake”. Secondly, mutations are actually BAD things……for example, Down Syndrome is caused by a “mutation” in the gene manufacturing system.

Therefore, it stands to reason that mutations have NOTHING to do with “survival of the fittest”. Thirdly, if we came from “apes”, then why are “apes” still here, if we “evolved” from them? Shouldn’t EVERY “ape” have evolved into a human? Think about it, folks! The “weaker apes” also should’ve died off LONG BY NOW, because hey, it’s “survival of the fittest”, right?

Fourthly, why are humans not STILL evolving? Why don’t humans have wings or why can’t cats talk? Why do we have nothing more advanced (for street driving) than the automobile/motorcycle/ATV/etc for the last 80 some years? Shouldn’t we have LONG developed “flying cars” by now (the kind from Back to the Future II?) Because hey, afterall, “once evolving, always evolving”, right?

Fifthly, Darwin stated that his theory “wouldn’t hold water” if any complex organs were discovered in single-celled bacteriums. Well, guess what folks, THE EYE is a complex organ and bacterium were recently discovered to have had “eyes”. So, in Darwin’s own words, his *theory* of Evolution “holds no water”, folks!

And once the “theory” of Evolution of debunked to people, many people try several OTHER means to stamp out God and his existence. “But why is there evil in the world? Why do kids get cancer or Down’s syndrome?” Truth is, when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, all of mankind after that inherited a “sin nature”. We live in a fallen world and the consequence of us living in a fallen “sin nature” world are a result of that. Not to mention that many people turn their backs on God and are indifferent to his “divine laws”, which is WHY you see so much evil in the world today. People turn their backs on God in today’s world and then wonder why the world is going to hell in a handbasket!

As to why God would give a kid cancer or allow a kid to be born with Down Syndrome? Well, lets face it, sometimes what originally appears as a downfall can be a blessing in disguise. And let me explain what I mean by that. Kids with cancer……yes, they may suffer somewhat in the short run, but in the long run, they get to go be with Jesus Christ someday and the angels, so how could THAT ever be a bad thing? And kids and people with down syndrome? They always seem so happy all the time whereas the rest of the human populace seems so miserable and “restless” all the time.

The truth is, SATAN is the true cause for all the evil going on in the world today and all the genetic abnormalities and what have ya. So why is it always God Almighty that people want to blame when it’s SATAN they should instead be blaming? Afterall, SATAN is the cause of Eve eating the forbidden fruit, NOT GOD ALMIGHTY! God Almighty NEVER tempts ANYONE! Think about it, folks!

Satan is the cause for the high murder and divorce rate, Satan is the cause for infidelity and all the evil/godless acts we see in our news today, etc. Because while God the Heavenly Father (through his holy Son Jesus Christ) wants what’s BEST for us, Satan wants to DESTROY US FROM WITHIN! (And if ya ask me, I’d say he’s doing a pretty good job of it, the world gets more eviler BY THE DAY!)

The truth is, a person can use just about any excuse in the book not to believe in God/Jesus Christ Almighty or the holy, divine, inspired words of the bible. But at the end of the day, God Almighty still exists. He’s EVERLASTING! And no amount of “theological” or “intellectual argument” is going to make him go away, folks!

 “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away” – Matthew 24:35

 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.Revelation 21:1-8








“Modern-Day Christianity” is COUNTERFEIT!

Going to church every Sunday morning (if one is “Christian”), partaking in Easter, Halloween, St.Patrick’s/St. Valentine’s Day, Christmas and praying the “sinner’s prayer” almost comes 2nd nature to most “Christians” out there. But is it even BIBLICAL? Let us examine the evidence.

After the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, “anti-Jewish sentiment” (due to many “Christians” blaming the “Orthodox Jews” FOR his crucifixion) was at an all time high. During the time of Constantine, it was even higher! In fact, the Roman “culture” at the time was attempting to “separate themselves” from the Jews and have nothing to do with “all things Jewish”. And one of the things they “claimed” was “specifically Jewish” was the 7th-Day Sabbath!

The Roman Empire at that time was ruled by Pagan-minded people who worshiped the Sun (and please notice I said the SUN, NOT “THE SON”).

However, due to the advent of the pro-Jesus-was/is-Messiah Jewish religion, Roman leaders & “Catholic bishops” feared the spread of the pro-Jesus-was/is-Messiah Jewish religion and loss of political control/power. Thus, at the Council of Nicea around 325A.D., Constantine (along with “Catholic bishops”) CHANGED THE SABBATH from the biblically-mandated Saturday to SUN-DAY (which was venerable worship day of the SUN), thus, creating an entirely NEW “Christian religion” that didn’t relay on “Jewish precepts”, such as the “biblically-mandated 7th day [Saturday] Sabbath” and that also had PAGAN ROOTS, to boot!

And Constantine wanted control of both the Pagans AND the “pro-Jesus-was/is-Messiah-Jews” (called Christians) and so what better way for him to do that than to create a “Sabbath Day” for both Christians AND Pagans? Think about it, folks! And that was only the beginning.

Around the year 365A.D. at the Council of Laoedicea or after, “resting” on the “Jewish” 7th day Sabbath [a biblical COMMAND/principle in the Old AND New Testament times – more about that later] was FORBIDDEN, as well as partaking IN the Lord’s 7 Annual Feasts [outlined in Leviticus 23 in the Old Testament AND partaken of by Jesus Christ AND his disciples, etc. in the New Testament]. Not to mention they were also REQUIRED TO WORK ***ON*** the 7th Day biblically-mandated Sabbath and to REST on Sun-Day (which the bible CONDEMNS!)

All of this can be found and is well-documented in the Constantine Creed:

But it wasn’t just “Emperor Constantine” who brought this LARGE/SATANIC SCHISM about. The Catholic Church, in and of itself, had a HUGE ROLE in all of this! Just examine the following quotes:

Cardinal James Gibbons, The Faith of Our Fathers (Ayers Publishing, 1978): 108: “But you may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we never sanctify“

The Convert’s Catechism of Catholic Doctrine (1957): 50:

Q. Which is the Sabbath day?
A. Saturday is the Sabbath day.
Q. Why Do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?
A. We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday.

