Posts tagged ‘Apotasy’

The “Emergent Church”: Christianity + New Age

There is something SERIOUSLY wrong with the Christian Church today!

Walk into just about ANY Christian Church today and you will see something called “The Emergent Church”; churches that care far more about entertainment, status, money/appearances, New Age philosophies, Roman Catholic mysticism and socializing more than they do about God!

In short, an Emergent Church is one that embraces New Age philosophies and/or watered-down gospel(s) into its teachings. Patrons participate in yoga, walk through labyrinths, etc.

Prayer worship songs have gone from simple to more elaborate. One can oftentimes feel like they’re at a pop/country concert or a “Buddhist sanctuary”, rather than a church worship service.

And I understand if some of today’s young people want to “shake it up a bit” and make the Lord’s music seem more relate-able to today’s younger generation. But when I hear modern-day worship music, (either on the radio or in church), it sounds exactly like SECULAR music to me and so to ME, there’s no clear distinction between secular and non-secular and in so doing, the Lord’s message becomes muffled.

And then there are those  poor souls out there who want to “feel God” at that very moment but what’s that poor person gonna do when their life suddenly gets rough and they don’t “feel God” anymore? Are they then gonna abandon the faith? [Part 1] [Part 2] [DOCUMENTARY ON MODERN-DAY CHURCH PRACTICES]

And I know alot of my posts lately have all been about “exposing this” or “exposing that” but the thing is, I will NOT sugar coat the Lord’s message to fit people’s needs (for that, to ME, would seem like “political correctness” to do so). Many Christians today (especially those of us of the younger generation) want to hear about how great we are, how special we are. We don’t LIKE to hear about things such as sin, hellfire and separation from God. Unfortunately, those things are NECESSARY to disclose and talk about, so that people aren’t lead astray into the Emergent Church movement!

And it’s not JUST “Emergent Churches” having these philosophies! It has ALREADY “seeped into” the mainstream churches!!!!!

The living proof of this was when I had most recently gone into a ELCA church awhile back and the bottom of their worship literature said “glory be to the Roman Catholic Church”. I was horrified! Nearly EVERY single thing Catholics believe/practice goes AGAINST the bible! Therefore, any church that tries to align itself with the Roman Catholic Church is sadly led TOTALLY ASTRAY! And that makes me very sad…….all those poor souls in the Lutheran and Catholic churches today that don’t even REALIZE how totally “lost” they ARE! It makes my soul grieve! ;(

But in a way, I can kind of see how Catholics become easily astray and don’t even know it. They are taught NOT to read the bible and to have the priest(s) “interpret” it FOR them…..and the Lutherans sprung forth out of the Catholics……however, as far as I know, Lutherans ARE taught to read the bible so I’m confused as to WHY Lutherans are wanting to re-align themselves with the Catholic Church? Am I missing something, here? Well, I guess there IS a thing called Ecumenicalism (the “movement” of the modern-day churches re-aligning themselves with the Roman Catholic Church — for whatever reason).

Many bible scholars believe that this atmosphere of “tolerance” and “political correctness” and “New Ageism” and “Ecumenicalism” is what will SET the system of a false one-world religion into motion. [And from the looks of things, it would possibly seem that a one world economy and one world government might not be too far behind, either].

Sadly, the modern-day Christian church has BEEN an “Emerging” church since the time of Constantine! It has just now become more APPARENT, is all. Also: many, MANY people today have this sort’ve “live and let live” attitude. But Jesus said in the bible that we are to EXPOSE DARKNESS! Therefore, LETTING a person sin in peace without warning them of the coming wrath/judgement of God is to akin to being a passive friend of the darkness! Did Jesus idly sit by and let sinners be sinners in the bible? Or did he REBUKE and/or WARN them? Think about it.

Also, many people will try to say that you’re being “judgmental” or “Un-Christian” if you try to warn people about their sin and God’s coming wrath/judgment on mankind…….or they’ll try to say you’re being “over-zealous” about your relationship with Jesus if you want to follow the bible AS CLOSELY AS POSSIBLE by considering not celebrating in Pagan holidays but celebrating in the Lord’s holidays, instead, etc.

And while it’s true that the Lord Jesus knows the hearts and minds of people (and of whom truly worships him from their heart and whom doesn’t), he also said in Matthew 7: 13-14

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and MANY there be which go in thereat : Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and FEW there be that find it

If you or someone you know is currently going to an Emergent Church, don’t walk out, RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I pray that ALL souls that read this will leave any and all Emergent churches that they’ve been associated with up until this point, that the Lord Jesus will open up the eyes of Emergent church leaders and show them what the TRUE gospel of Jesus Christ is and that NO lost souls will find their way INTO an Emergent church of any kind. Amen. 


Why So Many Bible Translations and Church Denominations?

