Modern day “secular therapy” has us go to “psychiatrists” and “psychologists”. Many secular “experts” tell us that our “depression” and “anxiety” and “behavioral disorders” (especially in young children and teens) are caused by a “chemical imbalance of the brain” and that “medication” + “secular talk therapy” is the ONLY means by which to be “healed”. But is that RIGHT? Is it BIBLICALLY sound and ACCURATE? Or is it just one of MANY “secular lies” that are meant to once again HIDE US FROM THE COMPLETE 100% TRUTH OF ALMIGHTY GOD/JESUS? Let us examine.

When going to Amazon one day to search for some Christian end times resources, the Lord Jesus IMMEDIATELY compelled me to suddenly look at the actual user reviews for an ungodly book called: “The Satanic Bible”. And I said outloud in shock: “JESUS, ARE YOU FOR REAL ON THAT? YOU CAN’T BE SERIOUS!”

But instead, the sad but calm/firm answer I got back from him was THIS: “Look at what they SAY…..the people who UPHOLD that ungodly book, that is… will help give you a really good insight into HOW the enemy deceives and the EXACT POINTS in people’s lives WHERE he’s deceiving them AT. You might just be surprised!”

And so, after spending some time in prayer and with much trepidation, I headed on over to see the user reviews! And MAN, WAS MY SOUL **GRIEVED** AND SADDENED, as I poured over the user reviews to try to figure out just WHAT these poor, deceived folks found so “enticing” about “Satan/Satanism”. I felt like my soul was about to vomit!

Nevertheless, ONE particular user review STOOD OUT AT ME! In fact, it was ONE sentence in particular IN that review that really JUMPED RIGHT OUT AT ME!


Now, WOW…..that quote is QUITE TELLING, isn’t it, folks? But yet, it actually makes sense. Modern day “secular therapy” and all the colleges and universities (UNLESS it’s born-again CHRISTIAN therapists/psychiatrists) are all teaching a thing called “self-actualization”.

Basically, that means the promotion of SELF! Or in other popular lingo, it means “Do You”, “be the person YOU want to be”, “follow YOUR dreams/desires”, etc., REGARDLESS of what Jesus thinks! In other words, put YOUR own needs above the needs of any and all others (especially Jesus!)

Lets say you want to start a business, etc. Great! But is the Lord Jesus in on it? Do YOU have the Lord Jesus’s approval AND backing for said business, etc.? Because if you DON’T, that’s placing your own wants/needs/desires before Jesus’s will/desire for your life! And placing ourselves BEFORE Jesus in our “life dreams” or “plans” is actually indirectly DENYING the cross of Jesus (rather we like it or admit it or not) and making OURSELVES our “own god!” It’s true! 

And thus, placing our OWN needs ahead of the will of Jesus is, ofcourse, a form of “idolatry” (making ourselves “our own god”), which is COMPLETELY CONTRADICTORY to the words of Jesus Christ himself who in Luke 9:23 said: “…..If any man will come after me, let him DENY HIMSELF, and TAKE UP HIS CROSS *DAILY*, and follow me“. Now…….what does it mean to “take up one’s cross DAILY?”, some of you might be wondering. “Is Jesus talking about a LITERAL CROSS or what?” 

Well, first of all, think of what all Jesus had to endure ON the cross (i.e. excruciating PAIN, sorrow, mocking, ridicule, laughter, being spat on, having a crown of thorns placed on his head, being stabbed in his side with a spear, his hands and feet NAILED to the cross, etc.)

In other words, he had to suffer excruciating pain for OUR benefit (i.e. becoming the ATONEMENT for all of the sins of mankind). Therefore……what does it mean when WE “bear our cross” DAILY for Jesus? It means bearing our personal “CROSSES OF AFFLICTION” FOR the sake of Jesus and his gospel!

And no two people’s “crosses of affliction” are alike! Now…..IS this a LITERAL cross we must nail ourselves to everyday? No, ofcourse not! It is a spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, and psychological cross of “spiritual affliction” that we must pick up and carry with us each and every single day of our lives! So for example, ONE person’s “daily cross of affliction” may be struggles with spiritual persecution for being a Christian, while ANOTHER person’s “daily cross of affliction” might be a struggle with a perpetual sin that they’re attempting to overcome (i.e. alcoholism, lust, same sex attraction, etc.)