Chancellor Albert Smith for Cardinal of Baltimore Archdiocese, letter dated February 10, 1920: “If Protestants would follow the Bible, they should worship God on the Sabbath day by God, which is Saturday. In keeping the Sunday, they are following a law of the Catholic Church“

Stephen Keenan, Catholic—Doctrinal Catechism 3rd Edition: 174:

Question: Have you any other way of proving the Church has power to institute festivals of precept?

Answer: “Had she not such power, she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her, she could not have substituted the observance of Sunday the 1st day of the week, for the observance of Saturday the 7th day, a change for which there is no Scriptural authority“.

Our Sunday Visitor (February 5, 1950): “Practically everything Protestants regard as essential or important they have received from the Catholic Church… The Protestant mind does not seem to realize that in accepting the Bible and observing the Sunday, in keeping Christmas and Easter, they are accepting the authority of the spokesman for the church, the Pope”

Louis Gaston Segur, Plain Talk about the Protestantism of To-Day (London: Thomas Richardson and Son, 1874): 213: “Thus the observance of Sunday by the Protestants is a homage they pay, in spite of themselves, to the authority of the (Catholic) Church”.

The Catholic Mirror (September 23, 1893):”The Catholic Church, for over one thousand years before the existence of a Protestant, by virtue of her divine mission, changed the day from Saturday to Sunday…The Adventists are the only body of Christians with the Bible as their teacher, who can find no warrant in its pages for the change of day from the seventh to the first. Hence their appellation, “Seventh-day Adventists.”

Catholic Record (September 1, 1923): “The [Catholic] Church is above the Bible, and this transference of the Sabbath observance is proof of that fact”

Pope Leo XIII, Praeclara Gratulationis Publicae (The Reunion of Christendom), June 20, 1894: 
”We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty“

“Pope,” Ferraris’ Ecclesiastic Dictionary: “The Pope is of so great dignity and so exalted that he is not a mere man, but as it were God, and the vicar of God”

***Plus, many, many more “quotes” from the Catholic Church regarding the “Sabbath Change”……..

And one only has to read the Constantine Creed to know WHY the Catholic Church incorporated “Pagan practices AND Holidays” INTO the “Christian religion”. Many falsely think that Constantine “helped spread Christianity throughout the Roman Empire” but the sadistic truth is that Constantine DID help spread “Christian religion” alright…….a FALSE PROFANE “Pagan form” of it, that is! Don’t believe me? Look at history!

In fact, Constantine HATED THE JEWS and God’s true people! Probably about as much as Hitler did, quite honestly. So why do the major media networks and “religious scholars” never cover THAT part about Constantine? Answer: They’re just as much “Pagan/Satanically-minded” today as Constantine and Hitler were in THEIR day!

Many Christian folks out there today want to point to Colossians 2:16-17 “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ” as a means to DISREGARD the Lord’s 7 Annual Feasts outlined in the bible.

However, in retrospect, the passage is saying that the 7 Annual Feasts of the Lord are both a foreshadowing of Jesus Christ, the Messiah AND fulfilled in Jesus Christ, the Messiah (if that makes any sense). And not only that, but the passage is also telling us not to let ANY non-believer, wayward believer, or believer of ANOTHER religion judge US (the Jewish-roots Christians who follow both Old AND New Testaments) in REGARDS to partaking IN the Lord’s 7 Annual Feasts and High Sabbaths or regular, weekly 7th Day “Saturday Sabbaths”.

It is my strong personal belief that the Colossians 2:16 is NOT only talking about the “modern day scoffers” who write off the Lord’s 7 Annual Feasts and 7th Day Sabbath as “Jewish days, ONLY” and that JUDGE those of us Jewish-roots Christians who DO still partake of them (or atleast try to partake of them to the very best of our ability), but I think it was also accurately foretelling Constantine’s Creed down below, as well:

“I renounce all customs, rites, legalisms, unleavened breads and sacrifices of lambs of the Hebrews, and all the other feasts of the Hebrews, sacrifices, prayers, aspirations, purifications, sanctifications, and propitiations, and fasts and new moons, and Sabbaths, and superstitions, and hymns and chants, and observances and synagogues. absolutely everything Jewish, every Law, rite and custom and if afterwards I shall wish to deny and return to Jewish superstition, or shall be found eating with Jews, or feasting with them, or secretly conversing and condemning the Christian religion instead of openly confuting them and condemning their vain faith, then let the trembling of Cain and the leprosy of Gehazi cleave to me, as well as the legal punishments to which I acknowledge myself liable. And may I be an anathema in the world to come, and may my soul be set down with Satan and the devils.”

