Posts tagged ‘abominations’

The Isaiah 5:20/Ephesians 6:12 WARS – Overtaking A Town Near YOU!

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sightWoe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink: Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!” – [Isaiah 5:20-23]

Okay, starting off here, lets just take a real quick look at some of the things that Jesus condemns and considers “an abomination” (according to the scriptures, both Old Testament AND New Testament):

  • Abortion
  • Homosexuality
  • Cross-dressing
  • Transgenderism
  • Sexual relations outside of marriage
  • Lying
  • Stealing
  • Drunkeness
  • Cussing (i.e. saying the Lord’s name in vain)
  • Adultery/Sexual promiscuity
  • Divorce & Remarriage OUTSIDE of biblical allocations
  • Premarital sex
  • ETC.

And now, take a look around you at today’s world and today’s society. Nearly EVERY single thing on that list (and then some) is RUNNING RAMPANT in today’s society and in today’s world! (Sad, isn’t it?) In fact, ALL of these things are now seen as “good” or “OK” in today’s secular world, while the bible/biblical values are seen (by the “secular world”, anyways) as “bad, bad, bad!”

In the year 2015 and on, we’ve seen SEVERAL cases of born-again Christians attacked for their faith in Jesus Christ and FOR the bible, God’s Written Word! Christian bakers being sued for not making a “gay wedding cake”, a professor getting in trouble for not referring to a student by their “prefered transgender pronoun”, Kim Davis receiving alot of flack for refusing to sign a “gay marriage certificate”, etc. And the “attacks” on Christians and/or the bible have only gotten worse over the years! 

In fact, it’s now gotten so bad that some have even gone so far as to use THE BIBLE ITSELF **in** their attacks against Christians! (CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?) 

In fact, here’s an opinion piece from a publication that, oddly enough, quotes Isaiah 5:20 and even starts off by using it in the correct context right after quoting it (wow, I’m amazed), but then further goes on to “twist” the piece to do what it (the writing piece itself) claims it’s NOT doing (i.e. putting all Republican Christians into a single box).

The piece more or less claims (between the lines) that one is not truly “Christian” if they voted Republican or one is not truly “Christian” if they didn’t vote for Democrats/*social justice!* The piece then ends with a “battle call” to “join the resistance/join the *Democratic Social Justice cause*.

But how can that BE? How can an entire “movement” that goes against nearly EVERY single biblical practice call itself “Christian” in any WAY, shape or form? That’s what really brittles my spiritual bones, folks! Democrat/Social Justice policy is in NO WAY, SHAPE OR FORM even *remotely* “Christian”. Practically EVERY SINGLE PLATFORM they fight for on the Democratic/*Social Justice Platform* is UNBIBLICAL! I can PROVE it to you! The Democratic (*Social Justice*) Party CHAMPIONS such things as:

  • ETC.

Now lets turn to the bible to see why NONE of those things under the Democratic/*Social Justice Umbrella* are BIBLICAL! **NONE!**

**LATE-TERM ABORTION** (or therefore, ANY form of “abortion”) is CONDEMNED in PROVERBS 6: 16-19, Leviticus 18:21, 2 Kings 3:27, 2 Kings 21:6, Isaiah 57:5, Jeremiah 7:31, Deuteronomy 12:31, Leviticus 20:2-5, PSALM 106: 35-38, Jeremiah 32:35, Ezekiel 23:37, JEREMIAH 19: 4-5, EZEKIEL 16:20-21, 2 KINGS 17:31, ETC.

**HOMOSEXUALITY** is condemned in OLD TESTAMENT in Leviticus 5:3, Leviticus 18:22 (24-30), Leviticus 20:13, Genesis 18:20, Genesis 19:4-13 (*19:5* key verse), Judges 19: 22-24, 1 Kings 14: 22-24, 1 Kings 15: 11-13, 1 Kings 22:46, 2 Kings 23: 4-7 (*23:7* key verse), Ezekiel 16:50, & Daniel 11:37 while the NEW TESTAMENT condemns homosexuality/sodomy in Romans 1: 18-32, 1 Corinthians 6: 9-11, 1 Timothy 1: 8-11, Jude 1:4, Jude 1:7, Jude 1:19, Matthew 19:1-8 (*4-6* key verse), Galatians 5:19, Ephesians 5: 3-7, Colossians 3:5-7, Titus 1:16, & Revelation 21:27!

