Posts tagged ‘Matthew 19:26’

Money is the Root of All Evil: (Woes of Hollywood)

Look at any famous person today and you will likely see a lavish lifestyle. Nice houses (oftentimes, more than one), one or several nice cars, lavish clothes and jewelry, marble floors, cathedral ceilings, fancy chandeliers, etc.

But oftentimes, behind all the money, fortune and fame, there’s an inner sadness inside of them; a restless sadness that never seems to be satisfied. Cause the cliche really IS true: money does NOT buy happiness, but rather, it buys MISERY.

But many famous celebrities don’t know HOW to deal with that sadness that eats away at their soul night and day and so they oftentimes turn to sex, drugs, alcohol, social media, etc. to try to make themselves feel better. But instead of making them feel better, it oftentimes makes them feel even WORSE.

And it seems that no matter HOW hard they try to fill that huge hole in their life, NOTHING seems to fill it. They’re restless, caught in a trap of sin and greed by which they feel as though they can not break free.

Many people who are NOT famous wish they were famous. But they don’t realize what they’re actually asking FOR: they’re asking for a life of money, fame and MISERY. For while these rich celebrities might APPEAR to have it made, one step closer INTO the “matrix” of “celebrity” (in and of itself), paints a completely different picture, ENTIRELY.

Imagine if you had someone/a group of people telling you what to wear, what to say, how to act, whom to date, etc. And imagine you had to sign your name IN BLOOD with a contract with the devil, in order to get rich and famous. Would it be worth it?

“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” – Mark 8:36

And then imagine what would happen if you later decided it WASN’T worth it and wanted to try to “get out” of the Luciferian system of “celebrity”? That is when the “Luciferian establishment” would decide you needed to be killed and taken out. There’s been a weird string of celebrities lately in the last few years or so dying in “fiery car crashes”,”cancer”, “drug OD’s”, “suicide”, etc. It makes me wonder if some of those celebrities were actually trying like HECK to get “OUT of the Luciferian system of celebrity”, sort’ve speak.

Also as well: the bible condemns gambling. Buying lottery tickets or being on a money game show is actually a form of gambling. And so when someone wins a MAJOR amount of money, what they’re REALLY winning is a whole lot of INNER MISERY. Jesus Christ had THIS to say about money:

“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon” – Matthew 6:24

Money makes people do the most evilest of things! People kill for it……Investigation Discovery is CHALK-FULL of programs about people who kill people to get insurance money or the like. Men use money to buy hookers. People fraud people out of money to further their own financial gains. It makes people FULL OF GREED. The bible prophesied of a time near the end when Jesus said: “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold” – Matthew 24:12 (Translation? Because sin will increase by leaps and bounds near/in the times of the End, many people shall be *full of greed* and the love of money/material things is pretty much at the ROOT of all greed, if you ask ME!)

But one thing is for sure: the love of money is the root of all evil and leads to DESTRUCTION. Look at how many famous people were DESTROYED by fame. You look at their before and after pictures and you see someone quite different from the person they used to be. The person before they were famous was actually humble-looking and human. A person AFTER they became famous is something ENTIRELY different. Look REALLY CLOSELY at their “after fame” pictures and you will oftentimes (though not always) see cold eyes, an arrogant look, etc. Their morals change, their values change, their reputation changes. Their focus becomes on MONEY and how to SPEND IT.

And this doesn’t just apply to celebrities, this can apply to non-celebs, as well. Take a look at someone BEFORE they inherit lots of money from a trust fund or late relative, for example. Then examine the person AFTER they inherit lots of money. Notice anything different? Chances are, if you’ve examined the person closely, you’ve likely seen a slight change in them and they seem like a different person “post money” than they did “pre money”, correct?

Another TEXTBOOK CASE of when “money destroys” is King Saul in the Old Testament. When he first started out after being anointed the “King of Israel” by the Prophet Samuel, he was humble, had a true heart for the Lord God, etc. But AFTER he was King of Israel for awhile, GREED began to set in and his LOVE OF MONEY grew by leaps and bounds and as a result, his love for the Lord God grew THINNER AND THINNER until it was almost non-existent! MONEY DESTROYS PEOPLE and King Saul was a PRIME EXAMPLE! [Note: You can read about the story of King Saul in 1 Samuel 9 (Old Testament, book of 1 Samuel chapter 9) through 1 Samuel 31 (Old Testament, book of 1 Samuel, chapter 31)].

