Nevermind the TV show by the same name, which glamorizes sodomy….

The LGBT Movement has done nothing short but GALVANIZE the redefinition of “Marriage” and “Family”. And I personally have to wonder why. Afterall, why have to work SO hard to justify something that’s so-called “already normal”? Cause the fact is, homosexual lust/activity (aka SODOMY) is NOT normal and they KNOW it’s not normal in the eyes of God and man, so through books, movies, TV shows, and media propaganda, they think that “justifying sodomy” in the eyes of man will somehow DOWNGRADE it being an abomination in the eyes of God. But they are sadly mistaken.

God the Heavenly Father designed sex for marriage AND for marriage to be between a man and a woman, ONLY! Therefore, no amount of books, movies, TV shows, “Queen James Bibles” or media propaganda will change the fact that homosexual lifestyles are an abomination in the eyes of God. Just like NO amount of books like “God and the Gay Christian” by Matthew Vines is going to make God “change his mind on the matter”. What God says in the bible is an abomination is an abomination and there’s no changing it. And living a perpetually sinful lifestyle in SODOMY comes with ETERNAL CONSEQUENCES! I’m sorry but it’s true!

Many of them claim they were “born that way”. If that be true, where’s the “gay gene”, folks? Hint: it doesn’t exist. Never has, never will. Whenever scientists claim on a news headline they “finally found the gay gene”, the article ALWAYS states “this gene MAY cause this” or “that gene/combinations of genes MAY cause that”, it’s NEVER a definite. Why? Because there IS no definite, folks! People are simply CHOOSING to live this way and/or are socialized into this way from society/past trauma/a young age and/or their own general rebelliousness against God/the bible!

Some of them even CLAIM to be “Christian”. Well, I’m sorry but you can’t be “actively gay” AND “Christian”, you’re either one or the other! {Ofcourse, a person can be Christian but still struggle with same-sex attraction that they’re trying to get rid of, but that’s another post for a different time}.

The moral argument that an actively gay person can be a Christian would be no different than arguing an active “serial killer” could be “Christian”, too! And just like modern day sodomites, the serial killer could ALSO try to theoretically argue: “but I can’t help it, I WAS BORN THIS WAY!” [Most recent research on serial killers, like homosexuality, has pointed towards nurture — past childhood trauma –and NOT nature–genetics/biology]. Would THAT argument of “Christian serial killers” saying “BUT I CAN’T HELP IT, I WAS BORN THIS WAY!” stand in a “church congregation’s court of law”, sort’ve speak? OFCOURSE NOT! So why should a modern-day sodomite’s?

But the rate at WHICH the modern day church has accepted “gay marriage”, “gay families” and “gay clergy” really, truly ASTOUNDS ME! But then again, why should we biblical-roots Christians be surprised? The modern day Christian “church system” is Pagan/Satanic, in and of ITSELF, so it should REALLY come as no surprise that the modern day “churches” have now fully accepted homosexuality with open arms! Then again, the modern-day “church system” has really been a “church of Satan” all along, it’s just that many people didn’t even REALIZE it until now!

Honestly, there’s not that much difference between the ACTUAL Church of Satan and modern-day Christian churches (ESPECIALLY the Roman Catholic Church): for they BOTH worship Satan, quite honestly, just in different ways. The church of Satan is more open and public about it. The modern day Christian churches keep it more hidden……

They hide behind their FALSE Sun-day Sabbath, their UNBIBLICAL worship of idols (crosses, statues of Jesus and Mary), their FALSE/Pagan/Satanic “holidays” such as Christmas, Easter, Halloween, their REJECTION of the Lord’s TRUE holidays (Passover, Tabernacles, Pentecost), their REJECTION of the true BIBLICAL model of “communion” and their agenda of worship of SELF/good deeds, rather than of Jesus Christ Almighty! In other words, they’re like two sides of the same coin!

So……you might wonder…..what is with all this AGGRESSIVE DRIVE lately, here in the last few years, to try to shove gay marriage and the gay lifestyle down everyone’s throats? The answer is simple. They want the King James Bible and the TRADITIONAL FAMILY and TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE gutted, bit by bit and little by little…….

Gay marriage (like a “cancer”) is now EVERYWHERE in this country! Gay “parents” are adopting like crazy and there’s NO END IN SITE to all the people who now claim that two women and two men can be a “family”. And here, some former homosexuals speak out; children who were raised by gay parents speak out, former homosexuals themselves openly discuss the “gay agenda”, etc.:                

The “Queen James Bible” CELEBRATES the sin of homosexuality/sodomy and now biblical-Christian pastors, parents, and business owners alike are being called out for “homophobia” and “discrimination” by “not agreeing to the gay lifestyle and its adherents”.