(Stefano Assemani, Acta Sanctorium Martyrum Orientalium at Occidentalium, Vol. 1, Rome 1748, page 105)
As for the rest of the “Pagan holidays” instituted by Constantine and/or the Catholic Church? St. Valentine’s Day, New Year’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Christmas/St. Nicolas/Yule/Mithras Day, Halloween/Dead Saints Day, and Easter (Ishtar Day)? Each holiday (with the exception of Easter and New Year’s) has a “patron saint” attached to it. And “Catholic saints” (as we now know) are actually DEMONS! Not to mention that nearly ALL “Christian-Pagan holidays” (Christmas, Easter, etc.) are based off of ancient Pagan “sexual fests” (Saturnalia, Imbolc, etc.) Don’t believe me? DO THE RESEARCH, PEOPLE!!!!! 
Tell me, what do Easter bunnies, painted eggs and chocolate have to do with Jesus Christ? Can you find anything? Even just ONE thing? Answer: You can’t. And also: just WHAT do christmas trees, ornaments, snowmen, christmas decorations and SANTA CLAUS have to do with Jesus Christ? Again: nothing. So you should REALLY sit back and ask yourself that IF these “so-called holidays” are “Christian”, why do they have such PAGAN SYMBOLS associated with them? Think about that for awhile……It’s very, very sad and absolutely HEARTBREAKING to me that “Santa Claus” has become a “type of god” to people (no joke!)
He’s a MYTHICAL FIGURE based on Yule/Mithras, a FALSE GOD. And yet, many “songs” and “hymns” are sung to him each year, as if HE is the “all-knowing”, “all-powerful”, “omnipotent/omnipresent” God that GOD THE HEAVENLY FATHER IS! GOD is the one who sees, hears, and knows all things, NOT SOME MYTHICAL PROFANE SANTA CLAUS FIGURE!
Read your bible. You won’t find Santa Claus or Halloween or Easter bunnies in there. But what you WILL find is the Lord’s 7 Annual Feasts outlined in Leviticus 23 in the Old Testament (King James Version)……feasts that Jesus Christ himself and his disciples celebrated and decreed that all the Lord’s people (Jew and Gentile alike) celebrate!
You want to know what “Christmas” TRULY represents? Let me show you!
And do you want to know what Easter, New Year’s, Valentine’s Day and Halloween truly represent? Once again, let me show you!
Dark article claims we should EMBRACE Pagan origins of Easter:
 Dark/Satanic Origins of New Year’s Day:
The truth is, today’s “modern day Christian Church” (whom no doubt forces congregations to meet on Sun-Day, the FALSE CATHOLIC SABBATH), has been lying to you for YEARS, people!!!!! YEARS!!!!!!!!!!! So get OUT of the “institutionalized”/”commercialized” Christian churches while you still can & start studying the bible (King James Version) AT HOME, with no false “priest” or “false Christian church model” to HINDER YOU! This way, you can have a PERSONAL relationship with Jesus Christ and not a FALSE/FORCED/COMMERCIALIZED ONE taught in all the “churches” today! NO WONDER today’s “Church” is going to pot! And NO WONDER this here American country is going to pot as well! ;( [Literally AND figuratively!!!!] 
***NOTE: PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING BOOK, DOWN BELOW! It will help PEEL BACK ALL THE FALSE LAYERS OF “CHRISTIANITY” TODAY! It will help OPEN UP YOUR EYES! It will shed new light on what the gospel of Jesus Christ REALLY SAYS, as well as what it DOESN’T SAY!!!!***


Things in your home that attract Demon Spirits

After seeing what appears to be a “spike” in demonic activity among the general human populace, (one can tell this just by reading some of today’s news headlines…), I feel compelled to write a post about things in your home that might be attracting demon spirits. And believe me, this is NO joking matter! It’s a life or death situation, as far as the spiritual state of your soul and eternal salvation goes! This is NOT A GAME, folks! It is an all out WAR FOR YOUR SOUL! Your ETERNAL FATE depends on it! MARK MY WORDS!

The following is a list of things you should THROW OUT AND GET RID OF, if you are in possession of any them! And while some items are obvious, some are NOT so obvious! They are as follows:

  1. Anything that goes DIRECTLY AGAINST the glory of Almighty Yeshua/Jesus Christ and his gospel. This can be books (like Harry Potter, New Age/Yoga/Witchcraft books, etc.), movies (like The Craft, The Omen, Practical Magic, etc.), TV programs on disc (such as Investigation Discovery, Game of Thrones, Salem, American Horror Story, etc. which both glorify sex and murder), boardgames (especially Ouija, Wiccan/Satanic type games), magazines [such as porn, Cosmopolitan {{which puts a woman’s focus on all the wrong things in life, especially if she’s single and not married, etc.}}, New Age/Satanic pictures/posters/artwork, Satanic music (dark metal, New Age, trance, sensual pop/r&b, etc.), Satanic videogames such as World of Warcraft/Starcraft/Grand Theft Auto series, etc.
  2. Any objects that deal DIRECTLY with Paganism/Wicca/Satanism and/or the Occult (again, OUIJA BOARDS, dream catchers, horoscopes, crystal balls, “talking mirrors”, TAROT CARDS, incense, “holy water”, black candles or crosses, “nature alters”, pentagrams, inverted crosses, lottery tickets [yes, lottery tickets are occultic in nature, similar to horoscopes], etc.)
  3. Idols or graven images such as statues of Buddha/Krishna/Kali, the Virgin Mary, the “saints” (actually “DEMONS“) of the Catholic Church, Satan, dragons, golden “trophy” idols (first, second or third place trophies), Oscar awards, “hunting trophies”, etc. [Now…..I know I might sound a bit harsh and overbearing there when I say that but the Lord’s most recently shown me that ANY type of “trophy” IS an IDOL, much like the golden calf in Moses and Aaron’s time. Alot of people may think they don’t “actively worship” the “golden trophy” but when they have them prominently displayed somewhere and take GREAT pride in them, they actually DO worship the “trophy”, according to the Lord!]
  4. Home altars dedicated to the Virgin Mary, “saints” (aka “DEMONS“) of the Catholic Church, Satan, Buddha, Krishna/Brahma/Kali, etc.
  5. Halloween and Easter bunny decorations and “Christmas idols”, Santa Claus idols, ADORNED CHRISTMAS TREES (which is what the Lord actually considers to be one of THE MOST abominable IDOLS of OUR TIME), etc. (Because YES, these things truly represent “demonic spirits”/adherence to Satan & demons, WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!)
  6. “Intellectual” books about Jesus Christ/Christianity/the bible: these only serve to MAKE YOU DOUBT the true gospel of Jesus Christ by WATERING DOWN the gospel of Jesus Christ and to subtly CONFUSE YOU! MARK MY WORDS! They come with quotes such as “was Jesus Christ TRULY the son of God/God in the flesh or just a major prophet?”, “Was Jesus actually pierced on a cross and not a TREE?” and so on and so forth. You might be thinking to yourself right now: “yeah right, that intellectual stuff would NEVER confuse me” but trust me, over time, it WILL start to change your thinking about the stuff in the bible, bit by bit, little by little, if you let it. Plus it (the subtle deception from all the “intellectual articles and books” written about Jesus, that is) all happens SO very subtly that you don’t even REALIZE it until the very last minute! So just throw it out and read the bible (preferably KJV), ONLY! Then you can be rest assured you will not be deceived by all the “liberal interpretations” of Jesus Christ Almighty!
  7.  Any books written by FALSE PROPHETS such as Joel Osteen (UNBIBLICAL “prosperity gospel”), Rick Warren (UNBIBLICAL view that all Christians should UNITE with “Catholic Church”, which is one of THE MOST unbiblical churches on the ENTIRE PLANET), Tim LaHaye (UNBIBLICAL view of Pre-tribulation rapture), etc.! And again, please don’t misunderstand me, I’m not calling out these people PERSONALLY, I’m just calling out the unbiblical DOCTRINES (in and of themselves) that they teach! There’s a difference, here.  
  8. Any books on Satanism/Witchcraft/New Age philosophy, in general (this is HUGE!!!!) It might seem “innocent” to want to try to “educate yourself” on the matters, but when you attempt to “educate yourself” on those matters, you’re actually inviting demons INTO your heart, mind, spirit and home (no joke!) In fact, even if you go out and buy a book that’s written by a “Former Witch/Satanist *Turned Christian*”, be VERY discerning! Many Wiccans/Satanists today will go out of their way to write books, PRETENDING to have converted to Christianity/Jewish-roots Christianity in order to “infiltrate” the true “church of God” (which is the body/assembly of believers!) So BEFORE you read such books from “ex-Pagans/Satanists”, pray that the Lord will show you rather or not the book is GENUINE or if it’s something that was meant to deceive the masses and slowly drawl them INTO the Occult. 
  9. ***Any sort of clowns, dolls, masks, puppets, or stuffed animals***. I can’t emphasize this one enough!!! Because lets face it, when we bring dolls/etc. into the home (of ANY sort, even if it’s Barbies or G.I. Joe’s/Jane’s), we’re actually inviting demon spirits INTO our homes and telling them it’s “OK” for them to be there!!! Child’s dolls/stuffed animals [ESPECIALLY the “talking kind”, like Furby or Teddy Ruxspin, for instance] can serve as a DEMONIC PORTAL! Think about it. They “talk” to their dolls/stuffed animals, they “sit them up at the dinner table”, the “dolls”/”stuffed animals” then become like a normal part of the family! [Case in point: I used to have a Teddy Ruckspin when I was little. And one time, I noticed after talking to him that his mouth “bit and locked ONTO my finger(s)” and wouldn’t let go! I cried for my mother to come into the room and the “toy” kept repeatedly “chomping on my fingers” real hard with glowing/blinking red eyes, a voice that once or twice said “Satan” and a terrible “electric smell” with the motor “smoking”! After SEVERAL attempts to pry the thing off my fingers and FINALLY succeeding (AFTER saying a silent prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, that is), my mom was forced to throw it out FOR GOOD! TRUE STORY.] 
  10. Any form of weed/drugs/drug paraphernalia and hard-liquor alcohol. Have you ever wondered why the outside of liquor stores say “wine and SPIRITS?” That’s right. Alcohol contains “spirits” in them. Spirits in them that infiltrate the body and MIND! You might think I’m joking but I’m not! I have seen firsthand what hard liquor has done and can do to people! It POSSESSES them! That’s WHY they do crazy things and then don’t remember them! People say “the alcohol made me black out”. No, the demon spirits IN the alcohol are what makes a person black out and then not remember what happened, etc.
  11. Also: when a person “gets high”, they are “altering their mind” and allowing “demon spirits” to come inside and take COMPLETE CONTROL of their mind and body and INFILTRATE THEM! That’s why many people on drugs do UNGODLY things and then later try to claim “I was high”. No, they weren’t “high” per say but rather, fully DEMONICALLY POSSESSED, is what they were. Also: “Getting High” is such an INTERESTING phrase, considering that Satan & demons ORIGINALLY fell from Heaven (“up on high”). In fact, when many people “get high”, they oftentimes describe the feeling of “encounters with demons” and “feeling possessed”. Well, quite frankly, that’s because they ARE possessed by the weed or the drugs! And the weed/drugs actually INVITES the demons INTO their minds and hearts and bodies and once they enter INTO the body, they very rarely go!]
  12. Any religious book (and I do mean ANY religious book, including Native American/shamanistic religious myths/legends type books) that is NOT the King James Bible (I’m DEAD SERIOUS!) Get rid of The Book of Mormon, The Qu’ran (unless using it to REBUKE Muslims on their false doctrines), books promoting Egyptology or Evolution, The “Catholic bible”, or anything to do with New Age/meditation/yoga/Satanism/Buddha/Hinduism, or *ANY* MODERN DAY TRANSLATIONS/**COUNTERFEITS** OF THE BIBLE LIKE NIV, ESL, NSB, QJV, etc.

You can do what I call a “purging ceremony”. That is where you gather up ALL the things in your home that go directly AGAINST the gospel of Jesus Christ/Salvation, put it in a box or trash bag and then THROW IT OUT, never to look back again! You have one or two choices: you can either set them in a deep barrel/pile somewhere and BURN THEM….OR you can throw them out in the trash. But right before you throw them out in the trash (assuming you’re not burning them), be sure to DEFACE THEM, first! (I’ll admit I forgot to do that earlier when I threw all my stuff out, so I pray that no poor unfortunate soul(s) find it and become spiritually affected by it!)

If they’re CD’s of demonic metal/rock/new age/etc music, deface and scratch up the CD. If they’re a book or movie, take a black marker and deface all the print on the pages (if a book) or totally scratch up the DVD (if a movie). If it’s a Ouija board or dream catcher, cut it up, deface it and smash it to bits! The REASON why you must deface the objects FIRST and THEN throw them out is because if you don’t, there’s a fairly good chance that some poor helpless soul (i.e. some unfortunate homeless person and/or trash digger) will go digging through the trash and find it and THEMSELVES become affected by it, spiritually.