And EACH and every single day, each person must spiritually FIGHT that “cross” of spiritual affliction and OVERCOME that “cross of affliction”, if that makes any sense? So in other words, the person that suffers the “cross of spiritual persecution” must ENDURE that spiritual persecution and KEEP THE FAITH, each and every single day, NO MATTER WHAT! And the person struggling with the “cross of affliction” of alcoholism/same-sex attraction/etc. must FIGHT the temptations OF that “sin” (i.e. that “cross of affliction”) each and every single day of their lives! That’s what Jesus means when he says to “….take up his cross daily, and follow me” [reference: Luke 9:23]

Therefore, “self-actualization” and/or worship of SELF does absolutely NOTHING for Jesus or his gospel! In fact, those two ungodly practices actually cause us to DENY our “daily cross of affliction” and to DENY Jesus and his gospel! So think about that for a bit! 

Now….why does Jesus want us to DENY OURSELVES for him in this Earthly life? Think about what Jesus HIMSELF denied for US! When He came to the Earth as a newborn infant, he DENIED himself his divinity and RICHES! (True, he had the “rich gifts” from the 3 wise men…….but he was born into a POOR FAMILY!) He wasn’t even born in a proper inn but in a barn-type stable! Now think about that……..truly think about that for a minute! His whole entire earthly life, he was POOR!

For the 3 some years of his ministry on the Earth, he was a NOMAD! And though he performed miracles, etc., he STILL denied himself of his FULL divinity! And when he was tried and persecuted and nailed to the cross, he CONTINUED to deny himself his full divinity!

In fact, he denied himself EVERYTHING for US! He sacrificed HIMSELF completely for the forgiveness of OUR sins! He then gained victory over death, hell and the grave! He later ascended back up to heaven to be on the right hand side of God the Heavenly Father! THE UNIVERSE HAS KNOWN NO GREATER LOVE THAN THE LOVE THAT JESUS HAD **FOR MANKIND** WHEN HE SACRIFICED HIMSELF ON THE CROSS FOR FORGIVENESS OF MANKIND’S SINS!!! (NOTE: PLEASE READ JOHN 3:16).

Therefore, Jesus denied himself for US! Which is why WE NOW, must deny ourselves, in turn, for HIM and His everlasting gospel! Because we are to be likened onto HIM! For mankind was made in his image! (It says that in Genesis 1:27!) So in other words, we are to try to live our lives as much like Christ as possible. We should strive to serve others before ourselves. We should be slow to anger, quick to forgive, patient, loving, kind. We should honor and follow the 10 commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, etc.

Now, we’re all human, and we’re all going to fall short of the mark of righteousness sometimes. This is recorded in Romans 3:23 which states: “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”.

So in other words, nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes from time to time. However, that shouldn’t give us a free license to sin! Some of today’s Christian therapists might mean well on the surface. But if they’re not born again or if they’re lukewarm or a “leftist liberal” that supports such things such as LGBT and abortion, it’s time for you to seek a NEW Christian therapist!

But then again, it begs of question: Why do we humans keep going to other people and the internet to try to solve our problems when we should instead be going to JESUS HIMSELF to solve all our problems? Isn’t JESUS HIMSELF the ULTIMATE HEALER? And doesn’t JESUS HIMSELF have all the answers to the questions or problems that we seek solutions for?

Didn’t JESUS HIMSELF create the universe and the heavens? So how then is he going to scratch his head in confusion over how to help us deal with OUR problems? Answer: he won’t! Because doesn’t it stand to reason that if he created the universe and the heavens with just the MERE SOUND OF HIS VOICE (i.e. “let there be light”), that he certainly knows what he’s doing in OUR everyday lives (rather we know it or realize it or not?)