**TRANSGENDERISM/CROSS-DRESSING/SEX CHANGE** is condemned in the NEW TESTAMENT in Matthew 19: 4-6, Romans 1: 24-27, 1 Corinthians 6: 8-10 and in the OLD TESTAMENT in Deuteronomy 22:5, Deuteronomy 23:7, Genesis 1:27, & Psalms 139: 13-14

**SECULAR INDOCTRINATION OF CHILDREN** is condemned in Matthew 18:6, Matthew 18:10, Matthew 19:14, Proverbs 22:6, Psalms 34:11, Deuteronomy 4:10, 3 John 1:4, Psalms 78: 1-7, Mark 9: 36-37, Isaiah 38:19, Psalms 8:2, Proverbs 17:6, Matthew 21: 15-16, & Romans 2:21

GAY MARRIAGE is SPECIFICALLY condemned in Matthew 19: 4-6

GAY ADOPTION/GAY FAMILIES are specifically condemned in Genesis 1:28 and Genesis 2:24

LGBT “PROMOTION is condemned in 1 CORINTHIANS 15:33, Proverbs 22:24, Matthew 15: 18-19, Romans 14:12, Matthew 12:36, 1 Timothy 5:22, Genesis 2: 16-17, DEUTERONOMY 28:15, Jeremiah 22:5, 1 Samuel 12:15, Romans 6: 1-2, Galatians 6:7, Exodus 20:3, Exodus 34:14, 2 Corinthians 10:5, 1 John 3:9 & Acts 5:29

REMOVING BIBLE/PRAYER/GOD from Children’s Education and/or Secular Society in general is condemned in 2 Corinthians 6:14, 1 John 3:4, Matthew 24:12, 2 Peter 2:8, 2 Thessalonians 2:7, 1 Timothy 1:9, Matthew 23: 27-28, Deuteronomy 13:13, & 2 Corinthians 6:15

GOING AFTER PRO-LIFE PREGNANCY CENTERS AND/OR THE LORD’S PEOPLE is condemned in Galatians 6: 7-8, Jeremiah 17: 9-10, Romans 13:4, Isaiah 59:2, Exodus 22: 1-4, Exodus 22: 7-9, Matthew 25:46, 1 John 3:4, Exodus 22: 2-3, Galatians 6:8, 1 Corinthians 6: 9-10, Proverbs 14:12, Judges 5:8, Exodus 20: 1-26, 1 John 1:8, 2 Peter 2:4, Ephesians 4: 17-32, Romans 2:5, Mark 9:43, Ezekiel 18:20, Isaiah 57:21, Isaiah 33:1, Psalm 11:6, Exodus 21: 44-45, Genesis 3:4, 1 John 5:3, 1 John 3:15, 1 John 2:11, 1 John 1:10, 1 Peter 2: 1-25, Ephesians 2: 2-3, Matthew 10:28, Matthew 5:22, Proverbs 29:11, & Proverbs 5:22

GENDER IDEOLOGY is condemned in **Matthew 19: 4-6**, 1 CORINTHIANS 15:33, Proverbs 22:24, Matthew 15: 18-19, Romans 14:12, Matthew 12:36, 1 Timothy 5:22, Genesis 2: 16-17, DEUTERONOMY 28:15, Jeremiah 22:5, 1 Samuel 12:15, Romans 6: 1-2, Galatians 6:7, Exodus 20:3, Exodus 34:14, 2 Corinthians 10:5, 1 John 3:9 & Acts 5:29

So what is “Social Justice” about, you might ask? I’m glad you asked! Social “Justice”, as it is known today in 2019, is something ENTIRELY DIFFERENT than what it very first started out as during the Civil Rights Movement. During the Civil Rights Movement, it was about pure Civil Rights. Social justice (in 2019) is defined as: “justice in terms of the distribution of wealth (i.e. SOCIALISM, anyone?), opportunities, and privileges within a society”.

However, NOW, in the year 2019 and beyond, it’s about things that go WELL BEYOND “civil rights” (i.e. gender ideology, race/gender shaming – i.e. “toxic masculinity” , “white priviledge”, homosexual “rights”, PROMOTION OF SOCIALISM, etc.) In fact, just 4 days ago (on January 29, 2019), Noah Rothman released a book entitled: UNJUST –  SOCIAL JUSTICE & THE UNMASKING OF AMERICA“, which discusses those very issues, plus more!


And just to provide the most latest example, on January 9th of this year (2019), Kathy Tran (D-Virginia) introduced TWO new Democratic/*Social Justice* bills: ONE bill was a LATE-TERM ABORTION BILL that allows abortions UP UNTIL BIRTH (HB-2491), while her OTHER bill (HB-2495) was a “Pro-Life” bill……FOR CATEPILLARS!!!!!



Therefore folks, this SERIOUSLY raises the questions (for both Conservatives and Liberals, alike): Just what TYPE of society, nation and WORLD do we live in, when legislation is now being introduced that gives CATEPILLARS more “rights” than FULL-TERM-JUST-ABOUT-TO-BE-BORN **HUMAN BABIES**?????? WHO gets to define what’s “human” or not, besides God himself (who CREATED humans, in the first place?????) And if full-term human babies don’t have any “rights”, then who DOES? And WHO gets to decide? Do you see where I’m going with this, folks???

