Posts tagged ‘Miracles’

The Difference Between True/Genuine Faith Vs. “Going Through The Motions”

I once had a Christian friend say to me that she “didn’t really like going to church because she felt like she was just *going through the motions*!” And those words really got me, for some reason: *going through the motions*. I sat there and thought about it for awhile, trying to ponder what she meant by those words, exactly. And then it hit me! TRADITION. She’s tired of the same, dull, boring TRADITION that’s taking place in churches today. In fact, I can’t blame her. It was honestly why I myself LEFT “the church system” YEARS AGO!

People get dressed up in their Sunday best, pile into the church, sit in pews, and listen to the pastor drone on for about 35 minutes or so. The rest of the time is spent “singing” and “talking about church budgets”. There’s also the “offering plate”, “communion”, etc.

And I’m gonna be truthfully honest, here. The few times that I actually “attempted” to attend actual church services at the local Lutheran church years and years ago, (in order to feel more like an “authentic Christian”), I LIKED hearing about Jesus but I was bored stiff with the overall “sermons” and found myself looking around the church (at the stained-glass windows, at the church organ, at the side of the wall, at anything BUT the pulpit).

And I’d always ask myself, “Why am I so bored, here? Why does it always feel like the same old, same old?” In fact, I even felt GUILTY for “feeling bored” inside a church. I had thought to myself at the time, “Jesus must be really mad at me, NOW! How offended would he be if he found out I felt bored stiff during church sermons?”

In fact, once as a little kid, I even remember saying to my mom one time on the way home from school, “church is boring!” [I went to a Christian pre-school, even though my folks weren’t church-goers, which was weird. I guess my mom was more “Agnostic” back then, sending us there in a “just in case God’s true” scenario]. My mom asked me why. I said, “because all they say is (speaking in a monotone) “Jesus Christ is Lord”.

Now…..I didn’t make that statement to mock Jesus in ANY way, shape or form! What I was TRYING to draw attention to, on that particular day, is more or less that “pastors make Jesus boring“. But the Jesus I KNOW is NOT boring in ANY way, shape or form! The Jesus I KNOW parted the Red Sea, created ALL living things and has the ability to shake the Earth & the Waters with just the mere SOUND of his VOICE! And as I got older, those words I spoke when I was younger about “church is boring” really seemed to resonate deep within me and my soul!

But in fact, NOTHING about today’s “Modern-Day Christianity” is even biblical! It’s sad, folks but it’s true! Church “buildings” aren’t biblical, church “sermons” aren’t biblical, sitting in pews is not biblical, “offering plates” are not biblical, choirs are not “biblical”, the Sunday Sabbath IN AND OF ITSELF is not biblical, getting “dressed up” for “church” is not biblical, “going to church SERVICE” is not biblical, basically, NOTHING about Modern-Day Christianity is BIBLICAL!

Therefore, all of the people that find church “boring” (rather they realize it or not) are actually ON to something! Something deep, deep within their spirits must “sense” that something seems “amiss” in the “churches” today! For example, God created for 6 days, then rested on and CONSECRATED the 7th DAY! So why do “churches” today unbiblically meet on the FIRST day of the week (Sunday?) For Sunday was the very FIRST day of creation!

For another example, “The Church” celebrates New Year’s, Christmas, Halloween, and Easter. But tell me. What do Easter bunnies, painted eggs, Santa Claus, Reindeer, snowmen, confetti and Halloween costumes have to do with JESUS CHRIST ALMIGHTY? Answer: ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

“But Jesus was born on December 25”, some say. Really? Does it say that in the bible? What bible are these folks reading from? Because MY KJV bible doesn’t mention ANYTHING about it being “winter” when Jesus was born! [However, MY KJV bible DOES mention how we’re supposed to instead commemorate Jesus’s death/resurrection/ascension back up to heaven during what’s known as “The Lord’s Supper”!]  

And that’s just the “Protestant” way of things……..For if a person is CATHOLIC, it gets EVEN WORSE!

Catholics believe in “Purgatory” (NOT IN BIBLE), “Indulgences” (NOT IN BIBLE), “Praying to Saints” (NOT IN BIBLE), “Jesus had no brothers or sister” (BIBLE PROVES HE DID), “Virgin Mary was the ONLY being born by Virgin Birth” (NOT IN BIBLE – AND HOW DOES THAT EVEN COMPUTE, ANYWAYS? For they couldn’t BOTH be surely born by Virgin Birth…….because if so, that would make Mary God and she’s NOT GOD! Luke 1:46-47 PROVES THIS beyond all shadow of a doubt, people!)

But on to my next point………the “difference” between true, genuine faith and what I call “going-through-the-motions”/manufactured faith.

First, we’ll take a look at the example of King Saul in the Old Testament. At the very beginning, he was very humble, down to Earth, and had a STRONG faith in God Almighty! But as the chapters of 1 Samuel 12+ wear on, Saul starts to get arrogant, proud, disobedient and FEARFUL.

He starts out as THIS:

“And Saul said, There shall not a man be put to death this day: for to day the Lord hath wrought salvation in Israel” – 1 Samuel 11:13

Comes to THIS:

“Then said Saul unto his servants, Seek me a woman that hath a familiar spirit, that I may go to her, and inquire of her. And his servants said to him, Behold, there is a woman that hath a familiar spirit at Endor” – 1 Samuel 28:7

And ends up like THIS:

And the Philistines followed hard after Saul, and after his sons; and the Philistines slew Jonathan, and Abinadab, and Malchishua, the sons of Saul. And the battle went sore against Saul, and the archers hit him, and he was wounded of the archers.Then said Saul to his armourbearer, Draw thy sword, and thrust me through therewith; lest these uncircumcised come and abuse me. But his armourbearer would not; for he was sore afraid. So Saul took a sword, and fell upon it1 Chronicles 10:2-4

So what happened between 1 Samuel 12 and 1 Samuel 28?

The first thing that happened is that King Saul did NOT wait on the Lord’s prophet Samuel to offer a sacrifice unto the Lord. The 2nd thing Saul did was REFUSE to kill all the Amalekites and their cattle/etc., whom the Lord SPECIFICALLY commanded to be WIPED OUT! 

So see……it all started out with what King Saul thought was a “minor thing” and then, over time, his sins became GREATER and GREATER and his faith became LESS AND LESS! In fact, it would probably be safe to say that King Saul’s “spiritual relationship” with the Lord during that time (from 1 Samuel 12 to 1 Samuel 28) became a thing of OBLIGATION, instead of LOVING OBEDIENCE! 

That’s why many people sitting in church pews today feel like they’re “just going through the motions”, because THEY ARE! They’re not truly challenged in their lives to keep the faith and to LOVINGLY obey the Lord and his Written Word! Instead, they’re “spoon-fed” a watered-down/feel-good/cheery message about the bible that doesn’t talk about hell, eternal condemnation, the book of Revelation, bible prophecy, REPENTANCE of sin and/or “getting right with the Lord”. In fact, most church “services” today rarely talk about Jesus AT ALL! It’s more of a “be a good person and that’s good enough” for God type of WATERED-DOWN BLASPHEMOUS MESSAGE! ;(

HOWEVER……an example in the Old Testament of a man who DID have complete and total faith in the Lord is ABRAHAM. Genesis, Chapter 22 in the Old Testament tells us the story of how God TESTED Abraham by telling him to sacrifice his own son, Isaac.

Originally, (BEFORE Genesis 22), Abram (BEFORE God changed his name to “Abraham”) and Sarai (BEFORE God changed her name to “Sarah”) weren’t able to have children due to Sarai being “barren” in her old age. Therefore, it was Sarai’s idea for Abram to marry her handmaiden, Hagar, an Egyptian, which Abram did…..and THAT son’s name was Ishmael. However, Abram was still sad he had no true “genetic heir” and cried out to God in prayer about it. So God opened up Sarai’s womb and him and Sarah had Isaac, the “miracle child” promised by God.

However, in Genesis, chapter 22, Isaac is now a teenager (the bible implies) and God is now worried that Abraham loves Isaac more than he loves HIM (Almighty God). So God decides to test Abraham’s loving, faithful obedience by asking him to sacrifice his “promised son” Isaac!

However, in the biblical narrative, we KNOW that Abraham probably doesn’t like what he has to do, but also that he has FAITH. Because when he and Isaac get to the bottom of Mount Moriah, Genesis 22:5 states, “And Abraham said unto his young men, Abide ye here with the ass; and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you”. 

Just think of what type of FAITH Abraham have to have had! For it would’ve taken him TOTAL FAITH to do what he did. [And please remember that the near-sacrifice Isaac is a prototype/foreshadowing for what would someday become God’s sacrifice of his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ/Yeshua, for all of mankind! As Abraham didn’t hold back his only son from God, God did not hold back his only son from US!]

However, Genesis 22:10-12 further goes on to state: And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son. And the angel of the Lord called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I. And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me!” 

Further on, we read in Genesis 22: 13-18 how the Lord decided to BLESS ABRAHAM, as a RESULT of his loving obedience and his faith:

“And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son. And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the Lord it shall be seen. And the angel of the Lord called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time, And said, By myself have I sworn, saith the Lord, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son: That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies; And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice”. 

So from these two biblical examples, we can learn what having true, GENUINE FAITH is, and what having “lukewarm/going-through-the-motions” faith is. 

True/GENUINE Faith: Knowing that Yeshua/Jesus Christ has your back, no matter what

Lukewarm/going-though-the-motions: “Maybe Jesus will save me someday on the day of Judgement, maybe he won’t”

See the difference here, folks? Many folks ask the fateful question, “Why has God/Jesus forsaken me?” But ya know what, people? It’s US who forsake HIM! 

How? Simple. We don’t have “time” to read our bibles or pray but we DO have time to watch Netflix, text our bestfriend, listen to the radio, etc. We don’t have “time” to donate to the needy because we’re too wrapped up in our OWN lives and “financial woes”. We don’t have “time” to repent of our sins because we got to clean the house, go to work, pay our bills, hang out with our friends, read our favorite novel, pick up the kids from soccer practice, you get the idea……….

So I leave you with THIS: What type of “faith” do you have? Do YOU have the type of faith, where, you knew if you died today, that you’d go to spend eternity with Jesus? Or do you have the type of “faith” where you’re not sure? 

Do YOU have the type of faith that’s SO strong, that not even a person pointing a gun at your head and/or threatening to behead you will make you DENY your faith in Jesus Christ? Or would you “squirm” at the first hint of a threat on your LIFE? 

Do YOU have the type of faith that’s SO strong, that you share your faith in Jesus with others? Or do you tend to “cower” about your faith in Jesus towards others and try to “bury Jesus” in your life by not letting the name of Jesus be well-known in your life to others?

“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” – Hebrews 11:6

What type of faith do YOU have? For IF you don’t have a strong, GENUINE type faith, TODAY is the day to pray to GET that type of faith! Pray the following prayer with me:

“Almighty Yeshua/Lord Jesus, my faith has NOT been where it needs to be, lately. I’ve had a lukewarm faith. But please, bit by bit and little by little, please REMOVE my lukewarm faith and replace it with UNBREAKABLE FAITH IN YOU, EVEN IN THE FACE OF DEATH/TORCHURE SOMEDAY. Please give me a faith and trust in you that’s SO STRONG, that NOTHING or NO-ONE can break it! Thank-you, Lord. Amen”






Why The HATE?

It’s ONE thing not to believe in A god or God. It’s quite ANOTHER thing to lambast those who DO!

I don’t get it.

Why all the hate for something a person “so-called” doesn’t believe in? (And again, I don’t say this against ALL atheists, ONLY those who brazenly speak out against Christianity with such “hatred” in their hearts!)

What is “hating God” gonna do for that person, at the end of the day? Did I miss something, here?

If, for example, many people believed in the flying spaghetti monster, and I myself did not, I’d laugh them to scorn ONE time on perhaps ONE Youtube video and then go about my life, no further “scorn” from me would be needed, on my part. For I would simply KNOW beyond 100% of a doubt that the “F.S.M” didn’t exist and I’d be 100% comfortable IN my position of knowing that it didn’t exist.

And in fact, deep down, I’d even feel sorry for such people that believed in “its” existence, as NO archaeological or scientific evidence would support their “claims”, as it were. And I wouldn’t even pay much attention to those that believed the thing existed, for I’d KNOW the thing was false and no harm, no foul, right?

BUT…..if I “secretly” believed that there WAS a small possibility the “flying spaghetti monster” did in fact exist (theoretically speaking), and that this “F.S.M” could actually send me to the lake of fire someday for “defying/denying it”, THEN I might act with “defensive hatred” towards it/those whom believed in it.

And IN the process of doing so, I would be EVER-SO-DESPERATELY trying to convince myself that “such a thing” didn’t exist. But yet, I’d also have to realize at the end of the day that not all the cussing and hating and mocking in the world’s going to make something not exist that exists! (Even if I didn’t believe it existed!)

That’s why HATING something that doesn’t even so-called exist in one’s mind would IMPLY that a person “secretly believes” that said things actually exist (or at the VERY least, have a mere small chance of “existing”). People act angrily towards things they FEAR!

And again, I don’t believe in the flying elevator. BUT you don’t see me making “hateful” statements towards it. Because I KNOW it doesn’t exist, PERIOD! I might make “mocking jokes” from time to time about people whom DID believe in the “flying elevator” (metaphorically speaking). But I wouldn’t openly hate on the thing! Because first of all, there’s nothing there for me to hate, right? The thing simply does NOT exist! Therefore, it’d be like yelling at the OPEN AIR!

Many people HATE the bible and act as if it’s gonna sprout a pair of claws and teeth and physically bite them or something, if they get too close to it or hold it in their hands! And they hate on Jesus Christ/Yeshua with such vile hatred in their hearts, when they don’t even know Him!

Ask yourselves this question: is it okay to hate and pass judgement on someone you don’t even know? Most people would agree that it’s NOT okay to IMMEDIATELY hate and pass judgement on someone you don’t even know. So WHY hate Jesus Christ with such vile hatred in their hearts? What does hating Jesus DO for them? Does it give them 100% assurance of Salvation? No. Does it pretty much guarantee them a free pass into the lake of fire someday, provided they don’t repent of their sins? Yes. So truly…….hating Jesus Christ does absolutely NOTHING for them!

True, it might be make them temporarily rich, famous, popular or the like in the SHORT/TEMPORAL run. But what about the LONG-TERM/ETERNAL run?

“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” – Mark 8:36 [New Testament]  

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good” – Psalm 14:1 [Old Testament] 

But again, Psalm 14:1 isn’t just talking about atheists, it’s talking about all people (in general) who live their lives AS IF there is no God! For example, just because a person BELIEVES in God doesn’t mean that they live their lives AS THOUGH God exists. Let me elaborate, here……….

For example………

Joe Schmoe may believe in God and go to church every week. But does he LIVE as though there’s a God, every other day of the week? Does he LIVE AS though there’s a God who’s watching his every move, his every deed, thought and action? [Think of the Song called “I’ll Be Watching You” by the Police, for instance. And imagine it were the Lord himself singing the song to his creation!]. 

True, while Romans 3:23 DOES state: “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (meaning, everybody sins and nobody’s perfect), that does NOT mean that a believing Christian [“Joe Schmoe”] should live their lives as though God does not exist.

“So how does a person live their life as though God does not exist?”, one may ask.

And the answer is very simple:

  • by NOT giving God the praise, worship & daily acknowledgement that he deserves!
  • To go to church once a week and “forget God” the rest of the week!
  • To not remember all the great and mighty things he did for the ancient Hebrews!
  • To also not remember or acknowledge all the great things God has done in one’s own life!
  • To DISREGARD the 10 commandments and act as if they no longer matter!
  • To NOT believe in the bible [specifically, the creation account in the book of Genesis] or any of its precepts!
  • To DISREGARD the Lord’s 7 Annual Feasts (Pentecost, Trumpets, Tabernacles, etc.) AS IF they are “Jewish feasts, ONLY!”
  • To CELEBRATE in Paganized holidays that truly have NOTHING TO DO WITH JESUS CHRIST and that actually MOCK HIM (Christmas, Easter, Halloween, New Year’s, St. Valentine’s Day, etc.)
  • To not ever read and meditate on the bible
  • To not ever pray about anything
  • To not ever focus on one’s personal/spiritual relationship with Christ
  • Etc.