The famous people that “donate to charity” oftentimes feel guilty about all the extra money they have laying around and want to feel a little better about themselves, thus, they “donate to charity”. But what are they donating to charity FOR? Are they doing it for the glory of God/Jesus Christ or for the glory of themselves and their “image”?

Many people in today’s world (celebrities and non-celebrities alike) seem to have the thought: “if I just had lots of money, that’d solve all my problems”. But what they don’t realize is that MONEY INCREASES PROBLEMS and MONEY BREEDS MISERY. The saying is true: “the more you have, the more you want”. When you’re “rich” and “have everything you need”, you feel restless and unfulfilled. But when you have to actually WORK for things, you tend to appreciate them more, am I right?  

Many people who aren’t famous oftentimes can’t understand why certain celebrities are “so miserable” and struggle with “depression/drugs/alcohol” and the like. But what the non-famous people won’t realize is that fame is A PRISON……yes, you heard me right…..a PRISON…..a spiritual prison by which they will never break free UNLESS they defy it all and become a believer and follower of Jesus Christ Almighty!!!!!!!

Because the truth is, God gave us all a conscience FOR A REASON!!! And I think, deep deep down, many of them KNOW what they’re doing is wrong and they feel guilty about it. Sadly, many of them are SO far deep down the rabbit hole of Luciferian darkness, that they don’t know HOW or where to begin, on their personal quest to move towards Jesus Christ and AWAY from the darkness that encapsulates them!

Many of them fear being put out on the streets and left with NOTHING. So they stay. Even though the “hazards” of fame and fortune are wearing down on them, they feel as though they have no choice BUT to stay in the “Luciferian system” of things. And this is SO sad & tragic. Because if they would just SUBMIT themselves to the Lord Jesus Christ, once and for all, and QUIT Hollywood/celebrity/fame, and COMPLETELY leave Hollywood/fame behind, IN THE DUST (as in, physically AND spiritually move away from LA/Hollywood altogether), I’m nearly certain that the Lord Jesus Christ would forgive them, welcome them with open arms, and give them a brand new spiritual life IN HIM!

I believe that if they TRULY want to serve Jesus Christ from now on and NOT Satan and want to TRULY make amends for their past Satanic ways, as in, going public with their faith and talking about all the reasons why they were wrong to have previously turned to fame/Hollywood/Satanism and also talk about WHY people need to put their faith, trust and love into Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ NON-STOP until the day they die,  I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ can save them and use them in mighty, powerful ways to help turn young people AWAY from Satan/Satanism and turn them towards the light/Jesus Christ]].

[[HOWEVER: the book of Revelation talks about the Mark of the Beast. In the end times (which we’re currently living in, btw), world governments are working towards a one world government, one world religion and one world economic “system”. And this “new system” will arise out of “seeming chaous” (political, religious, economic). But a man will come onto to the world scene and appear to be the answer to everyone’s problems. This being (likely disguised as a mortal man) will be the Antichrist. He will require ALL flesh (man, woman, child) to take a mark on their right hand or their forehead in order to be able to buy or sell. And God says that WHOMEVER takes “The Mark” will NOT be forgiven in THIS life OR the next life, which is eternity. Don’t believe me? The “technology” for that sort’ve thing is ALREADY HERE, FOLKS! Examine:]]

Jesus Christ himself said in Matthew 19:26 “But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possibleand in John 14:13-14And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it“.

But the simple answer is this: ANYTHING OUTSIDE OF JESUS CHRIST ALMIGHTY WILL NOT PROSPER! Let me put that in a different way. The REASON these people feel such a huge hole in their soul is BECAUSE they don’t have Jesus Christ in their lives! The answer is SO simple, it’s often overlooked! Many of them turn to Buddhism or Kabbalah or other “New Age” religion to try to “free their mind” from “the system” but the truth is, Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Eternal Paradise, the ONLY way to receive eternal forgiveness of sins and the ONLY way to be set free of things!