In other words, the Democratic *Social Justice Warriors* are now trying to RE-DEFINE what’s **HUMAN!** (Just like they previously tried to REDEFINE what “marriage” is, REDEFINE what a “family” is, REDEFINE what “love” is, REDEFINE what “gender” is, REDEFINE what *true righteousness/child of God* is!!!!) Does that scare you? Shock you? Horrify you? IT SHOULD, FOLKS! Because that’s the type of ‘world’, ‘nation’ and ‘end times society’ that we live in, now…..where animals/insects/bugs/A.I. robots/etc. now have more “rights” than the average, human!

(And hey – if you thougtht that New York was the ONLY state with late-term abortion on the books – or soon to be on the books – THINK AGAIN! It’s ALREADY in Alaska, Colorado, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Vermont, Washington D.C. and Oregon – and will SOON have bills for it introduced and/or passed in VIRGINIA, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts!)

But see, folks? That’s what they do. If the world was a football field……..they keep removing the goal posts of “abominations” further and further down the field. They use “buzz words” and “buzz phrases” as their “ammo” to get this accomplished (“Homophobia/Transphobia”, “Islamophobia”, “Toxic Masculinity”, “White Priviledge”, “Love Wins” and “Choice”, anyone?) They even go so far as to LIE to the American (and global, non-American) people! In short, they’ll stop at NOTHING to achieve their goals of REMOVING GOD/THE BIBLE/BIBLICAL MORALS FROM SOCIETY AND THE WORLD and instead, installing the “Darwinian way of life”.

They “claim” it’s nothing but a POLITICAL fight. But at the heart of the matter, it’s NOT so much a political fight so much as it is actually a SPIRITUAL FIGHT…….the fight between good and evil. But in the year 2019 and beyond, the forces of darkness are trying to BLEND the lines between good and evil so that neither one is clearly distinctable anymore! And thus, the Ephesians 6:12 WAR and the Isaiah 5:20 WARS have started! And they’re BOTH only gonna get worse over time!

And hey, if you already thought the “twisting Isaiah 5:20 out of context” article by the “liberal publication” was bad enough, I was quickly able to find FOUR seperate articles (back to back) that tried to use THE BIBLE ITSELF (of all things) to try to claim that “abortion” was NOT condemned in the bible!

(And again, please note: the liberal publication in question is likely one of MANY that does this sort’ve thing……..using the bible out of context, in order to “attack” the God-fearing Christians out there that DO use the bible in the correct, biblical context……But remember: the people at these types of liberal publications are “lost souls” and are VERY spiritually deceived and we must PRAY for them, in the name of Jesus!) 

Below is a list of 50+ bible verses that DO condemn abortion/the concept of it, while underneath all the verses, I have included the 4 “unbiblical” articles in question: 

[Note: Abortion – even just the mere “concept” of it – is condemned in the bible in over 77+ scriptures in the bible:  Genesis 1:27, Genesis 2:7, Job 12:10, Psalm 139:13-16, 1 Samuel 2:6-10, Job 31:15, Isaiah 64:6-8, Nehemiah 9:6, Job 33:4, Acts 17:24-29, Job 10:8-12, Psalm 100:3-5, Colossians 1:15-18, Genesis 18:10-14, Genesis 21:2, Genesis 48:8-9, Proverbs 17:6, Genesis 25:21, 1 Samuel 1:18-20, Isaiah 8:18, Genesis 29:31-35, Psalm 113:9, Hosea 9:10-11, Genesis 30:22-24, Psalm 127:3-5, Genesis 33:5, Psalm 128:3-4, Job 10:12, Job 10:18, Jeremiah 20:17-18, Luke 1:35-38, Psalm 51:5, Matthew 1:18-21, Genesis 16:11, Psalm 71:6-7, Isaiah 49:1, Isaiah 49:5, Genesis 25:22-26, Psalm 139: 13-16, Jeremiah 1:5, Job 3:11, Job 3:16, Ecclesiastes 5:15, Hosea 12:3, Job 31:15, ***Isaiah 7:14***, Luke 1: 13-17, Psalm 22: 9-10, Isaiah 44:2, Isaiah 44:24-28, Luke 1: 41-44, Psalm 58:3, Isaiah 46: 3-5, Galatians 1:15, Genesis 19:36-38, Matthew 1:3, Exodus 20:13, DEUTERONOMY 30:19, Matthew 19:18, Exodus 23:7, Proverbs 6:17, Romans 13:9-10, Exodus 1:15-17, Deuteronomy 18:9-10, Deuteronomy 18:12, Psalm 106:35-43, Leviticus 18:21, Leviticus 18:24, Leviticus 18:24-30, 2 Kings 16: 1-4, Jeremiah 32:35, Leviticus 20:1-6, 2 Kings 17:16-20, Ezekiel 16:20-21, Deuteronomy 12:30-31, 2 Kings 21:6, Exodus 21:22-25, Proverbs 28:17, Amos 1:13-15, & Deuteronomy 27:25]


And on the case of homosexuality, I quickly found EIGHT articles from the liberal publication in question that attempt to use the bible (once again) to *falsely* claim that homosexuality isn’t a sin! EIGHT! And this is just the articles that I know about…….there might be more…….