And in living as though “God does not exist” (in principle) is really no different (in God’s eyes) than HATING HIM!

Therefore, in God’s eyes, lukewarm Christians hate him just as much as “defiant atheists” (those who are “defiant” towards him, that is) do, if not even more so!

For remember: the Lord’s wrath is TWICE upon a lukewarm believer in Him, rather than a nonbeliever! For his wrath starts within the house of God, which is the body/assembly of believers!

Therefore, rather a believer or nonbeliever, I leave  you with two questions:

  1. Do you hate God? If so, why?
  2. What does hating God DO for you, at the end of the day? As in, what true *eternal gains* do you get by doing so?

But again, I could preach and preach and preach at “defiant atheists” (those that are “defiant”, that is), and lukewarm Christians all day long. But at the end of the day, many of them will STILL refuse to change their ways. That’s not the Lord’s fault and it sure as heck ain’t MY fault! For these people are simply CHOOSING to defy Him, the Almighty God of creation!

Take apart the “theory” of Evolution and you’re left with nothing. What? It was just, poof! Now we’re here………all various forms of complex LIFE….out of THIN AIR?……..Wow……. Lets get real here, people! If Evolution were “true”, they would’ve found MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of inter-generational fossils BY NOW. Cause afterall, they’ve had MILLIONS of years of time FOR these “magic inter-generational fossils” to show up by now, have they not? But yet, they haven’t found a single one. NADA! And the one they DID claim to find? Ida — the mere skull of a LEMUR? It was later proven to be FAKE! (As was Piltdown Man!) Which can be evidenced here:


Now, there’s no doubt in my mind that some scientists or a group of scientists will ONCE AGAIN try to “fake evidence” for “Evolution” someday soon. The question is, are YOU (rather an atheist or Christian believer) going to buy it? I pray NOT! 

We can know from SEVERAL different ways that the bible is true! One is archaeological evidence. Two is fulfilled bible prophecy, 100% of the time. For no other religion ON EARTH can make that claim! For example, Joseph Smith (of the Mormons) had over 99 FAILED prophecies! 99! And that’s just the small tip of the iceberg! Islam has ZERO prophecies that were fulfilled during the times of the Old Testament! In fact, Islam didn’t even exist until well AFTER the times from the New Testament had already passed! Which should tell you something, folks! And other religions have “prophecies”, yes, but they’re all related to a future “false Messiah”, they have no “prophecies” that have ALREADY come to pass, the way that Messianic Christianity does! 

So the choice is up to YOU, folks! Evidence of God and his almighty power is ALL AROUND YOU! How much longer will you continue to deny Him? I pray not much longer! For we’re living in the times of The End and there’s not much more time before the skies part and the Earth trembles and Jesus Christ Almighty returns to Earth a 2nd time……with GREAT WRATH……against all those who denied HIM and openly defied him by not believing in Him and his divine words in the bible, by openly mocking Him, by following false religions that were not OF Him, etc.

He’s real, and you know he’s real, within the depths of your spirit! THINK, people! THINK! Search your heart. What is your gutt telling you? He’s calling out to you right now, people! Will YOU listen and heed onto his spiritual voice of Truth? I pray that you DO! For NOW is the time of Salvation and tomorrow’s not guaranteed! TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE!

REPENT of your sins! That means, give them up for good! Stop doing them! Pray for forgiveness of your sins in Jesus’s name! Get full-water baptized in the name of Jesus! Receive the free gifts of the Holy Spirit/the spirit of Truth, Salvation/Forgiveness of sins and Everlasting Life! Gifts that can ONLY be received in Jesus’s name and gifts that can ONLY be given when the seeker TRULY SEEKS THEM WITH A 100% REPENTANT HEART! 

How much longer will YOU continue to deny Him and to live your life as though he doesn’t exist? How much longer will YOU deny his calling out to you in your dreams and visions? How much longer will you try to EVER-SO-DESPERATELY falsely convince yourself he doesn’t exist, that he’s not real, that the bible’s not real, and that his Almighty Wrath & Eternal Judgement is not real?

If you don’t believe, PRAY TO BELIEVE! He will answer your prayer if you TRULY seek him and his existence, MARK MY WORDS!

Because deep, deep down, you KNOW he exists! Just like you KNOW there wouldn’t still be MILLIONS of believers in him if it had been proven he doesn’t exist! Just like you ALSO know there’s NO WAY that miracles could happen if he didn’t exist! Think about it! Truly think about it! How DO miracles happen, if it’s not by the case of Almighty God? Things that defy ALL scientific, physical, medical explanation. People that are within INCHES of death, escaping a tragedy with NO INJURIES……..How does that happen, folks? SEARCH YOUR HEARTS! 

He’s calling out to you right now AND HAS BEEN calling out to you FOR QUITE SOME TIME NOW, IN YOUR LIFE! Are YOU listening?!?! Will you HEED his call, before it’s too late and your fate is sealed for ETERNITY? He DESPERATELY wants to save you but he can’t save you, if you won’t let him! He’s crying tears of AGONY right now, over all those who refuse to get saved! For it’s not his will for ANY to perish! And as soon as the heavenly father gives him the OK, he’ll return with great wrath upon the Earth! And sadly, many people will CHOOSE to eternally condemn themselves in the flames by NOT heeding his call! Will YOU heed his call, before it’s too late? I pray SO! 

Miracles: God’s Footprint (Constant Updates)

By definition, a miracle is defined as “a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine origin”. Although OTHER miracles happen by sheer human compassion or human will to stand up for God’s Word, against ALL clamour and opposition! 😉

There’s alot of skeptics out there that think they “don’t believe in miracles”. Well, it is my personal hope that viewing some of these modern-day “miracles” in and of themselves, might help change your mind! 😉

And for those of us in the world that DO believe in miracles or whenever your Christian faith needs a boost, feel free to examine God’s handiwork in the links down below! Great and mighty is the Lord! The name above all other names! Praise be to Yeshua/Jesus Christ Almighty and his mighty works, both through himself and his angels! 😉 And remember: this is just a very small “sample” of miracles! There’s so many more miracles out there that happen every single second, every single hour, every single day that we DON’T hear about on the local news! 

1). Family survived car crash with totaled car

2). Man survives nearly fatal heart attack

3). Boy born with “foot” in brain, survives and is operated on: the “foot just POPPED out of tumor”, doctor says

4). Woman sensed something telling her to leave her home IMMEDIATELY [Note: Just click on the PINK part of the link and the article will open up just fine! Trust me on this!]|main5|dl8|sec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D591573&ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000058

5). Stray dog in Iraq saves soldier’s life

6). Angel or the Lord himself saves man from fire–5260.html

7). Woman survives after car submerged in water over bridge

8). Woman comes back to life after dying in hospital

9). Woman survives tree crashing on windshield while driving

10). Woman in Brazil survives being shot in head 6 times

11). Miracle baby survives 13 hours in toilet bowl

12). 6-year old girl survives being shot 6 times and also saved her mother in the process

13). 7 Fatal Injuries that people somehow SURVIVED

14). Baby survives tornado


15). Baby survives abortion

16). Irish baby survives miscarriage and TWO abortion pills

17). Two Utah men survive plane crash

18). Skydiver survives plane crash

19). Exotic dancer meets Jesus

20). Coke/cocaine addict meets Jesus and becomes clean

21). Guy survives coma/organ failure/nearly harvested organs

22). 16-year old survives 28 minutes without oxygen

23). Man survives dying from heart attack

24). Woman survives after semi-truck ran a red light and plowed on top of her car, crushing it

25). 13-year old rape victim bravely rejected abortion and decided to raise her son

26). Woman gives birth to rare identical triplets

27). Unborn baby survives maternal hemorrhage and is born looking “ghostly” but gets blood transfusion and lives

28). Man awakens after 12 years of being in a vegetative state, says he was aware of his surroundings 2 year in

29). 6-year old gets swallowed by sink hole, lives to tell the tale

30). Stranger saves a woman’s son from choking to death–5081.html

31). Newborn baby is kidnapped from the hospital and saved by 4 “bored college students”–5391.html

32). Atlanta boy jumps into storm drain to save a 3-year old boy–5429.html

33). Jesus saves a girl from suicide and a car crash

34). Miracle twins are born at 24 weeks–5573.html

35). Man survives coma, was cured of possible brain-damage, etc.–5441.html

36). Man visits heaven after routine surgery goes wrong

37). Elk in Colorado Rockies saved boy from hypothermia–5850.html

38). Woman trapped in sink hole for 18 hours survived and lived to tell about it–6189.html

39). Hero cat saves baby from freezing to death

40). Tim Tebow plans 23 proms at churches for kids with special needs

41). Theatre cancels Planned Parenthood “abortion celebration” in KS

42). Jogger saves children from drowning–5916.html

43). Woman’s “miracle baby” survives

44). Boy survives alligator attack–5821.html

45). The Lord “cured” a baby that doctors thought would die right after being born–6374.html

46). Heavy metal rocker saved by Jesus

47). Woman died after having C-section (only to later be brought back to life by Jesus!)–6326.html

48). Thousands sign petitions to reinstate fire chief who lost job over conservative view on biblical marriage

49). Bible classes in Oklahoma public schools would be protected from lawsuits under proposed legislation

50). Two planes violently crashed in mid-air, all 11 passengers on both planes LIVED and there were ZERO FATALITIES–4212.html

51). Man survives really bad boat crash–6028.html

52). Robbery foiled after good samaritans chase down would-be robber and held him down until police arrived–6028.html

53). Philadelphia pizza shop patrons “Pay It Forward” to END Homeless Hunger [this idea is SO AWESOME!!! more places should do this!!!]

54). Cat saved owner from house-fire in Australia–5997.html

55). Mother took to Facebook to ask for “new liver” for her 3-year old daughter

56). Kayla Wheeler, born without legs with only one arm, breaks world swimming records, etc.

57). Girl survives car crash in sub-zero temperatures–6643.html

58). Girl in India saved from “temple prostitution”–5843.html

59). Baby left for dead manages to survive ordeal–6231.html

60). Young man survives life-threatening skin-peeling condition–6061.html

61). Two teenage girls lift 3,000 pound tractor off their father

62). Girl had half of brain removed during surgery (to eliminate CONSTANT seizures), and is now in what looks like full recovery

63). Mississippi Lawmakers propose legislation to make bible the official state book (Yay! Go Mississippi!)

64). Bullied Woman Voted “World’s Most Ugliest” Gives AMAZING speech


65). Nick Vijicic from Australia – Attitude is Altitude – Life Without Limbs (speaks of his “future wife, kids” in faith in early 2012)

65b). Nick Vijicic with wife Kanae (just a year later in 2013)

65c). Nick Vijicic in 2014 playing with his son in 2014


67a). Woman with only half a body doesn’t let disability stop her in life

67b). Woman with only half a body is married, and has a son


68). Baby born just after 22 weeks survived, got to eventually go home, and is now a healthy 4.5 lbs!

69). House Passes Bill Prohibiting Federal Funds Being Used For Abortion (about dang TIME they did that!!!!!!!)

70). Former Olympic Gymnast carrying triplets refused to abort two to save one (so far, all three babies are healthy and OK)

71). Cat returns from “grave”, 5 days later–812.html

72). Idaho legislative panel kills proposal to add statewide LGBT protections (it’s about TIME they started cracking down on the “open promotion of sin/sodomy” in this country! Just watch the Lord bless that state after this ruling!)

73). Miracle baby survives abortion at 26 weeks (pictured down below is what a baby at 26 weeks looks like, in the womb)


74). Infant falls 11 stories, survives with no brain damage

75). Teen Missing in Alps Found Waist-Deep in Snow

76). How a Guy Lived for 3 Days in Sub-Zero Wilderness

77). 2-Year Old Survives After Body Temp Plunges to 55 Degrees

78). Father refuses to give up newborn son with Down Syndrome, despite wife’s threat to divorce him



79). “Fifty Shades of Grey” books banned by 3 libraries and then some (about darn time libraries took a stand against such pornographic books!)

80). Nick Vujicic and wife are expecting their second child

81) **Double miracle**: Guy receives a kidney donation, falls in love with donator, gets married to kidney donator, lol

82). BEN CARSON STATES BEING GAY IS *ABSOLUTELY* A CHOICE (it’s a miracle someone high up in media’s willing to SPEAK THE TRUTH!) 

83). Couples divorces, then later remarries

84). Liberty Counsel Petitions Supreme Court on Change Therapy Ban

85). Target removes 50 Shades of Gray display after complaint from Pro-Life Group

86). 485+ missing miners found safe after fire

87). Honeymooner survives fall off cliff

88). House churches are growing, church constructions are going down

89). A couple of the actors THEMSELVES admit that they don’t agree with some of the things in Fifty Shades of Grey (this is a GOOD thing, perhaps the Lord’s already trying to secretly push them AWAY from the darkness and into the light!)

90). Baby born INSIDE Amniotic Sac (born by C-section 3 months early)

91). Christian florist REFUSES settlement that would save her home & business

92). Former Lesbian saved from homosexuality by God

93). Man ejected from his own SUV on Highway gets up and walks away, scratch-free

94). Baby Carson was saved from abortion after his grandmother begged his mom to choose life

95).  3-Alabama judges stop issuing marriage licenses to gay couples after ruling

96). Olympian who refused Doctor’s Abortion Advice Gave Birth To Triplets

97). ‘Bible-believing Christian’ company refuses to print civil partnership invitations (Way to go, guys! May the Lord be with you TEN-FOLD! It’s so nice and refreshing to see bible-roots Christians standing UP for our beliefs and NOT bowing to “sodomite pressures” to do otherwise!)

98). Man writes love letters to his wife everyday for 40 years

99). Mom delivers baby in toilet but couldn’t grab her baby in time; however, firefighters were still able to rescue him from toilet drain

100). Woman donates to kidney to boyfriend, then he later proposes to her at a Royals game

101). Toddler found alive 13 hours after car crashed upside down in river

102). Toddler thrown 25 feet from car during wreck, still in her car seat; survived with nothing but a small bruise–6905.html

103). Dog survives puppy mill

104). A 91-year old woman had her dream of becoming an inventor come true: 80 years later! 😉–6881.html

105). Boulder JUST BARELY misses car during Mudslide! PRAISE GOD!