Another aspect I forgot to mention is “demonic influences” (i.e. Ephesians 6:12). They are MUCH more powerful and active than we think! Even just ONE alcoholic drink, ONE ungodly movie, ONE ungodly music song, ONE un-prescribed painkiller, ONE ungodly book (i.e. Harry Potter), ONE ungodly object in our homes such as Ouija board/tarot cards/carved idol could be enough to invite SEVERAL DEMONS into our hearts, homes, minds and SOULS!

So it’s really NO WONDER the majority of Americans today (as well as several people around the world) feel depressed, anxious, restless, unfulfilled, never happy, etc. It’s because of all the “demonic influences” that people have let into their lives! That’s the REAL reason for depression, anxiety, mood disorders, etc.! BUT SECULAR THERAPISTS WILL NEVER TELL YOU THAT!

They’ll lie to you (many being “spiritually lost” themselves) and will say it’s because of a “chemical imbalance in the brain”. Okay, question, who or what CAUSED that so-called “chemical imbalance” in the FIRST PLACE? Any clues? Any guesses? Because it MOST CERTAINLY wasn’t Jesus or his RIGHTEOUS angels that did that!

And the fact that SATAN/DEMONS are responsible for ALL cases of restlessness/anxiety/SEVERE DEPRESSION……it almost sounds somewhat “odd”, “crazy” or “sensational” on the surface, doesn’t it? But yet, the demonic realm is REAL! Many famous movie stars have come out and ADMITTED they sold their soul to Satan and/or agreed to be *inhabited by demons* for money, fortune and fame! And they’re NOT kidding, folks! DEMONS ARE REAL! SATAN IS REAL! Don’t you DARE bet your soul otherwise!


Ofcourse, don’t get me started on how the bible constantly uses the words “he”, “him” and “his”. Because in nearly all of those cases, Jesus means females as well. If the bible translators were gonna be very technical about it, they could’ve written “he/she”, “his/hers”, “him/her”, etc.

However, in light of today’s modern day “gender confusion” among the extreme LEFT here in America, I believe Jesus PURPOSELY had them translate the words AS “he”, “him” and “his” in order to avoid any future confusion that might’ve been caused with the modern day “transgender movement”. Because we have to remember that Jesus is an all-powerful, all-knowing God. He knew way ahead of time about the “transgender madness” that would soon take place in this fallen world!

I believe ANOTHER reason the bible tends towards male adjectives is because A) Jesus himself is MALE and all the prophets of Old (save for Anna and Deborah) were MALE! In other words, the message between the lines (all throughout the scriptures) is that modern day men (and women) need to be likened onto the prophets of God that (for the most part) did NOT rebel against God, in other words.

In other words, the whole of scripture is warning us NOT to commit the same ultimate sin that Adam and Eve did. Because IF we do {and in OUR modern day times, taking the Mark of the Beast is what I literally see as partaking of the modern-day version of the knowledge of the tree of good and evil}, the consequence won’t just be physical death but ETERNAL DEATH/CONDEMNATION as well. The reason that Adam & Eve “got off so easy” on their MAJOR TRANSGRESSION is because they were the VERY FIRST humans. They “almost” didn’t know any better.

But yet, MODERN DAY humans? We’ve had nearly 4,000? + years or more of human history, plus the scriptures and scriptural examples, not to mention the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross! Therefore, while Adam & Eve were forgiven for their “original sin” of partaking of the knowledge of the tree of good and evil (even though they were still temporally punished with “physical death” later, as a consequence of their actions), WE (i.e. modern day humans) will be WITHOUT EXCUSE (and be ETERNALLY PUNISHED BY JESUS) if WE partake of OUR modern-day version of “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” (i.e. The Mark of the Beast!) 

But going back to the modern day field of “psychiatry”. It “diagnosis” things and then “prescribes medication”. And the pharmaceutical industry is a HUGE part of it! They’re CONSTANTLY developing new “drugs” for things such as “depression”, “anxiety”, etc. They FUND studies that attempt to show the so-called “effectiveness” of their “new drugs”. And sadly, those “studies” seem to have very little oversight by the FDA, from what I’ve noticed.