And if defacing them seems like too much work OR if you can’t find a deep barrel to burn them in, you can build a huge bonfire at a beach or camping site and BURN THEM! And believe it or not, that’s what the Lord’s people did back in ancient biblical times when they repented of their idolatry and turned back to the Lord! (Though some of some were not so lucky and were destroyed by the Lord or his prophets OUTRIGHT!) But of those lucky repentant souls who survived, they burned and/or defaced their objects of idolatry to show the Lord that they had truly repented of their idolatry and turned back to HIM, the Lord above!

And many people would probably laugh at this sort’ve topic on the onset and say in response: “come on man, demon spirits can’t come through music/books/movies/videogames/etc., lets get real, here” but oftentimes, what those folks don’t realize is that WHEN an anti-Christian/New Age/**wayward Christian** type book is printed, or WHEN a master copy of a non-Christian or “wayward Christian” CD/videogame/bible or movie is made, it’s often placed upon a Satanic/Wiccan altar BEFORE being placed on the market and demon spirits are conjured up INTO that master copy and then, all subsequent copies have the “demon spirits” follow them wherever they go and to whomever they go to. Believe me, I know this sounds stranger than fiction but it’s true, MARK MY WORDS! 

Nearly everything coming from Hollywood and the big publishing companies/printing presses are anything BUT Christian. Many are Luciferian with a spiritual and/or monetary ax to grind, sort’ve speak. Satan LOVES books, music, TV, videogames and movies and will STOP AT NOTHING to get his agenda across through them! He knows he can’t come at a person directly as in: “hi, I’m the Devil and I’m here to deceive you, muhahaha”, therefore, he knows he must come at a person INDIRECTLY. And books, music, TV, videogames, music, etc. is how he does it.

It reminds me of the following bible passage in Proverbs 16:25 which states: “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death”. In other words, Satan can take what’s WRONG and AGAINST God’s Word/God’s Will and make it “SEEM” right, in a man or woman’s eyes! Just look at today’s high rate of homosexuality! How do you think THAT one came about? Hint: Satan has deceived people into believing that “sodomy” = natural/God–approved “love”, when that can’t be FURTHER from the truth! 

Satan has also managed to deceive other groups of Christians out there with the “Christian rock” and “Christian metal” genres. All you have to do is just take ONE good look at these “Christian metal” or “Christian rock” bands and you can CLEARLY see they are anything BUT “Christian!” But that’s Satan’s goal…….he wants a Christian to sit back, relax, listen to what he/she THINKS is “Christian music”, only to later have his demonoids INFILTRATING that “Christian music” and seeping the spirit of rebellion into these people’s minds, hearts, bodies and spirits. And when that DOES happen, many of these people are caught unawares and they have NO IDEA what just happened.

So remember: what Satan LOVES (lust, greed, money, material things, sex, drugs, alcohol, books, movies, music, TV), Jesus Christ HATES! Luke 16:15 has this to say on the matter: And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God. So in other words, just think about how many young people today (ages 13-45) highly “esteem” things like Harry Potter/Witchcraft, metal/dubstep/trance music, World of Warcraft, “celebrity worship”, homosexuality/Gay Pride living, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, etc. Jesus Christ HATES those things and considers them an ABOMINATION!

Consequently, the reverse is ALSO true: what is considered PLEASING in Jesus Christ’s site, (humbleness, modest dress, no cussing/drinking/drugging/partying/sexing outside of marriage/gambling, repentance for/confession of sins, helping others less fortunate than you, preaching on street corners/in blogs/etc., staying faithful to your spouse through thick and thin, speaking out against the physical/mental/emotional/spiritual “evils” of the homosexual lifestyle etc.), is considered UNCOOL, and at best, “evil” in most people’s eyes, these days!

And how is that, exactly? How did we live to become SUCH a world today where evil is being called “good” and “good/righteous” is being called evil? Isaiah 5:20 had some VERY dire warnings about the subject!

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

In the time(s) of Jesus Christ and the 12 disciples:

  • Bad: doing things that were not pleasing to God like stealing money, not honoring the Sabbath Day, cheating on one’s spouse, lying, wanting what belonged to others, bowing down to graven images, etc.
  • Good: doing things that were pleasing in the site of God like giving money to the poor, honoring the Sabbath day, being loving and faithful to one’s spouse, being grateful for what one had, worshiping God and God alone, partaking of the Lord’s 7 Holy Feasts, etc.

In TODAY’S time (2014 & counting):

  • Bad: believing in the bible and adhering TO the bible and to Jesus Christ Almighty and the “Christian religion” (and being anti-gay marriage, anti-abortion, anti-pre-marital sex, anti-Catholic church, anti-Pagan holiday celebrating, etc.)
  • Good: doing all the things that the bible specifically CONDEMNS like being in a sexually active homosexual relationship, showing skin, masturbating, having sex before marriage or outside of marriage, excessively drinking/partying, cussing/saying Lord’s name in vain, following any other religion other than true, biblical-based Christianity

Back during the time of Isaiah, he, IN that passage of 5:20 (book of Isaiah, chapter 5, verse 20), was most likely referring to ancient Babylon and/or all the Pagan nations that didn’t serve God but also possibly referring to future generations as well. I think alot of prophets of God back then KNEW that there would always be “Pagan revivalists” out there who would attempt to stop at nothing to stamp out the practices/decrees of God’s people!

And the “Burning Man” festival is one big prime example of that! Honestly, what’s the difference between the practices of ancient Babylon and the events that take place at Burning Man? Can you find any? It seems that the “Burning Man figure”, in and of itself, has become a new type of FALSE GOD, out there in the Black Rock desert of Nevada! How sad! ;( What is this world coming to? ;(

And if you’re an initial skeptic like me, you might THINK that it won’t make much of a difference in your life if you DO get rid of all your books/music/movies/videogames/TV discs/magazines/posters that don’t glorify Jesus Christ or his gospel, but BELIEVE ME….it will make all the difference in the world! IT WILL SET YOUR SOUL **FREE** from the spiritual bondage you’ve been under, lately. And alot of people don’t even realize when they are or have been under spiritual bondage until the Lord or someone else in their life points it out to them.