Well, the definition of a “phobia” actually means FEAR. And biblical-Christians don’t FEAR active homosexuals, they just don’t agree with their sinful lifestyle. Therefore, the word should instead be changed to “homo-deterrent” or “sin-deterrent”.

But quite frankly, the bible itself isn’t the ONLY authority that disagrees with the concept of the “gay family” and/or “gay lifestyle”. Science ALSO disagrees (as the following studies indicate):

1. Researcher finds that children of gay parents ARE 3 times more likely to be gay themselves [without PROPER social development, a proper gender role identity can’t be fully developed…….research PROVES this!]

2. LGBT kids are FOUR times more likely to attempt suicide than their straight counterparts [that’s because they’re under SEVERE DEMONIC OPPRESSION……..first, the demons want them having “gay feelings”, or being severely bullied for having “gay parents” and THEN they want them feeling “suicidal”].

3. Children growing up with gay parents do worse in school (on average) than students who have straight/married parents

4. Children with gay parents are 2-3 times more likely to drink or partake of illicit drugs than those raised by traditional parents

These statistics are mind-numbing. I’ve known for years and years and years that children being raised in a gay household was NOT good for their physical, social, psychological, spiritual and emotional development. Because lets face it, without the proper social development of having TWO parents (one biologically-born man and one biologically-born woman, preferably married), how will they ever learn PROPER gender roles in today’s society? People tend to emulate what they grew up with……..if a young girl had an abusive dad that slapped her mom around, she herself will usually seek out an abusive guy cause that’s what she used to. Or if a boy has a mother that drinks, he will oftentimes turn into an alcoholic himself when he gets older…… it goes with children growing up with gay parents.

Research has shown that children growing up with two “fathers” or two “mothers” secretly YEARN for an opposite-sex parent in their lives! And their mental psyche suffers when they don’t have that! Girls who grow up with two women oftentimes turn into lesbians themselves because nothing else feels “normal” to them. And boys who grow up with lesbian or homosexual parents are ALSO more likely to turn out to be gay because they were “imprinted on” from a very young age that “being gay is OK”. And in SOME extreme cases, children of such “gay unions” may even feel PRESSURED to be gay themselves, just like their gay parents, like in THIS type of situation, for example:

But basically, homosexuality, at its very CORE, all comes down to a thing of LUST! Those that aren’t truly Christian, those that adhere to religions other than Christianity and those that suffer sexual trauma or broken homes at a young age are a MINEFIELD for dark, demonic spirits to infiltrate! Why? Because the young child is already “broken”, to begin with. So the demon spirits have no problems falsely convincing the child that they are “gay”. Another thing that happens is the pro-homosexual education in the schools. It encourages children to “experiment” with one another and when they do and find it “feels good”, they automatically assume “wow, I’m gay!”, when that personally couldn’t be further from the truth, it’s just that the “Gay propaganda” AND demonic spirits falsely made them believe they were!

I’ve watched more than one “testimony” of “gay people” *coming out*. And nearly ALL of them seem “confused”. For example: a guy said in 8th grade he was looking at guys in hunter magazines or something like that. And the guy said he was confused as in, “am I attracted to these guys or do I want to BE these guys?” And then, he says, when he got to college, the LGBT people were “so welcoming” that he was FINALLY able to identify himself as “gay”. Well, that statement really got to me. Because it doesn’t AT ALL seem like it was a clear cut “I’m gay and I’ve been gay since the 8th grade” type thing.

It’s more like the demon spirits were HARD AT WORK in him, ever since he was in 8th grade, trying ever so hard to convince him that he was “gay”. And then, when he got to college (the most LIBERAL of all places, education wise), he found the “gay community” *welcoming*! Well, ofcourse he found the gay community *welcoming*. Satan’s agents (both demonic and human) can take what’s wrong, make it seem right, and then put a warm “smile” on their face while doing so! They were warm and welcoming and happy towards this guy because the demons thought “Yes! We got him! FINALLY!”

And does it REALLY come as any surprise that Lucien Greaves of the Church of Satan considers gay marriage “a sacrament?”

Demon spirits get people to think and do all sorts of weird things! We read articles in the news today where people that go out and kill other people claim they “heard voices” or that “Satan told me to do it”, etc. We also see things like people eating/consuming human flesh (cannibalism) or COVERING their bodies in piercings and/or tattoos. Clearly, demon spirits are alive and well in today’s world!

Then again, one need look no further than some of the images from the “Gay Pride Parades” to know just HOW sinful and DEPRAVED homosexuality is! Hint: Demons like hiding behind things such as “masks”, costumes and make-up! And again: homosexuality is NOT about love, it’s about LUST! Examine for yourselves! These images are PROOF of that!