Some “celebs” have left the Hollywood scene behind to “focus on family” and the like. But my guess is that some of these folks “found Jesus Christ” and just don’t want to say that in the public media (for whatever reason). But for all those tons and tons of “celebs” who haven’t yet found Jesus Christ, I pray for them and my heart grieves for them! For they have NO IDEA of the “hell” that they’re headed for, after they die! ;(

Many of these people were “broken”, to begin with. They came from an abusive household, their parents got divorced when they were young, they’ve struggled with depression their whole lives, they were sexually or physically abused as a kid and so for THEM, acting/singing/writing is a sort’ve “escape” from these things. And they seem to have this way of thinking: “if I just become famous, that’ll solve all my problems and I’ll never have to hurt or want for anything ever again!”

But oftentimes, what they don’t realize is that money/fortune/fame INCREASES their problems and MULTIPLIES THEM, by leaps and bounds. And then, when they are broken BEYOND broken, they oftentimes turn to “Satan” in hopes that Satan can make all their problems go away. But if anything, Satan TRAPS THEM into the world of darkness with threats, fear, etc., so that they feel as though they can never leave.

But with Jesus Christ Almighty, and by the POWER of Jesus Christ Almighty, they CAN leave the Luciferian system of celebrity and start a new life in Jesus Christ (if they so desire) and they want to, badly enough. For Jesus Christ can take the most FILTHIEST sinner and make them spiritually cleansed/”as white as snow”, if a person truly submits to his heavenly name! 

Even Kanye West (of all people) admitted ON STAGE (about selling his soul to the devil) that : “I know it was a crappy deal”. So sounds to me as if he has some MAJOR REGRETS about the whole thing. (But the good news is that JESUS CHRIST CAN STILL SAVE AND REDEEM HIM, SINCE SATAN/THE DEVIL/THE HORNED ONE/THE PIED PIPER IS A LIAR AND A FRAUD!) Bob Dylan ALSO didn’t look very happy during a recent interview on 60 minutes in which he admitted he sold his soul for money, fortune and fame. (BUT THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT EVEN HE TOO, CAN STILL BE SAVED IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, IF HE SO CHOOSES! SATAN/THE DEVIL IS A LIAR!)

So many of them, once they discover “it’s not all it’s cracked up to be”, live to REGRET IT and feel TRAPPED, as though they have NO WAY OUT…. But what I’m here to say today is that with Jesus Christ Almighty, they CAN have a way out. True, they might have to go back to being average Joe Schmoe or Jane Doe and might even have to work a day job, but so what, it’d be worth it.

“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” – Mark 8:36









How To Overcome Addiction(s), 2014:

There’s many, many recovery programs out there today that proclaim to have all the answers when it comes to recovering from addiction(s), be it drugs, food, alcohol, sex/lust, pornography, etc. But the truth is, there’s only ONE surefire way to recover from addiction and that way is through Jesus Christ Almighty!

When Jesus Christ was crucified for mankind’s sins, the “sin” of addiction was one of those sins! And because Jesus Christ already overcome the powers of sin and death, he most certainly has the keys to overcoming addiction(s) in one’s life.

Usually, when people get addicted to something in the FIRST place, it’s because they are hurting inside and running from something or someone. They use their “addictions” as a means of “escape” from reality. But in truth, their “addictions” only manage to make their problems WORSE and they become worst off than they were before, to begin with.

Many of them, once they realize the true weight of things and how THEIR “addictions” affects those around them, try to quit. And maybe they are able to go a day or two without their addiction(s), which is great. But sooner or later, the temptation of the addiction becomes overpowering and they’re usually right back at it, again. Only to later once again, want to quit and then back to the addiction again, and the process continues, over and over again. And after awhile, they begin to feel helpless, as though they will NEVER change!

But it’s not just a psychological and emotional dependence on the addiction(s), there is also a physical component as well. When the human body is flooded with endorphins and/or serotonin/dopamine during the “activity” of the addiction, the human body gets addicted and tries to achieve that same “high” over and over again. However, when the human body is “denied” the activity of the addiction that it’s so used to, there is a decreased level of endorphins and/or serotonin/dopamine and a person can then oftentimes start to feel really ill and have severe withdrawal symptoms or the very least, feel extremely depressed, crabby or agitated.

And not only that but it’s also a SPIRITUAL addiction, as well. Cause like it or not, demon spirits are CONSTANTLY trying to convince the human race to do wrong things (especially to themselves) and addictions are one of those things. So many people that have addiction(s) don’t even know or recognize that they’re being SEVERE demonically oppressed by Satan’s demons, to begin with. And lets face it, Satan’s demons find these poor folks to be “easy pickins”. Because they’re ALREADY broken in spirit, to begin with.