And once again, homosexuality is CONDEMNED in the bible in: OLD TESTAMENT in Leviticus 5:3, Leviticus 18:22 (24-30), Leviticus 20:13, Genesis 18:20, Genesis 19:4-13 (*19:5* key verse), Judges 19: 22-24, 1 Kings 14: 22-24, 1 Kings 15: 11-13, 1 Kings 22:46, 2 Kings 23: 4-7 (*23:7* key verse), Ezekiel 16:50, & Daniel 11:37 and NEW TESTAMENT in Romans 1: 18-32, 1 Corinthians 6: 9-11, 1 Timothy 1: 8-11, Jude 1:4, Jude 1:7, Jude 1:19, Matthew 19:1-8 (*4-6* key verse), Galatians 5:19, Ephesians 5: 3-7, Colossians 3:5-7, Titus 1:16, & Revelation 21:27!

The eight “unbiblical” articles are as follows:


But now, let us unpack this (the Democrat *Social Justice* causes) a bit further and take a much deeper look into all of their “buzz words” and “buzz phrases” and what those words/phrases ACTUALLY mean:

  • “Planned Parenthood” = PLANNED MURDERHOOD
  • “Love/Love Wins” = SODOMY WINS/SIN WINS
  • “White Priviledge” = RACE-SHAMING (SOMETHING THAT THE BIBLE SPECIFICALLY CONDEMNS IN GALATIANS 3: 28-29! And please note: I am ALSO against “race-shaming” of **ANY** race in general – be it African-American, Asian, Hispanic, etc.! 
  • “Partial-birth abortion” = MURDERING A CHILD THAT IS BORN PRE-MATURELY

But yet, the REALLY sad & ironic thing is THIS: The people that are seemingly MOST ADVERSE to hearing the gospel – (the TRUE gospel and not the “watered-down” versions taught in many American churches today) – are the ones that Jesus Christ wants to save THE MOST!

Jesus says the following in Luke 5:31-32 [New Testament, Book of Luke, Chapter 5, Verses 31-32]: “And Jesus answering said unto them, ‘They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance“.

In other words, Jesus is far more concerned with saving the ones who are MOST ADVERSE to hearing the gospel than those who are ALREADY OPEN to hearing AND obeying the gospel since those who are ALREADY OPEN to AND obeying the gospel in their hearts are ALREADY saved (in the Lord Jesus’s eyes), while those who are NOT OPEN to the gospel are the ones who need to get saved THE MOSTmake any sense, people?

But how can he HEAL them and SAVE them, when most of them just flat out REFUSE to be saved in the name of Jesus? And yet others MOCK the gospel of Salvation in Jesus Christ, secretly trying to convince themselves that it’s too good to be true! But ya want to know the IRONIC thing? It’s actually SATAN’S lies that are “too good to be true”. 

Satan LIES to Progressive/Democratic Social Justice Liberals, day in and day out (as he does the whole of humanity, don’t get me wrong, here). He tells them LIES such as: “There’s no such things as heaven or hell”, “Jesus is just a myth”, “Republicans are the devil”, “There’s no such thing as evil”, “It’s A-OK to be gay/transgender”, “Jesus only sends people like Hitler to hell”, “everybody goes to heaven – unless they were Hitler”, “capitalism is evil”, “Pro-Life is EVIL”, “Traditional Marriage is EVIL”, “Traditional Gender is EVIL”, “The Bible is EVIL”, etc.

And sadly, many Progressive liberals FALL for those lies, hook, line and sinker! And BECAUSE they (as a whole) traditionally don’t have a traditional biblical background and/or “spiritual grounding”, they’re “easy pickins” for all the Devil’s LIES! And most of them don’t even REALIZE that they’ve been deceived! And THE BIGGEST lie Satan tells them is “There is no god – You are your own god!” And it’s apparent in most of the “Social Justice/Democratic legislation” that we see today.

Lets look at a prime example. A new and coming “Socialist Democrat” was quoted as saying they desired to tax the extremely rich at a 70% marginal tax rate! 70%! This is no joke, folks! And it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that would just WRECK THE U.S. ECONOMY TO SHREDS! (Remember “Greece”, anyone? Where all the government employees made themselves some “nice” paychecks, while all the non-gov’t workers economically suffered?) 