Step inside any Christian bookstore today and not ONLY will you likely see VERY LITTLE books about God/Jesus SPECIFICALLY (aside from the bibles, ofcourse) but you will also notice alot of self-help books, books with authors’ pictures taking up the entire book cover, OUTRAGEOUSLY EXPENSIVE PRICES for most items and SEVERAL different bible translations!!!!!


NOTE: The newer bible translations claim to be “better” and “more readable” but what I’m about to tell you is gonna rock you to the core!

Revelation 22: 18-19 says: For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book”.

And what’s interesting to note about this is that the New King James Version has omitted and changed NUMEROUS words! According to

The NKJV removes the word “Lord” 66 times!
The NKJV removes the word God 51 times!
The NKJV removes the word “heaven” 50 times!
In just the New Testament alone the NKJV removes 2,289 words from the KJV!
The NKJV makes over 100,000 word changes!

nkjv2aAnd that’s just from the NEW King James Version, that doesn’t even scratch the surface of all the OTHER numerous word changes in the OTHER new bible versions (such as NIV, NSRV, ERV, etc.)

The King James Version came from ONE translation source while all OTHERS bibles came from a completely DIFFERENT translation source. But one thing is clear! The holy, divine Word of God is NOT to be tampered with! And that’s EXACTLY what these supposed “newer” versions DO!

So the next time you go out and buy a bible, please make sure it’s the King James Version!

And as far as all these SEVERAL church denominations go, that ALSO goes against the words of the bible (in and of itself). Because the holy Word of God is not like going to a fast food drive-thru where you can “customize” your experience to “only have the lettuce without the tomato”, or “only have the cheese and tomato with mustard but no lettuce”.

God’s Word isn’t like that! God’s Word is holy, pure and TRUE! People that lived back during the time of King James were VERY, VERY careful about EVERY SINGLE WORD they copied, trying to make sure it was as accurate as possible! Do you really think that modern-day publishers have cares of such regards? All they see are $$$$$ signs, think about it, folks!

And same with many modern church leaders of today as well. They aren’t so much concerned about souls as they are $$$$$ signs. Which brings me to my next point. Why so many church denominations?

When you go back in time during the time of Jesus Christ, you see three major religious groups at the time. The Romans/Pagans, the Orthodox/loyal to Rome Jews who denied Jesus, and the Jews who followed Christ (now known as early Christians). And since then, there have been various others who’ve tried to distort Jesus’s message/divinity.

You had Mohammed who tried to say that Jesus Christ was never crucified (in spite of the fact that SEVERAL non-Christian accounts prove he WAS crucified), you had Catholics saying that Mary was higher than Jesus and/or coequal with him, you had Mormons say that Joseph Smith was necessary for salvation, you had Buddhists say that Buddha was a god, Hindus say that Brahma was God and was in everything and everyone, various people THEMSELVES claiming to be God (such as Marshall Applegate, David Koresh, Jim Jones, Jose Luiz Jesus De Miranda, etc.)

In other words, over time, Jesus’s divine message of salvation for sins became distorted by all the false teachings and false religions out there. And WITH the false religions and false teachings out there came people who decided to pick and choose for their own (to pick and choose WHAT parts of the bible they wanted to believe or disbelieve). And you CAN’T do that, if you truly want to follow Christ!

You can’t just say that you’re going to help feed the poor, but not follow the true, biblical Sabbath, for instance. Or you can’t say that you’ll follow all the 10 commandments but not the Sermon On the Mount teachings, since the Sermon on the Mount teachings EXPAND upon the 10 commandments in great detail!

Or you can’t just say that you’ll follow the Sermon on the Mount teachings but NOT the 10 commandments, since the Sermon on the Mount teachings DERIVED FROM the 10 commandments themselves! Just like you can’t say you believe the whole bible MINUS the book of Revelation, as the book of Revelation is CENTRAL to the conclusion of the ENTIRETY of the bible!

But yet, that’s EXACTLY what church denominations DO…….they pick and choose what they want to believe and what they DON’T want to believe and it’s very, very tragic. Because IN doing so, they turn their eyes from the truth and instead turn to lies! Just look at HOW MANY Christian churches today worship on the FALSE SABBATH (Sunday) instead of the TRUE SABBATH (Saturday) and that participate in PAGAN-ORIGINATED HOLIDAYS (Christmas, Halloween, Easter, etc.) while NOT participating in the Lord’s REQUIRED 7 Annual Celebrations (such as Passover, Pentecost, etc.)

Were most people and church leaders even aware that the Lord’s people will STILL be participating in the Lord’s 7 Annual Celebrations (specifically, Feast of Tabernacles) in the New Millennial Kingdom? Do they even care? Why would the Lord have his people celebrate that in the Millennial Kingdom ONLY but not here during mortal time on Earth, especially when Jesus Christ HIMSELF and the apostles celebrated all 7? Think about it, folks! He wouldn’t! He requires us to celebrate all 7!