So now, Satan’s demons feel as though these poor folks are easy targets and usually have no problems convincing them that sex/drugs/alcohol/over-eating/pornography is the easy way out from their “pain” and “turmoil” in life. And then, when these poor folks DO give in to the temptations of addiction(s), Satan and his demons CAPITALIZE on the fear, guilt and SHAME a person feels over their addiction. Which then usually makes the person partake of their addiction(s) EVEN MORE, to try to get rid of the feelings of fear, guilt and SHAME they feel over their addiction and the battle rages on and on.

But what people need to realize is that addiction is NOT just a physical, emotional or psychological battle, it is a SPIRITUAL BATTLE, a battle for their body, heart, soul and MIND! But the easiest way to get through addiction (specifically, drug and alcohol abuse) is to FORCE ONESELF to suffer through the withdrawals. Because eventually, the body will recover and stabilize and go back to normal again.

But yet, that’s a hard thing for people to do, isn’t it? Cause Satan’s ever-so-good at convincing these poor folks that they’re DYING and that they’re gonna die UNLESS they partake of the addictive sin again and put that addictive sin agent in their bodies again. Plus there’s also the psychological component as well. Even if one’s body truly doesn’t NEED the addiction agent, their mind tries to convince them they DO.

And when it comes to sex, pornography and over-eating, Satan is ever-so-good at convincing people that their lives won’t be “complete” WITHOUT these things and most people are too blind to see. 

However, Matthew 19:26 states: But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible“.

So in other words, it is PHYSICALLY, EMOTIONALLY,  PSYCHOLOGICALLY and ***SPIRITUALLY IMPOSSIBLE*** for a person to PERMANENTLY beat addiction(s) on their own, on their own free will. However, WITH the help of the Lord Jesus Christ, permanently overcoming one’s addiction(s) is not only POSSIBLE, it can become a person’s REALITY! 😉

Many drug or alcohol addicted people say that nobody understands their addiction unless another person themselves has experienced that addiction. But the truth is, Jesus Christ understands their addiction. God created all things, all people, atom to atom, cell to cell. He knows the human body, inside and out, all its various complex specifications. He even knows all the stars (and likely every individual cell by NAME!) He created the universe and the heavens! Therefore, if he created the universe and the heavens, wouldn’t it also stand to reason that IN his name, all things are possible, especially helping people overcome their addictions?

But don’t get me wrong, here. An addicted person probably isn’t going to be healed and cured of their addiction overnight. It’s a process. First, they have to recognize they have a problem. Then, they have to truly desire to get help for that problem. Then, they have to DILIGENTLY pray to Jesus Christ to overcome the problem. And then, they must TRUST Jesus Christ to help them overcome their problem, and then sit back and watch the wonderful miracle that the Lord is preparing in their lives in overcoming their addiction. Keeping a journal is also good since it helps them document their day to day progress. And it’s probably not an EASY road to recover from sex/drugs/alcohol/etc, but with the help of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is a POSSIBLE road.

Pray to Jesus Christ, TODAY! Lay all your hopes, dreams, worries and fears at his feet. LET him be your new hope in life! LET him heal you. LET him help you in overcoming your addictions. But you’ve got to give it your all. Jesus Christ is not going to help a person who half-heartedly prays to him to overcome addiction. However, the Lord Jesus WILL answer a person who’s on their knees, giving it ALL to him in prayer, and trusting him to change their lives! 🙂 Jesus Christ can HEAL you! Jesus Christ can help you OVERCOME your addictions! Jesus Christ can help you RULE OVER your addictions, instead of your addictions ruling over YOU! Cry out to Jesus Christ in FERVENT prayer, TODAY! He WILL answer you, MARK MY WORDS!!!!

“Lord Jesus, if there’s anyone out there suffering from addiction(s) today, I pray that they see this very post and know that you care about them and desperately want to heal them and help them overcome their addiction(s) FOR GOOD. Please help them to TRUST YOU and HAVE FAITH in you. Please help them to trust you to change them for good and to help them overcome those “things/addictions” that are plaguing their mind/heart/body/spirit, COMPLETELY. Please cleanse them and give them a brand new life in you! Thank-you Lord Jesus. Amen”.