106). Officers say mysterious voice called them to rescue baby trapped inside car

107). Former stripper takes on sex traffickers, rescues women from pimps

108). 10-Year-Old Girl to NYPD: ‘You Matter to Me’

109). Conservatives in France give STRONG backlack against civil unions/extramarital dating sites

110). Notre Dame gets Supreme Court boost in birth control mandate fight

111). Baby Found on Doorstep, Gets Adopted & Is Now Going To College

112). Young Father Wins Custody Three Years After Mother Secretly Gave Son Up For Adoption as a Newborn

113). Woman Meets Her Birth Mother 27 Years After Being Left In A Burger King Bathroom As An Infant

114). Sister had entire town surprise hearing-impaired brother in Instanbul, Turkey–6908.html

115). 12 Year Old Girl Raised in an Atheist Home Paints Images of Heaven

116). Dancing Man, Fat-Shamed on Twitter, Gets Celeb Support From Pharrell, Ellie Goulding



117). This Man Was Brutally Mugged. Until 20,000 Kind Strangers Changed Everything!–847.html

118). This Doctor Welcomes New Babies to the World by Doing the Sweetest Thing, Aww

119). This Dog Saved 1,000s of Soldiers’ Lives. You’ll Love What 100s of Strangers Are Doing to Save His!–5987.html

120). God Turns A UPS Driver Into A HERO!–6892.html

121). Dogs Show JOY At Finding Forever Homes! (And I’m sure cats are just AS happy getting to “go home” for the first time!)–6893.html

122). Marine’s Emotional SURPRISE Reunion With Family In Church

123). God forgave & redeemed woman who had an abortion when she was 18 years old–5321.html

124). Boy hooked up to breathing tubes dances his heart out

125). Facebook Saves the Life of a Disabled Man in a Fire

126). One Cop’s Act of Kindness to an Elderly Homeless Man will Stun You

127). Adorable Dancing 2 Year Old is the Life of the Party

128). This Kitty Has A Taste For Something Kinda Strange. And I Can’t Stop Laughing! (It’s always a refreshing miracle to see involved fathers in a child’s life!)–5462.html

129). This Janitor Had Never Met His Grandson. Until 100s Of Teens Gave Him A Surprise He’ll Never Forget

130). Priceless Moment a Soldier Dad Meets His Baby for the First Time

131). This Woman is Proof That Angels Walk Among Us. What She Says At 5:11- WHOA!–5073.html

132). Bird “gets his groove on” on the ice during winter (didn’t know birds did that! cool! lol).–5327.html

133). This Woman’s Story Blew Me Away. What She ‘Said’ At 5:22 Was So Powerful!–5328.html

134). A Woman Loves Her Boyfriend-Turned-Husband Through Thick & Thin (Note: This is what unconditional love is and what unconditional love DOES and I do believe in my heart of hearts that God will continue to heal this man!)

135). An injured honey badger is rehabilitated, then returned to the wild to tend to her babies–5335.html

136). Daddy-baby dance party–6878.html

137). When mother was pregnant with her daughter Grace, doctors encouraged her to get an abortion! (But the mother relented and today, this is the miracle that is before her! God has an awesome creation in little Gracie! So cute!)–5338.html

138). Dog born without eyes (dubbed “Smiley”) becomes heart-warming therapy dog

139). A baby born at 26 weeks DIES, then is revived by the touch of his mother and father

140). Players leave court mid-game to confront bully of cheerleader with Down syndrome

141). Superintendent’s Response to Atheist Group Is Epitome of Defiant In Light Of Texas Principal Coming Under Fire for Reading Daily Bible Scripture To Students During the “Thought of the Day” Morning Announcements

142). South Korean Minister & His Wife Take In & Fully Adopt Abandoned Children

143). Banning Christian University Grads From Practicing Law Over Opposition to Homosexuality Isn’t Legal, Rules Canadian Court

144). Michigan Mayor Retaliates Against Atheist ‘Reason Station’ at City Hall by Handing Out ‘In God We Trust’ Posters (nice touch! Praise God!)

145). Michigan Minister Seeks to Overturn Law Punishing Pastors for Conducting Gay or Polygamous Wedding Ceremonies

146). Randy Schmitz Says Hot Sauce-Induced Seizure Saved His Life

147). WATCH: NHRA’s Larry Dixon survives chilling crash in Florida

148). Legendary Gay Designers Oppose Gay Marriage, Gay Parenting, Surrogacy (they’re one step closer to the eternal truths found in the Lord Jesus Christ — please pray for these 2 individuals, folks! I actually find it pretty refreshing that these 2 gentlemen are wise enough and brave enough to SPEAK OUT against the current “gay culture”….on a sidenote: their comment about IVF babies has been taken WAY, WAY out of context by the liberal media…..they’re NOT trying to say that “IVF babies” have no soul…….they’re just simply DENOUNCING the concept of surrogacy for homosexuals/gay adoption altogether…..what is this country now, the Middle East? Are they now not allowed to speak out against things in this country they don’t agree with? What is the world coming to when even current/former homosexuals THEMSELVES cannot speak out against the “gay movement/gay culture”?)

149). Pastor Vows to Protest Lesbian Bishop Speaking at American Baptist College: ‘We Do Not Wear Our Sin as a Badge and Parade It’ (it’s really, really nice & refreshing to see someone STAND UP for “biblical standards” and not promote living AGAINST them, like today’s “popular culture” does!)

150). Why One Cairo Woman Gave Up Her Wealth to Serve the ‘Poorest of the Poor’

151). ‘I Love Lucy’s’ Little Ricky Finds Christ after Hollywood

152). Baby thriving in spite of having half a heart

153). Cat has figured out how to ring doorbell to be let in to house everyday, LOL

154). Top 10 Cases of ANIMALS saving HUMANS! 😉

155). Dolphins Save Beleaguered Sea Pup

156). Cat ‘Nurses’ Ducklings Along With Her Own Kittens In Amazing Viral Video

157). A Brother’s Song Saves His Baby Sister–554.html

158). A baby born at only 23 weeks survives and thrives

159). Doctors Thought She Miscarried… But Then This Mother Experienced a Miracle.–321.html

160). A Guy Falls 47 STORIES DOWN and is expected to make a FULL RECOVERY (Wow……..just………wow……..AMAZING!!!)

161). Vehicle crash victims survive with NO major injuries, right side up, in opposite direction they were traveling, near a CANYON in Arizona

162). Dead baby boy born at 27 weeks is REVIVED after mother held him for 2 hours

163). Cat walks over 200 miles to reunite with family (WOW…..that’s so cool!)

164). God Reunites Twin Sisters Separated At Birth

165). Man Saves Woman Who Became Frozen To The Ground During An Ice Storm–6852.html

166). Miracle Baby Celebrates her First Birthday

167). 7-week old baby says “hello” at very end of video clip (so cute!!!!!!)–6938.html

168). Cat keeps trying to give dog a hug (too funny! lol)–6916.html

169). Puppy attempts to talk like a human, LOL–6863.html

170). A dad and daughter have a choreographed “dance off”–6340.html

171). Parents Win Fight to End Teen Sex Conference in Oregon

172). Mother Ignores Doctors’ Advice to Abort Child, Baby Survives at 26 Weeks

173). Missing Kings High School Student Found Safe

174). Charges dropped against woman accused of damaging Satanic Temple display at Fla. Capitol

175). Egypt’s President el-Sisi Closes 27,000 Mosques to Fight Terrorism

176). A Pennsylvania toddler, who had no signs of life for 101 minutes after being found in a creek, is now alive and recovering

177). Google Exec: God Took Tragedy and Turned It into Triumph

178). No Sprinklers Required: How One Church Helped the Homeless In Their Area

179). Group that hires homeless people to create coats is looking to hire more people in need of jobs

180). House Approves Bill Granting Asylum to Families Persecuted for Homeschooling Children

181). Woman says religious business card saved her from having an abortion (although I should mention as a sidenote that there is nothing biblical about the TV show “American IDOL”…..think about what the name ITSELF implies……so I pray that the Lord will keep her AWAY from American Idol and the dirty music industry!)

182). Nigerian Terrorist Rejects Jihad for Christ

183). Oklahoma Bill Requiring Clergy Approval to Be Married Passes House; Opponents Claim Law Would Prevent Homosexuals From Being Wed

184). Casting Crowns Singer Mark Hall Had ‘Aggressive’ Kidney Cancer; Wife Calls Early Detection ‘Miracle’ as They Head Home

185). Gordon College Reaffirms Ban on Students, Faculty Engaging in Extramarital Sex, Homosexuality

186). This Baby is a Pure Miracle of the Lord! 😉

187). employs irony on homeless man’s behalf

188). The Man With the Golden Voice: Update

189). Christian Activists Boycott Planet Fitness Over Policy Allowing Men Who ‘Self Report’ as Transgender to Use Women’s Showers

190). Despite threat to accreditation, college rejects homosexuality

191). Documentary “Going Clear” EXPOSES “Scientology”

192). Cat survives 2-story fall from hospital ledge

193). Baltimore Ravens Super Bowl Champion Diagnosed With Debilitating, Deadly Disease Decries Maryland’s Assisted Suicide Bill

194). NYC Mayor Allows Tax-Payer Funded Private Pre-K Schools Prayer Breaks, Flexible Schedule



195). Children raised by gay parents SPEAK OUT against gay marriage, gay parenting

196). Children of gay and lesbian parents write letter of support to Dolce, Gabbana

197). Article writer proclaims: “We Are ‘Synthetic Children’ And We Agree With Dolce & Gabbana


198). A 10,000-Seat Charismatic Church Building Will Be Torn Down (praise Almighty God since church “buildings” AREN’T EVEN BIBLICAL!)

199). Alabama’s Activist Judges Sued for Allowing Same-Sex “Marriages”

200). 25 Random Acts of Kindness That Will Blow You Away

201). New Legislation would Allow Faith-Based Adoption Agencies to Deny Children to Same-Sex Couples

202). Teen who pled for physician-assisted suicide changes her mind

203). Tim Tebow and Manny Paquaio speak out for their faith in Christ

204). Pro-life leaders BRAVELY and COURAGEOUSLY speak out against abortion at GOP offices

205). 10 People Who Went From Pro-Choice to PRO-LIFE! 😉

206). Kansas Bans Dismemberment Abortions

207). Watch a Baby Clapping in Rhythm During Ultrasound

208). Sailor reported missing in January rescued after surviving at sea on fish and rainwater

209). Arizona first in nation to require patients be informed of abortion-reversal option

210). ‘Hope for Iowa’: Iowa Churches to Distribute Bibles to Every Home in City

211). 1,500 Medical Studies Declare Healing Power of Prayer Undeniable

212). Kansas governor signs nation’s 1st ban on abortion procedure

213). After Cancer Scare, Major League Baseball Pitcher and His Wife Experience Miracle Pregnancy

214). Indiana Pizzeria Will Reopen after Receiving $800,000 from Donors

215). Mother Refuses to Abort Baby Doctors Believed ‘Incompatible with Life’


216). Jill and Derek with newborn baby, Israel David (there’s still hope in the world when one is still allowed to name their kid “Israel”! I’m happy for you, guys! May the Lord Bless You Both and little Israel!)

Jill Duggard, Derek and baby Israel

217). Teacher fired over “anti-gay comments” REINSTATED

218). Texas Mother Refuses Abortion, Gives Birth to Nation’s First All-Female Quintuplets (is it just me or HAS there actually been a rise in doctors lately DEMANDING that mothers get abortions, all across the globe? Well, praise be to Yeshua Almighty, 9 out of 10 of these mothers REFUSE to listen to the docs and have their beautiful babies, anyways! Praise the Lord!)

219). Texas Mother Refuses Abortion, Gives Birth to Nation’s First All-Female Quintuplets (is it just me or HAS there actually been a rise in doctors lately DEMANDING that mothers get abortions, all across the globe? Well, praise be to Yeshua Almighty, 9 out of 10 of these mothers REFUSE to listen to the docs and have their beautiful babies, anyways! Praise the Lord!)

220). Thousands march in US capital against gay marriage;_ylt=AwrC0wxNHzxVaGYAjD_QtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTBybGY3bmpvBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg–

221). Officer reunited with newborn he found in dumpster in 1989

222). Transsexual Returns to Original Gender After Relationship With Christ–66932/

223). Kentucky judge upholds Christian printer’s refusal to print gay pride T-shirts (VIDEO)

224). ‘We will not obey’: Christian leaders threaten civil disobedience if Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage

225). Jezebelic ‘Sex Box’ Show Fails to Sell Immorality to the Masses

226). Muslim-Turned-Christian Warns of Radical Islam in Idaho

227). Why Jezebel Is on a Losing Streak on the Entertainment Mountain

228). Man on mission to build tiny houses for Los Angeles homeless

229). 6-Year-Old Girl Stays Calm on 911 Call: ‘My Mom Froze… I Don’t Know What Happened’

230). A Special Mother’s Day: Woman Who Gave Birth on Plane Didn’t Know She Was Pregnant

231). Tim Tebow Opens Hospital in the Philippines, Where His Mom Refused Abortion

232). Blind Pregnant Woman Gets to “See” Her Unborn Son and Her Response is Priceless

233). Scotland: Parliament Must Reject Deeply-Flawed Bill to Legalize Assisted Suicide

234). Miracle Five-Month-Old Baby With Half a Heart Comes Home After Heart Transplant

235). 104-year-old Con Mac Credits Family, Prayer for Her Longetivity (She reminds me of my own grandmother!)

236). What Happened When A Holocaust Survivor Met The Grandson Of Nazi Commander Who Killed His Family

237). Boy, 14, Finds Dog That Survived Tornado


239). Cardiologists, veterinarian work together to fix cat’s heart

240). Nebraska High-School Wrestler survives car crash & receives scholarship to Wyoming university

241). Quarterback makes good on promise to take down syndrome friend to the prom

242). ‘We know that God is able’: Student delivers powerful prayer at high school graduation

243). 5-Year-Old Feeds, Prays with Homeless Man in Waffle House

244). Colorado school blocks valedictorian’s speech declaring he’s gay (finally, a school with some SENSE!)

245). Patrick Stewart defends UK bakery’s decision to refuse ‘support gay marriage’ cake

246). Utah senator vows to defend religions from federal gay rights laws

247). North Carolina lawmakers approve 72-hour abortion waiting period

248). Students Skip Senior Trip, Donate Money to Principal Battling Cancer

249). Court upholds key parts of Texas’ strict anti-abortion law

250). U.S. Abortion Rate Drops 12 Percent

251). Australian Blood Donor James Harrison Has Saved 2 Million Babies’ Lives

252). Court Upholds Texas Pro-Life Law Closing Abortion Clinics

253). Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act to be introduced in U.S. Senate tomorrow

254).Irish woman gives birth to baby pronounced ‘dead’ for weeks


256). New Zealand Abortions Drop to Their Lowest Level Since 1994 as More Babies Saved From Abortion

257). Judge Rules Girlfriend Can Keep Her Frozen Embryos, Ex-Boyfriend Wanted to Destroy Her Children

258). More Texas Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinics Nearing Shut-Down

259). Valedictorian Wrote Special Instagram Messages For All 657 Classmates

260). From my understanding, family members of ALL 9 nine victims killed by Dylan Roof FORGIVE HIM just 48 hours after murder

261). Spells Broken: Etsy bans sells of “metaphysical services”

262). MOST POPULAR BABY NAMES [of 2014?] ARE OLIVIA & NOAH (This is exciting, considering the “biblical connections” to both names!!!!!!)

263). Good samaritan pays for firefighters’ groceries

264). Newspaper faces firestorm after attempted crack-down on anti-gay marriage op-eds (see what happens when we rise up against the opposition, people? PRAISE GOD!)

265). Former Muslim Who Fled Family after Conversion: I Don’t Live in Fear Because Every Day Belongs to God

266). EXCLUSIVE: County Clerk Resigns Instead of Issuing Gay Marriage Licenses

267). Gov. Mary Fallin signs bill allowing Oklahoma ministers to refuse to perform gay marriage

268). Pastor has the guts to fly Christian Flag ABOVE “Old Glory”/The American Flag

269). Christians (in Brazil) Launch ‘Sin-Free’ Facebook Alternative (TOO BAD THEY DON’T HAVE AN ENGLISH VERSION! HELP, PEOPLE!!!)

270). The succesful fashion design business owner with Down’s Syndrome! 😉

271). Ohio Judge Who Serves as Church Elder Refuses to ‘Marry’ Lesbians in Courthouse

272). Photographer with Down’s syndrome HAS GREAT TALENT! 😉

273). Support for a Young Earth? Scientists Baffled by Preserved Dinosaur Blood Cells (GOD’S WRITTEN WORD IN THE BIBLE IS TRUE, FOLKS! AND THIS IS ONE OF THE *SEVERAL* SCIENTIFIC FINDINGS THAT **PROVE IT**!) 😉

274). Over 200 Christians in War-Torn Syria Rescued by Belgium in Secret Operation

275). Kansas Governor Protects Pastors from Lawsuits over Gay Weddings

276). Gravity Payments Owner Drastically Cuts $1M Salary and Sets $70,000 Minimum Wage for Staff … Even the Lowest-payed Clerk

278). California worker alive after rescue from meat grinder

279). Jewish Man Saved from Nazis Helps Christians Escape ISIS

280). New York Couple Adopts Dying Friend’s Four Daughters

281). ‘Science Supports Genesis’: Geneticist Says Evidence Confirms Biblical Adam and Eve [I always knew that Evolution was false & that Creationism was true but now it seems that science, in and of itself, is finally PROVING the bible to be true. Evolutionists are now scrambling for answers as the “science” behind Evolution gets thinner & thinner & thinner!]