Several years ago, I was going through a terrible, terrible time in life! I was SEVERELY depressed, I hardly felt like getting out of bed each day, I was a wayward Christian, I felt nothing but hate/jealousy/rage towards others around me, and I oftentimes sensed a “dark presence” hovering around me, everywhere I went, it seemed. I felt like Jesus Christ hated me at that point (or at the very, very least) was very, very disappointed in me, though I wasn’t totally sure WHY.

And then one day, Jesus revealed it all to me: my home was “inundated” with all sorts of “New Age/Wicca” materials………Harry Potter books (I admit this to my shame), Native American shamanism books/objects, movies like Practical Magic and the Craft, etc.

And the Lord said to me in that soft, still, spiritual voice: “LOOK at all those New Age materials you have around your home, NO WONDER the demonic spirits were so successful in attacking you, lately! And not only that, but instead of submitting yourself to these materials, you need instead to submit yourself to ME! Afterall, your New Age materials didn’t create you, now, did they? Nor can they give you Salvation or Everlasting Life, as those are gifts that only I, Jesus Christ Almighty, can give! Throw them out and throw them out, NOW, as your Eternal Salvation depends on it! Don’t say I didn’t warn you!”

And without further ado, I threw out all my New Age materials at that time, never to look back again! And I felt SO much better, as though I had been set free from the dark, spiritual “bondage” I had been under! 

But then came the case of most recently: YEARS after having had thrown away all my OLD New Age materials, I was starting ONCE AGAIN to feel exactly as I did YEARS AGO, when, for the SECOND time in my life, the Lord Jesus revealed to me things that (once again) were in my home that attracted “demon spirits”. This time, it was things that a normal person wouldn’t even SUSPECT can attract demon spirits!

Things such as books that talked about Jesus in an “intellectual manner”, instead of in a biblically-accurate manner (things like these attempt to “water down” the gospel and subtlety confuse the reader), Time Magazine editions with certain people on the entire cover page on the front (idol worship, pure and simple), a New King James bible (the NKJV), a wall clock that looked like Pagan sun rays (even something that “mimics” sun worship IS sun worship, in the Lord’s eyes), a childhood “doll” that I used to “talk to” as a kid, Christian scripture sweatshirts that had “hidden” Masonic symbols on them, etc.

And I have to admit: after getting rid of all those materials, I feel much, much better, now and pray that I never, EVER again amass any sort of materials in my life or home that aren’t pleasing to the Lord. And by writing this very post on the subject, I hope that someone can actually learn something from all of this and not make the same mistakes that I did. As true, biblical-based Christians, we must be VERY, VERY careful about the types of “objects” we let into our lives and our homes! I can’t emphasize this enough!

“Lord Jesus, I pray that if any one reading this post has things/objects in their lives that are displeasing to you and that take them away from you (spiritually and otherwise), that you would reveal to that person/those people what those things/objects are immediately and give them the strength to PURGE themselves of those things/objects forever and NEVER look back! And please give them the wisdom and spiritual discernment to know what is of your eternal truth and what is NOT of your eternal truth……about what things/people/objects truly represent you and your gospel/glory and what things/people/objects DO NOT truly represent you/your gospel and/or your glory. Please set them FREE from the spiritual bondage they’ve been under lately, save them in your great heavenly name and please bless them and keep them for all eternity. Amen”.






Satan at the Grammy’s: Jesus is Out & Darkness is “In”

Not that Jesus was ever truly a part of the Grammy’s, anyways………remember the 2nd commandment that “thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image”.

But in general, it seems that the Grammy Awards are getting bolder and bolder each year. They keep getting more and more dark and Satanic. So what does that say about us, as a culture? And as a nation?

It simply means that more and more people are opening up their hearts, souls and minds to blatant Satanism. But Satanism isn’t easily recognized for what it really is, at first. It tries to make itself seem “good”, even “family-friendly” and “harmless white magic” at first glance. Take the ever-so-popular Harry Potter series, for example. It pretty much presents witchcraft as “harmless”, “cool”, even “FUN”! Or the movies The Craft and Practical Magic, for example.

I’m very embarrassed and ashamed to admit this but the movie The Craft actually got me curious about witchcraft when I was about 19 years old or so. And before I knew it, I had started to research more about Wiccan online, played with a ouji board once or twice and was actually thinking of becoming a certified Wiccan practitioner who practiced “harmless white magic” such as “innocent love spells” and the like. I thought there was no harm in it since I WASN’T going to be doing any “dark magic” to hurt people, only “white magic” to “heal” or “help people”.

In short, I was going to SUPPLEMENT “White Magic” with my Christian beliefs and still have my faith and belief in Jesus Christ but just have an extra added boast to my relationships through “White Magic” spells……….or so I THOUGHT……..But what made me FINALLY realize that ALL magic is SATANIC (EVEN White Magic) was this: a person was not considered GRADUATED from the Wiccan certification program until a person stripped down naked and walked down the steps in front of a building……..ON CAMERA…….Basically, they wanted a person to surrender their BODY and SOUL to become a Wiccan “practitioner”. And something about that just didn’t sit right by me. I IMMEDIATELY clicked off that website and NEVER LOOKED BACK AGAIN!

But see, that’s the SAD thing. People think that Ouji boards and the like are JUST A GAME! But I’m living proof that Ouji boards and the study of Wicca is NOT A GAME!!!!! For I had had some VERY bad spiritual experiences within the 19-21 years old time-frame, due to my dabbling in Ouji boards and study of “White Magic”. I had tried to kill myself 7 times within that time-frame. I became a binge-drinking alcoholic. I got kicked out of university. My boyfriend at the time left me for another woman. My bestfriend Sarah almost stopped being friends with me due to my crazy, erratic behavior. Basically, 19-21 was a VERY, VERY BAD time for me. I also had these BAD spiritual experiences in which a dark presence would hover over me when I went to sleep at night and also when I woke up every morning. One time, this dark presence HELD ME DOWN on the bed and would NOT let me get up out of bed!!!!