Sadly, this is what our society and our world has become today. Can you imagine? People that weren’t even openly homosexual to begin with BECOMING homosexual at the hadst of demons (as was the case with a happily married man who seemed to magically become a “feminine homosexual” overnight AFTER going to the Burning Man festival in Nevada). His quote on it is particularly striking: “what if you discovered that the way you’ve been doing things is wrong?” In other words, someone seemed to “re-program him” mentally and put a homosexual “curse” on this man, I guarantee it!

There was absolutely NO talk of “oh, I’ve been attracted to the same sex from a young age and now I’ve just come to terms with it”. No, it was full out, “what if you discovered the way you’ve been doing things (as in, having STRAIGHT sex in a STRAIGHT marriage) was wrong?” Wow. We should all pray for this man to be DE-PROGRAMMED from the Burning Man Festival and brought back to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ before it’s too late! Because my heart was actually SAD when I read that.

And here, we see “gay” people later getting married to the opposite sex and being COMPLETELY happy that way!

Former lesbians now happily married to men

Former homosexuals now happily married to women

And also:

Famous lesbians who were once married to men

Famous homosexuals who were once married to women

Back in the 70s, homosexuality was considered a “mental illness” (quite seriously) and all the homosexuals wanted people to know that it was a “choice”. Now, they’ve changed their tune and want people to think they were “born that way”. (While science has YET to catch up to that “radical” concept). But in so doing, they can now try to claim “unalienable rights” that are afforded to race, gender, etc. But when you peel back all the layers, what they really want is a right to SIN…… sin in peace and to NOT have to hear the bible’s opposition to such “practices”. But the LGBT Movement doesn’t just want to stop there…….it wants to ERADICATE the bible and its “moral code”, altogether. 

But in fact, as I’ve stated in previous posts, there IS no “gay gene”, folks! They will never, ever, ever, EVER find one. And if they do, I guarantee ya that they’ll have to FABRICATE IT! Even many some gay activists THEMSELVES admit “there IS no gay gene”: while a prominent lesbian activist admits that the gay agenda’s goal is to DESTROY MARRIAGE (as an institution, in and of itself):

But see? That’s the good news, folks! There IS no “gay gene”, therefore, it is PERFECTLY possible for Jesus Christ to SET ONE FREE FROM HOMOSEXUALITY/HOMOSEXUAL LUSTS and from the GAY LIFESTYLE! All one has to do is ask! And believe! And Jesus Christ WILL change you! MARK MY WORDS!

Jesus Christ cured people from all sorts of “demons” in the bible! Even Mary Magdalene was cured of SEVEN DEMONS! SEVEN! (And given her occupation as a prostitute — BEFORE she met Jesus, ofcourse —  the demons were no doubt centered around the sin of SODOMY/LUST!) And so believe me, if Jesus Christ can cure Mary Magdalene of SEVEN demons, who’s to say that Jesus Christ can’t cure you of YOURS?

“But I was born this way! I can never change!” LIES! Lies from the Devil! Lies from Satan and his demons! DON’T BELIEVE THEM! Jesus Christ CAN and WILL change you and help you OVERCOME the sin of sodomy/lust if you just let him!

Cry out to Jesus Christ in prayer, today! He CAN and he WILL save you from sodomy/lust/human depravity!

As for those “gay married people” or “gay parents” out there that desire to live God’s way, get divorced. Then turn back to the King James Bible and Jesus Christ Almighty and start reading it and applying it to one’s life! Don’t just “go to church every week” and expect to be saved. For quite frankly, the modern day Christian “church system” is a LIE! (Read the 2008 updated & revised “Pagan Christianity” by Frank Viola & George Barna for more info.)

Read and follow the ENTIRE bible, front to back. Partake of the 7TH DAY SABBATH (which the bible says God consecrated and set aside, to make holy) — which is Friday sundown to Saturday sundown (remember that a Jewish-Hebrew day begins at sunset the night before). FORSAKE the Satanic/Pagan holidays of Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Valentine’s Day, etc. Instead, read and learn about the LORD’S BIBLICAL HOLIDAYS (Feasts of Passover, Pentecost, Tabernacles, Trumpets, etc.).

Please realize that Jesus Christ himself is REVEALED in all the Lord’s feasts and consequently, is NOT revealed in any of today’s modern-day “Pagan feasts/holidays”. Also please realize that the Lord’s 7 Annual Feasts are required of ALL the Lord’s people and not just SOME of the Lord’s people (i.e. the Jewish people). 

See, Satan and his demons have been lying for mankind for CENTURIES! “Sun-day is the new Sabbath”, “It’s OK to take Pagan holidays and put a “Christian stamp” on them”, “it’s OK to be gay/live the gay lifestyle”, etc.

And trust me, there’s a total PEACE and JOY that’ll come over your soul when you realize what the Lord’s gospel TRULY is and what it isn’t. And remember: ONLY Jesus Christ can set you free from your sins (even the sin of lust/sodomy). Anyone that tells you otherwise is lying or just trying to sell you something.