282). Girl, 5, saves family from crash by hiking barefoot for help (AMAZING! Praise God! Motorist 1: helps rescues girl’s baby brother, then walks back with girl up to road to flag down ANOTHER motorist, in order to help with girl’s unconscious mother………and THAT 2nd motorist JUST HAPPENED TO BE A PARAMEDIC! Coincidence? I think not!!!! God is AMAZING!)

283). Scientists find ancient reptile bones on top of an Alaska MOUNTAIN (The Genesis flood is TRUE, folks! This article – along with a great many other things – PROVES it!!!!)

284). Abandoned newborn baby found healthy and alive

285). Officer says God told him to put on bulletproof vest (and it SAVED HIS LIFE!!!!)

286). Falsely Accused Ethiopian Believers Bringing Fellow Inmates to Christ

287). Thousands Turn from Islam to Embrace Christianity

288). Archaeologists Uncover Ancient City of Gath, Home to Goliath the Giant

289). Alabama Becomes 3rd State to Defund Planned Parenthood

290). Kentucky Clerk Ordered to Issue Same-sex Marriage Licenses Sues Governor

291). Baltimore Residents Unite to Clean Up City after Riots

292). Pastors File Suit against Houston Mayor after Sermon Subpoenas

293). Muslim Convert to Christianity Released after Being Imprisoned in Iran

294). Woman Gives Birth To Her Twin Sister’s Baby

295). Ukraine: Gay pride march banned after church leaders’ protest (See what happens when the people of God SPEAK UP and SPEAK OUT about such “vile” things? Praise God!)

296). Kentucky Clerk Defies Court on Marriage Licenses for Gay Couples (Much blessings to ya’ll in Kentucky Clerk’s Office! Stay strong! Don’t ever let the enemy bully you into disregarding God’s Word! Keep the faith! I’m proud of ya’ll!)

 297). Paraguayan 11-year-old gives birth after pregnancy sparked abortion debate

[Yes, what happened to the girl was TERRIBLE and the perpetrator should DEFINITELY be punished……..but look at that small, beautiful baby girl she’s delicately holding in her arms……’s a true miracle from God and there’s no question she unconditionally LOVES her baby daughter and should be allowed to keep her, if she chooses so……..

They keep talking about all the “psychological trauma” she will ensue if she’s forced to raise her baby. However, they’ve never ONCE considered the psychological trauma she will suffer if she’s forced to be separated from her baby, a baby she obviously loves! Funny how the abortion lobby never asked the GIRL what she herself wanted but instead, tried to instill their “abortion propaganda” through her……..however, in spite of all their efforts, her love for her child is unconditional! Praise God! The Devil lost on this one and he KNOWS it!]

298). Hackers expose millions on cheating site; some in US govt {Perhaps some marriages might be repaired after the truth comes out……..I honestly feel bad for these people………their spouses probably love them HIGHLY and would likely be more than willing to try to satisfy them or try new things if ONLY their spouse would TRULY communicate what the problem is, instead of sadly hiding behind an affair! Affairs hurt all parties involved, don’t they? ;( Ofcourse, if a person is NOT opening to working on their marriage, may the Lord bless the affected spouse with a speedy divorce, if necessary! Amen.}

299). Doctor claims kissing your children on the lips is ‘too sexual’ (FINALLY! Somebody is speaking the truth about these things! I have ALWAYS secretly wondered why parents kiss their children on the lips. I find that disgusting! Why can’t parents just kiss their children on the cheek? The cheek seems more of an appropriate spot to kiss your child, parents! But to me, it’s a miracle that a doctor has finally come forth and spoken “the truth” about this “common practice” among today’s parents!).

300). Biblical Wave of Bugs Takes Over Burning Man Site (God’s warning to us about the “spiritual desecration” that takes place there every year! And this is just God “being nice” in his wrath! Imagine if his wrath upon this unholy site of Earth in Nevada became TEN-FOLD WORSE! Plagues of Egypt, anyone?)

301). Bobby Jindal Screens Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos for Pro-Choice Protesters On Big Projecter Screen In A *Continuous Loop*

302). 70-year-old World War II Prayer Book is Returned to Widow of Veteran

303). After High-School band banned from playing Christian hymn during halftime show, one member in the stand started LOUDLY singing the Christian hymn anyways, and then, one by one, several others started standing up and loudly singing the Christian hymn as well, making a statement to the judge who initially banned it! GLORY BE TO ALMIGHTY YESHUA/JESUS CHRIST!

304). Thousands protest outside Planned Parenthood clinics around the country

305). Clergy sex abuse claims drive Archdiocese of Milwaukee to file for bankruptcy (The less biblically-inaccurate “Catholic churches” are around in today’s world, the better, TRUST ME ON THIS, FOLKS!)

306). IRS Getting Pressured To Crack Down On Televangelists Following John Oliver’s Segment

[GOOD! It’s about DARN TIME they were held accountable for their actions — just as the Ashley Madison users most recently were! Thank-you John Oliver, for your work, exposing televangelists! I think you HIGHLY in the name of the Lord, for exposing them! For if YOU hadn’t, probably NO other public figure would’ve! So……in the name of the Lord…..THANK-YOU! ;)]

307). 1,000 of U.S. rabbis sign letter against Iran deal

308A). 662 Babies Saved From Abortions in Wisconsin After Planned Parenthood Funding Cut, Pro-Life Laws

308B). 4,500 Babies Saved From Abortions After Texas De-Funds Planned Parenthood

309). Prophecy Fulfilled: N. American Jews Return to Israel

310). Anti-abortion mom wins right to not vaccinate her son

311). Police officer pays for homeless mother, daughter to stay in hotel, eat

312). March For Life Defeats Obama Administration In Court

313). Kentucky clerk still won’t issue same-sex marriage licenses

314). Hero in China Saves Toddler Dangling From 4th-Floor Window Using Only A Mop

315). David’s Tent 424-day Worship Session to Take Place in DC

316). Gang Members Being Converted Through California Schools’ Bible Classes

317). Pro-Life, Pro-Traditional Marriage Rally in South Carolina Attracts Thousands

318). Ohio Pro-Lifers Expect Down Syndrome Abortion Ban to Pass

319). Christian Film ‘War Room’ Makes $11 Million in Opening Weekend

320). 45 Suspected Human Trafficking Victims Rescued in Indonesia

321). Out-of-Wedlock Births Declining Among Millennials

322). Tampa Bay Buccaneers Player and Wife Refuse to Abort Baby with Severe Birth Defect

323). Milwaukee Sheriff: ‘Stop Trying To Fix The Police – Fix The Ghetto’ [It’s nice to know that there’s still voices of truth out there!]

324). Hero cat takes bullet, saves kid

325). High school team baptized on football field

326). A Beautiful, Heart-Felt Wedding Letter This Dad Wrote To His Daughter With Down Syndrome On Her Wedding Day! [Most fathers abandon children with Down Syndrome, so it’s a miracle that this father not only stuck around but is EXTREMELY proud of his daughter!] 

327). After blasphemous gay pride parade, Brazil seeks to ban ‘Christophobia’ [This makes me VERY, VERY HAPPY and I wish they had something like that here in America, where it’s needed MOST!]

328). ‘No to Euro gay values’: Russian police and citizens stop homosexual ‘pride’ parade for tenth year in a row [On THIS account, me loves Russia very much!]

329). Another KY clerk vows to not issue same sex marriage licenses

330). Christian Rapper and Former Lesbian Speaks about Her Conversion

331). Polish government backs down on explicit sex ed after MASSIVE Parent Protest! [See what happens when we MOBILIZE, people? Change…….change for the GOOD, that is! WAY TO GO, POLAND PARENTS! Now……IF ONLY you could teach the Parents of America to do the same!!!! Because as you’ve all taught us here in this article, change AGAINST the “Pro-sin” lobbyists ONLY happens when we REACT/PROTEST EN MASSE!]

332). Navy exonerates chaplain accused of being anti-gay

333). Oregon judge refuses to perform same-sex marriages, cites First Amendment right to religious freedom

334). Dozens of N.C. magistrates refuse to perform gay marriages

335). At a Berlin church, Muslim refugees converting in droves

336). Hundreds gather IN SUPORT for Kentucky clerk held in gay marriage dispute

337). Madonna’s Gay Brother (Christopher Ciccone) Defends Jailed Clerk Who Refused Marriage Licenses for Gay Couples

338). Lost dog survives 42 days in the wild of Yellowstone National Park

339). Service with a wag: Group’s specially trained dogs help disabled farmers with chores, herding


341). Android ransom-ware lures with porno, takes your picture and then ‘fines’ you [It would rather seem that the good Lord’s CONSTANTLY thinking up ways to hold mankind accountable for their sins! PRAISE GOD!]

342). Baby ‘Swapped’ In Hospital Reunited With Parents

343). Hearing Launches Push to Defund Planned Parenthood

344). Comic Rebukes Comedian for Bashing Bible

345). Orissa Christians Become Stronger in Face of Persecution

346). BREAKING: Congressional hearing investigates ‘horrors’ of Planned Parenthood’s aborted baby parts trade

347). ‘Ontario’s dangerous sex-ed is indoctrination not science’ says U.S. psychiatrist to large audience

348). Over 100,000 people in 307 cities expected as 40 Days for Life kicks off Sept. 23

349). New TV Series to Help Christians Back up Pro-life Position

350). Court Shuts Down Attempt to Stop Release of More Planned Parenthood Videos

351). Pastor Averts Crisis When Crazed Man with Gun Enters Church

352). Exhibition to Showcase Resilience of Christians who Faced Brutal Persecution in Japan

353). NY couple beats 1-in-50 million odds with identical triplets

354). Tillie Stays With Phoebe For A Week Until Help Arrives

355). Doctors Can’t Explain MO Girl’s Miraculous Recovery from Drowning

356). Guy survives crash after car SPLIT IN TWO!

357). Surgeons reattach toddler’s head to neck following near-death car accident

358). Warren Jeffs’ son opens up about secretive polygamous sect

359). Christian Woman Survives After Screaming ‘Jesus’ as Muslim Terrorist Stabbed Her Repeatedly

360). Illinois Army vet, 75, saves 16 kids from knife-wielding teen reportedly plotting mass murder

361). Former Gay Rights Supporter: How He Became a Christian and a Pastor


363). Teenager Declared Cancer-Free Gives All Glory to God

364). Houston LGBT nondiscrimination ordinance REJECTED by voters

365). Ohioans REJECT legalizing marijuana

366). Governor-elect to remove clerk names from Kentucky marriage licenses

367). Man Dives Into Freezing Waters From A Cargo Ship To Rescue Kitten (While Yet Another Kitten — Down Below Original Story — Is Saved From A Busy Intersection)

368). Woman, 47, gives birth to first child one hour after docs told her she was pregnant (the baby’s name is Carolyn Rose – how cute!)

369). Couple date for a year… then discover something incredible from the past

370). Man digs out pregnant dog from pavement with his bare hands

371). Video shows trooper saving baby’s life

372). California doctor saves choking diner with pocket knife

373). Earth’s Mysteriously Light Core Contains Brimstone (PROVES Hell is REAL!)

374). Toddler bites, kills poisonous snake he found in his backyard

375). This ground-breaking abortion reversal kit has snatched 137 babies from the jaws of death

376). Family Receives Unexpected Blessing after Dining at Oklahoma Restaurant

377). ABC reportedly bans gay dancing on ‘Dancing with the Stars’


379). Abortion Clinics Fined for Taking Bodies of Aborted Babies to Landfill and Dumping Them

380). Texas stitches a safety net without Planned Parenthood

381). World Food Programme’s ‘ShareTheMeal’ App to Feed 600,000 Syrian Children

382). Arkansas Nativity scene ruled unconstitutional, even with disclaimer (Praise God! Christmas is NOT BIBLICAL!)

383). The fearless father who threw himself on a suicide bomber, saving ‘hundreds’ of lives in Beirut

384). 15-Month-Old Girl Survives Alone In Her Crib for Days After Grandmother Dies in House

385). Carjackers Steal Car With 8-Year-Old Boy in Backseat, Then Take Him to School [It’s amazing they atleast had SOME of a conscience and didn’t hurt the poor little boy! Praise God the boy was not harmed….AND that he got to school on time!]

386). Gov. Fallin calls for termination of Planned Parenthood contracts in Oklahoma

387). Dying 8-year-old cancer patient finds true love

388). Determined Georgia mom, 21, finishes college exam while in labor

389). Former abortionist ADMITS: Life begins at conception, preborn feel pain!!!!!!

390). Raped woman who chose life shares story in viral ‘Humans of St. Louis’ post

391). Planned Parenthood faces hefty fines for illegal disposal of baby bodies in South Carolina

392). Mom Finds Her 3-Year-Old Daughter Covering Her Baby Brother With Peanut Butter….And The Baby Brother Is Smiling and Enjoying It! So cute! 😉

393). Pregnant Horse Who Was Scheduled to be Slaughtered is Rescued, Gives Birth to Healthy Baby

394). Parent Successfully Fights Transgender Education in Public School

[See what happens when even just ONE person stands up biblical principles? We can ALL do our part to stand up for the bible/Jesus and stand AGAINST the coming tide of “homosexuality/sin/transgenderism/lasciviousness/abortion” that’s attempting to take over this world!]

395). [Bittersweet Miracle]: Family finally receives closure after 25 years

396). 25 photos that will restore your faith in humanity

397). Geological Discovery Finds Source of Earth’s Water Similar to Biblical Account of Creation

398). Naomi was so premature doctors said she had no chance. Last week, she went home!

399). Church Revokes Membership of Man Who Came out as Gay [In a day and age when MOST churches seem to “accept” the grave sin of homosexual living, it’s nice & refreshing to see a church STAND UP FOR BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES! Amen!]

400). State Police sergeant delivers baby girl on side of Parkway

401). Steel beam impales car, driver walks away with just a scratch

402). Israeli Website Posts Interviews with Messianic Jews on Front Page

403). Tiny kitten rescued from conveyor belt at California recycling plant, adopted and named “Murphy”

404). Man found alive after more than 60 hours in China landslide

405). Archaeological Discoveries Prove Jesus Existed, Disprove Atheist ‘Mythicist’ Scholarship, Book Claims

406). Couple Rescued after Being Trapped in 12 Feet of Snow for 20 Hours

407). Miracle twins survive ectopic pregnancy

408). 4-year-old girl in coma is recovering: heart stopped for 45 minutes

409). Heart surgeons use Google Cardboard to save baby’s life

410). Illegal Abortion Center Closes Due to Pro-Life Coalition’s Efforts

411). Wrongfully Convicted Man Finds Jesus, Preaches Gospel

412). A Museum of the Bible forms in very secular Washington

413). Police Officers Buy Elderly Man in Need $160 Worth of Food

414). Wife Cares for Husband in Coma for 33 Years, Staying Right By His Side

415). Baby tossed from roof of burning home survives

416). Florida Judge Rejects Atheist Lawsuit Meant to Strip Former Inmate Ministries of Gov’t Funds 

417). 11-month-old baby survives huge mudslide in Colombia with only bruises and a few abrasions

418). Archaeologists Find Pool of Siloam, Confirm Gospel of John Accurate

419). ‘God Bless America’ signs fly after atheist group targets post office banner

420). Ex-gay man: ‘Homosexuality is just another human brokenness’

421). ‘Little miracles’: Mom gives birth to naturally-conceived quintuplets after refusing ‘selective reduction’

422). Professor Who Said Christians, Muslims Share A God Is Leaving Christian College


423). Americans ANGRILY speak out about NARAL’s protest that Doritos Super-bowl ad Humanized a Fetus!”

