With the world being so “crazy” today, many people are searching for answers. They feel empty inside and are trying to search for the one thing or things or people that they think will make them feel “complete” or “happy” in life. Many famous music and movie stars turn to things such as money, publicity stunts, religions like Scientology or Kabbalah (a form of Jewish Mysticism) to try to fill that “empty hole” in their lives. Other people turn to alcohol/partying, sex or drugs. Yet others find themselves turning to food, entertainment (music, movies, books, television, videgogames, etc.) or “new age spirituality” for comfort.

But they are overlooking one simple thing. Jesus Christ is the ONLY thing that satisfies and makes one feel “complete”! (That is, when one fully gives themselves over to Jesus Christ and surrenders their life and heart to Him!)

I know it sounds clique but it’s true.

God is the one who created us, who knew us before we were born, who knows our future and of whom can even count the numbers of hairs on our head.

Therefore, he knows each and every single one of personally (personality traits and all) and knows what’s best for us. His divine love satisfies better than ANY amount of money, sex, drugs, food, partying, entertainment or “new age spirituality” EVER could!

So for those people out there in the world who have resisted Jesus Christ/God, turned their back on Him, or don’t believe in Him, give God a chance. Get to know Jesus Christ today. Jesus Christ loves EVERYONE, regardless of race, gender, culture & no matter WHAT they’ve done so far in life! (There is NO hidden catch! God’s love is FREE to all who accept it!) God loves you, each and every single one of you and He wants to get to know you!

However, Jesus Christ can not help a person that REFUSES to get help, REFUSES to believe in him, REFUSES to have faith & trust in him, REFUSES to repent/give up their sins. Jesus Christ (at Judgement Day) will judge ALL those who turned their backs on him while they were living or those that “profused” to believed in him but followed their OWN ways, instead of God’s ways.

However, if you cry out to Jesus Christ in prayer (& mean the prayer with all your soul, all your mind, and all your heart & all your strength & BELIEVE that he has the power to help you/save you for eternity), He WILL change your life for the better, if you ask Him to! He WILL cleanse you from all sin & “negative baggage” and allow his Holy Spirit to bring peace & joy over your spirit and in your life! Peace & joy that you’ve never known before!

So, you may think that you “gave God” a chance once and that you didn’t feel Him working in your life, but let me ask you this. Have you TRULY given God a chance? Did you TRULY surrender your heart and your life to Him and lay all your hopes/dreams/worries at his feet?

It doesn’t matter WHAT you’ve done in your life so far, God’s love is free & accessible to ALL who desire it. It doesn’t matter if you’ve killed 5 people or 50 people. It doesn’t matter if you’ve robbed a bank or dealt drugs. It doesn’t matter if you were once involved with or even currently involved in porn. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man who walked out on your wife/ex-wife and kids & hadn’t made child support payments in a long time or if you’re a mother who abandoned your kids and/or your husband. It doesn’t matter if you once stole a huge sum of items from the mall or the grocery store or if you used to mercilessly bully someone while you were in grade-school, middle school or high-school.

Jesus Christ LOVES you and he wants to give you a 2nd chance in life! He wants to renew your mind, heart, body and spirit and make you a new creature and give you a brand new life in him! 😉 He can take what’s UNRIGHTEOUS in a person and make them RIGHTEOUS! But they have to want it. They have to feel SO much REMORSE over what they’ve done in life so far, that they’d be willing to do almost anything to change it. And that’s where Jesus Christ comes in. Once a person BELIEVES in him, CALLS OUT to him in prayer, REPENTS of their sins and then GETS FULL-WATER-IMMERSION-BAPTIZED in his great heavenly name, they are MADE NEW in his site! 😉

See, that’s just the thing. Jesus Christ died on the cross over 1976+ years ago at the Place of Golgotha so that you and I and all of mankind could be forgiven of all our sins. ALL of our sins. Not just SOME of them, but ALL of them. And many people today are even WANTING a 2nd chance in life and WANTING to start on a fresh, clean slate, as it were. I can’t tell you HOW many times I’ve heard people say or mention on forum boards online that they wish they could “do life all over again”. Well, with Jesus Christ, you CAN start your life all over again and live a brand new life! And like I said, it doesn’t matter WHAT you’ve done in life so far, who you are, where you came from. Jesus’s FREE gift of salvation/forgiveness of sins and everlasting life is open to ALL who accept him, trust/believe in him, get baptized in his name and consequently, live their lives for him.

Jesus was crucified, then later taken down and placed into a tomb by Joseph of Ariamathea, etc. The Romans placed guards outside the tomb and placed a heavy stone in front of it so that no man could steal the body. Three days later, Jesus was resurrected from the dead, just like he said he’d be, and the heavy stone had been rolled away. His linen cloths were laying there where his body once was but Jesus’s body was no longer in the tomb. And then he appeared (with the marks through his hands and feet) to his apostles, etc. And 40 days after that, he ascended up to heaven to be on the right hand side of God, the Almighty Heavenly Father and there are even NON-CHRISTIAN historical accounts of this!


Jesus Christ is 100% real, people! I’ve seen him with my own two eyes during a near-death experience when I was around age 2 or so. His voice has the ability to shake the Earth and the waters. Plus he also showed me the holes in both his wrists and near the tops of his feet.

Therefore, it stands to reason. If Jesus Christ is real (and I KNOW for 100% fact he’s real, so help me God, so help my spirit!), then Satan is real. And if Satan is real, then hell is real. And if hell is real…………well, you get the picture.

Notice the people around you. Examine real closely how they’re living their lives. And slowly over time, you will start to see that the people that “claim” they believe in God but don’t want to live their lives for him/serve him and the people who are nonbelievers or believers of false religions seem “lost”. You can see it in their eyes. They act all happy on outside but you can tell that deep, deep down inside, they are restless, never happy, never satisfied but they can’t fully figure out why. So they try the partying thing, the New Age thing, etc. and you will notice that they STILL aren’t satisfied and again, they STILL can’t figure out why. Just look at all the music and movie stars that are burned out, on drugs, alcoholics, etc. Fame and fortune most certainly has its price. And it’s not JUST the “living under the microscope” price, but rather, an EVEN MORE heftier price than THAT……rather, an eternal price!!!!!!!

Many of them even tried selling their soul to the devil in exchange for money and fame. But ya know what? Even then, there’s still hope for some of those poor people, as the following case demonstrates:

Unfortunately, some celebrities aren’t so lucky……..they don’t realize that Satan’s the great deceiver who actually HATES them and ALL of humanity……and that he never permanently upholds his end of the deal……..and many of them buy into the lie “well, I’ve sold my soul to devil, that’s it, there’s no more hope for me”. False! There IS hope for them. And that hope is the Lord Jesus Christ. If they humbly and SINCERELY come to Jesus Christ in prayer, and seek to UNDO the “soul selling to devil”, then I believe that the Lord will forgive them. I have no reason to believe otherwise. For our souls aren’t even ours to begin with, for they belong to God and God alone and it’s Jesus Christ who will decide where each soul spends eternity, NOT Satan!

Sadly, many celebrities and non-celebrities alike die without the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and are placed in hell immediately upon their deaths. And for them, THE MOST painful revelation in hell is the fact that they COULD’VE avoided all that eternal pain and suffering had they submitted themselves and their lives and hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ before it was too late (meaning, before they passed away and died in their earthly mortal lives). Cause afterall, the gifts of salvation/forgiveness of sins and eternal life are FREE to all who accept/trust/serve Jesus Christ.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” – Mark 8:36 (book of Mark, chapter 8, verse 36)