Why? For one, if the extremely wealthy (who provide the BULK of most U.S. jobs) were taxed 7O PERCENT of their income, they’d rationally take their wealth & assets elsewhere, thus LEAVING the U.S.! This would TAKE AWAY millions if not TRILLIONS of U.S. jobs! And with massive employment then running rampant, people would then need to depend on the government. But because hardly NO-ONE would be working, the government wouldn’t even HAVE hardly any money to give (since, remember, government MAKES alot of its money off the TAXES of hard-working Americans?) since all the weathly people theorethically left, due to the EXTREMELY high taxes! And that is when the U.S. Country would turn into the next “Venezuela!”

(Disclaimer: If you’re Venezuelan and reading this right now, please don’t take offense at what I am saying. I am not attacking your country personally, I am only merely pointing out how Socialist Maduro has destroyed your country from within by all of his socialist policies. And HIS type of socialist policies are what OUR so-called upcoming version of him (as a whole) is now trying to do here in America – so hopefully you can understand where I’m coming from on this?) 

And not only THAT, but now, they want to sponsor what liberal Democrats are calling “The New Green Deal”. In other words, they want to BAN AIR TRAVEL and BAN FOSSIL FUELS – two things that are CRITICIAL to the U.S. infrastructure & U.S. Economy! And not JUST the U.S. Economy but the GLOBAL ECONOMY as well. And it’s all based on “fear of climate change”. But yet, why do MANY proponents of global warming fly their own private jets, etc.? A private jet certainly does more to the so-called “climate variation” than a “cow farting”, etc.  

Not to mention there’s also a couple of things called H.A.A.R.P and Project Bluebeam (which is “geo-engineered climate”). In other words, it’s a “false climate” that THEY (the elite) create, in order to get the results they want. It’s really not any different than China creating “fake moons”, “fake rain” and “fake suns”. In fact, there’s ALOT of things that are geo-engineered in today’s world and it’s not just limited to weather. Even our own FOOD SUPPLY is now being “geo-engineered”. Don’t believe me? Check it out:


In my humble opinion, the drive for “climate change” is really about the leftists wanting to secretly destroy the U.S. and global economies for their own personal “socialist” gain. Eventually, I believe that that the leftists hope to have Socialism EVERYWHERE, ALL ACROSS THE GLOBE (not just here in the U.S.!)

But……in light of Revelation 13:15, the “drive” for world-wide Socialism makes PERFECT SENSE, considering that The Antichrist will  have ALL of the Earth’s inhabitants under a ONE WORLD ECONOMY! And so, the Antichrist can’t really do that with Capitalism, now, can He? That’s why he’ll very likely need a “Socialist-type framework” by which to get the ball rolling IN his One World Economy, One World Government and also One World Religion. Think about it, folks! 

Now, to be certain, the Isaiah 5:20 and Ephesians 6:12 END TIMES SPIRITUAL WARS are working both separately AND synonymously together. Now…….what do those bible passages say again? I’m glad you asked! They are both as follows:

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” – Isaiah 5:20

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” – Ephesians 6:12

Originally, it started out with what I call “The Ephesians 6:12 War”. In my opinion, it started between the year 2009-2012. And post 2012 is when I very first started noticing that what I call “The Isaiah 5:20 War” was starting to kick in, ON TOP OF the already existing “Ephesians 6:12 War“, yet, appearing to work synonymously with it. Ephesians 6:12 specifically talks about DEMONIC spirits, while Isaiah 5:20 is more or less talking about their “human backers” (which, in THIS case, is now THE DEMOCRATIC/*SOCIAL JUSTICE* PARTY!!!)

True, the Republican Party is not perfect and has its own lists of faults. But as far as aligning with the bible, the Republican Party is more closely aligned with the bible than the Democratic Party likely EVER will be! For WHAT political party is trying to keep God/the bible/prayer out of schools? The Democratic party! And what political party is trying to harrass children with gay/trans propaganda in the schools, even as young as 5 years old? Answer: The Democratic party! And WHAT political party is behind all those LGBT-ers who sued Christian businesses for not portaking somehow in their “gay weddings?” Once again, the Democratic party! 

But again, the Democratic Party keeps veering further and further LEFT! Now infanticide is becoming “the norm” within The Democratic Party – as a whole – and I personally think that’s what they (as a socialist progressive whole) secretly wanted all along! It’s like today’s times are starting to slowly morph into Nazi Germany ALL OVER AGAIN!

P.S: How IRONIC – that the so-called “movement” that CLAIMS it fights for HUMAN RIGHTS – i.e. *Social Justice* – does NOT stand up and fight for FULL-TERM ***HUMAN*** BABIES but yet, fights for the “rights” of unborn babies of EVERY OTHER SPECIES – i.e. insects/animals! 

When I was merely 18 years old (my senior year of High-School), I remember my Christian grandmum telling me that during the times of The End (or rather, “The End Times”), that there was gonna be ANOTHER “Holocaust” – of Christians and Jews! And I have to admit, I wasn’t well-versed on The Book of Revelation at that time, so I wasn’t really sure what to think back then.