So when you got this multi-BILLION dollar INDUSTRY that makes its money off of people being “sick” and/or “full of depression/anxiety”, you begin to understand how and why all these “meds” are over-prescribed and under-studied! Just follow the $$$$ signs! They don’t make their money by people getting better, folks! They make their money off of people being “sick” and “unhealthy!” Think about it, now! I really hate to say that but it’s the truth! Big Pharma is ONLY out to make money! And “secular therapists” (for the most part anyways, as a whole) are too, for that matter! It’s only the TRULY born-again Christian therapists who aren’t out to make money but to SAVE SOULS!

Also: Drugs meant to treat “depression” and “anxiety” are considered “mind-altering drugs”. But honestly. How is that any different from “psychedelics?” Both of them “alter the mind”, it’s just that one is “legal”, while the other is not. Do we REALLY want or need to put ANY form of “mind-altering drugs” into our system? Even the ones that are “legal?” Think about that long and hard, folks! (Please note: I’m not talking about medications that are used to break fevers or colds or that sort of thing. I’m ONLY talking about mind-altering medications!!!!!!!) 

In fact, I’ve even seen cases where certain anti-depressants (and even some sleep medications) actually INCREASED feelings of depression and anxiety and CAUSED a person (especially a teen or young child) to feel suicidal! As in, making the person BECOME what the medication itself was originally supposed to CURE/TREAT! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT PICTURE, FOLKS? That should be a HUGE red flag, people! Who or what is behind Big Pharma? Any guesses folks? Cause it sure as heck ain’t Jesus or his righteous angels!!!!!!!!! 

One word that keeps coming back to me over and over again is the word “pharmakeia”. Something about the word just perpetually HAUNTS MY SOUL (for some reason) and I don’t know why! But according to the following website:, the word is a Greek word which means (in retrospect) “pharmacy” or “medicine”. It could also mean “sorcery” or “witchcraft”.

But again, it stands to reason! Just HOW MANY diseases, headaches and ailments (such as depression, epilepsy, anxiety) are actually caused by DEMONIC SPIRITS? Probably more than we think! Jesus was able to cure people INSTANTLY! In most cases, he placed his hand on them and they were healed. Which makes perfect sense. At the mere sight of Jesus, demons TREMBLE! (“Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble” – James 2:19).

But in TODAY’S WORLD, people are turning to MEDICINE (in and of itself) for all of their mental, emotional and physical ailments, INSTEAD of turning to Jesus Christ himself, whom they SHOULD be turning to! Do you see where I’m going with this, folks?

Today, we live in a such a “pill popping society”. “Oh, you got THIS? Take a pill” seems to be the prime societal attitude. Many people (even myself included, at times) are FORGETTING the fact that Jesus isn’t JUST Almighty God in the flesh, isn’t JUST the “atoning saviour” of ALL of mankind (those who choose to believe in and OBEY HIM, that is), but he’s also THE HEALER! For just how many times do we read about Jesus HEALING PEOPLE *INSTANTLY* in the New Testament? Answer: SEVERAL!

But again, lets us go back to the Lord’s Prayer. When the disciples were on the Mount of Olives with Jesus, they not only asked him about the signs of the end of times (i.e. the end of the age) but they also asked him about the proper way to “pray”. And Jesus’s response was THIS:

But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him. 

After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen“. Matthew 6:6-13 {Note: Please remember that the very last lines of “For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever” were ADDED WORDS and the Lord’s DIRE WARNING to us about “adding words” in Revelation 22:18-19! That’s something we should all take VERY, VERY SERIOUSLY!!!!!)} 

Okay, now zero in on the words THY WILL BE DONE. What does that imply? It implies that WE (like Jesus) should be seeking the Heavenly Father’s will (DAILY), instead of our OWN WILL! Because when Satan rebelled against the Heavenly Father in Heaven, he wanted HIS will to be done, INSTEAD of the Heavenly Father’s will (which ofcourse, in effect, was likened onto making himself his “own god” – IDOLATRY!) 