I had to pray in the name of Jesus Christ to make the dark presence (likely, the devil himself) go away!!!!!!! But basically, Jesus Christ explained it all to me in a dream. He said to me: “Dawn, when you dabbled with Ouji boards and ‘White Magic’, you actually invited demon spirits to come into your home and infect your mind with thoughts of severe depression/wanting to kill yourself/binge-drinking alcoholism/etc. But BECAUSE you decided to put away all Magic for good and THREW AWAY your Ouji board and REPENTED to me, the evil spirits have now gone and you’re safe now, in my great Heavenly name. But don’t EVER turn to magic or Ouji boards ever, ever again or the demon spirits will be 10 times worse than they were this time”.

But going back to the subject of the post…….when I see all these kids at libraries or the mall or bookstores ranting and raving about the Harry Potter book series or talking about how good the Harry Potter movies are, I just want to cry and cry and cry, until I can cry no more. Because these poor young children have NO IDEA of the “eternal condemnation” that they’re heading for, if they continue on the path of darkness. But that’s just what the problem is, in today’s world. Witchcraft in today’s popular culture is seen as “normal”, “acceptable”, “cool”, “harmless”, “fun”, and even “family-friendly” (as the end of the movie “Practical Magic” portrays). Therefore, these poor young children have NO IDEA that Harry Potter represents DARKNESS (and consequently, the Lord’s WRATH!) I just absolutely HATE the way in which the author of the Harry Potter series makes witchcraft seem so “cuddly” when it is anything BUT cuddly! It is SOUL DAMNING!!!!!!!!!!

When I was a young kid back in the 80s’, parents would’ve been UP IN ARMS if there was a popular book series about Witchcraft or if there was a pro-homosexual curriculum, if “one nation under God” was taken out of the pledge of Allegiance or if they knew of a young girls dance team (ages 6-10) where their dance coach made them dress AND dance like strippers on NATIONAL LIVE TV! It just makes me SO sad and depressed, sometimes. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THIS COUNTRY?????????????? ;( WHAT IS HAPPENING TO TODAY’S CHILDREN??????????? Are they all going to grow up to be devil-worshiping, homosexual, murdering, sodomizing monsters? (The ones that are NOT raised in a true Christian home, that is?) It’s pretty scary to think about……

I’ve also noticed at Hastings around the year 2000 or so that 2-3 long aisle shelves used to be devoted to Christianity years ago and that the New Age section was only one small little shelf area. But NOW, in the year 2014, the New Age section of the bookstore part of Hastings has just EXPLODED with 2-3 long aisle shelves devoted to it, while only 1-2 half aisle shelves are devoted to Christianity. And the people in the store that passed by and saw me in the “Christian” section of the bookstore part of Hastings just looked at me, pointed, scoffed and SNICKERED (which is definitely a sign of the times!) I was the ONLY person in the “Christian” aisle. Several years ago, there used to be atleast 3-10 other people at one time in the Christian section, with next to NOBODY in the New Age section of the store. But now guess what? Now EVERYBODY and their grandmother wants to go to the NEW AGE section of the store and totally forsake the Christian section, it seems like. How sad. What is this world coming to? ;(

The Truth About Hollywood…..HELL AWAITS…..

Back in the days of the Middle Ages, people didn’t trust “actors” and a rented room at a lodge or inn was hard for an “actor” to come by. After all, they were considered “outcasts” in society and nobody really knew what their true motives were while the Church considered them “sinful”.

But around the time of the 1920’s or so, “acting” (as a profession) really took off and started becoming more “mainstream” in society. People started flocking to theaters to see Charlie Chaplain movies and the like. And that’s around the time that “movies/film” from/in Hollywood (whom some have now dubbed Hellywood) became a lucrative business. And around the same time, music (in and of itself) became a popular past-time as well. But behind the music and behind the film industry was a more darker agenda: to draw people into the dark side.

For example, look at any “star” or “celebrity” today. Even just the name “star” in and of itself. Truly sit there for a minute and think about what that means. Remember in the bible where it states that Lucifer, the fallen angel as having stated (before his fall from heaven) “I will ascend my throne above the stars of God, I will be like the Most High”. Also think about how famous people often change their names after they become famous. Many people think it’s coincidence.

But that’s simply not true. Because when an actor(s)/musician(s) “sign a deal”, the producers and managers more or less OWN THEM, and they’re actually “signing over” their VERY OWN SOULS! Think about that for awhile. They are NO LONGER their own person and their own property but are more or less the property of the producers/managers, hence why they need the name change.

[Note: Even those famous people lucky enough to keep their own name are still OWNED by the producers/managers as soon as they sign the contract]. They are told how to dress, how to act, what to say, what roles to take, whom to date or not date, etc. Basically, it’s all “staged”. Not to mention that fame and fortune COME AT A PRICE. Look at some of the PRICES that the following celebs had to pay to “get in”:

Bob Dylan sold soul to devil

Katy Perry sold soul to devil

Kanye West sold soul to devil [watch from 2:00 mark]

Snooki sold soul to the devil

Plus many, many, MANY more that are too countless to name!!!!!! ;(

Okay, so you have all these “stars” and celebrities [one meaning of “celebrity” was originally meant to mean “solemn rite or ceremony”] that are selling their souls to the devil and/or doing other crazy things (e.g. sleeping with producers, performing black magic rituals/etc.) in order to be rich and famous and to be WORSHIPED by millions of people around the world. You have teenage girls crying and screaming hysterically at the site of Justin Bieber, trying to get just one “touch” of him, their IDOL.–removed-from-madame-tussauds-234020230.html

You have the tv show in and of itself called “AMERICAN IDOL”. You have COUNTLESS numbers of newspapers, magazines and even online news sites that are DEVOTED to “star culture” and “news about the stars”. You have the Roman Catholic and Lutheran Churches LITTERED with statues of Jesus and Mary, etc. Basically, everywhere you turn is all about IDOLS, IDOLS and more IDOLS. Our modern day society is inundated with them!