424). Apple Maps Sends Abortion Seekers to Crisis Pregnancy Centers

425). Washington State GOP Advances ‘Sex-Selective’ Abortion Ban

426). Republican Majority Has Pushed 90 Percent of 2016’s Anti-Choice Bills

427). Mom and daughter, separated in 1933, reunite 80 years later

428). Panel OKs ‘In God We Trust’ as standard Utah license plate

429). Pro-life investigator hits back with new footage after judge blocks release of abortion sting videos

430). Solid evidence reveals large March for Life turnout vs. NY Times’ ‘hundreds’ and Post’s ‘thousands’

431). Born at 27 weeks: Science said he would die; faith said he would live

432). Pro-life Law Signed by Kentucky Governor; First in 12 Years

433). Baby who was declared dead wakes up just before he’s cremated

434). Georgia Bill Would Allow Prayer Back in Schools

435). Texas Judge Says Because Of His ‘Faith In God’ He Will ‘Only Be Conducting Traditional Marriages’

436). Nigeria blasts UN for pushing ‘LGBT’ agenda

437). Church of England Undertakes Film Project to Tell Faith Stories of Those Who Struggled with Doubt and Addiction

438). Tennessee county lawsuit: SCOTUS gay ‘marriage’ ruling invalid

439). BREAKING: Kim Davis defeats ACLU attempt to force her to violate her conscience

440). UK parents reject abortion after seeing son smile on ultrasound

441). ‘I saw little arms, little legs, and a head!’: Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

442). After being raped by a Catholic camp leader, his hatred almost killed him – then God stepped in

443). ‘Our miracle baby girl’: Parents of preemie born weighing under 1 pound celebrate her survival

444). ‘I would do it all over again,’ says hero fired for using concealed handgun to save woman’s life

445). Mother finds ‘stillborn’ baby ALIVE in morgue 12 hours after she was pronounced dead

446). Elderly Woman Waves at Students Every Day. Then She Got a HUGE Surprise.

447). Preemie ‘Miracle Child’ Revives after Spending Night in Morgue Refrigerator

448). Stray Dog Drags a Severely Injured Woman 100 Feet to Get Help

449). This Secret Santa Gives a Gift That Turns a Heroin-Addicted Atheist into a Believer. You Won’t Believe This.

450). Texas Church to Host over 300 Baptisms

451). Real Life ‘War Room’ Prayer Warrior Is Truly Inspiring

452). Kentucky Senate Committee Passes Bill to Protect Religious Freedom of County Clerks

453). 35 Unborn Lives Saved in 40 Days for Life Campaign

454). Florida abortion clinic may close

455). Firefighters save dog from sinkhole in Buffalo, New York

456). Down Syndrome youth becomes youngest business owner in his home town

457). Breakthrough cancer cure has deep Israeli roots

458). Dog rescued from 14-foot-deep sinkhole in Pennsylvania after 2 nights inside

459). Archaeologists Uncover 7,000-Year-Old Settlement in North Jerusalem

460). Why a Muslim Family ‘Freaked Out’ After Claiming That a Mysterious Man Appeared at Their Door With a Message: ‘Hello, My Name Is Jesus’

461). WI Gov. Scott Walker Signs Bills Defunding Planned Parenthood

462). Kentucky governor sues Planned Parenthood, alleging 23 illegal abortions

463). Transgender bathroom bill withdrawn in Florida

464). Wisconsin Defunds Planned Parenthood

465). Bittersweet Miracle: Father, 24, dies after carrying daughter, 8, out of burning home

[It’s a miracle that the child lived — due to her father’s courageous bravery — and that he chose to be a TRUE father to his kids since the ripe young age of 16! However, it’s sad that he died and that the mother of his children never got the chance to marry him! They just got engaged on Valentine’s Day of this year, people! 7 days!]

466). Rescuers brave icy waters to save helpless creature

467). Bible undamaged after SUV bursts into flames on Tennessee highway

468). International hotel chain REMOVES in-room pornography from its 4,900 locations

469). Mobster turned pastor preaches to former yakuza in Japan

470). Abortion Clinics Are Closing at a Record Pace

471). Appellate court rules against Abortion clinics in Louisiana

472). Bittersweet miracle: girl who died saving toddler from runaway car

473). Florida school board unanimously rejects homosexual, transgender concessions

474). New Jersey school district scuttles transgender bathroom policy amid public outcry

475). After eight seasons and multiple Emmys, pro-life TV show moves online to impact more people

476). Diners have lucky escape as car crashes through restaurant window

477). South Dakota teen takes 10-year-old sister with terminal disease to winter formal

478). Woman, 66, fights off robber in home

479). Three of Louisiana’s five abortion facilities halt abortions after court ruling

480). Soda machine shields woman from tornado: the tornado destroyed the ENTIRE hardware store nearby, but the woman was fine! The store owner then later gave her a t-shirt with a bible verse on it “to commemorate the miracle of her surviving!”

481). Irish voters take strong pro-life stand, ‘eviscerate’ pro-abortion government

482).  Over 450,000 Join Iranian House Church Movement, ‘Great Number of Muslims Turning to Christ’: House Church Movement Growing Too Big for Religious Police to Contain

483). AZ Officials Stand for Prayer in Phoenix Council and State House

484). Fla. Senate OKs Bill Allowing Churches to Refuse Gay Weddings

485). Dog takes his owner’s big rig FOR A JOY RIDE (when owner left it running), smashing the big rig into tree, just several feet short of GAS PUMPS!!! The MIRACLE is that there were NO reported injuries, not even the dog itself! Wow!

486). Queen Elizabeth Calls Jesus Christ ‘the King She Serves’ in 90th Birthday Book

487). Oklahoma senator introduces bill defining abortion as murder

488). Kentucky sues second, ‘filthy’ abortion facility for performing illegal abortions

489). Katie Price: I’m glad I rejected abortion for my disabled son Harvey

490). South African cardinal rebukes Georgetown for hosting Planned Parenthood prez

[In a post-modern world where MOST religious leaders seem to AFFIRM/APPROVE the ungodly practices of LGBT behavior and abortion, it’s REFRESHING to see religious leaders stand UP for biblical values!

491). Postcard campaign aims to convince Canadian MPs to reject euthanasia

492). Hospice and hospital will not participate in assisted dying

493). Majority of Brazilians OPPOSE allowing abortions in cases of Zika infections: poll

494). Adorable penguin swims 5,000 miles every year to visit man who saved him! How cute! 😉

495). Texas Now Requires Birth Certificates to Prove Student Athletes’ Gender [It’s about TIME legislation like this took place!!!!]

496). Surrogate Continues Parental Rights Fight after Delivering Healthy Triplets

497). Bill Introduced in Oklahoma Senate Which Would Make Abortion a Crime

498). Christianity in Iran Growing Despite Persecution

499). China’s Efforts to “Nationalize” Christianity in Its Own “Communit” Image Face Resistance

500). Judge upholds true marriage in Puerto Rico, says SCOTUS decision doesn’t apply

501).Tennessee House Passes Measure Opposing Supreme Court’s Gay Marriage Decision

502). A pelican decided it would rather live as a human pet than a wild pelican. How cute! 😉


503). Buccaneers Quarterback Jameis Winston Accepts Christ and is Baptized at Outreach Event

504). Girl Surprises Man Who Raised Her with Adoption Papers

505). California woman gives up 12-acre home to care for thousands of cats, starts official “cat sanctuary” 

cats are like potato chips

506). Hundreds of Christians join North Carolina rally to support new bathroom privacy law

507). Christianity Thrives in Iran Despite Severe Persecution

508). Indiana Adopts Law to Protect Babies with Down Syndrome from Abortions

509). Car accident leads to love story for quadriplegic


510). Utah becomes 1st state to declare pornography a public health crisis

511). Study shows a very bright flash of light marks incredible moment life begins when sperm meets egg (Note: the bright flash of light is the heavenly presence of the Lord himself knitting together the fetus in its mother’s womb!)

512). An Alabama city now says people who violate its bathroom ordinance could face jail time (Other states should follow their lead! SERIOUSLY!)

513). German shepherd helps rescue children from burning home

514). Many in Filipino Tribal Village Turn to God after Hearing Gospel and Seeing ‘The Passion of the Christ’

515). Pastor and His Wife Pray over Unconscious Boy and He is Miraculously Restored to Life

516). Virginia suspends troubled abortion facility’s license for 26 health violations

517). 90-Hour Bible Reading Marathon Set to Take Place at U.S. Capitol

518). IF Maryland State Senator is elected, he will be the ONLY open atheist in Congress (It’s a miracle that he’s the ONLY open atheist in Congress – imagine if there was only ONE open Christian in Congress!)

519). Missing Japanese boy found safe after forest ordeal!!!

520). Respected Scientist Says He Found Proof God Exists

521). Stray cat finds home in black bear’s enclosure at California zoo

522). Six Indiana Planned Parenthood clinics to close as patient numbers plummet

523). Canada Supreme Court enacts internet ban for sex offenders

524). Vermont doctors push back against assisted-suicide requirement

525). Last charge dropped against anti-abortion duo behind Planned Parenthood videos

526). Humanist Drops Case Seeking Removal of Ten Commandments Outside Maryland Courthouse

527). American College of Pediatricians: ‘No Scientific Basis’ That Children With Gender Dysphoria Born in Wrong Body

528). Fascinating Footage of Brazilian Baby Born Still in Amniotic Sac Goes Viral

529). Christians in Russia Refuse to Stop Sharing the Gospel Despite Putin’s Ban on Evangelis

530). Arizona School District Rejects Satanic Temple’s Satan Student Club

531). SCOTUS: School CAN block transgender teen from boys’ room

532). Irish High Court judge rules: ‘Unborn’ is ‘clearly a child’ with ‘significant’ rights

534). Middle Eastern Christian Woman Tells Americans Not to Pray for Persecution to End

535). Arizona Abortionists Must Tell Women Chemical Procedure can be Reversed

536). Pregnancy Center Sues After City Won’t Let It Open Next Door to Abortion Clinic 

537). Transgender TV show ‘I Am Cait’ canceled

538). Little girl’s adoption video is causing tears of joy around the world

539). Vocations to priesthood in Germany plummet to all-time low

540). Pro-life North Dakota reports fewest abortions in 35 years

541). PHOTOS: Baby given no chance of survival celebrates first birthday

542). News agency rebuffs death advocates: We’re calling it ‘suicide’ not ‘medical aid in dying’

543). A dad says “No way I’ll send my kids to be brainwashed by LGBT lobby in public schools”

544). Texas Lawyer Fights Back After Judge Tells Him to Stop Talking About His Faith on Social Media

545). Lithuanian intellectuals issue manifesto comparing gay pride with Soviet, Nazi tactics

546). Paralyzed Atlanta woman beats odds to dance at her wedding

547). BREAKING: Judge blocks Obama’s transgender restroom edict in public schools

548). Home Depot employees craft custom walker for 2-year-old Texas boy with special needs, FREE OF CHARGE

 549). Pet store shopper returns lost wallet with $3,400 inside

550). Former Mozilla CEO, Shunned for Belief in Traditional Marriage, Launches New Browser

551). Bulgaria bans full face veils in public

552). Texas Pulls Out Of Federal Refugee Resettlement Program

553). Stericycle tried to ban pro-lifers from exposing them for dumping aborted babies’ bodies. They just lost.

554). Pro-life movement celebrates Hyde Amendment’s 40 years, and 2 million lives saved

555). WATCH: Viral Irish video destroys pro-abortion lobby’s call to ‘repeal’ pro-life law

556). Baby’s birth mother decides to keep her after adoptive mother rejects her

557). New Video EXPOSES Gender Identity LIES

558). University president: Transgender ideology ‘dumbs down the definition of the human being’ [It’s nice and REFRESHING to see professors who STAND UP TO THE “GENDER POLICE”!]

559). Mom of baby diagnosed with dwarfism refuses abortion: ‘I wouldn’t change a thing’

560). As China plans another crackdown to suppress religion, Christianity continues to grow

561). 8,900+ students, parents to Supreme Court: Uphold policy to protect privacy in restrooms

562). Russian citizens shut down U.S. artist’s ‘child porn’ exhibit in major demonstration

563). India Supreme Court orders closure of all sterilization camps within three years

564). Minnesota Catholic group uses billboard to rebut pro-abortion ‘Catholics for Choice’ ad

565). Pro-lifers will counter Planned Parenthood’s 100th anniversary celebrations with protests nationwide

566). Actress with dwarfism rejected abortion; her little miracle is now 2 1/2

567). Documentary highlights “The Euthanasia DECEPTION”

568). Black man adopts three white brothers: ‘Family is deeper than skin color’

569). Missing 13-Year-Old Girl and Infant Son Found in West Virginia as Stepfather Arrested on Kidnapping Charges

570). Her son killed Amish children 10 years ago. Their families helped her forgive.

571). Student speaks out after teacher stomps on US flag

572). Toddler found alive after getting lost in cornfield for nearly 24 hours

573). Baby Partially Removed From Womb For Surgery, Then Put Back [Born twice, a North Texas baby beat the odds!!!]

574). ‘The Boy Without a Brain’ stuns doctors after parents refuse abortion

575). WATCH: ‘Fire me, fine me, jail me. I won’t back down to speech police’, says U of T prof

576). One teen’s courageous response to sexual assault: ‘I couldn’t hurt a baby.’

577). Couple’s miracle boy born weighing 13 ounces goes home from NICU after 356 days

578). Mom chooses life for her baby after watching groundbreaking video showing abortion

579). Oklahoma ballot initiative aims to overturn ban on state funding for faith-based orgs

580). BREAKING: Christian homeschool group wins temporary injunction to stay open

581). Polish Parliament approves ‘pro-life’ bill funding women in difficult pregnancies

582). African states bid to stop work of U.N. gay rights investigator,7340,L-4874559,00.html

583). Donald Trump Is Elected President in Stunning Repudiation of the Establishment

584). Mexican president’s gay ‘marriage’ initiative killed by legislators after massive nationwide protests

585). Liberal Oregon official who fined Christian bakers loses election

586). BREAKING: Trump appoints strongly pro-life, pro-marriage Sen. Jeff Sessions as Attorney General

587). Texas initiates bill to ban selling aborted baby parts, stop partial-birth abortion

588). Solidly pro-life Kansas Rep. Mike Pompeo selected as CIA director

589). 19-year-old homeschooled pro-lifer wins Ontario election by landslide [Oddly enough, just like Trump, this kid ALSO faced a total smear campaign by liberals and the media……..and……won by a landslide…….shall we call him “Trump Jr.?” lol. But a victory, nonetheless! ;)].