Only NOW do I realize the truth and brevity of her words! She was essentially talking about Euthansia…AND abortion……all in one!!!!!!!!!!! And if I remember correctly, she said it would start out “small”… steps…..and then, eventually, grow darker and darker over time, just as it did in Nazi Germany!!!!!! [Note: Her words are interesting in context of the “Revelation 13:15-type society!”] 

And one of THE MOST telling things about Nazi Germany is THIS: Nearly ALL the Jews (as a whole) NEVER thought it could or would happen to them………..and YET, IT DID!!!!! And I sort’ve see the same exact pattern playing out with many Christian Conservatives, as well! “Oh, that could NEVER happen to us…..ESPECIALLY in a Westernized nation”. Little do they know……..their “Holocaust Germany” is JUST AROUND THE CORNER! ARE they prepared! DO they have the TOTAL FAITH that if they were torchured and/or imprisoned tomorrow, they would be able to KEEP that faith in Christ, NO MATTER WHAT? My spiritual gut tells me that most Christians aren’t even 1/3 ready for what’s coming!!!!!!! Folks, it’s gonna get BAD……REALLY, REALLY BAD!!!!!

In fact, human babies and the elderly/terminally ill are just the slight “stepping stone”. What they REALLY, TRULY WANT (or rather, what Satan and his hordes and hordes of demons living INSIDE of the hearts, souls and minds of far-left Democrats want) is TOTAL ANNIHILATION OF **ALL THOSE** WHO DON’T AGREE WITH THEM!!!!! THAT is what’s coming, folks! (As per Revelation 13:15!) And so, if YOU are not prepared for what’s coming (spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally and/or psychologically) – and what’s soon coming in today’s world – spiritual persection wise – is pretty darn UNIMAGINABLE, YOU will be SPIRITUALLY DESTROYED!!!!!!

And again, I don’t say this to SCARE YOU but to WARN YOU! In fact, just imagine if the Jews (upon VERY first being “persecuted”) had just left Germany and not stayed. The outcome of the “war” might’ve been totally different for them! But yet, most of them let their PRIDE get in the way of their decision-making! They said to themselves, within their hearts: We’re Jews! We’re God’s chosen people! Therefore, our enemies will NEVER, EVER be able to touch us!” Little did they know, they’d soon be forced off to concentration camps to be tochured to death, gassed, starved, or any other number of hellish things!

And unfortunately, I think that’s pretty much the same attitude with MANY Christians today! Oh, we’re Christians! We’re God’s chosen people/children of God! Therefore, our enemies – specifically enemy nations – will NEVER be able to touch us! Little do they know, Revelation 13:15 says that ALL whom refuse The Mark of the Beast SHALL BE KILLED! (And severe persecution, torchure and imprisonment is probably included in that “persecution package”, somehow).

The Jews thought (as a whole) that nothing could happen to them during WWII and yet, it did! The Christians of today (as a whole) now think that nothing’s gonna happen to THEM either, but they’re in for QUITE a rude awakening!

And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed” – [Revelation 13:15]

However, let me provide you with a bit of HOPE. Remember when Moses was leading the Israelites out of Egypt and they had no food with them at the time (having run out of their unleavened bread), so THE LORD PROVIDED THEM MANNA FROM HEAVEN? What makes you think for just ONE second that the good Lord’s gonna provide manna from heaven for the ancient Israelites in THEIR critical time of need, yet NOT provide some sort of “manna” for born-again Christians during the End Times in THEIR critical time of need (provided that they have the FAITH that God WILL provide and do NOT in any, way, shape or form take/accept The Mark of the Beast)?????? It stands to reason!

I leave you all with THESE passages:

“But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you” – 1 Peter 5:10

Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls? And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit” – Luke 12:24-25






Rise of Transgenderism In The Media: What’s Next?

Before the year 1994 or so, one never really heard much about homosexuality in the media. But after Ellen DeGeneres’s character came out as “gay” on the TV show “Ellen”, that’s when I realized that the homosexual community was slowly starting to become more open and “brazen” about their homosexuality!

However, it wasn’t really until the year 2013 or so that I had started to notice “transgenders” or “transgenderism” more and more in the media!

And I always thought to myself, What is the big deal? What are they wanting or expecting? Why is this national news? So they like to sin and disregard Jesus Christ/the bible AND…..?” Ya know? Because that’s essentially ALL the gay/trans argument REALLY boils down to, “I would like to have the RIGHT to sin/to go against Jesus Christ/the bible WITHOUT having anyone to tell me I’m sinning!”

Imagine the anticipated outrage if people ever started holding “proud money embezzlers”, “proud adulterers”, “proud child molesters” and/or “proud serial killer” rallies! There would be outrage upon outrage! So WHY is there still such “PRIDE” over homosexuality (the sin of “sodomy?”) I’ve never really gotten that.