[Side note: There are some very good books out there that talk about the Lord’s 7 annual feasts and how to celebrate them. I would strongly recommend the following: “Celebrating Jesus in the Biblical Feasts” by Dr. Richard Booker and “The Feasts of the Lord” by Kevin Howard and Martin Rosenthal].

Remember Jesus’s passage in Matthew 5:17-18 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled”

At that point in time when Jesus spoke those words, the cross/plan of salvation needed yet to be fulfilled……..BUT…….everything will NOT be COMPLETELY fulfilled until the VERY END of the book of Revelation [Revelation 22’s conclusion!] Think about it, folks!

There are some out there that claim that Revelation ALREADY HAPPENED in the 1st century and that the passages were specifically meant for the Romans, ONLY. But ya know what? If that were true, (if Revelation had already happened, that is), then ALL the inhabitants of the Earth that ever lived (from creation until now) would have ALREADY been judged and Jesus Christ would ALREADY be ruling over/on the Earth during the time of his Millennial Kingdom! But SINCE those events haven’t happened yet, we know that the majority of the things written about in the book of Revelation have YET to happen.

How many modern day churches do you know of that teach about the book of Revelation and/or bible prophecy? My guess is probably very few and far between.

And of the churches that DO discuss such things, do they emphasize the SUNDAY (False) Sabbath or the SATURDAY (True) Sabbath?Do they mention sin and the need for salvation? Do they talk about the importance of following all the things that Jesus layed out for us in the bible [10 commandments, Sermon on the Mount commandments, etc.] and of NOT following the things that are NOT written anywhere in the bible? Do they talk about the IMPORTANCE of “living APART from the world”?

Do they encourage you to celebrate Jesus’s birthday AND death, even though the bible never actually commanded us to celebrate Jesus’s birthday, only to commemorate his death during the Lord’s Supper? Do they say that you can only be saved by faith or by works alone (which would be a false teaching)? Do they talk about the importance of GROWING in your spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ by relying on HIM for your life and NOT on your fellow man/mankind?

Do they talk about the IMPORTANCE of suffering WELL for Jesus’s namesake and that suffering for Jesus Christ is actually considered a BLESSING in the kingdom of God? Do they teach you to forgive others who have hurt you and to pray for your enemies? Do the pastors and fellow church members cry tears of joy when they talk about how they came to Jesus Christ and what Jesus means to them?

People are SO confused these days about what “bible” to pick to read (“there’s so many different translations out there, how can I know which one is best?”), what religion to follow (“there’s so many religions out there to choose from, how do I know which one is right?”) and what church to go to (“there’s so many churches to choose from, which one is possibly best?”).

But ya know what? That was Satan’s plan since day one. To DIVIDE AND CONQUER the Lord’s children. And how best to do that? By creating MASS CONFUSION. And how best to do THAT? By creating MANY different bible translations, MANY different religions, and MANY different churches and church denominations.

But don’t fall fool to his game! Pick up a King James Version bible today (the ORIGINAL KJV and NOT the “New” KJV/NKJV) and instead of going to church (a place where, in today’s “secular world”, you will more than likely NOT find the true, biblical God talked about in the bible), read it front to back, on your own, in your own spare time.

And DON’T turn to televangelists or the internet to try to understand difficult bible passages but instead pray to the Lord Jesus Christ that he will reveal the true meaning of those passages to you, instead. And believe in Jesus Christ and trust him and live your very LIFE for him! Remember that Jesus Christ said in John 14:15 “If ye love me, keep my commandments”.

That means don’t just READ about the 10 commandments or the Sermon on the Mount commandments, etc., OBEY THEM! Pray for forgiveness of your sins and REPENT (that means, give up/stop doing) your sins. Then get baptized in the name of Yeshua/Jesus Christ.

And don’t listen to all the false teachers out there that say FALSE things, such as: “there’s no such thing as sin”, “we no longer need to keep the 7th day Sabbath”, “we don’t need to read the Old Testament, anymore”, “the Lord’s 7 Annual Festivals are JEWISH Festivals, ONLY”, “Once Saved, Always Saved”, “we are saved by our works”, “it’s OK to partake in Pagan holidays if we Christianize them”, “you don’t need to be baptized at all”, “baptism is by sprinkling and not full immersion”, “hell and/or the book of Revelation are not real”, etc. etc.

I pray that ALL who read this find a King James Version bible, will find the hope and 100% truth that is in Jesus Christ/God Almighty in the flesh and will NEVER, EVER become victim to a “false church”, “counterfeit bible translation” (other than KJV) or “false teaching”. Amen.