Like it or not, when we watch 98% of modern-day movies, read popular magazines or newspapers with so and so taking up the cover, listen to music, watch tv shows other than the news, ask for so and so to sign an autograph, go to “concerts”, etc., we are unwittingly participating (rather we consciously realize it or not) in what I’ve now dubbed the “Idolization Gateway to Hell”……Cause think about it. Even CHRISTIAN-themed TV shows 9 times out of 10 have some sort of “Catholic twist” to them (such as Joan of Arcadia, for instance) and ANYTHING that aligns itself with the Catholic church is PURELY DEMONIC (sad but true). 

And music in and of itself…….the bible indirectly refers to Lucifer as “musically inclined”. So why wouldn’t he use music to deceive the masses? Think about it. Even today’s CHRISTIAN MUSIC is appalling. There’s nothing but backbeat, breakbeat, syncopation, etc. In fact, I did a test most recently where I flipped through the popular radio stations and then put it on the “Christian” radio station. And guess what? I couldn’t tell the difference. They sounded the exact same.

And ditto with today’s “Christian” TV programming and even “Christian” movies, even! The true message of the gospel of Jesus Christ has been truly LOST, folks! Go to ANY popular “Christian” TV show or programming on TV or watch any “Christian” movie out there and you will see things that JUST AREN’T BIBLICAL. For example, I recently saw a Messianic Christian show on TV where the Rabbi said at the end “if this ministry has blessed you, send money”. I don’t see that ANYWHERE written in the bible, folks!

But see? That’s how Satan rolls. He searches out our personal “weaknesses”, then he CAPITALIZES on them! If he can’t get you addicted to Movies or TV or popular “celeb culture”, he’ll instead try to get you addicted to Music (and/or applications such as Spotify or Youtube, for instance). And if he can’t get you addicted to music, he’ll instead try to get you addicted to food, sex, drugs, alcohol, videogames, or some other like thing. And if he can’t get you addicted to THOSE things, he’ll try to make you HATE someone who’s close to you or that you work with.

And if THAT doesn’t succeed, he’ll try to get you to feel depressed or doubt your faith. And if THAT doesn’t succeed, he’ll just keep poking and prodding until he finds the something or someONE that makes you fall from grace. And once he has you there in that spot where he makes you fall from grace, he’ll CONTINUE to try to keep you there in that spot by slamming you with OTHER things, while you’re STILL trying to overcome the ORIGINAL thing he inundated you with, to begin with! Basically, he shows NO MERCY! 

However, when Jesus Christ died and shed HIS holy blood for for the forgiveness of mankind’s sins, God the Heavenly Father showed HIS mercy on US when he allowed Jesus’s sacrifice as payment for our sins! And THAT is the most greatest love and mercy, EVER! [3 days later, Jesus Christ was resurrected — google “the Shroud of Turin” — and then 40 days later, he ascended into heaven to be on the right hand throne of God the Heavenly Father].

Therefore, Jesus Christ will have mercy on ANYONE who prays for forgiveness of their sins and truly means it in their heart. But one can’t just PRAY for forgiveness of sins, one must also REPENT of them (that means, give them up for good). Because think about it, folks! 5 minutes of pleasure is NOT worth an eternity in the flames! 

Many people think that a “loving” God won’t send people to hell and/or the lake of fire. But have they ever stopped to consider that there were times in the bible when God got RIGHTEOUSLY ANGRY with his people? And even ETERNALLY CONDEMNED some of them? And have they not read about the part in the bible where Jesus Christ got ANGRY with his people for trying to turn the temple into a marketplace? Yes, God/Jesus Christ IS a loving God. But he is also a RIGHTEOUS, HOLY GOD! Which means that he can’t let unrepented sin go unpunished!

It might seem “cruel” or “unjust” to some folks out there that a “loving” God would send certain people to the flames for eternity, but guess what, folks? Those people simply CHOSE to go there. They were the folks whom God sounded warning after warning after warning but they just wouldn’t listen……

They just thought they were TOO GOOD for God, that they didn’t NEED God/forgiveness of their sins, that they were a good person by their OWN accord, and not be Jesus Christ’s accord. They were also the people who TURNED THEIR EYES FROM THE TRUTH by following FALSE RELIGIONS and FALSE DOCTRINES (such as Islam, Roman Catholicism, Atheism, New Ageism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.)

And yes, it “might” seem cruel that I’m saying that all non-repentant followers of other religions are heading on a path to eternal condemnation as it were, but the truth is, ALL other religions other than true, biblical Christianity ARE false religions simply based on the fact that true, biblical Christianity is the ONLY religion on Earth that has had 100% fulfilled bible prophecy, 100% of the time. NO OTHER RELIGION ON EARTH CAN MAKE THAT CLAIM! NONE. 

So please. I beg of you from the bottom of my heart and the depths of my soul. If you are addicted to something or someone that takes you AWAY from Jesus Christ and the 100% truth of the bible and/or if you follow another religion other than true, biblical Christianity (aka “Jewish roots Christianity”), I strongly urge you to start getting to know Jesus Christ TODAY! Not tomorrow or the day after that but TODAY!

Tomorrow may not stand. WWIII could break out tomorrow. A sinkhole might swallow you whole. You might die of a heart attack or get hit by a bus tomorrow. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE!  We NEVER know when we’re going to die. It could be 5 minutes from now or 50 years from now. But once we die, that’s it. There are NO second chances unless Jesus decides (for whatever reason) to bring someone back. And how do YOU know rather or not YOU will be one of those people or not? Answer: You DON’T and that’s why you shouldn’t place your ENTIRE eternal salvation on it.

I pray that ALL souls who read this (including myself) will be saved from their unwitting worship of idols and also that you, the great Lord of the heavens, Jesus Christ Almighty, will renew or ignite for the very first time (those that are or would be new to the faith), and RE-IGNITE (for those who already know you) the faith, passion, knowledge and devotion to you and your divine word/commandments in the bible. Please chip away at every soul as much as you have to until they have no pride left to stand on and are humbled before your heavenly site. And please help every soul out there overcome any sin that’s holding them back from you and help KEEP those souls on the path of righteousness (amidst much clamour and opposition in today’s “dark world”) and please bless and keep those souls for eternity. Amen.