But anyways, fast forward to the year 2015 and “transgenderism” is EVERYWHERE! From Bruce Jenner’s transition to a woman (he’s still “genetically MALE”, by the way), to Jazz (ALSO still “genetically MALE”) to transgendered people on TV shows and on magazine covers,etc., there’s no lack of transgenderism in today’s society. But is that a GOOD thing? The bible says NO!

In fact, homosexuality AND cross-dressing/transgenderism is an ABOMINATION in the eyes of Almighty God/Jesus Christ! Want proof? Please examine the following passages:


    Condemnation of Homosexuality:  

    • Leviticus 5:3
    • Leviticus 18:22 and 24-30
    • Leviticus 20:13
    • Genesis 9: 20-24
    • Genesis 19: 4-13 (key verse **Genesis 19:5**)
    • Judges 19: 22-24
    • 1 Kings 14:22-24
    • 1 Kings 15:11-13
    • 1 Kings 22:46
    • 2 Kings 23: 4-7 (key verse **2 Kings 23:7**)
    • Ezekiel 16:50
    • Daniel 11:37

    Condemnation of Transgenderism/Cross-Dressing:

    • Deuteronomy 22:5 (OLD Testament) 
    • Genesis 1:27 (OLD Testament)
    • Deuteronomy 23:17 (OLD Testament)
    • Psalms 139: 13-14 (OLD Testament)
    • Romans 1: 24-27 (NEW Testament)
    • 1 Corinthians 6: 8-10 (NEW Testament)

    NEW TESTAMENT: Condemnation of Homosexuality

    • Romans 1: 18-32
    • 1 Corinthians 6: 9-11
    • 1 Timothy 1: 8-11
    • Jude 1: 4, 7 & 19
    • Matthew 19: 1-8
    • Galatians 5:19
    • Ephesians 5: 3-7
    • Colossians 3: 5-7
    • Titus 1:16
    • Revelation 21:27

Many people think that homosexuality/transgenderism is ONLY condemned in the OLD TESTAMENT but many of them seem to be wholly unaware that it’s also condemned in the NEW TESTAMENT, as well…….

But what transgenderism REALLY IS, at its core, is somehow thinking that one is a different gender than what one was born with! It’s a mental/spiritual illness to believe that one is something that goes AGAINST one’s natural God-given biology! I’m sorry but it’s true, folks! Because truth be told, no amount of cosmetic/multilating surgery is going to change what a person is, GENETICALLY! At the end of the day, that person is STILL genetically male or genetically female, like it or not!

Human beings (in the womb) were created in the almighty “image of God”. And Satan HATES that! He wants to change that so what better way for he and his demons to change that, than to alter people’s perceptions of themselves, as well as other peoples’ perception of them! And it would rather seem that Satan’s more or less DONE just that, with many of today’s “spiritually lost peoples!”

“Transgender” isn’t even a valid term, genetically speaking. It was a made up-term by those who wish to continue to thumb their nose at God! The TRUE psychological term for it is called “GENDER DYSPHORIA!” As for all the so-called “Christian transgenders” out there that claim that, “God loves and accepts me for who I am?” I think it’s high time those folks TRULY re-examined what “god” they truly serve! Because the God of the bible would NEVER, EVER approve of such “blasphemies” of things that were made in HIS holy image: Males and females! However, Satan WOULD accept transgenders, as Satan himself is BEHIND the whole “Transgender Movement”! Why do more people not see that?

The Lord God created humans (males and females) in HIS own image! But Satan wanted to PROFANE IT! So he created the “Gay Movement”. The Lord God created marriage to be between ONE man and ONE woman, in order for the PROPAGATION OF THE SPECIES! But again, Satan wanted to PROFANE God’s holy image of marriage between one man and one woman by creating “GAY MARRIAGE”.

And when THAT wasn’t enough, Satan came up with GAY adoption, and GAY “families”! And when that STILL didn’t “turn” as much people towards homosexuality and/or the “promotion” of it thereof, the Luciferian elite created TRANSGENDERISM! To THEM, that was almost like the cherry on top of ABOMINATIONS!

In fact, their “checklist” must’ve gone something like THIS:

1). Profane the image of God displayed in males and females by PROMOTING the “Gay Movement”. Check.

2). Profane traditional marriage of one man, one woman by PROMOTING “Gay Marriage”. Check.

3). Profane traditional family of one father, one mother, and children by PROMOTING “Gay Families” [as seen in the TV show called ‘Modern Day Family’]. Check.

4). Profane the nature of God-given “biology” (in general) of males and females by PROMOTING Transgenderism/Transgender Movement. Check.

5). Profane the mere CONCEPT of “Gender”, ALTOGETHER!  Check.

6). Portray “Transgenderism” as a GOOD THING in the media, over and over and over again, and over again some more, until the majority of world society “accepts transgenderism/transgenders”. Check.