590). Indiana state lawmaker challenges Roe v. Wade with new bill banning all abortions

591). Supreme Court could be a new justice or two away from overturning gay ‘marriage’ law: Christian attorney

592). House Speaker Paul Ryan promises bill to defund Planned Parenthood: ‘Our position has not changed’

593). Canada’s ‘deplorables’? Apparently the very existence of social conservatives ‘disturbs’ Ontario’s Lesbian premier

594). Hundreds Gather to Support Christian-Grandma Florist in Appeal Case for Not Working Gay Wedding

595). $800,000 Approved for Planned Parenthood Investigation by Republicans as Defunding Efforts Ramp Up

596). Jeff Sessions may prosecute ‘sanctuary cities’ if confirmed as attorney general

597). A defiant Trump meets the TV news crowd in private – and lets them have it–and-lets-them-have-it/2016/11/21/17a9e418-b040-11e6-840f-e3ebab6bcdd3_story.html

598). Indonesia: Over 10,000 Rally to Support Jakarta’s Christian Gov. Accused of Blasphemy

599). Allen West rips abortion: ‘We will not be truly blessed as a nation until we right this wrong’

600). BREAKING: Trump appoints pro-life Gov. Nikki Haley as UN ambassador

601). BREAKING: Texas judge upholds decision blocking Obama’s transgender bathroom mandate

602). BREAKING: Late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart calls it quits in Maryland

603). New virtual reality devices give parents 3D look at unborn baby

604). Trump picks Betsy DeVos, pro-family school choice advocate, for Education Secretary

605). CDC: U.S. abortions are continuing to drop

606). California mom who vanished while jogging found alive, was abducted, police say

607). Two children lucky to survive river rapids tragedy at Australia park, police say

608). ‘Miracle’ catch: 9-year-old saves falling infant brother

609). Ontario court asked to declare unborn child as a human being and abortion culpable homicide

610). Congress doubles budget for investigation of Planned Parenthood baby parts scandal

611). Students at Georgia High-School break out in gospel song as tornado sirens blare

612). Ohio Pastor Protection Act passes Ohio house committee

613). Disability, pro-life advocate’s message continues to resonate after her suffering and death

614). British public school tries but fails to punish teacher who shared Biblical marriage views with student

615). BREAKING: Ohio revokes license of notorious Dayton abortion center

616). Mom rejected pressure to abort, chose life for son who wouldn’t survive after birth

617). Raped as a teen, she chose life for her child and never looked back

618). Texas now requires a proper burial for aborted babies, and abortionists are outraged

619). Pro-lifer who spent three nightmarish days in jail sues abortion clinic, police for “false reports”

620). Pro-lifers present ‘biggest ever’ petition to Northern Irish Parliament

621). Planned Parenthood: Trump’s HHS Secretary is a ‘direct threat’ to abortion agenda {NOTE: ANY NON-VIOLENT THREAT TO THE *ABORTION AGENDA* IS A TRIED AND TRUE MIRACLE!} 🙂

622). Nick Cannon doubles down against Planned Parenthood: ‘It’s modern day eugenics. It’s population control’ {Way to go, Nick! We NEED more outspoken celebrities like you in today’s godless world!}

 623). Pro-family group assails Zales Jewelers for ‘normalizing sin’ with ad featuring lesbian ‘wedding’

624). Freedom of conscience on Hacksaw Ridge: A story for our times

625). Pro-lifer Pierre Lemieux officially jumps into Conservative leadership race

626). No, we can’t ‘agree to disagree’ on gay ‘marriage’, says outspoken conservative writer, “And here’s why”

627). Proud mom of twins, Lauren rejected the “easy way out”

628). BREAKING: Trump selects pro-life, pro-marriage Ben Carson as HUD secretary


630). ‘This targeting of Christians…needs to stop’: TWO GOP congressmen support Chip and Joanne Gaines












Two Paths and Two Paths, ONLY!!!!!

There is GREAT DECEPTION going on in the world today and one of THE biggest deceptions of our time is the FALSE BELIEF that “there’s many paths to God”!!!

But according to the bible, there are TWO PATHS and Two Paths, ONLY that one can take and it’s either the path leading TO Jesus Christ that leads to Salvation/Eternal Life or the path AGAINST Jesus Christ that leads to ETERNAL CONDEMNATION IN THE FLAMES! There IS no other way!

So essentially, in a nutshell, the TRUE motto becomes “turn or burn”.

ALL world religions outside of true, biblical Christianity have ONE thing in common: they ALL reject the deity of Jesus Christ and they ALL lead to ETERNAL CONDEMNATION IN THE FLAMES! Mormons believe Joseph Smith is just AS important if not MORE important than Jesus Christ! Catholics believe the “virgin Mary” is just as important if not MORE important than Jesus Christ! Muslims believe that Jesus Christ was NOT the Son of God and was NOT crucified or resurrected (even in spite of actual, historical evidence and non-Christian accounts that prove them wrong)……

Jehovah’s Witnesses falsely predicted the end of the world in 1914, along with various other “false prophecies”, Hindus believe Brahma is in everyone and everything, Buddhists believe Buddha was a god (even though Buddha himself would be APPALLED if he knew he had been elevated to “god-like status”), Satanists/Luciferians believe that Satan is the true god of the bible instead of Jesus Christ, Humanists believe in themselves and not in God, Atheists don’t believe in God, Pagans believe everything that goes AGAINST true, biblical Christianity, Wiccans/New Ageists believe in things CONDEMNED by the bible, and all OTHER religions other than true, biblical Christianity lead to THE ETERNAL FLAMES OF TORMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jesus Christ HIMSELF said in John 14:6 (as a response to someone’s question in the bible about eternal life, I believe): “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father [eternal Paradise/Salvation], but by me“. So what does THAT mean, in translation? It means there’s one way and one way, ONLY to Salvation/Eternal Life. All OTHER paths outside of Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ, ALONE lead to ETERNAL CONDEMNATION IN THE FLAMES!

Now, it might seem a bit cruel to some that ONLY those that adhere to true, biblical Christianity (and true faith in the Lord Jesus) will be granted Salvation/Eternal Life but consider THIS: God the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, the Holy Son of God [who sits at the Heavenly Father’s right-hand throne], gives people TONS and TONS and TONS of “chances” and “warnings” and “preachings” and “signs” and “miracles” and “wonders” throughout their lifetimes. And so IF, by the end of their life, they STILL decide that they “don’t need Jesus Christ or salvation” and are THEN designated for eternal condemnation as a result, how is that GOD’S fault? Answer: it’s not. It’s the person’s OWN fault for NOT adhering to God’s many, many, MANY warnings that God gave them throughout their entire lifetimes!

But yet, I can picture some of them, NOW……..someday standing before the judgement seat of God/Jesus Christ and saying: “Warnings? What warnings? You never gave me any warnings!!!!!” and he will likely say to them in response something along the lines of: “You saw many pro-gospel signs and billboards, heard many Christians speak on movies and in TV programs, saw many Christian writings on the internet, were warned by your Christian friends, coworkers and family members, saw or heard of Christian movies at the theatre or on TV, came across many news stories about Christians and Christian beliefs, came across many things that *mocked* me or the bible (and yet, never bothered to truly investigate about me and/or the bible)….”

“You came across people referencing the bible but never bothered to look up the passages for yourselves, saw many, many signs and wonders in nature, never bothered to wonder about all the “miracles” in your life, never bothered to wonder about the origin of life, etc.”! And it’s then, at that very moment in time, that those poor folks will be put to shame by the Lord Jesus Christ and they will immediately look back with much fear and trepidation and sadness in their hearts/souls/minds and wish SO DESPERATELY then, at that very moment, that they had listened to and heeded all his “warnings” in their life! But by then, their fates will be sealed for eternity and it’ll be too late! ;(

So please: I beg of you. If you haven’t come to a saving knowledge of Salvation/Jesus Christ, please submit yourself to Jesus Christ, TODAY! Tomorrow is not guaranteed! We never know when we’re going to die! Time is of the essence!

But know this: if you DON’T submit yourself to Jesus Christ and you die tonight or someday soon and end up in eternal condemnation as a result, don’t blame me. For I’ve warned you!

“I pray that ALL souls that read this will become saved in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and also that he will bless them and keep them for eternity. Amen”.





How does Jesus Christ communicate with people?

Many Christians (and even those who are non-Christian or non-religious) may be wondering how Jesus Christ communicates with people, rather or not Jesus Christ ever tries to communicate with non-Christians, and exactly WHAT it is that people mean when they hear someone say “God spoke to me today” or “God told me to do/not do such and such”.

Many people might be wondering the question; “Did that person actually hear God’s AUDIBLE voice? Are they psychologically CRAZY? What is the DEAL, here?”

And the simple answer is THIS: Jesus Christ communicates in a NUMBER of ways to people. He can speak to people audibly during near-death experiences, for instance. (Although I’ve never personally heard of a case where he AUDIBLY spoke to someone in the MODERN DAY outside of a dream or near-death experience). He can also speak through dreams and visions (as Job 33: 14-18 in the Old Testament and the “dreams” of other Old Testament prophets/certain people attest to). And most importantly, he can speak to someone IN SPIRIT…..either through his divine words in the bible and/or through means of the Holy Spirit. And when he speaks through means of the Holy Spirit, it’s not so much an AUDIBLE out-loud voice so much as it is an “inner voice of biblical reason”.

And you can tell it’s the Holy Spirit of God when what your gut says ALIGNS itself with what the BIBLE says……things such as, “you need to spend more time with your family” (a value that’s highly favored in the bible), “you need to spend more time reading and meditating on the bible each week”, “you need to re-examine and re-strengthen your faith”, or “you should go witness to your atheist friend about me today” or “you should go donate your last $5 to that homeless man over there so he can buy something to eat today” or the like. It will also tell you things like “Jesus Christ is Lord” or “Yeshua” (Jesus’s Hebrew name).   

For example: a person could be struggling with something in their lives (like, forgiving someone who has hurt them, overcoming lust or greed, fixing a broken marriage, dealing with a death in the family, etc.) And then, they will either have a dream or vision where Jesus tells them how to overcome the situation they’re struggling with or they’ll be prompted to look up a certain bible passage or to go read a certain Christian blog or listen to a certain Christian radio or tv program that covers the exact topic in question OR a friend, acquaintance or family member of the person with knowledge of that subject will oftentimes call or email the person out of the blue (as if by a miracle), which then opens the person to asking the friend the best way to deal with said topic/struggle. I’ve had that happen to me MANY times!

And if a person is non-Christian or a follower of ANOTHER religion besides true, biblical-based (Jewish-roots) Christianity, Jesus Christ will try to communicate with that individual in a certain set of ways. He’ll either try to speak to that person through an angel, a street preacher, a youtube video, an evangelist, an online message board, a televangelist, a Christian friend or family member, a blog, a news article about a miracle that happened, a near-death experience, a dream, a vision, a miracle, a radio broadcast, a book, a movie, the bible, etc. He has an INFINITE number of ways to try to communicate with the non-believer or with followers of a religion that is not COMPLETELY biblically-based (be it Satanism, atheism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Catholicism, Mormonism, Islam, Hinduism, etc.)

In fact, MANY non-Christian people and/or followers of other religions have reported having dreams and visions of Jesus Christ. It would seem these days that Jesus Christ Almighty is trying to get through to as many people as possible before the day of reckoning. And once that day comes, it will be too late for people to change their minds. Their eternal fate will be sealed and there will be NO.WAY.OUT. FOREVER. Revelation 20:15 gives a VERY CLEAR description of what happens to ALL those who disregard Jesus Christ and his sacrifice on the cross for mankind’s sins: “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire”.

However, there are ALSO cases where Satan will appear to people in visions and dreams DISGUISED as Jesus Christ sometimes, in order to try to fool people. So how can people tell the difference, you may ask? Well, the answer is simple. First of all, how do you FEEL when you very first encounter Jesus Christ in your visions or dreams? Do you feel content, restful, at peace, happy? Or do you feel uneasy, unsure, full of anxiety, etc? Secondly, do the words of “Jesus Christ” in your visions or dreams line up with the bible? Like, if a form of Jesus Christ appears in your dream and tells you “you should spend more time with your family”, it is most likely the good Lord himself speaking since the bible highly values marriage and family.

BUT…….if the “Jesus Christ” in your dream tells you to do something CONTRARY to the bible such as “you don’t have to read the bible every week to have strong faith” or “you really don’t have to try to make up with your friend that you had a falling out with, that’s not important to me right now” or “it’s okay if you don’t celebrate the Sabbath every week or celebrate it on the CORRECT time-frame (Friday sundown to Saturday sundown)”, etc. or makes you feel UNEASY or NERVOUS, then it is most definitely NOT the Jesus of the bible speaking to you in the dream!

But beware…….Satan can get so tricky sometimes as to appear to someone in a vision or dream in the form of Jesus Christ, say something that “SEEMS” to align with the bible, and then quickly add in a little tidbit that goes AGAINST the bible once he has the dreamer convinced that he is Jesus Christ and NOT himself!

As in: “So….I’ve been noticing you’ve been reading the bible alot lately……..good job…….I’m impressed……….now, I’d like you to work on THIS other area in your life……instead of reading the bible from now on, I want you to go out and focus on yourself for awhile……’ve been working so hard lately for my great, heavenly name…….and I want and need for you to take a break and relax for awhile, trust me, you need it. And then after a time, you can come back and be all “refreshed” in my “great heavenly name'”  [Note: The Lord Jesus Christ Almighty “never takes a vacation” from being God, so why should WE ever “take a vacation” from being his servant? Answer: we shouldn’t!]

So be VERY, VERY careful when trying to interpret/process spiritual visions and dreams!!!!!!!

And this isn’t a GAME, folks! This is FOR REAL! There is a SPIRITUAL WAR going on out there in today’s world, a war for your very SOUL! And believe me, your SOUL is the single most precious thing that you have, more valuable than ANY money, gold, possessions, friends or fame.  Cause what you say, do and believe in THIS world will determine where your SOUL (the single most precious possession that you have) will go for ETERNITY!

For our very own thoughts, deeds and actions someday will be judged accordingly. Those who put their faith, love and trust into Jesus Christ and follow all his commandments in the bible to the best of their ability shall enter into eternal life. But those who do NOT put their faith, love and trust into Jesus Christ and follow all his commandments in the bible to the best of their ability shall enter into eternal condemnation.

There is one way and ONLY one way and that way is through Jesus Christ. There are ONLY two paths in the world: the path of light, which leads to truth which is Jesus Christ and the path of darkness (all other religions other than biblically-based Christianity, including atheism) that lead to eternal condemnation. So essentially, the TWO choices are FOR Christ or AGAINST Christ. What side are YOU on?

How The Lord Saved Me From Suicide…..[UPDATED]


I’m very ashamed and embarrassed to admit this, but when I was around 19-21 years old, I had made around 5+ suicide attempts on my life. The reasons for my wanting to do so were varied but the number one reason I wanted to do it EACH individual time was because I had lost my faith/trust in Jesus Christ, falsely thought EACH time that Jesus Christ didn’t love me anymore, and was under MOST SEVERE DEMONIC OPPRESSION.

People seem to think that those who try to kill themselves are “stupid”, “foolish” or “weak” or what not but please BELIEVE ME when I say that WHEN a person attempts suicide, they feel as though they’re at the end of their rope and HAVE NO HOPE. Even CHRISTIAN PEOPLE who have strong faith can become suicidal (sometimes even REPEATEDLY suicidal – as was in my case) when they feel as though they’re all forgotten about by Jesus Christ, like Jesus Christ is no longer there in their lives or loves them anymore, when they began to feel as though they’re too “bad” to get into Paradise/Eternal kingdom of God, someday, etc.

But you’ve got to remember that Satan and his fellow fallen angels (DEMONS) are GREAT DECEIVERS. It all starts out SO SMALL, too. As in “man, I did REALLY, REALLY BAD on that test today” or “man, I’m such a loser” or the like. And then slowly over time, Satan and his demons try to go even further by putting the following FALSE THOUGHTS in one’s head:

“You’re ugly, you’re no good, you’re a loser, you’re never gonna amount to ANYTHING in life, you’ll never have kids/family of your own, no-one’s ever gonna want to marry you, Jesus Christ hates you, your name’s been permanently etched out of the Book of Life, hell awaits you, everybody hates you, nobody loves you, you’re stupid, you’re weak, everybody’s making fun of you and laughing at you behind your back, your life’s NEVER gonna get better, nobody will miss you/nobody will come to your funeral, Jesus Christ WILL forgive you if you kill yourself, you’re FAT, you’re HIDEOUS, everybody WANTS you to kill yourself, you’re dying of cancer, your Satanic-worshiping relative will go to eternal paradise someday and YOU won’t, it’s TOO LATE for you to be forgiven of your sins now, Jesus Christ will NEVER forgive all your sins, you’re such an IDIOT, YOU tried to kill yourself on more than one occasion, YOU made Jesus Christ CRY, etc.”