So that’s where you get all of this Secular “Do YOU” and “Do What Thou Wilt” stuff. Because Satan (whose angry and knows he has but a short time – as per Revelation 12:12) wants to try to conform all of mankind to HIS ungodly image (Note: Please remember from Genesis 1:27 that we – biologically-born males and females) are made in the image of God and Satan HATES the image of God and thus, desperately wants to THWART IT!) So instead of focusing on the words in the Lord’s Prayer called “THY WILL be done”, Satan is more focused on MY WILL be done”. Do you see where I’m going with this, folks?

We’re SO concerned with what WE think, how WE feel, what WE want out of life (or even out of romantic love). Very, very few of us are concerned with what God the Heavenly Father wants or what Jesus wants! We’re ethnocentric, and egocentric! We think it’s all about US! “What should *I* buy on Amazon today? Where do *I* want to live, someday? How will such n’ such benefit ME? What about how *I* feel about such n’ such? What do *I* want out of life?”, etc. “I”, “I”, “I”, “I”, “I!” However, there’s just one problem with that. Jesus is 99.9% of the time NOT in the picture OF those “thoughts” and “plans!” Kind’ve sobering to think about, isn’t it, folks? 

Group therapy can be effective, yes. It’s always GOOD to know that we’re not the only ones going through something. However…..if Jesus Christ himself is NOT the center of that “group therapy”, then just what good will it do, in the long run? Think about it. 

However, organizations like AA and/or “12 step programs” (for the most part) have a Christian backing. Because think about it. Lets say, just for theoretical example, that the atheists were right and there was no God, etc. Well, WHAT then, would be the prime motivator for a person to stop drinking, etc.? If we were “all that there is”, purely theoretically speaking, then there would truly be no motivator to quit drinking (outside of friends and family, and even THAT would likely be “iffy”, in secular settings and with secular/nihilistic viewpoints). 

However, BECAUSE Jesus exists, there IS a powerful motivator for an alcoholic to stop drinking (outside of friends, coworkers and family). Secular group “talk therapy” would be the same way. If we were “all that there is”, people would just meet like-minded people who would then become depressed TOGETHER, instead of getting better. Therefore, it’s only *born-again* CHRISTIAN group “talk therapy” that will help a person TRULY get better (not just physically but spiritually/emotionally/mentally, too). Secular group therapy only makes a person better up to a certain point. Do you see what I mean by this, folks?

Satan and “demonic spirits” are the ones causing people to drink, causing people to feel depressed and inadequate, causing people to have heartburn and anxiety, and causing people to “become addicted to opioids”.  That’s the BAD NEWS! However, the GOOD NEWS is that BECAUSE those things are caused by demonic spirits, Jesus Christ is ready, willing and ABLE to spiritually and physically deliver a person FROM those ungodly spirits, as soon as a person cries out to Jesus in prayer and TRULY BELIEVES! 

Though, like I said, demonic spirits need a “legal spiritual doorway” by which to enter! So again, I ask: What kind of music are you listening to? What kind of TV shows or movies are you watching? What kinds of video games are you playing? What kinds of friends or people are you keeping company with? What kinds of objects or “thoughts” are you letting into your car, home, workplace? What kinds of “words” or “thoughts” are you MEDITATING ON

I just saw this video earlier today that claimed that “words are energy“. It’s well-worth the watch! And remember, we must SPEAK Christ’s words over ourselves DAILY! The words of Christ HAVE POWER

So that being said, have you felt depressed, stressed, full of anxiety over the present or future, etc? Turn to Jesus today IN PRAYER! Have the FAITH that he will HEAL YOU and then he will HEAL YOU! 

Speak OUTLOUD the following words and phrases (and TRULY BELIEVE THEM) in order to GIVE THEM POWER:

1). “Spirit of Depression, I demand you to DEPART, in the name of Jesus!”

2). “Spirit of Anxiety/Heartburn/etc., I demand you to LEAVE, in the name of Jesus!”

3). “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed” – Isaiah 53:5

4). “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me” – Philippians 4:13

5). “And they OVERCAME HIM [Satan] by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death” – Revelation 12:11

6). “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand” – John 10:28

7). “And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever” – Revelation 20:10