In fact, here’s some of the latest examples of what I call the “2015 Transgender ASSAULT *OF* the media”:

call me caitlyn bruce jenner, laverne cox, mag cover         IAmJazz  BEN SHAPIRO THREATENED BY  the danish girl gender-neutral-restroomjpg-d0865ff6ea1ede23

But amidst the “Transgender Movement” is the GENDER EROSION MOVEMENT, the movement trying to DO AWAY WITH GENDER, ALTOGETHER! This is just MADNESS, folks! Politically Correct gone BUCK WILD! Where does it all END, folks? Will we no longer be able to name boys “a boy” and girls “a girl” on birth certificates but will instead have to start calling newborn babies “it”? Where do we draw the line, people?

And as far as “gender-neutral” bathrooms and “locker rooms” go, HERE’S the long-term effects of such “legislation”! And trust me, this isn’t the “out-liar“, this is the just the VERY BEGINNING of such “things”:

What’s more, what is so intrinsically EVIL about gender, biologically speaking? And what’s so evil about the image of God seen in both BIOLOGICALLY-BORN males AND females? Are we now seeing biological private parts as EVIL? What IS this? It’s like a witchhunt against something that there doesn’t even need to be a witchhunt FOR! This is complete and utter NONSENSE! Yet, those on the liberal left see this all as “good” and “wholesome”.

And another thing that many people don’t bring up is that all these “transgender people” you see in the media today? They’ll all be and/or are MAKING MONEY OFF IT, one way or another! Either they’re on magazine covers, are featured in movies or tv shows, get or have a book deal, etc. In other words, they’re making $$$$$ profit off of it! (Rather or not they truly “identify” as a “trans person” is besides the point!) Many people in today’s world will do almost anything for $$$$$! (including “identifying” as a gender they might not truly/fully identify with, in real life!)

But the most prominent aspect of the “Gender Erosion Movement” is that “Gender is flexible“, as the following article portrays:

Which brings to mind my next point: If people can “choose” to be transgender/live as a “transgender”, then doesn’t it also stand to reason that active homosexual people are simply “choosing” to be that way? The question MUST be raised, folks!

They’ve said for years, “I was born this way” (as a homosexual or a transgender), etc. But science hasn’t yet quite caught up to that yet — nor will it EVER! Quite simply, the gay gene DOES NOT EXIST, period! Even a prominent gay activist HIMSELF has come out and fully admitted that:

But in fact, I’ve even written a previous post on the subject, from a slightly different angle. It can be read at the following link:

In conclusion, I’d like to say that homosexual AND transgender people are under SEVERE DEMONIC OPPRESSION and that we need to pray for such souls to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ before it’s too late for them and before their souls are lost for eternity on the soon coming Day of Judgement! (Remember that God’s Wrath is STRONGLY upon America right now and also that there’s not much time left before his Wrath is unleashed upon America IN FULL MEASURE!) 

And something about the “Jazz” show on TV really got to me. One of his most striking quotes on there is that he “got a visit from the Good Fairy in his dream, announcing that she was gonna wave her magic wand over him and turn his penis into a vagina”. Well folks, doesn’t that “Good Fairy” sound alot like Satan or a DEMONIC SPIRIT to YOU? But in fact, it would HAVE to be! For ANYTHING — and I do mean ANYTHING — that tries to PROFANE the mighty image of God (biological wise) is SATANIC and is NOT of God! MARK MY WORDS!

And the sad thing is that that poor kid never really stood a chance, as Satan wanted him from the very beginning, it seems like! (And my guess is that the REASON Satan was so successful in tricking this little boy into being a girl is BECAUSE those folks likely have no fear of God in them!) In fact, I just hate what America (and the world) is doing to these “gender-confused kids”, these days! Instead of getting them the spiritual and/or mental help they need, they instead EMBRACE their “mental illness” and “make a show out of it”, instead! And yes, gender-confusion IS a mental illness, (i.e. the proper term for it is called GENDER DYSPHORIA), I don’t care what ANYONE says! Because it’s just not “normal” to believe one is something that goes AGAINST their biology, I’m sorry!

But after “Transgenderism”, what’s NEXT in the “Media Assault” upon American citizens? The push for TRANSHUMANISM? The push for human-robot relations? The push for incest marriage? Pedo marriage? Inanimate object marriage? What’s next? I’m scared to know the answer, folks! Then again, this is BIBLE PROPHECY IN THE MAKING! The bible PROPHESIED about times such as THESE! Which can only mean that the Lord’s soon return is nearer now than EVER before! Are YOU ready? We’re living in the Last Days, folks! It’s time to get right with Jesus Christ Almighty, the ONLY name in the universe BY WHICH we can get saved! It’s NOW or NEVER! Tomorrow might not be guaranteed!