And even though most Christians KNOW in their heart of hearts that the false thoughts that Satan and his demons try to put into their minds, hearts, body and spirits are blatantly FALSE……..over time…….the thoughts become OVERPOWERING in their mind. And nothing they seem to say or do seems to “shut off” the thoughts. Some turn to the bible or to Jesus Christ and try to PRAY away their pain.

But then, they sometimes lose heart and lose their TRUST in Jesus Christ (and the fact that he has the power to change their lives around) when Satan and his demonoids RELENTLESSLY come at them with: “Oh, sure! Cry out to Jesus! He doesn’t give a *darn* about you or what happens in your life! Ah……He’s forgotten ALL about you, you poor fool! That’s why you’re in this mess in the first place! LOSER! LOSER! LOSER!” Yet OTHERS will try to turn to TV, music, movies, shopping, food and/or the internet to try to “drown out” their pain.

They began to relentlessly search for OTHER methods to try to drown out the pain and/or demonic influences trying to overtake them. Some turn to drinking or drugs to try to drown out those negative thoughts (which oddly, only manages to INCREASE the demons’ hold on their mind & spirit!) Others try listening to sad, depressing music, loud heavy metal, trance/new age to try to drown out the self-hatred/self-anger in their soul (which oddly, only seems to INCREASE IT!)

Sadly, listening to new age or heavy metal music actually invites demons to come into your mind, heart, body and spirit. Therefore, listening to “angry” heavy metal music or new age music doesn’t “help” the problem of negative thoughts (coming about from demonic oppression to the person), it only serves to EXACERBATE THEM. Yet others try to turn to Wicca/Witchcraft, thinking that The Craft will somehow help them gain control over their own lives………only to later realize that dabbling in Witchcraft has *damning consequences* to the mind, heart, body and spirit! (Once the demons are invited in, they very rarely go!!!!! Plus they make you do things you would NEVER normally do under normal circumstances. They become in COMPLETE CONTROL over you and your life becomes not your own anymore! Very scary, INDEED!)

Three separate times with the 19-21 years of age time-frame, I tried to smother myself, each attempt being months apart from the previous one. And EACH time, I was well within a single BREATH of my life, and I’d hear the sound of Jesus Christ sitting beside me on the couch/bed, BITTERLY BITTERLY BREAKING DOWN AND WEEPING and saying to me, “I know your apparent reasons for wanting to do this but WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF?”, and AS he said those words to me during each of the 3 separate attempts, he would POWERFULLY and AGGRESSIVELY (perhaps even ANGRILY?) grab the pillow away from me and THROW it across the room!

And each and every time, I would simply KNOW it was him, no doubt in my mind, whatsoever! And I’d break down and cry afterwards, each and every time and would be ever so grateful that he saved me. And things would be okay for awhile. But then the total SHAME & GUILT would come in and overtake me: “YOU tried to kill yourself more than once! YOU made Jesus CRY!” and I would start to HATE MYSELF all over again. It was such a vicious cycle.

I made 3 more meager attempts at suicide within that 19-21 years of age time-frame but NONE of those times worked out. Something always happened. Either somebody would distract me by making a phone call to me and telling me they were coming over to the house, or the pills I tried to O.D. on did nothing TO me or a violent t-storm kept me too distracted to concentrate on killing myself. So I kind’ve gave up on trying to kill myself after awhile. I thought: “what’s the point in trying to kill myself if the Lord won’t even let me die, anyways?” But at the same time, I was almost in a sense somewhat angry at the Lord for not letting me kill myself. I remember saying outloud: “Lord, why can’t you just let me die in peace? Can’t you see I’m in ALOT of pain? I’m in SO much pain these days that I can barely even BREATHE!”

One day, I just couldn’t take it anymore and got to my breaking point again. I decided I should just end it all and reasoned with myself that hell would probably feel “sensational” compared to the current pain I was under. So as I sat at the computer one night, I decided to humor myself a bit and went to the site thinking that maybe it would tell me some good ways to try to off myself. [And remember, even though I was grateful for Jesus saving me from all PREVIOUS attempts, up until that point, I had felt SO MUCH SHAME AND GUILT for even wanting to attempt it in the first place……and for making him cry……and that shame and guilt felt BEYOND OVERPOWERING……..

So I went on the website and the very first image I saw on the screen was an animated image of a white candle being lit on the left hand side of the screen. I thought to myself “hhmm……that’s weird”. And then I noticed italicized words being typed across the page (left to right)… if being typed on a typewriter. They were “scrolling” across the page. The words were saying things like “Hi, I am here to help you. And before you do anything drastic, I want you to wait a bit. Wait 5 minutes, hear me out, just read what I have to say.  I thought “okay, I can do that, sounds reasonable enough”.

And as the words (in bold black italic Comic Sans? font) were being typed & scrolled across the page, I was astounded at what I was reading. My first assumption was “hhmm. must be a computer tech guy on the website or something”. But then I noticed the “person” typing messages to me across the webpage seemed “super human”, almost “angelic”, even. For this “person” seemed to be reading my every waking thought! And then scroll-typing it across the page! Things about me, that up until that point, I hadn’t told a SOUL! And there was NO way this “person” could’ve possibly known all that, save they being a holy, divine angel of the Lord!

So my first question was “who are you?” The angel tried to say that it wasn’t important and that he had a job to do. But I pestered and pestered the angel. Finally, the “angel” admitted that he was Michael! Once I discovered the true identity of the “person” typing across the page [as in, the archangel Michael], I gave him a VERY hard time by asking outloud “oh yeah? if the Lord’s so good, how come he makes me suffer with severe depression and severe social anxiety?” while also reminding him of just how ANGRY the Lord had gotten with me a week earlier after I accidentally mocked Jesus without meaning to but that even then, I didn’t think I was worthy of life, now and things like that. In short, I was trying to keep Michael there as long as possible.

He told me about the realities of and just how HOT the fires of hell and the lake of fire are. He described it to me like this: “light a flame from a small lighter” (commanding me to do this literally, saying he’d wait for me until I did so). “Now hold your finger and/or hand over the flame. FEEL THE INTENSITY of that flame and how hot it is!” (Again, waiting for me until I did just that). Then he continued…..

“Now imagine a flame that’s 10,000 times hotter than the flame being placed under your hand now and that is just a small TASTE of what the fire of hell is like. And someday, the fires of hell are gonna MERGE INTO what’s called the lake of fire. The lake of fire is 1,000,000,000 times hotter than the fires of hell. And all those who don’t put their faith, trust and love into Lord Jesus will burn in the lake of fire for ETERNITY. Is that what you want? he asked.

I had to admit that no, that’s not what I wanted, that’s not what I wanted AT ALL. In fact, NONE of those times did I really want to die, I just wanted the pain the end. Michael reminded me JUST HOW LUCKY I was that the Lord Jesus cared SO much about me, that he wouldn’t let me die and go to hell any of those times. Michael reminded me that had Jesus Christ truly wanted to, he could’ve just let me die and sent me straight to hell…….the very same hell that Michael was describing to me across the webpage! [moments earlier]

At the conclusion of our discussion, (me speaking outloud or thinking to myself) and Michael responding to my thoughts and questions through his scrolling words across the webpage, he told me he had to quickly leave because he had another job to do (another suicide he must try to prevent), but made me promise I wouldn’t harm myself that night or the next couple nights to come.

I promised him I wouldn’t. Then I shut down my browser and completely turned off my computer. Afterall, Michael’s mission in the name of the Lord [atleast as far as “I” was concerned] had already been accomplished, or so I thought.

Right after I shut down my computer, I heard a soft whispering voice behind me say “look up at your blank monitor screen, hurry, you don’t want to miss it”. So I looked up at my blank monitor screen and across my blank, completely turned-off monitor screen were the scrolling words (from right to left) in light blue italic [what looked like 36pt or so Trebuchet MS] font: “The Lord Bless You and Keep You. Amen”. And then, just like that, the archangel Michael was gone, on to the next big assignment of trying to save yet ANOTHER poor soul from suicide, as he had just told me moments earlier before his telling me to look up at the blank computer screen.

And I just sat there, staring at my blank computer screen for quite some time, even going so far as to tenderly rub my hand across the blank computer monitor screen, pondering what had just happened. It was nothing short of a miracle! [YET AGAIN, in my life!] I broke down and cried! And just stared at that blank computer screen for HOURS. [Next to the day I met Jesus Christ in person near the age of 2, and next to the previous 3 times Jesus miraculously saved me from suicide, I had never felt so LOVED, CHERISHED and VALUED!)

I guess the point I’m trying to make is that ALL failed suicide attempts in one’s life are A TRUE GIFT FROM THE LORD ABOVE! (No one suicide attempt – if successful – is worth an eternity in hell/the lake of fire!!!!!). And the point I want to try to make is THIS: Just because the Lord Jesus Christ repeatedly saved ME or other people from suicide does NOT mean that he’s going to automatically save EVERYONE from suicide. And life is a gamble. Ya never know if you’d end up being one of the ones he prevented from suicide or if you’ll be one of the ones that he allows to go ahead and die.

THEREFORE, DON’T TRY TO KILL YOURSELVES, PEOPLE! Life is worth living! Talk to a trusted friend, family member, counselor, etc. if you’re feeling depressed! Do NOT keep it all bottled up inside! And if anyone close to you TELLS you to go kill yourself, DON’T LISTEN TO THEM! For Satan has many faces! And remember, Satan WANTS you to kill yourself so you’ll go to the flames FOR ETERNITY! But Jesus Christ does NOT want you to kill yourself! Jesus Christ WANTS you to live so that you can hopefully someday join him in Eternal Paradise! Jesus Christ CARES! 😉 And he loves you more than you could ever imagine, MARK MY WORDS! 😉

I pray that ALL souls who read this will be SAVED from suicide and severe depressive thoughts, now and for eternity. Amen.

P.S.: If you’re severely depressed and need someone to talk to, please write to:


The Truth About Jesus Christ & Salvation.

While some might write the fact off as “mere coincidence”, it’s still amazing that not even ONE person in the whole entire world since the time of Christ (that I’m aware of, anyways) has ever referred to Jesus as “the late Jesus Christ” and/or “the late, great Jesus Christ”. Wow….On the other hand, several atheists etc have mocked his name in the last few centuries or so.

But think about it. Why hate or mock or fear something that “doesn’t exist”? That would be the same as me going on a constant rant about the “flying sphagetti monster”. No archaeological evidence, historical evidence/eyewitness accounts, miracles, near-death experiences, actual documented demonic possession (according to psychiatrists, even), dreams/visions, fulfilled bible prophecy concerning the nation of Israel and Jesus, etc can be tied to the NON-EXISTENT “flying spaghetti monster” but yet, all those things can be tied back to Jesus Christ.

So personally, I think those people KNOW Jesus Christ exists, they just don’t want to admit it, since it would force them to acknowledge that heaven and hell and the afterlife exist and that God’s Judgment exists, which would then therefore force them to have to change their lives around, in order to receive forgiveness for their sins, etc.

Some of those self-proclaimed Atheists/Agnostics “hesitantly” admit that Jesus Christ is real, and say things like “well, a *loving* God won’t send someone to hell”. Well, again, not true…..Those poor folks haven’t read John 14:6 in which Jesus Christ said “I am the way, the truth, and the light. No-one comes to the Father except by Me”.

Or how about Matthew 7:13-14 which statesEnter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it”. 

Plus, lets not forget the passages in Revelation 20:12 & 20:15 in the New Testament! God gives some VERY dire warnings about all those who don’t put their faith, trust and love into Jesus Christ! So in short, ALL those who don’t put their faith, trust & love into Jesus Christ before they die will be cast into HELL and/or ETERNAL CONDEMNATION. For ETERNITY. And in hell and/or eternal condemnation, there are NO 2nd chances. NO. WAY. OUT. FOREVER. 

But the sad reality is that many “Christians” will end up eternally condemned, someday! (Yes. You heard me right. CHRISTIANS). “Why is that?”, you may wonder. And the number one reason is because today’s “Jesus” worshiped in the modern-day Christian churches is a NON-BIBLICAL/PAGAN ONE! In fact, I’ll even take it a step further, here. Today’s “Jesus” worshiped in the Christian churches is a COMPLETE MOCKERY of the true, BIBLICAL Jesus Christ in the bible!

For example:

Today’s modern “Jesus” worshiped in churches: 

  • is worshiped on SUNDAY, venerable worship day of the SUN
  • doesn’t have anything to do with the Lord’s 7 Annual Feasts (Passover, Tabernacles, etc.)
  • is celebrated with “Paganized holidays” such as Christmas & Easter
  • seems to have no true “Jewish descent”

The true, BIBLICAL Jesus:

  • was known by his disciples and followers as God in the flesh, the one and only true Messiah
  • celebrated IN and was the EMBODIMENT of the Lord’s 7 Annual Feasts (Passover, Tabernacles, etc.)
  • came from a strong line of “Jewish descent” of King David from his mother’s side
  • was and is worshiped on the true, biblical 7th-day Sabbath, SATURDAY! (Friday sundown to Saturday sundown, remember that a Jewish day begins at sundown the night before!) 

And Jesus had SEVERAL things to say about people who worshiped him in vain! Including but not limited to:

“Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from meMatthew 15:7-9

“Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men” – Isaiah 29:13

The truth is that only a select “few” will receive Eternal Salvation by Jesus Christ Almighty. Because like Matthew 7:13-14 states, the path to life is NARROW. 

I’ve created this Youtube video in an attempt to produce a “visual study” of just what the passage in Matthew 7:13-14 really means! (And true, I wanted to include much more, but I could only fit so much in for a 20 minute video). 

10 Surefire Evidences of God/Jesus Christ.

For those of you non-believers out there who are willing to look more deeply into all of the “evidences” of the existence of Jesus Christ Almighty, it can be found in SEVERAL different ways;

1. FULFILLED BIBLE PROPHECY, 1OO% OF THE TIME –> Many world religions have “prophecies” attached to them. But Christianity/Messianic Judaism is the ONLY religion on Earth that’s ever been able to have 100% fulfilled bible prophecy, 100% of the time. Why is that, do you think? Now, before you go writing it off as “self-fulfilling prophecies”, did you know that the statistical chance of even just ONE man simultaneously fulfilling just 48 messianic prophecies in the Old Testament is 1 in 10^157!

(And that’s just 48 of them. There are over 360+ messianic prophecies in the Old Testament fulfilled by Jesus Christ in the New Testament!] And that’s just the prophecies concerning Jesus Christ, alone. That doesn’t include the prophecies about the nation of Israel becoming a nation again in May 1967, the destruction of the 1st and 2nd Jewish temples, wars, end times, etc. The Holy Bible is the ONLY book on Earth that is able to tell us what happened at the beginning of time, what’s happening in the middle of time, and what will happen at the end of time [which is soon approaching].

But yet, how is it that things that were prophesied in the bible in the Old Testament by God had come to pass EXACTLY as God said they would during the time of Jesus Christ in the New Testament & beyond? Even things that were prophesied 4,000 years or less before they actually happened?

What does the current drying up of the Euphrates River have to do with bible prophecy [refer to Revelation 16:12] How does bible prophecy explain the current shape of world events that we are currently living in? [Daniel 7:9 & beyond in Old Testament & Revelation 12 & on in the New Testament] ALL other religions’ prophecies have “failed” at some point or another. But so far, the holy bible’s prophecies have NEVER failed. Not even once.

2. NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES –> Many people (myself included) have come to a saving knowledge of and love of Jesus Christ through near-death experiences. Plus I have YET to meet a person that wasn’t somehow positively changed by a near-death experience involving Jesus Christ. [During MY first N.D.E. where Jesus Christ appeared to me, he actually showed me the holes in his hands & feet! Praise Jesus!

3. ARCHAEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE –>They have found remains of Solomon’s Temple, Noah’s Ark, The “Jesus boat”, the place where Christ was crucified and buried, the Shroud of Turin, etc. – They keep finding more and more things as the years go by. Many a “skeptic” was turned believer through these finds. And trust me, if the finds were “fake”, they would’ve been exposed as “fake” long ago, like the James Ossuary box, for example.

4. BIOLOGICAL EVIDENCE –> Did you know that pink flamingos don’t just magically turn into clouds? That DNA is an actual “language” between cells? Not to mention, if we all came from apes, why are apes still around and why aren’t we (and every other living thing) STILL evolving? Why can’t humans fly? Why can’t kitty cats fly? Think about it.

Plus Charles Darwin himself said that IF any “complex organs” were discovered in simple life forms (such as eyes, etc) and IF millions of intergenerational fossils were NOT found that, oopps, his theory was wrong and wouldn’t hold water. Well, guess what. The BBC World News confirmed that the so-called “Missing Link” was fake and in fact, complex organs such as eyes HAVE been discovered in simple life forms! and and

Not to mention that DNA is SO complex [even more so than originally thought by scientists] that :

  1. The statistical chance of making DNA of any simple organism by chance with all ingredients available is 1/10 with 60 million zeros
  2. Related traits of organisms must be present simultaneously to be useful.
  3. Disorganization increases over time in all the natural world, requiring an organizing (designing ) force.
  4. Random genetic changes (mutations) are overwhelmingly negative and often deadly.
  5. Truly transitional fossils between species HAVE NOT BEEN FOUND.

5.  ANCIENT HISTORICAL NON-CHRISTIAN ACCOUNTS OF JESUS –>Did you know that there are SEVERAL ancient non-Christian historical sources which CONFIRM Jesus’s crucifixion, burial, resurrection & consequent ascension to heaven? Check out

6. MIRACLES –> Did you hear about the woman in South America (Brazil, I think) who was shot in the head 6 times and lived to tell about it with NO sustaining injuries? Or the baby that survived without a scratch in the Haiti earthquake? Or another event that happened in someone’s life that could NOT have conceivably happened, medically, scientifically or otherwise UNLESS there was some sort of “higher power” out there?

7. DREAMS/VISIONS OF JESUS CHRIST –> Many people of the most recent time (specifically those of other religions, other than Christianity) have been having dreams/visions of Jesus Christ IN DROVES. The number of people having visions of Jesus Christ in the last days (2010) is now increasing threefold. Why would this be happening if there was no god and if bible prophecy/the “end days” were not real? That’s right, folks! Jesus Christ is REAL and he has been “manifesting” himself to MANY in these here “end times” of today! So be on the lookout for Jesus in dreams and visions.

8. DREAMS/VISIONS OF ANGELS, ETC. –> When what appears to be a “spiritual being” visits you in your sleep or waking life, how do you know it’s a) real and b) truly of God? Simple! If what they say aligns with what’s written about Jesus Christ in the bible, they are truly of God and if not, then they are NOT of God.

Many people in these “last days” have received divine visits by God’s angels in visions, dreams and waking life. It’s true that God uses his angels to carry out specific messages to people. And divine visits by Jesus Christ and/or his angels in dreams and visions has been INCREASING in the last couple of years. One thing is for certain: the Lord Jesus Christ is preparing his people (Christians) for what is soon to come in this world.

9. THE “WORLD” (POPULAR CULTURE) TRYING TOO HARD TO “HATE JESUS CHRIST” AND EVERYTHING HE STANDS FOR. Why HATE or FEAR something that so-called “doesn’t exist”? On the other hand, if something/someone DOES exist and you hate or fear it, it only further PROVES their existence, now, doesn’t it? Think about it.

Why is it that rock or metal music never mocks Paganism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Mormonism, New Ageism, Islam, Orthodox Judaism, etc, but yet, ONLY mocks Jesus Christ and the bible? Why do people go around saying “any god but Jesus Christ?”

Why do atheists try to “argue” with Christians all the time about the existence of “hell”, if they, the atheists, don’t even BELIEVE in hell? THINK ABOUT IT, FOLKS! Obviously, atheists believe deep deep down in a hell, otherwise, they wouldn’t be so bothered by the “concept” of it. They’d just go on with their lives, not caring one way or another what Christians believed……

But BECAUSE of the fact that most atheists seem “bothered” by even just the mere “concept” of hell shows that deep, deep down, they know they are wrong (and that the *possibility* of hell exists, they just don’t want to admit it to themselves). Me, for example. I don’t share belief in the false Greek gods, for instance. But you don’t see me tracking down every Greek-gods-believing-person I can find, trying to denounce their beliefs just because I don’t agree with them. I don’t believe in “Greek gods”, end of story.

So therefore, I don’t feel the NEED to defend my not believing in Greek gods. I am 100% confident in my belief that there are no real “Greek gods”. Therefore, something tells me that the “arguing atheists” aren’t 100% sure of themselves and their belief that there is no god.  They somehow think that arguing away the “existence” of God will somehow make God go away. Well, sorry folks but God’s not going away anytime soon, no matter how much you try to “debate” his existence away. Moving on………

10. DEMONIC POSESSION–> Popular culture & Exorcist-type movies aside, demonic possession is a REAL phenomena and has been highly documented & recorded in people. Sometimes misdiagnosed as a form of psychosis or schizophrenia, demonic possession has been known to make people weigh 3 times as much as they normally do, change their voice to SEVERAL monotones lower (more than humanly possible), levitate in mid-air, speak languages the person has NEVER learned before, etc.

And the ONLY way to cure demonic possession is through prayers in the name of Jesus Christ (when the person saying the prayer is 100% right with Jesus Christ and his holy, divine, biblical truths, that is. Otherwise, the prayer(s) won’t be effective if the person saying the prayer is not 100% in line with Jesus Christ’s eternal truth in the gospel, the TRUE gospel, NOT some tainted or made up one).

Therefore, if Satan exists, then Jesus CLEARLY exists. And if saying a prayer in the name of Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to get rid of Satan/demonic possession, then Jesus Christ CLEARLY exists!

So before you go out and join another bandwagon of people that say “Jesus doesn’t exist”, EXAMINE THE EVIDENCE!!!

Why Will God Do Or Not Do Something?

Many people, over the course of their lifetimes, have asked themselves why God WON’T do certain things. Questions like “why didn’t God cure this little boy’s cancer?” or “why did God allow for such n’ such to happen in this person’s life?”

But when we ask questions such as these….. a) we are limiting God’s power b) we are trying to make God work on OUR terms, instead of his own and c) we have “half-hearted” faith in our hearts when we ask such things!

The first answer to the question “why DIDN’T God do such n’ such?” or “why DID God do such n’ such?” has to do with our own personal understanding (or LACK of it, for that matter) of him and his true nature. God is a Sovereign God, first of all. He doesn’t work on OUR terms, but rather his OWN terms. We didn’t create HIM, HE created US!

And because God is a Sovereign God and not a “okay-peeps-whatever-you-say-yo!” type of God, He goes by his own divine plans and own divine reasoning. God’s plan is like a wind-up toy. It’s already been set in motion and it’s not gonna ever change. Once the wind-up toy is set to unwind, it’s gonna unwind exactly and according to “plan”.

So, going back to our first 2 theoretical examples up above……..God didn’t cure the little boy of cancer because it was just the boy’s time to go. God wanted the little boy to be with him in eternal paradise. As for why God ALLOWS certain things to happen? That’s a two-part answer.

First of all, God allows things TO happen in order to show us that he is God and that our lives are NOT in our own hands. The 2nd reason God allows things to happen is for spiritual growth. I know it sounds clique but think about it. When we have everything going on in our lives (great friends, great job, great house, lots of money, great car(s), etc.) we, in our own human vanity, have a tendency to think that we don’t need ANYTHING or ANYONE (God, especially!) and that we somehow got to that great point of success “by our own hand” and not by God’s.

So we neglect God and put him on the back burner or don’t acknowledge him at all for our “gifts, talents, monetary success”. So God then gives us suffering as a way to draw us back closer to Him again, to make us realize how much we truly need him in our lives! (And when God creates suffering for TRUE Christians, it’s so we WON’T take his goodness for granted and so we will CONTINUE to draw forever closer to him in prayer and in spirit!)

There are some people out there in the world today asking why God won’t heal certain conditions. And yet others who say “if God gives this person his hand/etc. back, THEN I’ll believe”.

The people during Jesus’s time felt/asked many of these same questions as well and Jesus responded with “how many more signs must you see, in order to believe?” [believe that he is the Son of God, that is]? The point I’m trying to make is that if several people ask God to do something (that by OUR standards seems totally impossible), and he does it, then all the people who’ve witnessed the event will think that God can be easily manipulated into working on our terms, instead of his own. They will ONLY believe because they have seen an event, and not because they had a true desire in their hearts to truly get to know God.

[[[[Jesus addressed that very issue in John 20:29 (book of John, chapter 20, verse 29)
Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed”]]]]

And if God doesn’t do it, then people get all mad at him, not understanding that maybe he has a divine purpose for it. Maybe he has a special plan for that person (as in the case of the following guy:

or perhaps God plans to do the “unthinkable miracles” in the near future, so that people may believe. But if/when he did perform an “unthinkable miracle”, you’d still have those people out there that would try to say it was anything but God that did it. So please keep that in mind.

The truth is, God has “already” given mankind lots of signs and wonders to show that He is God. First of all, we have the Holy Bible (which biblical archaeology is proving to be true, as the days go by). Several things talked about in the bible have already been found. Then there’s the fact that 324 Messianic prophecies from the Old Testament were *fulfilled* by Jesus Christ in the New Testament.

The statistical chances of even just ONE man fulfilling only 48 of these prophecies is 1 in 10[ ]: that’s 1 followed by 157 0’s after it! And then you have the Shroud of Turin (highly believed to be Jesus’s official burial cloth), next to people’s Near-Death experience accounts of Jesus, the non-Christian historical accounts of Jesus’s crucifixion, resurrection and consequent ascension into heaven, etc. []

Not to mention that fulfilled bible prophecy is actually HOW God proves he is who he says he is (the creator and maker of it all), and that the bible is what it says IT is (a true written testimony of the Word of God — the Word of God being Jesus Christ himself). And anyone who has studied astronomy, physics, cell genetics, etc. IN DETAIL has no doubt of the total “complexity” of such things. In fact, even Charles Darwin himself is noted as saying something along the lines of “if no intermediate fossils are found, then my theory if false”. (Intermediate fossils have NOT been found to date and the ones that “claimed” they discovered an intermediate fossil were quickly proven as liars and frauds.

He also said something along the lines of “if a complex organ can be found in simple organisms, then my theory is false”. Well, welcome to the complexity of the human eye, etc.

But in conclusion, I would like to share with you guys a story. A story about a man who kept asking God “why did you make me born this way?” and finally got his answer about his goal, mission and purpose in life. It is TRULY remarkable and TRULY inspiring!
Nick’s Journey with God – TRULY INSPIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nick’s story of speaking to the people in India about his ordeal, etc.

Jesus Christ Loves You!

It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’ve done in life so far. Jesus loves you. And in him, you can be made whole again.

Maybe you grew up in the Christian faith but later turned on it when you got older. Maybe you feel as though God just isn’t there in your life or that there is no god. Maybe you’ve seen some hypocritical things that Christians have done and it has turned you off from Christianity. Maybe you struggle with an alcohol or drug addiction or feel like you’re not good enough or worthy enough for God.

Or maybe you’ve just never heard the name of Jesus Christ before and don’t know who he is or what he did or why his name should be important. Or further still, maybe you were born into/follow a different religion OR you feel as though God is just a God of “too many rules”, etc.

Well, let me tell you something. Jesus loves you! It doesn’t matter if you’re a druggie and/or drug dealer, bank robber, alcoholic, embezzler, stripper, homosexual, jihadist, Hindu/Muslim/Atheist/Buddhist, etc. Jesus loves you. And he wants to have a spiritual relationship with you and to give you the FREE gifts of salvation(forgiveness of sins) and eternal life! And it’s not a “maybe” or a “case by case basis”, you can know for 100% certainty that you are saved/forgiven of sins and reserved a special place in God’s eternal kingdom!

The following are the very moving, personal testimonies of 2 radical Muslims and a former stripper who got saved by Jesus!

Khalil’s Testimony
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Ashin’s Testimony Part 1 Part 2

Former Stripper’s Testimony [warning: very moving, tear-jerker]

Jesus Christ is now appearing to people in dreams and visions and coming into people’s lives through strange experiences by the droves! We are living in the Last Days. Jesus will take you just as you are. And you don’t have to be live like Mother Teresa for Jesus to love and accept you, Jesus will take you just as you are. Jesus extends the FREE gifts of eternal life in paradise AND salvation (forgiveness of sin) to EVERYONE who HUMBLY and SINCERELY calls upon his great and holy name!

It doesn’t matter WHAT you’ve done in life so far, Jesus loves you! And he wants to get to know you! He knew you before you were born and before you even took your very 1st breath!He has a special plan for you. And he will never leave or forsake you, after you learn to put your faith & trust in him! And once more, he CARES what you’re going through. Whatever problem you’re having in life right now (be it financial, physical, mental, emotional, etc.), Jesus gots a solution! So please, I urge you to come to Jesus today! Jesus is the greatest inner peace & joy I’ve ever known in all my LIFE! In him, my spirit is complete! And in him, I never have to be afraid for I know that I will be eternally with him in his eternal paradise someday! In Jesus’s name, you can be sure!

You won’t ever have to question rather or not you’ll be saved/forgiven of all your sins. For EVERY person who calls on the name of the Lord Jesus, obeys Jesus’s commandments and gets baptized in his name WILL be saved! Jesus gives the free gift of *eternal salvation* to all who call upon his name! And he alone has the keys to the gates of heaven & hell.

Jesus is the ONLY one who can save us from hell and the ONLY one that can give us the free gifts of Salvation and eternal life, if we call upon his name. Jesus is like a free *eternal present* given to us by God. But in order to receive the *free eternal present*, we must first approach God in prayer and *ask* to receive the “free gift of Jesus Christ” for the remission/forgiveness of our sins and eternal life.

We must approach Jesus Christ in prayer and pray for forgiveness of our sins. The moment we do and get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, we receive our *free gift of eternal life* with God someday. 

And YES…..baptism is a necessary rite of Christian passage to become saved….the MOMENT we become baptized (believing with all our minds, hearts, body and spirit that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, that he was crucified and died for our sins, that he was resurrected just 3 days later and ascended up to heaven 40 days later to be on the right hand side of the Heavenly Father/God Almighty), we receive the FREE gifts of the Holy Spirit (the gift of *spiritual discernment* to know what is truly of God and what is NOT truly of God) & everlasting life.

And IN this day and age when SO many false gospels are floating around in today’s world and over the internet and in LARGE, televangelist churches, it is IMPERTINENT that all should receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Not only for spiritual discernment but to CONVICT US OF OUR SIN! For example, if we are doing something against God’s will, the Holy Spirit will IMMEDIATELY point it out to us and LET US KNOW…....

In other words, it’s the spiritual force that keeps us grounded….It says in the bible that BLASPHEMY of the Holy Spirit is the ONLY unforgivable sin. So what does that mean, you may ask? Well, the truth is, nobody knows for 100% sure but here are all my best educated guesses: [and remember, a person has to literally die/pass way IN death in an UNREPENTANT state of sin to be unforgiven for it].

1. To not believe in God/Jesus Christ

2. To say that Jesus got his power from Satan to cast out demons, heal sickness, instead of getting it from the Heavenly Father

3. To not get baptized and believe it’s “not necessary” to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit/spiritual discernment & conviction

4. To mock the Holy Spirit and/or to call the Holy Spirit a liar

5. To say that Jesus was NOT the Son of God or to say that Jesus was NOT crucified

6. To not believe in the Holy Spirit 

7. To believe that Jesus and Satan were brothers or considered “equal” in heaven, before the fall

Matthew 12:31-32 has this to say: “Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come”